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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1920)
Auditorium ' Auditorium ASHLAND WEEKLY TIDINGS VOL. XLIII ASHLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 21, 1920 NO. 10G IIY HAS m IIKT PROGRAM OK O " I HAI VI QIA HVE Tf IIIIC WfUl ADVANTAGES FOR I P MEETING . The twenty-eighth annual sea ' hlon of the Southern Oregon jchuutauqua started lust evening with an exceedingly fine program ' did a very poor patronage of Ash land and valley resident!). While hones are entertained that the peo- Looms Big RALPH FRALEY ONE OF TI1KF.E DEAD FROM (J I X j EXPLODING; THREE Hl'RT AGE RULING .AIMS COLOR MAY HE I'SEl) TO ('PRE CANCER WOMAN ARM ROUSES "The more 1 see ot Ashland the El'GENE. The largest crop ol prunes in the history of t he fruit industry in l.ane county la pie of Ashland will rally to the! prcilicted by J. O. Holt, manager support of the association and at-,.t tne El,gene Fruit Growers' as- lend during the coming days, the! 60(.,uton fur tnla year. Mr. ,.,, management leeis uuoious as 10 nlunueer of the EuneiiH Fruit nr. I.n.l I ... .III. lhnll , .llum.,:! 1 ' ,the financial showing at the close, f. ....,.. Han,finn rnr this venr I portunity she offers for a summer of wek. sel)BonB. () ' " ! camp meeting," remarked Dr. S. . ,.. ,,,. ., ore-l. . e.e.yone who A 1 fM aiitiArintaiwIuiil f IhP1 . ?J?tBW ,.W" P.?i'" 10 P 11 " """""I ... , lul(e ujr MU)ttI)e Arioine scum Klamath district or the Aietnoaisi church, greatly Dr. Dunford has been nt,ss to operate at full capacity. will a contralto singer who;He I)redlctll thllt eve,.y dl.ver m spending me summer in Men-; ,)t overtaxed thlg yeal. UIld he ; doubts if the entire crop can be Interested In inaugu- forili Mu(lani8 S(.,,ul hun ratine a big csnin meeting for;.. . ........ .. .. " .... . SMiipuuieiic vuice, . I...n.,j ,1V ,ho ,.,. ,., ... bcutnern Oregon, which ne says is , wa KrttcloU8 , he,. pre. " ' bound to come, and no place is Kenlations and resnonded readily lstence. The evaporutor at the local plant of the fruit association Is be In I,' enlarged and when the i lit -provements are completed the ca pacity wtll be one third larger than Ralph Fraley, sou of Mr. and ' Mrs. C. W. Fraley, a member of B company. National Guard, I was killed yesterday afternoon j 10I.KKAi Kan. Woman's suf by the bursting of a gun at Camp, r,..,Ke alld women's cluu ieluers Lewis during the annual encamp-, )luV(j loday nei'iilly ruliled ,0 ment which is being held there; (u, BUJI,ort ot the vwMm take this week. The Tidings wa8ap !,,y Mllrgret tuu McCurter prited last evening of the ncc'-, n refusing to give here age when dent by a telegram from Licuteu- Ble wellt t0 register as a voter, ni.t L. I). Mowat, who is with the. A,.s Mcl.arter declares iiU will Ashland company at Camp Lewis: contest tle ruUuK KhMi WMg ba!). "TACOMA,- Wash., July 16. vd decision ,,r t1B Httorney Ftalph Fraley was killed at 3 p4 n,nera) that a woman cannot reg m. today when a 155 mm. gun ;Sler unless she gives her age more manned by the Marshfield coin- cleriniti'ly than "over 21." puny, hurst. A flying fragment, ..,t.8 a tlub ,e , ho,( ! NEW YORK. Medical experts', i estimates of the number of. deaths from cancer In the I'nited Stales in 1919 place the figure at1 100,000 and the number of per-' : foils afflicted with the disease at WARSAW. -present at 500,000, Dr. Frederick l.uje taken up Y HOLDS El E ; SONG AND ORATORY YESTERDAY'S EVENTS , All who have heard that Welsh 1 tuple can sing were assured of this after hearing the concert 'men by the Royal Welsh Lady , Singers at Chautauqua yesterday afternoon. This company of Women soldiers eiRht stars delighted the audience position for the y.jth their musical numbers vary- Pugdiile of lloston, a vice presi- dolense of Vilna. They have been iiig in style Biififciently to suit all (lent of the Allied Medical Asso-; assigned to an eight-mile front, classes. The Royal Welsh ladies ciation of America, declared at. All the women are equipped ,. a very good ii.ipression with Hie organization's ninth annual ; with American boots and are be-! the majority ot their audience convention here. Cure is possible, ; inf fed partly by the American; BH receive hearty applause m he siad, If the exciting causes are V. W. C. A. They are under the t!:eir concert work and solos. Thev removed and the predisposing fac-, command of Madame Goer, who ,..,! a particular attractive ap- t oi's properly treated. as well fitted for It as Ahsland ul-j , , enco,.eg glver he, ready possesses. Cmmr Nuyphei a Creck "We have here the Chautauqua, Hl(ertaineri pregeIllea "The Or Buditorium, splend',1 camping fa-,,,, j,tt(,eallt a descriptive lec-i cllities. climate and evervthlng ...... .i.. ...! under the sun conducive to . , l l",eRe1' Dut eVH" wi,h ,bl under the sun conducive to pro - , Near East Accompanying I .... the manauer aavs It now mn in n mimmni' raimi iiimi hie"'. . .. . onion, me managei says, it nowi . r o, . nmi on lne giage was a group oi Ti .. r...r t tan........ i,r. wuinuru reiuamuu. iniiin, , wome l the of the advantages here over camp-. costllmeg of the Orient, lllustrat-i nr Jug In the east. We have no thun-: ,,. , . ,..:,, ,, ,...;' tier storms coming up unexpected-i , mulner ,he in,ereting ! ....... .,, ...,. ly in the night, no humid heat, no; f , ,ecture Thg younghl A,t "J1 'HK" mosquitoes, no drenching dews-.,,,,,,, jg a glU(ent of theology In ! why, people can sleep out without ce of tlle eaBtern seminaries, and I NEW YORK The V. ,n""1"' ain iu ueio. spendnK t,e summer In this Lr. Uanford campared Ashland . .11lner With Mount xerno'i, Ohio, where ; fBlit with General l'ilsudski i-enrauce at the evening preluihi The treatment of disease by against the Russians ami who also . iltt night when they appeared in color waves was demonstrated by j operated last year with the worn-, tin ir picturesque native custume ir. Dinsliu II. (Ilrullali of New ( en during the sic-;;' i( Lemberg. j ,., sang ils t,i,. first number . , ,...,.1, v,..,vv wiul WMs HtiindilU ,i . .... - v......... , ... naI,,a, iv,n, m we si. , luck Haley .o was sanding lhe W01,R, , 1M,!V(,t ,, fn)ln , mMakl!n wlu,n v ,.,ieve , old. She contends women. Jdw a,,,,,,, , is ,,,,. 200 feet away near the gun .,.,.,, declared Mr I.lli Duv . . ...... I,""K 111 " I'ciuie. manned by the Ashland company.; 1. " '"l J ' "( 'T"0 " . " "Th" Xw"- "( tllP st'""k ..w. ...... ..... , ,,.,. ,,, .,, ...,11,1... ,,,,,, in.-... i.i rii ii m iriini 11.' ..ii. . .., , ... .. . - Dr. ........ ... ..... ......... ...... - .1 it'spuiisit. cniuii iii i ne nniiu i appears that the association will gOrgeoU3,h ,, . f nil. Ilm lines that come in. His lecture was an at-1 Mexico, SHIP s. s. from lie had been instrumental in in- Njtently returned Palestine, the Ilosphorus, exjios? ot the lives and , Ccrlnlh Canal, the Dardanelles, 'customs of our neighbors in the1 mill imintu pmki h)rl thp miirinoi nugurating a permanent summer ; 0rleti ot wicI, we know g0 ,. j i t f not f ot serving as a review- camp meeting. i uai itiwii is uu tQ KLAMATH COPXTY MAY HE MINT CENTER KLAMATH FALLS. Ilarring possible frost during the ripening .Mason, Klamath county marsh lands are Ideal for the produc tion of mint, says 0 II. Todd, Or egon's pioneer mint grower, who , is here from Eugene, investigut-i . ag the possibilities of the country j j lor several large Michigan con cerns and growers of the Willam ette valley. The wet bottom lands. hi which thousands of acres are I In).' ground, her officers said. j This afternoon's program In Procpoiiimr tmm rvnmiiniiinn. . meeting brings In 5000 people or cludes mU8,cal nu,1)e,.s ,,y the ' le to the Atlantic, the destrover more each year who spend sev. I)U,llres(Jlle Alaskan Duo, and' a!(!lopped anchor in Cattaro Bay.; tral weeks, and this town has ec(re ,,y Carlt()n chumberlayna' M0,,teneRrd. and elaborate cere JHithlng over Ashland as an In- 0 ,e 8,)Jficti .To,orrow." This 1 1110,ne vere arranged in conned (iucement to establish a pernio evu,g wi, ,)e , K,.eat ,L.c,ure; ,i(m will, ..resenting a Congres-I by E. H. Fish, who will present ; s)m,i ,Pdal of honor, the highest the subject, "The Cure for Social award the I'nited States can be-I'li-est." This will be preceded stow, to a Jugo-Slavlc mother or by a concert by the Alaskan Duo. a member of the A. E. F. killed! Roth these programs are of mi- in France. usual merit and are worthy of a large patronage. It is to be hoped that the people of the val ley will respond to t lie coming latter than Ashland, but the camp. lie ul summer cam, In Its midst. KLHART WAS NOT HA 1)1. Y 1N.M RED 1. 1 i. : r : .. "" life as food, Dr. Ghadiali declared, iiiltiire, says Mr. Todd, with ,1h )e()1.Vi ,.01,.s(,ts . According to tin members of the detail from the first company; vbo accompanied homo the body of the late Ralph Fraley, who was killed Friday at Camp Lewis Homer Elhart of Ashland was not Mounded as stated in the reports Saturday by the bursting of the gun which caused such fatalities; on the field. Private Elhart 'v name appeared among the list of wounded, stating that his shoulder Vinf. broken. Acenrritng'-irj the; Ashland men a piece of shell tore, rway a part of Elhart's hat brim l iind struck his shoulder, knocking, him to the ground. This was at the time Fraley was killed, and In the excitement caused by the' leurful casualty the reports of the furlher injuries were spread. ; The ship was dressed, a deco ; ruled cutter sent ashore, and te mother brought aboard. The dig nlt eiL and impressive ceremony, SI MMER SCHOOL NOTES sessions or the Chautauqua and . us,.ally associated with the Idea' give a patronage worthy ot the, ot a entire army corps drawn up merits of the event. j j revjew before the commanding' Tonight E. B. Fish, in "FiKlit-1 ,-eiieral. wua then gone through j Ing the Reds." It's a liv one. ! After the posthumous award otj Sunday MoinlnK at Chautauqua (,,, decoration, the tearful wo- Music by chorus under direction ! man. .thanked the crew and of- ' of Professor Leim." t-otrt-Ti-Tirrfrelr courtesy and went, the University of Oregon. ' , .ark to her little home marvelling Mrs. H. T. Elmore, soloist. at he tar-,eachlng memory of the Sermon by William AValluce disunit "God's Country," for which Yotingson of Portl'ind. j f tlP nad sacrificed her boy. The Sunday Chautauqua. Program ' ' A big day of mjislc. Raul Per- ;.-,a SEAL S'ALPS'. ' ! ira, noted violinist and composer., ASTORIA W. M. Hunter, em-j with a splendid combination of'p0yed by Borne g.ilinou packing! str;ng instruments and an excep-; companies to kill reals and sea tionally fine pianist. i lions, has delivered the scalps ofi Mary Adel Hays, the prima' ;-. r. 2 seals ut the county clerk's of-! awver anil we - Fragments of metal struck the suffragist buck of his neck and death was practically Instantaneous. No other members of the Ashland company were injured. "The Marshfield company lost two men killed, Corporal Edwin Scott and Corporal Clyde Dlnnin por. Three men from other com panies were Injured but not seri ously. Fraley was the only Ash land man hit and all the others escaped without Injury. "Governor Olcott and party, which included several women, had watched the gun which burnt fire a shot a few minutes pre vious, but fortunately had depart ed. The Hovernor when Inter viewed expressed deepest regrets and extends sympathy to the rel atives of Fraley. "L. D. MOWAT." Captain W. M. Iirlggs also sen) a telegram last night to Rev. C. A Edwards of this city apprising him of the accident and asking him to notify tko parents of the )oung man. He also stated he would wire further information regarding the conveyance of the body to his home in Ashland. Mr. . ,, SHOES TO LOOK Edwards broke the sad news to NICE, III T COST MICH the bereaved parents, to whom flllCAGO. Women's shoes the sympatliy ot the entire cuy is )m prettier than ever extended. ,) jst as expensive as at (;, lVavy, dean of th naipn rraipy was me youngest present, Frank 1 of Mr. and Mrs. Fraley's fou,r ,,,.,,( Mlu, ilimils j,,,ne Kelailers' t'oys, an oi wnom Benen men ,,ssm.iation .said in addressing the wealth and the prosperity of many waler wagons plying between the country during the world war. . organization's annual convention growing industries depends upon water supply in Lewiston and U:.!tih wan nnionir the first of th i mi : . .i .... . . i.... - " - ni... int; iiiv ill uitTii n Binif till; turner supply, lie Said. 1 u lllibti reii'piiu urn. viii.i-ni in. 1.....C .A ..A n... ft...... A Ul.l.wl OM'II ... ' T "ul ""'" 'lalso will continue Ingli, Ue said. Iu f0r reforestation policy to ( Mission meet the wagons on flilisted with the old First com-! m i..Vor declinrd the ussnci- i,,.,.,.. ., ui .......i.- f ii,i... . ,. I, irii, lH.,,riiiL- nans, kellels proper attention to drainage but only through arltial demonstra tion In the growing of one ot two crops can the climatic condi tions he gauged. If July, Angus' and September do not produce frosts to damage Hie ripening P'aiils, the next few years, he :iys, will see Klamath county Ii ailing the world in mint production. blue. I has about 1000 women under her ,,,- i,is hearers by his strong force- Red, Green and violet are t lie '. command. Many .tie st rong worn-j , m,.ts ,,r making slate colors, ho contended, asserting en of the faclory type, who are'M,ents. which in themselves wert that" is proven by the fact that eager for excitement and adven ,,,,, ,.tt. Wl,.e presented in a only a combination of those col-, lure. ! manner to Impress the public ami ! ors will produce white. - The woman couimunder Is in ! ,lak(, t,eiH view ideas from a dif- Explaining how the colors oier-j charge of all her own transport f,reut angle. This lecture dealt , tile in restoring health, hu said system ami rolling kitchens and questions social, political, do that drugs function by disengug-' all fighting equipment except ar-,,e.tic and religious, and the ing the colors composing them into . tiller.. , S ak,M. thrilb-d his audience with itho body. Thus a person suffer-1 Additional detachments of worn- ;ts flights of eloquence one inn ing from miliaria fever takes qui-j en are being formed throughout UCn. while convulsing them with The blue wave of which 'Poland for defense of the repuh- ,(,,), n. next. Judge Ahlen re- quinine is. composed, he said, driv-. lie. As soon as their numbers lieved the tension mi the minds of lug the fever out and curing the ' Justify it, .Mine. Goercz will be,jH audience by not referring lo patient. .placed in command ot Poland's j ,,, political upheaval with which Light is as much an element of.arm oi women. the. press is filled at the present jliiiie, anil which mai'e his address 'all the more appreciated. : This afternoon will be given over to the tennis '.ourmiiiieut and j out of doors recreations in order to allow the Chautauqua auilitor I i i; ii-. to be used (or fitting the big dramatic event fo.' tonight the f,ar; yellow, mentality: green hu mility; blue, intuition; violet, spirituality; magenta, love; lem on, pride; orange, jealousy; tur quoise, dignity; indigo, bonevo; jiirple. vone'-alion, scarle', lust. Clarkston Really Dry LEWISTON, Idaioi. With thej crew working overtime lo relav water by a pipe line to Clarkston. FORESTRY DEAN I'RGES PLANTING OP TIMIIER, Wash., that city is still sul'ferliu 0 R E (1 () N AGHICl'LTl'RAL; fri.m a waler famine. A pipe has WhH0M COLLEGE, Corvallis I'lantiim' ! n laid across the slate lirnlg.' . 1,0( 0,11110 acres of timber which : ever the Snake river, which pro will be ready for harvest in tin 'villi's some water for u limited yens is a problem of great ceo-1 portion of the Washington city. "'is noniic importance, according lo I.ewiston's water department houl lias established a line of 50-gul- Meyer, presi- forestry at the college. . Ion barrels tliroiii'liout Clarkston The state's gieitesl source of ami Vinelainl, keeping the city Maurice Players in the famous drama, "Kindling." which prom ises to be the leading entertain ment feature of the Cliaula uqin; byPriscilla Dean ! donna soprano, and Caplain Ar thur Kachel, who ".'ives the "Mu sic Master" in the afternoon; al j together the finest Sunday pro- gram we have rer had in Ashland. flee. He received $2.50 bounty on each scalp, or a total of $880. The seals were killed along the coast. This is the largest num ber of seal scalps received at the M. C. Reed, who is now in tl.e;cotjr clerk's office at one time; )eH, darkeBed by this frightful , 7. S. Ash 'vs. Medford Really An excellent start was made yesterday in the work for chil dren which is being conducted by the summer school und the Junior Chautauqua. Miss Fety enter- l.ili.nrl Ihn vnTlll L'sl el-H with Stories und and Prof. Coon con- fit",e of W"''iR" "i'ecting for gM9 August 1. 1918, when Hun .i....i ., i.ii.i.0'u i,n.. Ovbi-; Ellison & White, in a letter to J. , ter delivered a total of 359. At UUllCII I lie ilium-" o -iiJii.. thirty representatives of young j"- H,ller Hay,,: C!",tain Kachel" tl the b",n,y was 3 America were present and had a'1'" is "ow 0,1 tlle clrclllt' Kves, scalp and Hunter was paid $1077. royal good time but we must he l"e "M,'sic J,uf n""::er,J'; Willi A l-Airlll'lli iilnoi'" ftl f'llU Dt'L't'lir hnn.lierl in these!'"" " " """W , . n... . .-. ir.nv ... r. pa ny when they were sent to Fort uUlin pi1,npd ,,, tif(M piofitci'i' Sltvens iu 1917. He later wentji,,,, a,, ,,, ,,,,,, ,.y ,ax ,,,., ovei to France with the 69th regi-,,,,,,, ,,,s r,,(,(.e p.i(,p)) ment and was In that country in' , the urniy for six months. Alter! being discharged f'om service he hen been working with his father. Stieet Commissioner C. W. Fra ley. Willi B company Ralph left nearly two weeks ago for Camp COURT NEWS Vi (iii Is. Dress Young Did you ever notice, how much y o n n g e r a girl looks at -Mi than she does at 1 ii ? (if course Ibis is mil true In all rases, hut if you will look carefully ami PRISCIHA DtAN .observe the young flappers going Lewis to attend the annual campnient of the Oregon National phen A. Neyc, et al. Execullon C.ucrd. Onlv a few duvs remain I Frank D. .Motherland vs. Meda of what was to the boys a pleas- indefinilely is a pertinent fact and wash boilers to carry home necessary for tho protection of waler for family use. one of the state's greatest assets. City authorities lave laid strict "Just what lands are valuable in inactions there he no fires to I forestry and agrtclllliire stalled, since Hie town is ilepeud- sliould be ili'li'iniiiuil. It Is cor- ' u chemicals to combat any tain Unit Oregon li:'s several mil- ' onllagratioii. lions of acres of ianil not under The crew al the lieadgales on lo and from school, you will of federal ownership that is suitable Ami ill creek hbve completely re- ten see (lowing veils, earrings, ex only for the production of limber stored I lie bridges uiriieil mil bv crops. The federal forestry ser- Hie cloiiilliin si Tuesday and begin vice through . its Investigations lay nig a new pipe lomorrow. Wa- Netherland. Suinnions. , proien mai iniios o. wesieru ..i- ... ' .' . :tpi uitii ('mini v lin nli ru w vleiion and Washington can nio- n. but it will be il hoiiis be- Circiiil Court Jackson County Hank vs. Sle- utuble vacation, but which l''1 Campbell, et al. Execution. ,Uce a merchantable Douglas fir lure wi can be through ill force. nine. iigi-eruted style and paint and" powder to tlfe extreme. Now don't get angry, girls, for really you know this is so. 1, know too. , I was sixteen myself. ! in n period of fiO yours.' i way. A regular Whitney on jy.tllO JUll I llllll lC. Whitney last year. Captain Ka- El'GEN'E. The two sawmills and al logging ' camps of the llooth-Kelly Lumber company has Raul Perira and his j resumed operations after a shut- nt least classes. Send your children tlir lower mirk at ! o'clock everv ., .,, , ,.,. rind will aiipear on Sunday after morning where they will meet Miss, .. ' . . . .. Vatv mwl hnve the time of their llveg I string quintet. In the evening , down since July 2, according to Enrollment iu the school is con-' A,,el Ha'8' t,,e Prima fl'n;l j announcement at the office of the Bluntly Increasing as people real-1 solm"10' wi" 1,6 ,he leadll,s jeompanji In this city. The camps lze the worth of the courses ot. trnctlon with Mr. Ferelra and .nd mils were closed down to al tered. There were several visitors ltt slllng qulmel' 1 ll W ,n8 employes to celebratei in the Music History and Appre-; 1!omla'V' tl,e n'nI Wfl,Bh I'a,,5'i Incependence day as they pleased, ciation class who had form rly i S,!lBP,'s' nn,1 Jm,Kfl f!eo' "' Al- and In the meantime repairs have; den. - been made to the mills anil to the, ; machinery in the logging camps. I 'CONDITION OP ROADS While some of the loggers re-, Cottage Grovc-Disslon; Open, niclned in the camps above jColtage Grove to Lund Park. Wendling most ot them came out I Cottage Grove to Iissto1i. rood.!.,,,, scattered to all parts of the j Dlsston to Lund Park rough. 1 slate. Santiam Wagon Road: Open.! tragedy that has befallen one of; Company. Order. their comrades. i v B('11 "" v- ,:""' , , , , , Yost, et al. Execution. A message was received in Ash-, g,n, .,,.,. vg Rurr Af. land today at about 2 o'clock r iilavit. Order. from First Sergeant H. T. Elmoro! Fred Wolff vs. Continental Cas- I ....1... .... O..I... stating that a detail with the, " v.,. body of the unfortunate young Piobnto Court Ashland man will arrive here m-j justift Smith, guardianship. Re- o'clock in Chaut.iiiqua uiuliloii morrow morning. Sergeant Kl-jport of sale. mi., also at 8 o'clock. She will more will he one who will l.ri ,0lcA' E,lloU' 0Ht"10' "'" speak each .il.ernoon at I o'clock (he body home. It is expected A(,P!t iir-m.t ct ali cuardiiin- liuring Chautauqua. She is a that funeral serricei will be post-j nip petition. Order. 'woman of rare ability. The pub poned until the Ashland company jH cordiullv invited. arrives home,' when a military lu- Ksjl. i r.e..l w... be held. Ear. J. Km- '? l""l 1' Jks mi ' HA XII FASTEN I'D TO ROD IMPRESSIVE LEI TIRE Xn. Mailed, who is here in lie' 'interest of the W. C. T. P. work iu Chautauqua sessions, gave a 1 very iiituresliug lecture on jine- i nile delinquency on Monday at I I sii king of Hie Liisilania five years! to her age and unconsciously docs since the pipe is of wooden staves; The reason for this is a lend ,.ih: has become very dry since lie ency to emulate the older women iiik unused during the .past week land girls, to grow up loo quickly of exceptionally hot weather. end by so doing the young sub deb looses most of her charm-- I'llll.ADKI.I'IIIA A life jark-jtho greatest charm there is. the i t. silent reminder of lhe tragic 1 charm of youth. She adds years ago, and hearing a si rand of fad- lhe very thing every woman tries id Minnie hair, was picked up in to avoid, she makes herself old. Hi. Deleware river. Ten years later she has inoi" The name of lhe ship lhe Ger-j sense. She realizes that the mans torpedoed r.till remained t flowing veil, the French heels and clear and distinct on the wave-film paint, whisper of maturity unit beaten canvas, which has been discards fliem for the Ingenue adrift five years. The Jacket wasi dress hills that would fit little sis found by two railroad detectives. 1 ter. Look around at the thousand no Idea of how interesting such n study could be and they are; planning to attend regularly for the remainder of the session. A brauch ot the community chorus Is being formed In Phoe-1 nix where several citizens are en thusiastically conducting a cum- paign for membership. The first rehearsal there will be held at S o'clock Friduy evening in the1 Fair. Toll-gato chargo for nutos. LAVA LAKE CLOSES. Campgrounds. i LEN'D Fish in P.ig Lava Lake, U Uese picnic hall Just north of : county. Willamette Highway: Eugene ipm. 0f ti,e important trotlt lukes ' r I .. .1 r .. ni..l.n Mnnn I . . n i it.. High school. This chorus-will bo ",B"U" ,l""KC' "-"" :Oi cenirai uregou, are joined with the Ashland organiza-j f-00'1- Clo,e,1 Permanently. Rig-, disappearing and no more angling tion for tho final concert. ,,(m to Summit. I will be permitted after August 11 Mr. Chnrle A Kinc has elm - McKenzie Highway: Eugene to i order that restocking with cut- ley, a brother ot the unfortunate, co,lnty. MARYSVII.I.E, I'u.-During a young man who was killed, is with Margaret S. Soliss to 0. H. Jen-! severe electrical storm at l.iver- the encampment at Camp Lewis. ; nings, '" '" ' U'r ,, I lightning struck lhe hand of HELENA. Mont. Miss Hazel , g,.,s , ,e city pvery d.iy. I M. Vawter'et ill. 'luiiiI In hlk. i:i, : diaries Deckard, placed m Moore, a young girl from Port-: M,.st of these stenographers, typ- PAXTIIERS LPRK AROI'ND Medford; $50. iron rod, and the baud had to lie land. Or., who is said to have ur-j lstSi clarks and shop girls are SISKIYOU CO. tow vi jitg Henit Aiming in. in r.eua pned loose, lie was lasen noiii.' M. Vawter et al, hind lu hlk. 1H, ,.,.. is bund and linn FORT JONES. The town was . ..'..,. hadlv swollen. uig iienu .uiiiur. . . . V. Davis, land in Medford. ' Uig llend Milling Co. lo Etta SHINGLE MILL STARTS V. Vawter et al, land In Jackson MARSHFIELD. Tim shingle greatly excited several days ir-o by the report that two large pan thers were seen near the Porta Mattie E. Holmes to Anna II. Of the boy's recreation hour nt 2 i""- """ '"",lliroai trout may ue sianeu. wis-; o'clock in the afternon in the . Sl,rl"R ,0 Wilu1-' 1,lnt- eUm"il M Can.e Warden H. McDonald has announced. The lake was WEDDING CAKE IX VAI'LT formerly f.ocked with eastern TIL SCHOOLGIRL WEDS lrook trout, but the instinctive park. This is free to all and all the boys of the city are wanted to I take part In the sports which arej being organized. HPRNS, 'Kan. The Burns Ex-: propensities of this species to fol cbange Stute Rank has a novel de- ow tne source of running water GOVERNMENT CAXXOT l ot:it in its vault a 14-pound 11IB resulted in the fish leaving TRANSPORT RADICALS' wedding cake, to be given the first f through the outlet of the lake. ' member of the Burns High school ' T(le Upper half of Elk lake has WASHINGTON Five hundred! domestic science class who be alirni of the 556 ordered deport-, comes a bride, ed during the first six months ofi The cake Is made of fruit and this year by the department of 'other ingredients and is the kind been closed to allow for spnnwing. ItOl NDARIES MARKED. Loundiiry lines between Canada i labor still remain In this country .' that Improves with age. Members and Alaska are to be clearly de- through inahality of the depart-'of the class made the cake the fined this summer so that miners ment to obtain transportation for day before school closed. flocking to the new silver strikes! aliens destined for Russia. j ! ",0 Portland canal country mayi In a formal announcement As-i PAPER WOOD l ALASKA, .know at all times on which side gislant Secretary of Labor Post; The national forests in Alaska . of the border they are prospect-' reported' that 2830 anarchist and ! contain 100.000,000 cords of tim-'lng. I kindred cases were acted upon by! her suitable for tho manufacture Canadian government engineers; the department of labor between! el paper, according , to estimates will start north from Prince Ru- January 1 and June 30. 1020. Of made by the Forest service. Pnder; rert, working along the lines until, thise 2202 cases were dismissed ra'.eful management these forests j they meet a party of American an-'. mil 72 ordered lo rreliearing. ! 'ini produce two million cords ofjgineers who are at work south There were still 45 cases in which j l ulpwood annually for all time, from the Pnuk river. A trail cut no departmental action had been or enough to manufacture one-j 15 years ago will be cleared and taken at the close of the fiscal third of the pulp product! now; new cairns and monuments will; ea, . i ! consumed In the United States. ; bo erected. j "1 ' ' town. While returning to (' "'- Mnore, n,Hn Ashland iiniR creek from f ort Jones, Les lie Allen and Mrs. John Davis, his slr.ter, encountered the two pan ther, by the roadside. One was al least eight feet long. The an imals were somewhat blinded by the auto lights and made no at tempt to run. Mr. Allen secui'd Charlie Wickens and his boun ls next morning, but owing to l ie lapse of time the scent could only bo traced to Howard Hayes' place, where they wre seen, and the quarry had to he given up. It been many years since a panther has been seen in this neighborhood. plant of Hie South mill lias re sumed operations. He Kept Us Out of Everything l 'I ',, J-V- I, VV-. r-l A n J fn.J i. nn'im fiAS Jpwf,k (saun fr 2 -WIT' ... u. . new .t W. f WANl J Can HIST IIIRTS f'KOPH. ST. PAI L, M'nn. E. G. (Juaui mo, president of the federal I. "d bank here, declares that bh.'k rust exists in southern Minnesota und eastern South Dakota and ' in j some places has done consul' r oble damage to the wheat crop." He says there is no rust In Mon tana. North Dakota and nolle in. Minnesota. He hu Jiisl conipi' t- ed an Investigation of crop i m-j (lit Ions In the norlwest and ie dlcled It would harvest "one of the biggest wheat crops in its his tory." 1 . if i It . . ; rA W t , . - n. ne vast us cxir a nux r. .-. v i r,iL 11.-' I.I I . ,1' TW U. . U. V ' . flCjOIKd VIC Ltiguf Jt WlWPff .. ..k.. - . " ""-r v ----d 'rv' ifinMiki, AnJ .ll 3 lHimVrnmJ lit Motmhcr -SB lived here on the I'limpers. dies riirHr ihan they are IS. and si-' us a soldier, is being held liyjj. vm, ,vi i)serve you will no il, n sheriff. 1 1 ii-e that the majority wear fl it Tho girl said she bad started .,.Si Norfolk or tailored suits out to see the world. She hud jti, severe sailor hats or close ticket from Portland to MiMsoiit.i ritlhiK turbans. They have In aim says she too!, the bumpers ; k,,,,p ,,ir precious youth, not there. Authorities are endeavor- throw it away like tho young ing to com in ii ii t with relative.)' school girl. in Portland. . ow don't think I'm n crank ! or want to keep you from having ! ItOSEHI'RG. E. Romeo, a hi- pretty clothes or up to dale mod- l.ornr emploveil on railroad track els. I don't, but I simply want , ', ,, ' ..i .....k ....w...... you '""k your very best in tho work bv the SbatlucK ( onstruc- , . . , . . . , l clothes that are most becoming. lion company near isauora, in uie , noillieill part of Dougl I VVeilnesday afternoon ' In have fired two shots Into the body of Hugh Busby, a fellow Ju inker, severely wounding him. das county,! )P L'l j, -'ivjf 0 - ' was alleged ' 0 AttVU WILL TEACH ALIEN'S. SAN FRANCISCO Announce- Romero made his escupe and .nt ,. 8(.hool for Illiterates pusses started iu pursuit of t.ht9ll( Uon-KuKllnh speakliiR ritizii-i lir,ltive. The men were said to,,,,,, uliena , , arm). wm . I.avo quarrel over a gambling ' ))rl,cd t (BIIip i.ews, Wash. g"M'.. . Tuesday July 20, has been made by Vlie army recruiting news sei- ! CAN' LOG ALL YEAR. , ' Work iu the open is possible! at all times of the year on thej Ti.nguss national forest, Alaska,. but logging operation, are not AXfM , j()j 1. 1 it 1 1 o lilt, iu the snort days oi v. inter. rice here. The pupils will be taught Ilm English language und other ele mentary subjects 'Hid. also a trade. until he has iinuoii!icl his luteii Ition of becoming a citizen. RIDDLE GETS PACKING PLANT RIDDLE. Construction has started on a new prune processing and packing plant here. MICH TIMBER IV ALASKA Within the last ten years lhe forrst service has hruugbt abou' lhe sale of 420.0i0.0i)0 feet of COQI'ILLE Work on Marsh- timber in the national forests of field-Coqiiille highway being Alaska, for piling, sawiogs, ana ru:.hed. shingle bolts.