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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1921)
Hlstorle., llfnrw ASHLAND WEEKLY TIDINGS OL. XLV f-st-zmMrnxm i ii iiihib ESPEE OFFICIAL j PUS 1300 CARAPPlf CROP ASHLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1921 - ' IIIMIIIIIIM ! NO. 3 EXPECT THIRTY PER CENT IN CREASE IN APPLE SHIPMENTS FROM ROGUE RIVER VALIJiY CANNERIES AHE ACTIVE. D. F. M. Moxon Accepts Position 'Frisco Hospital Dr. F. M. Moxon bun relinquished bli practice of medicine and surgery! In Ashland and has left tbe city fori California. He bus accepted, an ap-j polntment on tbe medical staff of, CI GIVES PROMOTE REST ROOM FUND Tbe Kev. J. T. Auderaon, husband j of the former Nona Pace of Talent, , has not returned according to prom ises made when arrested lu West Virginia. Mrs. Andersuu arrived in Talent Saturday and will inuke ber Eight hundred cars of pears and 130V cars of apples will be shipped from 'the Rogue Itlver district and the l.'mpquu valley this season, ac- cording to conservative estimates announced here today by I. T. Sparks, district freight and passeu ger agent for the Southern Pacific company. Tbe apple movement will be 30 per cent greater than that of 1920, and the pear shipment, which was expected to be only SO per cent of last year's movement, will equal tbe 1920 Hhlpments. According to A. T. Mercier, sup erintendent of the Portland division who was here today, all of the ship ments made thus far have moved on schedule time or better. The record from the Oregon territory to Og- den, the eastern terminal of tbe Southern Pacific lines, is considered a fine tribute to the efficiency of the railroad. Tbe shipment of the new vegetable brocolli, from this district will ag- gregute 75 or 80 cars. Twenty-five cars of fresh prunes have been ship- ped, and this is expected to grow in' to a considerable Importance. Oakland, Or., one of tbe greatest turkey shipping points in the Unit ed States, expects to equal or exceed its last year's record, according to reports received by R. E. Kelly, rep resentative of tbe Southern Pacific's executive department, and K. C, In gram, editor of tbe Southern Pa cific bureau of news, who are tour lug the Oregon territory served by their company. The canning industry is unusually active. .Seventy-five cars of canned fruit will be moved from the Rogue River and Cmpqua Valley districts. The grain movement is also very large. As the movement of these product! continues, the prices continue to im prove. Kelly, Sparks and Ingram were here today in charge of George N, Kramer, Ashland agent for the rail road. The visitors were gratified to learn of the Improvement in business conditions here. "We hare a vital Interest in the well-being of this district," said Kelly. "The Southern Pacific wants to do what it can to assist the de velopment of this splendid region In line with this it is Interesting to note that Southern Pacific taxes in Jackson county amount to $110,000 u year, and that the monthly payroll in Ashland amounts to 885,000.' The Southern Pacific payroll in Oregon amounts to more than $11, 000,000 a year; its purchases, $4. noO.OOO, anil its taxes $1,100,000. one of the largest hospitals in the L, ,. ,,,. , , , , " v of the Civic Improvement club gath- San PrauclBCo Bay district..,.. ., , ; .,, ... , , , ered this noon at a specially pr- . U"-Pare(, um.neo-n ut the , a,,,. futuw home there. The Kev. Audit portunlty was demanded, and the ,,, , ,, , - doctor left on two days' notice. Mrs. , , V "ma? Wterloiuly disappeared about civic Interest In the camnaiitu for' .u j Moxon, with her Bon, Spencer, will ,,. , . ... "'a,,,u lur a month ago, and after a long search ! funds being conducted by the club remain at the Vendome apartments; for (h(j meUm )f wuh located in the east. Concerning I IVife of Mssng pfll U U OADPfMT Plans Made For : Pastor Arrives juUL n. n. Ottltumi County Red Cross At latent Homel FIINPPAI UFIfl AT Drive November 11 i umliuil iillu ni : mill I r niinnni I If 1 1 I L HIllinV ,,ulls fur tlle coming Red Cross; J lILLL UUIlUnl 1VB 10 8ta,t IltttIon"11' November jll were discussed yesterday after ! noon at a meeting of the executive Following the largely attended i board of the local chapter at the funeral services ut his late home, aud! Elks' club- The meeting was at- SUNDAY SCHOOL ASSOC. TOM 01 MEET ERE fnr u driApt tlnm In tuomlnulD tkn 7 , , , . ' , ' "'. room on Mill street. The ladies en doctor's business affairs. They w ,, , , , . , . .. ... ... K"ged iu a general round of speech join Dr. Moxon shortly at their fu ture home in Berkeley, Calif. making, both by the members of the the Incident, which Is considered the military burial service at the Jacksonville cemetery during a drlz- jzling ruin, and which was concluded ' with u volley of shuts over the grave land the sounding of taps, the re I mains of Colonel II. H. Sargeul, sol- tended by Mrs. S. B. Mears. county! SUNDAY 84'HOOL CONVENTION OK secretary, anil Mrs. Scheftlln, home: The Square Deal Grocery To Have Hew Store; Lease closed, as far as Coos county is con eerned, the Murshfleld News has the "1'' uulhor u,1(1 Prominent citizen, club and their guests. following to say: ' who had served his country taith- ' Many compliments were passed on ( "Jesse T. Andersou did not return! fully during two generations, were fflU limnil t,,,,,l 1... rt...r D IT., lln 1u rut, I InM AnI..,. .l.-J - - . '. " "uc' uui uiu ue senaiiadl Sunday afternoon In their final :.seau, or me unti l Ashland, who had any word to .Mrs. Anderson, or to i 'prepared a special luncheon that In-'the district attorney, Ben S. Fisher, f VT " " ;..n.ri,i r.-..u t,...,i .. ..,,.i vr A,wu'. ,. Jicent laurel tree, overlooking bis luti ...... B,IUI ....... aHWW.MWH k..Ut) (IU11I. iUI U lj spice pie. return was today, and with bis fail- Tbose present ut the luncheon ure to coma yesterday, she com- ; were: meuced packing her goods to move Mary Wilshire. Josephine Cham-1 them to Talent, where she will re- J.IC KSOX tXd'XTV TO CVXVKXK lii;Hi: SKIT, i2 AXU TH1K TIKTI1 A.XMAL MKKl'IXO. r r ti,. i.t.. n An i v. . rUUii, .ucu ,e, Margaret E. Dill, Mrs. Hallle proprietors of the Square Deal groc- Jacobs, Mrs. C. O. Jarvls, Mrs. E. side, on returning there, starting to morrow morning. And since the in- hoinc and the Rogue River valley he loved so well. Then nature Joined iu tribute to the beloved departed, us the ruin ceased, ami a henutifnl rain how arched the valley. People were preseut from all part OKI HII IT.NKKAL WKI)XKSI)AY, PIONKKB DIKS MONDAY i i Funeral services for William I) Crubb, 77, who died Monday after noon at 2:30 o'clock at the home of bis daughter. Mrs. Grace Spannaus, 247 Seventh street, were held this afternoon at 2:30' o'clock at tbe Presbyterian church. Burial was made at the Mountain View ceme tery, the Dodge undertaking parlors having charge of tbe funeral arrange ments. Mr. Urubb has been ill for some time, having moved here a few days ago from Yreka, Calif., in tbe hope that a change might Improve his health. ' William B. Cirubb was born at Morning Sun, Louisa county, Iowa, March 13, 1844. He moved to Ore gon in 1852 and was married to Francis Ellen Spencer February 6, 18G8. Surviving him are five daughters, Mrs. Mary Gardener, Mrs. Jennie llurn, Mrs. Edith Anderson, merly occupied by the . .V, Norton Motor company, for a period of three years according to au announcement mado today by Mr. Flackus. prv Htnrp tinve lpaonrl tha nnw vn. Pell. Mm P H Whltnov flranli Hripiit iMmi taA an fnm, n H . ' " - I ' .., , - w ... ,.vuvu twi 1U iTIU ft! . , cant store room In the S. P. Stoncr a88. Mrs. R. L. Burdlc, Grants Pass, I Anderson's returning here is cot-!" lneJuaty 10 pay thelr lttHt tr,n- building on North Main street, for ' An"a A. Wagner, Lydla McCall, Mrs.) cerned, this article closes today's w. a. anen, Mrs. J. H. Sugg, Mrs.jnews wim a statement from Win. W. G. Hale, Emma L. Ceder, Harriet; Anderson, who was in the office Just R. Dayton, Mrs. H. E. McGee, Mrs.) before the paper went to press. Mrs. G. H. Way, Mrs. N. H. Harrison,) Anderson did not have much to say. Mrs. J. H. Provost, Mrs. C. H. Pierce' but Bhe wanted her friends to fool Mr. Flackus states that a large,! Mrs- E"ard B- Angell, Mrs. C. W.i assured that she was Very grateful ror every help they extended her In the affair. Mrs. Anderson said she would leave here in tbe morning and would reside at Talent, where any body who desired to communicate with her coul reach her." START REHEARSALS FURPL E modern grocery store equipped to Fri,lli-V' Ml'8- w- M- Burber- Mrs. A. handle a large volume of city and c- Br'sss. Anna D. Kopp, Mrs. C. country trade will be Installed. The H- Chamberlain, Blanche E. Hicks, new location will be duly a few i Mrs- Gorilon MacCrucken, Georgle doors north of the preseut location ! w- Coftee. -M's- Sadie E. Haynes, of tho Square Deal grocery. jir, I M"s. A. L. Lamb, Mrs. L. A. Roberts. Flackus and Mr. Powell are both i "rH- ' erc' uee'er. miss urace a. well-known business men of Ashland.l1" mDermln' Mrs; L- Lamkin, Mr. Flackus has engaged In the gro-j hr- Mallll B- shuw- 1Irs- A- Greg- ceiy business in this city for the ur'- mrs- walker, Mrs. Grace past three years, formerly having a h- I,le'8' Mr E- D- Palmer. Mrs. location at Fourth and B streets. ; Eveln H. Dowe, Mrs. John H. Ful ler, llernlce Yeo, Llllle Peterson, 850 PIONEERS OP Minnie Beaver, Claira C. Clark. Mrs. SOl'TH ORBOON HOLD 'A. M. Beaver, Mrs. Walter Herndon, ASJTTJAL MEKTING' Mrs. Wm. M. Briggs, Mrs. Homer, 'Elbart, Mrs. Y. G. McWillianis, Mrs. Two hundred and fifty itroug, the Y. Patterson, Mrs. Cliff Bond, Mrs.. Southern Oregon Pioneer assocla- P. J. Luke, Anna E. Hargrove, Ber-i ' Mnn iVinmil ,1 l,a flta ta ttn tt ,1 ! I h ', P ann,aM tl hd T t v.uu i,.."...- ' ... " ..n. vu.ui.n, Rehearsals were started for the noneer can at n o ciocg uMUiaays a. uerncK, Stella J. Leavitt, E,ka ahow ,t HVBnlne. n, frnm moroiUK lor tueir huuuui iuhuiiiik. - mm. j. i, mcanay, mrs. j. l. us New arrivals from Rogue River Tal-jkur, Mrs. J. N. Dennis, Mrs. A. E. ley points are arriving hourly. Kinney, Mrs. F. D. Wagner, Mrs. D. Following tbe memorial exercises D. Applegate, Mrs. G .J. Van Sunt. and the reading of obituaries of tbe i original pioneers by the association's 1WTOK cil.l.VDALL permanent secretary, Mrs. Mumie ASl) WASHINGTON Dav Nelson, of Jacksonville, new -IRk MARRY HERE officers for the ensuing year were. ur. rv. j. uranuaii, 01 t;ranaau m CAST IS COMPLETE elected. Colonel H. H. Sareent. of Jacksonville, was elected president. : Suwyer' WM marrled at noon i0 and Mrs. Leona Ulricb Hanson, also " "' v""u"' '". of Jacksonville, was chosen as viceiDur' WMD- at ,ne odlrt Epls- copai parsonage oy Kev. Charles A. I Edwards. Tbe bride arrived this morning. Dr. and Mrs. Crandall be learned of his election, declined the honor In a speech made during the basket dinner servd In the down stairs ball. As reason for his action he stated that he was not a native sou of Ore-i gon, nor a pioneer, and believed hisj election was out or order. What action was taken on tbe matter by i the association could not be learned' hnfnrn frnlnir tn nrflHM tldnv. It Waal . . ,, . , ,'Iege. The newlyweds first met while urged that Mrs. Sargent, member of D ' ULlUIIIHIIg CUIIfKt- 111 lllfT nUUlllHIU reportB of thn committee a great cast has been assembled to put "Purple Flashes" across the foot lights. The show will hold the i boards at the Vinlng theatre on Tuesday and Wednesday, October 4 and 8. The cast of the farce opens with Mrs. Maxiue Silver In tbe leading role of Mrs. Jack Temple, a temper amental wife, a part that gives her great scope for her natural ability. It goes In a mix-up of comedy situa tion from laughter to tears; from the sublime to the ridiculous. left immediately following tbe cere ' mouy for Crater Lake, where they will remain for a week before re I turning to Ashland and their npart I ment home on Glenn avenue. Dr. Crandall has made many friends here since coming to Ash land a year ago from Los Angeles where be attended a medical col- ute. The services at the Sargent home were conducted by Rev. J. K. Howard, pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Jacksonville, who deliv ered an eloquent eulogy on Colon? SarReiit's life us soldier and citizen The choir of the church sang "Near er My God to Thee," and "Beautiful Isle of Somewhere." There was a profusion of heautl nil rioral tributes of many artistic designs, including pieces from the city of Jacksonville, the Medford American Legion post, the Women's Auxiliary of the post, and Crates Lake chapter, Daughters of the Am erlcan Revolution. Among the pieces from a distance was one from the Beekman family of Portlund, forme residents of Jacksonville. The American Legion veterans Spanish-American war veteruns and separate company A of Medford were largely represented at the funerul The active pull bearers, all Ameri can Legion veterans, were Colonels ! Gordon Voorhies mid Paine, Captain Ralph Cowgill, and Lieutenants Floyd Hart, Bert Elliott and Carl Y Tengwald. Tbe honorary pall bear ers, prominent citizens of Jackson ville, were Dr. J. W. Robinson, Emll Brltt, John F. Miller, Judge F. L. Tou Velle, W. A. Bishop and Lewis ITlrlch Folluwing the services ut the house the funerul cortege led by the Amer ican Legion escort and the firing squad composed of u squud from saparte company A, wound its way up the hill to the cemetery, where the last sad rites were performed. Tho burial plot bad been selected early in the world war by Mrs. Sur- service director, both of Medford. The plans for tbe coming drive were presented by the Medford wom en as the initial start of plans for: the county and local drive. The lo-: cal chapter of the lied Cross will ) elect a membership committee ut a The thirtieth annual convention of meeting to be held next week. The; the .lackaou County Sunday School definite plans to be made by the association wilt be held lu Ashland committee will he announced later i , by the Incul chapter. ! week Golden Wedding Anniversary At Spencer Home yea aKo r .0. V. c September 2:1 aud 24 inclusive, ut the Cuugregutloaal church, accord ing to plans made during the past liy the association. The con vention, which will include Sunday school classes of all denominations. i will be similar to that held here two Carson, president of the - : sociatlon, will preside and make the Surrounded by their children and, Pu!ng adess. Miss Georgia Par friends from Ashland tl, im,,,. general state secretary, will be Henry Endera Jr. will appear as!Knt at the request of her husband. her husband, Jack Temple, "a liar,"1 wno was then on army duty at San and C. J. McNaughtou, who is dl-1 Francisco. recting the show for the Elks, will The American Legion rltuul at tbe ba his chum, Frank Fuller, classed! Brave was performed by Seeley V'. as a "bigger liar." Mrs. Miriam Hall, vice commander of tbe Med- Uiver valley, .Mr. and Mrs. A. C.I Spencer celebrated their golden wed-. ding anniversary yesterday at their honu- on .North Main street. During the alteruoou many friends' congratulated tho happy pair. Mrs.j Eric Werren and Miss Mable Buy siuir and played, and a new cere mony was read to amuse those pres ent. Including Mrs. A. II. Russell, Shephard will be Mrs. Frank Fuller, a clever soubrette role, which is classed us the "Ferris Wheel Lady." ford post, in the absence of Com mander F. P. Farrell, who was in Klamath Kalis, and George Codding Miss June Walton, who has gained acting as chaplain. Another eln professlonal experience In motion auent eulogy on Colonel Sargent' picture circles in California, will plav fe as citizen and soldier was de- n KnuthArn Oreenn nioneer family. . . . ..J I,-. ' IVJ coma act tor ner uusuauo. .his. - .... ... .... i,i, -. twm, ni...- - ... . ... ,...i..i j ue youug cuupie wm laae up e. w.uuoum, a nvnreu ny l.ieiiit-miut v.wh,.t. ... ii. -ir practice here after returning! mantlc school girl who is very much Kelly, following which the firing fro. i their honeymoon. Mrsi Cran-I ln ,ove w"h Captain Sharpe, a young, uquad fired a volley of shots over the dull formerly practiced In Oregon' EnK"sh military officer, the pait ' grave and taps were blown hy Wll- Clty. piajea oy jonn rinneran. son Waite. Two comedy pnrts that are a riot, Laid to rest with the departed Surgeut did not favor the suggestion. Officers of the association who will finish their term of office to day, are Mrs. O. Wnter, president, and Mrs. Robert Garret, treasurer. At 2 o'clock this afternoon the pioneers gathered at the new log cabin built on Mill street recently by G, S. Butler, us a memorial to bis mother, Mrs. A. Butler Thompson, and for the use of the Pioneer asso ciation. The building was presented STATE AUTO LAWS WARMNG 18 PAST MUST DIM IJKHTS The period of warning for all vio lutlons of the state automobile law Is now past, and from now on the to the association by Mr. Butler with,iaw wm B8 ,-grtly enforced in this fitting exercises. The acceptance, vicinity, according to an annouuee- speech was made by Mrs. O. Winter. I ment by Chief State Motor Vehicle The cabin was dedicated to Mr. But-' inspector Rafferty and Deputy State ler's mother. Prof. Irving E. Vin-! inspectors McMahon and OrifflthsJ ing anoressea ine pioneers m mo wn0 arP working Willi him nere this exercises. week. The log cabin is constructed en- Special efforts will be made to en tirely of Oregon fir timber hauled here from Jacksonville. The inter ior Is equipped with a large stone force the law against overloaded trucks and stipulating mirror on trucks, and with regard to lights on fireplace. A long iron latticed cagean motor cars. The inspectors call attention to the fact that no patent lens is recognized by tbe Oregon law and that the lights of all car must that may be securely locked will furnish storage room for historic ex hibitions to be placed in tbe build ing by tbe pioneers. The building be dimmed on anproachlna: other ear Mrs. Alice McCormack, and Mrs. j built on city property for which a, outside of the city, and headlights Grace Spannaus, and four son, Thorn-1 long term lease has been given, is a must be dimmed In the city, us, Carl, Jesse and Arthur Grubb. gift from Mr. Butler to tbe assocla- They also announce that Sheriff Mr. Grubb spent most of his life tion without hampering provisions.' j Terrlll now ba on hand a supply of in southern Oregon and northern Cal ifornia, and was well known by many here, having lived here and visited here frequently. For the last few years be made hi home with his daughter, Mrs. Mary Gardener, at Jreka, Calif. of fun are those of Mrs. John Brown,' man were all the meduls which had a human cyclone, aud her husband, - been presented to him hy the govern John Brown, a ladies' hairdresser. 1 ment during his army career. They are capably taken by Miss Sid-' na Hellman aud "Chick" Farlow, j fcvvlAWKI TO The cast of the comedy closes! rRKscK.NT 1TY FOR wiin lie irmeger as Wlgson, thel cockney English and very talaktlre butlet. There also will be two eluhnrat Miss Hazel Powell and Gerald K revues staged that carry a cast of j Hunter, well known Ashland young Sarah 3. Walker, L. II. F. Klum, Mary Grubb, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ganlerre, Mr. and Mrs. George Noble, Mr. and Mrs. (1. F. Bllllnes. Mr. and Mrs. V. v. Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph- 1( Ullli,,,.o V V If ..11 1 .... n, ' ' P.ossio Klliurt, Mrs. W, I, N. Shrin er, Lloyd Shriller, Mrs. A. W. Her bert, Millard W. Grubb, Mable Bay. William Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Oeo. C. Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Spencer and family, Mrs. H. A. Spencer and family, Wlnnitred Spen cer. Mr. n nd Mrs. Donald Spencer and family, Mrs. W. A. Long aud children. ,1. M. Spencer, 'Mary E. Spencer. Aden C. Spencer and Isubelle Por ter Spencer were married ut Ottawa, Kan.. S 'plember 18, 1870. After a couple of years residence In Kan sas, losing about all they had by a now historic grasshopper raid, they came west to Ashland In 1874, where .Mr. Spencer had come first with his father. II. H. Spencer, who home- ste.ideil tli.' land that Is now south east Ashland. Aden Spencer spent his early boyhood on the stock ranges mil sawmills about Ashland, one of lie latter being located about where he llthlu fountains are in the park. At the beginning of the civil war. Aden enlisted in Company A, First Oregon cavalry, which got Its train lug at Camp Jackson, near Jack sonville, and with this troop saw service guarding emigrant train ncross Montana. Idaho and eastern Oregon. After the close of the civil war Aden returned to Ashland an followed the various occupation of freighter and carpenter until 18(9 when In company with W. O. Myers he went with u herd of Oregon hones east to the markets in Kansas. While thorn he met and married Isahelle Porter. To the union eight sons and three daughters wure horn, of whom fiTe1 sons snd two daughter are living und were present at the dinner Sun day. Aden and Mrs. Spencer are ac tive workers In the G. A. R. and W. I!. ('., and have three sons with en viable records iu the Legion work. HONEYMOON TRIP , I'KKIt HOLIHAUUH TAKES POHITION AH COH MBIH AGENT Fred C. Holibuugh, the well thirty people, and feature plenty of nifty dancing, catchy song bit and pretty girls. The entire costuming present both days of the meeting. Other officers on the program are, Cash Wood, county Y. M. C. A. sec retary; Mrs. Fred S. Engle, elemen tary superintendent; Mr. Dougherty, young people's superintendent: John j Gore, adult superintendent for the i county, and George Iverson, county swretary. A large attendance of Sunday school workers is expected. The following program will be ob served during the convention: Friday Morning, Hnptemhar !l 10:00 Praise and Prayer. By a delegate. 0 With God's Word. Rev. W. ! .Illdsnn fllilftelil 11:00 Symposium: Tbe Teacher. Miss Georgia Parker, stuts Iteneral secretary. 11: ao Appointment of committees. 12:00 Noon recess. 2:00 Gem from God Word. Rev. . Oldfteld. 2:15 Value of Special Days In th Sunday School. Rev. N. W. Phelps. 2:46 Special music. 3 00 The Teacher' Responsibility. Mrs. H. A. Canaday. -1:30 What Shall bo our Goal for 1922 in Jackson County. Geo Iverson, county secretary. Evening Hmslon 7:30 Praise and Prayer. By a delegate. 7:45 With God's Word. Rev. Oldfleld. 8:00 Boy and Young Men In Ibe Sunday School. Cash Wood county Y. M. C. A. secretary. 8:20 Special music. 8:10 Address: "Personal Respon sibilities." Miss Georgia Par ker, general secretary stale association. Hatunfajr, BepteamlMr 24 18:00 Praise sod Prayer. By a delegate. 10:20 With God's Word. Rev. Oldfield. 10:40 Buslnees session. Hlectlon and Installation of officers. 11 SO "Our Al." Newly elected officers. 12:00 .Voou revnwi. 2:0it Praise and Prayer. By t delegate. 2:15 Gems from God' Word. Rev. Oldfield. 2::i0 Value of Rally Day ln the Sunday School. J. A. BUker dlke, county vice president. 2:45 What to Sunday School i Owe to Children under 12. Mr. Grace Kngle, county ele mentary superintendent. Young People, 18 to 14. Mr. Dougerty. county young peo ple' superintendent Xdults Mr. Jobs Gore, county adult siperintendent The Association Honr. 3:00 j state temporary license tag, and PHILADELPHIA, Pn Sept. 19. i that each new car owner who has people and graduates of the local . known Valley View rancher, who has high school, were married yesterday i )een assistant county agent of Jack afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at thn'aon county since last January, left and acenery for the production 11 Methodist Episcopal church ny Rev. Sunday for St. Helens, Or., to take carried by C. J. McNaughtou, pro-jCharles A. Edwards. Miss llernire'thn position of county agent of Col-1 fesslonal show producer, who Is Flackus and Guy Wolcott were at-Umhia county, having just been ap handllng the show for the Elk. 'tendant at the wedding. The new-! pointed to that position by the ex- The Elks' show committee aayjlywe left by car for Crescent City . tonsloii aervlce of the O. A. C. Thl HTORM BREAKS OFF COAST that "Purple Flashe" I to be the! where they will spend a week's essentially a dairy county, and ,, '.rvttt. un event of the season. i honeymoon trip. Mr. and Mrs. Gun-1 .Mr. Hollbaugh is eaneciallv well ter will live at 130 Pioneer avenne.1 qualified in that line. Any and every practicable agency.! Mrs. Gunter Is a daughter of Mr. While his promotion pleases his' PORTLAND Or. Sent i0 A instrumentality or organization that and Mrs. T. T. Powell, 137 Oak many friends, there is general re-!torn of unusual proportions la actually is promotive of just peace' street, and graduated from the Ash-Jure! that Jackson county losee bis I sweeping off the coast of British throughout the world, deserve the! land high school with the class of ; efficient services. Mrs. Holibaugt Colombia, according to reoorta re- earnest endorsement and support ofl 1917. Mr. Gunter Is son of Mr.; will not Join him for some time yet. reived by the weather bureau here, this and other countries. land Mrs. Schuyler C. Gunter, 264 His successor as assistant acent of fttnrm Roll call and report of Sun day schools. Report of resolution commit tee. Adjournment. BRITISH OOLrMBIA; MAY SWEEP NO. PACIFIC STATES Bill Smith say hi dnean't like Rrant treat, and srraduated from I Jackann enuntv hu mi William Tllden won the national not yet obtained his permanent H-iamteur classic dancing because it! high school hew with the class oflpolnted. but County Agent Cate ex- 1918. As Miss Powell, Mrs. Gun-pects that no delay will ensue in ter WU formerly bookkeeper at the, the appointment and that the new tennl championship here today when cense must get one of these tags remind him of tbe way tummer ne oeieatea Wallace Johnston, e-i., from the sberirf and wear tt em hia boarder act of an evcnlnj when tbe ' -car until tbe regular license come. ' mosquito are bad. ' First National bank. man will be along in a few days. for all roast points north of tbe Col umbia river, a the storm may sweep the aorta Pacific coast today, ac cording to the weather barea syndication.