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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1920)
Oregon Historical g.. Auditorium ASHLAND WEEKLY TIDINGS VOL. XLIII ASHLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6, 1920 NO. 101 Commercial Club Outlines Plans for Local Development and wanted the club to give 1275 as its share for the season.' The : club by a practically unanimous rising vote granted the money asked for by Mr. Enders. Xo Cannery This Year BURGLARS ABROAD SAYS PEACE IS AS II HE NIGHT DANGEROUS AS WAR THK 1'ASSIXO OF A SOUTHERN OREGON' PIONEER Martha L. Gillette, whose event ful life came tu a close on the morning of June 5, at the family The first general meeting of tht" ; era readily to the auto camp In; . V. .O. N. Smith, chairman or ; "; that heroic, pioneer race of home- I the cannery committee, stated that Wholesale burglaries were at-1 Elwin Snyder, the Ashland ' builders whose years of labor and the cannery meets with universal tempted in Ashland last night, al- young man who had a miraculous' ministrations of love" lire so wov fuvor with the people here and in though nothing of nny Importance escape from death when a five-ton i en amid the golden skeins of hls the country, and the people want if missing lu the business places truck ran over him In a logging' torlc memories, as to reader her It, but be was forced to admit that visited by the intruders. The camp accident near Odessa twoi passing a benediction of loyalty ' ""M" '" - .. .,,, ,. , .. ,. ,., h V..-I,a . ..LI. ... 1 l.t, ....... . .. ... Club was held in the city hall last the park. Another need that " " " : :, ., ' " " , "u" 8elT1C8 lo 1,18 '""u 8,10 lme" expanded Ashland Commercial would be of great benefit to camp- 1,,e,e( Be,aBn "' the creamery, he U li te House Ore- eu at the Warren Hunt hospa.;80 we. Club was held in the city hall last e.s in the park would be an open "holiness of the crop. He sal 1 eery and he .Fourth Stre Mea. or the f.rst time Sunday, uad-, Our bean.ifuf Rogue River val-nU-ht, and what it lacked In nun,-' fire place, Mrs. Elmore stated. j next T the people could get a. Market, At the creamery It could tMiou to serious internal Injuries, by, redeemed rou. its wilderness hers of members In attendance it 'She thought the plan, was f,aB. l"ant here if the matter was taken not be ascertained how the m-; Snyder received a fractured skull . by ,hesB "Mothers of Men," is made up In enthusiasm by those ible and asked that the club take!"" en. Bnd la,R0 ruUfr8 ,an nt'ua ." a e" ""'''' ; no hallowed as the resting place present. The purpose of the meet-' immediate action in the matter, j er0UK'1 cr0" of fluit a," vegeta.; no doors or w.mlows were dlstrlb- .Narrow espace from death are of ,helr fllm, plng. O'er them Ino urn.. In ha... m.,... .f '.... fc'l.-. mittees appointed to consider dlf- I. E. Vlniug. one of the com-!'"" l"",d 1,1 Mr' Smith, be seen That the place had been, the truck .undent came as near bleu.utlc of their faithful vlrgils ferent projects of interest to the mitlee on auto camp, explained ' s1"'1' 0,18 8tatement m",,e by; mlted by wieakthleve. during the-1 fin slung h.s earthly career as ,, forgct-me-nots of noble ' city and club, and to consider the! what could be done In placing a1 Mr' 8m,th that " ,,e f interest night, however, was apparent b any of them. Before going to sacrifices and heroic efforts. I i A tl.n n.,.,L nf t. nAtin.. Ilia tttM ttiiit iha i-miuIi raolulor UTAH KIuiikiiIi Vullu U .,1 I. I .a. i..i .. . i. i. .. t..i advisability of holding open for-1 fireplace at the camp grounds and j ,u l" 1'c"1" "' v t , ,. , lne ,,,, 01 urns of the club either weekly or told bow the forest rangers built bl-weekiy. There was a goodly them. He advocated a fireplace attendance of ladles present who 12 feet wide, made of cobble- ' evinced much interest in the pro-, stones, semi-circular in shape and that in securing data his commit- broken Into and a little chango, Twentieth engineers overseas undj hoed. Martha Louise Hill left her tee found that Ashland canned taken. All the keys In the build- v, as twice gassed. peaches brought $1.85 a can more Ing were carried oft and matches Inning his war service he was her family o'er what seemed like In California than their own were strewn over the floors. .part of the crew of a submarine) never ending miles, to treasured outlined the construction so as,ruit' an1 he 8ald he considered At the White lionise Grocery which was rammed and sunk. He: Oregon. A land of fact'aud fable this a big advertisement for Ash-line ironi uoor was prieu open ami cinng io u spar in me water lor thai In the year 1852. lured west- entrance gained that way. Noth- 17 hours before he was finally! ward among Its caravan of pain- To CM More Member , ing was oisiuroeu so lar as couiu rescued, uespun ins experience finders and pioneers, Isaac and ! P. S. Eugle. chairman of the he learned by Mr. Kaegl, the pro-; with the Germans, Snyder is cer- Klbuheth Hill with their family membership committee, reported Pi'etor, this morning. Entrance tain that ho would rather take 1 0f six children. Krom the time that his committee was working i Wtt9 maAe in tlle same "",ler at chances on escaping the effective) 0f their arrival and settlement on plans to secure more members, "19 Foutrh street meat market. ; aiinlliilatory methods of the Hiiiib the upper section bf the Rogue people who had never been con- The ,0'k 011 the lroI,t door wa" Klamath Kails logging' River valley, their activities have pried nrt anu is missing. I ne casn . him ks. essential part of the life ! and growth of this community. ceedlngs of the evening. u ; to make the nlaee absolutely safe Before the meeting was called A!r- Vinlng said If Ashland Uu(, ; ''""1 and vicinity to order by President Ferguson a eampflre of this description the '.the members present joined In an i 11-ws woulu" travel, far and wide old fashioned "community sing,",'"11 would be a great advertise led by Mrs. II. T. Elmore, which mtllt for Ashland and be a mean? 1-ut them in a good humor for the ol bringing an increased number business of the evening. In bis tl tourists lo the city. He sug ..n:.... .i uesieu mar the l rk liruini nun a cuiiiuioiuiai tmu ui ,c,a,n u.ier l.u.n.r u.u h.KEl,..s ; - - - -1 h..aetee n registers were torn apart, appar to order President Ferguson ex- """ s':o,lt have charge of the ci c body of ihis chaiacter. He ' . . . : m.llv in uun fnh n f nti av rilif tended a greeting of the board of! tl,m"",e 1,18 I""- aIle'- """ " ";Ilntllin ,,,,,, ,n h.ft been directors to the entire member-j f"""ace was constructed, and of his committee for the good ' ' have been, fchlp of the club. He said one of hat the .fire be kept up during! work they had been doing .ndjl,e stock. the main purposes of the club is ;tlle tourist season. Entertain- urged them to continue their ef-, K. V. ( HAI'IX "lllKS lo be of u democratic character "iem8 coulu De K've" D.v t"B u' uu,"c' . where every member will have a 1 amJ s'",s an(l olbfn to Provide Bousteil 0M'ii Forum Krederick Wood Cbapin, a well voice in the conduct of affairs of:umI', 10 l)Uy ,flo1 wltn for tlle ' A' the conclusion of reports of,klown resldBnt ot Ashland, diei'. ihc association, and he told the'1'"6- Tl,e C,M llle fireplace, chairmen of committees, 0. A. Ed-', hill . ut 150 First street at members that they must not ex-. Mr- Vini"K "tated. would be in the wards, as chairman of the forum , 45 Monday. June 1. nnniilar institution and it ner . pect the directors to do all the' ncighborlfood of $100, and he committee, congratulated the lt,jn He ,,., becn , for gome . (ornied at all ceremonies and pic- work, but they should assist them - eacn one oi ine cnairmen ot tne various commii-; Umo and hg ,leatll wa8 not un. lli(,s y,)U11K niir,jK round it all in their power. Mr. Ferguson "" ' cu.uni.aie a con-,iecs lor tne gooa worK iney nao eM)ected. Mr. Cbapin was a pio- took considerable money to attend! Urped that when committees were l ,D 'u,,l, UU''U1''K- neen uoing. no saiu ne was eain- ,.eel. of the iacfic coast COUntry. ' all these functions. I'liable to Warren G. Harding Senator Warren (!. Harding's early passion for the cornel blast ed a promising career at law. While studying law in Marion. ()., he joined the village cornet bai.d. The band was naturally a President Fuller Issues Program of S. 0. Chautauqua The Ashland Chautauqua fori years on exploration work in 1920 will commence about July! youth America. Had mountain 15th continuing for one week ! railed Mt. Ray (or him, and ac The program will be of the un-l Itiully knows more about the con ur.eal high standard, bringiug thejtinent than any other living man best that can be obtained In thel today. Ilr. Ray has been called the line of music, lecture and enter-1 Livingstone of South America, tainment. (This lecture is thrilling and fas- On the opening nifht Julius ! filiating in the extreme. The Par Caesar Xnyphe, a brilliant youug'uells are the entertainers on this man who was born in Athens. de-day and the Parnells are the most livers a most interesting lecture, I delightful, versatile entertainers calied "The Oriental Pageant." i on the Chautauqua platform, This lecture will be llustrated byUcngs, character sketches, read a group of young ladies, dressed iias, instrumental selections, they in the costumes of Hie oriental apieal to all, young and od. countries. ; Judge Bale of roluinbus, Ohio, The second day brings two la- has a great message for the pres dics from Alaska who furuish the . tut age which he dlivers on this musical preludes for both the at- j day, subject, "The Fourth Line of ternoon and ev ening lectures, Miss j Defense." Ualn was one of the I.ona I.uska anil Miss Huldah i ycungest mayors in the United Yoedisch, Miss l.aska has math' States, afterward judge ot the e.uite a musical sensation, aud de-i juvenile court of Columbus, and lights every audience before which I i.ltbougli still a young man has she appears while Miss Veedisch un experience along the line of who accompanies her also has a public affairs, which entitles him rich beautiful voice, and together; to a hearing before the people they furnish a rare musical treat, j eitiywhere. With the Parnells. On this day the lecturers are Dr. Hay aud JiiiIkp Kale, the sixth 0 fB llln,,v "" otherwise Cl,rMon (.,lam .,.. imminent 1 ,;, a one big dav. lonely hour was spent around the,N(,w. Y(.k pi . .,,,. ,l Thu ,,.,v ,oml)ullv of . glowing hearthstone by the young I,,,,, (,,., ,, M KIhU t he ; ttv New Zealanders. The Maoris. biilliant young labor orator who ! arc the principal attraction. These has been fighting the radical and , per.ple are t lit- only company of I home in Tennessee to journey with The Hill home at the foot of the Sltqiyous .became a center of sn- uiiiii'is and future home builders of (lie valley. 1 lire Martha Hill, was wooed and won. On April 5, . ,.,, ,)f northwest oik the kind in America, and their " j she was married to Almond, (h(. ,,t form and in the press, program shows the people of this . i.iiRtie ai tun, i The third day will be a distinct-1. Sot. Ill Sea-rounliv in their oriai- mililng center of the Siskiyou dis-iv ,mlsical day bringing a splen-'nal or semi savage state, also as i did musical aggregation, Mr. Raul they now exist, cultured, educated feieira and his string quintette. 1 slid a part of the social life ot tlrict. Eight children wore born lo) tv-' " - ittci wi hid i wtuii. ivaot vuum.i, , nil 1 Hilt i num. i ihu.h ... .. . ,.i j , Mill 'ft ,.nli n I tippointed they get together UB . sorter for the fireplace Mr. Vinlim estly in favor of the forum meet- , cr0Bged the ,,, in the ,,,,. -., . hi8 vocation, he: !!' " . . ,. . ,;1k" Mal'v A,M lli,yH' X"w York'""'ir "" One ot the mem- soon as possible and take action:'""" ne na received a cnecK from ings, whether they were in tne .60s rom Uxbridge. Masst H.i.udoned it rather than give up ' ,T, . . , T 1 ' l"e'""'noou win uisunerr oi tne company is sain 10 d . . ! ...... I. iiiuiiu, wn Ki.ii, ji-, ,,f i .. i. or of If- I.:., li.iini- m nirur nr iia nini. on projects assigned to them and """"" c 'or r- t form or u noonuay luucneon, an wlu,re he was b()rn AuRUst 25 hH illstnlment al, UlL, esti1P,i, work ihpm not with ti.o Iomoi nm. 10 ue donaied to the tirepiace evening meeting, or in some other 1uo . , .,:in . , , ..i .,, .. .- . ..... ...... ..... . jntii, inn iiuuic v. us 1.1 iiiv.iiui,. ::ino lo.I.OI'ai iiii-iirii i n p," ' 1 ,. i. r num ir hiu -u. , .....I !, I,n.,a,l t.a tnvnm . . ... ... . , I r.iMji. . ,v- ! ii'i ill, mi" "n n. .w.... in vA1.ihorn fill fo.-.iiii unil Sue- l.i... sible delay and report to the club. , fuml- Hefore After a few further remarks the;"""1" the subject of auto would soon be instituled by the ,,., wh(jre he came to R' s u,s0 chronicled that Hard president turned the meeting over . calun Mr- vlnin l that one club as a permanent part of the Ashland about eight years apo. in. first became a candidate for to C. A. Edwards as chairman of "" uggesieo work or tne orgamzauon. ..r. pur,ng ,,ig nctive ,lfe Mr (h(( ()fri(,e ()( vreMeM ot omer, ot Aslilund, Oregon; niond Cicero and Frank Fine (do- Effie Klltabeth of I.os Angeles, Calif.; Edward I. of Boise, Idaho. weik. try, and tho wild, weird, anil yet musical quality of The Welsh l.ady Singers will j wonderfully furnish two big concerts on tlic i their singing us a company, leaves fourth day and. the lecturer will a different effect on an audience the forum meeting. that a man be employed to give Edwards suggested that "Ash followed the profession ot teach- United Stales ut the age of 12. The pioneer days provided fewj1(e julBe tio,Kfl I), Alden of Bos-llmn any other musical aggrega- soiial or educational advantages, lou o( ,h(, ,,,,, diKtingulHlied lion. The Maoris are different. i, m I much (lenen.led noon the in-!.....n' t ik.. ,i.. .1... 1 t- . t ,t ,., I..,.(.( I'1"1 1,11 111 ein-iiin:in 1,1 inn i 11 ... j 1 ill- it-iiuiM 111 iiiw ritruiuK in ru- chosen remarks stated the object new comers regarding this as a slogan to be used In our lit- mudl lhne wag deVOt- ig, vouched for the story. Hard-! f """VT", , !1 Jiui,,""KB A,,,'M, "a!: 7l",n: ' ' f i' 1' "An Evening in the South of the nnen forum meeting- ail section, and he said he thought It orature, etc. In paying a tribute ,,, , ...,, v.,,0i .. n.i.. . ;"""1 "Ul" "' P'omoo social (.om oxten,led speaking tour: Seas, also Rien by 11 New Zea- would he a eood advertislne nrno- i .h hp;,ntv r Ashland Mr. Ed-I . '.' . u"""""" ...cheer and thelnspiratlon of moral , ., ,.,,, uii.iij mm i-ii-ij; - - 1 - - services win lane piuce 1011103 :gruip of companions wniie ine; Mr. Edwards in a few well dula aU(l information to campers 1 land, the Beautiful," be adopted ,ng and , hjB ,atter years speut 1(is ,.,,(,,. , In New Zealand and Australia. lander, Mrs. I.eila Mloml'ield. , wards said be had traveled ex- row, Tuesday afternoon at 2 church bell was being tolled on, respect, Mrs. (illlotte. was all ideal .innovation fr niother; Jnr oilier to voice their opinion on!csi,i"n f0T the city and club mutters concerning the club and A Housing l ourtli of July lensneiy 111 1 0-clock from the Hodge under- Washington's birthday. cl tin work, t int nut the r lu 1 nn Jfi. T. K ati es, chairman of the jsurone. oui nan never seen any- ,..,., ...... , ,, ... i.n., " . , , , , .. .. ,' ,. ..... . ... , ..., .'"'" 1 ". "'-I ion., see u.o : 1 Mi., bosnltallty of the West and in - - . .v n - 1 Asniauu cemeiery. rrienos 01 nie.wir be ringing lor nte, ue mm for reports from different com- ported that considerable progress I ul as the view from Mount Ash- , ,, i,1Viie,i tn ti.eo uer-'.... in Bmw no lo aid religious teachings. In this. The fifth day brings a decided I Beside the iibove, the local inan- tho Chautauqua j ment hope to have one or two mittees that had been appointed 1 was being made,' but asked for land; that it was the most beau- vk.efl Ml, chapill js Hlu.yived hj-be a K ,,,., ali )0 president by the hoard of directors. more nelp as the work was loo niui view 111 ine worm, in "'-ihls wife, Mrs. Nancy A. Anderson i nivself " llouiiiK Pn.x.sltion !'"' for the present force. He: eluding his remarks Mr. Edwards 'Cnapin ,'0 whom ne llad ,,P(M1 mar.! PnMlor i,mii,lg horn No- J. W. McCoy, chairman of thel "'id that a program is belli , suid we should commercialize our lie( 63 yea.fl ,hig eVent taking i ven, her 2, 18(15, near Corsica. housing committee, stated that his worked oui tnut will provide for, naiurai resources, anu uigeu.eveiy , plu(,9 gn QH 2 8(;7 ghe ,s a j M(in.(w rolllltyi ohi0i j S8I he was graduated from Iberia col lege, in the same county. Three years later he took a fling 11 1 the newspaper business by pur chasing the Marion Star. He committee has held but one meet-: something interesting every mill-; cilizep to become Interested in hissHler f thfl ,ate E K Andp.son ing and at that meeting had found ' lltB 01 the three days of the cele- home town and tho people herelen(J Ml,3 Mary McCu ot Ashland. they had a large problem to nan-' brtin; that there will not be a; and let the outside world know as( ' die mid the committee had not ,lu" moment during the entire lar ns possible what great ad- wtllHiK (TOSED TO formed an opinion fully yet as to "lne- Promised the best eel- vantages we have. j HUM) XKW oVK the best method to care for the : ebrution Ashland has bad in many 1 Father Conaty Bald he .knew: matter. Temporary housing for;'eal's. He asked that the club! v.hat could be accomplished by, A new bridge will be built over lewcomers and transients visiting! mept tonight to consider ways unity of action and told of what Sn,d,ie creek, one and one-half the city bad been gone into t0 ! and means to provido more money had been done in other places nlcs weHt ot Oold Hill, to replace some extent, Mr. McCoy said, and j t01' his committee to properly cur- J where he had been located. He t,e 0d one at that point. This the committee was still working'1')' out tho celebration plans. said he was very much pleased weeK the Pacific highway crew tore on the proposition and would re-' c. A. Edwards stated that the 10 see tne ciuu geiung on on me:cut the floor of the old bridge port at a future meeting. Re-' program for Sunday, July 4,; right foot in the matter of inBti-1 preparatory to paving the siiuc eniding the permanent housing I wlll(! he of a most interesting : tilting the open forum meetings. ( tUre, and the road ihere is closed matter Mr. Coy stated bis com- j character and of a patriotic na- He also urged the club and citi- to traffic-until this work is com mittee had yet to go more "fully i ture. Bishop O. Shepard has beeu'zens of A bland to make the ut-' plcied. Tourists are compelled to into the project. He thought the I secured for that day. The bishop most of tli sir natural resources. cross Rogue river nt the new Kock real estate men of the city should!'1"1 very celebrated man in church and he said he was much pleased ' Point bridge, a half mile below become interested in this matter, ! circles, Mr. Edward stated, and .lc see the Interest the ladles of Seidine creek, and use the new f.nd he suggested a committee be! those who hear him will be amply tho city are taking in club work ! wagon roud south of the river Appointed to take up the matter of the building of a modern apart ment bouse. He asked that Hie committee be continued and he r.sked for suggestions along the housing line that would be of as sistance to his committee. Water Committee Fred Homes, chairman of the water committee, stated that his committee had held one meeting repaid. Efforts are being made and assisting in developing the past Cold Hill, to where the Wil to secure Ex-Ambasaudor Gerard city's advantages. j low Springs road joints the pave- for Sunday afternoon, and the Change .Name or City ment 011 the highway, a distance piospects ure very favorable now I During the course of his re-1 of about two and a quurter miles, of his being able to be here, Mr. I remarks at the meetingf Mr. Vin-'The Sardine bridge will be coin- ling suggested that the name ot , pitied in a few days. Edwards said. One of the patriotic features j the city be changed to Ashland of the Sunday program will be' Spa as it would be a great adver- general passenger agent of the the unveiling by Bishop Shepard tising feature for the city and be'sthem Pucific railroad, in which he congratulated the city and club in interesting such n prominent man as Mr. Wluburn married Miss Florence King ofi, hpi. cvellfu jf(, ,,. Tll(1 N(.. Marion in 1WH and ill American Woman's Magazine. In elected state senator. He 'was'. bribed ,er adventures re-elected ill 1901 and at the closel . Ru,( (1s(,(lv. of his second tern, won the elec-1 () ,.,,(,.,., UuU. Hon to the office of lieutenant-, ()f ,,., am, 18R5 aM( , governor of tho stale. He was , chun ()f pV(,nU jn ,! delealed for governor in 1010. lu ()ur ()( civiiu. 1912 he helped nominate Wil-;,. .nisettled countrv her household typiliod j piutform, in the presentation of hig attractions not yet announced. ;the big New York dramatic sue- Tin Ashland Chautauqua has come ht r spiritual vision she lieranm . ,.ess, "KindliliR," by Hie Maurice! to have a reputation as The Big a leader and founder of the l'res- ii10wn Players, in the evening. Ast-emhly of the Pacific Coast. Wd ! tcini 11 l.ihh in our .'!. Willi , flid uflernooii prog ruin for this' hope to not only sustain this rep hd two sisters. Mrs. .v. 11. Hussell ,!, win uis(l ),,, in tho nature oi'1 illation hut lo build an institution and Mrs. Mary M. Dunn, she had ua innovation, and may take the1 here that will in the future at always been an active worker In ; , intruder of a hig out-door gath-nact people from a niulic larger the moral and religious welfare Lrjng. urea than we are now reaching, ol the conimnulty. )r. ti. Wliitfieli! Kay, who' thus enabling us lo present the At the age of 82 Mrs. Martha ,imks on the sixth (lay Is a veryjieiy best posihle to obtain uny 1.. Cill. -ye, at the earnest request distinguished explorer, for II where. of her many friends, wrote u vivid nil highly entertaining account SENT I'OltK Al io IAITO STOLEN OX TO MISSIONARIES1 STREET OT XICiHT Tlie Missions, a Baptist month-) The Hudson Six automobile ho ly magazine, of recent dule con-j lunging to Boss Finley. a stork tains the following which Is of : "O"11 of KUiinatli Falls, was stolen much interest to Ashland people: : from In front of the Hotel Ails- "Another beautiful mail was thej tin at an early .hour' this morning, one that brought the letters writ-'"''- Finley was preparing to make lento the Bataviu church in ' an early start today on a business New York by Dr. uiid trip, una nun linen ins car wiiii Hani Howard Tall for the presi-.... , , , .. western dency and two years later was; t j ' ' ' Mrs. .Mauley. The llatavia peo-; gasoline and hud everything in elected United States senator from;1"""' , ,,, ,:, . ., ,,.,..,. 1 1 lo were kind enough to share read ss. alter which he parked these 1 11 Hi la 11 1 letters, ine aian- ,..1.,. ... ...,,1. ..1 .,1 Ohio. In 1916 he acted as tem- .I,i... i.t Ilia rnnilllli ,..,.u, j lion: can national convention at lilt-1 cago. j William Howard Taft and Hard-: ing had been warm persona frlfiids for a long time ami in; 1912 it was decided to entrust Harding witli Tail's nominating fulfillment of the poet's Injunc- leys are the very own mission- Some time between 12 uud 4 ..... i.......:.. ............ ....A n'.lnck. it is learned, the car was "live all tbvJife : 01 ion n..i.i..a i.m.h.i, .... ' ' , , I,,,'.,. Mlie church plunned a big surprise .taken. It Is presumed It was !Tf rpUV depart "r.hen, at Christmas. They on, of No,,, U,v snew inai airs, .naniey unu 11m - been very strong, and that walk .: North Main. Chief of Police ing about in the prostrating heat . Batcher has wired a description ... ... ... .... ,1. lo cull upon all the mothers and " i"""" babies ill tlle hot 1 it 1 lo mud houses' . was exhausting. So. with a long '' Aslilaii.l, Oregon And peace shall come upon heart. Live all thy life." With the dawning morn, came To of a bronze tablet in the park ill; the means of bringing more peo memory ot the soldiers and sail-i pie here than the name of Ashland and had discussed the matter of ("'E wuo wewl trom here to thn . or Ashland Springs. B. R. Greer reservoir sites and the feasibility world war. The legion will have ; said that five or six years ago J n Ashland, and pledged bis hearty of two irrigating ditches. He said : charge ot this part of the pro- j an effort was made to change the co-operation with Ashland and his committee was still working ! gram. Sacred concert by the ' name to Ashland Springs, but the j the Commercial Club, on the proposition and securing! banu"' singing of old songs by thej postoffice department objected. Mr. Staples urged upon Hie data that could be presented tojHU'"enc.e 1,11(1 evangelistic ser-und the matter was iot pushed, j club members and citizens of the club-in concrete form at a fu- vices lu the Chautauqua taberna-jHe suggested that the correspond-1 Ashland that they turn out in ture meeting. Two sites for a i 0,0 round out a program that ence in this mutter be looked 11 p I force tomorrow, Suturduy. June reservoir were now under cousid-ja" ehonld bgost for and attend,; if a change of namo was content-j 2, "Flag Day," and thus show eration, Mr. Homes said, the west I XIr' Edwards admonished his au- plated, so there would be some; visitors and newcomers to the city fork and the east fork of Ashland , dience. data to work on. Mr. Greer said that the citizens here take an iu- creek. He gave figures showing! Music I rogiaiii I he was heartily in favor of Ash-; terest in their city, civic societies clrmcirnit opponent, T. S. Ilngaii. that the city uses a million gal-i T1'0 need of a brass band for! land Spa for a change in name. janH celebrations. ettcrney general for the state, lens of water daily now, and the Ashland was strongly urged upon, Mr. Vining said he had received ' Secretary Fuller .of Ur club ! iir,ng is tall, handsome. Im committee desired to provide a , the club by H. G. Enders Jr., a letter recently from Mr. Win-.; said he was well pleased with thej ,)ressve In appearance and a fig site that will fully meet the re-!cllairman of the committee on .burn, who recently was in Ash-jfjr8t meeting of the open foiiim,f Kl,, 0f attracting attention qiiirements of the future needs nf'm1,sic.- He said his commitee had land and bought the Hotel Atis-land predicted much good could' n 0r out of a distingushed Kid li the city. , During bis remarks Mr. I outlined a program for securing tin and made other investments, ! be accomplished if the meetings! He is clean-shaven, his Homes said a sub-committee had ' music for the fourth and tho sum-: in which he expressed his thanks were continued. He advised the!fil(.e d,.r-nit, topped off by t. .nnAlnlaJ in trn fiirH... f.,'.n niPf mnnttlH OflA nt ta-n linnrl ... ln CAmmllflilal Plllh fill. II, III.) .... ' ,1. . :. I, i ,, ... . . . . , ... ....... UCITH Uijjwiiih:u w (,u iii.llicri llliu - w. w I l w... ... . v .. .... ... ; LICc. H. . p Ol Cl.y, l..inni' lllgll, IH'OIUl lOleneUO. II1S l.a.ll address before the national con- , le i,)llrll(,y-s end vention in Chicago. His stroiu .., lir ,,.i),,,, . n.,, not in personality, striking appearance , ,, of growing l "11 "' a n a "" end oratorical ability made him ; ,, , altogether, they bought a doughty ""'P. ''"!. -'teis of gold I t turn mo -n one of the outKlandiiiR ngiinH i , -... noHt(MiiVi whlJ m,w hut Hint liiiiiulpnt HPHKinn. ' n. .....i... inlUiiV, , ,9,4 there was a persist ' 'Z. " Z ZZ J Z V"11 wan. to laugh and, AH things drink a. nature bold Ford car mid cabled It wus on the,"'1 orchards, forests and mead- ir I.V..C Intteril OWS, demand for Hurtling to declare himself u candidate in the sena torial race. He was hesitant anil held off because of bis friendship for Josephr B.Foraker, speaker of the house, who was also a candi date. Following a meeting be tweeu the two Harding stepped In It. the arena and defeated his iv it was the lettet of those twoi cloud-banks ns shadows. These ! Huds, bees und butterflies rest. . . :.,, . .... ...,l,l. IV IO II II V ....'I.,. .... ..." " . , .,,., astonished niissionul'les. mi. ui. hi 1 1 inc. ,.-.v,. .. ......v., letters made many folks in Batu-i1 ' ' Ua happy loo. quite sure that ! While grasses, trees and berries grow; "UK (ilVETH HIS BELOVED SLEEP" tin memory of n.y sister, Mar tha Louise Gillette.) i "(led glvelh His beloved sleep." Oh blessed thought to those who one little Ford chugging away In India was better even than one ; Chubby children, heirs of the best, more Ford sca.niierinr about Ba-:"l and play while tlie creek tavla.' flows. .Mrs. .Mauley, spoken of lu the1 above, was Miss Ruth Bass. rr.; Tourist travel on high priced gas. ...or well known Ashland vouui: Coming from a hotter clime; weep. i W() WU1S8 ra,h,.r W.1K a',,,,.,,,.1 En Joying the cool air as they pass When, life's rough toilsome Jour-J, ( (jim (( Wj(k & ,,,, On over some roads of slime, ney past, several years ago. She with lies' i The weary .so es down ( hiuhand has gone to India to work 1 Nothing so lovely a, a rainy day last, Tlie Lord, who knoweth what is best, Gives to His well beloved rest. ,inil ut the dawning of the day. 'in the mission fields under the ail-pices of the Baptist church. OH M EHS ELECTED FOR llOV SCOUTS 11. o matter nf securing data for quartets were being considered as friendly message tliev had sent n.- xitv n,i Lunini' It ! ... . rnn,i A..,.. ..... --. - - - - - ...v v....,... --j la ;,. i. nil ."- ...... j the irrigation projects under con-'a desirable adjunct to the niusi- him for the interest be had taken so. He earnestly advocated the , Ktlnr the ensemble reminds one;,. I.v llio fI..h A nnm. ChI nrOCI'ani. bill thp nrinelnH, In tUa ottv Tta nlun eaift Mr I,,.. nk.n... ... ut . . i I n.n' mlt4ee has also been ' appointed ! "-ed in the music line was a good'winburn desired data concerning, th0 earliest possible moment as! ,;, 'nate. ' ' j Wh'n Rrlm h"XoWn At " rmeni n,""n! to look up the matter of preven-i brass band made up of musicians Ashland and asked that anyonclmany people would come here if) "wl,y- irnnncll of the Boy Scouts the fol- tlnn of freezine at the source of from Ashland. The present Val- hMiiie the reouiiste information. ! n,., !,. .. r,n,.in of1 .M-v ...a u n u nT i And all her children gather home- owlnK rilllvM v chosen as the water supply during the win-i ley band Is composed of musicians, booklets, pamphlets, etc.. bring being taken care of in the way of' SA JOSE Calif.. June 15.- Wh"" ""r:",HH itn "hM members; Homer Billings, rof. . ter and it hopes to have some-! from Ashland. Medford. Jackson- same to him and be would for-' bousing accommodations, etc. He! ( harles Diamond, aged 105 years.1 hl""'; , . , ' "". I'rof. W ils.-n. O W inter.. , .KI.;X ,)T AMOXtJ inihl tn renort soon solville and other Doltlts in the: ward them In Mr Winhurn. ....H ,i...i. nf lliel.-j u,. k.... , i v.,.,. rp'TllH' "lia" H" '"hV "" '" ' l-mkln. V. O. N. Smith. "HARMLESS' that it can be put up to the city; county, Mr. Enders said. In or-( It was pointef out by Homer club funds to projects that would ; honeymooning. "I am getting s council and then to the voters of,der to provide music for summer Billings that North Main street be of lasting benefit to the rity.Mjt 0i, f ( jme to settle down." in June, Unless it's cherries, that will ripen soon; While everything in nature Is In tune: Or perhaps, star-lit nights and i full moon. By Edward Carey, Lithla Park. P. O. Box SI. concerts in this city during the should be more plainly marked cease, 1 Kev. C. A. Edwards, O. F. Carson. I And give to His beloved peace.! ;(.0rge Irenhower and John If! WASHINGTON. Children may ANN HASSELTIXE RIVSELL. ! Fuller. Officers were elected, re-! not h transported as parcels post. the city. Signs for Auto Camp" coming four months It will be for the guidance of tourists, and President Ferguson advised mem-! ,us aiways used tobacco and One of the pressing and imme-! necessary to raise a sufficient fundthe marking on the Pacific high- bers to bring some one with them1 "nl.ver turned down a drink." ! Jt:t I r il, A n Mr If. tAV the DlflVerS and hllV mil. vov wua alan rfa.MoJ In.Hnnita.a 1. . ... . u ....nM ' ! j Mr r.4r .tXit u. .i-.i. . .. .. .. . it IWJ Slilnnn will h tho name committee wi consist of tb pies-: In the classification of harmless 11. 1 . Mmore siaiea was ine inui- - Wv.. ..c v- in tn. iam ..Htcs. j nrrome inieresieu in me wo. k ui iiiu.i.iu muiuj fc . , . , - - ing of proper signs at different posed to ask the city council fori Secretary Fuller of the club the club and thereby become,1 on $150.00 high school for Mil-' of a baby born In a "tin liziie" , ident, secrtary-treasurer, and w.nt. n riirai-t tn.irici end nth-, ISO a month during the season 'read a letter from John M. Scott, men. hr : tun. here today. ' V. Carton, : Milting in Homer Billings as prei-1 Fust Assistant Postmaster Gen- BABE IW)K l FORD (iMlt ptl)f. I. O. Wilson sec-ral Koons ruled. Mr. Koous said NEW YORK. June 1 Ilenrv ' retary and treasurer. The troop rhlldren clearly did not come wlth- i the name committee wil consist of tbe pies-: O lii e animals, which do not require , tcod or water while In trandt. r i