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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1920)
m Historical g8.,ity Auditorium ASHLAND WEEKLY TIDINGS ASHLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1920 OL. XLIV NO. 13 FIRST COMPANY COVXTIES ARE RESPONDING 1 SHRIN-ERa1 PARADK IS BIIMJ GEN A V.iiiid Citizens Turn Out iu Vine. Htylo and Show Their Loyalty to First Company. Many Short WELL TO W. C. T. V. DRIVE Hundreds o( thousands of Tuber culosis Christmas Seals were sent out from the Portland office of the Ore gon Tuberculosis association last week to practically every county in the state, In order that all machin ery may be set up promptly and ev ery agent even In tbo most remote districts may have everything In read- iness for the seal sale which will be gin Wednesday, December l.. Everyone of the thirty counties that have been canvassed for agents for the seal sale by the director, Rob ert W. Osborn, have responded with MIGHTY LIVELY ONE! MEMBERS Ashland has opened her doors to the Shrlners today, In the event of the autumn ceremonial of Hlllah Temple, and the guests are made wel come despite the lowering clouds and occasional spill of rain. These con . .'. enthusiasm. The county public Speeches Win Hearty Applause- h aggoclaUona whlch now exlgt Ilenquct Wiin Hughe fturcr. CROSS ROLL CALL Red Cross Roll Call to date: Mrs. Henry Pace, Captain Mrs. dltions might tend to dampen the 'Livingston, Mrs. B. Walluce, Mrs. A. ardor of any but Shriners, but these! 8. Payne, Mrs. George Briscoe, Mrs. excellent fellows carry sufficient sun-! Sam Jordan, Mrs. Fifleld, Mrs. Coch- shine within their hearts to chase ran, Mrs. Emllv L. Waits, Mrs. Por away all black clouds, whether physi- ter, Mrs. Henry Pace. or temneramentally. Mrs. P. K. Hammond, Captain Ashland Woman 8mall, Mrs. C. -H. NJtckerson, , Mrs. Melissa Ball, Mrs. A. H. Pracbt, r i i n . . W. Nelson, C Wiuns, Mrs. M. L. Pat- J. H. Fuller, Rer. C. P. Kosbler, Mrs. iUUU 61 163 Ot ton,. Mrs. C. A. Cotter, Mrs. A. M. C. F. Koehler, Mrs. J, S. Parson, Mrs. I Purvis, Mrs T M Anderson, Mrs. A. J. H. Fuller, D. L. Ulenn, Miss Ruth Doran, Mrs. J. 11. Doran, Mrs. C. E. Vorus, Mrs. H. G. McCarthy, J. E.j Mortun, Mrs. Emilj' Steveus, Mrs. j Fuller,. Dr. D. M. Brower. Mrs. Ida May Keltz, wife of John Mrs. H. Aikins, Jeuu Anderson. Mrs.! Mrs. J. D. McRae, Captain Mrs. A. Keltz, died suddenly at her home 0. Kins, Mrs. J. P. Dodge, Mrs. C. B. : w. Muxey, Mrs. S. Mitchell, Mrs. 8. on Walker avenue at 11 o'clock Sun Howard, Mrs. Roberta Eveiton, Mrs.jx. Carlton, Mrs. 0. G. Howard, A. L.l'ilay evening. Meningitis was the Ella Oxford, W Pracht, Mrs E Y.'Kamp, Mrs. A. L. Kaiup, Mrs. J. 1 caune of her demise. The deceased Wlug, Mrs. G. H. Wlialey, Miss E.I Hasting, L. Edwards, Mis. R. C.'was 42 yeais of age, and had lived Carson, Miss A. Korcross, Miss V. j Goodman, Mrs. Jeunie Brady, Geo. Iu Ashland for the past seven years. Mannell. Rose, Mrs. Geo. Rose, Mrs. Emma, Funeral services were held from the Mrs. G. M. Frost, Captain Mrs. 1 Kejit, Hurland Severance, Mrs. W. M. Stock undertaking parlors this after- Nothing but unqualified praise was extended to the members of First company, 0. N. 0., and the Chamber of Commerce for the' success attend ing the banquet and reception held In the Elks' Temple, honoring the visit of Colonel George A. White, adjutant general of Oregon, and mem Mertes Gill. Miss Amr Ramsey. Mrs ' Blgelow, Mrs..F. Hanua, Miss Eve-:uoun at 1 o'clock, Rev. A. C. Edwards Hlllah Temple guests and members Ralph Harris, B. F. fltorni, H. R. H Q Anderson. Mrs. Catherine1 lyn Merrill, Frank Merrill, Mrs. C.' officiating, and burial was made in began to assemble from points InjMoore, D. Peroisl, W. E. Pierson, Dr. M00tty Mm, Auua Durham, Mrs. Lau-H. Chamberlaiu, Mrs. Phoebe Wells, the Talent cemetery. Mrs. Kelts is California last night, and all dayj J. 8. Parsons, Rev. P. K. Hammond, n wllley Mr, y O. N. Smith, G. W.jMrs. W. C. Polke, Mrs. 0. Winter, survived by her husband and seven trains and automobiles arriving In Mrs. P. K. Hammond. Pollltt, Mr. and Mrs W H. Bartges.'Dix & Son, Mrs. J. M. Magulre, Mm. 'children, the city-have unloaded members of Mrs. Chattln, Captain Irene Wehr- Mr, , p Rohertson. S.. S. Wilcox, ! McMlchael, Mrs. H. F. Stokes, C. L. . in number of counties, with com-lhg oraer wno have come to have! ley, H. W. Michel, W. R. Williams,! j nersey. Mrs. C. A. Borah. Harry ! Spindler, Mrs. B. Balis, Mrs. A. M. RAll.lioAl) MKX KIDK mlttees In every community, promisel6ne ot their grand good times with. Walter Mlksch, t'nis Hays, Mrs. E. B.' Borah. J O. Marrett. Miss Hazel ! Broughtou, Mrs. J, Duncan, E. R. ! thk sintlN kits' :vt r to be a rltal factor in making tbe!one another at the home Shrine. (Barron, Mrs. B. smitn, a. o. Longer, Bruner, Sam McNair. Harris, Mrs. E. R. Harris, Mrs. En- A class of H, nverwhelinlngly railroad" as to classification, as geul sale more comprehensive thanj Tne ceremonies for afternoon andHarold Bunce, J. W. Bowers, G. R. Mrg y y M(lg ClptuinA Mc .jders, J. L. Baker, J. H. Turner, Joe ever before, thus not i.niy evenlnK are being hold in the Ar- Bungerianu, . . w.,, , . .. Coy M M BrowaIV L. clark, Mn. roor, Mrs. Joe roor, Mrs. j. b. saun-, fu one.hlf tne nunlber cnm, froin the financial returns, but aiding In m0ix wlth a big banquet for the Cornelius. Mrs. 8. Patterson, Mrs. J. H p Ho,mtB A R ders. J. D. McRae, Mrs. F. S. Engle. Dun9lnuir, were cmAmei int0 the the educational work, which is oneishrInerg and shrlneresses In the R. Robertson. J. R. Robertson. Louis; Mn. Sadle Mrs. Angle Engle, Mrs. E. V. Carter. 0. Hlllah -,,. of the prime objects of the campaign.) Elka. TemDie t 6:30 this evening. A. Unverferth, Evelyn Caldwell, C County quotas have been worked : Wnie the brethren are in session the 8. Sllaby, Willard Phllin, W. F. De- out aa follows on a basis of five seals a(lleg wn0 tjve accompanied their Witt, A. 0. Pierce, F. I. Swennlng, Walker, Wm. Stonebraker, Monica! "" "y, . u'cey, rs-1 phrlnei Rt tlie aulllmn ct,reinonlal Reutarla, Prof. I. E. Vlning, Mr. Ja-I c- Winnie, Mrs. W. Nelson, H. S.eld ,n A9hluml y(,stPr(lay arternooii coby, Clyde Young, Mrs. Butcher, Sanford, Mrs. H. 8. Panford, H., ,a9t nW an(, tie event wag per capita, which snlo will be noces- j,nhands here are being entertained Mrs. F. J. Swennlng, 8. A. Peters, Jr.,! M. ... . hm0 n. n n Moor, Mrs. H. L. Moor, J. A. Ko- H ,fc. . bers of his staff, who were the guests aiT If the present work of the as80-jby the local committees in the Ma-; Sylvan Provost, Mrs N. Cunningham.! Jarvl M'rs , " R hagen, 0. W. Loomli, Mrs. G. W.!04B(1 iuuors heran to gather on the of First comuanr last evening. Cap- elation Is to be continued: Bakor, ,, TmniB i Ed Gattls. John Codamo, W. C. Polk. ... ni-i.. t..... t- o i n Loomis. L.. .. .. of First company last evening. Cap tain Brlggs of the First company had only received a short notice of the visit ot the adjutant general, and he immediately got busy in planning a meeting in order that the public of Ashland might meet the distinguished officer and get in closer touch with the workings ot the National Guard. Through the kind assistance of the I Ed Gattls, John CoJamo, W. C. Polk. I Dwgnt RoyB Mr g; h Loomis. street, all Ashland was alert for the I86.46: Benton. 1087.20; Clacka-: Fouowlne are among the guests, Chas. Meek, O. W. Ross, Mrs. Leavltt,. . .'. c,,Mn.. Mrs. Guy C Jacoba, Captain Mrs. ,fiV',in,, ,., ,,,, who have assembled, the most oi. n. ( .;Ml. ,, Mr3 , Simpson, John w' s' uereau-A- ADDO"-Ml8 llu pany the arrival of these frolicsome whom are accompanied by their ; Rose Patterson. ; Ciause w. , Humphrey. Lee Bet-! M'e-Mrs- N- Thomp.-.ou. Mrs. Frank b ,,, , T , . Mrs. F. F. Whittle, C.Ptaln-E. A. A L A BrUBh Mf ;Merrill. C. L. Loomis. Mrs. 0. C. Jac-: lm.diiy preved llvely !iny (ormM mas, $1,884.90; Clatsop, $1,167.50 Columbia. $698; Coos. $1,112.85; Crook, f 171.20; Curry, $1$1.15; ' wlveg. Deschutes, $481.10; Douglas, $!,- Medford Thomas Moffitt, John F.iAlbert, Effie Brown, W. L. Tinker, ; B,ege, w Q t,Yneb. voo.on; UH.iam, sias; uranj, , Lawrence T . B . Lumsden. F. J. Now- U. u. weisennerger, . o. rnm, pttuiMruii runtll. r v. $274.80; Harney. $199.(10; Hood;maIi R. 8. Holnieg c. h Hutchison, Belle D Songer. Mollle Bonger, T. H.: p"' " ' tton Mr7 Cari m.... mcii. . i.i, ti nnnoci . . m n n or,.i. .miner, r. v. sirauon, sirs, can """"i ii,v,,,i p Anderson. Jann A. 1'orL win, &inun, uu, j. oJ."v., " obs, Mrs. Lottie Pelton. E. P. Creason, ' Jafferson, $160.56; Josephine, ; B t R t stuart. j. D. Rickert, Chamber of Commerce, a banquet $382.75; Klamath, $570.65; Lake,: , . c M . Harry Hubbard. H. J. and reception were planned and the, $199.56; Lane, $1,808.30; Lincoln, Derie. M. Montgomery, E. N. Warner. Mrs. Lettle M. Trnsk, Mrs.' P. J. Kaegl, Ruth Brown, Mrs. N. S. Bul- : linger. Starting out early In the morning when Novice "Billy" Lee was "pul led" on the charge of election fraud r,ins i.uiiwifiii"-.t - '!J. F. Hittson, H. U. rrononcn, ur. w, ..-.-- ! Clara Tavlor M N' I uni C v' utDMi rl posal.; Marion, 2,3i,s.!(s; Morrow, Robert w . 8tearn. O .L .Davidson, El- W. J. Johnson, r. r. yvnittie, ' . " I Mrs. Frank Jordan, W. W If the event Inst evening had been; Muunoman, ii3.74.u, ' Njc0 E M McKeany, J. A. Per- F. F. Whittle, Mrs. Maoei Loomis,; " -- . " Mrs. W. W. Hovenor, H. n..nn..i .ob. .h.,.d it m,1,l not Polk. 1709.05: Shern-nn. 1191 SO: . '. fwio. TioLmnn J W MrHnv. Mrs. 1 10" J- " Loosley, Mrs, lrglnlu. . 0 uiHiiiim iui ... .... il . -....., , , . I'nfls. a. imier w . a. wan. aih , , r t n m i NIim. Carl Nlms. Albert C. Joy. Geo.! " ' . . : l"d on the charge of election o if' V ZVV w r8"'"". Williams, Don Spencer. M""fc T V!ttnd ,ocke1 Ul' ln Jtt"' ,ho A'"'1''tM Prior, Mrs. Connor, H. C. Qatar C. ' Meyer. Ann. Long, Mrs. W. H. Paul. wan lo reallze lh;lt ,, WM F. Phillips. Robert Erwin, Mrs. W.i MrB' - "'' "-jQ. W. Allen, Mn. Dora Hubbard. . n fnr lh ' ,, '..: ..... aim auiuuii,-0 the fact (hat thft 0lv tlin f(J. . Hevener, them (0 (lo waa to tufcn what hofp,. A. Stearns, them philosophically, un rho nioro r.. Tillamook $438.80; Umatilla. $1.- g !j.W. McCoy. Margaret 0. McCoy, ACK""' I'na napie. Vulcanizing Works, Mrs. A.' re .ell ., cn. u .',. 488.90; Wasco, f H. 0; Washing- WiDetrotlt Frank p. n.jKopp. W. B. Pennis.on Dan Conner, J' c "ar J T b-i M,S' Fred KeCl1' ' A' Slm M- "em during the evening's ceremo ton. $1,318.80; Wheeler, $139.56; Hflrmnn nakc, Allison. Mr. Casebeer, Gerald Wenner. J. H.. """ f; t C Hansen. Mrs. J. Fahs, F. D. Wag- ,, hll. . ....... .,.,.. .... Yamhill, $1,020.45. iH,t. . n ,,., . if. faSa. Hardy, C. A. Hagen, Mr, Prior, Mrs. ; '. ' ner. Paul C. Wnaner. Mrs. L. N. Case. ,' L " .u"! . .. ... --. . rtr 1 Airs. rauiHerua. Lauiain Mrs j i . - wnj, num mini, .u.wu-u up m :ic Alfred Lefchor. O. P. Jester. C. H. j C. C. Gammon, A. E. GlehlKch, Walter j Mn, W. H. Leeds, Mrs. A. C. Cm..! pUoB. polt.s, nlalle lo ,lrink a bottta Corson. G. R. Roddy. Florenz Brut-.H. Scholer C. H. Northrup M. Q c m j Mrs. E. H. Wagner. Mrs. Ceo. Ross.'of nli)k at on sw,s, UfHMlnK , ,h, HHor .1 n. Smth. Geo. S. Calhoun, ! u v i. t,.. R. E. Bratton. R. K. Woodson, Lewis ' Margaret Van Dyke, General Interest In tho Ashlan:! .... Ram .T st,n,miell. I Lester Welsenburger. Iai.It ! fn At ilia nAfiilnw whiill Winter Fair and noultnr exhibition ' . ' ... w wnl.i,h n b neden. M u. n. ........ , . -. .j w Kverton, u. . tuiy, Alia h.. " - - nnnn was carried out by a bevy of young, reaL-'.eu iu per cem. r.Hndell I A. Snider. T. B. Cornell, Jones, E.. V. Jones, ai. H. Bins. ' ' ; l'8, M.-s. G. S. Butler, Mrs. F. D.I , elaborate were held in the A,- have been carried out more complete ly, with more successful detail than the affair last evening. Between 250 and 300 guests with t'.e members of First company iu their uniforms, sat down to a sumptuous four-course banquet prepared by the skillful cul inary artist, 'Caterer Donald Dicker son and his corps of helpers. Mrs. H. H. Elhart and Mrs. Eric Weren GHAXITE CITY MEX ARK KKE.VLV INTERESTED ,7h ziPoweli lBarre". Mr. O. C, Murphy, Mrs. W. ?' Mrp U' R88-' ".ilk at one swig, agisting in lh, in. Hani Powell. R y Mrs : Irene Man, Mr,, r. Hill. Miss cUllll, of tlll. 9trwl pi,rillIe. ul, r Ru'lnh' i5 er'ne Ra'". K. Burnhouse.i ,ll6f, ",'"'' ''r01tz'. every other "pleasantry" that Igden, Mis. E. ;gate. Mrs. A. E. Kinney, Mrs. Alice A. ! Tim ceremonies, which were new ... . wiiiiu'ii, i. i. w - . i u ni.... n.. ..t..i i ti.... i i i j i... a iniiriniy a nn i ir nnn nianninc nn n t im.uin . . . r una. l. n. i l'iid. i j ijiu iii i a. - m . .. laoies, wno nao ueen .ecureu . . ,. M H FIanagan j Q, Bromley, Don- '" -"7. ... ,,r p '.,. VI . .. "aguer, Airs, wainn, airs. u. r. c- niory, which was b.iMitully dee... Mrs. P. K. Hammond, Mrs. F. J. attending at leant a portion of the c p NutUn( Q jj. Baughman, Mrs. J. C. naughman.l Kuson, Mn Ferguson. M.a . t.o. j t.oline. MiKa N,!lllo Dk.key, c. A.L, ith Oriental nli(!nil'lceufe. A sninn ana Jims jessie inmcuer. ,.-- Kocher, G. M. Flint. . ; ton. ., ..... .v - - ' , nai lis, .lira, nenry ueea. i'. u. Kemp.: Bp8s(m was I(11 there directly nflc Dickey orchestra disccursed popular business men are Tlelng with one airs during the feasting, and the event whh one ot the most Informal of the season. Captain W. M. Brlggs of the First company, presided and introduced Hie speakers during the banquet. Mayor C. B. Lamkln was the first speaker Introduced, who paid a pret ty compliment to the honor guests and the First company and officers. Following the mayor was Col. George A. White, who detailed the work of the National Guard and the neces sity of the organization in the coun try. While not an advocate of mili tarism, Col. White believes strongly in a preparedness that will protect the country against invasion. He also spoke against the "Yellow Peril," which he claims, 4s only recognized extensively on the weitern coast. Hon. E. V. Carter, member-elect of the legislative assembly, the next speaker, spoke most complimentary of the National Guard and urged upon the people of Ashland to support this organization in every possible way. Especially in fitting i:p the Armory for Its comfort and convenience, of which work along this line is being attempted under great difficulties by the boys. Always ready to put an.aulience In great good humor, "Dick Posey" read several of his delightful original po ems which were enthusiastically re ceived, after which Major Welch of the adjutant general's staff and Prof. I. E. Vlning of Ashlf.nd- gave im promtu talks, both speaking along the lines of .promoting the welfare of the National Guard. The banquet was concluded at 8:30, but the com pany lingered until a late hour enjoy ing the hospitality of (he First com pany boys and meeting and greeting Colonel White and his staff. Med ford guests at the banquet lust eve ning were Captain Csnady and Lieu tenant Marshall. XIVETV-OXE HTIDFATS IV AGRICILTVRE CLASH OF 1920 I . .. ' mnrn l .0 P f U'.lltfnl,, 1 H . ... : nh,,rrt W Eddlnes. R. N. i "in, Mrs. Minnie uoianun, .ms. n - - r. Uem) yln M Ci j.w, Sydney, h.a n...,.i. t., another with prize offering, for the Deardorff . 0eo. ,L. C. Rand.ett. F. W. Brletback. F. C. , McOee Howard Rose. Mr Howard N. M, M a. King, Mr..'lh9 8hrhw , Wo,k up a high pres- various events. Qule. John E. Flurry, W. A. Kepper, Stevens. Mrs. H. R. Adams, W. H. ; Roe Mis. Pear. Ruger B . P I, j u ,.owell, B. L; Powell, K. E. Wat- ,llrfi aplw(lla f(, (lie hilll(1,lW. ,,. Special prizes-conUnue to come in berbauer D y AnlBOn Frulan, Mrs. W. H. Frulau, Mrs. Mary I O, H Johnson M. (. Claybonnie., m Wlplfred Wats-,.. Mr..-0f which had already reached the right along. Today the committee re-' DuMIBU,r(, Haz-lton Wilson. C. j A. Courts, Mrs. !ary E. Wiley, Mrs. -Sam Jordan. O. Angle, b. J. Thorn- i(),Ke SftUz . Krank Wilim, .Mrs.! visitors' ears. ceireu me special prize irom me uuui .. . wt...M I .T.Rqin Rnaft Kitrl Roae. Mn. kov wu. o. mvuimt, an. nimionauu.Mi . w m nniwi ' Shop, of a pair of carriage bootees. HapryD Jf Hickey, Cha., for the prize baby at the baby show. J. H. McGee often as a special prize $2.60 for the heaviest rooster of any breed exhibited, and also $2.50 for the heaviest rabbit ot any breed. H. G. Enders & Son give a special prize of a pair of dress shoes for the best exhibit of house plants not rais-' ed for commercial purposes. , C. H. Vaupel offers a special pflze. of $2.50 for the best display of po tatoes, W. C. Mitchell, the men's clothier, offers a pair of fine gloves for the best display of apples. C. J. Pcrrlne offers the prize of i good hat for the biggest ear of com. ; . Carson k Fowler offer f2 ".0 for the best pumpkin. 8. Harris, Frank L. Calllscb, B. R. Fauber, N. Frasier, L. G. Valentine, 'Walter B. Frasier, Luther E. Day, C. O. Porter.. Central Point W. E. Norcrou, J. K. Season, W. C. Leiver. i Jacksonville Emil Brltt, Chatin cey Florey, G. R.. Chapman, Fred J. Fick, G. A. Gardner, Gearhart, Mrs. D. L. S.'evens, Mrs. T.-Ar Cole,-J.. J. McNuir,-Mrs. Dea- ,,, MrH (,lla)( CMelte In thevKlfcs' dining I'oem the La- 'dies of I he Eastern Star served a J. F. Wells, Mrs. Geo. T. rarsley. n. v. ; -'7 Mrs. C. O. Porter. Caplain-M.s., ,l,reeo.,rs banquet at 7 o'clock Mrs. N. F. Wilson, Mrs B. R Stevens, Arthur Wick. Walter Beehe. . r,.N. ,. M(. J)n) , R r()ilmtu.B Mrs E. H. Bush, Captain-Mrs. M. ; Walter Beebe. Hod Dickey. .Mr..Milxwoll w. c. , . B. farter. f , shrine. Plaees were laid for Wood, Mrs. Spratt Wells, Florence Floyd Dickey. Per.. Newton, r h ,,,,,,, , Nlver. Lucy Niver, M.-s. A. N. Emigh.! Percy Newton, Lester Newton. Mrs.M.s f, R j, J()nm Vy, moun((( , a bo Mrs. Jessie N. Curry. W. G. Curry, j Lester New on, H Gillette, Mra. H R McI,nrlm,, MrK- fiB0, SpanJforB f0J1Hll( 0V(n. L. A. Eliason. Mrs. C. B. Elinso... C llette. Miss Gillette. Mrs. Kuaaj Ernfiflt ,,, A.,,, Wn1 slrlnfl m(ml)p,, ww Elizabeth Bush. Mrs. G. G. Ogg, G.jChaney, Mrs. W. J. Moore, I . .1. l ar-iA MrMMlani M. Alc (Jllmoiv, Mrs. m evening session at the Arnioi-y n Oeff. Mrs. Mildred Holts, Win., penter, A. F. Smyth, Mr. Warner, , rmwan . ,,rI: ,. , ....... ,.. ..." Weed-Fred H. Tebbe, J. E. Mil- Wehell, Mrs. Percy Siratton, H. E.,Mrs. U S l arr son, H. 8 Harr son. g (; ( I Badger, Mrs. Mnry M. Badger, Mrs. '-. n. na.r.sou, ii. n... () 1o Jennie Harner. Mrs. Eugene Bailey, Dr. Moxen, w. boonus, mis. w. Mrs. M. A. Barton, Mrs. J. McNair, Loomis, Nellie Hlbbs, Mrs. J. W. Kist Mrs! Ed Brlggs, Ed Bilges, H. H.ner, F. L. Nelson. Henry J. Carter, Elhart. Ada Hartley, Mrs. N. O. Bates,! Mrs. L. A. Stewart, James llarrett, A. uiltroru uaiiKS, m. i. lard Hornbrook D. M. Horn. Redding Claude L. Crow. Modoc Point W. Hi. Lamey. Talent A. S. Kouns. Boise, Idaho William Lyman Mrs. H. C. 8tock, V. Colvig, E. F. Young, Mrs. C. Jennins, Mrs. E. L. Mitchell, Mrs. T. W. Sanford, T. N. LETTUCE FOR A MILLION'. PTTEHLO. Colo.. Nov. 23 Georee' Sanford. Mrs. W. M. Hodklnson, Mrs, Other special prlges will b' rul.-jj Ton beIleves he ha3 Just cIaim to w A, Patrick. Mrs. J. M. Thornton, lished tomorrow, and those desirinp he tUe Q( head ,eUuce k,ng DurjMrg Wm. Myer. Mrs. Bertha L. Den to offer prizes should notify the com- . ... ... ... nnm..A ... 'ton. Mrg. Pred Nci Mm. E. R. Lough- mittee before Saturday night. jJuly lf and hag Ju.t closed Ton ,tli Mflry NVer, r. e. Ditrlck, Mrs. 'ford, Mrs. J. E. Thomas, Mrs. O. W, M. Beaver, Tomlinson, Mrs. H. K. Tomllnson. Lyle Howell, W. A. Patrick, Archie Million, E. Ar Woods, Mrs. E. A. Woods, D. A. Applegate, D. Patterson, R. F. Parks, Mrs. I, Crisp, Mrs. Shaw, A. Schucrman, Mm. B. Dan- shipped 23,000 crates of his product Madame Irene Hampton has orened mnrket. That mmiv her brilliant concert reason on thejcrateg an equa, tQ ?5 iQlea Qr Pacific coast. Thlg young pianist has. approximately 900,000 heads of let- been showered with honors wherever: Jm wflg Erown on m acrea she has appeared In concert on lhej)n gmal, polg flt thft fo()t Qf the coast. The CTlttc. nave recognized, mountaing in the San I(,aD6l (oreg, her as a genius, consequently lneir r08ervaton. criticisms are most fluttering. Plans for next year's crop Include Ernest V. Abbott is r. junior in the schools of agriculture, a member of the Agricultural Club, and Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity. The Junior students ot the school number 91 out of the 722 .registered for the fall term. For the first time in tho history of tho school, the class Is smaller than the senior class. The enrollemnt for the fall term Is Just nine times greater 'than the enroll ment for the entire school ot 1908. Forty-three years ago the first cour. In agriculture in the Pacific north- This young pianist Is at present at. The Salt Lake Press said of her the gowIng. of gererfl, thougand M. playing: "Irene Hampton at the pi-1 ,n head ,ettuce ano shines with particular brilliancy i , , , n H KVl.U.Uautni, ...... a.iu ....j h one solo with striking oft'ect." The San Francisco Herald: "Irene Himp-i ton was at her best in a group ot light, brilliant pieces which brought her tine exquisite touch out to its fullest extent." Madame Hampton Is associated with such artists ss Herbert Riley, formerly of the New York Symphony orchestra, at present a member of the Seattle Symphony orchestra, Mrs.( Jane Burns, head of the -voice de-j partment of the Washington universi-j ty, who has recently gone to Seattle from New York where she has been coaching and studying under Huge man of the Metropolitan, and Kirk Towns, formerly vice president ot the; Chicago Conservatory ot Music, now located in Seattle. L. Schweiu, Mrs. Ceneva W. Allen. Florence Allen, Mrs. Abble Wads worth, J. L. Harner, Mrs. W. F. Jor dan, Mastor W. F. Jordan, Olga May Jordan, Junior, Mr. Sohweln, Mrs. J. A. Ruger, Mra. Eugenie Atkinson, Mrs. Gray, Ed Vandingberg. Mrs. McRae, Captain Mrs. W. M. Poley, Mrs. A. F. Condrey, Mrs. R. Buchman, Mrs. C. Norton, Mrs. F. J. Spauldlng. Mrs. J. M. Long, Mrs. Shuts, A. G. Selby, Flor ence A. Dollarhlde, R. L. Wardell, Mrs. Geo. Sheldon, Mrs. R. E. Shale, W. E. Snider, R. P. Campboll, Father Conaty, Geo. E. McVlcar, Mrg. Geo. E. McVlcar, Mrs. Dewoy Sackett, Mrs. Pete Ahlstrom, Meada Hoover. Mrs. A. A. Marske, Captain W. H. Wonner, Mrs. W. H. Wenner, A. A. Marske, Mrs. A. A. Marske, Mrs. G. H. Ketchum, Mra. M. J. Fraley, Hearts Larger Than Boxes' Irene Hampton graduated in 1903. from the Johnson-' Conservatory of Music, Minneapolis. She then took np advanced coaching with Herman Gness, the preat pianist and teacher. Cness studied under Llstz. ' west was offered by the college. ! the head of the piano department of The first course in agriculture was I the Conservatory of Music of Puget Sound, Tacoma. , Madame Irene Hampton has re cently completed a two years' course; under Madame Alma Tracy" ot this, city, a personal pupil ot Leschetlzky. ! at two-year course of study, today there are sixteen divisions or depart ments in the school which give two years of major work In addition to the two years required in the basic or preparatory work. I. W. W. agitators are again spread ing their propaganda in Portland since the shut-down of the lumber mills. An Oswego constable and one of, the town's councllmen engaged In a fist fight over the arrest of the coun cilman's son. Bystanders had to part the warriors. motkm, n JY" I a orter, Geo. T. Parsley, Mis. ill.lates' wives were also initiated Into Hall. J. F. Butler, Sr., Mrs. (i. V. (iui- the mysteries Mipposed to he dii't ley, M. J. Love, G. V. Giiiley, Airs. M.j her as the wife of a full-fledged Long. Shrlner. When the eleventh hour Mrs. G. V. Gillette, Captain F. L.j struck those in the Masonic hall ad Colvig, G. V. Gillette, Mrs. W. G.ijourned en -masse to the Armory Halo, 8. W. Moss. Mrs. Rohinett, Mr. where dancing was carted on until Roblnett, Mrs. J. E. Crowson, D. N.:un early hour. Davis. This ceremonial win conceded to Miss Ruth Porter, Captain Mrs. havo the largest attendance of nnv Catherine Hawelsamp, A. H. Pracht, ever held by Hlllah Temple. Vlslt E. F. Hobart, Mrs. N. (',. Ping. Hong ors came from all directions, by trnln Ock, A. O. Ken, Mrs. E. F. Hobart, and automobile, mid despite the In To Fong, R. I). Riley. Mrs. A. E. Pow- clement weather, all were eiiterlnln etl, Mrs. J. H. Provost, J. H. Provost, ed delightfully and are anxious to August Anell, Mr. Orres, Miss Jessie j "come again.". Hopkins, W. R. Clapn, W. W. Gra- Following is tho ll3t of the nov ham, E. Conahnn, L. W. Loveless, ' Ices who were conducted over the Otto A. Brown, John Holm, Lynn "hot sands" at the ceremonial I :i r Slack, C. I. J. Porter. t night: IT. S. Davis. B. It. FauherJ Mrs. Jno. Dill, Captain W. C.'wm. R. Lee, Frank Calllsch, Chin. Ollliliind, Mrs. G. W. Ooldy, Mrs.lE. Wlckes, Luther K. Day, Harry Marie Porrlne, Mrs. M. F.Hadfleld.j Barbour, Chester Porter. Nell Frazer. Mrs. H. O. Mnthea, Emerson Howell. Waltor Connell, Lincolu Valentine, H. H. Leavltt, Mrs. Maude M. How-i John W. Hlckey nnd Clarence Wal ell, R. L. Moulr, Mrs. R. L. Mouir. ker of Dunsmulr; Anron Cooper, jMack Purcell, Dr. F. II. Tebbe of MID-WINTER FAIR IH Weed: George Snhln, Rodney Cal- OFFEIIING NEW PHIZES vert of Grants Pass; Henry J. Rlch- Tho management Ot the Asniand' ardson, Don J. Zumwalt of Klamath Mid-Winter Fair alms to make It edu-! Falls; Charles F. Flliin, Chiloquin; catlonal for all classes. Thoy are Harry W, llubhuril, Medl'ord; Elmer giving the school children of Jack-'j. Hobhs. Ashland; Claude L. Crow, con County a chance to earn some! Redding, . Individual prizes and at the samej time to furnish to the public inter esting and Instructlv4 Information. CAMPAIGN LECTI HER FOB ('HILDRKX'H HOME HERE Prizes are offered for essays on! Mr. Dudley, ste.te campaign lertur- the following subjects: ' I er for the children's farm home, was Grades Three, Four and Five an Ashland visitor yesterday, and "Why Children Should Drink Milk j spoke at the drive meeting, giving Every Day." 'conclusive evidenre thore is very Grades Six, Seven and Eight "The great need of the home at the present Comparative Value of Milk ss a! time. He found four children at 1 E. 1 4 ... f..L.. r.. .... fAjlr.lf-l vh.a. ............ u .. A t... r.IU.I. nn J JU.II IU 'UL..iu i.uwiii n,iu?o ,u.r.i,n n.iu UJ.n schools. died and they are left with no place Best Poster or Chart showing tho to go. Other deserving children for Value of Milk as a Food. , lack of a proper place arc being hoiu- First Prize In each class, $2.00; (ed in institutions where they do not second prize, 11.00; third prize, 50c. heiong. Two sets of prizes have been pro-! rl.led, one set for tho rural school What Is known as a John Miinvlllo children and another set for the city , water proof finish is being put on schools. The ruroj rrhool children (he front of the new Ford garago jwll1 not compete with those of tin under construction by Contractor A. city schools. L. Lamb on North Mulu street. The A total of $21 will go to the school front of the main building has been children of Jackson county. J. C. completed and presents a handsome Ferguson and J. H. Fuller have each, appearance, allowing in a measure i agreed to glv 1.1 to ho applied on some Idea of what the new building 'these prizes. ; rill look like when completed. This Lectures along the line of Poul-,is the only building of the kind In Ashland. The workmen are engaged today la puttiug In the new cement walk in front of the garage. try. Dairying, Gardening. Horticul ture and Home Economics art being arranged.