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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1920)
4 a f sjr 1 , . '; 1 ''i' t-iitf m - ; . V - M m 4. . . 'T.:.:-r.i ''''s6 tit-. Utxinewiiy. November 10, LOCAL AND PERSONAL SATURDAY'S NEWS Work on the Savage ruplds dam!"1 highway Is paved over the fct the Grunts Pass Irrigating v.orks Is progressing satisfac torily, according to reports from thut city. The concrete walls for I he power house: located en the north sldo of the river, are now process of construction, while the i.nm'lnz of concrete in the forma fr the mniu portions of the tlamlMr'- 8Car Ft""teel. is continued dully, bringing the! ,, wall, up to where high water c..i F! C ,. ii m -ff ! Allen ot ' Whitman forest A fine picture appeared In the! recent cony of the Musical Amerl ran of Dr. Hollis E. Dann. a cous In of Mrs. J. H. Fuller of this' father- Thl 19 the chlld city. Dr. Dann was for many years111 AUtin ,Rmlly- liend of the music department of; ., , . ., ,. , . Prof. W. O. Beatt Is, one of the Cornell university, and now the1, ,., ... . , ... . . . i Instructors of the county Institute unurltf nnnn lltiVI H i'ali nf mil,.) ,. . , , . , 11U .uvui lllll.'iu I'l UIU SlulO 01 Pennsylvania. Robert W. 0::boru of the Oregon TuherculoHlu association was a business visitor In Ashlund yester day. Tourists phasing through Ash land and stopping for a few days t the Hotel Austin are George A. Trimble, wife and child, and Mlss;ha, dec,ded , , Me(Jford M. Armson or Portage LaT-ralrie. : un, Dext March befor, returnlI1, Ci.nadu Other Canadiun guestSjt0 tlie loutni ot this hotel are P. W. Gregory' ' Allen, wife nr.d child of Victoria, B. C. Mrs. T. L. Brown and her young son, who was born at a local bos- A lltul two wecksligo, left last night ,Ji for their homo In Dunsmuir. They mother, Mrs. Smith, who had been Maying in Ashland with her daugh- ter. j j Portland guests in Ashland over' k V.VW , ... ...... - 1 j - , iiikiii, stopping hi ine noiei to-i liKi'S? lumlila were W. M. Peterson, W. rl - f?, , . fl ytauMinn unit r. it. iiuk'V. ( ;' i,.'::4,' fieorge Kannerly and I.. L. Du-! I liion of Medford hud biiHlnean in 1 Aslitand yesterday afternoon. Attorney Nellie Dickey was down ' ? , 1 . . 1 ... vf ".' iig business. . . Mrs. L. W. Rogers, a w,ll known . ' eleclon 'A I,,0n0,r TMeUt MMm'1 The Hotel CoumU. has- the fol- itS-'Vl "UU0 '" l ,,,,r h0,"e " hl! i'it-i-j I. O. Snidor and O. L. Woelffle U-.'ll vere two Grants Pass business ..... , , li'.en ill Ashlard yesterday. j L. P. Brown and family left yes terday morning for California, where they v.lll spend the winter health. -1,' sii '. lieorge uaics a"" iniiiuy m , .. ' ?l r. . t. ,, , 1 . . 1 R. E- Hughes are three Portland v'-i,. Great Falls, Jlont., have leased. " V"'V ., , ,, . , jbu senes men in Ashland today, the Bell house oiFourth; Tjt sircci ana wi.i carry on uiui hum- . s- '. 1 tipaa in nlurn r.f lla former 1PR!'.. i ' Irs. P. N. HuVher. i: tornia poopw regwiereu at, ......... . ... the Hotel Auctin are A. W. Evans utid wife, Miss M. H. and Mrs. H.j Cash of Montague, Mr. and Mrs.j R. S. Morgan of Berkeley, Calder !...., r.. u. iiuu, .u W. J. Willis of Sail Francisco, H. I n. neene ot nornoro-m. guests are J. A. Johnson of Ta-j coma, Mrs. O. W. Tillolson ofj Glendale, W. S. Johnston of Cros - well, J. W. Whitney and E. Fair - King. . i Mrs. Cliffo;d Jenkins and two little daughters are In Grants Pass .tliia week visiting her mother and sister, Mrs. Charles Hansen and Mis. Clarence Wlnet' out. ! Tho Ashland Lumber company! Jius Increased Its capital stock from $.10,000' to $25,000. Dr. Mury Cole of Albuiiy, who hag been the guest of the O. W. Benedict- family and other friends in Ashland fo;- the past week, left j yesterday for her home. 9 Wllmer Hilt of Hilts, Calif., i-anin over last evening to spend ! !the week end with friends In Ash-j land. He will return home tomor row. ' i Mrs. P. N. Butcher, who has been conducting tho Bell Rooming .bouse on Fourth street, has given tip her lease and expects to leave boon for California. John Dimmit of Klamath Falls Was an Ashland visitor this week, The following well known teach ers were unanimously chosen by the Institute Body to be delegates to the Oregon State Teachers' As sociation to b0 held in Portland luring the holidays: E. H. Hed ' rick, supt. of the Central Point - (schools, and Mrs. Grace Dickey, of the Talent schools. As alter "liates Susanuo W. Howes, County Superintendent and Mrs. Maude IL Dltsworth, of the Prospect school. - , The new Smith hill grade has been completed according to J. C. Hanna, gays the Grants Pass Cou rier of yaaterday. The grade on this side Is ready now for gravel ling which will probably be done this winter. Contractor Hildc lrand is movinf out his camp and tiiiiii ment and will start work on 1020 the highway between Myrtlo Creek and Canyonvllle. The high way, according to Mr. Hanna, It to b almost a scenic boulevard when mountain. Mr. Hanna left thin morning for Myrtle Creek. Mr. and Mrs. 8. Patterson and daughter Rose are home from Madison, Calif., where they had been making an extended visit' with their daughter and sister. l" Eastern Oregon, presented her hu"band wlth 8 "on on Presided - i1181 election day. November 2, - ' whlch ' al' the birthday of the ,at Medford this week, addressed the Ashland Parent-Teachers' cir cle Thursday afternoon The i aim instructive taic A. D. Parker and family and R. W. Harvey of Portland are guests at the Hotel Austin. -I ' Mrs. Walter MacAdams, who re- 6ntlv cam- un trom n.Ilflltnl. WKDXKSDAVS NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Lee Blatchley andi W. F. Sexton of Hillsboro were Ashland visitors this week. The following San Francisco gueatg are stopping at the Hotel Austin: L. W. Estes, J. Bock, W. G. Woightman and Wm. A. Glover. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Grtssom on October 29. The little lad tipped the scales at 7 pounds. Bazll Hull of Jacksonville visit ed Ashland yesterday. Few tourists and visitors are registered at the local hotels yes- : terday on account of election call- lug the great majority to their , , . , , , homes to cast their votes at the loving from Danimulr stopping Ithert: H. A. Culy, Mrs. T. M. ?rnm"re' rK ' www'u- ! ,ay,or' J: J- " ' .tiaxwen. Airs. a. uiimore ana 1 .im. 1. nani gi nuruuruun are also guests at this hotel. Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Gillette and son. eGorge Virgil, are spending the week end In Portland. (' f f. w. . V .111 n .1 TUA1 anil . .1.. Uji. luurmiif iiuiii tun iiuuuio -on. . . . ...... looKtng arouna Asniana are u. i Hennesley and Wm. A. Halloran. . iof Watchasea, N. D. They aroj stopping at the Columbia while. " ' - " ' George Ramgey of 0mah&i Neb.t , Ashland, the guest of his father, Charles Ramsey, and sls- ter, Miss Amy Ramsey, at their nonl9 on Drive. L- L. Damon and A. E. Gallett f Medford had business in this cty yesterday. 4 Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hosklos of Walla Walla, Wash., spent yes terday in this city. Melvln Ray Priest and wife of j Portland have arrived in Ashland and are guests of the former's par-. ellt8i jr and Mrs. J. H. Priest. I Tney will remain here tnrouglii tho coming week to attend the , '"et''i to tne ornce by nearly golden ' wedding annlversiry or'wo ,0 one over his opponent, H. Mr. and Mrs. Priest, which wilW. Hubbard. The latter carried be observed next Saturday. I nly o Precinct, It is stated. All ; the present councilmen were also HIMIAVH NEWS The directors of the Ashland j Chamber of Commerce gave a luncheon in the Chautauqua Plo neet hall Weduedaj noon whllt transacting business that was up before them. The following people from Port land were registered over night at the Hotel Austin: Mrs. L. B. Conser, D. M. Stevenson. McFad den and Abel, J. C. Austin, Elsie P. Kappen, Geo, H. Young. Others were P. Zemansky of San Fran- cisco and W. H. Danewood of Gleu- dale. J. H. Fuller, secretary, of tho Ashland Chamber of Commerce, was down to Medford yesterday addressing the teachers at the county Institute in session there this week In regard to the sum mer school in Ashland that was Inaugurated during the past sum mer. Miss Alice Do ran la back from Oakland where she had been spending the past three months with her sister. Mrs. C. C. Cole. Mr. and Mrs. Sydney N. Hazle tcn of Sacramento arrived in Ash-led Idtid this morning tor the first: visit they liave paid to the latter's parents, Mr. ar.d Mrs. W. M. Bar-jment of that denomination. The ber, since their marriage over a, leading address was delivered by year ago. Mr. Hazelton la in the - v I In that city. They will remain here until 'over Thanksgiving . umiiii closed the sale a (ew days ago of the 36 acre tract of lund one and a half miles this side of Talent belonging to C. W. Banta to Alfred Maneely of the Clayton orchards, who will take I possession Immediately. I Ashland people who attended) the regular forum luncheon of the Medford Chamber of Commerce, Wednesday, were Mrs. Grace B. Dickey, Mrs. Ada L. Stannard, Miss Susanna W. Homes, B. C. Forsythe and I. C. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Kaiser left yesterday for Glendale to live this winter after spending the summer In Ashland. Mr. Kaiser had a truck at work on the Pacific high way, and has left It here In charge ot his brother-in-law. Mrs. Tom Larimore of Duns muir was an Ashland Bhopper yes terday. Wallace Broughton, son of Mrs. A. M. Broughton, who has been seriously 111 at a local hospital, was removed to bis home at 28 Morton street yesterday. Master Wallace is having more than his shaie of troubles. Owing to n serious heart trouble he had tor several weeks to give up all games that are so dear to a boy. One week ago he was operated upon fAr appendlci- tls; this was complicated by an attack of double pneumonia, I now on the road to recc He, U now" the road to recovery, but will be confined to lits bed for some, time. Miss Durren was; called from San Francisco by Mrs. Broughton to assbt her In nurs - ing ner little son. Mrs. Hubert Morrel ot Acme, Wash., who accompanied - ber mother. Mrs. Thomas Stephens, to Ashland two weeks ago, left this morning to return home after vis iting with her cousin, Mrs. F. J. Shlnn. Mrs. Stephen, will remain, here during the winter. Wild geese were heard In this section of the valley last, night and this morning until daylight cleared the way through the fog for them to ret their bearings on their migration to the south. Many hunters were out at the peep of day trying to get a shot at the huge birds before they left the flats where they were supposed to have settled for the night. J. K. Huff of Akron, Ohio, and O. E. Graham of Chicago, Ills., were eastern tourists registered n. V.n A.lotln loo ntKt v , -ow.. .v The Hotel Austin has as its guests the following from nearby: sta,tes: Dr. Guy Fish of Seattle; W. G. Brown and F. W. Boer of San Francisco; W. J. Flood of Hilt; C. C. Modln of Byrom, Csllf., and W. H. Bowler of Boise, Idaho. ' Mrs. Sarah Allio Rhodes and son, Adolpb Rhodes, have gone to Portland to vis t t ie r son and .. . . nromer, 1 nomas unones. -Alter spending several days In that city they will continue their journey to Seattle to visit relatives for sev eral days. With the lifting this morning of the dense curtain of fog that haa enshrouded the mountains since esterday afternoon, a quan tity of snow was seen well down the foot hill j.- A good rain fell in the valley during. the afternooni and night. - M. B. Green and wife of Rose- burg spent yesterday in the cltyjner, 625; Pierce. 807; Shlnn, 765 while on a business trip in this section. Mayor Gates of Medford was re- j re-elected. ,a(.k DeLaney formerly of this (, ty but now of Knights Lauding, is In the city today, accompanied by his wife. They have been vis- lj1K c c CIark of Ashland, who Is also here for the day. OrantB Pass Courier. J. W. Ewing of Eugene was iu this city yesterday on a business trip. Portlund guests stopping at the Hotel Columbia are J. S. Suther land, E. O. Rapier, R. E. Heaward and Win. Petersen. E. E. Mllllron ot Olympia, Wash., is also a guest of this hotel. George Fanerly of Medford had businesg In Ashland yesterday. Mrs. J. H. Doran had the mis fortuna to dislocate her ankle in a fall Sunday and has been laid up with the injured member ever since. She is guttiri; alon; nicely, however, at present, but was great ly disappointed in not being able to cast her ballot for Harding at the election Tuesday. A representative audience greet-181; the speakers in the Baptist church here last evening in the' Interests of the Forward Move- r Rev. W. H. Bowler, field repre- .UH... .-V. 0. H. Young, D. relig ious educations director of Or- egon. and Miss Elsie Kaonon. - . ,,., M Columbia River district field worker for women. The women of the Baptist church served a ! luncheon between the afternoon and evening sessions in the par lors ot (be church. r D. J. Jarvls, a well known busi ness man of Roseburc. is in Ash- , land this week representing the! Automatic Electric Brake and! Comblnatlon Electric Hammer and! Drill company. Mr. Jarvls Is making a demonstration of this new brake in the room formerly! used by the Gartner junk store on Eant Main street. Mr. Jarvls claims the goods sell themselves simply by being Inspected. Jerry Hogan, the "trombone wizard," was down at Medford Wednesday night rehearsing with the new Premier Novelty orches tra, which will open a series of Saturday, night dunces in the ar mory, beginning tomorrow night. STATE AMENDMENTS ARK SNOWED VNDER Ashland gave an overwhelming vote tor Harding and Coolldge at the election yesterday, with the whole republican ticket well In the fore. The only precinct In the city in which the democrats led was East Ashlund, where Cox tor president and Chamberlain for IT. S. senator led, as well as some ot the county officers. V. V Carter. AHlilnnd'M randidate for togWatI honorii leadg on the county ticket U the city with 895 votfltt Hifl runnlne mat. . - . ,econd ' h g82 voUg Qn tne munlclpal ticket Mayor Lamkln is elected to succeed himself by 3 vote of 1017. Only one measure voted upon yesterday carried in the city. This was me one regulating, session, which received 660 votes yes, against 4 33 no. Tne measure fnr rnmnvtnir thA rnnntV seat to wa8 y , was lost In the city by a .. . ... ... vote of 696 against and 320 for.ljj. nQ g0 rouowing is too total vote mi Ashland in eight precincts; I D.i.i-.,u... . r, I 419. V. S. Senator Stanfield. 700; Chamberlain, 574. Representative in Congress Hawley, rep., 826; Talbert, soc., 84. Sec. of State Kozer, rep'., 845; Sears, soc. 84. Food and Dairy Commissioner "Hawlev. ren.. 801: Von Behren. soc, 249. Public Service Commission Buchtel, rep., 621; Bennett, dem., 318. Representative, Jackson County, Curler, rep., 996; Sheldon, rep.,i . n . j ., j SBi mansneia, am.,ui, i iui. dem., 314. County Attorney Roberts, rep., 740; Moore, dem., 588. j County Commissioner Bursell.l rep., 812; Hill, dem., 424. Sheriff TerrfU, rep., 795; Jen-1 i ntngs, dem., 677. County Clerk Florey, rep., 797; Roberta, 83. Rigg, dem., 512. j Commissioner Burcell, 98; County Treasurer Walker, rep.,. Hill, S3. 791; 'Schieffelln, dem., 407. ! Sheriff Terrlll, 94; Jeunings, County Assessor Coleman, rep., j 69. 902; Trowbridge, dem., 387. Clerk Florey, 88;' Rlgg, 73. City Officers. ! Treasurer Walker, 101; Schief- Followlng is the vote on cltynjnt 66. officials on which there was nol Assessor Coleman, 110; Trow contest: i bridge,. 49. Mayor Lamkln, 1017; Nlms,1 Superintendent Holmes, 131. 44. Park Commissioner Jordan 775; Mrs. Vaupel, 30. Councilmen Blake, 886; Frost., 847; Harner, 630; Howell, 541; Joy, 716; LeMasters, 463; Mill- Initiative and Referendum Compulsory Voting BUI Yea. 371; no, 771. Regulating Legislative Sessions Yes, 660; no, 433. j Oleomargarine Bill Yes, 432; no, 762. Tax Bill Yes, 187; no, 968. Fixing Terms of County Officers Yes, 616; no, 665. Port of Portland Bill Yes, 375; no, 608. Interest Bill Yes, 206; no, 926. Bird Refuge Bill Yes, 454; no, 629 , Divided Legislative Sessions , Yes, 379; no, 576. Market Commission Bill Yes 284; no, 753. County Seat Removal Yes, 320; y JIU, U9U. Southeast Ashland polled 203 vnlaa and at iha tlma nf SOinK to press the count was not com-, pleted. This, It is stated, will not, materially aid the democratic vote : In the city, but will only be a gain to the republican vote. North-' west Ashland also has not re- ported. Following is the vote by procincts with the exception of Southeast Ashland and Northwest Ashland precincts; i ASHLAND EAST CENTRAL. .Talbert, 31. National. I Sec. of State Kozer, 99; President Harding, 5; "cox.jSeara, 18. 57; Watklns, 4; Debs, 8; Cox, t. Justice of Supreme Court SUte. j Brown, 26. IT. 8. Senator Chamberlain. 64: j Attorney General Van Winkle Hayes, 8; Slaughter, 6; Stanfield 8. Svenson, 1. Rep. In Congress Hawley, 106 Talbert, 19. Se. of State Kozer, 1 12; Sears. 14. Attorney General Coshow, II. Dairy and Food Com. Hawley,! ASttLASD WIltKLt TTDflKHI Publlc Service Com. Bennett, 87; Buchtell, 80. Rep, to Legislature Carter, lu a.. Ills Sheldon, 81; Mansfield. 40; Phlpps, 88. Rep. Ninth Diet. Hopkins, 101. t County. District Attorney Moore, 53; Roberts, 81. Co. Com. Bursell, 80; Hill, 81. Sheriff Jennings, 51; Terrlll. 81. Clerk Florey. 84; Rlgg, 6. Treasurer Scblefflln, 47; Wal- ker- 85 Assessor Coleman, 84; Trow bridge, 44. School Superintendent Holmes, ;126. Surveyor Rhodes, 110. Coroner Perl, 113. Justice of the Peace Uowdy, l20' i ASHLAND BOULEVARD Constable Hatcher, 103. j National C1- President Harding, 167; Cox, Mayor Lamkln, 85; Nlius, 14.177, Treasurer Eubanks, 125. j State. ' Recorder. Blede, 124. u, a senator Stanfield, 133. Par com. Jordan, 123; Mrs. E. V. Carter, 12 Councilmen Blake, 113; Frost, 94; Horner, 77; Howell, 64; Joy 83; LeMasters, 49; Millner. 68; Pierce, 100; Shlnn, 102. AMENDMENTS AND PETITIONS compulsory voting and Regis - tnuton Yes, 49; no, 79. 7j Regulating Legislative Sessions i Sheriff Jennings, 161; Ter--Yes, 60; no, 46. rlll 16 Oleomnrgerlne Bill Yes, 43; no.l Clerk Florey, 153; Riggs. 84; 94' I Trea.urer Walker, 113; Single Tax Amendment Yes, gchiefflln 61. 28; no, 103. I Assessor Coleman, 178; Trow- Fixing Term of Co. Officers 1 bridge 66. Yes, 66; no, 57. ' atyt , Port of Portland Dock Com-' Mayor Lall,kn,' 176; Butler. mission-Yes, 39; no, 57. S; NlnnKePi 6; Enders, 2. AMi-compuisory Vaccinations Yes, 54; no, 88. rixing i.egai itate or interest Yes, 28; no, 101. Roosevelt Bird Refuge Yes, 67; .'no, 76. ' 1 Divlded LcElllutlve Se98ion ycg 17. no go State Market Cnm V lit-' i ' neoiovui 01 1 oiin nousc yes. - NORTH ASHLAND. NatloBitl. For President Harding, 100 Cox, 56; Watklns, 4; Debs, 9; W Cox, 1. NtHtC. V. 8. Senator Stanfield 83; j Chamberlain, 68. Congress Huwiey, 111; Tsl- jhert, 18. . i of State Kozer, 114; Sears. 15. Justice of Supreme Court Brown; 40. 1 Attorney General Van Winkle, 2: Coshow, 27. ' Dairy and Food Com. Hawley,; 117. ir t,.V.,n ' w. , u,.., ... runiic service i;om. iieniieii, , 46; Buchtel, 82. , Rep. to Legislature Carter, 114; Sheldon, 89; Mansfield, 60; Phlpps. 48. j County. , District Attorney Moore, 76. City. Mayor Lamkln, 139. Treasurer Eubauks, 146. Recorder Blede, 141. Park Com. Joidan, 146; Mrs. Vaupel, 9. Councilmen-rBlako, 121; Frost, m. Harner, 103; Howell, 98; Joy.( 97. iMaj,tBrs, 64; MUlner, c6; pierce, 116; Shlnn, 108. Amendment. Comnulsorv Votina Yes. 42: no, 92. Regulating Legislative Sessions Yes, 66; no, 62. Oleomargarine BUI Yea, 61; no. 80. Single Tax Yet, 16; no, 123 Fixing Term Co. Officers Yes, 55; no, 63. Portland Dock Com. Yes, 81; no, 63. , Anti-Compulsory Vaccination j F ' . n. Interest Bill Yes, 24; no, 11.) Bird Refuge Yes. 64; no, 68. j I ni.i.j V n n I .. 1 . . . . a : Market Com. Yes, 37; no, 78. Removal Co. Seat Yes, 46: D0' EAST AHHLAM). - National, N President Harding, 66; Cox.lhrldge, 43 88; Watklns, 5; Debs, 2; W.! Cot 8- j Htato. , V. 9- Senator Chamberlain, 0; 8tanfleld. 62. j ReP- to Congress Hawley, 103: 1 Dairy and Eood Com. Haw- ley, (4; Von Behren, 88. Public Service Com. Bennett. 21;'Butchel, 64; Newman, 66. Rep. to Legislature Carter, 86; 8bedon, 67; Mansfield. 49; Phlpps, 61 bounty. District Attorney Moore, 93; Roberts, 75. Co. Com. Hill, 68 Burcell, Jeunings, , SO. Sheriff Terrlll, 70; 60. Clerk RIggs, 73; Florey. 71. Treasurer Schletflla, 65; Wal ker. 61. Assessor Trowbridge, 78, ; Coleman, 78. Superintendent Holmes, 63. ! City. Mayor Lamkln, 89; Kims, t. Treasurer Eubanks, 107. Recorder Blede, 116. , Park Com. Jordan, 84. j Councilmen Blake, 87; Frost, ,76, Horner, 65; Howell, 65; Joy, 78; LeMasters, 57; Millner, 58; (Pierce, 85; Shi no, 77. i chamberlain, 89. Rep. to ' Legislature Carter, 187; Sheldon, 168; Mansflelid, 76; Phlpps, 43. County. District Attorney Roberts, 139; Moore. 87 ' Commissioner Burcell, 163; councilmen Blake, 170; 1 Iprost, 161; Htrner, 118; Howell,: 1 83; joy 162; LeMasters, 83;bert, 2. Millner, 136; Pierce, 140; Shlnn, : 154 NORTHWEST ASHLAND National. President Harding. 163; Cox Wutklns, 9; Debs, 5; Cox, 1. State. I V. S. Senator Chamberluln. ' 79; Stanfield, 127. , Rep .to Congress Hawley, j 1174; Talbert, 11. j , Sec. of State Koser, 182; Sear, 12. i ! Justice of Supreme Court-j Brown, 50. ' Attorney General-Van Win- kle 22' Coshow 15 Treasurer Walker, 65; Schief- Dairy and Food Com. Hawley, ,7 170; Von Behren, 10. ! Assessor-Coleman, 67; Trow- Pilblic Henrico Com. Bennett, hildgc, 16. ,55. Buchtel 141 j 'R () ' iR1,i1.tmeciirtor,! ! 177: Sheldon. 142: Manflld. r,:': ; rhM 49 Comity. District Attormv Roberts. 130; Moore. 82. Commissioner Biiih.-II, 161;; ;J Bg 'i sheriff Torrill, 137; Jennings, g9 ' ' clerk-Florey, 130; Rlgg, 80. , Trensurer Srhlefflln 50' Wal-: ker, 156. : Assessor Coleman, 161; Trow- t . bridge, 51. I Superintendent Homes, 171. j City. Mayor Lainklu, 161; Nlms, 10. i Park Cnnv.Ir.rdan. 171: Mrs.1 Vaupel, 9; F. D. Wagner, 5; But.. ler, . I"0- Councilmen Blnke, 158; Frost,1 172; Harner, 140; Howell, 118: 1 DRIVE TO All) ORPHANS Joy, 120; LeMasters, 78; Mlllner.-i 106; Pierce, 135; Shlnn, 129. i ASHLAND WEST CENTRAL, National. t'e preliminary pluns for the Ore- President Harding, 109; Cox, gou W. C. T. V. 8125.000 cam 62; Watklns, 10; Dobs, 6; W. paign drive are fust ncurlng coiu Cox 1. ; pletion, according to word Just 8tut 1 ; recolved by the locil W. C. T. l U. 3. Senator Chamberlain, 66; olficialg fro n state headquarter) Hayes, 8; Staniield. 91. i In Portland. . Rep. la Congress Hawley. 123; Mr. Wheeler s r.cceptauco ot the i Talbert, 16. Sec. of State Kozer, 121; Sears.j drive is looked upon by all V C. jj, , T. U. workers as a good omen. He Attorney General Coshow, 16; ; has assured campaign Vnn Winkle, 22. i ters that ho will put his besl et- Dairy and Food Com. Hawley, forts Into the work n order that 1120; Vou llehreti, 111. public Service Com. Bonnet!.; cured for the firm home for ue 37; Buchtel, 91. j pendent and orphfiu children. Rep. to Legislature Carter,! Although the actual solicitation 123; Sheldon, 94; Mansfield, 49; pinn- i; Phlpps, 42. ltun Nlnl Ren. Ninth Dist. Houklus. 99. County. District Attomav Moore. 76: Roberts, 83. 1 Co. Com. Bursell, 92; Hill, 58.! Sheriff Jennings, 59; Terrlll. 102 I Clerk Florey. 101; Rlgg. 60. j Treasurer Schiefflln. 49: Wal-i ker, 104. Assessor Colemsn. 113; Trow- Superintendent Homes. 141 Surveyor Rhodes, 126. Coroner Perl, 129. Justice of Peace Dowdy, Constable Hatcher, 121. 1.12. 4'lty. Mayor Lamkln. 1.25! Nlms, . Treasurer Eubanks, HI. (chairman. Hon. E. V. Carter will ; Recorder Blede. 141. j be chairman of the campaign In Park Com. Jordan, 120; Mrs.i Ashland. Vaupel, 6. Other members of the state cam- Councilmen Blake. 127; Frost, I paign committee will include: Al 118; Harner, 108; Howell. 175;!fred C. Bchmitt. Albany; E. S. Joy. 82; LeMasters. 56; Millner. j Collin, Mrs. Mattie Sleeth. Julius 123; Pierce, 110; Shlnn, 75. Meier, Portland; W. K. Taylor. . , ASHLAND OAK.' , N'atkmal. , For President Harding, 92; i Cox, 70; Watkini, 4; Debs, t. State. . U. S. Senator Stanfield, 83; Chamberlain, 83. Rep. in Congress Hawley, 138;, ers, Marshall Dana, Portland; Dr. Talbert, 11. ,p. r.. Campbell, Eugene; Dr. W; Sec. of State -Koier, 136; Sears, 10; Hopkins, 9. Dairy and Food Com. Huwiey, 136; Von Behren, 9. Public Service Com. Bennett. 69; Buchtel, 95. Rep. In Legislature Carter, 125; Sheldon, 90; Mansfield, 67; Phipps, 38. Rep. Ninth Diiit. Hopkins, 120. County. District Attorney Moore, 91;ita, Kansas, have come to Ashland Co. Com. Bursell, 94; Hill, 62., to make tlielr home. They will Sheriff Jennings, 77; Terrlll, occupy the S. M. Rhodes home 011 92. ' " Maple street. Co. Clerk Florey, 107 Treasurer Schletriin, 62; Wal ker, 96. Assessor Coleman, 10"; Trow bridge, 62. Superintendent Homes, 143. Surveyor Rhodes, 133. Coroner Perl, 130. Justice of Peace Gowdy, 139. Constable Hatcher, 130. City. Mayor Latukin, 132; Nlms, 8. Treasurer Eubuuks, 144. Recorder Blede, 147. Park Com. Jordan, 131; Mrs. Vaupel, 7; Kinney, 7. Councilmen Blake, 110; Frost, 86; Harner, 96; Howell, 63; Juy, 94; LeMasters, 70; Millnnr, 76 Pierce, 121; Shlnn. 120. HEI.LKVIKW I'ltECIXCT. President Harding, 69; Cox, 20. Ktule. IT. S. Senator Stanfield, 59; Chamberlain, 25. Congress H'wley, 71; Tal- Sec. of Sears, 2. State Kozer, 81; Dairy and Food Com. Hawley. 60; Von Behren, 4 Public Service Coin. Bennett, 63; Buchtel, 59. ' Rep. to Legislature ('urter, 72; Sheldon, 61: Mansfield. 21; 1'1'h'P". 10. County. District Attorney Roberts, 53; Moore, 30. - Commissioner Bursell. 61: Sherlff-Terrill. ; Jennings, 20' Clerk-Florey, 6; Rlgg. 18. Superintendent Homes, 76. Mnwmwi, AmrndmrnlM. Compulsory Voting Yes, 25; no, 45 ' Regulating Legiilative Sessions Ym- 3n: n0- 22- !. ........l. V.. 1J. ,.n 1 A '" - ix Amennmeni res, i; no, ( i. Fixing Term of Co. Officers Yi)"' 35: no' r''1- Portland Dock Com. Yes, 26; n. Anti-Compulsory Vaccination Yes, 30; no, 62. Legal Kate of Interest Yes, 15; no, 63. Bird Refuge Yes, 29; no. 44. I Divided Legislative Session ,es- no' Market Com. Yes, 23; no, 41. Removal of Co. Scat Yes, 36; WILL UK LAl'NCHEir ' Wiih the upprfintment of John E. Wheeler, Portland newspaperj publisher, as general chairman, chnirmuuship of tne cainpainii Mho needed funds might' no j re for funds will not start until NO' j rember 15, the preliminary vtcri 'of organldnn every county, city land district is now well under 'way. and every part ot th state will be fully organize! before the field workers start out to collect the 8123,000 which must be pro- cured if the farm liinie Is to be; established. With the ennoiinrenient tf Mr. Wheeler's appointment as gMieral campaign chairman, comes the word that Emery Olmstead, prom inent Portland banker, will sre as treasurer of thn state commit tee. Frank C. Jackson, well known in Taciflc coast circles ss a child welfaro worker, will he campaign director, and Governor Ben W. Olcott will be honorary! Corvallls; . Franklin T. Griffith. Portland; H. Hlrschberg. Inde- pendence; Charles Berg. Port- land; A. C. Marstera, Roseburg; A. H. Ui, C. F. Adams, E. C. PACfc tulifcE Brown, Edgar E. Piper, Aniedce M.. Smith, John L. Etherldge, D. A. iPattulla. P. J. Brix. Ira P. Paw. J. Kerr, Corvallls; Mayor C. E Gates, Medrord; E. V. Carter. Ashland; J. H. Booth, Roseburg; Judge P. R. Kelly, Albany; Judge Stephen A. Lowell, Pendleton; Judge George Tazwell, Portland: Isaac D. Hunt, Portland; Leslie Butler, Hood River. Mr. and Mrs. Grimes, with their sun and daugliter-in-luw, of WIch- ALL KINDS OF FENCING Barb Wire, dandy Cedar Posts anil Yew anchors posts in carload lot arrived. Plows and tractor tooU ot all kinds. Holder Tractors. New and second hand sewing ma chines for sale or rent, at PEIL'S CORNER BY THE PARK Late Fiction by Popular Authors Tni'zan (he t'li'iuneit 91.110 (The .Vow Tarziin Book) The Duke ot Chimney Unite, 1.7.' By G. W. Ogdeu. The Cold Girl Sl.7.' By James 11. Hendrix Harriet the Piper ?!.Wl By Kath'een Norris Johnny Nelson $1.7." Uy Clarence E. Mulford The Killer By Stewart Edward White Tl:e Mystery -of t ha Silver Dnijer SI. 75 By Uumlall I'arrish Mary Alarlo . .1 gii.uo By Eleanor II. I'oitcr Oh, Yon Tex! . 91-Ao By Willlum MucLi-od Raiuu Tho Shadow of the Shel tering I'inoH Sl.tiO Uy (irare .Miller White Erskiue Dale Pioneer $2,011 By John Fox, Jr. The Quirt l.7.' By B. M. Bower Tho Valley of Silent Men . . 1(12.00 Ity James O. Curwond McNair Brothers Stori Supply Your Kitchen With Aluminum Ware Light and Lusting. Provost Bros HARDWARE THE LARGEST STOCK OF Paints GlaSS and Wall Paper IV HOITHKKN OREGON. IUit Goods nurt Best Prices. Got Our Prices. WM. 0. D1CKERS0N THE I'AtXT MAN We have Just installed a new suction ol Safe De posit Boxes and ure again aide to oTfer boxes for rent. Remember, our vault Is protected ty the latest and best system of Elec- trio Burglar Alarm. J AGfftl SAVINGS SAVINGS DEPOSITS AV jjcmzENsl y BANK $ 1 O FASH LAN DJ 1 1 HAKE DKI'OSIT HONES U IIS H -