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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1920)
WttinefttW? November 31, 1046 A&ttuim tramt tttwtot . fUMifuiu; LOCAL AND PERSONAL MONDAY'S MCWtt Mrs. S. VanNoy la In ABhland from the nortb, and Is visiting with Mrs. Henry Reld. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Wright and R. M. BurrlB, parents and brother of Mrs. W. L. Headley, have come from Canada and will make their home in ABhland. A. Schuerman, the Gold Hill mer chant, was up over Sunday spending the day with bis family here. Mrs. Ada Stannard, Mrs, Celia Lib- by. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Clark were gu its of Mr, and Mn. Wesley Steel lii ..a of Gold Hill, Sunday. These .people were former Minnesota friends and neighbors. Mr. and Mr. Henry Reld have se cured the Provost residence on Oak street, where they wlll live during the coming winter. They expect to move there In a week or two. Mrs. Albert Neison and little son of Dunsmulr are spending a week In Ashland, guests of Mrs. I. R. Bate man of Vista street. Unsettled Jind occasional rains, with normal temperature, Is the weather promised-for the Pacific coast states for 'the coming week by the United States weather bureau! Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Proctor of ICu gene spent several days during the past week at the homes of Mrs. Proc tor's aunt, Mrs. J. N. Dennis on Alli son street, and her cousin, Mrs. J. L. Oskar of Morton street. Mr. and Mrs. Proctor formerly owned a groc ery store In Eugene, which they- re cently sold, And are now on their way to California for the winter. , Following are guosts from' points north stopping at tho Austin: Mrs. L. Vanlng, Fred W. Bland of Port land, M ii r !m II Hooker of Salem, Mrs. C. S. M. Henderson of Albany. ' Mrs. Hunt, who has been the guest of bor daughter, Mrs. Will M. Dodge, left Suturday night for her home in Portland. - Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gavin are back from a two months' visit with friends and relative in Baker. Mr. unci Mrs. W, W. Savage, uncle mid aunt of Mrs. I.. 8. Brown, arriv ed Saturday evening from Salem and will spend a few days In the city as the hitter's guests before continuing on their journey south. . The body of .the lute t'rof. Mac Murray, whoso death occurred at San Jose several days ago, arrived in Grants Pass Friday. Funeral services were held Sunday from the Methodist church and inteiment made at the Masonic cemetery. Mrs. C. Wlllenbach ,ind Mrs. Swan- son were guests of friends in Centrul Point Saturday. J. T. Fry was down from Trull Saturday. He nays In plowing the past week be plowed under thous ands of grasshoppers that were just large enough to bop. This is the first time In 72 years he has ever obsorved grasshoppers that hatched in the fall. Mr. Fry pays this means a light winter. Med ford Mall-Trl liune. The following from Sail Francisco slopped over Sunday at the Hotel Austin;- J. P. Kessler, H. Lee and wife and E. A. Long and wife. Oth er Californlans also ut the Austin were A. W, Coopor of Weed, H. Boyer of Dunsmulr, II. S. McVlcar of Brawley. t . Rev. W. E. Boan, who has been pastor of the local Christian church for the past year, left yesterday for California, where he expects to lo cate. The resignation of Mr. Bean from the Christian church leaves that pulpit vacant for the present. George F, Osbournc, who has been stationed at Dunn's Cunip on the Pa cific highway south of Ashland, was in the city for the week end. SATURDAY'S NKWS F. E. Frltsche and family and H. M. Buston of Portland were over night guests at the Hotel Columbia. Mr. and Mtb. R. A. Bogue started todav in their new Ford for Cotton wood, Calif., to spend Jhe hofidays with relatives. The former has been In the employ of the A. Giebisch con struction company on the Oreen Springs mountain highway the past summer and during that time Mr. and Mrs. Bogue have resided in Ashland. ' The First National Bank hns of fered a prize of $10 to the boy or girl making the highest score in the judging of the poultry at the Winter Fair and poultry exhibition to be held at the Ashland Armory, Decern her 2, 3 and 4. R. N. Culley, Guy Bluck and Or ALL KINDS OF Barb Wire, Dandy Cedar Posts and Yew anchor posts in carload lot ar- . rived. Plows -and tractor tools of all kinds. Helder Tractors. New and Second Hand Sewing Machines for sal or rent, at PEIL'S CORNER ' BY THE PARK villa Allison of Roseburg wore Ash land visitors over night. " Guests stopping at the Hotel Aus tin are W. A. Goldsmith of Oregon City, Kan V. Brunke and Will Hart ot New York, J. M. Klied of Shirley. Colo., J. Shulton of Los Angeles and Ben Frank and wife of Spokane.1 Mr. and Mrs. 0, B. Turner expect to leave tomorrow morning for points la California. They will visit tbe former's mother at Los Angeles, then stop with relatives and friends at Glendale, San Francisco and Sacra mento on their way home. Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Bromley, Mr. and Mrs. R, E. Bratton and Mrs. H. E. Allison comprise a party who were recent visitors In Ashland. Mrs. E. C. Pettlt and son Leonard have moved this week from Manza nita street, where tbey have been liv ing since returning to Ashland, and are now occupying a suite of rooms In the Freeburg building on East Main street, Word has Just coma to Rev. Koeh ler that Rev. A. J. Bowen of the South Africa Mission, which was founded by tho eminent religious scholar, Andrew Murray, is to stop over In Asbllnd on his way to Port land. He will apeak In the Presby terian church Wednesday evening, December 1. There will be no ad mission and no offering. ' Sheriff Terrill left last night for Salem with seven prisoners who have been sentenced to serve terms of var ious lengths In the state penitentiary. The sheriff was accompanied by Dep uties McMabon and Schroeder, nnd the prisoners were handcuffed to gether In the smoking apartment, where they were to ride all night. Some apprehension was fult that friends of the prisoners might at tempt a rescue, and much relief was experienced when the sheriff got his charges on board the train. Petitions for an extension of water rights on Bear reek in Jackson county were filed with the state water board, in session at Salem on Wed nesday by the Rogue River Canal company, the Medford irrigation rls trict and the Talent irrigation dis trict. Protest against the extension of time to the Talent district were entered by the Rogue River companv and the Medford -district and the Tal ent district countered with a protest against tbe petition of the other two organizations. The petitions and pro tests have been taken under advise ment. Medford Mall-Tribune. , j 'I W. J. Wright of Prinerille arrived i last night to make an extended visit i with his brother, J. V. Wright, at the; latter's home on Mountain avenue. j Mr. Wright came In on tralu No. 10. t which was very late, and greatly! surprised his brother's family by reaching their home ut 2 o'clock in, the morning. I W. F. Sullinger of Talent was a business visitor in Ashland this fore noon. Mr. Sullinger reports the heavy rains of the week have put a stop to farm work, but will be ex tremely good for the land. He stale the irrigation ditch from Bear creel. . has plenty of water In It now. j J. H. Dyer, general manager of the Southern Pacific company, pas-1 sed through Ashland yesterday, ii ' his private car, Belmont. J Mr. Carlson of Salem, supervising) mechanic of the highway commbxloiij has been In Ashland this week, look ing over tbe highway work in I Ms vicinity. M. W. Hanel, an employe of, the telephone company, and James Bir rett are purchasers of nuw Ford road sters from the looal Ford ngr-ixv of Harrison Brothers. WEDNESDAY'S NKWS The following Portland men nre registered at tbe Hotel Columbia: C. H. Francis, L. H. Prown, E. Bell, H. R, Wright and A. G. McClune. Arthur Parkhurst, manuger of the Crater lake lodge, was an Ashlund visitor yesterday afternoon. Ashland lodge of Elks luri subscrib ed fire (5 memberships to tho Red Cross roll call which Is being taken in Ashland 'at this time. The funeral of the late Mrs. J. C. Gibson will take place tomorrow, Thursday, afternoon instead of Wed nesday as announced yesterday. Ser vices will be held from the Dodge undertaking parlors with interment in the Odd Fellows plot of the Ash land cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Ashcraft, who are building a home on the sailor's homestead claim tbe farmer hat tak en up on Union creek, were ln Ash land shopping yesterday. They tate they are pleasantly located at their new home, and the weather is much warmer there than at this end of the valley. They are erecting a log cabin in which to live temporarily through the winter. On tbelr re-! turn last evening Mr. and Mrs.' Ash craft took their children back with them. . The mules and men which were taken off the work here last Sat urday night are being sent to Cali fornia, where they will be used by the Shattuck construction company on Other contracts. Tbe work which was forced to be done by the mules was completed Saturday aud the While In the .city Mr. Gibson wasjweek for Long Bench, Calif., wherei mules laid off. Last night 66uhead the guest of his sister, Mrs. Bertjhe expects to locate during the com-1 were shipped to Lathrop, Calif., tojSmlth. He left for his horns this lug winter. Mr. Landgrave's prop be used on work on the right of way I mornlug. ' erty on Factory street wss' sold. by th Southern Pacific. Eighty head are to be sent to Hornbrook for! the same work. Eight head will b I kept at the dam. -Grants Pass Cou - rier, v 4 Guests from the state of Wash ington In Ashland over night stop ping at tbe Hotel Austin are Charles Null and wife and Miss Marguerita Null of Centralia;' Mrs. Elaine S. TJooke and W. S. Knight ot Spokane. Other guests from the northern part ot the state are J. P. Richardson, W. R. Thomas and Mrs. Pauline Moore Riley of Portland, J. S. Dusenbury of Salem, F. L. Hlffren of Eugene. At tbe Intercollegiate contest new last week at the Northwest uvestocK show at Lewlston. Idaho, the Ore- gon Agricultural college student live- stock Judging team were winners. Raymond Badger, son of Mr. and ; Mrs. H. E. Badger ot this city, was, one ot the judges on the winning, team-- t , , Miss Ethel Montgomery arrived In Ashland yesterday from Idaho and wlll spend the winter with her broth- er, Frank Montgomery who ha. been in the employ of the Southern ciflc company dullng the past sum-1 Hotel polumbla guests are W. E.i Itarker of Seattle. Jas. O'Donuell and F. E. Heath of Alaska. W. B.noo, wuh ReV. Wa,,er L. Evan, 0,!Wenatchee and Sidney H Newell of, Erickson of Siskiyou. Street Commissioner C. W. Fraley .,lf ,a Iauvo II. a fnr:. aTt of nexrnVontn f Jan extended! M' C' - o( V" '" ,A"W' trip through California. At the meet-. , obseoules '"eaker l ,he count' "nveutlou Oecember 2 S and 4 together w. h Ing of council last night Mr. Fraley Q" ! of the Women', Home aud Foreign! tho W.nter Fair. It Is expected the asked for a leave of absence from Mrs. M. A. Saxmun of Los Angeles, Mhwlonary Societies ot the Methodist . renlMt number of Soathern Oregon four to six weekB, beginning Decem-!Who has been visiting In Seattle andiiurcu whlch Wlla ln seS91011 ia MeJ- pe01 0 ga 1 Asnlana 0,1 ber i, which was granted. . Tacoma for tome time, wlll stop off' 'ord. n'l W-dwadny ot iese dates that has ever assembled in Ashland this evening and be thejtbl" week. She gave an Interesting; u a similar occasion and the bene Mrs. S. L. Allen is expecting the guegt 0j, Wfs g L Aen durng ,.! description of Honolulu, which city ;t to the breeders of flno fowls will arrival of a guest this afternoon, Mrs. comjng week Mrs axman nail .! she visited last winter while on her Be vel'v reut. Ida A. Taylor of Milwaukee, Wis., numuer of acquaintances In this city ay to New Zealand with an Ellison-! ""y re to be "")e D' who will spend the cpmlng yenr-lnjwh0 recan her and her husband as' White Chautauqua company. th0!,a wll miva "'' place.l Ashland. Mrs. Tavlor was a visitor:.. u- ..... ..., . ; a exhibits in the poultry show, but a . . . to this city several years ogo and has been unxlous to return. O. h. Clement of Danville, Ark., is; stopping at the Hotel Austin while; in Ashland. Other guests there In elude B. H. Williams and E. Kower of San rrancisco, . v. nunwn Berkeley and E. 0. Woodruff of Los Angeles. , . T 1 ... I ... , ,. , ... eii Paul Williams, a tormer wen known Ashland young man, is ing friends in this city, after spend - ing the past two yeurs in the east. c.n w. tmnosed yesterday upon the men convicted of the hold up of the freight train at Siskiyou, by Judge F. M. CalklnJ. Tbe heaviest penulty was meeted out to D, H. Bearks, held to be 'the ring leader of the gang, who was given a( sen tence of 12 years. Clarence E. Mc Dade was given a sentence of 11 years and D. H."'McGlown 10 years. All three are under 25 yean of age. C. L. Hanson wa? n business vls- nor in aiwuiiiu Mrs. Margaret Dill has a fine write- j up. in last Sundays' Portland Journal of Miss Alice Robertson, the newly .liuital wnmnn pnnrrMHmtn from Oklahoma. Miss Roberts ts a per- sonal friend of Mrs. Dill, a. she has counted" her among her friends since her girlhood. A party of the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph company consisting of R. F. Carpenter, James Evans, P. F. Foley, E. E. Thomas and C. T. Small are In Ashland this week in the interests of their company. N John Pride, the- colored man who conducted the shoe chining depart ment In the Henry & Costello barber shop on East Main street, died this morning at the county poor farm where he had been taken a week ago, after a sickness lasting about six weeks. No details of his burial have been learned. He Is survived by one brother in Kentucky. Much excitement was created on the streets this week by the appear ance of botlt D. Perozzl and Postmas ter E. J. Kulser shorn of their mous taches. Whether this event marks the payment of the traditional elec tion bet or not, both men appear pretty well camouflaged by the dis appearance of their hirsute adorn ment. Ashland experienced tho greatest rainfall that has occurred here this year during the past twenty-four fell heavily all night and . ,nn .W. of veslerdar afternoon. 1 I mmmm I ' FRIDAY'S XKWS ' nas ' i ',een 'n '"e f0"n"r Ja" 0n ,be '""ge Miss Anna Kopp. private secretarvjof mait witn , deadly weapon . for Jesse Wlnburn, the new owner: tranmen n a passeager train, was of the Hotel AustinIs making a. adJudpd ,ane by a jury yesterday business trip to Portland this week. ln0rnlng. and will be remanded Sat- urday. Doctors who riamined- Theo- Among the guests from a ' dMan dor for his aanlty pronounced him ' at the Hotel Austin are 8. A. -White-1 . ' side and wife of Onarga. III... Sidney j II. Newall of S'i'tlle, F. D. Lldyard of South Dakota, Norris Parent ofj San Francisco and G. Hall Buher of' Berkeley. Mr. and Mr,. J. C. Snider of Grant. "-. - 'T"' ' ' the whereabouts of Philip Forester. One can to best pen Plymouth Rocks, i Pass were over nirbt visitors in A,n-r" - - "-' " ' V . Dallas George Anderson, the forger j one can to best ren White Leghorns. Und returning to their bom. tbi.Jn I . and , day with y , morning. i.t. . ..j t ..,.' nti.. AnA tn ui nn nhn a I 1 ' WHO is CIUU aim r:iini II .Mil I HO ; hii " fw " " ( . . W. R. Landgrave, who with bit! Jail Saturday night. The county ail-! Island Reds, one ran to best pen; was In Ashland th's week, called here family has been resident of Ash - by the death of Mrs. J. C. Clbson.,land for the past summer, left this Mrs. W. U. Bartges leuves today ! for Albany to visit her daughter,. Mrs. J. W. Bosqul. Before returning Mrs. Burtges will visit another daugh-. .ter, Mrs. u. a. crown, si iiuamooa, and her sister, Mrs. R. M. McClary ; at Multnomah. She expects to be, gone about three weeks. ; Uuests at the Hotel Columbia, com - prise N. Fraser and wife, C. R. Woll - sen and wife, Arthur L. Cofgtns andjter, Dolores, of Llber'y avenue, have; .The Neldu was closed down Sunday1 J. H. Hatton ,of Dunsmulr, W. R.jgoen to Minnesota to spend the wln-'and Monday mornlnf Mr. Avery took I Ulen, M. A. Williams and V. V. Hll-'ter with Mrs. Sullivan's mother. possession of the Home Restaurant.' big of Portland, - $ , Today a largo force of plumbers and ' j Mr. and Mrs. J. K. McLaren will carpenters are engaged In the reuiov-j Mrs. Clifford Payuo was in Talent .leave the latter part of the week for in .of fixtures' and furniture of the! today, spiadlng the dny as the guest of Mnl, w. h. Breese. ; visit for a short time with their child- 4 ;reili Mr and Ml1, cha8 Robert,,,,,, W. G. McDonald, proprietor of the; ' Rogue Elk hStel situated on the Cra-, s A Pete Jr ( bf tfl9 CitUeu(1 ter Lake road near Trail, has closed jn ,)rce hs, been laid up at home, his hostelry for the season and withwth slckneM for tho pogt two or his wife has. come to Ashland to1 thrf9 days spend the winter, air. McDonald is I located In the Cltlzena Bank building,. whera ue wlll conduct a cla. In pain,ng during the winter months, j He expect, to make extensive addl- ,Ion. to th9 Rogue Elk hotel In the Pa-jBprg to nccommodate the tourist travel next summer. Tho funeral of the late Mrs. J. C.i Gibson was held from the Dodge un - ,npiklnr nnrlnm veaterrtnv nff.r. the Rantlst church officiating In ' terment was made in the Odd Fel - , ,owg piot of Agh,and cemetery. ........ III1U11B HIO 11IB1. 1U1031UUU1 lt3n in A lit H I ; k whBrB th. latter . . . eral years ago. - ' ' 4 . Arguments to the demurrers fllpd n (he lndictmentg wm not be neard before Judge F. M. Calkins of tho! circuit court for a week or ten days. Demurrers were filed In the cases of a true bm returMe, , ,h ; session of the era nd iurv. and thosa against Mrs. Mrytle Ulakeley, county . , v t.i. . pre8ldet o( ,he Rank of Jacksonville.1 '"R the trial. Another point In his J. II. Priest will exhibit nn extra . p d ofjfuvor to be considered, It is stated,Hn "hod.. Island lted rooster, n . ,nAUtmA i. ,,e fuct that he was convicted on close second to a turkey In size. Oth- "e returned. Medford Mall - Trl - buno. A 4 I Mrs. J. H. Thomas of Sacramento flowing last night, due principally toj fowls, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. . H. thft ,Hct thut n number of Shrlnors All poultry must be turned in not Ketchum, at the latter's home oni'1'0"1 distance had arrived to at-, later than 9 o'clock p in., Wednos Helman street. She expects to inakei1'""' the autumn ceremonial a.i'l lu I day. December 1. and will be cared an extended visit in the citv. leugaged rooms ahead. Many tourists' for by the association until noon. I)e- 'while driving through by mo'or are ceniher B. Kerr, Clifford & Co., of The state bank examiner paid :ij stopping at the hotels at dur-'Portland, will provide feed and an visit to the Citizens Bank today look- ing this season rather than nttempt-j expert to attend all poultry during Ing over the business affairs of that Ing to cainp nut. Every lodt,li?, l'tms:lhn show. Institution. Mn the city was filled w'tli.lhe over- In order to keep the exhibit from A A 'flnn r.u,n tha kntcla rVin llli, liullllk ftllf.H llV linn, Pl'llHlW tit llnlll- Mr aud Ml.8- Andrew liali of jj... sil have arrived in Ashland and have rented the Harry Reed property. formerly known as the Phlpps house. Mr. and Mrs. Hall expect to remain ln "'4' loca,," "" The body of the late Mrs. Hazel Brown, whose death from pneumonia occurred at Red Bluff, Tuesday night, was brought to Ashlaud yes- terday morning and funeral services, ng store. He is taking that-out In were held from the Slock undertak-idav and will fit It un In his new Iocj- Ing parlors at 2 o'clock yesterday af - ternoon, conducted by Rev. C. A. Edwards. This is the third funeral Mr. Edwards has officiated at In Mr. and Mrs. . V. Carter have that family within the past eleven j returned from a week's visit In Port-' months. The others were the son land. ! of Mrs. Brown, and her father, the' . lute P. N. Butcher. . j Mrs. Meikle, who has been tho guest! t of Ashland friends for the past weck Portland visitors to Ashland at 'or two, left yesterday fur ltedding, the Hotel Austin are, R. B. Scarlett, I where she wlll be joined by ber bus- George R. Stott, John Stovenson and j band. After visiting for s few days; T. E. O'Conner. The following from; In that city they will return to thelri Eugene are also registered there: Alex W. Swiss, Sam B. Moslier, E. Turpenny and wife. A couple of hoboes enguged in an rltorcatiou ou tho street last ni;;ht. They were sep.irt.ted by the night patrolman aud fold their absence from the city was more to be desired than tbelr company,. They moved on. i day and will conduct a fine up-to-a Southern Oregon district for the H. J. Richardson of Klamath Fulls date grocery at that location. i purpose of more closely uniting the was in Ashland over night. Mr.!" m i churches and co-operating In evangel- Richardson was among the number! A !t -pound baby girl arrlve'd nt ; Istdtion iuid extension work. C. F. who were Inducted Into Hlllah Tem-i,hB hme ot Mr. and Mrs. Ivan F.U , . . secretary, was pie of the Mystic 8hrine at tbe cere-: moni",s la"t nKht II ... Th ...(! jica lt & r - I. L. i guilt. THURSDAY'! NEWH , Mrs. Anna Johnson of Vancouver.! if -u A . no nrw ciuri Ua ucvniiimi nn n pmiin..i.. - ... - - I through the" Beaver Realty company before he left ths city. E. J. Mundy of Los Angeles and. L. A. Woodwortb ot Loomis are i among the Hotel Austin guests to-.1 day from California. F. M. Brookuililer Is ill with pueu-! monla at his borne ou Morton street, 1 i Mrs. Jack Sullivan and little daugh-: Southern California, vrhere they will . i businesses, Mr. Avery believes he can 1 The cw Pord 0araga ,11Hk,ngjproduce a belter gervce with more' ,.,, progresli 0wlng , tne fln9l dUpatch for more reasonable prices, weatuer th, fall buliain( wag no,;ano witn overhead. A defective' oelayed for any engtn o( and;flue at , Nelda wa, on of ,,: man coa,ructlon work D(Wi r,asons for the recent change. Mr.j comple(ed. The crew of carpenters1 Avery said today. I Is now engaged on the Inside work, ' vr u n u in ucisift iu9ucu iupiui; muu. ; . I mr Huu M- l'auD' 01 1 I Seattle were among tho Washington i I tnnplata fitnnnlnv nAf nlvlit thA . 1:. . , . " " " , A!Hotel AuHtlD Plans are being made to circulate! i " P',itlou 80m0 "art8 of tlie cou"" ty in behalf of David Bearks, the ' Southern Pacific brukeman, who was i lecently convicted on the charge of lar'c'na""K 'u "la boldup of a quir ist of hoboes ou a fright train n libera fowls which are conceded to Siskiyou, und was sentenced this be among the finest In the valley, week to a ten of 12 years in the Mrs. W. M. Barber will enter some penitentiary, llearks leaves n wile I nd llttle boy' wllose !"'" "'' i.. ,......tu..i.. i. .1.. , . .i.. led eitensivelv in the court rooi.i dur- . " "" v . ',r,,-,B. a, The local hotels were filled to over - E. W. Flackus of the Shasta groc ery, located on tbe corner of Fouith and B streets, has leased tho store j room lately occupied by 1,. Gartner! at 383 East Main street, and Intends to move his stock to that location' somewhere about December 1. Mr Flackus has also purchased the shelving in the vacant store room for merly occupied by the Ashland Trad 'tion preparatory to establishing his' fh. mn.,th home in Berkeley, Calif. Mrs. D. R. Cqnner was called to, Oakland yesterday to join hnr hus band, who preceded hefthere last week on account ot the sic ku ess of his father. The Intter died Saturday. Thomas Hill has purchased thai 'State Exchange store ou East Mulu j street. He took possession yester-1 Br'uner of Oakland. Cullf.. October I H, accoroing 10 announcement inai ; 'have reached Ashland. Mrs. Dinner , t. i I 1 1 . . . wiu or muieruimr us .u Reynolds. j . .1 Another one of those popular '""J '""" dancing parties will be given t the Armory, Saturday evening. : ,ne music being in charge of the new ''""n'T Novelty OrcbesM of Med-1 The.. Armorr .Main, .re he-l coming more snd more popular each week and are drawing a large . tendance from all parts of the val- lev- j thoritles fear he has msde a eleanj Black Minorca,. These cans retail at getaway. jl 1.70 per can. NELDA CAFE WW NEW LOC I I R. A. Avery purchased tho Home , Restaurant, Saturday, of Miss Mary Isutherlin, who- is retiring from thni restaurant business, and immediately 1 started arraugoinenta for the conibiu- tag of the Nelda Cafe a'ud. the Home Restaurant. old Nelda Cafe to tho new location at 897 East Main street, where the Home Restaurant formerly was con- ducted. - ,j ,s tue ,ntentlon of , new lr0. prietors to give Ashland the best thev -can produce in the cafe art, and wth the consol,iatioll of ,ne lwo LlCdl iCUiIC Illll n . f. UlSDiaV rOUlU) Much interest is being manifested In tho Sixth Annual Exhibition of . . - n .1 Mnn.. DAnltHlf .W.aAfll- u wiuuitra uiojuu iumj number of local people ure planning ou entering some prize fowls, which Is going to be one of the most In teresting features of the exhibit. Mrs. F. N. Snyder of the llellevlew district will display boiiib llrowu Leg of the fine Rhode Island Iteil fowls for which she is famed In raisin at her homo nil (ll'::llite street. er loeal poultry dealers nre much ill -1 j ii'iesten in tne snow aim are planning i on making exhibits of their choice itrv, an entrance fee of 25 rents will be charged for each rpecimen. fOftUtf nShlBtlQ . , , ' , RZSlQt1il U3Q Mrs. Anna Gleuson died at lhe home ot her duiighter In llurhaiik, Cullf.. November 18, lf2. on her 83rs birthday. The funeral services were hold at the undertaking par- lol lu fi11"1'1"'". a'l Interment made In the Grand View Memorial Park at Burbnnk. . - 1 Mrs. Gleuson lived for a number; of yeurs in Ashlaud, where she was well known to a small'clicle of , friends. she leaves to mourn her loss two daughters, Mrs. Hattle G. Whltmore1 of Burbuuk, Calif., and Mrs. Kitty G. Williams of Pomona, Calif. He 1 busbund, Jasper Gleasou, a well; known resident of Ashland, proceed- ' j ed her to the grave 18 yeurs ago. cilltlSTlAS ( lll'KCJH DF.I.KG.VTKS ATTKM) MEDFORD COX VK.N'TIO.V Delegates from the Ashland Chris Man church attended the meeting in Medford Friday afternoon ut which representatives from the churches of that denominations In tho Rogue n(ver valley organized themselves In I nrB1H.nt Ri,, a M.Vey of Oregon. omrnn for ,llft nHW organization I were elected ns follows: President, a j l,nw of (irunts Pass; vice presl- ,, K wll,a, of Medford; sec- t,uUTr Mr, Cooper of .sj(J, in-le-ates from Ashland ' :,. ,",,,,., ,,,,,, MpA ,.,..,,' Plllm W(,r. preHei,t. The Charles II. Lilly Co. of Port- l'" ' '''" "' Ion cans of Lice Liquid as special pre- mluiiis for the Southern Oregon Poul try Show, held In the Ashland Ar mory December !, 1 snd 4. These THE 1 SA I K DEPOSIT IIOXKH We have Just Installed a new octlon Of Safe De posit lloxes and are asain able to offer boxes forJ rent. Remember, our vault is protected by tho latest and best system of Elec tric Burglar Alarm. 'fyniy SAVINGS 370 v" DEPOSITS, MOTTOES AN' I) PICTURES for the Holidays Just received, a new4line of Mottoes, printed on attractively decorated Bristol Hoard, cov ered with gh'.ss, and framed III jjilt or bronze. MAKE NI'I.KNDll) GU TS. Do Yol ll Slinl-PINCi 1AIII.V AT Poley's Drug Store I'OI.KY A EMI ART DIUGGISTS Supply Your Kitchen With Aluminum Ware Light and Lusting. Pf ovost Bros. HARDWARE THE LARGEST STOCK OF Paints GlilSS and Wall Paper IS SOI THKHN OREGON. Itest Goods and Best Prices. Oel Our Prices. WW. 0. DICKERSON THE PAINT MAN Do you know what Hiker's Expeclorant will do for your cough? If you. want a Cough Medicine that will relievo you and will not upset your stomach, you should try our RIKKK'H KX PKCTORAXT Two Slice. : and AOc. McNair Bros. The Rexall Store