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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1920)
ASHLAND WEEKLY TIDINGS Wednesday, August 25, 1920 AjJiLnd Weekly lidings Established 1S76 Published Every Wednesday by THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. Bert R. Oner. ... Editor amoug these Oue from William Woodward, a member of the Port land board, who protests the res ignation of ten teat hers who bad been elected to positions In the Portland schools for the forth coming term. j OH'UUL CITY AM) COUNTY PAI'KR. TELEPHONE :t( SUBSCRIPTION RATES one Vear $2.00 Six Months 125 three Months . . ...... i1.. .75 ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertisements, each inch 30c Local Readers, the lino 10c Classified Column, the word, each tiii 1 Legal Notices, each time, the line i i-JC Cards of Thanks $1.00 Obituaries, the lino 2Vie Fraternal orders and societies charging regular initiation fees and dues, regular rates. Iteligious and benevolent societies will be charged at the regular advertising rate for all adver tising when an ndmirsion or collection is taken. Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, Postoffice as second class mail matter. MM M Kit SCHOOL CLOSES WITH MUSICAL FEATURE Last evening brought to a close the Summer School of Music which lias been conducted in the Chau tauqua Pioneer bull and in the large auditorium for the last six weeks, with Prof. Leland A. Coon of the University of Oregon facul ty as director. Although this project was Marled too lato in the season to expert a large attendance this year, the Interest and enthusiasm manifested by those who have availed themselves of tho oppor tunities offered to broaden their musical abilities bespeak a very large measure of success for con tinuing the school on a more ex tensive scale for the coming year. The final event, the rendition of "The Rose Maiden," by a chorus of Ashland singers, aug mented by a considerable number from the Phoenix chorus, both of which have been working under the direction of Mr Coon for the period of the 'six weeks' school, was given lust evening In the large auditorium. The audience wns my appreciative und recognized with generous upplause the mer its of each Individual perform ance. The chorus work was excellent and showed the effect of the pains taking and careful work of the director, even In the short period coei ed. The work of tho soloists mer its especial attention. Fletcher Kish, who sang tli tenor role, is always heard with great pleasure by Ashland audiences and shows 1 v IIih enthusiasm and heartiness with which he enters into a part the real artistic genius. Miss llilty sung in a pleasing manner the contralto solo and the rich quality of tone was noticeable. Mrs. Elmoro delighted tho audi tnce with the clear, beautiful tones for which her voice is rec ognized so well, and tho generos ity of this favorite Iloguo River valley singer in responding to de mands of this nnture so freely merits the lienrtieit appreciation of all. .Mr. i oon again showed Ins ver- CHILD WELFARE WORK IX COUNTY Forty-Beven children In Jack ton county were given a start along better, healthier manhood and womanhood in Jackson coun ty in the four conferences held at Beagle, Belevirw, West Cen tral Point and Lake Creek early this month. The Farm Bureau women in these communities met together at a previous meeting and dis cussed with Miss Lane, nutrition specialist of Oregon Agricultural College, and the home demonstra-; 9"- G, pu,it Juror tion agent, how best they could help in the national movement for child welfare, realizing that the child welfare need is u prob lem that tho women in the homes alone can answer by banding them selves together and going after it. The most recent statistics show that in the United States there J. N. Hockersmith, petit juror Milton S. Janes, petit . juror Wilbur Jacks, grand juror J. M. Lofland, petit juror H. U. Lumsden, petit juror W. F. Looml3, petit Juror- Wm. Mclutyre, clr. court witness O. R. More, grand Juror J(. A. Meifrlman, grand Juror C. W. McDonald, clr. court wit noes C. W. McDonald, clr. court witness E. C. McLam, cir. court witness H. C. Mackey, petit Juror Lynn D. Mowat, petit juror W. H. NorcroBS, grand juror Elsla Olson, clr. court witness Jesse Plymire, petit ju ror Mrs. Thomas, clr. court 20.60 16.40 4.70 7.00" 7.00 21.40 .50 11.00 4.40 2.00 2.00 6.80 19.00 15.40 4.40 2.00 21.40 17.00 2.00 R. E. Morris, traveling expense 86.50 O, R. Robinson, 8th grade exam, board 9.00 .Mrs. Eugene Thompson, 8th grade exam, board 9.00 Lewis Ulrica, stamps for Sch. supt. office.,... 11.06 Total S 525.16 Fruit Inspector's Salary. E. R. Oatman, fruit in spector's salary 170.00 H. T. Pankey, fruit in spector's salary 112.00 Home Tel. ft Tel. Co., telephone bill 7.25 3.C0 14.20 1C.00 16.00 4.60 8.00 20.00 witness O. O. Timothy, cir. court, witness Sam Vestal, potlt juror. . A. J. Weeks, petit Juror. . Ed Wllkerson, petit Ju ror W. O. White, grand jury witnnsft is at present a huge army of Lane Wyiund, grand Ju- 5,000,000 children thut are under- ror nourished and those mothers feel j P- J- Nett & H- K- Hanna, that in their communities they I aLty'8, 'ee9' S,ntc vs . , I Smith are going iu unswei me nourisu- ment problem if possible. With Total $ 549.95 this in mind a conference was! Sheriffs Office, held iu each community. There'0. E. Terrlll, sheriff's sal were one or more doctors at each! ary. "",'", 208.33 i flan I Unnio vl ihiniitv of these conferences to examine! ,',,.,'. ,' v ituii the children and n, nurse to weigh Flora Thompson, deputy and measure them. The object! sheriff's salary 110.00 being to tell the mothers if there !RIen Terrlll, deputy sher- were other things to be correct- Ln - 100 0 ed besides the feeding. Forty-; sheriff's salary seven children were weighed, Hazel Tetherow, deputy measured and examined and the! sheriff's salary - mother learned whether her child ; f oTfice ."i". .." was up to par or not. Then eachjvallen Wilson, work in talked with Miss Lane and planned 1 sheriff's offico to overcome the deficiencies in Home Tel. ft Tel. Co., weight if possible by seeing that ! T 125.00 88.00 75.00 Total $ 289.25 Assessor's Office, J. B. Coleman, assessor's salary Jus. M. Cronemlller, dep uty assessors salary.-. 110.00 Llnuie Hanscam, deputy assessor s salary .... A. E. Coleman, deputy assessor's salary .... A. P. Hagen, repairing plat books 130.00 R. P. Campbell, field dep. uty assessor's salary . . 10.00 J. T. Little, field dep ' uty assessor's salary . . 84.00 E. A. Langley, field dep. ' uty assessor's salary. . 105.00 W. L. Moore, field dep uty assessor's salary. . 90.00 J. C. Pendleton, deputy assessor's salary .... Jay Terrlll, field deputy assessor's salary 110.00 J. B. Coleman, assesor's traveling expenso Home Tel. ft Tel. Co., telephone bill, asses sor's .... Med ford Book Store, supplies, asessor's of fice Medford Printing Co., supplies, assessor's office 75.00 33.50 3.05 1.60 12.25 T..n,Bnnvllln Pn.l the child has in the diet the food, I ' ' ,lpn9B shBrff ' and the rest thut is needed for!J. J. McMahon, deputy child to grow to normal' sheriff hire weight height and 'to, his or her age. There ure 28 of CL. Mon.lB011, (lepUty these 47 children who are below I sheriff hlro par and who ara going to be! Peoples' Electric Store, brought up to standurd if possible.1 sheriff s expense .... . The mothers of these children ! ,,,,. Bhflr,ff . . . ure home demonstrators who are'Swems' Studio, sheriff, going to apply some of the prin- expense clples that Miss Lane and the j c- E- TerriU' 8tamPs for home demonstration agent advo-L Yi4;ell'. euie in me leeoin? ot children. And these children are going to he weighed and measured once a month and checked up. And those children that are In school the county nurse will give them ex ercises to help them develop. These 28 home demoiistrators are a wonderful beginning In n definite piece' of child welfare work. And if the 28 children are made stronger, healthier citizens by the Farm Bureau women in these four communities taking a definite Btand In answering the natlonul crisis in child welfare, it Is n piece of work tho value of which cannot be estimated In dol lars and cents. 93.00 77.501 .96.00 86.00 9.85 11.00 32.50 121.85 69.00 .80 15.11 4.50 33.10 pense 2. zU Glenn L. Terrlll, deputy sheriff, traveling ex pense 100.66 Western Union Tel. Co., ' sheriff, telegrams ... 7.56 Ashland Printing Co., tax foreclosure expense 197.05 Geo. L. Howard, deputy sheriff, traveling ex pense 7.56 Medford Mail Tribune, tax foreclosure expense 199.47 Charles Wimer mid little son, Charles, Jr., of Myrtle Creek, have been spending several days in Ashlund this week. COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS The following Is a schedule of expenditures of Jackson County, logeiner witn a list of the Ore., claimants 'and -articles of service .atillty and thoroughness of train- hr. hlrh ,ne clllim ls lmi,e "'"1 , , , "hich were passed upon by the nig in essaying the baritone role j County Court of Jackson County mid pleased tin' audience with hisjduriiig the month ol June. 1920 smooth, mellow tune. The duets, .Mrs. Elmure with Mr. Fish and The following bil'- were allowed as follows, with th exceptions aiinu-n again with Mr. Corn, were espe- r)llllly (V)rt romIllssollors cially enjoyable. The umimpnn- C. A. Gardner. Co. j"dee's ists. Miss Bernice Yeo at the piano and Mrs. Van!i at (ho Olgan, also came iu for their share of appreciation from the audience lor the splendid interpretation of the scores, and their sympathetic enditlon. Altogether, the evening's per formance was very creditable to Ashland mid tho summer school and it is only regretted that other occasions of h less valuable char acter are abb audiences. salary 150.00 James Owens, Co. com. salary and. expense. , 99.00 G. A. Gardner, Co. judge's expense 14.58 Home Tel. ft Tel. Co.. Co. Judge's telephone hill 14.13 Postal Tel. ft Cable Co., Co. judge's telegrams 4.22 Western Union Tel Co., Co. Judge's telegrams 1.15 Total $1735.44 Clerk's Office. Chauncey Florey, Co. clerk's salary ICO. 66 Mildred M. Nell, deputy clerk's sulary 110.00 Francis Neil, deputy clerk's salary 88.00 Roberta I'carce, deputy clerk's salary 82.50 Delllla Sletens, deputy clerk's sulary . 77.00 Holeu Clark. deputy clerk's alary 71.60 Etlut Grieve, work iu clerk's offico 70.00 Grace MacDonald, work In clerk's office ' 70.00 Home iel. ft Tel. Co., telephone bill, clerk. . 12.70 Jacksonville Post, clerk's expense .11.80 Medford Book Store, of fice supplies 39.85 Medford Printing Co., office supplies 42.50 Postal Tel. ft Cable Co., telegrams, clerk .... 2.05 Remington Typewriter Co., clerk's office ex pense 50.00 Lewis Ulrich, clerk's of fice supplies .45 Jno. N. Williams, clerk's office supplies .55 Ashland Tidings, print ing, clerk's office . . . 45.86 Interurban Autocar Co., Co. clerk's freight... 4.13 Chauncey Florey, money advanced, freight ... .83 Total.... $1052.40 Tax Rebate. W. C. Foster ft Co., tax rebate 104.31 Widow's Pension. Ernestine Austin, wid ow's pension Mrs. H. Byerlv, wid ow's pension Goldle M. Boyer, wid ow's pension Minnie Boardman, wid ow's pension . . Effie Mario Baer, wid ow's pension Orpha Bets, widow's pen sion Ella, May Caine, widow's pension Susie Coy, widow's pen sion Ana Laura Corum, wid ow's pension Rebecca A. Clary, wid ow's pension Mae J. Daw, widow's pension Lucy May Davis, widow's pension Nettie Green, widow's pension Mary R. Higgins, wid ow's pension Lizzie Heath, widow's pension Dolly Lofr- widow's pen sion 1 ...... . Nlda Oatman, widow's pension Mary Priscilla Prico, wid ow's pension Rosa A. Peffly, widow's pension Rosa Ann Robblns, wid ow's pension Retha M. Richardson, widow's pension Sarah A. Summers, wid ows' pension Mrs. Sevey, widow's pen sion Rose R. Slngler, wid ow's pension Addie Webb Shank", wid ow's pension Laura E. Stewart, wid ow's pension Ethel A. Tllibesart. wid ow's pension Sarah Wakemon, wid ow's pension Lydia Sanders, widow's pension 17.50 30.00 20.00 10.00 25.00 10.00 17.60 15.00 10.00 15.00 25.00 10.00 25.00 10.00 10.00 32.50 15.00 32.50 25.00 10.00 32.50 22.60 17.60 40.00 15.00 22.60 15.00 22.50 17.50 W. C. Bollon, Indigent grave cleaned H. G. Enders, indigent supplies I . . .' Home Grocery, indigent expense Loomis ft Nelson, Indig ent expense ........ Leonard Oorthups, indig ent supplies . . Phoenix Mer. Co., Indig ent supplies Sacred Heart Hospital, - care of indigent B. P. Thiess & Co., in digent supplies Table Rock Store, Indig ent supplies Lewis Ulrich, indigent supplies Valley Fuel Co., Indig ent supplies White House Grocery Co,. indigent Bupplles . . . White House Grocery Co., indigent supplies .... Faber ft McDonald, indig ent supplies J. J. Emmens, -Indigent expense Amelia Mayfleld, regu lar indigent Sr.cred Heart Hospital, Indigent expenso .... 83.33 14.11 1.00 Total $ 743.47 Cure of Poor nt Poor Fuiin. ,W. N. Wells, Supt. Co. farm salary 126.00 Dr. T. J. Mulmgren, Co. physician's salary . . . Ed Binns, Co. farm sup- piles Bardwell Fruit Co., Co. farm supplies Cal. Ore. Power Co., ,' lights. Co. hospital . . . Clint Carey, plants, Co. farm Albert Crane, nursing at Co. farm Leon B. Haskins, Co. farm supplies Jackson Co. Creamery, Co. farm supplies . . . Jvfedford Fish Co. Co. farm supplies Medford Harness Co., Co. farm supplies . . . Medford Furn. ft Hdwe. Co., Co. farm supplies James McDonald, Co. farm supplies Monarch Seed & Feed Co., Co. farm supplies Nlda Oatmon, work at Co. farm Dr. D. Phipps, Co. farm expense Pauls Electric Store, Co. farm expense Jeshua Patterson, work at Co. farm J. E. Silver, work at Co. farm W. N. Wells, traveling expense Medford Sheet A Metal 15.00 Works, ballot boxes, election 142.00 12.43 Medford Furn. ft Hdwe. Co., election supplies S2.60 23.06 Medford Fur. ft Hdwe. Co., election supplies. . 3.00 8.10 Medford Furn. ft Hdwe. Co., election expense. , 2.60 6.00 Eleanor McQuiston, elec tion expense 6.00 20.05 Samuel Mathes, election expense 5.00 74.29 Samuel McOalvary, elec tion expense 6.00 15.00 Ellz. Mulhollen. election expenso 6.00 6.70 J. N. Pace, election ex pense 2.60 8.01 Mrs. M. A. Robinson, elec Hon expense 10.00 4.00 Goo. E. Hnealy, election expense 10.00 19.96 A. .1. T. Smith, election expense .' 6,00 16.80 A. H. Thompson, election expense . 6.00 9.00 E. D. Thompson, election expense J.00 50.00 J. Edw. Thornton, elec tion expense 1,00 17.50 Marlon Tryer, eloctlon , expense 1.00 102.86 R. H. Toft, election cx- pense 7.50 Elmo Throckmorton, elec tion expense 7.60 Clarence Wilhlto, elec-, tion expenso 5.00 O. Winter, election ex pense .60 i Ashland Tidings, print ing, election 5.05 Eads Transfer ft Stor- 33.70 1 "Ke. election expenso. 1.60 I Medford Printing Co., 8.91 election expense 1297.20 10.00 1.45 45.00 2.00 .90 total $4493.79 Roads & Highways. John Blaess, ferryman's snlary 35.00 County Nurse. Florence Lee, county nurse's salary 125.00 Florence Lee, county nurse's salary 74.53 v dlst. No. 10 409.45 J. Hartman, payroll, dlst- No. 10 8984.47 E. S. Wilson, payroll, dlst. No. 10 672.10 Tnterurban Auto Car Co., expense, dlst No. 10 78 Standard Oil Co., sup plies, dlst. No. 10. ... . 25.88 Medford Furn. ft Hdwe. Co., supplies, dlst No, 10 ;.. 80.30 .Fred J. Fick, supplies. dlst. No. 10 59.65 Peit Peck, labor, dint. No. 10 15.00 Total $5247.63 Road Dlst. No. 1 1. Henry Baker, payroll, dlst. No. 11 1946.15 Crater Lake Hdwe. Co., supplies, dlst. No. 11. . 13.20 Total . .$ 199.53 Surveyors Offlre. Florence Reddy, survey or's stenographer .... G. Elksnot, labor nts sur veyor Stuart McKissick, engin eering, surveyor ! Medford Book Store, sup- 4 jo I -P'les, surveyor ! C. Frank Rhodes, office 2 25! expense Total $1959.35 Road Dlst No. 18. J. E. Glass, payroll, dlst. No. 12 200.16 Road Dlst. No. 13. Jaek Thrasher, payroll, dlst. No. 13 190.51 H. L. Gregory, payroll, dlst. No. 13 2701.11 H. L. Gregory, expense, dlst. No. 13 173.70 Lome Gregory, labor, (list. No. 13 228.97 Lome Gregory, laljor, dlst. No. 13 127.65 Crater Lake Hdwe. Co., supplies, dist. No. 13 1.85 Jerry Bishop, labor, dist. No. 13 38.50 Dolph Kent, labor, dlst. No. 13 44.00 Elmer Knips, labor, dlst. No. 13 3.10 Rube Moore, labor, dist. No. 13 28.00 John S. Owens, labor. dist. No. 13 21.00 j Henry Owens, labor, dist. i No. 13 71.00! Verne Owens, labor, dist. No. 13 8.00 B. F. Peart, supplies, dlst. No. 13 Ashland-Klamath Falls Road. Jack True, payroll, A. K. F. road 4850.60 J. H. Groves, right of way 116.00 Enders Cash Dept. Store, supplies, A. K. F. road 942.56 East Side Murket, sup plies, A. K. F. rond . . Ashland Furn. Co., 'gup- . piles, A. K. F. road , . Eagle Meat Market, sup plies, A. K. F. rond. . H. O. Enders ft Sou,, supplies, A. K. F. rond 143.94 Thos. H. Simpson, sup plies, A. K. F. road . . . Mrs. J. M. Taylor, sup-' plies, A. K. P. rouil . . C. H. Vaupel, supplies, A. K. F. road Thos. II. Simpson, sup plies, A. K. F. road . . . 71.40 15.60 22.60 .82.86 15.60 27.05 66.20 Total '. $6384.31 County Library Fund. Clara Van S:int, libra rian's salary and ex penso , Willis Howard, librari an's nss't. si'lary, . . . Klocker Prlntery, print ing and supiilhH .... Medford Book Store, books and supplies , , . 29.92 Democrat Printing (id.. supplies as invoiced . . 63.96 25.00 9.25 C4.02 Total $ 192.15 Bounty Report. S. L. Babb.. 3.00 H. F. MrKlnnis . . 2.00 Jesse Nell 6.00 Waldo Nyo 7.00 A. A. Smith 15.00 W. E. Bryson 6.00 S. J. T. Meadows 8.00 H. P. Sellers 3.00 Anton Ring 15.00 Total $ 63.00 CHAUNCEY FLOREY, Criir.ty Clerk. Classified 2.05 ( 58.68 I.75! 10.00 40.00 23.00 37.00 2.45 12.00 45.33 4.37 8.00 Total $ 114.45 Scaler of Weights & Measures. A. E. Bond, sealer of weights ft measures salary 29.62 Water Miuitw. Total $ 461.83 Fred N. Cummlngs. water Court House. Total $3648. 39 Road Dist. No. 14. E. Pelle, poyrall, dist. No. 1 4 345.85 General Roads. I Ashland Iron Works, I general road expense 6.25 J. D. Adams ft Co., gen- I eral road expenso ... 41.80 Associated Oil Co., oil, general roads 82.62 Billings Car ft Auto Works, supplies, gen eral roads 100.70 Brown Motor Co., truck supplies, general .... 52.80 Clyde Equipment Co., general road, supplies 18.00 Crater Lake Hdwe. Co., general road, expense 25.00 5.00 IFOR SALE Or Trade 160 acres wood land; three miles from Ashland. Further particulars, See A. York, Ashland R. F. D.. Box 58-A. 109-3 janitor's J. A. Norrls, salary ,Cal. Ore. Power Co. lights for court house Tom DeVore, court house expense H. C. Onrnett, painting court house 150.00 master's salary 100.00 Crniir Lnko Hdwe. Co ;Fred N. Cumlngs, water general road, suprlles 50.00 m"B,'''8 expense 91.35 Crater Lake Hdwe. Co., I general road, supplies 7!i, 11. crater Lake Hdwe. co. 6.00 Tgtal ,..."......$ 212.75 Jail. J. A. 'Norrls, jailor's sal ary 50.00 Cal. Ore. Power Co., lights for jail 1.50 Fred J. Fick, Jail supplies 2.00 Efffle May Terrlll, meals 1 for prisoners 33.80 ! Etfle May Terrlll, meals I for prisoners 1.50 j Jno. N. Williams, sup- plies, jail 1.70; District Attorney. O. M. Roberts, dlrtrlct attorney office ex pense Health Registration. Dr. W. S. Carey, health registration ' Dr. W. W. P. Holt, health registration J. W. Jacob, health reg istration Dr.T. J. Mulmgren, health registration . . . Miss Nellie Reed, health registration Dr. T. E. Swedenburg, health registration . . 49.50 I general road, supplies ; Eads Transfer ft Storage Co.. eeneral road. 24.58 9.69 11.15 21.25 1.25 .50 2.25 i 4.2ri! 11.75; 47.98 9.95 42.6lj 69.77! . $ iio.no1 Totnl Juvenile Court. . Teuscher, juvenile ex pense 18.11 Ore. Agricultural College, Advertising & Co. I'riiillng. 1 Co. Agent Total $ Stock Inspection. M. C. Lininger, re'und for cow , Co. Agent. 21.75 17.501 Works, expense Works, expense 121.47: 1 14.50 45.101 1 650.00 Total $ 28.1. 08 , Circuit Court. bailiff. grand Jury G.00 A. R. Thompson, cir. pntlrl prior 00 Art IKACHKKK CAN' HAVE , . v,.rl. Vir'V'V. LICENSES KKVOkEDi crier 12.00 Teachers who have contracted s- 8- Aiken, petit juror. . 13.60 1 H. C. . Burgess, grand t..r f.,.ullw..,u I.. lind who resign without the con- j Kichar(, Bee'swick', ' petit tent of the school boards within i puror CO days before the opening of the! Welborn Beeson, petit school term, ure subject to the , uror relocation of their license to teach ! A' Ju ; Beohc' B,,d according to an announcement by jF. J. Bolt." grand Juror! '. State School Superintendent Manley Brower, petit iuror 4.20 6.40 ' Total $ 966.38 Treasurer's Offkv. Myrtle W. Blakeley. treasurer's salary ... 100.00 Janette Wlllgerodt, dep uty treasurer's sal-, ary 80.00 Burroughs Adding Ma chine, expense, treas urer 5.20 Myrtle Blakeley, stamps, treasurer's office 10.00 Home Telephone Co., telephone bill, treasurer Geo. F. Clausing, relit Churchill, who received numerous1 rnmnlnintit frnm kcIi,1 ... - juror through the ntate. , j. h. Cooley. petit Juror "A teacher's violation of the Jus. Campbel. g-and Juror terms of her contract is to be de-1 ri' Crawford, grand plored." Churchill ("eclares. "The school law provides that when a teacher resigns her position with- i.ut the consent of the board within the 60 day period or dur ing the term contracted to he Uught, it becomes my dt.'y upon Wm F.arhart. grand Juror t.n. Ferguson, cir. court witness Juror Fred A. Copplo, Juror Mrs. M. A. Coleman, court witness J W. DresBler, petit Juror Mrs. Evans, clr. court wit ness grand clr. due notic from the school board In revoke the certificate of tbe teacher and to disqualify her from teaching in Oregon for the re mainder of the year." Last year 17 teachers' certifi cates were revoke-) by Superin tendent Churchill upon complaints by school boards for violation of rontracls. Many complaints are Daniel Foeler. grand Ju ror John A. Gammill. grand Juror Home Tel. ft Tel Co., clr. court tel. bill. . . A. W. Hubbs. petit Juror S B. Holmes, petit Juror Wm. Hillis, petit iuror James W. Herron, petit i juror 15.80 Klocker Prlntery, treas- urer's supplies 4 40 Meford Book Store, sup 6 20 1 plies, treasurer 18.40, 1 9.80 7.0U 5.411 4.00 5.80 3.50' 19.00 1 50 4. 00 2.00' 3.25 38.00 1.60 10.00 6.00; 10.00 8.00 10.00 now reaching bis office, be states ,! Frank D. Hill, petit Juror Total $ 238.05 Coroner's Office. T. W. Miles, premium, coroner's bend 9.00 School Slipl.'n Offlre. G. W. Ager, Sch. supt.'s salary 160.00 R. E. Morris, Sch. supv. salary 120.00 Mrs. Eugene Thompson, work in Sch. Supt. of fice 67.00 G. W. Ager, Sch. supt.'s expense 24.47 O. W. Godward. 8th grade exam, board... 9.00 E. H. Hedrick. 8th grade I , exam, board 9.00J 8.40 Klocker Prlntery, Sch. ! supt. supplies and ex- 5.60 pise , 13.25 Medford Book Store, sup 4 05 plies, Sch. supt 10.80 7.00 Medford Printing Co.. 12.60 supplies Sch. supt. .. . 3.60 16.00 G W. Milan. 8th grade I I exam, board .0O 15.00 R. E. Morris, Sch. supv. I !l 00. office rent 3.68.' ' Total $ 670.00 Caro of Poor Not nt Poor Farm. Rena Avery, regular in digent J. R. Anderson, regular Indigent Nancy Arrasmith, regular indigent Mrs. G. R. Brobeck, reg ular Indigent A. D. Beardsley, regu lar indigent J. M. ft Rebecca Chllders, regular Indigent Kate Copple, regular In digent Dave Daniels, regular Indigent J. H. Fattig, regular In digent Mrn Gunn, regular In digent Mrs. Hatch, regular in digent Mrs. Hudson, regular in digent f W. Ingram, regular indigent Martha Jones, regular indigent Viola Jones, regular In digent Albert Johnson, regular indigent Mr. and Mrs. T. I. Kel soe, regular indigent, . Mr. ft Mrs. J. A. Kane, regular Indigent .... H. C. Knapp, regular In digent Lena Lee, regular In digent Carrie E. Miller, regular indigent Mrs. I. A. Montgomery, regular indigent Mrs. J. A. Myers, regu lar indigent Margaret Noble, regu lar Indigent Dor) Parsons, regular Indigent W. H. Smith, regular In digent Nancy Sissemore, regu lar Indigent Mrs. L. Schlefflin, regu lar indigent T. D. Stafford, regular Indigent Ellas Slover, regular In digent Annie Watkina, regular indigent ...... Z. Wolgamott. regular Indigent Alex Wilson, regular In digent American Red Cross, In digent expense Ashland Printing Co., printing court proced- Ings , Cold Hill News, printing election notice Medford Printing Co., office supplies 126.40 Pacific Record Herald, printing notices 22.40 Ashland Tidings, Co. ' printing 49.25 1.30 491.00 60.00 Total.... $ 269.65 Indigent Soldiers'. D. W. Luke, indigent soldier expense Eloctlon Expense, Edna Barr, work, clerk election Diehless Minter, tire, election expense Dan M. Pearce, hire, election expense 10.00'E. A. Langley, work, election expense Patliologit. j Ashland Tidings, print- 48. SO; lug, pathologist I Co. Fair. 22.80 !Ora. L. Barnett, Co, fair ground ROADS. Road Dist. No. 1. Jack True, payroll, dlst. No. 1 531.34 Gaddls ft Dixon, supplies, dlst. No. 1 1 964.56 Enders Cash Dept. Store, ' ' ' supplies, Dist. No. 1.. 170.96 226.24 19.03 40.95 Total $1666.86 Rond Dlst. No. S. I Win. Bruin, payroll, dist. 0.001 No. 2 1002.69 J. D. Adams, expense, 63.00; 12.00 24.00 24.00 35.80 5.00 2.00 5.00 5.00 12.50 Martin McDonough, work, election Ashland Printing Co..' election expense Ashland City Lihrary, election expense S. S. Aiken, election ex-Dense H. C. Burgess, election expense -. . 10. 00 8.00; City of Butte Falls, etec ' i tion expense N. S. Bennett, election expense Geo. Brown ft gon, elec tion expense Big Pines Lumber Co., election expense .... County Clerk, election expense 2362.03 Dave Dorn, election ex pense Mrs. Irene Delosh, ,elec- tion expense 8.00Theo. Engle, election ex- pense 8.00 : Grange Enterprise, elec tion expense lO.OOjchas. A. Gaay, election j expense 8.00 G. M. Grainger, election expense 8.00, H. C. Garnett, election supplies 10.00 Glass ft Prudhomme, I election supplie' 8.00 Geo. W. Hall, election I expense . . .' 15.00'n, Hurt, election expense W. W. HIttle, election 10.00; expense ! P. B. Icenhowor ft Son, 00 8.00 8.00 12.00 10.00 1.00 6.00 10.00 8.00 8.00 20.00 (list. No. , D. Adams ft Co., ex pense, dlst. No. 2 Total. . . $1031.12 Rond Dist. No. . .- Earl O. Hayes, poyroll dlst No. 3 834.90 Roy Ashpole, supplies, dlst. No. 3 11.50 transfer Fred J. Fick, gmernl road, supplies C. E. Gntes Auto Co., general road supplies Hlnes ft Snider Auto Co., general road, expense Hlnes & Snider Auto Co., general road, supplies Hubbard Bros., general i road, supplies 1.75jHnbbard Bros., general road, supplies Medford Iron general roud Medford Iron general road Thos. T. Merriman, gen. road repairs j Thos. T. Merriman, gen. road expenso 26.95 ! Medford Furn. ft.Hdwo Co., supplies, general. Medford Furu. ft Hdwe Co., supplies, general. Medford Furn. ft Hdwe. Co., supplies, general. Medford Planing Mill, general road supplies Frank McCnrvel, general road expense Oregon State Highway Com., labor on truck, general 28.00 C. Frank Rhodes, sur veying general reads. Standard Oil Co., gen eral road, expanse. . . Standard Oil Co . gen eral road, expense . . . Frank Tompkins, general road, supplies Union Oil Co., oil, gen eral roads Union Oil Co., ol', gen eral roads Valley Fuel Co., general roads supplies Valley Fuel Co., general roads supplies West Side Pharmacy, general road expense West 81de Pharmacy, general roads expenso Chester Wendt, general roads, labor NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has filed the final ac count of his administration of the estate of Elmer E. Bagley, de ceased, in tho Comity Court of Jackson county, Oregon, and that tho Judge of said court has des ignated September 11, 1920, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., nt the courthouse In Jacksonville, said county, as the lime and place for hearing objections to and the settlement of suld uccount. W. J. MOORE, 109-6-Wed Administrator. 012707 NOTICE FOR I'l'ltLICATIOX. Department of tho Interior, U, S. Land Office at Roseburg, Ore gon, July 21, 1920. NOTICE is hereby given Unit MRS. LULU A. DECARLOW, whose postofflce address is Pine hurst, Oregon, did, on the 1st day of June, 1920. file in Ihls of fice Sworn Statement anil Appli cation. No. 012707, to purchase the NW SWtf. Section 4, Township 4 OS, Range 4E, Wil lamette Meridian, and tho timber thereon, under the provisions of the act of June 3, 1878, and acts ,. r! amendatory, known as the "Tlm- ber and Stone Law," at such value as might be fixed by appraise- : ment, and that, pursuant to such application, the land and timber thereon have ' been appraised. ! $170.00, the timber estimated '-'"1 130,000 board feet ut $1.00 per M and the land $40.00; that said applicant will offer final proof in support of her applica tion and sworn statement on the 8th day of October. 1920, before F. Roy Davis, U. S. Commissioner, ut Medford, Oregon. Any person is ut liberty to pro test this purchase before entry, or initiate a contest at any time ! before patent Issues, by filing u 6 (corroborated affidavit in this of- 17.60 ficc, alleging facts which would defeat tho entry. W. II. 108-10 CANON. Register. 57.00 NOTICE OF (iUAHDIAN'S. SALE 8.53 20.00 48.12! 3.73 32.58 17.35 20.00 Total $ 46.40 Road Dlst. No. 4. W. M.' Tetherow, payroll, dist. No. 4 57. 60j Young's Garage, general Roiw) Dlst. No. 5. ! roads, expense F. J. Watson, payroll, ! Young's Garage, general dist. No. 5 560.49 roads, expense J. Thrasher, payroll, ' N. N. Charley, general dist. No. 5 196.51! road work Big Pines Lumber Co., 1 Eads Coal Co., gsroral upplies, dist. No. 1.10 Standard Oil Co., for dist. No. 5 15.60: oil 1.60 .25 5.00 10.00 16.74! Total $ 189.34 Road Dist. No. 6 A. C. Spence, payroll, dist. No. 6 3367.26 J. T. Davis, supplies, dist. No. 6 Eagle Point Hdwe. Co., 7.00 j supplies, dist. No. 6. . . W. L. Childreth, expense dlst. No. 6 W. N. Staub, expense. dist. No. 6 7.50 27.00 29.15 10.00 3.75 2.00 145.41 .35 1.00 .00 : election supplies 4.40 IE. H. ft P. M. Janney 7.00; registering voters Robert M. Kyle, election 10.00! expense 3.00 iGeo. J. Kunzman, elec- 8.0d i tion expense 7-50 Keliur Bros., election ex- 15.00 pensa 15 00 j W. Ling, election ex- 8.001 pense -00 J J. McMahon, election 28.24 expense 72 00 Total $3437.15 Road Dlst. No. 7 Joseph Geppert, payroll, dlst. No. 7 1754.83 Road Dlst. No. H. Jack Thrasher, payroll, dist No. 8 196.60 fl ft ft Orval McClannhan, labor. dist. No. 8 1 1.00 ! Standard 1 5u W. L. VanHouten. pay I roll. dist. No. 8 ; general roads Total $2298.34 A. C. Clements. road, expense 116.97 H. C. Garnett, ger.oral road, expense O. P. Helm.3, general road work Seely V. Hall Motor Co., general road, expense Southern Pacific Co., general road, freight. Joseph Applobaker, gen eral, shop rent A. R. Brown, et ux, right of way H. C. Garnett, general road, supplies v Hodson Feenaughty Co., general road, supplies Medford Lumber Co., gen. road, supplies. . Russell Grader Mfg. Co., gen. road, expense... Standard Oil Co., gen. road, oil Standard Oil Co. general roads . Oil Co, I general roads 2090.84 iW. J. Burbrid"e, labor. oil, oil. labor, general roads Thos. Roseberry, labor 377.60 j and expense, gen. roads L. C. Taylor, labor, gen- 109.951 eral roads L. C. Taylor, labor, gen- Total $ 487.451 eral roads I Hoad Dlst. No. 10. I David Dorn, payroll, . Total ...$6877.44 Road Dlst. No. 0. R. B. Vincent, payroll, dlst. No. 9 H. I. Loving, expense, Dlst. No. 9 In the matter of the sale ot real property belonging to the estate i of Augusta F. Bcgley, Incopme 2.30 tent. Notice is hereby f iven that, pur suant to a llcenso duly given, and order of sale duly made and en tered in and by th? County Court of Jackson county. Oregon, on the 31st day of July, 1920, I will, from and after the 11th day of September, 1920, sell, nt private I sale for cash in hand, all the right, 28.00 title, and interest which the suld ! ward has In and to tbe following 2.50 ! described read property, to-wlt: I The northerly half of lot 6 in 13.50 ! block 28 as designated upon the I official map of the City of Ash 3.50! land, Oregon, adontcd and approv ed by the City Council, November 9.00 6, 1888, or any part thereof. i Also, lots 1, 2, Z. 4, 6, 6, 8, 9, 19.40; 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. 21. 22, 23, 24, and 25 ot block 24.00 1; also, lots 1, 2, and 3 ot block 2, all in the Mathis ft Bagley's Ad dition to the City of Woodvllle (now Rogue River), Jackson county, Oregon. Also, beginning at a point in tho center of Wards Creek on the south line of the Oregon and Cal ifornia Railway Company's Right-of-way, which point Is 1014 feet S. 29 deg. E of the section cor ner common to section 15, 16, 21, and 22; thence running south 30 deg. 15 min. E. along the south line of the said railway company's right-of-way 343 feet; thence south 60 deg. 45 mill. W. 181.5 foot;- thence south 30 deg. 15 min east 422.5 feet; thence south 59 deg. 45 min. W. to the low water mark of Rogue river; ttence northwesterly nlong the northerly low water mark of Rogue river to the center ot Wards Creek; thence northeas' erly along the center of Wards Creek to the place of beginning, containing 6 1-5 acres, moro or les, and situate in the corporate limits of Rogue River, in the 10.00 northwest quarter of section 22, township 36, south of range 4, west of Willamette meridian, Jackson county, Oregon. Dated and first publication, Au gust 11th, 1920. O. G. EUBANKS, Guardian of the Estate uf August:! F. Bugley, In competent. 10 9-4-Wed. 5.20 12.00 400.00 1.72 10.00 2500.00 5.30 453.42 67.76 658.00 271.59 723.96 259.08 15.00 6.97 ; 11.30 10.00,