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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1920)
PAGE FOUB ASHLAND WEEKLY TIDINGS Monday, July 21, 1020 student schouhl be present to-lh.nd visitors this week and are which refreshments were served, night." The entire cast Is splen-j guests of M. C. Llnlngcr of the! The guest list included Misses did. 'vulcanizing works. Mr. Glengerj Ruth Emery, Nina Mevius, $, $ ! formerly lived in Ashland, where! (iwynne Gammon, Violet Wilton, Mrs. Sam Bordon of Gold Hill' tit was proprietor of the Square Virginia Jones, und Messrs. Leon is a guest of Airs. J. H. Ring inpeal orchards, and hns mmivjnrd Smith, Grover Leech, Ray Ashlaud this week. friends in thia vicinity. The par- mond McGee and Norman Wells. ly are returning from a trip to J Miss Jones was the recipient of Mr. and Mrs. Milton of Mus- Cnna(ia and Mr. Gienger states' many beautiful gifts from, her kogee, Okla., is an Ashland guesc,tllul ay (he ,)lnce3 they 8truck; friends. at the homes of J. H. Dill and B. di.rinK their jourlley nothing . R. Greer this week. ; comea up to Ashland. "Fiom j Luncheon to Honor Guests. Grants Pass to this city we found j The luncheon In the Park yes- Pr. S. A. Danford left today for (he c0lntry fneri vl(f cheapen terday noon, given by the Chau- ftianiam runs on uih uuues us su perintendent of this district of tho Methodist church. Pr. Cordon MacCracken has pur chased the property on Hargadlne street belonging to Mrs. Agnes LOCAL AND PERSONAL TJESDAYS NEWS Policeman Hibbs arrested a pas senger brakeman by the name of Brazau In the park Sunday night on a serious charge. The case was heard yesterday afternon be fore the police Judge and the man was bound over to await the nc tlon of the grand jury under (1000 bail. Peputy Sheriff K. E. Lueker of Kugene came to Ashland lust night to take into custody R. S. Rankin wanted in that city for making away with a motorcycle secured from the Cycle Supply company, Rankin, who was formerly in the employ of an eating house in Eu gene, contracted with the cycle company to buy an Indian motor cycle, and after making the first payment he took it out one even ing on the pretext of trying out the machine, but failed to return. He located here with the ma chine through the local officers. The deputy sheriff left this morn in? with his man. t Kenneth Lilly, a student of I Stanford I'niversit.v and noted i.tlilete of that institution, has unived home to spend the sum mer viiciition. r. nd conditions much better thun tauqua Board and Commercial rr.ywhere else," he stated. , Club directors In honor of Dr, ! Berchtold of O. A. C, Dean Straub Word from down the valley ct University of Oregon, and slates that the Trigonia Oil & Gas j jm,ge Adell of Boston, was a company, which hud lost a drill-1 vcr. successful affair, and the lnfe bit in the well at a depth of , beautiful environment and tasty menu gave enjoyment to all who Herndon and will make It his per-: fee( had a Mw onej menent home. He expects to oc- , .... , , I 'htii ii I'l 1 1 1 ii if was rPHiinipfi mi u r- .!.. . t it cum-it sometime next month, and . ; imrimimieu. mis. r. j. van.pani meanwhile will make several re-' mo"""g' . ,und Mis O. Winter, representing CD . , i i ... nir nn fh ii.lh.ihe. Thfi suIh ... Z, r , , ""iiiuuqua ouuru, unu mrs. " - - mr. unu mrs. o. j, vii i u unu of this property was made through voung B0I19 left Saturday cm an the Beaver neany company. automobile trln which will take : them clown Into California. They R. L. Hurdick has gone to i ... . , ext.ect in he none cm'prnl wuku roruaiiu iu uuemi cue uhiuisis convention. Mrs. Ada Clark of East Main Mreet is home from a six weeks' visit spent in Albany and Eugene. G. I. Bennett of the Golden Rule mine in California, was an Ashland visitor yesterday. Howard Chupln of Brockway ville. Pa., was a gi.est yesterday of his cousins, the Misses Niver. Mr. Chapin had been in the spruce division service in the northwest during the war, and since the ar mistice was signed had been In business In Portland. He is ex pecting to return to his home In the east, hut is at present taking ii: automobile trip with a party of Portland friends extending from San Krancisco to Seattle. The parly remained over night in Med ford and will leave from there to day for Crater Lake. . Mrs. Anne Stevenson and grand daughter, Marjorio Crouch, came home yesterday morning from Portland where they had been Handing the past month or ho. H. E. Hon hum, a nephew of Thomas Boulium, a veteran of the Civil War, who resides here, is in town looking after his uncle's In tel est s. 8 Mr. ,M'C'oy, a brother of Abe McCoy of C street, with his wife has roihe to- Ashland from Oklu lionia and will make his home here. Mrs. Lockhart of eastern Wash ington is in Ashland looking up n location for a home. Her hus band, who is mi extensive rancher In Washington, is in poor health. und they are anxious to try this rllmate and the mineral waters tiere. Mrs. Will M. Dodge has gone to Portland to visit with her mother for a month or so. Miss Ethel Troutfether returned home yesterday from Sun Fran cisco where Bhe had been spend ing a week or so. She stated that while the city was delightful, the nentlier was uncomfortably cool. Claude Millet Is home from a several weeks' sojourn with Ills lather at fossil where he has ex tensive property. .Miss (.'Hllie Vogell, stenogra pher in the city s hools, was in Ashhind today from her home in Talent. Mrs. Carl Megerley of Rogue River was up yesterday und spent the day with Ashland firends. C, W. Sear, a well known mer chant of Albany, and his family iirr enjoying a camping outing In the auto park this week. After si e nding several days here they will go to Crater Lake before re turning to their home. Mrs. 11 E. Kubison. who has been spending several months in A; I, lam! and vicinity with her children, l"ft this morning for her hi n e in I. oil1. Calif. She was ac companied by her two grand daughters, Veda and Caroline Ro per of Lodi, who have been visit ing relatives here for the past two weeks. A cousin of Mrs. Rob isnn, Mrs. Mary Rubison of Cot l.;gr (irove. also went with the former to her California borne. K. A. Estes. who has been look ing after business Interests in Ashland and vicinity for sevral weeks, left today for his home In Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Striker arei In Ashland this week visiting! (i lends and attending to business affairs here. They are now liv ing at Kerby. Janet Youug, leading lady lu the Kiudliug company, is a Cut iity of Oregon graduate, and' Dean Straub of this institution.' who is Tiaiting in Ashland during the eek, says: Every 1". of O.I Mrs. Ella Rice of Portland ar- ; rived In Ashland yesterday inorn- MOXDAY'S NEWS 1 ing and will be a guest of her sls- Pr. S. A. Danford's family are tor, Mrs. E. J. Van Sunt, and other relatives while here. Mrs. Rice was accompanied by Miss Eliza now nicely settled In their new home at 698 on the Boulevard. Dr. Danford has just rejourned, from a trip to North Dukota, where lie met with the State Board ot Examiners of Chiropractic Phy sicians, of which he has been a nu mber for a number of years. He resigned preparatory to per manently staying in Oregon. J. B. Harrell, who has been em- H. T. Elmore, Mrs. J. H. Dill and Mrs. J. H. Fuller for the Com mercial Club, attended to the de tails of the luncheon. J. H. Ful ler of the Chautanqiiu Board In formally presided. An interesting presentation of educational ideals was given Prof. Leland A. Coon speaking for the musicul side and the work of the summer school; Dr. Berch- beth Schaumloeffel of Sacramento. ' ,ok'' aIld Deu" straub wltty manner relating to Experience of years of work only 40 miles apart at the O. A. C. and U. of O., aud Judge Alden was quite convinced that Ashland was the place for him to live, especially since the recent reports from Los Angeles. The Judge said Borne very fine things regarding Mr. Harding, republican presidential nominee, Tennis tournament which took place on the grounds yesterday: Juvenile Singles First Round John Henry El more beat John Edwards. George Jojnson beat Charles Tllton. Fi nals, George Johnson beat El mure. Doubles, Juveniles Elmore and Edwards won by default. Junior Singles First Round Paul Koehler beat Glenn Hill. Terrance Talent cent, when statistics show thut there is an automobile for every 14 persons in the United States. The number of women who are too scantily clothed also fell un der the lash of his scorn. The more dresses are rut off at the top and bottom, the more they pit. the majority of those in tho vicinity did not realize at once what had occurred. Lieutenant Smith, commanding tho gun and stuudlng a few feet distant, said he realized what had happened only when he saw his men lying about the wrecked rifle as the sn'cke and dust cleared. "1 thought it was the usual ex- cost," he declared. The unwar ranted strike fell under his de nunciation, and he held that the plision," said Lieutenant Smith most serious thing of today is the "for the heavy guns make such u "strike on the Job" the fact that' dcafendlng .roar and throw tip beat Fred Johnson. Fred Koeh-Jhe laboring class Is only 00 pc i audi a spray of dust and chaff ler beat Fuber. Second Seconds, cent efficient. Ithot an explosion could not add Terrance Talent beat Paul Koeh- lei. Results George Johnson is 1!20 juvenile singles champion. Kimore and Edwards are the Juv enile doubles champions. The juvenile finals were held oilay. who had been visiting her aunt, and who will remain for some time In Ashland. Pr. F. C. Scheller, who left Ash land last spring; und located at Woodland, has. returned to Ash 1.. nd und will again practice here W. G. Curry came home yester- nlm-pit In tovirn fnr llio nuai iuin i v,,- h... rem..,! !,, .,,. viu tUx from a tvVH niont,ls' soujotim who is a personal friend, although remain here. HIb brother, Al fred Hurrell of Uakersfield, Calif., In Pennsylvania, where he went to the Judge announced himself a ( IIAI TAIQIA FI LL OF ENTERTAINMENT The pust two clays of Chautau qua have been brim full of Inter esiing and entertaining features. Saturday afternoon's program opened with the prelude by the Aluska Duo. Loua Laska, the youug girl who appeared us the major feature of this entertain ment, is a youthful prima donna, vho took the liearlK of her audi ence instuntly with her mugnifi rcnl lyric soprano. Acoinpany- Sunday morning a large audi-; anything to it. The whole thing ence listened to a fine gospel ser r.ion by Rev. William Wallace Youngson, superintendent of Port land district. A choir under the leadership of Prof. Lelnnd A. Coon rendered fine music, with Mrs. Elmore and G. H. Yeo as soloists. as over in a socond." . The men of the Ashland com pany saw Private Fraley crumple up and full dead as the big gun exploded. They did not realize that he hud been killed, as the report ot the gun seemed no dif- In the afternoon the session wanjferent to them than the preceedlng Introduced by the musical element j shots. They uIbo buw Elhart fall presented by the string quintet ot (with a shell fragment tearing Raul Pereira, who gave a delight- ; away part of his hat brim. The ful prelued before the draniutle ! shower of fragments un instant reading of Captain Arthur Kuchel. This latter was "The Music Mus ter," made famouB by the wonder lul playing of David WarfUdd. For a one-man show, this feature wan as flue as any feature of the Chuutauqua. The evening was given over to a full concert by the stilnged quintet, with the addi tion of Mary Adel Hays, the fain- later was observed only by those who bad narrow escapes as the. deadly missies whistled past them.' Thut more ot the 500 men In the Immediate vicinity were not killed or injured is considered as miraculous. Several men ot the gun crew stuudlng behind the can non or alongside when it blew up escaped without a scratch, while Wagoner Scott was more than 300 yu ids distant through a thicket when a shell fragment smashed In the side of the auto in which he Was seated and tore away part of tin foot. Real Estate Homes and acreage. Farms and Stock Ranches. All Kinds of Good Insurance Ashlund Agents of Abstract' Co. Billings Agency Established 1883. look after business interests. who has been spending several k Mri) Toln yHU1 llm, chimmi days here, has returned to his home. Mrs. Lettle Burc'li and Miss Coin stock of Sutherlln are spending a tew days in Ashland this week with relatives and friends. $ John A. Harvey, a well known lorney of Sunta Ana, Calif., is in Ashlund, spending a few days were up from Med ford, Saturday, spending the day in the park. W. O. Dickerson, who has been visiting old-home scenes In Cincin nati, Ohio, for t he last month or so, has let iirned home. i democrat. Remarks were also made by Mayor Lamkin, Miss Su- suiiue Homes and E. D. Brlggs. ; Mr. Fuller announced thut it was Imped to Induce the entire facul ties of our leading educutionul in stitutions to move to Ashlund next summer und bring ull the state summer schools hero. I. II. Reynolds, wife und child-; KOEHLER VKTOIt attorney of Sunta Ana, Calif., Is!...,., 1)f i,... iiP.,rir me cam,, in - IN' Jl'XIOU SINGLES Saturdays events In the tennis 1 oiiHiniiy cievoives upon tins na-i oi me itieinoiiisi cnurcn, nssisieu ing her was Miss Hulda Voedisch, ous New York soprano, who sang and the two presented a musicul her way Into the hearts of Ash- entertainment of un unusually ! land people last summer, and who high closs. as even more thoroughly enjoyed Carlton Cliunibeilayne, tho lee- this yeur. hirer for Saturday iifternoon, gave! a suggestive address on "Tomor-! 11 XKRAL OF HEAD row." Mr. Chanibeilayne e'xpres- SOLDIER .MONDAY bed himself as a firm adherent Yesterday morning, uccompuli in the doctrines of (lie league of!icu by a detail of the National nations, which, he claims, is the! Guard consisting of Cupt. W. M. hope of the world, and is broader Brlggs, First Sergeant H. T. El tiian any political party. He flay- more und Privates Earl J. Fraley i d the actions of the legislators und J. R. Clary, the body of Ralph in t lie part they pluyed In fulling ' Fraley, the Ashland young man, to adopt this measure und enter who met death hy the explosion : into a league with Europe. This: of a gun during target practice piiiod, Mr. Cliainberlayne states, Friday ut. Camp Lewis, was is the most momentous since he biought to the home of his pur ascension of Christ, und Is the eats, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Fraley. time demanding tho greiitest leg-j Fnnerul services were held this islation, the broadest statesman- afternoon from the lute home, , ship und the most stupendous re-i conducted hy Rev. C. A. Edwards The Mam in the auto nark. Puvini; nn-ived with relatives und looking after ; hl,,.e W,iie makK a tr,, thioiiMh touinument were aiming the most lio nt the Present moment to by Rev. McLean of the Nazureno his orchard interests here. i 1 1, cmmi enunii-v Thev win vlii notable yet played. The Koehler-, I-'"1'1 Gie morrow. church. Owing to tho wishes ot ni H,n i,,s nf mis. ' ii,i,i.' : Talent guine 111 the Junior singles 0lle ot "le ra'e Americans on , the family a military fnnerul wus air. aim jvirs. s. o. i nupnian oi - Jum(lg s,lpltoni a,H( tlll,..; wub one older players might fuili'1"' le,,"",fi Plutrorm of tho pies- oinitteci and the body or the unfor Yakima, Wash., and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Porn of San Diego, Calif., who have been stopping in Ash ing their stay in Ashlund. to carrv off with us much credit, I' 11 w"s "1B speaser, k. h. luiinie young man was unu quiei-i and was one that was hard to beat!risl1' wno lle,(' I'13 audience spell- ly to rest in Mountain View cem- Mrs. John Welch and four from start to finish. The count, """"" "V "ls eioqtience balm-clay etory. land for some time while making j ,;Ui:,im, f Wisconsin, who have o; points ut the close was 158 to ''t. While realizing class pre-1 Further details ot the casualty excursions out to the various; )iwn gueHtH t the homo of J . J . l&G. Koehler is Btill In the run-' iwWce und sympathizing with the state that It was entirely acei sconlc points in this vicinity, lettj Myers, are Mieudlnir a few .lavs at 'nine as a sinele. The iunior don- 'bor elements of the country he - dental. ! the present lime with Mr. and; hie match was ,ulso hotly con-j limned a clear prospective of the1 The rifle was of the 155-miili- Mis. F. C. Homes. 'tested, with close play on both n" controversy Between capital meter long range r.eui type useil this morning for the coast. They will pitch camp at Gusque on the Smith river, where lino fishing aliL-unds, and will probably re main there until September. Rot. Alfred A. Kyburz, Presby terian minister of Crescent City, has been in Ash hind several days. Mr. Kvhurz riime here with theilmwl- Inhn U .crnv-od rii-amil Intention of remaining a month I Springs road; John H. Do ran, ru I sides. Following are Saturday's , lm(I labor. The whole catalogue by the French, but wus manufac- The Ford guruge bus been doing! ,-e.iuits: , radicals wete designated as ; lured In the Cnlted States. Itl a land office business in the sule' Junior Singles. 1 bolshevists by this fearless speak- hud been fired only 14 times. Thir-j of cars lately. Among the recent: ,,,r(1( Koehler heat ' Terrance ! Er- wl, blames the'orgy of ex- teen shot were fired last week In sales reported are the following: T,.ent jtravagnnee on the present high - trying It out. The 14th shot was louring cars to Mrs. Lulu Van Junior Doubles i cost of living. He sneered at the' fired immediately before the trag- Wegen, Mrs. Nan L. Curtis, Ash- for the benefit of his heulth, but wus called to Santa Barbara to all end the Synod ot California, end started for there this morn ing. o a , Phil and Curl Rose came in i rem Klumuth county Saturday, where they had beon looking ut ter the timber Interests on their sister's homestead. They will re main here a few days, then go back and complete the timber deal they have started. The girls' conference which hus been In session in the park for the past week, closed with last night's session and camp was struck this morning. A number of the girls rul mail currier; Charles H. Har gadlne, mall carrier; G. Carl Mur phy, Murphy Springs ranch; J. Hoyd Robinson, Talent. Run ubouts to Llye H. Carlton, E. C. Bartlett, Mrs. Sarah Gartner, all ot Ashland. A truck with de mountable pneumatic tires and the latest equipment to Kerby Bros., Talent. The Social Realm Mr. TIESDAY'S NEWS Picnic Dinner , and Mrs. B. R. Greer and I Estes of Los Angeles, who is a J business visitor in Ashlund this Other guests beside Mr. H. Dill remained over to attend this at-1 a"e a """"" ternnnn's session nf (-,,,,, j the park Sunday in honor of E. A. rnd moved their camp to the lawn of the Presbyterian church, where I thev tot luncheon. This confor-1 summer, on, inct,,., . , of .i, Estes were Mr. and Mrs. J, most enthusiastic and beneficial a"a Stanley Hogan events ever given among the yuung people of the valley, and the pro- Surprise! Party. meters are ull the more assured Virginia Jones wus lion- of the permanence of the t.0. 1 ored by a surprise birthday party ference. "l 1,er 00,116 '"Ht Saturday night $ f, ; at which a number of her young A. C. Gleuger, and son, and friends were in attendance. A friend, of Klamath Falls, are Ash-1 delightful evening was spent, after Junior Doubles. Boys -Talent and Banks beat Koehler Brothers. Girls Thelma and Mildred Bee son beat Josephine Barber and Jiinnltu Griffin. All players have carried on through the touinument in a most1 I creditable niunner. Fred Koeli- ler's playing hus been exception ally good throughout, playing til tight game in each contest. There hits been little to choose among! mo various contestants, as a have done exceptionally well. I The following drawings have been made tor tho free for ull tennis for this evening: Singles. ' M. H. Ellis vs. J. D. Beeson, C.30 p. m. Tomorrow's drawings will be: Singlcs. ' S. A. Robinett vs. Dwiglit Gregg, 9 a. m. Lyle Sams vs. -Bye 10:30 a. in. Doubles. Sums and Gregg vs. Beeson and Robinett, 1:30 p. m. Mixed Doubles. Pwlght Gregg and Violet Woods vs J. 1). Beeson nnd Thelma Bee son, 4 p. in. plea of the agitutors, who claim ed In the presence of the gover that 95 per cent of the Americans r.e.r, adjutant-general and party, t are exploited by the other 5 per Except for the men in the gun who makes money SukHch conditions he reads the paper keeps ahreast the times? figures out tVta before start ing action. AND HE KNOWS to have money to hnve comfort to get ahead that the first rule is to "HAVE .MORE COMING IN than IS GOING OCT." WHEN YOU PAY RENT money is GOING OCT. When you pay it on youi own home YOU AltE SAV ING it is not going out. There's a heap of horse-s-eni-e loie in the MAN OF MONEY action. I have a numher of GOOD BUYS right here in Ashland. E. T. STAPLES Austin Hotel Building Next Door to Ford Garage. Clearance of Silk Dresses and SKirts and Spring Suits You now have an opportunity to get a new Sport Silk Skirt or a new Silk Dress at July Clearance prjees. You will be surprised at the beauti ful line we are showing, unless you have already seen them. l.r.Sl LT OJ-' KIIIST Is DAY'S TKXXIS MAT1H ES Following are the results of the first day's play ot the Lithia Park S, Field Demonstration FORDSOT TRACTORS Oliver Chilled Plows ALL UP-TO-DATE TRACTOR IMPLEMENTS BY SEVEN FACTORY EXPERTS Monday, July 26, Tuesday, July 27, 9 a.m. lo 4 p.m. At the old Carter Ranch, G. H. Orover's Dairy, Foot of Mountain Avenue, Ashland. Make an appointment with ua when you would like to see this demonstra tion, and we will call for you, take you to the demonstration and home again. -LADIES WELCOME- HARRISON BROTHERS Fordson Tractor Dealers. Ashland, Oregon Skirts Still greater reductions on these lovely Skirts ot Fan-ta-aal, Bar onette, Satin and other new Sport Silks. 93B.00 Skirts 20.50 f 30.00 Skirt $24.50 Gingham Dresses We have a lot of Gingham Street and House Dresses to clean up at prices less than the goods would cost you. Dresses Satins, Taffetas, Oeorgettes and Crepe de Chine figure In this of fering for a quick clearance. Saving of From $.1.00 to ft 0.00 On These Dresses. BJouses The first reduction we have an nounced on Blouses comes just In time for the warm weather. 10 Per Cent. Reduction on Any Silk Blouse in Stork. Suits A lot of our best styles In Serges and Trirotines ure now included in the clearance offerings. See them at once. SiivliiKH of 910.00 to 920.00 On These Suits. Voile Dresses Sure the trouble of piaking up your Sumjner Dress. You may find just what you want here. 10 Per Cent Reduction on All Voile Dresses. Sport Silk Skirting's Further Reductions Now in Force to Clean up the Bal ance of These Silks. Figured Voiles A lot of Special Prices on Printed Yoili-s. it haj ULi m-U . J bci n no n inu ycii Mcit u Udi ubCJ uacU yci U(J Udi Wt ttJ mt t ytJ udj MJJ Lat Hr't UdTl