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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1920)
Monday, July SI, 1020 ASHLAND WEEKLY TIDINGS PAGE THRCT LOCAL AND PERSONAL KATl'RDAY'S XKWB Miss Marlon llamric of Centra; j Seattle, is a mystery to him. "She Tolnt Is camping in Uie Asblund'j 'Mrs. Helen Ryan and two chll-i llever weut wlt0 nim voluntarily," park this week while attending dren, bnd mother, Mrs. Herring-j Mr. Cash asserted, "as she dis Chhutauqua. ton,, in this city, will leave to- likeil him most thoroughly." His S a I morrow for their home. j supposition is that Jacobs per- F. Zuhlindan of Woodburu ar- distinguished visitor who will ar- Opal Jones bad ibe misfortune Biiaded her to partake of cooling ; ried In Ashlund last evening' jive here Thursday and will re- to fall out of a tree yesterday and J'h" atul url Hose have gone (,.n,g w,ich he curried to her where- he had come to try the cll-jnibiu here to attend the sessions sustained a broken collar bone. : over to Pelican Bay to their sis-. rol,nii ullj in timi manner u(i. f mate for the benefit of his health, j f tle southern Oregon Chautaii An x-ray picture was made of the: homestead. A cyclone passed . min8ter(Hl a Uru(! cuSP(i her! ,Mi, Zurlindan Is a greut sufferer, ,,a. Thjg n,,MIl johll Sluub o( fracture this morning. . i over this property several weeks ; (!cttthi Tn8 tuct that ,)almt(,lle8 from astbiua. He stated when he t,e ('Diversity of Oregon, who has - t : "go and laid down a large amount ' from Seatti0 8tule ,ne poi(.e ar0 i arrived bore last evening be was occupied a position on the unlver- Mr. ami Mrs. I,. F. tergusonnl valuable tlmner. it is tne pur- reiurneu nuino iuhi uigiii uner a week's sojourn in San Frunciscoi Mid Oakland. 3 i Even K. Jones, lately from Tal-i a a ent, has purchased the. residence j Mr. and Mrs. Guy Carey and; property on Liberty street bo-1 family have gone to Hornbrook ' longing to Itlchurd It. Ilola, and ' to spend a short vacation at the will take possession immediately. ; home of Mr. Carey's mother. S ! J ' Miss Bessie Clark of Michigan,' C. M. Wllkins has lately moved; wbc has ben teaching school in from the house he occu the coust country, Is In Ashlund pled on North Main street to onoi this week, the guest of Mrs. Geo. j Brook miller. 8 3 Mrs. L. A. Roberts received s letter last evening from her daughter Rowenn, who left a wira ugu wjin ner uncie nnu con-; puis uii uu aiiioiunoiie irip to uos Angeles and Long Reach, stating (hey made the trip to the latter point In five days from Ashlund. Miss Roberts slnted it seemed de-!of llshful to reach Los Angeles af ter the hot, tiresome Journey through Central California. Miss Anna Kopp, personal rep resentative of Jesse Wlnbiirn, ar rived last night from New York, and will represent Mr. Wlnburn In his business ufluirs In Ash land. (fc 9 H. F. Kruggel Is back from Klamath Agency where he had been spending the rreater part of tho summer. i . ! Mrs. L.'W. Wright of Red lilufr Is a. guest ut Ibe home of her sis ter. Mrs. 1'. N. Butcher, on Fourth stiret. She expects lo spend four VHks in Ashlund. ! Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hill and1 two Utile daughters will leave to night for a trip covering about ten days. They will go by train to Los Angeles, after which they will go to Portland by water be fore returning home. E. N. Brushwood, who recently sold his homo in Ashlund, will leave tomorrow for Eastern Ar kansas, where be will look around vith n view of locatin. ,;:., ii-ii, .i, i. ...; i .innn ii, rr .o,i.n, on m iii,n the western coast from Laneasi- f'-'V and family are newcom t.r, Ohio, and has been the guest e' f'' va re- c,l Mrs. W. H. In this purchased propejty near . I.. ...I....i..b !..,. Ihav ulll loi,1a ,.lli- ,liiriiiir Ilia week el as night for Portland, after which ! she will finish her turn to her home. Mrs. George F. Gray will leave this evening for San Francisco, V.htre she will take u course of two weeks in Gossard corseitering nt the St. Francis hotel, for the McGeo dry goods store. Mrs. J. E. Mack is up from Rogue' River'tbis week attending j tiLn,,,,,,,. HI., I. the guest of Chautauqua. Mrs. Leah Caldwell while In the city. Mrs. Walter Reed and two daughters, Audrey and Grace, of MeCloud, Calif., visited Monday and Tuesday at the home of J. N. Dennis of Allison street and Mrs. J. L. Oskur of Moi 'on si reel. i 3 N Evangelist liller und wife, Al- lert Denis, wife r.nd son, and ! Miss Ethel Milton, all of Rogue Piiver niitood up to the city yes-1 tert day. They were the guests of Alder C. A. McCoy and wife. I Evangelist Miller is a niissionnty from Japan, expecting lo return! tin ro soon. FRIDAY'S NEWS John Maly, the tailor, has sold out his establishment to K. son, a newcomer to Ashland, who lmikB thPir home. D. H. Barnc has already taken possession and blrgi whn hag pnhused the Tur- will conduct the business ulong practically the samo lines as hiS')n ,h(1 np.u. fUtHr0i jt is under- predecessor. Mr. Maly will re- main In Asliland for a nionlli or so! . assisting Mr. Nelson, after which; Ills plans are undecided. A A A deal was closed through theB1)Ht ( few davs Ashlund. They ftaples Really company whereby) Jesse Winburn, the new propiie-i tor of the Hotel Austin property, lias purchased the property Jie-I longing to Mrs. A. R. Gregory ad-j iolnine the hotel block. This comprises 50 feet oi ''hind and theiWji Snend a week's vacation with; two residences belonging to Mrs. flregory, the one facing on Oali street and the other on North Pi oncer which Mrs. Gregory occu pies for a home. . Mrs. Mary Wilshire and daugh ter Tearl returned home yeder dav from Portland where they . f t tbntr I hulbanTand father which fas ! W there for burial the flr. j Ot the week. Mr and Mrs. S. C. Chapman ..llj ,. i'm.'.j ,.,ii,. (mm Hrrneil 111 naiiiiiii", j . r.. . . Xuktma Wash making the trip i.. ...mi.n Mr fhuninan Is brother-in-law of A. I.. Doml of San Diego, who lg spending; ed before leaving be Is positive! sage Miv Kinney was struck by, Pulte project, will be held on Au the summer here, and the twojthc dead woman is his wife, al-jun electric train and injured so: nisi 9, iid it is expected that the fumllles are plunning a trip to though how she fell Into the pow-j badly that death resulted the next, voto will be unanimous. The Crescent City for the first of next er of Jacobs, -the man with w'homjday. The deceased for a former! closing down of this work has week. pose oi ine uubo uruiuem iu i- range for getting this timber Into! tlie water and transported to u; sawmill. I on Nursery street where he will make his home. Miss Jessie Thatcher is having an addition built to her home o.i Mechanic street which she recent- ly purciiaseu. nun lui.niiun a iieiiruuiu ami Huitren ihjicu. 0 Wallace Baldwin of Weed nab been a recent visitor ut the home "elutlves in Ashlund A. B. Cornell, the well known Oregon Lite Insurance man of Cranls Pass, was a business cal-i lor In Ashlund today. j Miss Nona Hall Is taking a short, vacation from her work, and Is spending the time at her homo on B street. Reaver Realty company made the sales yesterday of the house Mini lot on Mountain avenue be longing lo Mr. und Mrs. C. K. Pratt to R."(i. Johnson. The lii ler in turn disposed of a lot to Mr. and Mrs. Prat. 0, $ : Kenneth Wilshire of Lake county, Vho was culled to Port- land by the death of his father, arrived in Ashland this morning i and will visit with Lis mother and sister here. Dr. W. P. White of Albany col lege, who will be one of the lead-int- Instructors in the Moody Bi ble school to open here shortly, is In Ashlund today in the Inter ests of the school. 1 D. E. Flory, wife and daugh ter drove to Ashland from Wash ington where they had been spi iidlng several weeks. Mr. 1 " " '"'I - They have shipped their trip and re-1 11(11(1 goous alio win lane iuea i sior. of their new home as soon j as the effects urrjve. a, $ to California and Mexico on a The case of John Marrion, alias! fom or sir weeks' trip. Mr. Yar .'ohn Boro, whowas arrested or. Plough is driving the car. Ilin h, ir'ro nf Itl-Ail I i II V llllll tile A A i-i,.'. ,n.,rpetinprv n.,,1 taklnt a! ,,.m of nionev. was beard before ! wdv veslerdav. The voiiiik man nleaded guilty , and was returned to Jacksonville to await action of tl.e grand jury, i Mrs. James Galhrailh, who has been living in Portland for the past year, is back In Ashland on a visit with friends. ' Everett Treffin Mr. und Mrs of MucDoel are in Ashland this week for the benefit of the latter's health. She will remain under the care of a physician while in the city. & Mrs. F. C. Stitser, who ilves in tho neighborhood of Tuffs mill on the Dead Indian road, spent several days In Ashland this week. X Mr. and Mrs. W. A who recently sold their home on1 North Main street, are packing 1 mil cruliiii? I heir household EOods' I,(.,1,ratory lo shipping them to' Nel-!,j011g Beach where they expect to; ner home, expects lo occupy it stood. . . , MrH, i)a .stone of Oakland and:"nd Al- Em"la Co.tfee fx''fct 'ol !Mis. W. M. Marshall and daugh- ter Mildred of Crescent City, were guests while here at the' home of .Mrs. George M. Robison 1 on Laurel street. Everett Acklin left last even- Ine for Los Angeles where he : relatives, Mrs. Bert Sayles of Portland ( and her mother, Mrs. Sutton, of; Medford, both former residents of' Ashland', are visiting friends in this city for a few days. A ', I)r. Jlaude I. Hawley is taking! li o I'fljititinn lit tlia lirMUdlll tilllt v. hlch is being passed at Portland j points o, the upper Klamath E. K. Cash, whose wife is sup-! nosed to be the dead woman found! . , in a hotel bedroom In Seattle, lett last night for that city to takeiSan Diego, charge of the body. Mr. Cash itat-1 she was supposed tj have gone to i SPKrc,,,g for the man Indicates he j fU);jt i ve a a Misses Allen and Winchester, who are the guests of Mrs. Frin- ccs McWilllums, returned to Ash-1 dread disease about hlin. He will meeting of the board of regents lalid last evening from a trip to, give this climate a good tryout. 0 mn the distinction of being Crater Lake. The young Indies thin "Ashland for him," If it ef-;the only man who has held the expect to leave this evening tor I feels a cure. petition of dean of women at the thtir home in Oakland, after, ; university, spending the past week at the The picnic planned by the Bap-i . McWilllams home. list Sunday school in Helman's. Cl,ntral Point has lesponded I Biove yesterday was postponed on nst lobl. t() le KMfj. ,.,,,,.,.,.,, A son was horn to Mr. and Mrs. account of the damp weather. .imi (() (1B SU)()1. n,,, j j i -L. (Jartner yesterday at the Sac-j They expect to give it some time S(.h(m , here in , ,wn led Heart hospital in Medford. j later in the season. ' , weeks. Evelen girls from that The little man bus been named; ,w1 have availed themselves of Abraham Issac. $ Mr. and Mrs. 11. II. GllWte and daughters, Louise and Marjorie, i b'tt this morning for Fort Klam- atr to spend a month's vacation visiting friends. ; ' j Scott Howard, proprietor of the Cluiendon hotel of Yreku, who Is well known in Ashland, was a cul-1 ler here today. 4 " : V. V. .Mills has stalled Im- j provements on his Granite street prdperty. Mr. Mills' Intentions are to make the residence livable' for renting purposes for the im- mediate future. T. K. Anderson is In this city from Gottvllle spending several days among his friends in this community. TIIIRSDAVH NEWS Mr. and Mrs. James Gault drove over from Weed yesterday, and will visit with friends here for tfverul days. Mr. anil Mrs. Gault v, ere former Ashland residents, and have always a kindly feel inf; for the old home town. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Nims are:""1 a" ' -ih"h entertaining at their home onj""10 m roun'1 Tl,py ar'' North Main street Mrs. Mary ,0,lri" ,he coast com,t,y 11,1,1 ,nay Slauffer. a cousin of Mrs. Nims. .,.,.! Miss Alice Bobbins of State Center, Iowa, who expect to re main in this city for a month or more. Mrs. D. R. Conner drove down to Medford' yesterday for a brief isit. Clifford Yarbrough, Mr. and Mrs. Foltz and niece were guests from Astoria for a day and a night this week at the home of Mr. and,"' -Medior" nospitai. Mrs. F. D. Yarbrough on Scenic Diive. They were on their way Mrs. M. James of Spokane is a R-est this week at the home of her nephew, G. C Stevens, on Mr. Stevens, who H !man street Is a conductor on the Southern Piic running between Weed and Klamath Falls, laid off this weeic to visit with his aunt, and has been at home for the past few days. j & j Mrs. Ella Oxford is home after!, a n.ontns visit witn ner cmictreii at Brownsville, Portland and Se-' altle. She was accompanied I home by a grandson, Everelt Ox ford. r. M. Curl of Portland Is mak- iuf. a visit at the home of F. D. j Yurbrogh on Scenic Drive this week, ufter which he will be the guests of friends in Medford. Jiminie und Cecil Rouse, who I spending the pasti"1 tle 1IV(,8 ot gins. home ew.i- spring und summer in Oakland, we are going to nine a ue.ii hi. ve returned to Ashland and will 1 mnong the girls in the camp." remain hPrn for unmB Itmn wllhlM'sS Carlton Stated, "when we their father. Ranee Rouse, clerk ' of the Hotel, Austin W. M. Denton is driving a handsome new Buick uutomobile which is a recent purchase. a a i Mr. and Mrs. Milton Williams t '',' "i ' ' '.v nCZlZl n month or Bix week's camping and : fishing. G. F. Mather, who has been em I loyed at Hilt, was in Ashland and this morning Mr. Mather is1 leaving for Berkeley, Calif., where t he will be located for several , weeks. Mr. and Mrs. (J. H. Ketchuni went down to Medford today where Mr. Ketchum consulted specialist regarding his eyes which have been bothering him lately, j 1'red Barnet and wife of Cbicu- go. who are touring the Pacific cobst states. - stopped off a few ! days this week and were guests; oand Mrs. W. U. A. F Kinney received word of the death of his brother, J. W. Kinney, which occurred at Calif., lust Fri- day. According to the brief 4)k- resident of Ashland and had many friends In this deeply shocked death. ! feeing solmd he had about de- cided to return home, but thought ' he would try Ashland one night, To his surprise this morning when he arose, he bad no trace of the j Miss Julian oi i.renaoa is guest this week of the Misses Kaiser at their home on Allda street. . Miss Alice Mock of Lancaster, Ohio, Is a guest this wek of Mrs. jW.'H. Thimmes while. making a trip through the coust country dining tho summer, Jacl "'"a was 111 11,0 Green Spriugs mouutuln this morning and states that the rain in that section did a world of j,ood apd no harm to the highway that is being graded. Mr. True has a large crew of men at work every day on the highway, and they are making fine progress. Miss Marie Hillis of Grants Pass waii an over night visitor to Ash land. She came u'n for the pur nnle of littendlne the shower giv- en bv the friends of Mrs. Alda Anders in honor of the latter. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kester and Mr. und Mrs. Charles Warren and families of Fleming, Colo. 0( tie;f,lihnru nf Webster Wertz and iH. L. Moore and the Fleming : lainily of this city, arrived here . , . , ..... ... ...! "r,B " l"" l'''"K tat i suitable. Mrs. A. H. Peachey and daugh ter, Mrs. Anna Bish, have gone In Ranger Station to visit their dm ghter anil sister, Mrs. Lee Port. Mrs. Bish and her oil i 1-J .l..n,.. .,1 tUa Pa-wliov! home from Portland. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Stevens of Ashland July 11 nevemeii euipiujes ui iue i la tor Lake lodge have left, accord ing to reports from that resort. It is stated they charge the man agement of the lodge with ill ttcatment. According to the for- '"l'lo'e of tl.e lodge, four employes, ine lormer manage. i superintendent of the park me. , caring for the tro.iis' travel which, because of the recent cold and. ." " 'WEDNESDAY'S NEWS jijss Helen Carlton of Eliza- N , w, . IPndiiig the j BUmIlier , jackg0I1 C(),y and at . liea(. ot . Rilrs: collfel.ence ln session now In the park, is In receipt of a subscrip tion from a young girl of her home city, which, she claims, was sent in order to get a treat lor Ilia Aal.t.inl ,r. )., nnll f.i i'iHICP """""" . j t rnis young gin, .vnss i union j states, is a member of the fua.niis i Northfield conference und she knows just what these evenls are I . ... . i wil1 ellioy tne Kirt of 0111' W,'U wlalmi, a,,,t trnn.i fvlaiwl fl'tllll I a T away New Jersay." John Redmond, editor of the i Burlington, Kan., Dally Repaldi- fan, and wife stopped to iook ... ever the park today as they passed through on an automobile tour. T"PV ar8 old newspaper acquaint- j "neefl ot llle Tidings editor. Clarence A. Black of Barbara, Calif., paid Prof. Santa II. O. Gilmore a short vllst at bis home on Scenic Drive yesterday. 1" a short time he will return and m company with Mrs. F. I), mum and son Harold of Seattle will niuke a trip to Crater Lake. Mr. Bnck one of the ,,bic spirlt- c, men of Santa Barbara, and Is pronMent nf the Seattle Hardware company. a a Work on the main canal md the reservoirs of the Medofnl ir- rigation district which has been "dor way for the past six m'" hn shut down temporarily, due J the bonds had been issued fo. the building of the Hig Butte project and could not be lived excepl for carrying out that plan An elec- tion for new bonds to the extent of $1,250,000 to build the Little thrown a largo number of men city, who wero'i.ut of employment in that see to hear of his lion, it Is stated. .1 $ a " l Ashland will be honored by a fa(?ulty stuff for the past 2 , years. During his carer at the. university he has been dean oi'l uithough that position was named officially until the last t tie opportunity of spending a week in the open and receiving the advantages of the sillily and j sport to he given (hem ut this conference, and the communily church there has contributed $100 to the Bible school fund. j Mrs. C. E. Davis of Portland Is In Ashlund this week visiting friends here. She is a former well known resident of this city, hut for the past year has been in Portland, und is now on her way I to Buffiilo. X. Y. ,s The rain that fell yesterday afternoon uuil. lust evening has done uu inestimable amount of good throughout the valley. While a portion of the cherry erni in this vicinity remains iingulh i red, anil it Is feared the rain will hurt the fruit, the damage done ' "(rs"' "' '. B''' "i's111" ' "'" rain did to the larger fruit and crops in the valley. .11 is. . .ii. nriggs is in i, rains Pass this week spending a few ';"-vs 1,1 tl,e h"",e ,,f MrH- p- " -l'l,il.,n ..,,,1 1,,. ,.,1 Hull, ' " IVn Zel.Ilstpilli wile ., daugh- . tor have gone to San Francisco 1 hero thev will visit for some ! ti. F. II. Allison of Collage Grove is among the iiuloists who have visited Ashland this wek. Mr. Al- ! llson is making u tour of South ern Oregon in his cur. V. V. Mills of the Carter-.Mills l ire Insurance compnny, who bus been ulisent from bis desk In the stale bunk on account of illnesy. Is buck ut his post this week. Mrs. .luck Wind, who bus been u guest of Mr. and Mrs. William McDonald at their homo on ll street for several weeks, left Ihis morning for Iter home in Oakland. A number of tents are being lel in the park for use of campers during Chautauqua. ie.sil'iit Fiillm- states li! hiix hoil mi(lv. imlli.ies yarding can, fu(:iIiti(!S )lllriMK , SPaso,i. a.,,1 will have tents ready for all who decire them. The cool weathiir of New Post Cards Latest Magazines PERFUMES COLD CREAMS POWDERS and SOAPS and other summer luxuries fresh and sweet. AT Pours Drug Store FOLEY & ELHART DRl'(J(JISTS GARDEN IUULS NEW KIIIPSIEXT of Garden Tools has arrived. Good tools are esential to good results In earden or field. Provost Brothers HARDWARE yesterday and loday has put i i Vniversity, undertook an accurate ' (lumpener on the thoughts of ( geological survey of the Valley, camping, but in all probability theiwbich was the first work of that! weather will be piping hoi by the; kind ever done iir that vicinity. time Chautauqua convenes. The purty of students who made John J. Madden and Kinil Kor - get are leaving tonight ror fort- land to attend the state conveil- tion of the Metropolitan Insur unco company. Mrs. Hrnwn and daiiKhter, Miss Agnes Drown, who have been gi'psts of their dnugliter and sis ter, Mrs. T. J. Mackey, for several weeks, will leave for their home in San Francisco tonight. Mrs. F. It. Sherman and daugh- '""; V HAIN ter arrived Saturday from San! AS CAMP I'EATt RK Francisco anil lire visiting ut the Owing to the rain vesterdav at home of A. N. Humphries. They j n conference was leave for their home tomorrow. 3, , (uni.hle to enjoy any out of door Miss Rosa Leavilt is home uf-jHl""',H '"' recreations, so snuglv ter spending a month in Califor-' eiui oik imI in their tent In the nia. During that time she visitoil , park thev luok a mental inurmiv u week with he sister in Los An- geles. ? Mr. and Mrs. Baseband of Duiismuir, California, and daugh - ter, Wanda, of Oakland, who l.ave been guests of friends in Ashland for the past week or so, lett last night for their homes. The burning out of a lieu at the house of Dr. S. A. Dun ford on the Boulevard called out tho fire de- l artnient this forenoon. Practi - call) no damage wus tlonu the; tuilding. srt iKTt (iEOI.OtiY SI'ltVKY The party of I niversity of Or egon geology students who have been studying rock formations in the lower Rogue River valley in the vicinity of Table Rock under the leadership of Professor E. L. Packard, have returned well sut- Isl'iei'l with the work nicoiiiplisheil v during their short stay there. The party of eiulit left the Oregon campus at the end of the spring terms and spent 'l days near Ta ble Rock, making soundings, ami Investigating various rock forma tions. As a feature of their stay. they mndo a Hive-day trip to I ('later Lake. j I'r. Packard, who is acting head I oi tho geology deparluienl of the I ' . PEIL'S CORNER BY THE PARK WHAT Tires your patience more than to i handle horses and cows covered i wilh flies? Slum fly will do the trick. A new barrel jusl in and -; cheap considering prices for imi-i:3 tations. Your cows will give fromL) 2!i per cent to !l.ri per cent more milk during fly season if sprayed with Shoo Fly. New and used sewing machines always for stile or rent, at I'eil's. fewer by the park. I'l ll.S ( (HtM It SCSI VI Hp re i) j"jur opportunity to insure against cinburraising errors in sprlimg, ironi::icntion ani poor rhoice of words. Know the meaning of puiling war terms. Increase yoat cfiicicmy, which rcsultiin power mi I succeis. WEBSTER'S NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY h nn nil-knowing teacher, a universal iiotiin answerer, nruLi to meet, your needs. II, h in daily u-n by hundreds of thousands of siic- 1 u I 111 'II III:, I V ,iti, n I hn Ll i' . r. 4IIII.0IIII Wnrili. 37110 PuilM. lillllllll liiKtralionH. li.lliiu lli.r.,hl,-jl I n-Irk-ii. JO.000 ,L'Oi;r; CRANO P8I.E, (llwli.-it Awanl) ruiialii;i-l'.i(-itii: 1 xpn.-.i t mn. RI CII AR anil l01.V I'Al'i K tillllill.. M!I I l: l-r Spivlmrn l';it" i. Hll.i: I'ucL.'t Ma), u "ll ii.iiiu' ( 1, l-i m ( . G. & C. MERRIAM CO.r Spriniifield, Muss., t. S. A. ggJh:::::::"!HiT:::""::--2Ssl ARB YOU KAVIXO I OR A HOME? There are many advan tages ot having a home of your own. The sooti er you begin to save for this purpose, the nearer you will be to greater happiness und success. Start '"'id for n home now with The Citizens Hank ol A-dilajnl. 4ONpsffl SAVINGS DEPOSITS, W BANK CO FASH LAN DJ li the trip wore: Hubert Schenck. OI - Eugene. Claire P. Holdredge.j t,( Tl.e,lt Vlct0r Husband of Eu - Ee,,K. Men-Ill n F.v n Piippho I (lien S. Ward, of Eugene, E. T. lllazeltine, of Oberltn College.: I New lou .1. Kstes, of Eugene, and Dr. K. I,. Packard, chief of the party, Holdredge and Hazeltlne! are returning lo Eugene over the! skyline trail by way of Oukridge from Crater ,ako lo llawiii with Miss Katliiyn .Mil- 'lei, n 'former teacher ut those j distant islands, who gave them a j splendid description of life aiming 'the unlives of Ibis possession of llio l'nileil Slates. Two pupils of Mrs. Carpenter also. were present cud after Miss Miller's tall;, played On a ukulele ami guitar nun sane The girls were not troubled by ilie rain of last night, and slept as j M,iigy their tents ill the purki I RKSiffltlCmatttMB WE HAVH TO HOVE SOON and it will pay you lo help us. bargains Golden Murshmallow Syrup, fie. Karn fi's. GOc and 6!c. Avonilale Molasses, per can, 18c, Crimson Rambler, Crlsro, 45c, t'.Oc, $1.19. $2.2. White Ribbon Shortening, nolle better, 10-ib. pail, Cotlolene. large, $2.8!.; small, $1.20. Table Sail, liov lllc: suck Ilmshey's Cocoa, lllc, 2iC 53p per cau. Milk, Borden's, 7 cans, $1.00. Milk, Caroline, 8 cans, $1.00, Peas, 7 cans, $1.00. Corn, li cans, $1.00. Corn Flakes, 10c package. Royal White Soap, 15 burs,' $1.00. Jewell Soap, 21 liars $1.00. Stearns Sell Service Store 7 Main Street Opposite the Plaza lilBllllliuJiliiilLililliniiliSiiCIS i?MS:!! I'.,..;,.' ';ii',;iii,.jiii.:;ii,aiiii;iiyi:ii.iNiii;w iHKMEaEffiiiaiaiiittiit.iiiiaiJHiEi Lawn Mower FROM $8.00. to Garden Hose High Oue-IIalf Inch -Three-Quarter Inch SIMPSON'S 37-39 NORTH aii if they were in their homes, This forenoon they were given the use of the Presbyterian church for their classes, where they gathered around the piano and sang after the study hour. I f-.EASIDE Standard Oil Co. to 'construct amir uervlcn track here. TAKE A TIP ABOUT HOCSK PAIXTIXO I'ltOM A POKT . The poet . said: "What is so rare as a day in June? Then, if ever, come perfect days.' The perfect days of June are favorable days for painting. No scorching sun to blister the paint, small chance of rain to hinder the work. Yes, Juno Is the best month of the year. So why not call us up and make a date for June? We shall be glad to ad vise you in regard to selection of colors. PAINT IP. Dickerson THE PAIXT MAN' Here are a few of our many 10 111. pails, $I.',0; 5 Hi. pails, 3 Sc. $2. all r.oc 10c: half iiroiiiul. sack. ::,'". a j. is,1: :'l.,:,.:.i:;::.:ii,.:..:,;iil i Ready to Brighten Vou Ip Conqueror HATS and CAPS i'i Impart that well-dressed feeling. New Spring styles. '1 New Shirts. New Neckwear. New Suits. Spring I'nderwear. I'Olt MKX'H WKA It 1IY THE I'OSTOl l'ICK $18.00 Grade 18c 20c HARDWARE MAIN STREET