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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1920)
Monday, July 21, 1020 PACE TWO ASHLAND WKKKLY TTOPTOIl Ashland Weekly Tidings Established 1876 Published Every Wednesday by THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. The question is, Die stand it? Hav Will the peo-lcal communities of the country living with their grandmother in they submit- In which the survey was made, ban Francisco. Mm. Cash is 36 years old, though she does not look older than 25, Mr. Cash stat ed in an interview. At one time, Mr. Cash said, he and his 'wife ted to so much bulldozing at the I Much of the information was hands of the politicians and par- gathered personally by home dem ties, that they have last their emigration agents, who are the sense of ownership of their own field representative;; of the Unit- Hen B. Greer .Editor government? j ed States department of agrieul-jhsd to go to Alaska to get rid of j There is no question whateverj ture and state agricultural col- the man Jacobs who had been 5SiS?E?tI Ubout the widespread public dls- leges. ! following Mrs. Cash persistently. OKEICHL CrrVAXl) COl'XTY d'st; the question Is, How will It Miss Ward poins out, from thej According to Mi. Cash he ar- ward Brown and Mundus DeLnp. I'AVEr! 'emerge? Wili it die down into! facts shown by the survey, that a ; rived In Ashland the latter parti ; ; 7"-; apathy, or will it flame forth jnto 1 reasonable amount of planning ; of June, driving here from Port- TELEPHONE 3t protes, of a citizen's Move- &nd well-directed investment in land in an auto, and his wife was 'Sl'BSCRIPTlO.V JUTES j mint with a Citizens' candidate? j modern equipment for farm homes ; 10 join him later. Both Mr. and One Year $2.00 jt 8 very doubtful that any par-j would prevent a large part of this i Mrs. Cash for a while worked on Six Months 125 ,v t0(iav ias tln definite cohesion wattage of the energy of the Na-1 one of the 0. W. R. A N. boats and Three Mouths ' 5 of other years. We hear everlast-J'tions' rural home makers. .j laler worked at Bridal Veil for ADVERTISING RATES j n(, (ak uhout t,n purty" fromj "This is a serious mutter," she : the lumber company there, where Display Advertisements, each bu(h democrats und republicans. j continues, "because wa have a 1 Mi. Cash had charge of the butch- " ...i t.. i,4 it ........ .... lll'A mitlnnnl itrnhlpm 11 nw In pi ulinn Mra Puah murntncr (ha nnd seated at a table decorated ! hew home they purchased at Med- fast of bacon and eggs were most wilh honeysuckle and sweet peasj'ord- heartily enjoyed and appreciated. , the middle of which was , loKr fLWl Bw aaT. "l!LT" 1ST birthday cake illuminated with or MrS- Meda Netherland, for cuke couple of weeks. They have had swimming match Classified XOTICK TO CREDITORS. liut where Is It? It appears tliat : live tho "party" consists of the men ' working out the economics of bearding house for the company I,' who meet In national convention, j country living in such a way as ! and one of the daughters. ii.B and no one else. These "parties"10 make them satisfied to stuy on Dorothy, waiting on table. Local Readers, the lino 10c Classified Column, the wordeach time T.eiml Kntice.s. each time. Hne 3 l-3c,do what they please und then go ' aim uno u up. rer- Curds of Thanks $1.00 out and bid for the suffrages of""l' greatest factor in hri;ig- Obituarles, the line 2 VjC1 the American people. i ins this about will be the healthy, Fraternal orders and societies' There is no reason whatever! alert and expert home maker wh charging regular initiation fees ' WUy the choice of the American! wi" se0 ,0 " "'"t a Part of the and dues, regular rates. ,.,., .hnnM ho nmiiB,i in On. I increased income from tho farm Religious and benevolent societies wilt ha 4linr0-0il lit tho rpmitiir orivorti.incr mt fnr nil mlvel- publican platform Ol' Using when an admission or democratic platform. The Amer collection is taken. lean people are too big, their Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, problems too pressing, to permit Postofflce us second class mail ,hrm .,,, ..,. ,,,, matter. or Harding, to tho spineless re-Ees improvement of tho the dead h"'"e- - "At a time like this, when the dearth of farm labor is a limiting factor in production, it is very ; doubtful busines policy for farm- Mr. Cash Is positive In his opln- seMMi candles. Ice cream, nnd candv were served The Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Anderson i hikes up the canyon and excur- a. nests were Marietta Whitney,-?' F!r"a V.8,ley,d!!f!!FCt slu"8 thr0UJ511 the Vari0U8 ""'""'i Mury Poley. Virginia Rose. Elea. n, 'XJ ; tries, where the superintendent!! noi McCusick, Bobby Dodge, Ed-j Clifford Garvin has purchased , have been most courteous to their tun hnnaa whapa Mr a n H Mra Hfln- ' un u atinulnir lliem t he. WOl'K- ry Burnett lives and will move it ', , ,,t. nnd exululn-i A1!.nerfl0n8 navl,lg c!aln!8 ' nn hla lot where lis tore his old . . , B"lu esiaie'are notified to pre- . Picnicked on Siskiyou ; down near the railroad !n the processes of the business. Bent sunle Ht nly oUice , Members of the Walter Hern- track , 'The spirt attendliu; the morning Oregon, with proper vouchers and lou family and Mrs. A. M. Beaver . Walter Jeffe'ry, also of Ashland, service has been unusually good, : duly erl,i w'l,jn month, ,i,.,. viiat,.,.,i,. .i. d.,.. uanr., is nere on dushibss. . nml n, members or tie camu leei r -.--.v. ; ;. "" llll.U .lnHIUU, 1M11. LU 111U 11U1-, . . .. .. I ha, Brothers mill nt Siskiyou and Toun? iT-Sk. teachings they have ob- spent the day in the onen. Pro-; Mr. Kouns' sister and hiiBband.' lamed this week will go fur to- visions for breukfust. dinner aiul'Mr- anil Mrs. C. A. Friend, and ! wurds establishing the Ashland Notice Is hereby given that the1 undersigned has been appointed administrator of the estate of Nan nie K. I'ritchnrd, deceased, by the County . Court of Jackson County, Oregon, and has qualified. which Is July 14, 1820. W. J. MOORE, 105-5 Administrator. supper were taken along and l"elr ,Um h "b m ' . ..'Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Roblson, vls- tuuir., .,.-. u uau.i. ii.B, ami uillted tnem iast weeki can.p us a perm ture. unent annual feu-.XOTICK OF APPOINTMENT OF A DM1 X IS TKATOR. enjoyed the outing hugely. Cclelir.ites Filfit Illrtlidny Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Callahan ion that his wife was. given poi-j entertained ut luncheon Monday i rev.U, Mr. and Mrs. William i-n.. Ktr I.. 1..- it.... !. . Anniibanliiiali r.u uin-uuB ill wiiioi tuut lie honor Ot t ie r t nnil'u flrut Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Jacobson and their three months old daugh ter Marjorle returned to their home at Bray, Calif. .Monday, af ter visiting Mrs. Jacobson b pa mU lit gain his ends. When asked if his wife was given to melan choly or was of a morbid disposi tion Mr. Cash said she was always cheerful and planning for the fu ture. That she stayed in Port land while he came here in order to see the Shrine convention und Rose Festival, and lutein went to Third parties have fallen Iutoiers to use increased Income to Souttle to visit with friends be- W1IX AMERICANS STAND FOR IT? The Ford weekly, the Dearborn Independent, in it Issue of July IT, will publish the following ed itorial: Disappointed by the utter ab sence of public spirit and respon sibility in the national conven tions of the republican und dem ocratic parties, the independent j American people have succumbed! to a sense of deep disgust for par tisan politics in general. This is a most wholesome reaction and it would promise well for the ha- tlou, were there not danger of a further reaction toward apathy, j The politicians count more con-! fideutly than the people realize; on that interval of time which stretches between the summer I election. If the election were to be held today, anil if the law re-! (lulled halt the number of votes I to be cast as were cast at t lie last' presidential election before a canl didute could be chosen, there would not be enough votes cast to day to elect either of the candi dates to the office for which the parties have chosen them. The republican convention wus openly and shamelessly dominat ed by the financial representa tives of Ihe powers that pull gov ernmental influence like strings. The party's own muthods were cloeged and soiled with shameless money scandals. I'Hogorsslvism am: clean republicanism werej Miubbed, insulted und crushed ut (very turn. The delegates were eilchered, wearied, driven und de-! reived. And the candidate who! emerged from this chaos wus even! nif re colorless than tho Hepitbli ran Platform, if anything more colorless can he conceived. The democratic convention was, if unythlng, a degree worse, be cause there was an attempt made ut Sun Francisco .vljicli had no parallel ut Chicago tho conven tion was ut least given a l'lnmlug opportunity to declare its adher ence to the moral advance made dicreput because their sole pur pose heretofore has been to boost somebody into office; when they failed to do that they were cast iiBide. Theodore Roosevelt led buy more land Instead of using a part of it in raising standards of living, sp that women and young people will not. want to go to the cities in search of attractive living j out of the republican party the conditions and amusement." best blood in it, the young men The survey discloses a number jof the party whose ideals had not Pl reasons why many women do been bepiirched and whose loy-jno' ,lnl life attractive. The fore coming here to join Mr. Cash and go on to California where the three daughters are. Mr. CashJwill leave this evening for Seattle to Investigate the death of his wife and claim the body. birthday. Those present Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Crowson and daughter Imu, Mr. und Mrs. C. C. Crowson and daughter Clarice, Mr. und Mrs. J. E. Callahan and liltlo son Jerry Edward. Veril Bell and Fred Cook came wer? in from Klamath Falls to cele brate in Ashland and visit menus and relatives at Talent. . Talent Tidings Hie conctonery strne here (JIRliS FRIENDLY SOCIETY IS STARTED prices 1)1 ( It EASE SHOWN IN FARM CROPS' PRICES WASHINGTON The "level of prices paid farmers for principal decreased about 1.7 Notice is hereby given that the undersigned ha been luly ap pointed administrator of the es tate of Jennie Eccleston, also known us Mrs. J. Eccles'on, de cerned, and thut all persons hav ing claims aguinst sajil estate are' crops (lecreaseu aiioui i.i iwr required to present the same, with cent during June," said a report proper vouchers, und duly verl issued by the department ot .g. fled, to the undersigned at his ot , , , .hi !., 1,1 TllB Citizens Hank fin d- rlculture. The report added, how-, Aslllun(, 0re),un ever, that the Index figures ofj tle expiration of six months from paid farmers July 1 was the date of this notice, which date Last Sunduy morning, a part ol still more than 20 per cent high- alty to their country had not been weakened by party shackles. But when they proved to be numerl working day of the average farm woman, as shown ly the survey, h 11.3 hours the year round. In The Social Realm cally too weak to elect him, ai-t,un'mei' 11 ls 1312 liours. And hough they were morally so strong j eighty-seven out of each 100 wo au to throw a creative shock Into!1111'11 naV8 no regular vacation dur- tlie conscience und will" of the na tion, he left them and went back. Slace Ilia: failure, which vas tl'c failure ct nn individual and not a movement, third parties have been regarded wltn doubts. Hut a movement of the Aniti ican people, In rebuke of both the subservient democratic und repub lican parties, would not be the usual "third party" it would be the nation seizing nguin its own lug the year. On the average, the farm woman can find only l.C hours of leisure during the sum mer' and only 2.4 hours in winter. Half of the farm women ure up MONDAY'S NEWS Itcbckali Installation. Officers of Hope Rebekah lodge were Installed last Tuesday eve ning. Mrs. Mabel Roberts, dis trict deputy president, conducted the ceremonies, with the follow ing officials assisting: Grand unci at work ut morning. Forty per cent !'nve water in the kitchen, hut the other per cent must go to the spring or the pump to bring the water for cook In? breakfast. Thirty-six per cent 5 o'clock in the!"""1"". A'"' r: grand war-j H iZot lumbago the charter class ot the Girl's Friendly society were admitted to membership by the chaplain, the Rev. P. K. Hammond, of Trinity was broken into tho night of the! Episcopal church. The new niem- iin.1 ami ao in money and a berg are Catherine Hanson, Lou-i lew pieces of jewelry taken from I . , ,, ,,,, 1 a punch board. The window in;ise 'Hanson, Clara Will, Eiyth the side of the building was bro-j Dodge, Dorris Montgomery, Isa-I ken where entrance was made, go- bel Silver, Virginia Jones and! ng out through the side door and MrH. j., K- nammod, as associ leaving It open. Mrs. Withrow, . , , , . . proprietor of the place, states otlil! a,e.,,,ember and hranch M"6"' o? things might have been taken, ' Other associates and probation but she doesn't miss anything Ms. who. were not able to be pres- itioro Vet. All iluliPMtimiu imlntl ... . , ...... . ' . e --lent last Minuuy, win ne uuniumi to the fact that the intruders were . ,, . ,,,va ivut u '"ter ('"lHi 1110 illla C. H. Hazen hus gone to Port-' Fiieiidly society, whilo new to land for a few days. ! Ashland, is a World-wide organl- Russell Alfred und sons have i rAiuu ,, , g,.owing faster than ui-t-ii vmiiiug wuu uiu lormer s sister, Mrs. Olive Winters, und parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred, here. Mrs. Russell Alfred recent ly died ut her home in Klamath Louise Brown has just fecuver- er than a year ago, 3i per cent I igher than two years ago and 102.5 per cent higher than the ton-year uveruge. Is July 14, letJ-5-Wed. 1!20, L. A. ROBERTS, Administrator. SIMMONS TFACE POWDER I onteel control out of unworthy hands. llul' win ma mincing, on the The old parties have no divine1 uveruge, the farm womun has a rinht. What a party convention ' ?vtn-room house to keep In or- does, need not be received loyally, seventy-lime per cent Have ns If It were un act of govern-! 'e'"see l"nips to trim and fill. inent. The people now know I "'"ety-six per cent cio me lam i.ny other girls' society. The mem bers of the Ashland branch ure ery enthusiastic nnd are having some splendid times. The G. P. S. is not only distinctively relig-i ions, hut it social and fraternal lie, mra. tuna htorey; grand sec-: jay withrow, who has been as well, and is a great power for retury, Mrs. E. E. Phlpps; grand here visiting his parents the lust j (r(lP( treasurer Mrs Efl'ie Fsher I week, has returned to Berkeley,!' ' grand chaplain. Mrs. Amy Moore! j 1o ENTERTAIN OIR.-S' " grand escorts, Mrs. Dora Moore, j ju.ny. 1 CAMP WITH PICNIC Mrs. Allco Gowland, Mrs. Leah Earl Withrow has gone to Klam- Tlie members of the Girls' t'on Culdwell. The following officers if"- Falls on a business trip. i ,,.,... ,.. '-,,. , h(,iii,i. d1k 'j were Installed: Noble grand, Mrs. Huron Keith wus in Ashland Tuesday. Ail picnic in the park lust even- r.iim Duma, uu giuini, mis. Camion Hose Is spending a few . ing, given by the young women mury ireiren; recoriiing secre- flays in Asliland wltli Mra. Fruuk 0f Ashland. Tallies were laid in ititry, Mrs. Bertina Payne; treas-t:ulslnger. , , , ' grollK,s - nnd WPrej ; ,.. v.u n,.., ti.,.i..,.,i. George Kerhy has moved his ' , uiei, Mis. Doiu Hiinnard; war-i Klamath Fall , fweud with everything to eat Hi deu, Mrs. Ola Poole; conductor,! Mr anj m,.8 Ernest Jucnhsnn I thfe form of delicious cookerv. At, Mrs. ihp close Miss Rhoila Burnett ol nil r n, ,.,,.i.. b-, ii. i ii... 4iy wusuing. u Don t na r ot t iemi i... kuvhiR washlne machines nn.l th!Wrs- E1(,a Anderson; inside guar- and Mrs. Jncobson's mother were deliberate caucuses, secret iclner "au uoln8 l!le W"'K wlt" In their renl work, for the pur- j tllb' wa8h boaltl ,1H(1 1)oilel pose ot 'putting over" on the ! Twonty-ix per cent have gi.s or people something thut the neonle , e,t'c,rlc lron 10 make more com" do not want, und against which to""blB tlle ",8k ot lrol,i"' N1,le they will be in rebellion before unother four years. Whether the people will take su pinely what is given them, or ex ercise their free power to name ty-two per cent do some or all of Wis family Bewing. Garden work to done by 66 per cent, 94 per cent make all or part of the fam ily bread and CO per cent have Medford gave the vesper talk. About 60 were at this picnic und pronounced It one of the leading soclul events of the week. This morning the conference girls had a ' hare and hounds" breakfast their own candidate anft makel cll"rnlnK to do. their own platform; whether they will require that, their nose be rubbed still deeper in the con tempt which the politicians have for them, or will make un end of the present race of politicians at once, Ib for tho Immediate future to reveal. Will thero be a clean-up ut Washington under Cox or under Harding? Certainly there will be by the American pcoplo with re-! j no ouster of the secret rulers of the I'nited Stutes under a repub lican or u democratic regime. If the people want a clean-up, they must act at once, they must act deliberately, they must act without reference to he prece dents set by the dlcredited pur ties, and they must act with a confidence In their supreme con trol over all their affairs. the hand of the defunct und dis graceful whisky business was' heavy upon the men who control-) leu that convention. Paid agents,' v.-he were both public officiuls und private retainers, were In evidence everywhere. There whb. no ques tion; not even the League of Na tions which received the slavis'h attention which booze received. The whole convention resembled i ,KKR SOX PROMISING more a "hang over" from the sa- neer f more plentiful than loon regime than a gathering of'e,'e' before and the season which American citizens selected to for- cpens September 1 will undoubt mrlate policies for the solution of edly be the best here, in the opln Ihe problems which harass the na- !n of A. E. Burghduff, state game lion and the world. And a can-j warden. Mr. Aurghdiirf has been didate, as urtknown and as amen-! receiving reports from various i.ble to control as the Republican Parts of the state in which men tragedy in Seattle came to light eaididate, was put forth for the! ho have lived In Oregon D0years l Ashlund last night when Chief hif li office of president. say thut they have never seen deer The defeat of McAdoo anil the; "8 plentiful as now. deleat of the movement to insert The situation In eastern Ore a wet plank In the platform were K" has Improved especially, Eighty-one per cent of ull poul try stocks are cared for by wo men. One fourth of the farm wo men help to feed and bed the live block, and 24 per cent of them spend over six weeks in the year assisting with some part of the Held work. All ot this in addi tion to cooking tho family meals and curing for the children. This, of course, Is the dark side of the shield. It does not take irto coiis!derutlon the many com pensations that come. with the wo men's dully round o.' work for the comfort .of her family, and anyone who has ever experienced the sat isfaction of living in the open criintry knows that the average! E fa: m woman more fortunutelyj g placed than her average city sis-1 j ter. But the task is sufficiently j m grinding, as Miss Ward says, toj send the farm woman to. bed "bieathing a prayer that her strength may be equal to tomor row's duties." side guurdiun, Mrs. May Bantn; ' " "e ,n uioson avenue, u u nav. . ,. .... .. . i sold the houBe to Mr. Stratton and right supporter to.the noble grand.1 it wlu b6 moved on the slrtttton Mrs. Mubel Roberts; left support-branch across Bear creek this full, er to the noble grand, Mrs. Laura ' William Yeo of Ashland, Calif., May Love; left supporter to the ls here vlsitiB friends and rela ... J. . tives. Kiaiia, mis. lasener. Miss Mae Chirk has gone to her served in the park. The Bturting At the next regular meeting, home at Prospect, Ore. She has po;nt was from the tents, and the July 27. Mrs. Mury Wllshire will , been here staying with Mrs. Jonas . , compelled to follow the be installed as worthy chaplulii ! Barrett and thinning fruit. ; . n Mr- end Mrs. E. R. Jones andltlh"' w"iih finally led to me una Miss Cora Baldwin right sup- .i.ii,!,,, Iinr onma l. f.nm ramn e-iounds where Ihe break- Klamath Falls and are planning, l en moving to Ashland. ' The residence where C. E. Stiles n VHlllfK AfPAHIllC lives belonging to Van Dunlap " OdVlllJP rtttUUIlia has been sold to a family from Portlund. Mr. McMahon has moved back to Talent and is running the bar- Mr. English, who wan Clinging Invisible WONDERFULLY soft and fine, it adheres so closely as to seem to belong to ths skin itself. Never gives that coarse "make -up" look. And the exquisite Jonteel fragrance makes it a delight to use. Have you tried it? Take a bos home today. 50' McNair Bros. TAa ftl&XcJIL Stori porter to Hie vice grand. SATIRDAY'S NEWS Birthday Party Master Dennis Espy celebrated hi seventh birthday last Wednes-j day, July 14, ut which time he; wus given a purty ut the home of her shop. his grandmother, Mrs. J. N. Den nis, on Allison street, to which seven of his young friends were Invited, fhe children spent un Wo Interest running the shop, lias moved his family to Ashland. Mrs. Richardson has purchased a Chevrolet car. j Mrs. Olive Walters has pur- f iiiovnhle nftnrnnnn nlnvlnir irai,ou I chased a new Paige car. on the lawn, and at 3;30 h.ta"'- l STATE BANK OF ASHLAND. guests were called Into the houselr.ti, Falls and are moving in their I A Dollar Starts an Account mm .Wit KDAMCE HOTEL MANX Powell St., at G Tamil San Franclscc In the heart of the business, shopping and theatre district. Running distilled ice water in every room. Our commodious lobby.fineservice.and Homelike restaurant will attract you. European Plan rates $1.00 up. c . MasagesKit W.B. Janet .MYSTERY INVESTS M DEATH OF AVOMAx'H What has the appearance of a jfjj of Police J. W. Hatcher received a wire from the Seattle police rtating that the dead body of Mrs. Clementine Cash had been found the two strong actions of the Deni-j states Mr. llurghduff, who ex- '"re. Identification had been ig ocratic convention, hut these were pli.iiw that on the logged-off land made through a letter on the neutralized by tho selection' of more and more underbrush is' woman's person, ulleged to huve Cox. The McAdoo candidacy wus j mowing up, which furnishes pro-jbem written by her husband E. one of the most cleverly engineer-! tectlon for the deer, as .well ubE- CubIi of Ashland. The cuuse id pieces of political shrewdness the fact that dogs ure not allowed 'of ''er death is undetermined, in the party annals of the I'nited to be used in hunting. I The latter, who came here be- Ktates, That it was heavily fi- Thaj hunting will be equally fore the Fourth of July celebra uui.ced Is a foregone conclusion. Rood west und east of the Cas-Jtiou and had been employed at but the utmost endeavors of skill- cades, reports the state game, the Tavern Inn, was notified of ed investigators failed to reveal warden. The season closes Oc- the death of the woman, sup ila source, that is, with a degree toher SI. In I'nlon and Wallo-' posed to be his but knows noth- u counties tho season Is from g ot the affair. He has tele September 10 to November 11. an plied to a friend in Seattle to . 'Identify the dead woman und is WASTE OE WOMAN' POWER awaiting word to learn if It is the MENACE TO Rl'RAI, 1.1 IE body of his wife. He has been Ihe waste ot woman power la staying here awaiting his wlfe't AT THE When Run-Down B NGALOW of rerluinty that Would justify piil lic exihiire. lis source, how ever, is generally known, and the ileleul of McAdoo was more than the defeat of u man; il wus feat of a group whose ex ai;! the destruction of power is Ihe most needed i the de xposuri whose cne of the greatest menaces to unival which was expected to- gi eform tlie rural life of the nation, ac- day. nfter which they were go- f in Ihe I'nited States und the world cording to deductions thut special- ing on to California. g today. ' i"ts of the I'nited States depart- According to the police Mrs. g There is now no choice whatever mnil of agriculture draws from a Cash came tO(Seattle several days yj (fclween Republican and Demo farm home survey conducted in ago and registered ut the Plant- Pjj c'ratlc candidates, between Repub- the thirty-three Northern and ers hotel. The wire from the Se- gj licun and Democratic platforms. Western states. The survey was atlle police stated t'lat a man and 3 mole under the direction of -Miss the dead woman had registered at f -i Florence E. Ward, in charge of a hotel there Sunday night under El exttnsion work wilh women, of-, the name of E. F. Jacobs and fi ficc of extension work. North and wife. E-i West states' relations service. i Mr. Cash says he is the wom-ig3 The records cover J0.01S farm sn's second husband, and that she fgf homes, averaged bv taking typl- has three daughters who are now j '" I cr. fof that matter, between Re publican and Democratic parties. The people have bee-a treated like children: their, highest hopes have been flouted; their best beliefs have been buried beneath moun tains of partisan slush and filth. Saturday Nights The Best Floor and Music in the Valley Minkler & Rudyard MANAGERS In the Circuit Court of tlie Stute of Oregon for Jackson County. Cornelia I.. Kingsbury, Plaintiff, vs. ti. C. McAllister, us Administra tor of Ihe Estate of IJ. T. Mc Kercher, Deceased; 8. H. Mc Kercher and McKercher, his wife; Mildred I'arton and 0. F. I'arton, her husband; Harry B. Warren and Warren , his wile, Defendants. To (I. C. McAllister, us udmfn islrutor of the estate of I). T. Mc Kercher, deceased; H. H. McKer clieh, McKercher, his wife. Mildred I'arton and fi. F, I'arton, her husband; Harry II. Warren and Warren, his wife, tho above named defendants. - In the name of the Stute of Or egon, You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of tlie above plaintiff in the above j entitled court, now on file with the clerk of sawl court, within ten days from the date of service of ' this summons upon you, It served in Jackson county, Oregon; but , if served In uny other county in the State of Oregon, then within twenty days from the dale of the 1 sorvlco of this summons upon you: or if personally served on you out ot the Slate of Oregon, then with in is weeks ufter the date of such service, and If served by publica tion thereof then within six weeks from the date of the first publi cation; und you are hereby noti fied that if you fail to appear und .answer said complaint as hereby required, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief -prayed , for in his complaint, to-wil: The plaintiff will tuke judgment against the defendants, (i. C. Mc Allister, as administrator of the estate of D. T. McKercher, de ceased, S. S. McKercher and Mil dred I'arton in the sum of $542.22 i with Interest from June 17, 1915. ,-imI the sum of $32.1 C with inter est from the nth day of November, 1!)17. and the sum of $55.71 with Interest from the 28th day of June. 1920, ull ut the rate of i eight per cent per annum, togeth er with seventy-five dollars at torneys fees and her costs and disbursements of this suit. That the usual decree be made r the sale of tlie premises de- ribed In the complaint, accord ing to law and the practise of this I court, and the proceeds be applied In payment of the amount Hue tlie plaintiff. That the defendant, Harry II. Warren be adjudged to have no interest In or lien upon said prop erty; that said defendants, O. C. McAllister, as administrator of the entate of D. T. McKercher and Mildred I'arton and S. S. McKor cher.'and all persons claiming un der them subsequent to the execu tion of said mortgage upon said premises he barred and foreclosed of all right, title and interest in said mortgaged premises. 1'nder and by virtue of an or der made by the Hon. F. M. Calk Ins, a judge of said court, dated the 30th day of June, 1020, this summons Is served upon the de fendants by publication thereof for six successive weeks in the Weekly Tidings, a weekly newspa per printed uiyl published ut Ash land, Oregon, und the defendants by said order are required to ap pear and answer within six weeks from tho date of the first publi cation hereof. Date of first publication Julv 7, 1920. NELLIE DICKEY. Attorney for Plaintiff, Residing at Ashland, Oregon. 10t-7-Wed. SIMMON'S jji Anacortes, Wash. "I had or jjj janic trouble for a 'long time. H suffered from backache and thos P fieavy bearing pains, and my blooe HH was in bad condition, lhadnoap In tho Circuit Court of the State . of Oregon, for the County ot Jackson. Walter C. Weaver, Plaintiff, vs. Eathel B. Weaver, Defendant. To Eathel 11. Weaver, Defendant above named: In the name of the State of Or egon: you ure hereby notified thut Walter C. Weaver, as plaintiff, has commenced a suit in the Cir cuit Court of the State of Oregon, in and for Jackson county, for the dissolution of the marriage contract existing between the above named plaintiff and defend ant, nnd that in pursuance of an m I petite and was generally run-down order made and entered in said m l used Dm Pierce's Favorite Pre cause by F. M. Calkins, judge of said court, on the 3rd day of July, 1920, you are required to appear in said cause on or before six weeks after the first publication of this siinmnions, which puhllca- tlrtlFlt"f"lf.llTlnt tuUuU.illtUliltU.jn,. lfttnltmtH. mi.nnmt)Htii.i'ultTtffi !l!titir!t"'ji"""'un t4rt"''l wi; u'lltl"-''"1!."' !jf nn,T"1-"": lli,iuiti.....u.ul.uuilMl;iuU.iiill.u. HI Kription in connection with the S Golden Medical Discovery' and Dr gj fierce s Pleasant Pellets, and wa ! wmpletely cured. I always recom s nend Dr. Pierce's medicines to al , Hon will be on the 7th dav of Julv, gj Try friends." MBS. A. KEESEllO, and nnswer the complaint H General Delivery. of "ie Plaintiff filed therein, and i c j n n- ,t . for wa,lt 01 answer thereto, on or jjj bend Dr. Pierce s Invalids Hotel before said time, plaintiff will ap gl Buffalo, N. Y., 10c for trial packagiiply to the court for the relief de g )f Favorite Prescription Tablets : manded and prayed for in said s j complaint, to-wit: for a decree of iS Good looks in woman do not divoreK '"" y nl for such oth 1 icpend upon age, but upon health i-. Ju'ana equ i ou never see a gooU-lookm; hie. U woman who is weak, run-down bated this 3rd day of July, H Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prcscrip- 1P2 m lion is the best women's ton'u1 . , D1 . J. moore. 'here is Itw-WveartnM allf i AtlorT,ey f'"" P'"1"'"- Post office ..nereis, n is ou years out, anc a(aref!9: Ashland, Oregon. J its age testifies to its eooduess. 1 1 04.7-Wed 4iMMH4llUlillib4lk ' i