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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1920)
A8ULA5D WEEKLX T1DIKGB tVeoncwliiy, Xoveutbor 10, I0lW rAGE TWO Ashland Weekly Tidings Established 1876 Published Every Wednesday by THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. Ben Tl. Grew Editor OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY PAPER. " TELEPHONE 81) SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year $200 Six Months 1.25 Three Months . . 75 ADVERTISING KATES Display Advertisements, each inch 30c Local Readers, the liuo 10c Classified Column, .the word, each tini -. lc Local Notices, each time, the line 3 l-3c Cards of Thanks $1.00 Obituaries, the line 2 He Fraternal orders and societies charging regular Initiation fees and dues, regular rates. Religious and benevolent societies will be charged at the regular advertising rate (or all adver tising when an admission or collection is taken. Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, Postoffice as second class mall matter. VOTED STATES HAS Thursday ulijht, sent to Med- president of the Harding Publish 7,000,000 HUNTERS, ford for an orchestra, and the re-llng Company, publishers of the This is a nation ot nlmroas Bult ,nat ona of the' happiest! Marlon Star.. There are 7,000,000 hunters In ' "atnerinSs of the season danced' Senator and Mrs. Harding are the Tutted States, according to away tne eTenln" urt" 11 o'clock, mombers ot the Baptist church of the chief United States game war-i,h olng home time that glvej' Marion which they have attended den in the biological survey rnit-!'"8 club name- wa strucK.. since tneir marriage in July fc' ASHLAND DID NOT TRICK SISTER CITY Latest returns from over the county show that the removal of the court house bill lost in the county by 167 votes short of the 3000 or the sixty per cent neces sary to carry. The loss ot the removal ot the court house is blamed to Ashland by Medford in a story appearing in today's Oregonian, which claims that Ashland double crossed Med ford when the latter promised to trade votes favoring the election j of E. V. Carter for those favoring the county seat removal. Where ed States department ot agricul ture. This estimate was made from reports on the number ot game licenses issued by the vari ous states While no dnte was made . that j 1891. . , night for this club to hold another! The first time the senator came dance, a committee will be ap pointed to make such arrange ments In the near future. The In- In 1919, 3, 600,000 state licenses' vlted guest M .Thursday night were issued, and in addition It 9i Included: Mr .and Mrs. E. D. into public life wag In 1900 when he was elected to the state sen ate of Ohio, serving until 1904. At that time he was elected lieu tenant governor .and held that estimated that 3,500.000 hunters Br8K8. Mr- ani Mr- Homer Bar-jofflce until 1900. He was elect are exempted under various state' ron' Mr' and Mr8, R:l'dure Brown, jed to the United States Senate in Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McOee, Mr. 1 1915 for a term ending In 1921 and Mrs. J. H. Monroe, Mr. and j and Tuesday was elected presl Mrs. O. N. Kramer, Mr. and Mrs. dent of the United States. L Schwein, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. The Hurdlng family came orlg Klnney, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Dodge, inally from Scotland, settling In provision." The returns to the states from licenses was approxi mately $4,600,000, all ot which was expended by the states In ad ministration ot state laws for the protection ot game. This sum per mits the employment of approxi mately 2000 salaried state game wardens and 600 tee wardens. The Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Paulserud, Mr. Connecticut. Shortly before the ASHLAND CEMETERY NOTICE The first ot April the Cemetery Committee of the city council turn. ed over to the undersigned the books of the late Eugene Walrod and instructed me to do the work and collect all bills due the cents- are $3.p0. WEBSTER WERTZ, 66-111-1 Sexton Mrs. Mrs, H. K Tomliuson, Mr. and V. V. Mills, Mr. and Mrs. El- congresslonal appropriation for mo Nel1- Mr- and Mrs- Louis Dodge federal game warden service for protection of migratory birds is $142,600, which permits the em ployment o.only 29 salaried war dens. , At Its recent meeting in Ottawa the International Association of Fish, Game and Conservation Com missioners adopted a resolution calling for the issuance of fede ral licenses for hunting migratory birds. The recommendation called I and Mrs. V. O. N. Smith, Mr. nud revolution, the family moved to Pennsylvania and during the war the family' was well represented in the armies which fought and won independence from Great Brltlan. j In the days when Ohio was a' great wilderness ot forest, with small farms cleared away here and there, and i, few scattering villages, the grandfather Harding with his family hewed for himself a farm out of forest, and it was here upon his grandfather's farm, where his parents were then liv ing that Warren G. Harding was born. His father, who had fought Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McN'alr, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Homes, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Nell, Dr. end Mrs. G. O. Jnrvls, Dr. and Mrs. F. M. Moxon, Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Wugner, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Hedburg, Mr. and Mrs. H, J. Carter, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Tucker, Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Greer, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Barno burg, Mr. and Mi$. T. II. Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Joy, Mr. and Mrs. N. O. Bates, Mr. and Mrs. C. El- Bargains i Several New Bargains In Homes. for licenses in the form of sneciail11- VauPe1' Mr- and Mrs H T' stamps to be issued by postmasters more' M?' and Mr8, Jl W" McCy'jin the ClY" Wflr t0 Pre3erv "e and attached to state licenses. It was estimated that the revenue from such licenses would amount to between $1,000,000 and $2, 000,000, which could be used tor the protection of game. The Social Realm Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Oaley, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Jordan, Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Provost, Mr. and Mrs. Emll Pell, Dr. and Mrs. F. H. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. E, B. Barron, Dr. and Mrs. F. G. Swedenburg. FRIDAY'S NEWS (iiivo Luncheon. Mrs. Otto Herbst entertained Mich a statement originated is not Mm. Hubert Morrell of Acme, known in Ashland. E. V. Carter, when Interviewed today, stated he ubsolutely kuew nothing about such a deal. He raid his candi dacy originated in Medford, and he was strongly urged by some of the prominent Medford business men to let his name go on the bal lot for representative. Nothing was intimated to him, be declares. regarding the support of the coun ty seat removal In trade for Med ford's support of his candidacy. Mr. Carter said tie publicly and privately advocated . the county scat removal whenever opportu nity offered. Ho said that he called attention of prominent men in Medford to the fact that there was a strong adverse sentiment in Ashland against the court bouse removal and urged that spenkers be sent here to answer the argu ments advanced by Colonel Sar gent of Jacksonville-, against the removal, but tlfis was not done. Mr. Carter stated further that he asked the Medford correspondent of the Oregonian for his author ity in making the charge of dou ble crossing by Ashland, and his reply was that "it was a street rumor." Mayor Lamkln, also interviewed this morning, stated he had at tended the Medford Chamber of Commerce forum booster meeting for the removal of the court house, and had stated he was in favor of its removal, but did not pledge lyceum uny Ashland votes on the propo sition in exchange for votes for' Mr. Carter. Wash., and Mrs. Howard Barrett, the former's hostess, at her home on Church street yesterday at luncheon. Little Symphony Orchestra Pleases. Ashland seems unfortunate in its entertainment engagements, as so many ot the companies are held up by train wrecks, making them late In reaching the city, This was the case last evening, when the Little Symphony Or chestra presented the opening en gagement of the Winter Lyceum in the armory under the auspices of First company, O. Jf. G. It wbb close to 9:30 before the com pany reached the armory, but no delay in the opening of the re cital followed their arrival. The orchestra was an nil-string com bination presenting attractive sketches from standard symphon ies and leading operas, together with a wide repertoire of the com positions of Mr. Tburlow Ller rance, the organizer of the or chestra. . MIbs Margaret Perry, a well known American soprano, accompanied the orchestra and de lighted the audience with her won derfully charming solo work. A good attendance ot Ashland's music lovers greeted this number, and the boys in charge hope to have the support of the people In the coming numbers of the Missionary Society Moots.. The missionary society ot the Christian church met at the borne of Mrs. Ernest Wllgus on Allda street yesterday afternoon at its regular monthly meeting. Mrs. Wilgus led the meeting and after singing and prayer n business ses sion was called, at which a mes sage of thanks was read from Mrs, H. J. Boyd, who left this week for California and who had been given a post card shower as an expression of appreciation from the members of the society for the splendid work she had done Mrs. Boyd also sent a special mis sion offering for the society. A program of entertainment was a feature, opened with devotional conducted by Mrs. J. M. Beaver. Mrse. Wllgus and daughter, Dor othy, gave a charming piano duet. and Mrs. W. A. Cooper read a: employes. Union, at that time was a young practicing physician. At the age of 14 years young Harding completed his work at the village school and entered the Ohio Central college of Iberia, now defunct. As did many of the other Ohio, youths, Harding work ed his way through the college, being forced to quit bis work at intervals to replenish his treasury by doing odd jobs, working In the fields or on the section gang of the railroad When he was 19 years old, the family moved to Marlon, O. There has never been a strike or a threatened strike In the office ot the Star, Mr. Harding's news paper, It is stated, and he has solv ed his own industrial problem by a practice of friendship, square dealing and generosity which has resulted in a corps of workers upon the pnper all of whom swear by the "old man." After the pa. per had become firmly established, Mr. Harding reorganized the con cern into a stock company and distributed shares to each ot the A $1,500 value; for $1,200, bringing In 12 per cent now. FARMS, STOCK RANCHES, GRAZING LANDS E. T. STAPLES Millions for New Stomacl tlon ot the southerly side line of, the date ot Its service upon you Nob Hill street, and the westerly It served personally upon you wlth- slde line of Almond street in the Nob Hill Addition to the City of Ashland, Oregon; thence In a southerly direction along the west- out the state of Oregon, and if you fall to answer In said cause within said time the plaintiffs will apply to the court for the relief erly line ot Almond street 70 feet demanded In the snld complaint, to the point ot beginning ot the to-wit: land herein conveyed; thence run-. For reformations of deed relat nlng south 24 deg. 18 min. west , lug to and the quieting of the tl along said . Almond street 8 feet j tie to a triangular tract of land to stake for corner; thence west-'on the south side ot High street erly to a point which I south 68 iu Its intersection with Granite deg. 40 min. west 60 feet from street In the City of Ashland, Ore the place of beginning; thence ton, described as follows: north 68 deg. 40 min. east CO feel ' Beginning at the intersection to the place of beginning. i of the south side line of High! Dated and first published this street with the west side line ot 3rd day of November, 1920. Granite street In the City of Ash H. L. WATERS, iland, Jackson County, Oregon; 10-4-Wed Guardian, thence northwesterly along the southerly side line of High street NOTICE OP DISTRICT ROADiiO" feet more or less to the enst- MEETING. I erly side of alley; thence south- westerly along the easterly side line of ulley 105 feet more or Jess , to the northerly northwest corner of the Grainger lot; thence Road District Number 2, Jackson - County, Oregon. Notice is hereby given that In pursuance of a petition duly and legally signed by more than three free holders and legal voters re siding In Road District Number 2, Jackson County, Oregon, and duly and legally presented to the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, a district road meeting ot the legal voters of said dis trict Number 2, will be held at paid, Sept. 15, 1919; recolpt No 23214; amount, $9.76; int. rate 13 per cent. ' Years tax, tax of 1918; date paid, 8ept. 15, 1919; receipt No' 13690; amount, $8.81; int. rate 12 per cent. Total amount of t"Xes uaid sin date of Certificates of Delinquency, Said W. W. Drake, as the owner of the legal title o' the above de scribed property as the same ap pears ot record, and each of the other persons ubove named are hereby further notified that tin. City of Ashland will apply to the circuit court or tbe County and State aforesaid for a decree fore closing the lien against the prop erty above described, and men tioned in said certificate. And you are hereby summoned to up pear within sixty days ufter the first publication of this summon, exclusive of the day of said first publication, and defend this ac tion or pay the amount due as southeasterly along the northerly : above shown, together with cost line of tbe Urainger lot 264 feel and accrued interest, and In case more or less; thence northeasterly on the west line of Granite street 16 feet more or less to the place of beginning. and for such other relief as to the Court may seem proper. By order of the Hon. F. M. Cal kins, the judge of the said Court, the County Poor Farm in said made aud dated, on October 20, Road DlBtrlct, Jackson, County,! 1920, the Summons is served upon Oregon, on the 20th day of No-ly the publication thereof and by vember, 1920, at Ihe hour of 2 "ttitl Order you are required to o'clock p. m on said day for the Answer the same within six weeks purpose of levying a special road ', (rom the dule of the first puhll- tax not to exceed ten mills on the , canon oi mis summons. dollar on all taxable property with In said road district for the spe cial improvement of the roads in said road district,, and for any other purpose which may seem proper to come before said meet- ng. . Dated at Jacksonville. Oregon. this 26th day of October, 1920. O. A. GARDNER, County Judge. THOS. H. SIMPSON, County Commissioner. JAMES OWENS. 1 0-3-W County Commissioner. BRIGGS A BRIGGS, By E. D. BRIGGS, Attorneys for Plaintiffs, Ashland, Oregon. First Publication: October 27, 1920. 9-6-Wed CITATION. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, County of Jackson. In the Matter of the Estate of Christ Gauckle. Deceased: To the unknown heirs, of your failure to do so, a decree will be rendered foreclosing tho uen ot said taxes am' costs against the land and promises above named. This summons Is published "by order of the Honorable F. M. Cal kins, Judge of tin Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Juckson and said order was made and dated this ot October, 1920, and the date of the first publication of this sum mons Is the 20th day ot October. 1920. All process and papers in this pruceeuiug may ne served upon the undersigned residing within the State of Oregon nt- the address "hereafter mentioned, WM. M. BIUOGS, Attorney ror. Plaintiff. Address: Win. M. n.-iggs, Pio:ioir Block, Ashland. Oregon. 8-6 NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT. NOTICE OF DISTRICT ROAD MEETING. , vuiywvih Alia ,SJ11 JUIIJ ID UJJ" paper on "The New Emphasis on j erated Upon this basis at the pre the Known World." Sketches of j ent time. Human Life were given by Mrs. J. V. Wright and Mrs. Alta Weih berger gave a piano solo. The hostess then served tea and wafers. Afternoon Party. Mrs. F. J. Shinn was hostess The Mail Tribune of last night (yesterday afternoon at a party In stated there are wild threats of 'honor of her cousin, Mrs. Hubert "mi ;nemura win ao to Asiuanu s normal tho next time it comes to a vote, claiming it has given loy al support to Ashland lu every conceivable way from tbe Chau truqua to the camp grounds. "Judging by talk on the streets, Medford will adopt a different course In the future," It claims. The last statement In the pa per, however, clears up the elec tricity in tho air over tho feeling existing from the defeat of the measure by very truthfully slat ing that tho measure would hwe carried easily If ih Chamber of Commerce of Medford hnd sent rood speaker.", to debato tho ques tion with Col. Sargent, instead of letting the colonel have It all his own wav. Morrell of Acme, Wash., who. has been visiting here for the past fortnight. Those present beside the honor guest were Mrs. O. A. Paulserud, Mrs. Edmund Dews, Mrs. Otto Herbst, Mrs. Howard Barrett, Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. Thomas Stephenson. The ladles spent the afternoon with their needlework. 1'RKE EMPLOYMENT ItfRKAl IS OPENED llirtliduy Party. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Young en tertained at a birthday party tor their daughter, Eugenia, on Wed nesday, November 3, at their home at 116 High street,' from 2 to 8 p. m. The afternoon was pleas antly spent in playing games, af ter which refreshments were serv ed. The table was decorated with Hallowe'en colors, the attractive feature being the beautiful birth day cake with 11 lighted candles. Many beautiful gifts were received. Those present were: Mary Mal ey, Sylvora Hach, Rosalind Wise, Edith Plummcr, Helen Mortens n, Ned and Eu- .M orris & Davis, (Ed. and Toad) advertise elsewhere In this issue of Tbe Tidings tbe opening of their new pool and billiard parlor! Junior Harrington on North Main street next door to gcnla Young. . Simpson's Hardware store. The - firm states they will carry a full! SATURDAY'S NEWS Hoe of cigar and tobaccos and' Enjoyable Dance, soft drinks. Much as Ashland residents like THURSDAY'S NEWS Class Picnic. The members of Mrs. O. Win ter's Sunday school class held a picnic at the home of Miss Loleta t'lerson on the Boulevard yes terday. The event 'celebrated the birthdays of four members of the class which occur this week, Misses Mildred Wilcox, Harriet Walcott, Florence Marrltt and Laura Prescott. The class took their luncheons which were ser ved in cafeteria style at the Pier son home, and in the afternoon, made a tour through the old normal building and took a walk through the pleasant woodlands surrounding the grounds. Miss Plerson brought tbe girls home In her car in the evening, aud sev eral of them wound up tbe day by going to the movies in the evening. Had Friends to Dine,' Mrs. Geo. M. Robison gave a dinner party at her home Tues day evening complimentary to Mrs. Orln Robison of Cottage, Mrs. Dan Stone of Oakland and Mrs. Boyd Robison of Talent. These ladies have been guests of Ashland and vicinity for the past week. Teacup Club Meet. The regular monthly meeting of the Teacup Club of the Metho dist church was held at the home of Mrs. F. H. Walker on Liberty street last Tuesday afternoon. Up wards ot 30 women gathered with their fancy work and spent a de lightful afternoon together. Three new members were received Into the club. Mrs. Walker was as sisted by Mrs. G. A. Briscoe, Mrs. A. M. Beaver, Mrs. Walter Hern- don and Mrs. Charles Splndler In Iu 1891 Mr. Harding was mar ried to Florence Kling, daughter of Amos Kllng, now deceased, who was one of the leading business men of the city of Marlon. Mrs. Harding has been described by intfruate friends as a tower ot strength to her husband in all ot his business relations and political aspirations, and in the fullest sense as helpmate and home maker. He has been for 'ears an active member of the Trinity Baptist church ot Marlon, being a trus tee ot the church at tbe present time, WARNS HOLDERS TO KEEP THEIR BONDS Jne of the greatest American millio lires said to his physician, a milli hilars, Doctor, spot cash and no grui )ling, for a new stomach,'' and tit be sick man groaned and turned aws ill his wealth eould not make hi tappy or contented, for happiness lara y depends upon digestion, Witho lenlth where does happiness couie ii Ifter all the stomach plu.vs a grei iart in everyday . life. Without icaltliy stomach aud good digestion oi )lood is thin, watery and poor, oi iart action is weak, our liver does m lo its duty, and man is miserable ui inlisppy. Prevent disease by puttin lie house in order and strtiigtiieniii lis system against the germs of discus Dr, Pierce, of the Invalids ' Hotel an lurgical Institute, at Buffalo, N. Y -ears ago understood diseases mid the; irovention, and he discovered certai pots and herbs which were nature 1 emedies, and succeeded in putting thei p in a form that eould be easily -jn ured at the drug store (licr'.il i. ablets). This he culled Dr. Pierce lolden Medical Discovery. This Dii tovery gives no false stimulation b huso it contains no alcohol or any nai totic It helps digestion and the at limilation of such elements in the too is are required for the blood. It giv a tho blood the food elements the tii lues require. For over fifty years i enjoyed the - confidence of th imsrican public Try it nowl Notice Is hereby given '(hat (ho if anv, undersigned has filed her fin.-, I there be, of Bald estate, and to account of her administration of an other persons claiming any the estate of Thomas A. Lane, do Interest in the estate of the said; eeased, iu the County Court of deceased: Jackson County, Oregon, and that In the Name of (hp Stale of Ore- the Judge of said court has des gon. lignated November 13, 1920, ut iou ana egen oi you are here-1 me hour of 10 o clock a. in,, at in Jacksonville, In connection with tbe pool and: to dance It takes Mr. and Mrs. O. billiard parlor the firm will con-18. Butler to set the ball rolling ItlOGRAI'HY OF THE NEW PRESIDENT-ELECT MARION, Ohio, Nov. 4. The next president of the United States, Warren G. Harding, Is a native of Ohio, the state known aa the "mother of Presidents." SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 4 The Federal Reserve bank ot San Francisco is broadcasting a warn ing throughout the twelfth federal reserve district to holders of Fourth Liberty Loan temporary coupon bonds not to present their bonds for exchange into permanent coupon bonds ot tbat Issue prior to February 1. The permanaut coupon bonds of the Fourth Loan are not now available because ot unavoidable delays In printing. Despite pre vious advices, thousands of dol lars worth ot these bouds have been sent or offered to the Fed eral Reserve bank through banks and by Individuals, resulting only In confusion and disappointment to tbe owners of the bonds be cause ot inability to effect the exchange now. Fourth Liberty Loau 4U per cent permanent registered bonds may be obtained at any time. The only temporary Liberty Loan coupon bonds at present be ing accepted for exchange for per manent bonds aie: First Liberty Loan, 4 and 4 14 per cent; second Liberty Loan, 4 and 414 per cent: third Liberty Loan, 4 per cent. Real Estate Homes and acreage. Farms and Stock. Ranches. Road District Number 1. Jack son Countv. Oreirnn Notice Is hereby riven thai tn by notified that on the fourth dav ' the courthouse pursuance of a petition duly and.0' 0ctoDor. 1920, H. A. Autry, thejsald county, as the-tlme and place legally signed by more than three uu, wuneu, quanneu ana act- ior nearing ojocii?ns to and the tree holders and leenl vnter. ra. i"g administrator of said ostate. ! settlement of said recount. siding in Road District No. 1, Jack-iflled ln ""'d Court n petition, du-1 RUTH M. LANE. son county, Oregon, and duly andj1' ,8"ea, praying saw court for -l-weu Administratrix; legally presented to the County ian 0T,ler ot ul of the whole of Court of Juckson County, Oregon, ' lne real Property of said estate Sl'MMOXH FOR I'l'ltLICATION a district road meeting of the le-!on the grounds and for the pur-' IN FOHECLOSl'RE OF TA.V gal voters of said District Number I D0"eg therein set forth, which suid LIEN. 1 will ha held nt Dellevlew Sehnni , real property is described as fol- In the Circuit Court of the Ktnin House In said Road District, Jack- low: - i of Oregon, for Juckson County. son County, Oregon, on the 20th "eginning at a point ao minutes 1 my or Asniaml, Plaintiff, day of November, 1920, at theie8t chains end west 8.99 vs. hour of 10 o'clock a. m.. on anid 1 chains from thB comer common ! Elmer C. Reeves. Fdith Reeves. C. day for the purpose of levying a;to Sections 10-11-14-16 Township, Mueller and Josephine Larson, special road tax not to exceed ten 3 9 South' Range 1 East of the' Defendants, mills on the dollar on all taxable Willamette Meridian, Oregon; To all of the Abovo Named I)e pronerty. within said road district tllnce North 20 minutes EaBt 5.091 fendauts: for, the speclul improvement ofichalns to the southerly side line i IN THE NAME OF THE STATE the roads ln said road district and j0' tna Oregon and California! OF OREGON, for any other purpose which may Railroad right of way; thence' You are hereby notified thai seem proper to come before sufil ! Sotitb 65 degrees 45 minutes East! tbe City of Ashland iu tbe holder meeting. .along right of way 9.04 chains to of Certificate of Delinquency nuin-- Dated at Jacksonville. Oregon, cornor; thence West 7.49 chains bered 4149, issued on the 6th dnv this 20th day of October, 19Z0. I to bcglnuing, containing 1.9 of April, 1917, by the Tax Col- O. A. GARDNER, a"es. lector of the County of Jackson, County Judge. NOW THEREFORE, In pursu- State of Oregon, for the amount THOS. H. SIMPSON, a,lc of tbe order of said Court of $41.17) forty-or.e dollars mid County Commissioner. dulr made and qntered upon the 17 Qnnts, the same beljig the JAMES OWENS,, -j filing of said Petition, you and I amount then due and delinquent County Commissioner. ieach of you are hereby notified! for tuxes for the year 1910, to- 9-3-Wed v i that you are required to appear i gether with penalty, interest and 1 before tbe said Court on' 8atur-i costs thereon upon the real prop- 8UMMONS. ,day. the 27th day of November, erty assessed to you. of which you 1 1 .1920, at ten o'clock in the tore- are tbe owner as nnnears of ree- In the Circuit Court of the State , noon of said day, at the Court 'ord, situated In said County anil of Oregon, for the County ot .room ot said Court In Jackson- State, and particularly bounded Jackson. .ville, Jackson County. Oregon, to Mary R. G. Freaman, Plaintiff, show cause, If any exist, why an vs. order of sale of the whole of said A. L. Freeman, Defendant. Lreal property should not be marie and described as follows, to-wit The northerly one-half of Lota 11 and 12 In Block Six of the City of Ashland, as the same are des- To A. L. Freeman, the ubove-nam-las prayed for ln said petition. ignated, numbered and described ed defendant: j Service of this Citation by pub-1 In Map No. 83 of the City of Asli- in me namo 01 me siaie 01 ore- .iicauon la made on the non-rest-1 lana on me witn the county lo gon: You are hereby required tol.dent heirs and the unknown heirs appear and answer the complaint : of said deceased by order of Coun cil the above entitled cause within ty Court, which said order is dat six weeks from the date of the ed October 4th. 1920. .first publication of this Summons,' WITNESS the Honorable O. A. which date 1b October 20th, 1920,, Gardner, Judge of said All Kinds of Good Insurance serving delicious refreshments. Mrs. Lizzie Will died this morn ing at 6:30 at her home, after an illness of only a few days' du ration. The deceased was a well j known and highly respected resi- dent of this city, nnd her many I friends were deeply grieved to j learn of her demise. Funeral services will be held This was the case Ohio and for a great many years, from the DoiR un(1ertak In. nar- Asbland Agents ot Abstract Co. Billings Agency , , Established 1883. Classified FOR SALE or Trade Ford hii? Maxwell touring car, barrel of axie grease, is rifle, Incubator. Call or address 375 East Main St., Ashland. 45-tf FOR SALE For less than cost of the Improvements, 200-acre farm, fully equipped. 45 acres cultivated. Considor good resl " dence property or acreage to $2,600 or $3,000; bal. terms to suit purchaser. Price and full description on application. Write owner, Chas. L. Wlmer, Myrtle Creek, .Oregon. 9-lmo FOR 8ALE 80 acres, 16 or 18 In cultivation; water right; 5 -room house; large barn; other build ings; family orchard and ber ries. $3000. Bert Johnson, Williams, Oregon. 9-3 luct a tree employment bureau and get the old Eleven O'clock; His home has always bden In where farmers and o'bers needing 'club a-danclng help can list their wants by phon-. last winter whoa for (he first time 1 he had been a business man and iri Monday afternoon ut 3 o'clock nig mem in oq omerwiae and since tbe war Mr. and Mrs. But-' newspaper puoiisnor in tms city, jjrs. Will is survived by three the same will be lUted on a large' ler Issued invitations to this hap-now made famous by the fact that j daughters, Mrs. R. C. Goodman blackboard In a conspicuous place 'py company to meet In Memorial , its first citizen has been elevated i jrs. Clarence Crowson and Miss In the billiard parlor. This will, hall and "shrke a foot." and theito the highest office In the gifticiara Will of Ashland, and one be a great help to those seeking meeting given by these hospiu'uie.uf the American people. j,0Ili jon o( The paM Mr help and the service will be ab-i people was repeated all winter at rresldent-elect Harding iroui died seven years ado olutely free to the employer and tinted times. This state of nf- born ln Corsica. Morrow County,! the employee. When help is se-j fairs waa again repeated this year. Ohio, November 2, 1865, and Is cured the employer will be in- The club merely waited for "Gwinjnow 65 years of age. ' He attend formed by phone and he can call: to do it," before organizing fored Ohio Central college and grad- the coming winter, so Mr. and nated from Iberia college in 1882. Mrs. Butler bunted up their old Since 1884 he has been engaged list. Issued tbe Imitation for! in tbe newspaper business and Is at the billiard parlor and make tbe further necessary arrange ment if be so desires. ( Twenty-five teachers of the Methodist Sunday school of this city are In Medford this week at tending the Sunday school conven tion of that denomination which is In session there. GUARDIAN'S SALE. Notice Is hereby given that pur suant to an order of the County Court ot the State of Oregon for the County of Jackson, made and entered on the 16th day of Octo ber, 1920, I will, from and after the 2nd day ot December, 1920, sell, at private sale, for cash in hand, all of the right, title and interest that Lee Truett Waters and Elsie Elizabeth Waters, minor children of Annie Waters, deceas ed, have In and to the following described real property, to-wit: Beginning at the Intersection of the southerly side line of Nob Hill S'ro'l and the WMitorl' '!ne of Al mond street in th; Nob Hill Ad ditlon to the City of Ashland, Ore gon, thence In a" southerly direc tion along the westerly lir.fl of Al mond street a distance of 70 feet; thence south 68 deg. 40 min.. west arallel to Nob Hill street 125 feet; thence northwesterly parallel to Almond street 70 ieet to street; thence north 68 deg. 40 min. east a distance of 125 feet to tbe place of beginning, being lot 10 and a atrip ot land 10 feet wide off the northwesterly side ot lot t in the Nob Hill Addition to the City of Ashland, Oregon. 7-5-Wed. Court, with tbe seal of said Court affixed this 4 th day ot October, 1920. CHAUNCEY FLOREY, Clerk TAX FORECLOSURE. ,and If you fall to so answer or otherwise appear, the plaintiff will; (SEAL) apply to the court for the relief demanded In nor complaint, to wit: A decree for the dissolu tion ot the bonds of matrimony be tween plaintiff and defendant; awurdlng plaintiff the care, ss tody and control ot the minor child ot plaintiff and defendant, Summons for Publication in Fore- Edwin J. Freeman; decreeing 1 cloeura of Tux Lien. plaintiff to be the owner in tee j Ju the Circuit Court of the State simple of the real property par- of Oregon, for Jackson County, ticularly described In plaintiff's j City of Ashland, a municipal cor complaint, now on tile with the poration, Plaintiff, Clerk of tbe above entitled court; I - vs. for xcosts and disbursements of W. W. Drake and Mrs. W. W. suit, and for such other and fur-! Drake and also Jll other per ther relief as to the court may sons claiming any right, title, seem just and equitable. lien or interest ln and to the This Summons is served upon, . real property involved herein, you by publication thereof, fori Defendants. six consecutive weeks In the; TO: W. W. Drake and Mrs. Drake Weekly Ashlnnd Tidings, pursu- and also all other persons ant to an order of the Honorable' Claiming any right, title, lien or F. M. Calkins, judge of the above ontltled court, made and entered on the' 16th day of October,1920. W. J. MOORE, Attorney for Plaintiff. P. O. Address, Ashland, Oregon. 8-7 SUIT TO REFORM DEEDS AND .TO QUIET TITLE. corder, said county. You are further notified that said City of Ashl:ind has puid taxes on said premises for prior or subsequent years, with the rate of interest on said amounts as follows: Year's tax, 1912; date paid, Apr. 6. 1917; .tax receipt No.,14.853: amount, $33.47; rate of interest, 12. Year's tax, 1913; date paid, Apr. 6, 1917; tax receipt No. 1.645; kmount, $42.67; rate of interest. lZfc Year's tax, 1914; date irald, Apr. 6, 1917; tax receipt No. 05.4G4; amount, $42.76; rule of interest, 12. Year's tax. 1916; date paid Feb. 9, 1918; tax receipt No. 12, 645; amount. $10.87; rate of Interest, 12. Year's tax. 1917; date paid, Oct. 10, 1918; tax receipt No. 20,626; amount, $38.38;- rale of Interest, 12. Year's tax, 1918. date paid, Rep. 18, 1920; tax receipt No. 23,241 ; amount, $45.36; rate of Interest, 12. Year's tax, 1919; dale paid, Sep, 19, 1920; tax receipt No. 11.497: amount, $23.47; rate of interest. Intermit In nnd tn tha tarI nrnn ( erjy Involved herein, the above named Defendants: ' In the Name ot the State of Ore- 12. gon: . You and each of you are1 Said above-named defendants ns hereby notified that the City of: the owner of the legal title of Ashland Is the owner and holder the above described property as the 01 ueruiicaie 01 Delinquency No. 1 same appears of record, and all SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon, in and tor Jackson County. Irving F. Finley und Bertha C. Finley, husband and wife, plain tiffs, vs. R. Wick and C. E. Wick, his wife, D. Perozzi and Louise A Perozzl, his wife, Peter A. Nel son and .Anna C. Nelson, his wife, C. J. Brady and Jennie B. Brady, bis wife, and any and all persons claiming an interest ln the property hereinafter de scribed, known and unknown, defendants. To Peter A. Nelson and Anna C. Nelson, his wife and any and all persons claiming an interest in the property hereinafter de scribed, known and unknown, defendants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON; YOU and EACH OF YOU are hereby summoned and required to 5121 In the amount ot $10.16 dat ed June 1, 1917; also Certificate of Delinquency No. 6521 in the amount of $14.66 dated Juno 1, 1917; also Certificate of Delin quency No. 6968 In the amount of $11.53 dated June 1, 1917 and Issued for delinquent taxes for the years 1912, 1913, 1914 re spectively by the sheriff and tax collector of Jackson County, Ore gon; mat saia taxes were upon real property assessed to W. W. Drake, which said real property is situated and d"scrlbcd ns fol lows, to-wit: That certain parcel and piece of property described in Volume 89 on Page 43, Deed Records ot Jcckson County, Oregon, the same being a Parcel located at the cor ner of "B" Street and Mountain Avenue, in the City of Ashland. County of Jackson, State ot Oregon. You are further notified that other persons and parties inter ested are hereby furthor notified that City ot Ashland will ap ply to the Circuit Court of the County and State aforesaid for a decree foreclosing the lien against the property above described, anil mentioned in said certificate. And you are hereby summoned to ap pear within sixty days after the first publication ot this summons, exclusive of the day of snld first publication, and defend this ac tion or pay the amount due ns above shown, together with costs and accrued Interest, and in case of your failure to do so. a decreo will be rendered foreclosing th Hen of said taxes and costs against the land and premises above named. This summons is published by order of the Honorable F. M. Cal kins. Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Jackson and said or- said City of Ashland, has paid der was made and rtn taxes on said premises for prior-day ot October, 1 920, and tlie ilato or subsequent years, with the rate of the first publication nf this of interest on said amounts as summons Is (he Ath inv nt n-t. fcllows Years Tax, tax of 1915: date answer the complaint of the plaln-l paid, Sept. 15, 1919; receipt No. tiffs on file ln the office of the; 13699; amount, $12.18; int. rate. county clerk in and for .the Conn- 12 per cent. ay of Jackson, Oregon, within six- Years tax, tax of 1916; date weeks from the date of tbe first paid; Sept 15, 1919; receipt No. publicatidn of this Summons If, 13689; amount. $12.79: int. rate served upon you by the publication ' 12 Der cent. Alo, beginning at the intertec-1 thereof, and within six weeks from' Years tax, tax ot 1917; date ber, 1920. All process and papers In this proceeding may be served upon the undersigned residing within the State ot Oregon at tbe address hereafter mentioned. WM. M. BRIGGS, Attorney for Plaintiff. Address, Pioneer Block, Ashland, Oregon. 1-4 Wj