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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1921)
Wednesday, SopUmiber 21t lMf PACK TWO ASHLAND WEEKLY TIDINGS Ashland Weekly Tidings Established 1876 Published Every Wednesday by THH, ASHLAND PRKTINOCO. official cm and county PAPER. TELEPHONE 89. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One Year - Six Months Three Months 75 ADVERTI9LN RATES. Display Advertisements, each inch 30c Loeal Readers, the line lc Classified Column, the word, each time 10 Legal Notices, each time, the M Card of Thanks Obituaries, the line 2MiC Fraternal orders and societies charg ing regular initiation fees and dnea, regular rates. Religious and benevolent societies will be chargea at me regumr Tertising rate for all advertising when an admission or collection is taken. lital Raw ttt.,t ilma ner 8 Dt. line 1C Each subsequent time, per 8 pt. line . 5 Entered at the Ashland, Oregon. Postoffice as second class mail matter. .. ' Prize Offered For Work Af Co. School Fair A large framed picture will be, given to the school having the best exhibit of school work at the county school and club fair to be held at the natatorlum in Medford next Tuesday and Wednesday. Much interest in these exhibits is being shown all over the county and most of the schools will have work on display. Thore will also be a large exhibit of club work, especially sewing, cooking and poultry. The public Is Invited to come out and see what our boys aid girls can do. Adimsslon is free and the work will be on display all day Tuesdaj and Wednesday and Tuesday even ing, September 21 and 22. After the county fair the winning club exhibits will be taken to Salem to the state fair. D. A. R. Hold First Meeting Of Year Friday By H. O. ANDERSON Mount Ashland chapter, D. A. R. held the first meeting of the year Friday at the home of Mrs. J. P. Dodge on the Boulevard. The alien' dunce was smaller than usual, as a uumber of the members are out of the city, nevertheless, the new year's work started out very promisingly The program committee had the year's work outlined, and Mrs. R. W, Conover had the programs printed ai a gift to the chapter. The general topic for the year's work is "Early Oregon HiBtory." Along with the programs, the chapter will work along the lines of Americanizing our foreign population -and urging pa triotism work in the schools. Two excellent papers were given the first by Mrs.. H. A. Stearns on "The Making of our Constitution," and the second by Mrs. H. W. An drews, a sketch of Alexander Ham ilton. Mrs. J. P. Dodge, Mrs. Caley, Mrs. Louis Dodge, and Mrs. Abbott acted as hostesses and served toothsome refreshments of Ice cream and cake huckleberry sauce being a' novel aad delicious accompaniment. The members present were: Mes dames Louis Dodge, MacCracken, J. P. Dodge, Caley, Blake, Icenhower, Walker, Conover, Hogue, H. A. Stearns, Andrews, Orson Stearns, Mc Oee, Anderson, and Miss Carrie Mitchell. Mesdames Oldfleld, Dreys and Abbott were visitors at this meeting. Blaze Destroys ' Barn and Burns Cow, Early Morn Fire which broke out at 1 o'clock MoniAiy morning in a barn on rear of property at 500 Ashland street owned by Mrs. Julia McQullken and occupied by D. P. Blue and family. razed the frame structure, burning a Jersey cow and destroying farm Implements, causing an approximate loss of 1600. The fire was observed from theH Southern Pacific roundhouse, and lb flie department made a fast ran to the scene of the blaze. Owing to the ligbt structure of the barn and a quantity of storej hay, the build lug was practically consumed before the fire depsrtment arrived. A large flock of chickens, kept in one cor ner of the barn, narrowly escaped smothering to death. The chickens escaDed throueh a small door which lead to the outside. Police suspect etalckaa thieves of sfcirtins: the fire. , , , . - T OniUinjlMV I lill IV fl II I Ulllll I HI I 10 PAY IR CHECKS TOIAL Ms- MO.N'DAY'8 NEWS , Pay checks for members of thej enly divided between Miss Otter First company, C. A. O. N. G.. ar-jdale and -Mr. Tucker. Coach Wood rived today nml will be distributed! field and his entry lost the first at the regular Ail! to bo neld tonight P"lz by the width of a grape, but at the Armory. The total amount to be distributed tonight will be $1771.05. The pay ment of local troops was delayed this year, and the money will be much appreciated by the company men tonight. This pay represents but a small part of the compensa tion received through being a mem ber of the local artillery company. Captain Brlggs points out that be sides the mere pay which is re ceived the members receive the ben efits of good fellowship and the sat isfaction that they are performing services for the good of the country. Those men who have checks await ing them for the six months period, January 1, to June .10, 1921, are us follows: William M. firings, Henry T. El more, Samuel B. McNuIr, George H. Billings, John O. Rigg, Walter P. Mlkscli, Theodore H. Smith, Donald D. Walker, Lawrence M. Wilson, Mer-j rill E. Butterfleld, Rodrlck Boyer,!A' H- Tucker, district plant chief, of Ermole M. Carlon, Willlum F. Guis-j Eugene, and L. E. Meadows, editor inger, Clarence I. Homes, James! Oregon Repeater, of Portland. Huckins, William Hucklns, William j At tnls tlme tne employes of the E. Moor, Louis J. Orres, Bernard, telephone company wish to express Pederson, James A. Phillips, Irving! thelr appreciation to the merchants W. Porter, Benjamin L. Powell, Mar-ot Ashland and Medford, (who so ion A. Severance, Hose M. Small, Leonard L. Smith, Oeorge P. Steele,; Percy C. Stratton, Samuel Dwight Tinker, Charles W. Wilcox, Phil A. Wolcott, Winifred C. Payne, Glenn L. Inmau, William O. Steele, Greeley C. Crosslin, Louis E. Jennings, Lloyd Root, Raymond G. Jones, San ford McCourry, James M. Blair, An drew J. McCallen, Claire King, Don ald A. Wells, Ollu G. Conwell, George W. Ross Jr., Clyde (!. Young, Homer II. Elhurt, James R.' Clary, Frank B. Tinker, Fred B. Mlntie, Arthur Pet ers, Guy O. Woicott, David Wear Seargent, Lee Otis Peachey, Andrew - L. Pierce, Elmer C. Biegel, William R. Clarey. Eric H. Weren. Charles C.; Floyd C. Crossiln. W.lllam W. Dean! Loyal H. Dyer, Glenn I). Hale. Les-. lio E. Heor, Alexander It. Hlguerra, ceptiou will be the small gap be Otis Johnson, Theodore R. Jones, tween Albany and Corvallis which Arthur A. Mlntie, Otto E. Rohrke ; u couuty and not a gtate road David A. Mlntie, Elza Haviland.Th(.re wil, be ttbout eTenty mes Theodore R. Jones, John H. Dlll,of 1)avement t0 Uiy nt year Mi Glenn E. Simpson, Donald P. Dick-' ,,, thlg .,,.,. erson, Claire King, Leslie E. Heer, 1 Horatio G. Woicott. ! PHONE EMPLOYEES S. Old J. Pluvlus, according to the weather man, was to discard his summer garments Sunday and come forth prepared for winter, with his sprinkling" can tilled at kn angie of forty-five degrees. Even this fore cast and the threatening rainy-look ing clouds fulled to keep the em ployes of the Pacific Telephone aud Telegrnpu company from holdiUE their annual picnic at the Medford Elks' picnic ground)! Sunday. And the seventy-five or more people who gathered there from the Medford, Ashland and Grants Pass exchanges, the Home company of Medford, and the construction department of the Pacific company, bad a very enjoy able time, and it will be remember ed as the best picnic every held la Southern Oregon by the employes of the telephone companies. Shortly after the serving of the noon-day meal, which consisted of everything worth having at a picnic, even watermelons that had to be carved with an axe before serving, the sporting events were held These events afforded much amusement for both the participants and the on lookers. Miss Colby, Home office, Medford, displayed great skill in the nail driving contest, and succeeded tn driving the two nails in three min utes, and won the contest. Miss Smith, Ashland, her nearest com petitor, failed to hit the nails but drove a bole through the board with ber hammer. In the fat man's race, Claire Cor- ORE. HAVE ALL day Sunday picnic son, wire chief, Grants Pass, won after his opponent lost his equtllb ' rluin and fell. Even at that Claire 1 showed great form as a sprinter, I The tug-o-war. construction de- partment vs. maintenance depart' I nient, upset all dope and was won ib' ,he construction men, which goes to show that beef doesn't always ; W!n However, due credit must be : given V. Woodfleld for bis coaching ability. i The maintenance department's team, composed of six, long lanky the centipede race. the great coaching ability Tucker, Miss Otterdale I won the grape race and the two- pound box of enndy, which was ev- came In strong for second prize, The following Is a list of the oth er events and the names of the win ners Men's 100 yard dash H. L. Jobln, construction department. Ladles 50 yard dash Miss Fitz patrlck, Medford. Ladles 60 yard dash (trousers) Miss Nisonger, Medford. Ladies shoe race Miss Nisonger, Medford. Vest buttoning contest (ladles) won by Ashland's team composed of six women. Men's suck race H. L, Jobln, con struction department. Children's race (boys) Delman Hubbard, Ashland. s Children's race (girls) Iris. Hub bard, Ashland. Horseshoe throwing contest V. Woodfield and J. P. Arant, Ashland. Among those present from outside tne Southern Oregon district were Renerously contributed prises for tlle "Porting events, which helped to nmKe tne Picnlc a success. T 10 LAY 70 MILES PAVING IN STATE PORTLAND, Or., Sept. 19. From Portlaml to Draln thero , be hard Pacific h'Rhwny within a month. The ex- At the October meeting of the slate highway commission the work jot 1922 will be laid out so that con ! tracts can be awarded this year, en abling contractors to assemble tbelr equipment and start early In the spring. There is to be a special meet ing of the commission Tuesday, how ever, the purpose being to receive bids for $1,000,000 of state high way bonds. There may be one or two small contracts awarded at this meeting, but the big program has beeu scheduled for the October meet ing. The new pavement from Salem south will be thrown open to traffic Wednesday, according to Division Engineer McLeod, who was in Port land Saturday. The Corvallis south Job, nine miles of concrete, will be opened In twenty-eight days. The pavement Job from Monroe is to be finished at noon today, the only un finished piece on this section being a block in Junction city. The 14.2 miles Job between Drain and Divide will be finished this week. From Goshen to Walker the concrete will be laid this week, and will be op ened about October 18. There la a good all-rock detour available while the concrete is being cured. Camas swale, on the Pacific highway, is not being touched for the present. It is a half-mile gap. There Is a gap be tween Wilbur and Roseburg and an other between Myrtle Creek and Galenville, but from Gejesville to the California line the highway is either paved or under contract for paving. Owing to the absence of rains, which usually interfere with road work early In September and which handicapped the building program at early as August last season, the con tractors bare been making rapid strides and the un paved gaps on the DURING NEXT YUR Pacific highway are becoming few department of ono of their schools, and far between, With the finishing according to word received here, of the various paving jobs now draw- M1" Hampton It a well known con ing to a close, It will release equip- cert Pianist and teacher of the fWb ment and enable contractors to give etlzky school of piano Instruction. , attention to the projects up for osi-j Miss Hamptot la well known tn liberation at the October meeting, this city aad Medford and has a suc- G. W. DODSON IRON WORKS PRES. DIES SUDDENLY George W. Dodson, 47, well known Ashland resident and president and founder of the Ashland Iron Works, died suddenly at 10 o'clock last night at his borne, 431 North Main street, as the result of heart failure. The attending physician' tfkcS that his death was caused by enlargement of the heart due to an attack of In fluenza of more than two years ago. Although Mr. Dodson was known to have been in poor health for some time, his death comes as a distinct shock to his many friends in this city. Mr. Dodson had been complaining of illness for the past few days al though his condition was not thought to be serious. Wednesday afternoon he was on the streets and driving his car. Following the day's auto drive he told Mr. Dodson that be believed he would not drive the jna- chine after that day because of his health. Early yesteday evening the at' tending physician left Mr. Dodson with the expectation that the latter would) rest well during the night. Following the doctor's visit, Mr. Dod son went to bed, passing away short ly afterward while sleeping. Mr. Dodson founded the Ashland Iron Works sixteen years ago. Be fore that time he was un employe of the Southern Pacific company here The deceased man was noted for his rare mechanical ability, having filled large government contracts at the local foundry Airing the world war. The body was taken to the Stock undertaking parlors.' Funeral ser vices will be held at the Methodist church Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock under the auspices of the Odd Fellows lodge. Mr: Dodson was also a member of the Woodmen of the World,. Burial will be made at Mountain View cemetery. George W. Dodson was born June 10, 1874, at La Trobe, Calif! He had no children. Besides his wire he Is survived by three brothers and eighj sisters. They are: A. E. Dodson, Colorado county, Calif.; J. A. Dod son, Carson City, Nev.; R. L. Dod son, La Trobe, Calif.; Mrs. Mabel Sprague, Oakland, Calif.; Mrs. Wil liam Euer, La Trobe, Calif.; Mr. J. T. Porter, lone, Calif.; Mrs. R. N. Day, Placerville, Calif.; Mrs. E. W. Younger, Portland; Mrs. J. L. Coch rane, Tolle, Calif.; and Mrs. O. Bry an, Oakland, Calif. SUMMER CAMPS COUNTY T. M. O. A. MAKE BIO SUCCESS f lllZTT m C. A. this summer have proyed a fine success. Sixty-one boys and adult leaders from six different com munities of the county have availed themselves of the camping prlvll eges thus offered. The camps have been so handled that the three-day outings have been no expense. The transportation has been provided, 'and tne boys have drawn on the home larder for pro visions. Hiking, cooking, swimming climbing, baseball,' volley ball quoits, bible study, campfire stunts, etc., have made the time all too short. One of the features of the camps has been the fine spirit ot co-opera tion and ready response to disci' pllne. Cleanliness, so far as con slstent with camp life, a liberal use ot soap and water at stated times, familiarity with the toothbrush, etc., have been encouraged, and It neces sary, insisted upon, and net results discovered at Inspection each day. The boys understand that thla it a regular part ot army discipline, ad as such, they sort of glory in the unwonted hardship. A pleasing feature of the Rogue River camp was the awlmmlng In Little Butte creek, while the much- coveted objective point ot the Wag ner camp was the ascent of the bntte itself. From the summit of this lordly young mountain a fine view of the valley was bad. A number of men from Ashland, Talent, Phoenix and Medford, by their assistance and use of their au toes, a well as by their attendance at the camps, added materially to their success. FORMER PUPa OF LOCAL TEACHER TO HEAD M18IO CILARS Miss Irene Hampton, former Med ford girl, well known musical artist throughout the Rogue River valley, and one time pupil ot Madame Tracy Young, of this city, ha been en gaged by the Morgan schools of Be- Wash., as bead) of the music cessful record ae a music teacher. She only recently completed a two year course with Madame Tracy Young, a personal pupil of Leschet lzky of international reputation, who has appeared with the large orches tras of Europe and the United States. Miss Hampton coached with Madhme Tracy in advanced technique, inter pretatlon and the normal' course of the Lescetlzky scnool. Madame Tracy-Young states that Miss Hamp' ton showed remarkable musical ability during her course. LOCAL W. C. T. V. ' MEMBERS ATTEND MEDFORD MEETING The W. C. T. U-. county conven tion met in Medford yesterday, at the Methodist churofa with a large delegation of Ashland women pres ent. Those elected as delegates by the Ashland W. C. T. U. were Mes dames Davis, Josephlue Chample, J. V. Wright and Luella Stearns. Those who were delegates by vir tue of office follow: Mrs. Orace Holmes, Mrs. Stella Leavltt, Mrs. JIHson, Mrs. Bertha Gassaway, Mrs. Kirkpatrick, Mrs. William Cochran, Mrs. C. W. Fraley, Mrs. E. White. Mrs. Drawer, Mrs. Woicott, Mrs, "B, L. Powell and Miss Benedict. The convention assembled at 10:30 and continued all duy. The Medford ladles served lunch at the noon hour. ELKS PLAN RIO Ml'KIQAJL, FARCE NEXT THREE WEEKS Ashland lodge No. 944, 8. P. O. Elks, will in the next three weeks break Into the theatrical limelight, when they will present at the Vin Ing theatre, the three act musical farce, "Purple Flashes," with a lo cal cost under the direction of C. J. McNaughtan, professional show pro- ducer. The production is a late type ot farce comedy sett o music, similar to the show "Mary" which made such a decided hit when the road sbow came through this territory a short time ago. It has been pre sented by a great many of the Elk lodges from Seattle, to San Francis - co, and fro mreports from Eugene, Marshfleld, aud other cities, scored a great hit. The offering carries a cast of fifty local people, and is replete with singing and dancing and pretty glrlsJ the show will attract great local in - Old Time Song Revue," and "Thej the following local women assisted: Fashion Show Revue," are features Mesdames C. F. Tilton, Bond, and of the show. The entire scenery and 1 w- M Denton, and Miss Van Scoyoc. costuming was specially made and ' The conference was held without designed for the production and of-n charge. A second conference will fers a colorful display of fads and 'be held at the library next month, fashions. I The following mothers and babies C. J. McNaughton, who is produc- ing "Purple Flashes" for the local lodge Is one of the best known show directors on the Coast, and has given thirty-nine successful presentations of this bill in different cities. In both Eugene and Marshfleld, the Elks were forced to show extra j nights to accommodate the crowds! who thronged to buy seats to see! tbe attraction, and It Is expected that I he show will attract great local terest In this city. An Elks' show committee, com-j posed of M, L. Patton, V. V. Mills, i H. O. Enifcrs Jr., Hubert Bentley, uioii oimjiBon, n. n. uiiiette and El- mer Smith are busy getting talent ! months; Mrs. C. E. Pratt, John Ray assembled, and rehearsals will be'mond, two months; Mrs. Elbert J. started at the club on next Monday ! evening. FAREWELL PARTY GIVEN IN HONOR COLLEGE ENTRANTS ' Misses Mabel and Cecil Moore, who will leave tomorrow for Corval lis, where they will attend the Ore gon Agricultural college, were the honor guests at a farewell party giv en yesterday evening at their home, 186 . Wlghtman street, by a large party of friends, The crowd passed the evening' with the playing ot games, follow ing an .Impromptu musical program. Light refreshments were served and the party broke up at a late hour, each guests extending best wishes to th Misses Moore for a successful college career. Those present were: Misses Ruth York, Marjorle Fitield, Nola Gassa way, Marguerite Moore, Mabel and Cecil Moore and. Messrs. Howard Gear, Glenn 8impson, Raymond York, Wallace Maxwell, Claude Moore, George Sanford, Lee Flfleld and vis Gassaway. Mesdames Moore, Gassaway, Flfleld and Bechtell were present. ASHLAND INVADES GRANTS PASS FOR EXPOSITION FADX An Ashland Invasion of Grants Pass was the outstanding feature ot the opening day of tbe Southern Oregon Industrial exposition being held at Orn( Pm thla wk Ahont , ,. ,, twenty-five car. came up Sixth street about noon displaying ban- ners. Later the delegation was ban queted) at the Josephine hotel, num- qsy Xq epeui auiaq eaipaads snoje land men and officers of the Grants Pass Chamber of Commerce. O. S. Blanchard, president of com mercial organization of the neigh boring city; W. E. Newcombe, man ager of the Western Union and for mer president of the Ashland Cham ber of Commerce, and Wllford Allen, secretary of the GrantB Pass Irriga tion district, made speeches of wel come. These were responded to by Henry Enders Jr. and) Mayor C. B. Lnmkin of this city. J. H. Fuller, secretary of the Chamber of Com merce, issued a general invitation for the people of Josephine county to attend the annual Ashland winter fair which Is to be held here the first week in December. Wben the Ashland people visited the fair grounds they found tout the sispr county could put on a abow mat aoes jiiBtlce to all the booster arguments that have ever been made The proverbial huge pumpkins, lus- cIoub fruits, vegetables, flowers women's needle work, cattle, swine chickens and many other exhibits were placed for inspection there. KABY CONFERENCE WELL ATTENDED; TO REPEAT CLINIC Iu u room filled with scutes, meas uring apparatus and literature ex plaining the proper care of babies, Ashland's "youngest" attended the 'buby conference" clinic held at the MethodlBt church Wednesday after noon, attended by a coterie of local physicians and county nurses. The clinic was the second to be held in Ashlaud during the past year an if was well attended by local mothers. One hundred per cent babyhood was the slogan of the clinic conference. After examination of Ashland's 1 youngest generation a proper course jof ore and iSet was outlined to the mothers by the attending nurses and I doctors. Mrs. Fred S. Engle, chair- mau of the locul committee, was in charge of the meeting. Miss Marie Falldlne, county nurse, supervised 1 the clinic. Miss Jane Allen, director i of the bureau of nursing and child, hygiene of the state board of health, attended tho conference. j The attending physicians were: Drs. Lance, Briscoe, Jarvls, Johnson, MacCracken, Swedenburg and Woods 1 Besides Misses Fulldine and Poole, j were present: -Mrs' - R- Kulth and Robert, one year; Mrs. O.' E. Dunn, Helen, most j two years; Mrs. O. A. McCoy, Paul- , Ine. nearly one year; Mrs. B. Peter- ;son, Robert, nine month; Mrs. Hat i tie Crawley of Talent, Claudia, three months; Mrs. F. Crouch, Isabelle, one year; Mrs. Minnie Coleman, Kenneth Dnle, five month; Mrs. J. E. Callahan, Jerry, one year and in-'two months; Mrs. L. B. Skeen, Lynn, eight weeks; Mrs. O. H. Wenner, with Coruldlne, two years, and Ger- tie, six months; Mrs. J. J. Hawks, Scotti Arthur, two months; Mrs. R, is. Jarvis, Koy uiibert, over eight Farlow, Robert Jewett, three months Mrs. Milton H. Elila, Mark Steph ens, over one year; Mrs. R. L. Kear ney, Betty Marie, nine months; Mrs. E. O. Smith, Mark Quentln, twenty months; Mrs. R. W. Clapp, Olive Jane, fifteen months; Mrs. William Leer, Harrison, three years. In the Circuit Court, in and for the County of Jackson, State of Ore gon. Pearl Spencer, Plaintiff, vs. Lester H. Spencer, Defendant. To Lester H. Spencer, the abjove named defendant: In tbe Name of the State of Ore gon,' you are hereby required to ap pear and answer tbe complaint of the plaintiff on file In the above en titled cause with tbe Clerk ot Court. Jackson County, Oregon, at the court bouse in Jacksonville, Oregon, within six weeks from tbe date of the first publication ot this sum mons. You are further notified, that in case you fall to appear and answer tha rnmnlnlnt nf thA nlfllntlff in flla iajd C8UM within six weeks from the date of said first publication. Al-ithat the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In the complaint, namely, that the bonds ot matrimony heretofore existing be tween plaintiff, Pearl Spencer, and; defendant, Lester H. Spencer, be dissolved, and that plaintiff be giv en the custody and control of the I two minor children, Dorothy Spen cer and La Verne Spencer, and that; defendant be ordered to contribute , $25.00 a month toward the support of the two minor children and (25.00 1 a month toward the support of the above named plaintiff. Tbis summons is served upon you by publication by order of the Hon orable F. M. Calkins, Judge of the) L,,,, rour. ,rte ,.A s.a .mH a, uji, nd by said order you are required to answer within six weekl from the date of the first publication of this summons in the Ashland Weekly Tidings. Date of First Publication: Sep tember 7, 1921. BRIUGS It .BRIGCS, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Postoffice address: Ashland, Ore gon. l-8w ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE OK FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, administratrix of the estato of George A. Staunard, de ceased, has filed lu the above en titled court her final account, and said court has fixed Saturday, Oc tober 8th, 1921, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the court room of said court in the court house at Jacksonville, Oregon, as the time and place for the hearing of said final account. All persons Interested are hereby notified to make or file their objec tions to said final account with said court, on or before said date. ADA L. MILLNEH. ' Administratrix of the Estate of Oeorge A. Stunnard, Deceased. Dated September 5, 1921. 1-5W SIMMONS Iu the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Jackson County. Hattle Carroll, plaintiff, vs. Fred Leo Carroll, defendant. Suit In Equity for Divorce. To Fred Leo Carroll, the abovx named defendant: In the Name of the State of Oregon, You are herebv required to appear and answer tho complaint filed against you In tho above entitled court and cause, on or before the 12th duy of October, 1921, or for want thereof the pluln tiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In the complaint, a succinct statement of which Is as follows: That the bonds of matri mony between plaintiff and defend ant be dissolved; that plaintiff have the care and custody of the ' two minor children, Eva Hazellne Car roll and Eileen Eliza Carroll, und that sho have such other and further relief as may seem meet to the court. This summons is published by or der of the Honorable F. M. Calkins, Judge of the Circuit Court, State of Oregon, Jackson County, duly made and entered on the 27th day of Aug ust, 1921, and the said order di rects publication of this summons for six consecutive weeks In the Ashland Weekly Tidings, a weekly newspaper of reneral circulation in Jackson County, Oregon, published In the city of Ashland, in said coun ty, and the date of the first publl- cation of this summons is August 41, 1 j L. A. ROBERTS, Attorney for Plaintiff. P. O. address. Ashland. Oregon. 53-7-wed NOTICE Kill I'l HI.K'ATIOV 013169 Department of the Interior 1.'. S. Land OfTIre at Roseburg, Oregon, July 21. 1921. NOTICE is hereby given that Wil liam Edgar Van Doren, whose post office address Is Cednrvllle, Califor nia, did, on the 18th day of Septem ber, 1920, file In thlB office Sworn Statement and Application No. 013- 1(10. tn finrrhnuA thn T.nia 1 ') unit i and SEU of NEVi of Section 4 Township 38 S., Range 2 E.. Wlllum- ette Meridian, and the timber there on, under tho provisions of the act of June 3, 1878, und acts amenda tory, known as the "Timber and Stone Law," at such rulue as might be fixed by appraisement, and that, pursuant to such application, the land and timber thereon have been appraised $470.00, the timber esti mated 310,000 board feet at $1.00 per M., und the land $160.00; that said applicant will offer final proof In support of his application and sworn stutement on the 4th day of October, 1921, before the Register and Received of the United States Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon. Any person Ib at liberty to protest' this purchase before entry, or Initi ate a contest at any time before pat ent Issues, by tiling a corroborated affidavit in this office, alleging facts which would defeat the entry. W. H. CANNON, 49-9w Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION' O1085G 011802 Department of the Interior, I'. S. Land Office at Rosefoun;, Oregon, September 8, 1921. ' NOTICE is hereby given that Wil liam B. Norris, ot Siskiyou, Oregon, who, on October 27. 1916. made Homestead) Entry, serial No. 01085G. for tbe NW4 of Sec. 32, Twp. 40 S., R. 2 E W. M., an don April 10. 1920, made Additional 'Homestead Entry serial No. 011802. for the. NE V4 of Sec. 32, Twp. 40 S R. 2 E.. Willamette Meridian, has filed no tice ot intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before F. Roy Davis, U. S. Commissioner, ut his office, at Medford, Oregon, on the 20th day of October, 1921. Claimant names as witnesses D. M. Deter, of Deter, Oregon. Archie Ra metis, of Deter, Oregon. Felix Water, of Hilt. Calif. Marian Garwood, of Hilt, Calif. W. H. CANON, Register Real Estate Homes and acreage. Farms and Stock Ranches. All Kinds of Good Insurance Ashland Agents of Abstract Co. Billings Agency