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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1920)
Wednesday, Juno lfl, t02Q PAGE TWO ASHLAND WICEKL1 TTDDfGS Ashland Weekly Tidings Established 1S76 Published Every Wednesday Jy j , H puner. Mrs. H. T. Elmore,' dance, where the girls and boys! thai is now outlined, the co THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. I jIrg ' w H. ' McNair, Mrs. C. B. proved to be "just as young as operation of every American Le- Editor Beit R. C.roer. t'&.4V3Ki oeitciai. city and roixTV PAPER. TELEPHONE 811 srnscRiPTiox hates One Year 2- o... n l. 1 2.1 i ...... vice station the Standard Oil corn Three Months a ..,, runv recently erected on Moun- ADXERTISING HATES ain aV(iIuie; Th0. uew district Display Advertisement cacb M Pu,ton , Rose. I.olWadVrs,'the'liue.'..'...10c l'"8 ulrive'1 assumed Classified Column, the word, each control of the business affairs of ,mle lc the plant. Will Holmes fills the Legal Notices, each time, the position of office man, Henry line 3 l-3c pace is warehouse man, and IS. Cants of Thanks $1.1)0 F. Storm will have charge of the Obituaries, the line.' 2'i.c truck on its arrival, which is ex-! Fraternal orders and societies peeled now any day. The station! .barging regular initiation fees ,,,c,.ve( car of gasolne lhi8. and dues, regular rates. . . . , . . weik and is busy keeping local. Religious and benevolent societies I will be charged at the regular " '"' nPr '''"-I advertising rate for all adver- Ion has brought his family to Ash tising when an I'dmission or and mid will occupy the Ray collection is taken. 1 Minkler residence on the Iioule-I Entered at the Ashland. Oregon, Postotfiie as second class mail matter. THE OPEN IOIUM The Open Forum meeting of; the Commercial Club Thursday niht should be the opening wedge for a continuation of these meetings. They are u good thiim both for the members of the club i.ud the club itself us it brings the members ill closer touch with, each other and they begin to ac complish things. These get to gelher meetings have a tendency, to make members take more in-! tc:est in club work and the. up building of their city. They ac quire an individuality in affairs! of the club and city they would j lot otherwise obtain except thioiigh these associations at the opiu forum. Other cities have demonstrated that these open forums, noon luncheons and other meetings that gether , ! bring the people to jiri.uioti) the community spirit have had a lasting benefit on their communities. From small under takings commercial organizations in those cities have gone ahead:"10 "orations. i ml entered into negotiations and it, hundreds of thousands of all of which have been ! dollars iliiertly the action oi the club, and the iu.pption and working out of I lie details have been begun at these wuikly get together meet ings of members. Ily instituting these open for um mei tings or a noon luncheon mice a week the Ashland Com mercial Club will be laying tho iouiidalion fur big things in the i eai future, and Tho Tidings hopes the meetings will take con crete form ut an early date. M i!XD INSTALLMENT HTAX X .11 XK 13 June is a busy month for the Internal Reve nue liureaii as dur ing that month all special taxes for the fiscal year ending on June V.0, 1921, are due and payable. Collector of Internal Revenue,! Milton A. Miller, has mailed out to all special taxpayers forms I upon which ret in ii lor payment! of tax must be made. These spe-j rial taxpayers include proprietors: ol theaters, for hire automobiles,! , i,....,.. ,..,,.i .,,,,1 i,iin,.,i , "" . i " lames, howling alleys, snooting galleries. -retail dealers in oleo margarine, brokers, piiwn brok eis, etft. Oilier classes of taxpayers uf- leited are druggists, physicians dentists, and other practilioners. 1 who must complete their re-regis tration under the Harrison act not later thin July first, afler which date they will be delinquent. Oil or befoie June lath the sec- tid installment of income tax will be due and payable, and no-' tie's lor Uf f.oiue Weeks ax were sent out ago. Persons who i. .. io pa itie quarterly install-- laent one on June lain will lie re ;uiied, within ten davs litter no tic. and demand, to pay the ell ine outstanding balance on their! income tax. as failure to nay one! iiistallmeiii when due makes due and payable all the remaining in Halliients Blii.-h would ordinar ily be due on September 15 and I.e. ember l.'.tll. Collector Miller would greatlv i-ppre.-iate the co-oiieration of tax payers in making their return!! i:hd payments as early in pottil.le. Ju,w " AIIKVHKD .PLX I Ht M 1.1 N( HKOX . Velal Iiieiub. rs of the Ash- 1..I..I Cnmmeri ial Club went down '. The following officers were to .Medford ye, 'i-riiay and attend- t-prted: President. .Mrs. Ralph ii the op.-n forum lum heoti, , piilinga; vice-president, Mrs. C. v I-. I. i- a we. kly feature of the.u. pratl; correspondent secretary, "! -'':. 1. 1 l li.-iitw of :o:ninerf e. yn y u (;()wdy; recording sec - I i.r luiiii' K. Vining of ll.U city r, li.rv, Mrs. II. J. Van Fossen-i v.. i p. .ker lor lhe i,rcatioii, and ( a bn.-r ile,.-ri.tioii of the I. -ns ut i,l.iiid' development, i ;,. iaily rt u ,:u:ue tlie big hotel iiu niiLi.-l l...tji house project., 'i la- out of t.,wi guests to the! Ini.' heon we-r- cordially ri '-eived I.) tin- Cliainb.-r of Commer. e, and tl.c ut..-, , ,(, norably con- i ii-red by thoo from A.-hland. that lhe local Commercial Club is planning to establish features I Main at 6:30 where a fine dinner boulder In the Lithia Park ami .planned to be one of color, mer 'of the same feature here. Thoseas served after which the com-1 dedicated by the American Le-jriment and entertainment, 'present from Ashland were Mr.lpany repaired to Memorial hall gion on July 4. j Somghing 'will be doing every !..! r u Piei-co Mr ami Mrs I fo.' the regular Tuesday evening' In order to carry out the worTi! moment and nothing will bo left I.amkin, Mrs. 0. A. Paulserud, 1 pi of. I E. Vining. E. V. Carter, Rev r A Edwards J E Fuller, and'Welborn Beeson. 1 OHCE COMP1 ETE it !n utjtkiv Starting this week a complete force has charge of the new ser- vn.( The Social Realm WEDNESDAY'S NEWS Golden Wedding On June 1, 1920, Mr. and Mrs J. M. Morgan of 520 Mountain avenue celebrated their golden , wedding anniversary in the pres-! encc of their children and a mini her of intimate friends. This un usual observance lastud through' out the day, with feasting and fe licitations to the aged bride and! Krooin. ! Owing to the daughters of the I family living at a distance and ""1 "C,"B U,"B lu "" "'""- ..... .1.1.. . t...r....n the event, Mrs. L. J. Orres took, many amusing tales resulted charge of the plans and thronglr from the stories the former east her efforts the event proved to ,.inp8 told of roses in that sec be ono of the most charming lien which were the nriiln of their "wfl'llaRs" this city has ever wit-j nrssed. A two course dinner was vlilch in Ashlund would cut smull served hi the dining room ami the j figure. Another game was tell colors 'gold and white were car- ,,g us many names ot roses us the lied out in the dishes as well iis:RUPBts could readily suggest. Re in tne evening a number of i f.i, iwlc onlltwl i.f tlw. l.nnon on.l " ...... v.. ... ..... oU ...... ;ave Mr- unu Mrs- Morgan lng;ling, Itlley, Norman, Billings, Com- 'lel' rred charivari tho first ofjato,. Ban, Cienn McWilliams, tl.eir lives, and for which they had waited 50 years to receive. At this timo Rev. W. E. Dean, pastor of the Christian church, remar ked the bride und groom of 50 j years, tying the nuptial knot so sec urely that It is expected to ; bold during the next 50 or so years: of their married life together, j Mr. and Mrs. Morgan were mar-! lied at Sheridan, Yamhill county, June 1, 1070. To this union was loin ten children, of whom five were living and were present at the anniversary. These ure Mrs. jW. (!. Slaiisbery of Portland; jMrs. J. C. Lilscher of Dayton; E. I C. Morgan of Terre Honne; J, i Morgan of Edgewood, Calif., and Morgan united wtih the Christian church ut tho ago ot 17 years and Mrs. Morgan at the ago of 19. The bride and groom of 50 years received many valuable and llso ful gilts from their friends who Were present at the golden wed ding, and who were: Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Ilean and children, Mf um J. Ones, Mr. and I Mis. W. G. Hale, Mr. and Mrs. i Sn.iih, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis, Mr. laud Mrs. William Lindsay, Mr. ! and Mrs. H. Howe. Mrs. E. Fra-j ji.iei, Mrs. Morrison, Mrs. Hernicc Clary, Mrs. Tressu Morgan, Hen , "... , i Chester Smith, Glenn Hale, Win ifred Spencer, Rachel Hurst. Edna Cries, Ruth Hale, Floyd Morgan, Harold und John Litsrber. oI.miknI Fortieth Anniversary. n Ashland Auxiliary relebrnt- d the fortieth anniversary of the ) Women's Foreign Missionary so-i'1' ,.itty ,)f ,nt, M E cnlm.,, Tues- ay afternoon in the church liar- Join. A fine luncheon was served ,,ime went to Log Angeles to m0wat, Corporal Timl Guiley, Me lo the ladies present. This date 1 ,ho I""'"" of hi on. IleIlry B- c"r- chanlc William Lindsay. Mess Ser wus , b,.thday anniversary of!'"''. I" h hope that the change ...;.. .... c i...,i. : iiiiuht be of heneflt. Finding he I...' .i.-M...-iiin, .1113. r. c. Ilttlliu- way and Mrs. Fred Engle. who were crowned with wreaths ot roses. The following program wuh then presented: I I. net. ItnKitt;! uml Fran. -is Calln- .... tilt. Address, "Organization and Ciowtli of Society," .Mrs. C. A. Kdwardn. Publication. Mrs. V II. dowdy. Oirls' chorus. Deaconess Work, Mrs. Hath- awuy Ladies' ullartel Ladies' quartet. The following tieasurer, Mrs. James Veo. A ii.,,. iiirthdnv t-ifi in mi..lo in tim .:nther society. II O'clock Club ItaniVH , The hleven O'clock club had in big time of the seamm last nigh'., II amounted lo a regular "kids" fiolic. All inenibers and their wru, dred in true "kid " attir-- met at the Elmore borne ou North they looked,' anu actea so in even respect, except that at 11 o'clock instead of 3, as is the custom ot young folks at a dance, tne gins took took their "fellows" home. I : It was a leap year affair and wa the jolliest of the season for this! vere pleasant and Informal dun. FRIDAY'S NEWS no Mow Party The card party given by the l;.dy Elks in the club rooms yes-' lerday afternoon was pleasantly . entertained by Mrs. O. A. Paulse- rud and' Mrs. N. (1. Hates as host- j esses. Prize winners were Mrs. Louis Dodge in (.ridge and Mrs. j Mary Wilshire in 500. One more party will be given In two weeks,; i after which the club will Biispend for the summer. Rose Putty I Mrs. II. II. Elhurt gave a charm-. ing surprise party yesterday " f - tc-rnoon at her home on Nob Hill j street, complimentary to her niotheriiilaw, Mrs. J. L. Elhurt of, -..!. I tl . ...... 11 liiiuwtm, luuuu, n luiniur en known resident of this city, who i. a guest ut her son's home. Mrs. Hall, a closd friend of Mrs. El hart, had been entertaining the latter yesterday, and before her return home the guests had as sembled and were awaiting her arrival. The surprise was assur- c,y great one, but one that was ,-icst pleasing to the honor guest, The Elhart home was beautifully j decorated with La France roses, with a cheery fire burning in the grate, around which the guests I gathered and passed a delightful : time chatting. In compliment to tho season "rose frames" were a feature. Each guest was given opportunity to relate their .... lusl. remembrance ot roses, and i,,. tho early days, but freshments were then served. Those present were: Mesdnines . ... .... . uuuger, vvenner, wneeier, liar Frazier, McClaren, J. II. Elhart. L. and II. ROAD TO CRATER LAKE OPEX SOON' Indications are that by the 25tli of this month one will be able to reach Crater Luko by only hav ing to walk three-fourths of a mile or less. Everything will bo done to open up the snow drifts und clear the road to the lake as far ns possible, in order to accom modate tho many Sbriuers from all parts of tho country returning from the Shrine convention at Portland who desire to visit this world wonder. Superintendent Sparrow ot Cra ter National Park will clear Hie road from White Horse creek, which is three or four miles with in the park and eight miles from the lake. His party will Jie joined at Prospect by James Grieve und his teams and force i of men, und together the two parties will break the road from I White Horse to Anna Springs en nip or pink headquarters, and south on the Klamath side, on which Mr. Grieve has the contract for constructing several miles of road. . F. II. CARTER DIES t.1 V Iff tl TE llikXIL. . ............ ......... r,. . x.aiier receneu worn that bis brother, F. H. Carter, died last evening on the train en route from Los Angeles to his home in Ashlund. The body was taken from the train at Wutson- vil;'. " "'I'1 ''iter be brought j Ashland for buriul. Jlr- Carter hart been In poor 1"'" 1,11 f"r """'e ,in,e. uml u s'101'1 , -' ,'" 111,1 improving he wished to, return to Ashland, and started for ll0I". but Passed away before; iiecouui reacn nere. r unerai servlces will be held from the E.,le Koes to encampment in Julv. V. Carter residence, probably Sun-! The detail will return to Port day. The time and arrangements ,,,,d just before the Rose Festival will be announced more definitely ,in, doubtless some of them will tomorrow. Wll.l. DFDICATK I1ROXZF. TAIll.KT Ashland Post, No. 14. American, Legion, met at the Armory last ' cv"l"g with about 20 members ' present. In the absence of Com- Inlander Hriggs. Comrade Mc- ' Cracken took the chair. In spite '0' ,ne "mull turnout, the meeting V-,,B a lively one. Comrade Mc - Cracken called on each member ! present for a talk. Twelve bril- Id.'as were voiced in the course of the speaking, aud plans, outlined for the carrying out of these ideas. The first plan to be cairied out is the dedication ol u bronze plate In honor of the men of Ashland and vicinity who gav their lives in the great war. This j.iate will be embedded in a large ( giu.. ueeueu. inose e- service men who are not Legion - members should Join. A special meeting nas ueen canea lor rues- day, June 22, and every Legion- aire, and ex-service man who wishes to become a member of the Legion, is requested to be present, ; NATIONAL WARD Eyi'IPMENT HERE Yesterday afternoon about 2500 pounds ot new equipment arrived for the toys of tho First Com- p.,i,y, Oregon National Guard, Overcoats, shelter tents, bed - sacks, blankets, field desk and uniiorms were among the equip - mont received. Next Monday night every mem - ! her ot the National Guard com- im-nla at the cabaret tables, ' paiiy not on furlougli is urged to' Hoards, showing the location 'bo there in order to get their Is- "f ,lle tables, will be placed in j sue of the netv equipment. Every j11'" 1!oot sll0' Enders" confec- HiCIHl)er f- the local company!"'""". RosB B-os- Tisi' Cigar leciRud themselves at last tlrill ' storo. and Millet's confectionery, i;iKht to bring in a new recruit,"" Jll" J5"1- 80 reservations can ex. MoM,iav evening ! be made for the event. M , loave fiithei. ,,, Bfh ,ill: ,,r lnK- f, i,u.l. I W ash., where they will enjoy fl Falls, Ililt.'Medford, Talent, Plioo two weeks' outing and encamp-: ' Celltrul Point and other val nient. The encunipnient this year , '''v !mints' bus nu exceptionally attractive and instructive schedule, us it vl ! consist of work on motor truckv, tractors, and the big 153 G. P. F. rifles, which shoot a dis aco of 15 miles, and carry a lf'O-lb. projectile. Everyone who desires a good tilp tp American Lake, and to be cue of the boys, enlist at once in tl , First company, Oregon Const ,rtlllerv GAS SHORTAGE IX CITY IMPROVES The Standard Oil company i made its first delivery of oil and gasoline Monday from its new ser vice station which has recently been completed on Mountain ave nue. This company has practical ly taken over tho supply for Ash land and assures tho local gar ages that the service will be bel tor ill future. Already a differ-1 enco is noticed In the supply of gasoline given out in the city, the j companies withdrawing " '""'-'"h """ ""'", mo. local station to supply the city The Standard people assure the local trade that the gasoline shortage will be much improved in in uuw on, and promise a per manent relief in the late summer. This will be brought about by the bringing in of new producing ter ritory and the opening of new re fineries which will afford an in crease in supply. ESTHETIC DANCE WILL HE FE.UTRE OF SOCIETY CAJ'ARET Miss Isathryn Sv.em of Meiltonl ha: consented to give an esthetic i -put light daiicu ut the Soviet;. Cabaret to be given the night ol July 2, just before the big cele bration. This feature alone will attract ncores of Ashland un l Aiiilfo ill people, and it behooves everyone lo reserve their tables j as soon as I hoy are placed on l sail , which will be June 15. I Miss ,Swem':i arlistic ability is well known, and it was only through a stroke of good fortune thill this feature was obtained. From present appearances, the acts which will he staged at the cabaret will be worth far more than the admission price alone. ASIILAXD HOYS GO TO CAMP LEWIS The following men of First Com- ,,.inv eave .Monday evening for .attendance at the Preliminary (amp of Instruction to be held at Camp Lewis, Washington: Cap tain Wm.- M. Briggs, 1st. Lieut. L.Min I). Mowat, 2nd Lieut. Mer rill D. Throne, 1st Sgt. II. T. El- ., S!t, E, ic H W(;l.en Sgt. Heeclier Danford, Act. Sup. Sgt. chas. Robertson, Corporal Homer Elhart, Acting Cornoral Edwin I.. Btnt . (;. Wulcott, Sgt. Oscar ... .i...i. ., . . ii I n, Tho detail will look over the sf t u t ion at Camp Lewis Willi a vcw t0 assisting in locating the company when the entire pison- stay over in Portland for that event. Members of the 1st Company O. l". A., are working hard getting! ready for the big Society Cabaret i which they will give Just prior to i having for encampment. j Stairs are being built from llu ( tuliony down to the main floor! on each side, in order that guests) at the cabaret may enjoy tables! on the balcony, and thus have a mu. li better opportunity to i,h. serve the dancing und novel ai ts' of the evening, Some of tlie boys are winking: on a new featiir.'. that sometimes i called a ''Phosphorus Dance," and success in Ibis line seems certain.' However, people are sure to! have a hatfiil of surprises in store foi them. The whole eieniug it .1 undone for the guests' entertaln nii lit. Special Feature! The "Masked Dancers,' a local couple whose names are not to i'e inscioseu uniii ine oig mgni, iif sure to receive great an- I plauso at the Society Cabaret, v hen they do their fancy se ciety tiuni-o Already they are . oiiiiiienciug to lay their plans fori their part in the program, and j , they will taka special training for , t1"' vent. The ability of this ''"" dancing couple has often I "'ii demonstrated .and they will lecture in an act do luxe at the , tl'iuing cabaret, j This "society dance" Is but one "11 "l0 several acta that will be (staged between dances while the ' mu sts are partaking of refresh- Tables will also be sold to out ot lown guests iiom Klamath AFTER GATS IN GARRETT 1NIVEUSITY OF OREGON, Eugene. Hats in tho garret may ordinarily Imply a disagreeable ndition of things; but those in the loft of old Deady hall have made themselves welcome. Mem bers of the Cheiroptera family, v hose ancestors date back to 1876 aud the early days of Dean Ktiatib on the ciimpus, ure being' iimiI for observation purposes byj zoology students. Tho desired specimens have boon found Jusl il.ove tho laboratory, simplifying h(i ri,i,lolli ot getting the neces sary data. 1'nder the leadership of Hubert Prescott of Ashland, a major stu dent 111 the department, an inten sive study is being made of the feeding and nesting babits of these little-known creatures. PL.XX FOR ASIILAXD 111 HI. E IXSTITI'TE The time will soon be at hand f,. the great Ilible Destitute to begin In Ashland Sunday July On account ot this institute following immediately after, there will be no llihlo hour dur ing the Chautauqua. II is time pel haps to speak of the finan cial sido of this undertak ing. The plun is to make all sessions of the institute free to every one. Advertising will be sent throughout the Rogue River valley and Northern, Calif., lo at tract people to Ashland for this event. This will bring trade lo the local merchants as well as in spiration and p vol i t to the visitors. No financial guarantee is asl.ed for wages or salary for insn ac tors; but a guarantee of $700 is TAKE A TIP AHOl't 1101SE PAIXTIXG FROM A POET The poet said: "What fs so rare as a day in June? Then, if ever, come perfect days.' The perfect days of June are favorable days for painting. No scorching sun to blister the paint, small chance of rain to hinder tho work. Yes, June Is the best month of the year. So why not call us up and make a date for June? We shall be glad to ad vise you in regard to selection of colors. PAINT LP. Dickerson THE PAIXT MAN Hand Books YOU Should Have "YOUNG FOLKS' QUESTION'S ANSWERED." "PONTS FOR SPEAKER AND WRITER." "CARD OAMES YOU WANT TO KNOW." "CHARACTER RKADING." "HOW TO TELL FORTUNES BY PALMISTRY." "TOASTS FOR EVERY OCCAS ION." "ENGLISH HOW TO USE IT CORRECTLY." j "DICTIONARY OF ANTONYMS j AND SYNONYMS." MAXY OTHKIl USEFUL ROOKS i Cost Only 25c Each Heo Our Window Foley's Drug Store POLEY & ELHART ' DRl tKilsTS asked to cover the necessary ex penses: advertising, railroad fare, and entertainment with what other incidentals may arise. This Is a very modest sum for so large an undertaking, as com - pared with sums Ashland spends for other things. Here is a solid month of the finest inspirational and instruc-' tional program that will bear lasl-1 ....... . .1 ing fruit In the lives of men and women, will re-Invigorate Hie churches and religious life of the community and give the cily a reputation for backing those things that ure uplifting and con structive; which will draw a solid and substantial class of citizens into our midst. The management is trusting that this sum will come by voluntary subscription, without solicitation. Make till sums payable to G. F. Hillings, who may he found at the Hillings Agency, 41 East Main stieet. TIME TO SPRAY FOR CODLING MOTH On account of the cool weather for the past two or threo weeks the codling moth have not been so very uctive, "and due to the j fact that the recent ruins have washed off considerable spray on the fruit it is deemed advisable to put on the second application at this time. The maximum part of tho first brood of the codling moth will be active from now un til the first of July. If. thorough protection is given the fruit against this first brood ot moths, j the eost of fighting this pest will be greatly reduced. On account of weather condi tions the second brood Is always mere difficult to control, and evuy effort should be made to got all of the first brood. l Se from four to six pounds of powdered arsenate of lead to the eoo gallon spray tank, or double this amount with the paste arse nate. OWNERS OF FORD GARAGE HI Y HOTEL ASHLAND HI.OCK An important real estate deal was closed in Ashland today in which Harrison Brothers and C. II. Pierce, proprietors of tho Ford garage, have purchased tho Hotel PEIL'S CORNER IIY THE PARK A lot of new Iceless Coolers just in. An airplane load of American fencing of most every description dropped down the other day. Also some good cedar posts catno walking In. Now and used Sewing Machines always for sale or rent, at PI EL'S CORNER. HOTEL MANX Powell SL, atC Tamil San Franclscc In the heart of the Hi business, shopping m and theatre district. Running distilled ice water in every room. I Hum a m n a A S a tl c lM lobby.fineservice.and nomelike restaurant I will attract you. -European Plan rates 4 Prominent Druggist Testifiei Hedondo Bevch, Calif."! wish to cal ttcntion to my experience in the ilo o iJr. rierce a Anun TubleUi, I have neve told an article that lis given ftuc-h universa tuitinfaclion. It seem, that every bottle soli sells another I an very much inclined like most druggists o today, to sell the 'Inni shot' stuff at a great? oVvV Prom, or flonietninj t'JF 'just as good,' but ii m.i-iTiatin. Ani.rin In ric acid and rheumatism 1 onHidur I hav. -t only created business along that line bn ive gained the confidence of the puMi iiit'b more than repays me for my inter. nd suggestion, together with the enti'fac on I get from having an article that I eat lace with perfect confidence. Nothint ould pleuaft me more than to be able U itnsluA Anuric to the world for tho bene t of all mankind. However, I have U intent myself by simply calling atuutiot the satisfactory results that follow aa r ortai to me'by the individttala, cxteadinj Mir thuk..':-C. D. KNOX. Many of Your Neighbors Can Say the Same r.n . "V(.. i v ' luiderable trouble', which t thought w ( due to kidney dif i ew. After Ukini four packaged Dr. Prerce l Anurii (anti-uric-acid; Tableta I ni full) 1 ratwtred. I co& ; lidcr it a wonderf u I medicine, I ala i use Dr. Pterrw i Plewant PelUti r,ner. J! give immcdutta ra mm--"-1 iiii nomelike restaurant exx , n European flan rates g ; jj Management j" ' j i J .-i Ashland property on North Main street from the First National bn nk. Owing to the recent sale of the' Hotel Austin property, in which block the Ford garage is 1 doing business, the latter will be called upon to look for other j quarters shortly. It Is their ln lection to practically rebuild tb ir new purchase, converting it into on up-to-date uud modern . . .. garage. They expect to. have it' ri.idy for occupancy when they aro culled upon to vucate Iheir present (uurters. Tho -Hulen Creek Mining com puny of Medford, has filed appli cation for nennlt to unnionriate 10 second feet of water from . , , ., . . ,, , I Sucker creek, tributury to Illlnols( river, for developing power to bet used in manufacturing lumber for mining purposes. Canals, pipe , , , I line, water wheel and six miles oi n n in o will cost $8000; construe-' tion to be commenced by October ' st I j i Real Estate Homes, and acreage. Farms apd Stock Ranches. All Kinds of Good Insurance Ashland Ageulc ot Abstract Co. Billings Agency Established 1883. Classified ISED CARS. SEE McCurdy-Bowne Motor Co., at the office of llrlggs and Brlggs, corner Main street and Pacific attorneys, in the Pioneer block In Highway, in Medford, for over-1 the City of Ashland, Oregon, with huuled, used cars. 9(i-tf'in six months from the date ot I the first publication of this notice. FOR SALE Modern cottage of Date of first publication June 7 rooms, large lot. Price mod-1 2nd, 1920. erate. Call 399 Mt. Ave. i E. D. IiUIGCS, Phone 405-Y. 100-1 99-4 Wed. Administrator. RANCHES AXI) ORCHARDS x,)T ,.; To KI)ITORS No. 331960 acres, all fenced,' NoUru ia ,.,.,.,,,. Kiven lat , ample spring water for stock, undersigned has been appointed 200 acres good tillable hind, , limii()tI..ll01. ( ,e P1)tHte ot 125 of which has light growth , Kuthor Kl,a,, deceased, with ot brush. Five miles from Ash- lhe win llnnexed. bv the countv v. ! Price ,l7 al) acre' i court of the Stato of Oregon, for No 33226 acres adjoining city jaekon countv. and has qualified, limits, cheap house, and two AM pel!W)ns having claims against acres under cultivation; city , estate are notified to present water; balance of land in tim- , , , me Ht ,he HW o(fiC!J her and pasture; splendid bur- ()f w. J. Moore In Ashland, Ore gain ut $05 an r.cre. : koii. with proper vouchers and No. 333270 acres, on north fork ,ulv verified, within six months of Sprague river, Klamath conn- ,,., tho publication hereof, ty, 120 acres under irrigation, . wlifc-tm is June 2. I!i20. all of balunce cun be put under NKWTOX W IIOIIDEX irrigation; good house, barn ; Administrator with Will Annexed, and sheds; blacksmith shop and jt;i5 'ed. tools, good team and saddle ' ! , horse, harness and Implements, ,THK MATTFR OF THF. KS GO head ot cattle, $100 worth TATK OF Cli.tRI.FS K. All ot seed on hand; can put up POTT, DFCKASFD. 150 tons of hay, unusually good . NOTICH IS HFRf'hY C.IVKN outside range;, price $14,000. That. the underaigned bus been No. 334 One acre, most all In appointed as Kxeciitor of the said alfalfa, in edge of Ashland; estate, bv the lion. (!. A. (iardner, good plastered 6-room house, ' .u,iKe ( lhn (.,ltv c0U.t jn Bml barn, woodshed and garage; ' fm. ,(.kson County, Oregon. All price $1400. claims against the said estate No. 335 Two acres, splendid nlllsi ), presented within six fruit tract, all first class stuff; months from the date of the first has produced $la(0 in crops; publication r this notice at the splendid location close to paye-i(,ni(.e , )iKS pd llriggs in meiu; price -ii:iu. o. ..U 12 acres, just out of oast part of town, fenced ami in orchard; sacrifice price $1100 No. 337 1 1 acres, deep black soil, level and elope to highway, between Medford and Talent; splendid grain or alfal fa land, a snap lit $2000. NOTICE OF KFTTLKMFJXT. No. 340 Six acres on Uoulevar.l NOTICE IS 1IEKEHY GIVEN' extremely attractive for sub- Th.,t ,,, undersigned has filed division and for sale at alt ran- hi,, j,,.,, A,.(. t of his Adniin- tion price. ; hdrutlon or the Estate of Antoin- CITY RESIDENCE HOMES 'e(u. ,M,eMi deceased, ill the No. 135 Splendid 5-room bunga- rnntv ((tmt of Jackson Countv, low, full basement, close in lo- 0l.r.s ,.,d that the judge of cation, newly painted; price Bilid court has designated Satur '22JL0' .... . (llV. J"'.' , 1920, ut the hour of io. ub .Mceiy nrrangeo, motiern u o'clock a. in., ut the Coiirt hungnlow, freshly painted, very ' house Jacksonville, said coun sightly, yet close in and acees-1 !ls tho tilnP ,, p,lice for hear. slble; a bargain at $1 800. objections to and the settle- No. 137 Seven room house, lot m,,Ilt ,)f H.,i(1 Account. 75x100, good location near, p g exoip; high school; family fruit, price r,8:4 ' Administrator. $1300. , No. 138 Five room house in good SPECIAL FLECTION NOTICE condition, modern plumbing,1 NOTICE IS JIERERY GIVEN, nearly an acre, abundance of That a special election will be fruit and huts, good garden nnd held on Tuesday, the 29th day of some chickens go with the June. 1920, at the hereinafter place; price $2650. (specified polling place in the Tal- No. 139 Five room house, mod- ent Irrigation District, Jackson em appointments, good range County, Oregon, to determine in pluce, garage and barn; whether such district shall enter splendid frontage on the Boul- into an agreement with the State evard, abundance of fruit nuts of Oregon, for tlie payment by the and berries; price $3250. State of Oregon of interest to ac- No. 140 Six room house, good erne in any or all of the first five garage, family fruit, nicely lo-i years of any bonds which said dis cated near Boulevard; price trlct may have heretofore or may $1700. ' i hereafter issue, and particularly No. 141 Nice little cottage; price on the bonds of said district here $750. jtolore Issued In tho sum of $250,- No. 142 Six-room house, bath,! 000.00, under nnd pursuant to the etc., garage, family fruit, good provisions of Article Xl-b of the location in Rail Road addition; . Constitution of the State ot Ore price $1500. j gnn. No. 143 Six room house, good The polls shull be opened at 8 condition, lovely location, close o'clock on tho morning-of the elec to Boulevard, lot 100x150, j tion and be kept open until five worlds of fruit, flowers nnd fine o'clock in tho afternoon, when the garden land; $3250. j same must be closed. No. 144 Cottage and large lot,; At such election, the ballots fruit, etc., on Granite street, up- shall contain the words "Agree per end of park. Delightful nient. . . . Yes" und "Agreement spot, $1700. j No." BUSINESS PROPERTY The Hoard of Directors have No. 416 Two Btory brick business j specified tho following polling block, well located, 50 foot place in said District for said elec front; speculative value $10,- tion: In the garage on the ranch 000. : owned by G. E. Hilsinger, O. A. No. 417 Two lots on B street, Manning and C. M. Thomas, known 50 foot front, all paved; price as the Talent Orchard Company,' $1000. and being situated about one- No. 418 Fifty foot Improved" fourth mile west ot the cannery business property, paved street, at Talent, Oregon, nnd about one rent $60. Price $7800. fourth mile west of the northwest No. 419 Forty-one feet business: corner of the town of Talent, Jack lot on Main street .all excarat-'son County, Oregon, ed, both side walls paid for:; The said election must be held owner neeuing money, win , sacrifice at $3000. j ohl-a uiut-n, reiuai un-i 0'd lease; terms $1800.: Never vacant, nearly new, mod-' poses ot irrganon nismns. em. heating plant, etc. Price Civen by Order of the Board of $18,000. i Directors of TALENT IRRIGA STAPLES REALTY CO., ; HON DISTRICT, this the 4th day Hotel Anstln Itlda. Phone 2(1. or May. 192. I W. J. IIARTZELL, NOTICE TO ( HEDITORS n the County Court of the Stale ot Oregon for Jackson County. In the matter of the Estate of Ira J. Hobart. Deceased. Notice la hereby given tbat tb undersigned, Elva A. Hobart, has1 been appointed administratrix of the estate of Ira J, Hobart, de ceased, by the County Court of the State ot Oregon for Jackson County, and has qualified. All persons having . claims against said estate are hereby notified to i.reKPnt thp Hiime dnlv neknnu'l. - e(i(,ed U8 My law required t0 the j undersigned. Elva A. Hoburt, at Ashland, Oregon, within six ln"'"!ls, '"'"J t,!1B.'l"to,,Jf' L, Dated ami first published this; j u t li dav of June 10 1920 ELVA A. HOBART. Administratrix. 100-4t NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF KXECITHIX AND TO PRE. SENT CLAIMS NOTICE IS IlKHEny filVE.V, ! That the Hon (I. A. Gardner. J'T . ,""y 1 "U,t "f Jackson (ounty, Oregon, hug ap- lloillU,u u10 undersigned as tho Executrix of the Estate of George W. Owen, deceased, Any person having a claim against said estate is required ,0 ,.es,.t the same, duly verified, to tho Executrix ut the office of "'''RK" ''Iggs, attorneys, in the Pioneer block, In the City ot Ashland, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. The first publication Is June 2, 1!)20. CAMILLA E. OWEN, Executrix. 9!l-4 Wed. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Ol' ADMINISTRATOR AND TO PRESENT CLAIMS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the Hon. G. A. Gardner, '.liidgo of the County Court in and J for tho County of Jackson, state lot Oregon, has appointed the un dersigned as administrator of the estate of Gottlieb F. Spiegel, de ! ceased. All persons having claims against said estate are required i to present the same, duly verified, ! to the undersigned Administrator Piouei Illock In the City of Ash- :,n, Oregon. K. V. CARTER. Kxeciitor, Ashland, Oregon. Halo of first publication Is May, 2i;th, 11120. 98-4Wed unu ine resuu ineieui and declared In all respects in ac- i - omance wn.i ...r. mc. ... tion prescribed for general pur- President. CARL GLASGOW. O. A. MANNING, Directors. Attest: It. E. ROBLSON, Secretary. 97 - 5tW,