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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1920)
Or.fon Historical ., AiHi'toi-iuni ' ASHLAND WEEKLY TIDINGS VOL. XLIII ASHLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1920 NO. Ill . Water Prospectors Advocate Installing Small Reservoirs BOY 8COIT8 OFF - KOtt 2 WEEKS CAM I Last Monday night thirty-five CATTLE WILL BE . jO. C. TIFFAXV DIES ' ! CLAIMS 'ASHLAND SOLI) AT Al'CTIOX IX POHTLAXI WATERS AHEAD OF Cattlemen throughout the coun- Oliver C. Tiffany, a (ormer well I SHASTA SPRINGS eager young Americans met i a ; ty have practically unanimous-j known anil highly respected clti- ne tpworui league rooms 01 tue ly decided to try out the auction i zen or Ashlund, died Saturday Water shortage Is becoming the. ervoirs that am practically made cnure"' -aeu ue naai 8i"a system in the marketing 01 1 morning at the home of his daugo- lcadlng topic in Ashland, as this! tor this purpose bv the' hand 0fibr0UB"1 his bIunkctB 1""t kit ,0,'beef cuUl8- A en?ni discussion ter, Mrs. Lester M. Leland. at yearseea the 'city vuter supply at' nature " la U' W ' cnmnln" "'l'- Atler' of the old system of cattle and tlifi Portland, after au illness extend- the lowest ebb It has ever beer.! Accordingto the opinion of these1 lhe ,)!,ck" Woro '"."i'ted they j points involved in undertaking j in over about one week. Lobar within the history of the munlc- prospectors the acquisition of "em numB l" um" eany l"jl,le u,lct""1 8'stem w" '0Dl pneumonia was the cause of Mr. ipallty, ut least since the es lab- several reservoirs holding, say liuhment of u wnler system. Not- from 25,000.000 to 60,000,000 withstanding the cHiaeng are put gallons of water would be the best on water rations the supply is ap- plan adopted by the city. "And pnrently dwindling more and morei these reservoir sites area already oach duy, ninl on!; the prospect ! spotted," Mr. Smith remarked next morning. Promptly at S a. in. the follow ing day assembly was pounded in front of the city library where cut at the meeting of cattlemen .Tiffany's death. The deceased In a copy of the Colville, Wash., Examiner which recently fell into the hands of C. II. Cham berlain of this city, a very inter esting write-up appears of a mo tor trip that was recently made by an attorney from that city to San Francisco. In recounting the various attractions that came un der his observation the tourist has that, according to all precedents, the full rains will start within a month or sn keeps Ashland house holders from feeling much con cern over the low water condi tions. In order to Investigate condi tions on the watershed a pros pecting party consisting of E. F. Smith, Charles King und Robert further. "These would answer the purpose udmlrably.' not only for domestic use In Ashland, but would supply a plentiful amount of water each year for irrigating the lawns, gardens nud small fruit orchards in the city limits. "Everyone knows there is wa ter enough runs down the streams lor upwards of eight months In held a few days ago, showing the, had been a resident of Ashland many viewpoint? and different for about 29 years. He was for a angles to the proposed new sys-: number of years an elder in the: the following to sav of Ashland the Boy Scouts were ready to .tern of marketing under this plan. (Ashland Presbyterian church and1. "Ashland, however, is enti niarcli to Lake of the Woods. It will make it possible for the was active In Sunday school work, j "Ashland, however. Is entitled Scout Master John Rlgg formed , cattle to be sold at home, and In .where he taught a large class of! to special notice for her splendid I hem In line and they marched off! stead of the different packing, boys, who hold the memory of'rark of umiroxinmtelv 100 acres Casey returned lust week from an the year to irrigate the whole eight day tour of Mount Ashland! Rogue River valley If It were prop ii nil adjoining peaks to see whatU-rly conserved," Mr. Smith stat the outlook is for a better water ! ed further. "Many people fear supply in the future. These men ; the erection of a huge reservoir looked over the field in that Bec- up the canyon for fear or it burst tlon carefully, examined the rock ling some duy and flooding the formation, looked into the feed'! city. While those cusuatlies have era from the snow-tlad peaks und 'been known to happen tbey are J very rare. Anyway It is not nec- lirospected the soil. "Nature has done everything j essury to build one big reservoir, she can to give Ashland water," . Our opinion in looking over the remarked Mr. Smith on his re- field Is to build four or five nun a cueering sons. I hey rol-i companies having representatives. Mr. Tiffany in great respect. He lowed the Pacific highway to the; tun over the county for a week, 'was also identilied with the de Dead Indian road, then along thut visiting the different lots of cattle' velopment of Ashland, and among road to Spencer's, whero they several times, under this plan the; the standing memorials of bis camped for tho night. I buyers will all come on one day I handiwork are the stone wall sur- At Intervals during the march j und the rattle wil be graded and rounding the Presbyterian church Mr. Rigg commanded a liult and I corralled. ! und manse, and the concrete walk rest, seeing that each scout lay flat. They can look them over at one 'and steps at the new Chautauqua on his back and relaxed, giving; time, and in oue day, see all the building. This l itter was done the greatest possible rest to the 'cattle that are ready for market1 by Mr. Tiffany two years ago. D0(y- on the day of the sale. I Three years ago Mrs. Tiffany That afternoon about 4 o'clock This will be a great saving In j tiled, and Mr. Tiffany at that time the first commissary truck begau time and expense to the packers I gave up his Ashland home and to load the provisions for the . Und us soon as the farmers' cattlm went to Portland where he had set on a gentle slop? along a riot ous stream, which is not a river dud yet too large tot a creek. The shade Is under rMeuding oaks, maples, alders and hemlocks light ed at night by thousands of elec tric bulbs hung through boughs. Cias is piped through the grounds, and plates of two burners may be had for a 24 hour period for 25 cents; otherwise the grounds are free. The open sward is parked mid native and domestic flowers are cultivated in great profusion camp. The first slop was at H.jare ready to sell, they will know j made his home with his daugh-jwe saw no prettier roses than u. tuueis ihuih, wane a craieiWlut they are going. to get for ter ever since. Funeral services, these. There Is a zoo on the grounds populated with elk, deer and native birds. A number of soda springs turn. ot oranges wne r;ccvel, a gilt to, them. i were held in Portland yesterday the Scouts; then !50 loaves of These sales are in operation on ' morning, conducted by Rev. Nu bread were taken on ut tho Lithiaja larger scale in northern Call ! tent and assisted by Rev. Strange, bakery. The balance of the load fomla and are proving very sue-; a former pastor of the Ashland i have been brought Into large caae- wts cneckea on at the htate Ex-jcesstul.. A committee of three, Presbyterian church. The body inents of concrete and glass, and "The only thing she tWsmaH reservoirs, then draw on ...una.,,. , consisting ot J. J. Murphy or Asn-i was orougni to Ashland this j mineral waters which am agreeu- . i ...,, ...m u.-ru ,mb success-1 lainl. chairman; Mileb Cantrall morning and Interred by the side j lily sheltered in the forestry of fal bidder for the following sub-0f Ruch, und E. C Hamilton of j of his wife, sou and daughter who , the park flow in abundance, and stantlal list of niuscla and fat pro- jiedford was appointed to have j preceded him to the grave. Brief! sufficient to supply a small city, decing foods: Icharge in conjunction with the committal services were conduct-' At an expense, we were told, of 2 case tomatoes, .100 lbs. pota-Farm Bureau ot these sales over ed at the grave by Rev: C. F. 1 1175.000 u lithia s ring has been toes, 60 lbs. onions. 40 lbs. rhe, the county. This committee will Koehler in the presence of a large 'piped in from a dl'iinnco of ten oi liest head; 2 lbs. muccaroui, 10j,rohably attend two sales sched-j number of Mr. Tiffany's former' fifteen miles and gi. en free to the 1-gul. cans White Karo, 50 lbs. , ued at Redding for the first and friends and associates. The body! public on the park grounds. Those bag beans, 100 lbs. best flour, 6 I necoiid of Seiteniher. All the cat-j was accompanied lure by Mr.. and j who know will make long drives lbs. Royal baking powder, 10 lbs. tlemen are watching these sales,. Mrs. Leland and (laughter. 'in the heated scroll to avail salt, 1 lb. Arm and Hummer soda, wih great interest. ; themselves of tlio good favor of 1 can best coffee, 18 tuns best ' , LosiXO RECITAL ! the ueonle of Ashland in niacins not done is to supply storage vats them when the water gets low, as for the immense amount of water' it bus this year. In this manner that annlally runs down the creeks Ashland could be supplied with an every spring und is lost. And she abundance of water the entire lias even done this, in a measure. . year round." All that is necessary is for man; The finding of the investigating to wall these sites up a little ! committee will be brought before ii ml turn the feedere into the res- j the council shortly. i PIBLIC FOIU'M. S COl'XCIL APPROVES D -I f 11 viewers n.NDixcs oraKes Gave Way The city council at its regular f ma I'D A meeting last night heard the uat-jv1 FlOUIfdfl f03U ter of the proposed cotstructiou' n,. CJ,..-yJ Ui of cement sidewalki on the south-j AC If. CUtYlu5 ilUfl erly side ot Allison street between ! . . u , , A party of Ash an d peop e yes- O resha in and Vn on street. No oue . . , ..... annA . i ... ''day morning about 11 o'c oik appeared to mako object on to the' ,. .,. i,, oil wet with'a serious auto arc dent proposed improvement, and the ., r i a- . ,. ' , ' "" on the Dead Indian road as the. council proceeded to consider a . , .ni..n . ,uu'u," were returning from a trip to th resolution proTld ng for the cou- ,t ; ., ... , ,..,. . T.i Lake of the Woods, when trt st ruction of the cemeut s dewalk . , , ., , . . ,, , Th. ,Mi,..- . , brakes of the maclnue failed to w . . 'eCeiVfd1''!aold. The party was composed wo thlids ote at the first read- ot Kev. t. A. Kdv;ai.d8 d , .din. .Vn ,h "eCOUJ!ou, John Kdward,; I. C. Wilson adoZ 0n Wi"'or ,he J,""or 'c""01' '""' '. , , . ' Henry Elmore, son of II. T. El- suLo h "'"' Objec,ions.oru,ore. and Cordon Walters. 0 v ow " T ",'n """I T"e "" W" C0'i 1 , v n'"KR I jH,,t t0 1116 ,0l"rt'"n ' '' end "-'-curred. The brakes held about ! !, : e; , : ?e '"'"'i f " ent pavement to Ashland street , . ,. ,. , , . . , " "Rel' grade near tho ton of the mouii- nnd that part of Ash and street , ,, , ....... , ,. . tain, but at that in a the brake extending from the Boulevard toL ,. ..... . uriv. , . Save way and .Mr W son, who Walker avenue, was a so brought .. , , , , ... , ,, ., . ;as driving, was unable to hold up ut the council meeting last .. . . ... ,., v ,, ,, B Bl , the machine with the use of com- nlght. No objections or siigRes- ,.eMlioll tions wore offered, und the report i ,.,, ', .. , ... ., ' , .1 When he saw the mach lie was of the viewers m tk ng suec a , , . . ,,. , ; fi """. gaining speed desiite his effort . benerit assessnien's for the puv- ,,.,..., , , , , , , ,. . , , , he steered it into an embankment. Ing of the streets was read ami , ., . . .nn..i i . tearing they might crash into approved by the comic I bodv. I ,, .,.',,, i some other auto or that tho ma- Another matter bMore the coun- , , ... ,.,,. , . "5lu,'lu"" chine might slinot over the em- cil which was actnl upou was t he1, , , . , I , bankment on a curve Into the can- iicuiuiK oi any ouieciions or Sllg-i ireHlii.llfl rnl.itit'n I,. Iha ri,..ll..ftUl of the viewers inridiut to the con struction of the sewer on South Orunite street. As no objections were made to this report it was approved by the beard of council. I The Social Realm i j (JIVE IS WATER Editor Tidings. Each year It seems the need for water in Ash land Is more and riore' apparent, but never before has the necessity been so great as this year. A re cent trip down the valley dis closed what water means to this country at this season of the year. In the Irrigated sections or those i VVEDXESDAVS XEWS llirtliilii)' Anniversary ! (ioorge E. Slannurd celebrat 1 ed his nineteenth birthday Sun , day at his home on the Boulevard. A lew intimate friends enjoyed ! with George the delicious blrth I day dinner prepared by his moth er. He found at Ills plate a most cocoa, 1 case large size Itorden " ASUKSTOS DEPOSITS , PLEASES AI D1EXCK the privilege of nature's cooling milk, J5 lbs. sugar. 20 lbs. yellow V jackho.V COl'.VTV, Last evening In the Chaiitanquii beverages as a free gift; and, not corn meal. 10 lbs. wheat hearts, a ii umber ot reqr-ests for ashes-' Auditorium occurred the first oit0 overlook the groat sulphui 25 lbs. best butter, 5 2-oz. ca.i8s )ro,erBH , 0,,gon have re. ,a series of two entertuiuinents ! plunge, as well, pepper, 6 boxes matches, 50 lbs. ; tPIlMv be(,n receive(1 at the offlc, being given by the Chautauqui' j ' At home. Aslih nd is deuoml Petite prunes, 125 lbs. hams, 40j()1 the . o As ;,su,mer School. j nated as tho Spa of the Pacific lbs. bacon, 10 lbs. lard, 3 cases,,. , . i Tim demonstration of folk an.liulm.e hm n ......Ur . :,, ,,,. ,.),. i ucoi Jn U(uis iii 111 U 11 JJIUCCH. 1 ' " i ..iwm....p mostly in the serpentine areas of ue"lnellc uuuceH ollerea "Y !'lls'by those who have indulged In yon below. The Machine shot half Its length up the cnibank meut and turned turtle, calehinr, nil the occupants under it. All escaped with minor cnts ami bruises except Mr. EdwardsM-ni received a serious wrench to his I back. ,1. Edw. Thornton came ("All LOAD (ilANT j along In a very few minutes after POWDER EXPLODES I the accident and brought Mr. Ed A freight cur loaded with giant I wards home.' Dr. tlregg was suin rowder blew up yesterday on the! moued, and he rmind no bones I HlubU-,.1, ...,.IA ..a.... enl..tln I....L- A .... L'.l... I.. I. .. h'11"" urai . uiraiiii,, nunrii .niu a) B ll. r.llwaitlS litis wrecking three other cam. The only painful bruises and the cause of the explosion could not j wrenched back. .Iiilin Edwards be determined. NY one was hurt sustained several bad bruises uinl wrenches, and was quite badly burned with acid. John Henry Klmore was also ladlv rut Mid outside of some delay to pas senger trains no material damage resulted. 60 dozen, ckcs. The truck was we.ghed aml;thft ., . . . r,ln lof Miss Edith Lindsay was pleas. found to have 1600 lbs. of meats! Evung ci.epk in(, a ointB i and entertaining, the work of and groceries. Driven by Mr. Ne- ,J Jessie Thatcher, Mary Elmore and Oalice district of Josephine conn-;611"8 n-,uo uelUB le' ille it immedlutelv took the road :ty; an-' In a number of places weuclablo. Miss Lindsay hersell , liluuaulll unrnelun 1 1. iUn fnmii nf J ii which plenty of water can be I . . . ' , , to camp, ..... . a gold watch, chufn and knife, ... . lt . . u 'also un wh en,,,,..- ,u.0 M wn i,., I book' Ceorge wondered if these, " ,.... i nv' ... .-Iclnity of Canyon ... . . ; eugested he must make good ' 8Ild" Cltv , 0re. an. flower beds and gardens Qf h .,tme orpr h,s second large truck which he! thriving with p enty o water , at once commenced to load tl, Notwitllstll(Unp Then return to Ashland, the flow-; .., , , ,, : the large tent and 1 sack of pota-! . ., , ' limn, miiua nioii iu, iiiiii iii.uiv , una nuuttii oreu reiices, me niaie its luxurious benefits. Shasta Springs, known the world over, which possess not I, all' the uttrac COl'XTV COl'KT PR(H'EEDIX(iSC.racc McDonald, wort in The following Is u schodule of . P'P,',!'H l,r'l' expenditures of Jackson countv.l Printing Co.. Ore., together with u list of the '"'"""i1-'' claimants and articles of service!'"""' rruiiiiouimi:. for wh ih Hie c aim Is made ,.,! J"'iK"ieni iiocse,, cierg which wero passed upon by the County Court of ,'uckson Couutv tions nor the virtues of Ashland H"""K momn 01 July' iri, . . , , . . , . j The following hi s were allow- Springs, we found privately owned o.i .... ........... ..... ptlonally nice pocket Mr ',,iM"' lM" ('onsidebl,! alon-'tt-'"ifewutors.of John-D-i ' Presented in mv,L (!nce. ! Uit in from the public by Uliowu. ge wondered If these sniriln UI"' adjusting his niimer-j r,v V "':,lcin!ty of Cuny0I',j "Sparklets ," w,- V . (xceed- j prohibitive charm s. You may ICounty Court ami Commissioners. Ingly well execuied i walk in and buy Shasta soda at A- rimer, t o. judge a. Th nrliaf. lipt nl thn oe .wu .. ...,f..l I.... it I 841 rV t 150.00 " ' .-- . ...a ..,., ..... ,. .iTlnH, w. Himii gram was given oy rroi. i.ei inu ,8i in on a Southern Pacific rail fr of the Roguo River valley. Ashland, with her dried up lawns, trees shedding their leaves thru lack of water, flowers that have happy birthdays. House Clients toes, 1 sack sweet corn and 2 boxes i i of apples, a ift from our pro ' gressive citizen, Fred Wagner. The Mr. and Mrs. Ellon Ileeson en- load was completed with the rolls made Ashland's name for beauty: terlained a company of friends 01 bedding, camp kits, axes. In southern Oregor drooping and at t1P. pleasant country liome' 8''ool9' "killets, ctew pots, dutch ('ying, ami covered with a veil oflleiir Talent last Sunday Those ove"1'. e,c-. including over 50 dust. It makes one's heart iichei .i, oi,i n, i.o.i,.i!.., r ' rounds of flutiiaok flour, mennred lor Ashland, the beautiful. j who enjoyed the hospitality of Mr. j and Mrs. I'eeson were Mr. and by some of the Scouts. When Not only is the lack nf .wutei j jrHi Wells, Mr, and Mrs. Johnl"lis wag "" cn Including rpparent to promote tho beauty Houston, Mr .and Mrs . J .A . Hoiis-I !r!co"t c"ldwel It weighed 2085 nl Ashland, but it ir. becoming ab-j tmii m,. .nnd Mrs William Hob- l",umls' truck was lute in get i Bolutely essential Vi devise soine .tSi Ml.9 Elizabeth Ileeson and ' ti,1K lur,e'' bl,t wilh l,s headlight means of oblalnin more for do-!jrnn Houston. making tho road bright and with incstic purposes. At the present; , i its direful driver reached the low water period those who live' 'J'lll lWDAV'S VPica I camp iu time for the boys to roll iu the hill (list nets are almost their Observed Annlumuw I "H ' warm blankets for destitute of water on days when j Yesterday was tho first anni-irilst niRllt ont- the lower sections of the city ure j versary of the Ahland Laundry j Wednesday morning after un being Irrigated. There are ninny , ,,iinr H present muiwgemeiit, eurljr brwkfast the troops niarcli- liomes where only the merest linj to celebrate the event Mr. and ' eU ofr eagerly to their permrnent trickle ot water comes from the'jra p jj French gave a lit tlt j 00 111 ' "le of the Wood", faucets at these times. These i party among Hie employes at' Tlle two ,,llcks arrived there jieople cannot get wuter ertmigh i which the served Ice cream. Only I ",'"t un(1 llllloa,'ed. Returning for ordinary household usage, fori those connected with tho laundry! ",ny leacne,i Ashland at 3. p. in., several hours during the daysWPre present. reporting all well and having the when Irrigation-Is carried on be- i j time of their lives. low them. As for the question of Elected Officers At the camp reveille sounds to irrigation on the hill districts, thai j Officers were elected nt the re-1 rise, dress in bathing suits and Is iu many parts cf the city al-,cent meeting ot the '.V uen's! take a plunge in the Juke. Mess Bureau of Mines is not aware that p. single asbestos property In the state has been sufficiently devel oped that the bureau can even rec ommend for examination by a prospective operator. It is be lieved that the increasing uses for asbestos, together with the favor able prices which prevail n( pres ent warrant development of some of our Oregon deposits. ikoii. Oo. comm. salurv A. Coon und Mr. W. Carletoii way train you have a few minutes' James Owen. Co. Com Janes, whose excellent work on in nnlm- th iv..e,l, ,,r the n. salary piano and violin was most Ilea it-j tors; then you ilaeli out to the Most out of the question. j Christian Temperance l eleii to What is going to he done about, serve during the coming year, and it? Are we going to let Ashland are as follows: President. Mrs. revert to the desert? Are all our Silvia Wertz; secretary, Mrs. Ella efforts to make a city beautiful White; treasurer. Mis. Jennie! foing to be unavailing, and are i Hammond; corresponding sccre-j call for breakfast; assembly cull for setting up exercises; drill end lalks on reverence and other Scout laws by Scouf Master Koeh-le.-. AssiSFunt Scout Masters Mowat till our work and labor going forjtary, Miss May Ileeedict. A new i and Badger will t'.'ke 150 loaves naught? There has never been a 'ruling has been made In the iin-jot bread to the camp the latter time when I have been discour- Ion that a vice-president will be part of the week. Bged over Ashland's future as I , appointed from each church by, Financial Statement p.m this year. Cannot we devise the president, to serve at various! Receipts pome means of Increasing our water supply before it is too lute? OSCAR OI'STAESO.V. intervals in the president's place1 Scouts paid $207.00 i CHICAGO MAX TO LOCATE IX WEST Mr. and Mrs. Waller Morton and daughter, Miss Jane Harrell, of Chicago, III., were guests ut tho Austin hotel Saturday night. Mr. Morton stated they were making an extensive tour of the coast from Seattle southward with the view of locuting omewhere in the West. Mr. Morton disposed of his eastern holdings and with his family start ed for the west iu his car by way of the Parks highway, making the trip from Chicago to Seattle in fourteen driving days and af ter looking over the beauties of the Puget Sound metropolis turned south. Mr. Waller expects to go as far south us Sun Diego before deciding which part or the west he will choose as n future home. When asked the condition of road ) encountered on tho trip, Mr. Wal ler stated they wero only fair, but that Oregon by the amount of con. struction work under way would shortly have a system of hinli ways among the best iu the west. Mr. Morton was very favorably im pressed with Rogue River valley iund will no doubt consider the ! southern Oregon rection in niak I ing his choice ot a locution. O. A. Gardner, Cu. Judge's I vi.limi' i.v.tii.iua ily appreciated bv the audience wur, again with i: fine opinion nie Tel. & Tel. Co.". composed largely of real . music ;nf the 'million. 'ire's paradise'! Co. Judge's telephone lovers. where 'No Trespas-ing' posted utj ( hi" Mr. Coon nlaved for hiu ononini. ; ....,. ., ,i,.i, ,,.. l.h.i, ,0H,al Tel. & Cable Co., i ...... . , " ' , i, ntu Cn l.wlim Western l'nion Tel. Co.. 00.61) 111.40 57.41 Home Tel. & Tel. Co., telephoue for clerk . . , Interurbun Autocar Co.. clerk's expense Jacksonville Post, clerk's printing , PoBtal Tel. Cahl Co.. telegram's. Co. clerk. Class & Pruilbomuie, clerk's office srpplles .Medford Cook Store, office supplies 70.00 1:19.25 54.50 11.00 2.11 8 OH l.nti 137.2:". number Chopin's Scherzo In Rbl retire surrounding the outside minor. His Interpretation of Miif- KiooIh the eye of the auto trnv rlassic was particularly satin ly-' eler." Ing to admirers of the composer, and his polished rendition of the Scherzo showed great "ViMtmtil.ty und artistic discrimination. The encore, Liszt's Coi cert Etude in i train service when It comes to en Db was played with a sparkling tertainments. The train on which brilliancy and finish which showed his mastery of the piano. The two movements of Grieg violin Sonata in C minor, Mr. Janes, violin, und Mr. Coon, pi ano, were u delightful tie-' I. Mr. Janes is always welcomed by an Ashland audience end his playing last evening was marked by viril ity und excellent singing legato. No little part of t lie pleasure of Circuit f'fiurr. VOITIII CL NIXfiERS ;,;,,, N 'Lewi,,, oi. court PLEASE AIDIEXCE! crier Ashland seems nnfortnnute in , F Hy Uuvln.-' copying transcript Home Tell. & Tel. Co., Clr. Judge, telephone the Whitney Hoy chorus was ex pected Saturday evening failed to arrive from the south until nearly 10 o'clock. As this was too late for the full program to Total 11111. 4S Treasurer's Office. Myrtle W. Dlakeley. I treasurer's salary . . . 1 4. (18 1 .lunette Willgerodt, dep- uty treasurer's salary 3.22 1 Ashland Printing Co., I printing, treasurer, . . 2.48 ' Myrtle W. Hlakeley. stumps for ofi'ice Total $ 400.0:1 Home Tel. T.d. Co.. telegrams, Co. Judge. . telephons bills 100.01) 80. AO 7.5 'I 3. On 3.411 bill Total. 3,011! Total 15.!H I School Superintendent's Office. 10. 00 1 (;, v. Ager. Co. school l supt.'s sitlavy R. E. Morris. Co. nhool Justice Court. W. H. dowdy, justice court expense he rendered President Fuller of J- W. Hatcher, constable's fees G. O. Taylor, jer.tlce court expenso tjie Chautauqua association an nounced that the concert would he J freo lo those who desired to re main that late in order to hear! these boys sing. He also an ' this number was due to the clear noiiuced that the choir would and sympathetic treatment of the accompaniment by Mr. Cnou who showed himself to he u real artist. For au encore Mr. Janes present- Total $ Sheriff.. Office. C. E. Terrill, sheriffs salary 150.0i) 3.90 supervisor's uilnry... 120. OK $ .Hi. 90 work for school supt! 33.25 fi. W. Ager. sehn! supl.'s expense 112.80 22.35 ! G. W. Ager. money ad vanced sib. supt 10.31 6 00 Home Tel. & Tel Co.. Sell, slipl.s lelephi.i'e. . 3.1,5 18.40 . Von Der Hellen, Sell. supt.'s expense 3.00 66.751 Medford Hook Store, Sell, supt.'s supplies., 13.15 have chitrge of a union service in Geo. L. Howard, dep ths Chautuiiiiiiu' building Sunday: uty sheriff's salary .. m,..,j,u! ; Flora Thompson, deputy The only disappointment felt ill 208.33 A IODEI. WIFE when required and to assist her;5'1'" 3.00 ,,:T CAXARY HAS 3U,10' ip-iio.FU rk.u,"" 43.551 NEWARK, N. J. A crowd es- along the work in their respective Sham battle . . . I churches. Delegates were also I Trees, of council 'elected to the county convention: j which will be held in Ashland! Conn. Suffrage ! some time in September, and are: I Expenses timated by the police at 10,000 NORWALK, means nothing to Marguerite ', Mrs. Hammond, Sirs. Kirkpatrick, t Dread Clark, movie star, she told the' Mrs. Fraley and Miss Denedlct. Groceries and meat world today. Total $ 405.17 h'lllll lllsMCtlr'N Office. 120.60' E. R. Ontinau. fruit in- I snector's salary 1CI.50 sheriff's sulnrv 1 1 0)0 1 K. T. Pankev, fruit in- Cltil, Tut'dll ilnniktu ul.. I 1,... It IS o,l ,.,, ,1,,,,1'a Mo,l,,ll l.v Olnnli 1 , .... I i . ... . ' 1 "" I nin.iu " ..-.... ,uo iiwjn sink man uit-i ir'8 SIHSry 100.00, In marked contrast to the souala. fact that the lateness of the hour. Delpha Terrill, deputy I The pianissimo effects of this .In-' prevented them doing full justice! sheriff s .salary liglitfut soothing inorceuu were to their abilities. Their enter i Hazel Tetherow, deputy i uherirr'a anlucv a fitting close to an evening ofjiulninent Saturday evening. wlill,A. I). Currv work" iu real enoymont. 'cut short on iiccouut of the late- sherlffs office Printing Co.. "I wouldn't vote if I could and if I did, I would Vfte just us inv liusbaud told me," she said. IOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Picnicked at Park A pleasant faml'y picnic was held yesterday afternoon among' the Johnson and Benedict f nil lies. A pVty consisting of Miss May Benedict and sister, Mrs. E. $283. S3 j iwruons, thronged the streets of j the city to witness the funeral of . $ 12.00 ! .limniie, the pet canary of Emidio . 221.85 ! Hussoiiianno, 65-yecr-old cobbler. Dread 12.01) ! Police reserves were called out to 'am, unu niu iuiiu wua uu urui-. "r-'y"B " ''.!' " nance levying an assessment for a turned over to the boy chorus . aiicKia iui niu iimeiui cin,t:h5. CITT ORDIXAXCES PASS COr.XCIuience Three proposed city ordinances were considered at the meeting of council last evening. The first of these was an ordinance for va cating a part of Ash street; the second was un ordinance levying an assessment for special benefits to accrue to owners of property abutting on tho bitulitbic paving Improvement eust of the iloule- vard, and the third was an ordi ness of the hour, lullv cnine un I Anlilnnd lo the expectation,- of the aildl-l f " "h".' Their four-part music: u( traveling nu.M younger boys taking the soprano, P. II. Dally, deputy sher- und alto, and tho older boys the irf. hire .' tenor und buss, was exceptionally I """l" 1Tel- ,Tp!' '" ,i ,.. m. Ul. , , ,i telephone bill, sherirf pleasing. The ohligato work of (iH0 L 1)war(li ,)ppu(v some of the sopranos was beautl- sheriff expense fill in the extreme. The soloists, '(' Morrison, deputy both vocal and Instrumental, ! , Klier'f.f .!lr" , iJ. J. Mc.Mahon, deputy were of rare merit, when ono con- Bherlff hire siilcrs the extreme youth of th" Postal Tel. Cable Co., performers. i telegram, sheriff's of- l fice Sunday morning the service !C. E. Terrill, sheriffs exnense ai.anlut lx.,.arila I,. ani.inn l.i ! h 11(1 tllfl leader. Mla Wlltlltnv nf I L- T......ilf uKnW'. 3n.S5,Jlmmle described by its owner as n I Qf (hp ' Deficit $29.70 Possessing "a sonfv as sweet Theia ,,.; bnyi , thi. eUo,P. Their childish R'(" Terrill. trsv ig The drayage bi'l includes the the voice of Cnruio," hcoked to i bringing back the camn eauiu- death on a watermelon seed. I . " ' .. , .J. ' I ,.! . n,."n .7."' -"' FOR RAt P r.m.1 te..m tr n j- . j . t j,, i j- , Mirsi ami sucoiiu reaoiug. i""'rl" "r,c i'""ui,ij nun,,- tpi, lor hiierlir vLndToVuoM'B' "nA Ef" l"e", hCd"",B "'"U k"S' rte"' ,S th ,""e"1,i0" " U; i"B and a large audience in the J. J. McMahon. .Irj.uty ranch. Talent. ' 111-1 ,,e Jolinsnn of Ashland and Miss when the bill will be paid. All ''anil playing funeral dirges, iol- ,00 rAVH TK()iT Hm j morning greeted the boys. sheriff, expenso ..Etta Johnson of California spent others have been settled. lowed by a hearse, bedecked with HHASTA COl'XTY STREAMS ' Medford Book Store. ' whartrr ft Mnnliwj . . Total ..$ 220.511 93.00 Assessor Oflic. ! ,f. B. Coleman, assessor's 77.50 salary 125.0" jus. M. Croneiuiller, de- 40.001 uty assessor's salr ry. . lto.uu ' Linule llansc.ini. depiity 6.00 1 assessor's silarv SS.OO i.I. T. Little, deputy ;s- 11. 751 sessnr's salurv ! Elva Coleman, woik iu 7.00 1 assessor's office 43.50 Floyd Penrce, deputy ns- 13.25' sessor's salary 5 4.00 j Jay Terrill, denuty ns- 1 4 28 sessor's sahrv B0. 00 A. E. Coleman, deputy 14.00 assessor's salary .... 34.50 J. It. Coleman, stamps. 159.00, assessor IS. 02 J. II. Coleman, assessor's j traveling exuense ... JU.23 4.20,FI'st Nat's Dank of Ashland, bond et tux 5412 collector 10.00 Homo Tel. 0 Tel. Co.. 132.70 assessor's telephone .. 3.05 'A. P. Ilagen, assessor's 15.70 office expense 82.00 Medford Book Store, 1.17 office supplies, asscrsor J.20 NOTICE TO CREDITORS . the afternoon up the canyon, nf Notlce Is hereby given that the ter which they came to the park Undersigned has been appointed: where they were Joined by Mr.! executor oi ine esinie oi .timy 31 . a e. n. 1 flowers and carryings small while ! coffin In which the bird's body WASHINGTON. Census of the YREKA, Calif. There were 25 least populous county In the Bend. Two sawmills and all reposed. The old cobbler, tear- cans of Rainbow, 50 cans of Loch country, Cochrane. Texas, bus jusi 5.00 Total $ 744.52 Widow's Pension. 12.55 Ernestine Austin, wld- ow s pension n. Total... $1206.05 Effle Marie Baer, wid- Vrk' Offio-. Una ! In. n .1 if.. I) 11., 1 . . .. .. ..,. . ......... ,.. w .Mr . n ... ... ..... h.iiinM.w Vlnrnv I'rt . . ... . .".uiiii auu 1.11. uciiriiii-L. uiiii . HiuciiiE iTHiio.a 11. iinnrn-Kal v riHiiirti mill vihiiiiv uud, i.hvm n ii, Ark ninam nrnw frniiy ' nun., unnnn.tnn.i i t.,, tout ..7 . ..u..... . ... snepneru, ueceasen. ah persons 1 - , ' - " j-" -ipri,', utliirr t St having claims against said estate i fPPer was served qt the pienic Lumber company have resumed 'n a coach with n few close planted iu Shasta county streams people, two more than enumerated Mifdrej m Neil 'r'rp'uty are required to present the same, I ground. 'operations. ! friends. i this week. ! 10 years ago, making Its growth clerk's ialarr' 110.00 with proper vouchers, duly verl fied, to the Undersigned, by leav. Ing the same with my attorney, L. A. Roberts, at his office in the Citizens' Rank Building, Ashland, ItAKERSKIKI.n 1. UH j" Salem. Capital street : men! to be extended to The cost of the bird's funeral,; 1 aiKiiieeii urns weiii 10 iut" mora nun J per ceni. rr,,n 1 irii, urii.117 pave- estimated at $400, was contribut-j French gulch district and seven .Cochrane has an area of 8 clerk's salary ; flr Pd by the cobbler's friends. When cam tn Tower llnnse Th. niher inlr mllo. wiih ,ra..n In n"her'a Hesree. ni puty WASHINGTON, Aug. 21. The' .rounds. Jimmio died, the old man drew!75 cans wers nlaced tn Bear nnnroiimatelv everv 13 Kcmire n.n!!. 'uH.l?'. uregon. ueiore me expirauon m - .u..,., .,,.,UUUceU . : the blinds of his shop, hung out a ; creek, south fork of Cow creek. ! miles. The county is located .n. clerk's salsry aix months from the date of th si lhe popnlatlon of Bakersfleld. , Sheridan.-Bridge to be repair. ign, "Closed' on account of Jim-I north fork of cow creek. Hatchet northwestern Tex:., It is unor-i Helen Clark, deputy nonce, -men uaie is Calif,, as 18.438. an Increase of ed. Concrete aunroach to l. nt r,i.-. H..h , - ..a ,..a t J flerk'i salary 1920. 711-st n h ven Executor., S-911, or 46 4 " cent- In. door and went Into deep mourning. Clear creek. 1 office. Edna Barr, work clerks office . . . in oi l pension zs.uu Orpha Belts. widow's pension 10.00 Minnie Boardman, wid ow's pension 10. 00 Coldie M. Boyer. wid- 8 0 ow's pension 20.00 Mrs. J. H. Byerly. wid- 82.50 ow's, pension 20.00 Rebecca A. Clarey. wld- 77.00 ow's pension 15.00 Ella May Cains, widow's T1.50 pension 17.50 70 00 (Continued on Pag Tour) i