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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1920)
frooVwtW, .Vovfnibw 21, 10!!i ASJiLAJD wJUHttt tWtHOi page rxsd . , Ashland Weekly Tidings Established 1876 Published Every Wednesday by THE ASHLAND PRINTING. CO. OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY PAMR, TELEPHONE 30. ...t....ininmiV' I) TCU r,2.oo' ir MnnthV '.. . l.SS.Hneatlon. The members arrived at Three Months '"Imm. Schweln's home dressed as Ital ADVERTISING BATES. Display Advertisements, each inch ,3c l Renders, the line lc Classified Column, the word, each tilllA lc Legal Notices, each time, the line S1-" Card of Thanks 11-00 Obituaries, the line Fraternal orders and societies charg ing regularlnltlation fees and dues, Religious and benevolmt societies aWrth,ta,, wlth eertttlnty a"a when an admission or collection is i charming oneness, backing each taken, v I Vma and bringing out the cora- Entered at the Ashland, Oregon. pleto adroitness of tha mastor. After Pnatnffics as second claBS mall the program was completed the guests matter. FIGHTS GREAT WHITE PLAGUE. One person out of every eight in tue United States, says Commander Booth of the Salvation Army, is either an active or suspected case of tuber culosis. People hardly realize what a terrible thing this is that haB fas tened its plague upon one-eighth of our total population. The Salvation Army, which Is one of our greatest and noblest organita tlons of religious and material aid, have been working among tho poor classes und slums, the very people who are most troubled with the great white plague. In the Salvatiou Army are 1,200 divisions of the nutional body and to them Commander Booth has Issued the call to sell Christmas tieals with which they will combat this plague. Tho drive will commence on De cember 1st and continue until the lllh Inclusive, and as In past years, It is hoped the populace will again Invest In these little stamps of mercy aiid aid. The Salvation Army has a record spotlessly clean and IU mem bers carried on work nmong our boys In France and . In the tront line 1,-onrW with which no graft was connected. The past acts of the Sal vation Army commends its future great, work. TOO MANY ACCIDENTS. In one column of metropolitan paper yesterday were four fatal auto accidents recorded, one after an other. A Eugene lady, 70, a law yer of McMluuevllle, a prominent man of Beaverton and a man of Astoria were the four victims. It Is high time that oeople became educated to; nieet the demands of the times the age of motive power. Pedestrians and antolsts must learn the same lesBons. In the first place It Is Just as criminal tor pedestrians to take unbelievable chances on crossing ways of traffic or forgetting the hand signs of autoists as it is for autojBts to speed over crowded streets, cut corners, forget to sound horns or give the proper hand signals. The hand signals are not merely used for other autos and vehicles, but act as signals for pedestrians lso. While tha rules are old and should be known by all, we are publishing them for the good of Ashland peo ple. They are as follows: (a) Arm extended horizontally -from either the rlpht or left side of the vehicle Bhull indicate a turn in the direction In which the arm Is ex-; tended. (b) Arm extended downward from either right or left Bide of the vehicle shall Indicate a stop. (c Arm extended upward from the right side of the vehicle shall Indicate a turn to the left. (d) Arm extended upward from the left side of the vehicle ahull in dicate a turn to the right. The Social Realm FRIDAY'S NEWS Wedding Announcement. Announcements arrived in Ashland toduy ot the marriage ot Mrs. Bay Ladd Sherwin to John Henry Parry which took pluro in Minneapolis, on; ivm.v IS Mr Mrs. Parry 'will be at homo at the Hotel! Osden, Minneapolis, after Decem- h(.r 1 Officers' Flection. N The Berean class of the Baptist Sunday school held its annual bust- lies, meeting In the ladies' parlors" was In honor of Miss Cladys Hast of the church yesterduy afternoon.) logs, who expects to leave shortly Election of officers comprised a por-l'or Portland for the winter. About tlon of the session, und resulted as'' rouples wero iu attendance, follows: President, Mrs. Allen Deu-j ' ton; vice president, Mrs. J. H. Pbll-i Community Meeting, pott; secretary, Mrs. Bertha Gasa- Thursday evening. November 18, way; treasurer, Mrs. Allc.Gtlmore.,s community meeting was held at After the business was concluded the ' Valley View school house! attend members of the class, 16 of whom bT about 40 people of the nelgh were present, gathered with their j boruood. A program was given by fancy work at a social period, during) tne Parent-Teachers' association, one which Mrs. J. F.. 8pule and Mrs. ' nolo features of which w Philpott, as hostesses, served fine ,D9 demonstration of household con refreshments. venlences under the management of . : ;Mrs. A. If. Davenhill. This Is one THURSDAY'S NEWS of three lines to be studied in thin C. L. S. C. Met. j organization during the sinter, the The Monday Afternoon Chautauqua other two being poultry keeping and Circle met Monday evening instead j suto- mechanics, all of which wero of at the usual bour in the afternoon plannnd by Miss Grace Fryflnger of at tha bom of Mrs. L. Schweln on Washington, D. C, general super Church street This event marked visor of home demonstration work! the completion of tho book on Now Italy, which the clasa has bsen study ing and as a general review of the work each member was assigned a talk of not more than ten minutes 'nor less than five minutes on vol 'iintary subjects.. These were given without notes and everyone acquitted , herself most creditably. Une ot these which deserves especial men tion, was an original story in German J dialect given by Mrs. William Myer, which was a wonderfully clever de ians. Tony, the organ grinder, vied with Galli Curcl, and the costumes of all were amusing in the extreme. Two piano solos by Ramona Wiso were rendered charmingly In tech nicalities and expression. Leonard C. Pettlt played with unstrained uy- uamlcs and subtlllty of lone control "On Wiugs of Song" by .Vlendeis shon, and an Italian numbar thai fitted the sentiment of the occasion. J Flora Putnam rendered his ac- were shown into the dining room, which was converted Into a veritable Italian cafe, and a "apagattl feed" was served by the hostesses, Mrs. Schweln and Mrs. F. L. Putnam. The place cards and table decorations were unique and amusing and fitted into the spirit of the meeting, which murked it as one of the moat enjoy able events of the club's season Those who enjoyed the evening's en tertainment were: Mesdames Wm Myor, Mary Swlgart, F. L. Putnam L. Schweln, 0. Winter, W. T. Coch ran, Ralph Billings, F. H. Johnson, George Icenhower, F. T. Wilson, I. D. Leslie and F, F. Whittle. Guests of the club were Mrs, B. H. Hiu thorne, Mrs. S. C. Williamson and Mrs. Detrlck. WEDNESDAY'S NEtyS Guest Meeting. On November IB, the Monday Eve ning Study club held Its first "guest meeting" of the year at the hospit able home of Mrs. Lamkin on North Main street. The house was beauti fully decorated with asters for tho occasion. The president, Mrs. V. Stewart, called the meoting to order, and after a few words of welcome turned the meeting over to Mrs. Han son, chairman of the program com mittee. The subject for study was "Women of Today and Yesterday," In response to roll cull the members read brief Hunts ubout noted women. Then followed the regular program In which everyone present was very much Interested. The papers were very tine, showing much time und thought, and given in such a way as to hold the attention of the audience to the last word. The musical nmn- bers were a real treat and thoroughly appreciated by the club members, as shown by their hearty applause. At the close dainty refreshments were served by the hostess, Mrs. Lamkin, assisted by Mesdames Cbeever and Chattin. When the club broke up at a Into hour every one felt they had had an educational as well as a very delightful evening together. The program was as follows: "Crinolines," Mrs. Yeo. "Yesterday's Rebels," Mrs. Denton. Violin Solo, Leonard Pettlt, accom panied by Flora Putnam. "Blue Serge," Mrs. Channel. Piano Solo, Mrs. Harry Harrison "Women's Outlook," Mrs. Perozzi. Piano Solo, Miss Rturnlce Yeo. Vocal Solo, Miss Barron. Those who partook of the evening's enjoyment wore MIsHe.i Yeo, Putnam Bowman and Burron, Mesdames W. II. Mowat.C. E. McCalllater, Mltcholl Barron, W. H. Hodklnson. E. C. Pet tlt, D. If. Barneburg, Geo. Kramer. L. M. Caldwell, A. Schuermnn, W. P, Shuler, Borah, V. Stewart, Hanson, J. V. Miller, Homer Billings. C. A, Edwards, D. Perozzi, Lamkin, Murcy O. H. Yeo, Blake, Channel. M. Jor- dun, Cheever, Denton, Chattin, H. Harrison, Hattle Siluby and Dr. Ber tha Sawyer. Morning Wedding. The marriage ot Roy King and Miss Naomi Clifford took place this corn ing at the office of Judge W. H Gowdy, with the latter performing the ceremony. The bride is a stran ger in Ashland, while Mr. King has been living, here for some time and " employed on me nignway worn. They will reside in this city . SATURDAY'S NEWS Enjoyable Dance. The young people of Ashland gavo a delightful dancing party in Mem orlal hall last evening. The event of tiU Pacific NorthweBt. Miss Fry flhgSr visited Valley View In Octo ber, this being the only point in Ore go u which she visited officially. An other important matter completed at this meeting was the decision to put electrlo lights in tha school bqnse. Refreshments were served by the as-' sociation. Newly Wiwls Arrive. Fireman J. W. Cornell nndjils bride, whose marriage was an In teresting Portland event Wednesday, arrived In Ashland Thursday even ing,' and were given a dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs, F. D. Yar brough on Scenic Drive. A sump tuous banquet was served by Mrs. Yarbrough and Mrs. Anna Zigler In the evening, with table decorations in pink and white. The young couple later left for their home on Alida street where they will reside Attending the wedding and reception in Portland was Clifford Yarbrough of Astoria, son of Mr. and Mrs. Yar brough of this city. MONDAY'S NEWS Faculty Guests of School Hoard. The utmost good fellowship pre vailed at the Informal gathering held in Chautauqua Pioneer hall Friday evening when thememberg ot the city school board and their wives were hosts at a party given to the foe ulty of the schools. Upwards ot 45 were in attendance and from the moment tho first guest crossed the threshold until the last one departed a round ot gaiety was the order ot events. First on the program was the eerie initiation given the mem bers of the faculty on their arrival at the hall, which was necessary for all to undergo to qualify as thorough "school m.Varm." Various guessing games were then played, and refreshments were served by the feminine half of tho school board Dr. W. E. Buchanan, representing an old-time pedagogue, then drew the assemblage up in line and conducted a spelling match, which was the source of great amuBement. The event was one ot utter enjoyment and welded teachers and board In a close bond of friendship. ' Harvest Pui-ty. Miss Isabelle Silver entertained a number ot fer school friends at a Harvest Party, Saturday evening. The Drink Parlor, No. 13 East Main, was decorated for the occasion and games and dancing furnished amuse ment for all. The guests arrived early, half of them attired In over alls and half in gingham uprons. Maxlne Pracht, a sailor lad, and Mad eline Silver assisted in entertainment and awarded prizes to the most nat ural beau and belle. After, enjoy ing the refresbments, the young guests were taken to their homes by Harry W. Silver. The guests were Irma Bess, Mildred Cole, Edith Dodge, Dorothy GeBauer, Flossy Good, Virginia Jones, Helen Merrill, Doris Montgomery, Dorotha Reed, Maude Mussel, Lois Russell, Alice Ru- ger, Louise Ruger, Genevieve Swe- denburg, Clara Will, Gladys Squires. O. E. 8. (lull. The Eastern Star club will meet In Masonic hall tomorrow, Tuesday, af ternoon, with Mrs. L. A. Roberts, Miss Roberts and Mrs. Llla Mills as hostesses. This is the last -meeting before the bazaar and all members are requested to come, as there will be work to do. Auxiliary Club. ThiB evening the regular meoting ot the Ladieg Auxiliary club will be held in Auxiliary. Hall. , Mrs. L. Schweln, Mrs. William Myer and Mrs, AT Baughman will be the hostesses. GOLD PRODUCTION IS FALLING SHORT IN OREGON Gold production In state of Ore gon has fallen from about $2,000,- 000 in 1915 to lessath n $1,000,000 In 1920. Moreover, the decrease in gold production in this state reflects the condition of the industry through out the country, for the total gold output ot the United States this year year will be less than $50,000,000 as against $101,000,000 in 1915. This alarming decrease In gold pro ductlon is due not to any real depletion- ot the mineral wealth of the state or nation; but to the fact that every item going Into the cost ot gold mining from the prospector's meager grubstake to the operation of the most modern reduction plants has Increased from CO. to 100 per cent in price, while the market val ue ot gold has remained constant and Its purchasing power has gradually decreased. While the amount ot gold produced In the country has been growing less, the amount of this precious metal consumed In tho r.rts, crafts and in dustries, in the manufacture of Jew elry and for all purposes other than coinage, now exceeds the total an nual gold piuductiun of the United States. That is to say, while $85. 000,000 worth of gold was produced In 1919, $80,,000,000 worth was used In the arts and Industries, so thut $32,000,000 less of gold avail able for coinage remained at the end of the year than at Its beginning. As a remedy for the present pro- carious condition of the gold mining industry, the Oregon Bureau ot Mines and Geology Is urging support of tha McFadden bill introduced in the United States house of repre sentatives last March and now pend ing. This bill provides tor the levy Bg of an excise tax of $10 an ounce on manufactured (old to provide a fund from which gold producers are o be paid a premium ot $10 an ounce. After carefully considering the bill and the conditions that make its pas sage necessary, the commission of this bureau has declared the act sound carefully drawn, and possible ot successful administration without difficulty. It is held by the com mission that enactment of this bill as a law will greatly stimulate gold production and by adding to the sup ply of gold - currency will permit a reduction in the amount ot paper currency Issued, tending away from unsound money in the direction of sound money. Director Henry M. Parks has been sent by the commission to Denver to address a meeting of the Ameri can Mining Congress on the gold sit uation and to confer with prominent mining men In an effort to gain as sistance for Oregon mines through the passage ot the McFadden bill. The commissioners ot the Oregon Bureau of Mines and Geology are: W. B. Dennis, Carlton, chairman; Walter C. Fellows, Whitney; Robt M. Belts, Cornucopia; F. A. Olmsted, Hood River; O. 6. Rluuchard, Grants Pass; W. J. Kerr, president ot the Oregon Agricultural College, and P. L.. Campbell, president of the Uni versity ot Oregon. MOTORISTS, TO UND WINTER ROADS OPEN Motorists wllltiave no difficulty in golug over the Siskiyou mountains this, winter for ample provision will be made to keep the Pacific highway open even It a heavy Know full should create a temporary blockade. So far this fall there has been no snow to impede the truffle on the high way. Oskar Huber, of I'ortlaud, who has the contract for building thn Pacific highway In Jackson coun ty to the California state line, has completed his contract with the ex ception ot one and a half miles. ThlB small stretch will not be built this year, representatives of the company state. The remaining gap in the high way. is not a bad piece of road and has but six per cent grade. The road that la constructed through the county up the Slsklyous Is 16 feet wide with a heavy pavement laid onl a five Inch base, making it capable ot withstanding heavy traffic. Snow In the Siskiyou mountains varies each year on this line of travel. Last year there was a fall of three feet In December, but the snow did not remain long on the ground. Mo torists who have traveled the road south from the Willamette Valley many winters state that It It Is pos sible to get through from Roseburg ft will be easy traveling over the Slsklyous from Ashland on Into Cali fornia. The snowfall lust year was the heaviest In years. The county commissioners of Jack son county have agreed to let the State Highway commission use one of their caterpillar motors In the event of a heavy snowfall on the mountain, and K. E. Hodgman, district en gineer ot the State Highway commis sion, who Is located In Jackson coun ty, has guaranteed to see that the highway ovor the mountain to the California utate line Is kept open all winter, no matter how heavy the snowfall may be. " Both Mr. Hodgman and the county commissioners state that motorists may have no fear of getting through from AsHland over the Slsklyous henceforth during the winter sea son, as construction work has been hurrUd along, this fall so as to hake it possible for all year travel over this route. COMMITTEES MAKES WIDE DISTRIBUTION OP BOOKLETS A committee picked from the mem bers' of the Chamber of Commerce and business men ot the city have been active during the week distrib uting the booklets of the Ashland Winter Fair throughout the rural districts. The committee enthusias tically fell into the spirit ot the pro ject and during the spaces between the showers have thoroughly can vassed the valley, leaving the book lets and premium lists among the inhabitants, who were anxious to re ceive Information regarding the coming fair. The following were assigned to the various districts surrounding Ashland: L. F. Ferguson, Ander son creek; 8. Patterson, Fern Valley; M. and Mrs. F. O. Homes, Burron precinct; K. T.' Staples, Wagner creek; J. H. McQee, main, road to Phoenix; David Snyder, Wrights creek; A. M. Beaver, Wsst Talent and Coleman creek; Henry Enders, Bellevlew; L. H. Gallatin, -Valley View; E. E. Marcy, Phoenix to Med ford, O. F. Carson, Hilts. Those of this list who have com pleted their work are David Snyder. A. M. Beaver, L. H. Callntln. K. E. Marcy, O. F. Carson. Others have taken booklets out today and expect to cover the entire valley by night. Any person falling to receive one ot these booklets may do so by calling or writing to the Ashland Chamber of Commerce. ORKGOV SPENDS TWENTY MILLION ON ROADS; SALEM, Nov. 19 More than $20. 000,000 has been expended In Im provement and construction of roajs In Oregon during the blennlum end In November II, according to fig ures compiled by the state highway department for the consideration ofl the legislature at Its sessions in Jas uary. Ot this amount approximately , 889. 778 19 was expended daring the year 1111, while the remainder of the total sum was expended da Ing the past 12 months. The amount expended In road work Includes $1,110,000 of county money and $1,200,000 of federal funds ap propriated for post and forest roads. Both the county money was expended under the direction ot the state high way department. The report shows that approximate ly 1444 miles of road have been im proved during the biennlum as foN lows). Grading 086 miles, rock and gravel 385 miles, paving 3G3 miles. Most of the work was confined to ambia river and Pacific high- . . wava. Although ho me or tha feed- ... - erg connecting with these main nr- terles of travel received attention of the commission. Take Notlce- tnat the undersigned . ' ... I has filed his final account In the mat- There are now under tontrnct lntfjr of hlg allmmi8tratlon of the said Oregon 300'mtles of grading, 260 estate In the office of the Clerk of miles ot rock and gravel and 00 miles ot paving. ' Visitors fro mas far north as Port- land and as far south us Northern California were In attendance at the smoker given by Ashland lodge of Elks last Saturday night. An elab orate program was presented at this event. bargains Several New Bargains In Homes. A $1,500 value for $1,200, bringing In 12 per cent now. FARMS.STOCK RANCHES, GRAZING LANDS E. T. STAPLES A CLEAR SKIN Women do not have to patroni the beauty parlor (or if their ski is disfigured with pimples an blotches and thei blood is i: disordo I theyshoul obtain a the dru store tha I wonder f)u blood toni and altera tive of Di Pierce' which h public over 60 years ago. Sino that time many thousands o Ben and women have testified to it wonderful blood cleansing: effect This is what one woman says: Chehalis, Wash. "I have usa Doctor Pierce's medicines for ove forty years for myself and famil; uid have always found them jus is representfd. I think Dr. Pierce' iolde.i Medical Discovery for I nic and blood builder cannot lx 3eat; and Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pel ets have no equal for constipation n fact. I can heartily recomment tny and all of Dr. Pierce's remedies , My daughter had chronic con itipation from babyhood and doc rs could not cure her. Dr. Pierce'i ?leasant Pellets is the only thinj iiat ever helped her." Mrs. Jen m K. Swofford. 1320 Alfred St Real Estate Homes and acreage. Farms and . . Stock Ranches. AH Kinds of Oood Insurance Ashland Agents of Abstract Co. m Billings Agency - Established 1883. Classified FOR SALE For less than cost , of the Improvements, 200-acre farm, fully equipped, 45 acres cultivated. Consider good resi dence -property or acreage to' $2,500 or $3,000; bal. terms to - suit purchaser. Price and full description on application. Write owner, Chas. L. Wlmer, Myrtle Creek, Oregon. 9-1 mo FOR SALE 80 acres, If or 18 in cultivation; water right; 5-room house; large barn; other build ings; family orchard nnd ber ries. $3000. Bert Johnson, Williams, Oregon. 9-3 NOTICK FOR FINAL HEARING. riiiiii In the County Court In and for tha i County of Jackcon, State of Ore-' gon. ; In the Matter of the Estate ot Adel-. bert Mooredeceased: Notice Is hereby given tbst tliJ undersigned administrator bu (il'-d 1 in the said Court his tinal account In the matter of his administration of the said estate and the Honorable O. A. Gardner, Judge ot the said Court, has designated December 11, 1920, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the Court House in Jacksonville, Jack son County, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing any objections thereto; any person having objections to suid account Is hereby required to -make uucli objection on or be fore the date ot suid hearing. ROY R. DRAKE, 10-4-WeJ . Administrator. , NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL At cut NT. In n? County Court of the County i of Jackson. State of Oreeon. ...... iu inn juuiihp ui iuu cuiuie ui milium M. .Abbott, deceased. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: the Court in Jackson County, Oregon, and the Honorable u. a. Gardner, Judge of the said Court, has desig nated Saturday the 18th day of De- ceniber. 1920. at 10:00 o'clock a. m.. !' Court HoUBe ln Jacksonville, uregon, ior a neanng un ins sum ii mil account. Any person having an: objection theroto is required to file such objec tion on or before the time of the said heuring. SYLVENUS S. ABBOTT. 12-4-Wed Executur. NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT. I Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has filed the final account of his administration of the estate Of Ellen I. Wella, deceaced, in the County Court ot Jackson County, Or egon, and that the Judge of said court has designated December 18th, 1920, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock a. m., at tho courthouse In Jackson ville, said county, as the time and place for hearing objections to :-nd tbe settlement of said account. W. J. MOORE. 12-5 Administrator. GUARDIAN'S SALE. Notice Is hereby, Riven that pur suant to an order of the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Jackson, made and entered on tbe 16th day of Octo ber, 1920, I will, from and after the 2nd day of December, 1920, sell, at private sale, forcash in hand, all of the right, title and Interest thut Lee Truett Waters and Elsie Elizabeth Waters, minor children of 'Annie Wuters, deceas ed, have In and to the following described reul property, to-wlt: - - Beginning at the Intersection of the southerly side line ot Nob Hill stc-iI and the wastsrl- Hue of Al mond street In t;i- Nob Hill Ad ditlon to the City of Ashland, Ore gon, thence ln a southerly direc tion along the westerly line of Al mond street a distance of 70 feet; thence south 68 deg. 40 tain, west arallel to Nob Hill street 125 feet; thence northwesterly parallel to Almond street 70 leet to street; thence north 58 deg. 40 m In. eust a distance of 125 feet to the place of beginning, being lot 10 and a strip of laud 10 Teet wide off the northwesterly side ot lot 9 in the Nob Hill Addition to the City of Ashland, Oregon. Also, beginning at the intersec tion of thn southerly side line of Nob Hill street, and the westerly side line' ot Almond street in the Nob Hill Addition to the City of Ashland, Oregon; thence in a southerly dlrectlon'along the west erly line of Almond street 70 feet to the point of beginning ot the land herein conveyed; thence run ning south 24 deg. 18 mln. west along said Almond street 6 feet to stuke for corner; thence west erly to a point which is south 68 deg. 40 min. west 60 feet from the place of beginning; thence north 58 deg. 40 mln. eat 60 feet to the place of beginning. Dated and first published this 3rd day ot November, 1920. H. L. WATERS, 10-4 -Wed Guardian. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the Slats ot Oregon, for the County ot, Juckson. Mary R. O. Freeman, Plaintiff, vs. A. L. Freeman, Defendant. To A. L. Freeman, the ubove-nam-ed defondant: -In tbe Name ot the State of Ore gon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint In the above entitled cause within six weeks from the date of the .'first publication ot this Summons, .which date is October 20th, 1920, land If you full to so answer or otherwise appear, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In her complaint, to wit; A decree for the dissolu tion of the bonds ot matrimony be tween plaintiff and defandant; 'awarding plaintiff the care, sua tody and control ot the minor child of plaintiff and defendant, Edwin J. Freeman; decrseing plaintiff to be the owner in fee Simple of the real property par ticularly described In plaintiff's complaint, now on tile with the Clerk of the above entitlod court; for costs and disbursements ot suit, and for such other and fur ther relief as to the court may seem Just and equitable. This Summons Is served upon you by publication thereof, for six consecutive weeks in the Weekly Ashland Tidings, pursu ant to an order of the Honorable F. M. Calkins, Judgo of the above entitled court, mado and entered on the 16th day of Oetober, 1920. W. J. MOORE, Attorney for Plaintiff. P. O. Address, Ashland, Oregon. .8-7 Sl'IT TO RKFORM DEEDS AND TO QUIET TITLE. 8UMMONH. In the Circuit Court ot tbe State 'of Oregon, in and for Jackson County. Irving F. Finley and Bertha C. Finley, husband and wife, plain tiffs, vs. J. R. Wick and C. E. Wick, his wife, D. Peroui and Louise A. Perossi, his wife. Peter A. Nel son and Anna C. Nelson, his wife, C. J. Brady and Jennie B. Brady, his wife, and any and alt persons claiming aa interest in the property hereinafter de scribed, known and nnknown, defendants. To Peter A. Nelson and Anna C. Nelson, his wife and any and all persons claiming an interest In the property hereinafter de scribed, known and unknown; defendants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREOON: . YOU and EACH OF YOU are hereby summoned and required to answer the cgmplalnt of the plain tiffs on file In the office of the county clerk in and tor the Coun ay of Jackson, Oregon, within six week from the date of tbe first publication ot this Summons it served upon you by the publication thereof, and withm six weeks from the dute of its service upon you, f served personally upon you wlth-y out the state of Oregon, and if' you fall to answer in said cause Within said time the plaintiffs will apply to the court for thj relief demanded in the eald compluint, to-wlt: For reformations ot deed relat ing to and the quieting ot the ti tle to a triangular tract of lund on the south side of High street at its Intersection with Granite street In the City ot Ashland, Ore gon, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection ot the south side line of High street with the west side line ot Orantte street In the City of Ash land, Jackson County, Oregon; thence northwesterly along tbe southerly side line of High street 206 feet more or less to the east erly side of alley; thence south westerly along the easterly side line ot alley 105 feet more or less to the northerly northwe.H corner of the Grainger lot; thence southeasterly along the northerly line ot the Grainger lot 2C4 feet more or less; thence northeasterly on the west line ot Granite street 16 feet more or less to the place ot beginning. -and for such pther relief as to the Court may seem proper. By order of the Hon. F. M. Cal kins, the Judge of the suid Court, made and dated on October 20. 1920, the Summons is served upon by the publication thereof and by said Order you are required to answer tbe same within six weeks from the dute of the first publi cation ot this Summons. BRIOGS ft Bitinns, . By E. D. BHIGCH, Attorneys for Plaintiffs, Ashlund, Oregon. First Publication: October 27. 1920. -9-6-Wed TAX FORECLOSURE. Summons for Publication In Fore. ' closure of Tux Lien. Ill the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon, for-jHckson County. City of Ashland, a municipal cor poration, Pluintiff, vs. W. W. Diuke and Mrs. W. W. Diuko und also all other per sons cluimlhg any right, lltln, lien or interest in unci to the real property inolved herein. Defendants. TO: W. W. Drake and Mrs. Druke -and also all other persons claiming tiny right, title, Hen or Interest In and to the reul prop erty Involved herein, the ubovo named Defendants: In the Name of the State of Ore gon: You and each ot you are . hereby notified thut the City of Ashland is the owner and holder of Certificate of Delinquency No. 5121 In the amount of $10.16 dat ed June 1, 1917; also Certificate of Delinquency No. 5521 in tho amount of $14.86 dated Juno 1, 1917; also Certificate of Delin quency No. 6958 in the amount of $11.53 dnted June 1, 1917 and issued for delinquent taxes for tbe years 1912, 1913, 1914 re spectively by the sheriff and tux collector of Jnnkson County, Ore gon; that said taxes were upon real property assessed to W. W. Drake, which said real property is situated and described as fol lows, to-wlt: That certain parcel and piece of property described in Volume 89 on Page 43, Deed Records of Jf-ckson County. Oregon, the sane being a parcel located nt the cor ner of "B" Street mid Mountain Avenue, in the City of Ashland, County of Jackson, State of Ore gon. You are further notified that said City ot Ashluiid, huB puid taxes on said premises tor prior or subsequent years, with the rate ot interest on. said amounts as fellows: Years Tax. tax of 1915; date paid, Sept. 15, 1919; receipt No. 13599; amount, $12.18; int. rate, 12 per cent. Years tax, tax of 1916; dute paid; Sept. 15, 1919; receipt No. 13689; amount, $12.79; Int. rule, 12 per cent. Years' tax, tux of 1917; dute paid, Sept. 16, 1919; receipt No. 23214; amount, $9.76; Int. rate, 12 per cent. Years tux, tax of 1918; date paid, Sept. 15, 1919; receipt No. 13690; amount,' $8.61; int. rate, 12 per cent. Total amount of taxes paid since dnte of Certificates of Delinquency, $43.34. Said W. W. Drake, as the owner ot the legal title o' the above de scribed property as the same ap pears of record, and eachof the other persons above named are hereby further notified that the City of Ashland will apply to the Circuit Court ot the County and State aforesaid for a decree fore closing the lien against the prop erty above described, and men tioned In said certificate. And you are hereby summoned to up- . pear within sixty days after tho first publication of this summon. exclusive of the day of said first publication, and defend this ac tion or pay the amount due as above shown; together with cost sr.d accrued Interest, and in caso of your failure to da so. a decree will be rendered foreclosing the lien ot said taxes anr1 costs against the land and premises above named. ; This summons Is published by order of tbe Honorable F. M. Cal kins, Judge of tha Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon for the County ot Jackson and said order was made and dated this 16th day ot October, 1920, nnd the date nf the first publication ot this sum mons is the 20th day ot October, 1920. - All process nnd papers in this proceeding may be served upon the undersigned "residing within tha State of Oregon at the address hereafter mentioned. WM. M. BRIOGS. Attorney Tor Plalntlf. Address: Wm. M. Briggs, Ploaecr . Block, Ashland, Oregon. 8-6