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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1920)
Wednesday, August 2.1, 11)20 ASHLAND WEEKLY TIDINGS LOCAL AND PERSONAL FRIDAY'S NEWS Mr. Roberts, a former promi nent business man ot Klamath Falls, Is In Ashhnd this week looking up a home preparatory to !wl" make the trlp 111 lnelr au- locating here. He is very I'avora-' tomoblle- hly Impressed with AHhland us a' , . . , i Miss Helen Kinney, who has home town. ; , , , , . , been a guest ot her uncle, A. E. C. II. Neal, an employe of thciKi""py' for SCV(,,n1' weeks tlli3 Southern I'aciric, has moved his family to Ashlund from Dunsinuir slid will be permanently located here. 4 Mrs. K. Ci. Roberts anil son Lee of Mudford are guests at the E. E. Gall homo In Ilcllovlow this week. Mrs. Helen Sober and daugh ter, Mary Grace, leave, today for Oakland. After making an ex tended visit there Mrs. Sober und daughter expect, to locnto some-; Where in California. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Conner, E.I T. Staples und Mrs. Croft of Oak land ufo buck from Crater lake where they had been spending the past three days. They returned home by way of Lake of the .Woods and stopped tor a visit at the summer colony there. During their stay at the latter place the parly spent some time fishing, end Mrs. Conner was fortunate in pulling two fine trout out of the .wutei, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Van Scoyoc, utter visiting for some time with the Wertz family on Manzunlta street, left toduy for their home in Orting, Wash. Mr. Van Scoyoc Js a banker from the latter city. Ralph V. Elden ana slster-ln-uw of near Central Point were in Ashland this morning on their way to Lake of the Woods where Mrs. Elden has been spending the pummer at the colony there. Mrs. Elizabeth Beeson was In Talent Wednesday where she was one of the guests at a dinner giv en by Mrs. W. N. Wells in honor of Mr. and .Mrs. Jabe Houston of Klamath Falls, who are visiling in this section. Other guests On Savings Accounts Interest A Dollar Starts an Account STATE BANK OF ASHLAND. COOL, SOOTHING, (JI'IETIN'O, HEALING, AND PAIN RELIEVING, MENTIIOLINE BALM An excellent preparation for the relief of nciiutlfri", burns, wound, liiulses, etc. Just the thing for sunburn and Insect bites. Invaluable for relief of irritation. Price 2.-c McNair Bros. Stori Real Estate Jinnies and acreage. Farms and Stock Ranches. All Kinds of Good Insurance Ashland Agents of Abstract Co. Billings Agency Established 1883. HOTEL MANX Powell St, atG Tarred San Franciscc In the heart of the business, shopping and theatre district Running distilled ice water in every room. Our commodious lobby .fine service.and Homelike restaurant will attract you. European Plan rates $1.00 op. . Maugeaeit W.B.Jrtl were Mr. and Mrs. Elton Beeson of Talent. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. McRea leave today for' an outing of several weeks which will be spent In Portland and Tillamook. Tbey summer, left last night for her home in Oakland. Mis. Holt, after (pending some timo in Ashland wilh friends, left last night for Alameda where she will spend the winter. Mrs. Holt is the mother of Mis. C. M. Sum mers, a former well known resi dent of Ashland. Rev. C. A. Edwards, sou John, and Prof. I. C. Wilson left this afternoon for the Lake of the Woods where they expect to re- main over the week end. Mr. Ed-' wards will uddress the Hoy Scouts, who are In camp at that resort, Sunday afternoon. C. E. Pratt and family left this week for Butte FHIs where they will spend a roupl of weks camp ing. Miss Armeila Kaiser has gone to Oakland, Calif., after spendjng : her summer vacation In Ashland, She will teach in the city schools there this winter. Miss Lillian Kaiser, who will also teach in Oak land this whiter, expects to leavej Miss Edith Merriinan, who has tomorrow. j been the guest of Mrs. C. H. Pierce S j lor several weeks, left today for Mr. und Mrs. R. A. Payne, who ,er home In Oakland, Calif, have been the guests of Ashland i relatives for the past week or so.j Mrs. A. C. Nlninger is an inmate left for their home In Hillsboroof a local hospital where she un today. They are making the trip ' iWrwent an operation for appendi by automobile. letis a few days ago. .Mrs. ii. llosley is Homo again j E. r. loiing aim lamiiy leu i Calif, this week. Wheat thresh from a visit which included Port-, this morning for their ranch near!,Kg (n progres8 at tne Dg ranch lana, iiuamooK, Kocxaway, uayi Ocean and Netartn Beach. Sh3 has been away from Ashland two mouths. THURSDAY'S NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Math. WeiBer of cation. They expict to be gone Milwaukee, Wis., arrived in Ash-!ibout two weeks, land to visit a few days with Mi's. I Weisser's brother. J. P. Wolf.1 A- Emllis' 1:,c,nl'v m"n )f They made the trip by auto, spend - ing one month enroute. Tues-i day morning they continued their journey on to their destination, Los Angeles, which will be their j future home. . Mrs. E. H. Wagner left yester day for Seattle and will visit in that city for some time. She ac companied her riaughter-iu-law, Mrs. F. D. Wagner Mrs. Robert Newman and little daughter, who have been guests at the home of the former's moth er, Mrs. Leah Caldwell, on Laurel slreet, left last night for their home in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Strickland and Dr. Leslie Kent und little PEIL'S CORNER nV THE PARK WHAT Tires your patience more than to handle horses and cows covered with flies? Shoo fly will do the trick. A new barrel Just In and cheap considering prices for imi tations. Your cows will give from 25 per cent to 35 per cent more milk during fly season if sprayed with Shoo Fly. New and used sewing machines always for sale or rent, at Pell's, corner by the park. PEIL'S CORNER NEW SHIPMENT ot Garden Tools has arrived. Good tools are esentlal to good results In garden or field. Provost Brothers HARDWARE ii! EDUCATION PAYS FOR THE INDIVIDUAL AM) FOH THE STATE A Person with No Education has but One Chance In 150,000 to Render Distinguished Service to the Public. With Common School Education 4 Chances With High School Education 87 Chances With College Education 800 Chances Are You Giving Your Child His Chance? THOSE STATES ARE WEALTHIEST THAT HAVE INVEST ED MOST IN EDUCATION Oregon Agricultural College Through a "Liberal and Practical Education" prepares the Young Man and Young Woman for Useful Citizenship . and Successful Careers in AGRICTLTIHE, ENGINEERING, MINING, HOME ECONOM. 1C.H, COMMERCE, PHARMACY, FORESTRY, VOCATIONAL EDUCATION. The Training includet PHYSICAL EDUCATION, MUSIC, ENO LISH, MODERN LANGUAGE, ART and the oth-r Essentials of a Standard Technical College Course FALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 20, 1030. TUITION IS FREE FOR INFORMATION WRITE TO THE REGISTRAR. Oregon Agricultural College. Corvallls. Ore. daughter, who are guests at the Swigart ranch, have gone to Cra- I ter lake on a few days outing. They were accompanied by Mrs. p. gwlgart. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Dunn, Coun ty Commissioner T. H. Simpson and wife and Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Glenn were visitors at the county seat yesterday. Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Webster drove up from their valley farm yesterday afternoon and were calling on friends in Ashland. Mr. and Mrs. Foley and chil- drlen, who have been spending the past week camping at Lake of the Woods, are expected In to day to victual the garrison, after I which they will retern In a cou ple of days to continue their va cation. Miss Hay Van SI; ke, a teacher In the city schools for the past two years, was in Ashland from Gold Hill yesterday making nr- rangements for her winter sojourn here, as she will be a member of the faculty agan the coming orcnar,i Miss Van Slyke has recently re turned from California where she hud been spending the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Erie Weren were out at the Lake of the Woods for three days this week, guests of Dr. and Mrs. C. F.'Tilton, who are spending their vacation at that resort. roruunii wnere iney expert 10 10- cate. Mr. and Ma Isaac Crisp and , j Glenn Leyboiu nave gone to Lra- ter lane to spend tncir annual va- tue Columbia and Maibohm auto - mnlilleR. is in Ashlnml from Pnr- land this week sit the Norton agency. D. S. Hall was a business vis itor at Grants Pass for a day or two this week. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Woods and!0" 10 W a brlef vislt ,0 "is daughter Volet started this morn ing for an automobile trip to' Crescent City which they expect! to cover eight or ten days. j l Miss Frances McWilliums will leave today for Oakland where she will teach school the coming winter. Miss McWilliams has been spending her Rummer vaca tion with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. O. McWHliams, in this city. I ! J. Edw. Thornton, secretnrv nf! Ashland Lodge of Elks, and his, wife have gone to the Lake of the j Woods where a vacation of a cou-1 nle of weeks will be tnont ;it ihni pleasure resort. Miss Esther Troutman of Sun Diego arrived last evening and will rnuke an extended visit at the home of her aunt, Mrs. F. E. French, on Scenic Drive. Mrs. Bert Smith is entertain ing a party of relatives und friends at her home on Ouk street this week. These are Mr." and I Mrs. George Thurber, who start- ! ed from Danville, Quebec, some j time ago, and wjio stopped at Spokane, Wash., where they picked up Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Armstrong of that city.' The par ty then journeyed to Yoncalla, I where they were joined by Mrs. Smith's brother, J. B. Gibson, af ter which they came on to Ash- ; land. 4 Word conies from Lake of the Woods that Prof. I. E. Vinlng, who Is spending the summer at his cottugn there, climbed Mount McLoughliii last Sunday, and trom the summit, signaled his brother, Ralph Vluing, who has I a cottage also at the lake. Mount McLoughlln Is one of the scenic attractions ot the lake resort, as it Is directly in front ot the BUin-j mer camps, although quito a dis tance away. I T. A. Rafterty, one of the in spectors of the mo'or vehicle di vision of the state department,: was an Ashland visitor today. Mr. Uafferty Is one of the three men appointed under the new law gov erning motor vehicles and his ter ritory extends from Salem south. He stated today he finds the city officials working in conjunction with the state officers, looking af ter motor violations and doing their duty In every particular along this line. Elmer Crawford, a prominent banker ot Santa Ana, Calif., is in Ashland this week Visiting his aunt, Mrs. V. S. C. Mlchelson. Mr. Crawford owns ft large pear or chard between Ashland and Med ford from which he bus already picked and packed 3011 boxes ot peilr8 which have netted $2.30 the bo) M(m an stm ut work on Mrs. J. A. Harvey of Santa Ana, Calif., came to Ashland yesterday morning and will be a guest of relatives here for i few1 days. An examination for englners will be held In Medford August 27 by a committee from the state board of engineering eraininers. This examination will include all branches of engineering. Mrs. W. A. Shell, Mrs. G. H. Johnstone and little Luclle have returned home from Newport af ter spending a wee!; or so at that resort. Mayor C. B. Lamkln is over at his wheat ranch near Montague, of t)ie ijam(jn brothers. Mis. Reed of Northern Call- ,,., . ,. .., , .... hone of jr9 J. E. Barrett on Factory street this week. Rev. Artley B. Parson, a nephew ; of Dr. J. S. Parson, is a guest of I the latter today. Mr. Parson was a cle.gvman .,, the Episcopal ; cathedral in Manila, P. I., for i some time past, and had also i done missionary wrrk among the I Mnfpna ill Ilia Phlllnnlnp ftilunria After taking a tour through China he is now on his way to his home on the coast of Maine, and stopped cle. F. C. Stevens yesterday pur chased the restaurant on A street heretofore operated as "Mrs. ! Stevens' Restaurant." This res- tatirant has been known for years ,na "Overland" and the last two years has had six owners, all of whom lost money on the ven ture. Mr. Stevens now has the business well established and will make necessary repairs and deco rations. His desire is to serve meals at a reasonable price and the best served in the city. He will cater to the general public but will make special effort to serve the emnlove" of the S. I'. company and will muke an effort to serve the best for the least money. The place will now be known as the "Stevens restau rant." Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Stock and daughters, Helene and Gertrude, left today for the Lake of the Woods to spend a few days jt their slimmer cottage. SATURDAY'S NEWS The concert given by the Rogae River Valley Band in the park last evening was greatly enjoyed j by a large audience. The even-j iug wus sufficiently warm to, make lingering in th cool of I , park a period of particular pleas-J ure, while listening to the very , delightful music rendered by lln'i band. George Hartley has closed up! the purchase of 11 acres fine ranch, land near Talent. The deal was made through the Staples agen-; Former County Judge W. S-' j Worden of Kluinath county ami a party of friends from Portland spent lust night at the Hotel Aih tlu. They left this morning f'"' Rocky Point on K'umath lake lo spend a vacation fishing a ait , camping at that resort. 8. R. Morris and wife left to day for Bly, Klannth county, to spend the balance ot the month on a ranch there, where their son Harry has been spending the sum mer. They expec to get back home in time for Harry to start in to school the first of Septem ber. Charles R. Rose mid family are planning on an outing to be spent either at the Lake of the Woods or the huckleberry mountains. They will start tomorrow and will be gone a week or ten days. ' Never again will We leave Ashland," was the comment made by Mrs. J. D. Duncan, who with her four children arrived last night from Post Falls, Idaho,' where they had been living for ficient musical attainments, but the past three months. "This is by his pleasing personality. He the third time we have come back I will be welcomed back to Ash here after tryiug to live else- land next year by a host of ac where, but no place suits us acquaintance, well as Ashland, and .we have come to stay here finally this! Mr. and Mrs. Milt Williams time," she went on. In speaking i came in last night from the Apple of Ashland being dry at the pres-jgate district where they had been cnt time, Mrs. Duncan says that camping and fishing for the past compared to other places this is mouth or so. They will stop for a blooming oasis.. Mr. Duncan is expected iu tomorrow with the family car, but M it. Duncan and the children could not wait to come by that slow route, and came ahead by train. 0 Eugene S. Willis of Southern California has today purchased through the Staples Realty office a residence and half acre on Penn avenue from Delbert Walker. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Shepherd . got In last night from Burtlett Sm-ln In California, where thev I " ' had been spending a week or ten days. Mr. and Mrs. Nuac Crisp and Glenn Leybold are buck from a vacation spent at Crater lake and ci her points east of Ashland. Kenneth Miner returned last evening from Berkeley und will spend a few days in Ashland be lore continuing to bis home in Bend. Mrs. Miner wilt remain in Berkeley for some time yet vis iling friends. Joe Green Is looking after the Slock undertaking business while Mr. Stock and his assistant, Miss Helene Biede, are sojourning for a few days at their cump ut the Luke of the Woods. The Staples agency today sold .Mr. C. 0. Butler's 10-acre pear orchard east of town to Mr. D. W. Grant from Wenatchee. This is one of the best pear orchards in the valley and has fine improve ments. P. S. Provost is buck from reka where he had been attend ing business for the past two or three days. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Alnutt and little daughter hue returned to their home in Klamath Falls af ter paying a visit to friends in Ashland. Mrs. George Cyestcr and chil dren, who are visiting friends in Ashland from Oakland, will leave . tills evening for Portland to pay a few days' visit with Mrs. Ches ter's father, after which they will again return to Ashland. I I Mr. und Mrs. O. A. Paillserud leave tonight or In the morning for u trip to the Luke of the Woods. They will remain over j Sunday. The grocery store belonging to C. O. Walters at Talent was rob- bed last night of 3P, It is learned,! when thieves broke one of th" j large plate glass windows iu tlie trout or tlie uiilliling unu rencneu tlll'OIIgn to tne piincn noarii wueie they secured the coin. The noise of the breaking glnys roused Har ry Mason, who liver, near by, and his arrival on the Bcene scared the muraiiders away, it is staled, before they entered the building. Edwin Mowut and H. E. Bad ger, assistant scoutmasters to tho Boy Scouts, will go to the vaca tion camp at the Lake of the Woods tomorrow to take out sup plies and further equipment. Mr. Mowut expects to return home in the evening, but Mr. Badger will remain over the coming week. Mrs. Marian Shepcrd bus come to Ashland from Bend and will make an extended stay in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Geibel of Sun Francisco ure guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Porter oh Palm avenue, and will remain here for a couple of weeks. Mr. Geibel is head of the electrical en gineers of the Southern Pacific, and Mrs. Geibel is a cousin of Mr. Porlor. i Prof. Leland A. Coon, who hits; been director of the summer school of music in Ashland tor the past two rninlhn, left last night for Eugene During his stay here Mr. Coon has made many friends not only by his et- THE LARGEST STOCK OK Paints Glass and Wall Paper IN SOUTHKRN OREGON. Bent floods and Best Prices. Get Our Price. WW. 0. DICKERSON THE PAINT MAN Bfveiul days with their aunt, Mrs. Emma Coffee, after which they will leave on a business trip to Seattle. ' William N. Abbott ot San Fran cisco, the newly elected grand ex alted ruler of tho Elks, pussed through Ashland Thursday even ing. He was met fit the train by Exalted Ruler 1. K. Hammond and Past Exalted Ruler D. Peroz zi, who took the distinguished v"0'- v " """o'" 'iiere ue ""H with the lodge In session there ill u short reception. Miss Edith Lindsay, who has been iu Ashland this summer in thai (in of the physical training department of the summer school, bus relumed to f'oivallis where she is connected with the Ore gon Agricultural College. John Kuntz, (he well known "Kewpie King." of Los Angeles, whose presence In Ashland Is ac claimed with delight by the kid dies every Fourth of July cele bration, is a business visitor in this city. Mrs). Olive Calllster of Mar celine, Mo., is in Ashland, the guest ot her aunt, Mrs. A. R. Gregory of North Pioneer nvenue. J. C. Berg, who has been in Ashland this summer in the office of the Oskar If u her Construction company, will leave today for Portland. N. Dix of tho White Star gar age, who recently void his prop erty on East Main street, bus pur chased the Decker residence on Palm avenue. He is having it treated to a emit of paint and, otherwise fitting it up for a home ; H. 0. Anderson of the Ashland, Realty company had the closest j cull this afternoon he ever could have mid live to tell the tale, j when ho was eaimht betwen two cars on the Plaza. While cross-! Ing the street Mr. Anileilson cleared a car from Medford with plenty of margin, when the latter suddenly swung out in front of him to avoid a car coming from the park. Bystanders say the real estule man did some active sidestepping, but all he was con cerned about was that when he heard a crash fie feared the "dead man" that occupies the center of the street had been dethroned. The two cars that came together were very slightly daniiiKed, and only u bad case of allocked nerves to tho real estato man resulted In the. nilxup. - - - - Japanese Lanterns NUT CUPS III Numerous Varieties, SIiiiim's mill ('idol's. BIRTIIItAY CANDLES and I CANDLE HOLDERS Ku-r thing for Parties, Ten, und Dinners, elc. AT Pours Drugstore POLEY ELHAKT DRUGGISTS Lkitizens?! 0 W ' BANK O FASH LAN I TIIR THOROUGHNESS Of our lervlce makes it a source of satisfaction to trnnsact your bunking business with The Citi zens Bank of Ashland. We will be glad to show you our farilltlos and re ceive your Chechlng Account. i it 4ON DEPOSITS,! ::i!EBIKiII!EtlSIB!ltaffi! ODE TO By Robert I. Little Little Flivver! Now I toast you, Praise, befriend, nud ever boast you; May none ever live to roast you As you ramble down the trail. May your number grow and flourish, May you ever speed to nourish Humans over hill and dale. Winding streets of fair Toronto, Fragrant gardens of Sorrento, Sunlit sands of old Morocco. Ever for your service pine. On the battlefields ot Franco Flivver, truck and ambulance, Aided in the great advance From l'ris to the Rhine. You are seen in grimy alleys, Crowded streets and lonely val leys. Hindoos. Greeks and dusky Ma lays Ever find you tiled and true. Little Flivver! Though your score Totals over millions four May it Increase evermore. Here's an endless trail to you. HARRISON BROS. I 10R1) DEALERS ASHLAND, OREGON bjtitiMi-:!;;:;;;;;r!!u;i::;:;;n:::!n;ji:::iiir;.;:;.:u:T:'',i ::::.;;i:r::;,;::;::1::'!i".i;;ii:; :!rrt;!:,,!.'!ii,::'i; .li;;:;;".u:.:':...:.:'::i::: - ' -' " "" r-j- "T ' - Fresh, Ripe MELONS 20c to 50c Each Large Cantaloupes 4 for 25c We Now Have Wheat for Chicken Feed Stearns Sell Service Store 7 Main Street Opposite the Plaza in (III -r-r. -f-s- I Just Arrived A Complete Line Aluminum Utensils AND Enamel AT 'S 37-39 NORTir SIMPSON THE FORD W K f ) ' . ! Ready to Brighten You lip" Conqueror HATS and CAPS Impart that well-dressed feeling. New Spring style;.. ') Now Shirts. Pj New Neckwear. New Suits. Spring Underwear. BIO J FOR MEN'S WEAR g IIY THE 1'OSTOITICK OF Ware HARDWARE MAIN STREET I W SI