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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1920)
Wednesday, Juno 10, 1020 ASHLAND WEEKLY TIDINGS PAGE TimEf LOCAL AND PERSONAL FRIDAY'S NEWS Thomua Swope of Grants Pass cnme to Ashland this week and v.ill be employed on the Pacific highway us truck driver through the summer. Mr. and Mrs. IrvliiK Finley are entertaining Mr. Flnley's huubuml ami sister unci husband, Mr. and Mrs. Harmon W. Potter of Long Beach, Calif., who are passing through Ashland In the family touring car. Mrs. I. n. Uatcimin has had as her house guest Mrs. Albert Nel son of Dunsmulr for the last few days. ' The Ahslund Daily Vacation llililo school has reached an en rollment four times as lnr(re as oiiKlnally Intended. N'o new scholars can now be received. A commencement will be held June 25. Lynn 1). Mownt came home this morning from Portland where he had been been spending the pasl week. He will return again Mon day with the National Guard mem bers who will uttend the prelimi nary camp of instruction to be held in Camp Lewis, Wash. W. 0. Smith of Klamath Fulls stopped in Ashland yesterday on his way homo froir Portland and was the guest of Einil Peil. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. It. F. Connor Thursduy evening June 10. The little man weighs five pounds. Mrs. Charles Bourne Jr., who ('as been visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Winter, for the past two weeks will leave this evening for her home in San Francisco. Mrs. F. J. Shinn, Mrs. Nlckel ron and little Joy Dunn were din ner guests at the home of the former's daughter, Mrs. Howard Darrctt, at their Talent ranch. Chester MacCracken is back from Corvallis for the summer vacation after attending the past year" at the O. A. C. Mr. and Mrs. Cloyd Loiighlin oi Stockton, Calif., who have been spending some time at Sunnyside, Wash., stopped over in Ashland for a few days this week and were guests at the W. E. Eastman home on Oak street. Mrs. Loiighlin is a sister of Mrs. Eastman. . Mrs. R. C. (iunler left today fori lloseliiii g to spend tome time with ' rtlatlves and friends in that city., 1 Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Honck of( Medford were Ashland visitors' yesterday. t Miss Arlcta Hubbard of Red ding, who has been in Ashland for several (lays undergoing an operation for appendicitis at a lo-1 cat hospital, is much improved Olid expectH to leave the hospital tomorrow. She is :i niece of Mrs. J J. W. Hatcher and will nttcn.KM.t tho Hatcher home for a time un til she Is able to return to her own home. j The Ashland Kealty Co. sold yesterday the 120 aero ranch be longing to Dr. G. O. Jarvis, southeast of Ashland on the Pa-1 clflc highway. Charles Homes is tho purchaser. & 8 i The body of Mrs. Mary R. Cole bourne, who (lied In Kingsbury Calif., June 7, was brought to, Ashland this morning, accom-j panled by her nephew, G. T. Hayes. Brief funeral services; were held this afternoon from the Stock undertaking nailers and in terment was made in the Harga diue cemetery. Mrs. Colebotirne was a former well knokn resident of Ashland and her husband died here about five years ago. Two dead lines were painted across the street in front of the postoffice this morning with a warning to automobilists n6t to park their cars there and thus obstruct the crossing from the Plaza fouutain to the postoffice door. Ray Miukler, the well known traveling salesman for a Portland firm, spent several days In Ash laud the ore part of the week with his parents, Mr. and MrB. D. L. Minkler. V. O. Dickersou has started on a trip to the south, from where he will continue to his old home in Clncnuati, Ohio, to visit with friends. He expects to be away from Ashluud about six weeks. Mrs. F. L. Putnam's new resi (Teuco on Meade street has been completed and Is now in the hands of decorators and painters. It will be ready for occupancy in a short time. ' Mrs. J. E. Spates and daughter Dorothy have gone to Payette, Idaho, to visit for a couple of weeks with the former's mother. A sister of Mrs. Spates, whom she has not seen for ten years, will also be a member of the home party. Mrs. Margaret Taylor, who nukes her home with her daugh ter. Mrs. F. H. Johnson, left this morning for Vancouver, B. C, to spend the slimmer with her sou who lives there. A. M. Beaver and daughter Nel lie made a quick business trip to Watson on the Applegale during this week. C. M. Smith, another Fossil res ident, has purchased a home in Ashland. This is the P. J. Pigney pioperty on Orange avenue. The sale was made by Mrs. S. L. Al len, the real estate dealer. Mr. end Mrs. Pigney expect to move to Corvallis to be near their daughter, who lives there. Mrs. Jane Carter of.Helman street UCt this morning for Port land to make an extended visit. Mrs. O. C. Stevens and daugh ter Dorothy, who have been vis iting for the past week in Klam ath Falls and Dunsiuuir, are heme again. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Latham are home' from a week's visit with friends in Portland and Aloha. I, The three-day hat school con- Is now permanently established in large crowd gathered and a .de- on the trip, and on leaving tho ... , ............ - '.i... , i. iiKiuiui time was renorie.i. ice uucieu in Asiuaua oy mss nor- wiu uuu. iuitu. . - -- , . , . . 'cieam, cake and oranges were ence Pool, county home agent, and ! 1 8(.rvc(i representative of 0. A. C, closed! Among tne out or town peopie, Mn) stevelg. parent9 of phoe. yesterday This school was at-wl' came t0 tne 'lle"'1 of the nix, Mr. and Mrs. E. Calhoun, and tended by upwards of fifty worn-jlate Mrs. Louise Gillette yester- two brothers. Andrew and Dan ' . ,iv wprH her niece Mrs T. T. '' were her dinner guests Sull en, who came for the purpose of!"1' ere avT niece, .ur. learning to manufacture their B'd of Berkeley, and J. B. Kus-; Roy aM summer millinery on an econom- Ee" of Yrekl1' 8 nephew. lc plan, as well as utilize cast off j finery that would otherwise have dren returned home a few days n BO from Oakland, Calif., where Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Vlnlng or they had been visiting with Mrs. Ti..., t.. ,t,l lif.i-n Itnnn mipnd-: Ectes' parents, been relegated to the scrap head.' , , ai,, Huford Childers went to Med- tasty "'B l" ' "' """-, ' ford Saturday and purchased a arnreu in Asuiuiiu uio mm. now bicycle, coming homo lie ing the arri I week and will go to their summer wanted to know what kind of ma- troopers, pointing to his way and the distant hills, ami addressing the commanding officer, ho said, "Out there I expect to find my fortune." The crafty officer re plied, saying, "Yes! You'll find your tombstone ol' Geronimo will get you." The lanky Gold Hill you 111 got his Inspiration from the uncov ering of the famous Gold Hill pocket, which produced its several hundred thousand dollars. It gave hi m visions of hidden Many women are showing creations secured In this manner. I ..... n - - - - - CHVe 1 , . . , .. ,. . i. ,i, ,i., tn 1 tori ill it U'uu niflflu nf an Iih run it , Otto Mikkelson of Portland on,e - at .... o ,,m , nterurlwB 1 wealth. He left his home conn spent several days this week with' "I"'1"1 sonie time before continuing bpnt (hR haiile blr(1 ,, . tl.y vowing that ho would find Achland friends. " their journey home. spokes up quite a hit. hut has it 1 ills fortine in the hills; and he 1 mended now and is more rareiui Misses Ruth and Maude York! Ml'8- - wi,1,fir un1 wl,t '"' ,n',,l!t i,0u ,. went over to the Aouleaate conn- mily are camping at the Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. A S. Koens ,o weiu over to me Appiegate conn ' to.ed to Ashland Saturday to at- try this week aud succeeded In ! ranch In the Dead Indian district. Khrinel.s, mwtn(, um, securing a school In that district ' Tllt' cume in Sunday on account a m()s Ill(,MS11ll lilnL, in loiicli iliirlnv ilia mniiiiv win-' of the death of Mrs. Winter's aunt, ; a. S. Kouiis' niece, Mrs. Susie ter. Th former has b-!Mr. Gillette, but expect to return Uoliison of Hilt, Calif fore, while the latter was one f soon. They will probably spend made good. Tho old homestead where the lucky prospector was horn, is six miles below Gobi Hill on the Rogue. who has been here under the cure of a Moflfm-il tilivsipiiin for lwr throat. Ibis year's graduates from the a '01"h or two there. 'n turned home Monday morning. Ashland high school. WAS (ilVKX XAMK ! Mra Woulev VoL'oll (if'.. ... I ' .--.. -- T(IIIST1IK WKDXESDAVS XEWS I Wah B Asmu"l, "T" l ! Thomas H. Simpson has been; Mrs. Jennie Merrltt of Gold Hill The several rent newspaper and appointed county commissioner to' was up yesterday attending the magazine stories going the rounds fill the vacancy caused by the funeral of the late Mrs. L. L. Gil- "f the origin of the grewsonie death of George W. Owen. Tlie'ie((e selection is a splendid one. It is' - The many friends of Miss Eve lyn Dunford will he glad to know sin: is resting quite comfortable at a local hospital. full assurance that county affairs will be continued along safe and fane lines as it has been under the last administration. $ A fine new electric sign is be ing installed over the entrance to McNair drug store by Frank Mur phy of the Murphy electric shop. Mrs. Henry Provost, Ashland's finest singers, went Talent Tidings Mrs. Charles Chapman had for her guests Monday her sister, Mrs. Booth of Ashland, and Mrs. C. M. Stanley of Dunsmulr, Calif. George Rowley was in Ashluud Monday, visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Stites and K f,jend and named town of Tombstone, Ari zo.ia, which appellation was adopted from the famous mine, which made tho discoverer, Ed Schieffiin. a Gold Hill boy, a mil-, liuiiaire, has u varied version among the several writers. According to J.idse C. B. Wat son of Gold Hill, a former well known Ashland man anil a life- adviser of the two cniKiren, wenruue uuu n', ,..,,. ,.hi..ffli.i re- -r ,....ii-wl i Tulunl MmiwIsiv PVP.ling OI1B oi;w""' . . . i,l r,..r (...ura from Portland, coming ly amo. - j....- j Thov oYtioci in locate here. Mrs. the miming of this rich mine ciitno down to Medford last night to'stite, is ,iaut;htor of Mr. and a,t in ,, following manner: i.ssist in the musical features of, Mrs. Daniel stump. t wa8 iu ,le .l(e ns when Mrs. Andrews' recital held in the! Mr. anu airs, unaries ,.,:,,, were in Aslilanu suiKiuy visiuuk NEW SHIPMENT of Garden Tools has arrived. Good tools are esential to good results in garden or field. Provost Brothers HARDWARE Lawn It wers FROM $8.00 to $18.00 mim Mm High Grade One-Hall Inch Three-Quarter Inch 18c 20c SIMPSON onvw ADC VYfillL 37-39:N05tTH r.SAIM SIKf ET ITTIJJlCtj Presbyterian church of that city. 1 the famous Indian ' friends and relatives. chieftain, was giving the t'liilo r. , Mr. Pace, the city marshal, is si.mniies a merry chase in thoi State Engineer K. L. Hodgman havjnK cIllii(ierable trouble with s., .al s,lli(.lfia foum, Ashland from the pump at the city well, mat , ,.,iui ,.,,K,...-ia in more waiei - -'. ... ......-.. r.....i . the Tombstone district; but on ac-j Pace Of f,,. i.t nf the Indian warfare and is why there is no force at present. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Medford was up Sunday visiting Mr. Pace's parents on Gibson avc t.ue. A Emiiiersoii was a Medford visitor Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ager and M(,ullta ., lliK.k (lllt(ilj The Barham Brothers sawmill on the Siskiyous is practically completed and about ready to be gin sawing. The mill has already turned out lumber to make cabins for the employes, and nine nf these have been erected. Sawing bad business in Medford yesterday. O , C. B. Howard of the Ashlund Klnniata Falls auto stage reported tho roads over - the mountain somewhat slick after the rain Monday, but states that as soon ns they dry off and are traveled ch,",d;en of Jacksonville were vis- (ier a few days they will be the (jng ut the Robinson home bat- best ever. According to Mr. How- urday. aid the newly constructed roads were soft with dry dirt, which un- ' . , . . wife ami til they were packed down by the jier two cliillren from near Phoe rain would raise in clouds of dust nix, Ariz. when traveled over. The rain was; Mrs. Frank Rose and her two ...... , , . . daughters, Carmen and Maxine, just what these roads needed and , an(1BElhel Kielll were u,0ng the has done invaluable good in that oneg wh0 attended the commence section. ! ment exercises at tho Page thea- a tr-r in iieuioru niursuu ocnuih. Vesterdnv I lie nathfinder Pick- Miss Edith shortage of supplies in this iso h.led country, lie covered his new. find and retired to Nevada. The next spring with only his Mrs. Luke, who lives on the Pa cific highway south of Talent, has ui'l fori tlie purpose of getting a grub-! iteke, he engaged himself as guide In a detachment of I'nlted States j cavalry, which was reeking an un known route into the Indian coun try and beyond the new find. Reaching the diversion point On Savings Accounts u interest 1 Miss Edith Huzen was able to wick auto stage that went to Port- j ';rday from tbe n081)1tl at Ash-; land from San Francisco two ; jan(Ii D,,f returned Saturday even- i weeks ago to lay out a route for ing, and Monday Morning under-1 the regular run to be established, went another operation. She isj . ., ,. a..u..,j ... ... getting along nicely at this writ-1 turn south. This stage will makei "BMr8 Fre(1 g1)encer of Phoenix A Dollar Starts an Account legular runs twice a week from was in Talent Saturday visiting; olKV nr ,nun o u . . ij...i.,.,j i sho renorts Mr. Snencer unite i MAIt BAUft Of AMUANU. lor ine mai'Ker win oegui in a . r.onrlv and he expects to go 10 ine ing auoui ine iiiiiiiue oi ine - , - ono,..,tinn , Hospital ouuu iu . i" month. juy.Terrill bus purchased a 1 1 1 r. u' rnV Mr. and Mrs. Elbert J. Furlow.j jirs Stevens had for dinner I IT ...k,. i i i ,it.. .u..i i i kaf aiatar Mrs Williilin I ftl eymonnin Portland and points ! Cottrell of Trail creek an. her two fegfl . Mr. and Mrs. K. O. McCormick of San Francisco are in the city for a few days, the guests of Mr. ii nd Mrs. B. R. Greer. THl'RSDAT'S NEWS j Charles G. Millet, who has been) making a visit to his old home in ; Fossil, for several weeks past, has returned to Ashland. An immense Bale has been ror celved at the local postoffice and is being installed In place. The other Inside equipment is much! delayed, owing lo the firms fromj which it was ordered being back on their contracts, which prevents their filling orders promptly. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Raine have, arrived in Ashland and will spend the summer here. Mr. Raine will have the management of the Ash- land Natitorium during the sum mer. Chester Gilliland of Fossil has purchased the J. M. Casebeerj pioperty on North Main street j end will make that his future j home. J The daily Vacation Bible school now being held in the Chautau qua Memorial hall has enrolled 210 pupils to date. Today 171. .were present. ' few days, it Is expected. The owners of the plant have been tuilding a road from the mill to the Pacific highway, which they had expected to have finished this week, but owing to the re cent rain they have been detained somewhat. Earl Biegel and Oliver Ander son, two students of O. A. C, are home for the summer vacation. The E. N. Norton Motor com pany has been busy this week un loading two cars of new automo biles, one of Muibohms and one of Columbias. .A number of these have already been spoken for. Mrs. S. B. McNair was in Med ford yesterday, attending to some Red Cross work of which she is the Ashland representative. County Commissioner Thomas H. Simpson went down to Jack sonville this morning where he will take the oath of office and assume his seat with the board of commissioners. Miss Jessie Rose, a government smut and rust agent for the O. A. C, who has been in Ashland; for several days with her mother, Mrs. R. C. Wiley, left yesterday for Klamath county where she has a homestead. During the re rent cyclonic storm in that sec tion a quantity of timber was blown down on Miss Rose's claim, and it is with a view to disposing it immediately so it can be util ized that Miss Rose, is taking this trip. On he return from Klamath county she will go back to Corvallis and remain until Sep tember, when she will go to Wis consin to enter a government school, there. Word reached Ashland yester day that J. R. Lilly, a Southern Pacific employe, was badly in jured, the result of falling from a train on which he was at work Another Royal Suggestion BISCUITS, BUNS assd ROLLS From the New Royal Coo nulla nnd John. AT, north since their marriage two .,, v' , uiu Pi.lif.. was far small sons, weeks ago, are back in Ashland, 1 n Talent last week visiting withi and will make their home here, his brother, Carl Henry aim wun. A Bister of Mr. Henry was also Mrs. F. E. Walters is In Los visiting hlin last week. Mrs. George uagiey oi run. Dorothy Baughmiin of Medium is visiting with Betty Brown lor two or three days. Mrs. Dug. Stedmun of J'tioen.x Angeles spending several weeks with her father, whose health is delicate. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Murphy have taken the second story apartments in the K. P. Nell residence on Fac tory street, where they will make! was up for a couple of days last week helping care for her father who is quite bad with rheumatism. Howard Burnett was in niw their home. $. 4t niv Sntiiriliiv and staved over night with his cousin, Robert Miss Rose Leavitt has gone to j StIeila Netl,e,.!unil f Ml Cblifornia to visit with her sister ; for(1 wag visiting her inolher, Mrs. who lives near Los Angeles. She Crosby, here Sunday, expects to remain away for about! Mrs. Henry Burnett is the proud 30 j,1V)) , possessor of an electric llior m. washer. . , Mrs. Ed Hughes was in MedHnd frank Jordan is engaged In Monday shoI)ing. building the sewer on Granite. I Mrs. Robinson, her daughter street recently ordered by the city lArlouine, and her nieces, l!"th council. As soon as this is com-1 and Orpha Ager, were en joying ... . , . i themselves at the Helmaii "3 ! p.cted Mr. Jordan will start work,B Asl)land Saturday evening ou the addition to the Fruit 4 E(l Hughes, with his daughter Produce association building on , and son Telma and Cecil also at-, Ah a .ru r hoi,, tended the Helman baths Safar is the present worry of Mr. Jor-, ' , ;, - 8 stl,Vens of .u A dan in pushing this work along as1 stringtown celebrated their anniversary Sunday afternoon. rapidly as the company wishes. A number of members of the Ashland Commercial Club went down to Medford today to attend the forum luncheon given by the Medford Chamber of Commerce. Mrs. H. G. Gilmore, who has been quite ill at her home on Scenic Drive for a week or so, -, recovering and will soon be able to be out. Mrs. Henrietta Hosley has re turned home from Klamath Falls where she had been visiting her sou for several months. Henry C. Galey and family left fnday for Newport to spend some --i U-J5 CI..N3K& i n a ii 1 V$ nil r , I OFASHLANDl! M i ii i ns or (ii'Pint. II I (( There are many fields of Bi " opportunity for the man II " I who has the capital. 'ffiSB Now is the time lo pre- II ,jnt pare for Biich an oppor- II :!an I t unity by stinting an ac- II fejj 1 count with The Citizen's JJ Ug j Hunk (it Ashland. R fJP Lc$(--ttoJ i m 1 DEPOSITS A! BISCUIT! What de light this word sug gests. So tender they fairly melt in the month, and of such glorious flavor that the appetite is never satis fied. These are the kind of biscuils anyone can make with Royal Baking Powder and theie unusual recipes. Biscuits 8 cups (lour 4 U'RSlinons I'.nynl r.Hkmg 1imIi t '3 tPBSpi"-'.) 5 t(ibl,sp'"nc l,,irii ninif ;cii milk or half milk and half water Sift together flour, baking pow der and salt, mid shorti-nlng and rub In very lightly; add liquid flnwtv; mil or pat on floured I,,,,, ,i .., ..licit r-i 1-v'i In thu'kii.'ss iliamllc j,c. lev cut wl'h la.'. 'ii e.iitcr. i:nki; iu hut u..-. li f iiila- Royal Cinnamon Buns 2!i enps flour 1 leitspoon salt ; : : ; "ons Iioyal Baking- I .w t. r riiMispoons shortenmg I : li t-iip water ij; nip aiiKar i teaspoons cinnamon 4 tablespoons seeded ratslns Plft 2 tablespoons nf measured s.uiur with flour, nnlt and bak lr,K powder; nib shortening 1" llR-htly: add lieiite.l egg to water unJ add ulowly. Roll out H loch i .'ire-l board: bruill '"liter, sprinkle with i in,", and ratsli9. jeit-,' .II; cut tntu .. i; pliue with Cut mi v..'l!-i;re:i' '! pan; lb :i. imU1 .p.k'ar and in in, nl. Tale .,, Miiim'.!..; remiiva r ' i V ' ii.jl. .-i'J BAKU POWBSE Absolutely Para ;uac Rulla al Haklnj ..-rli-nini; :v P'.lr pnw .Ail- let'eii slmrt 1 slowly tii . n! sin .-..lit until i !.: )it!y on tionr- d .1 it '.i hub tii'ci-. . i at, r. i'1'.'as.i IM'.ll I :n 'x "f Unifo r. I: atier tin) i -il f!l : ;.r.T , t th- hi I dace in .. 1 pan. V. s I" Hiu-b r I' ll v. llll I- it i: l I' hi '.ujJj to -j liliirau' . FREE H'ri' Ti'l' '.il.i'i V.' At' f.-r 1',. I iiip r I't'i'lf, i .pi 't i .1- ; htf'il .t I'" se- ill : MV V- I lii'W to II. I'l Inl.T- e.-i variety to your m, ,'i!.i. A l.ll. .'.I IIUY.U, HA UKIi l'lllVDUt CO. llj I lllMll Mji'lC Jln. Will -'I - ' buve iiir;ira.'Ff, 'OiFitiiPiiq jrajpfiiri-piTr-iir,!!! "ii -f Hir;i;iifr'r.rr; tyiliiil u Please Sit --i Take Notice! "A w ii icrMU SAVINGS ink miton rh 7t 1- wW wmmmmrnmrnmammma mmmmmmmmmmmmrmvmm at Weed. Several reports rearhed ; time at the seaport resort. They here in regard to the accident, and it is not known definitely the extent of Mr. Lilly's injuries. It is stated he was badly hurt about the head and received other se vere injuries. Mrs. Lilly left on Train No. 63 last night for Weed, and it is understood Mr. Lilly would be taken on that train to the S. P. hospital In San Francis co. Mrs. Tom Lynch of Yreka Is a patient in Dr. Hawley's mineral bath institution this week. are making the trip by automobile. - a S. A. Hawks of Factory street g ban been quite sick for the past rj veek. He is on the mend, how- h ever, and hopes to be able to be annul afjuiii nuuu, Miss Leone Leabold, while at- H tending business college in Med- fl ford, has been serving in the ca- J! paclty of stenographer in the Cit- j izens Bank afternoons for the f, past fortnight. She has finished U V.. ..,., . ..j lit: l OJUiB, ju vuaw luoiuuuiu ua Ready to Brighten You l)p Conqueror HATS and CAPS Ford Touring- Car No. :j,.j:J.,7S was dclivoml by us to iMr. W. E. Cook of Ashland, May :ilst, 1020, brand now. Mv. Cook told us Juno 7th ho had kept careful account of his mileage since delivery of car, and that he had, during his last trips out, made 102 Miles on 3 Gallons Gasoline! Impart feeliiiK. that well-dressed New Sprini? styles. New Shirts. New Neckwear. New Suits. Spring Underwear. .1 2 Should Ford Owners Worry if Gas Is Scarce? DECIDEDLY NO! n.iwni, ii i . sn imiipi i wi.iiyipji 2 MITCHELLS Harrison Eros. Ford and Fordson Dealers ASHLAND, OREGON KOK MEVH.WK.tlt BY THE roHTOmt'K ii fcjtfrf Jl?Pw f'driJ w t ik1 uI2i TuJ twsJ t t Lc- tk-J i mcJ b w w r r 1 1 I 1