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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1920)
Wednesday, Juno in, 1020 PAGE FOUR ASHLAND WEEKLY TIDINGS LOCAL AND PERSONAL . SATURDAYS XEWS Mrs. Canfield and little son of, Train are guests of the former's Jmg n Jbg me one ouv parents, Mr. nd Mrs. Robert Gar- irea nbou, six hour8. iuterment ! was made this afternoon in Moun ,. .. t i :, Itain View cemetery. I t.. neeiii:ni unu ,nc Lake City. l"t:ih. sprat a few days in Ashland this week while tour ins through the coast states. While here they ramped in Lithia park and were much pleased with Ashland. . , a i ! .1,1,1 'wards of 50 members live in Y re Air. Enstein of Pt. I.ouis and . . . .. Alls. Vreedman of Kansas City, father and sister of Mrs. Walter MjcAdums, arrived in Ashland this morninn and will make an fn,led Visit at ,,,e lalU"'a 1","le on Cranite street. j The beautiful Ihorouehlired K-ntcli collie Mon. "lVcsy." lie - loiiMing to Kric Woven, was struck l y an interniban jitney yesterday mi North Alain street and was killed. Mr. Weren was driving tit thai section with a load of hay accompanied by "1'eKRy." As tin- car passed Mr. Wcreti's was- n. he beard a noise back or Ui m . i IJtiK installed on the Citizen's and looking around saw the man-jhalk, which is an attractive lid ded remains of his Kood dog ly-dition to that building:, as well in teh center of the street. improving the appearance of (lore is much sorrowing in the that section of the city. U'nidii hMi,i.t nc-i til, luss of1 "l'f ggy." Hrown and daughter. Aliss , Attics of San Franhiscn, are I quests at the home of their (laughter and sister. Airs. T. J. Mackey, on Allison street. Air. and Airs. J. H. AlcOee and I culmination of a four-day coin sons are expected home today ! r.iencenient season. This will bo from Portland where they had: the fourty-fourth commencement been spending the past week or so. Owing to the shortage of gas oline the McCee family curtailed their automobile trip somewhat. Airs. 11. K. AlcOee has been con fined to her home with sickness dining the past two or throe days. .She is reported somewhat better today, however. $ t Air. and Airs. Sain Mctiiivray left this morning for Congdon in their family car. They expect to be away from Ashland for about tl,.,B weeks. $ . ti- ISeruice Alyer, who has Im-iii leaching scboul in Cambria,! Calif., during the past winter, j i-..iii- Inline last evening and will spunl her hummer vacation Willi her parents, Air. and Mr3. William Myi r, at their home on lliuh MH-i-l. r- II. Yiiiist. a young Portland in, in. hIio has been visiting in the ltiigue Hiver valley for several weeks, is spHiidiiig a lew days with .'isbland friends before leturnins to bis home. Aliss Ceorgie Coffee, bookkeeper U the Tidings office, will leave tonight for Portland to spend a two weeks' vacation. Aliss Klea nor Greer will take Aliss Coffee's place during the laller's absence. . H. II. Palmer of The Tidings ot fire, who recently moved bere luiui Portland with bis wile and bought the (leorge L. Carey resi dence at 4li2 Allr-on, street, yes terday bought the Jaques resi ( properly on Cranite street This properly Iihs a frontage of inn feet on Granite and runs back i.r,(i feci to Pine street. Air. Pal contemplates making exten sive improvements on bis nw purchase. j. .fi Suffering lid despondency over bis condition, due to a broken hack sustained while walking ii; his sleep at. his home in Scott's Valley. Calif., Mime time ago, led Frank Lichens. :if, to end bis life nt bis temporary home in Aled- fold. Y( sdav. Ho ,-iit his l'"-"'"1 tlnoat and wrists while bis wifoj'" 11 1!'9 ' "flulslte ,! nurse we,o out of the loom.!1'1"'"1'- M'' '"hll"11 hl"' a . . . :,'..) I el ,.r il.oo,. n.,u-n,.u In llii nitals had pronounced his caso: ln.peless. Sheriff and Ales. Terrill re-1 lumed to Jacksonville yesienlny In. m Greek. Colo., where they bad gone after Air. ,.ii ii tvm jl.iieiluli, wanted ill Jackson county mi nassini! wuitliless checks on .Ue.gnnl merohal.U. after which they lied ,v automobile eastward.:"""" "mi'-- Kt-ktieiiiig bad cei-ks along Ihe: way. At a Lean lit in .Meillunl nie r!!(g! forgers ar; held in the .iaiksnu county jail, as they were ununie 10 mriimi Osmr Silver ett lat night fur I oi 1 1. ml. He will remain in that rity until the first of next week when he will join tho National ..earn cui.i.ife,,, ,,u. u....u v,hc are going to Camp Lewis to the preliminary educational camp. According to information re (ehed by Kt.iH F'jiesier Elliott, iiil-l.ine pat:ol of Oi'-uli lorelb v.l! I.ei-iu about June It is i ,.i:.iti lb t four pianos w'ill be tt a 1 1 'd in 11. u service this month, v.-iil! as maty inoie to follow l:itr. , Air-, Ii. F. Ely, who will be le- i-.Miibeied by e Ashland Civic 'Klamath Falls are gutHts of Mr. Liiiitoveinent Ciub members as . n, Mrs. Beeson at their home . in the city last spring iu Ihe ,,,.ar xaiHm inrerests of the (Jregon Associated 4 f IbdUKtries, aid organized a home, Miss Gertrude Cox is back at Industries club, was a brief busi - ness visilor hero today. She went to Medford this atternoon to speak before the Greater Medford club. Au .ufant d1Ujjter wnB h(,rn H M Ba Fri. Alany automobile' loads of "D. O. K. K'8" passed througli. Ash land this morning en route to Yrcka where initiation ceremonies will take place. These were from the Medfqrd temple, of which up- ka. The caravan was joined by a number of Ashland Knights of I'ytliius, who accompanied the Aieillord lodge members to Yreka. MONDAY'S NEWS I W. E. Cemiek, special repre- Uei.tntive of H. L. I'olk & Co., di- ; rectory publishers, arrived in j Ashland, Saturday, and today be- I (-ins canvassing the city in the interest of his publication. The company will this year publish a , directory of Jackson county. A fine new illuminated sign Is V V Among the young people from ff.nlhern Oregon who will ho Undiluted from the University of Oregon mis year win ue .hiss Alary Alathes of Ashhind, Donald It. Newbury, Thora L. Smith and Alary Truax of Medford. The traduation exercises will mark in the history of the university. Air. and Mrs. Redifer of Drain arrived Saturday and will visit their three boiIs, E. V., Vernon ii lid Andrew Redifer. Itev. D. 1). EdwurdH, Mrs. Slingerland and Thornton Wiley will leave today for Salem to at tend tho Nazarenfl Assembly which will be in session there this week. Tom Acklin leaves today for Klamath Falls, where he goes to take charge of the grocery store which John Enders recently pur chased from Roberts & Whit more. v e Airs. Helen Marks, a former res ident of Ashland, but now of Port land, was a visitor in the city over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dodson re turned Sunday from an extended sojourn in tho south Air. and Mrs. E. B. Pigney, who l.avg been residents of Ashland for some time pust, have sold the ir place on Orange avenuo and will leuve for the north tomorrow. They will visit their daughter in CosvalliH for some time, alter which they expect to secure a home in Albany. Airs. Simons is back from Hiownsville, where she bail been making a visit at the home of her son. Aliss Jessie Hose, who has been over In Klamath county looking utter her homestead there, is back in Ashland. After fSsiting with her mother and brothesi" here, hlit' will return to Corvallis, where she holds a government position i ill the O. A. C. Air. and Airs. (.' II. Johnson (niiv oft the palm in raising svvii-l peas this summer, lit their home on North Main street. These peas were planted ill Octo ber of last year, thus affording "" eu" " " ul l"" " """' " bis jewelery store Unit attracts i much attention and praise from visitors. Dr. H. H. Aloore is entirely re covered from his recent IllneBS unu is back nt his office in the First National Bank building. He "l" ""'1 ' otfife f,,r M l'"'"' The case in circuit court last j wei k of Staples vs. Rocho lias : l et n dismissed. Mrs. Klizabeth lleesnu was down I in T;,l,.nl v,.ulnt-,l.,' viuitiliu rln- lies there. I J. AI. Casebeer and wife have purchased the Mrs. Silsby resi- lh,ucf (U Thjrd 8tri.e( wl(.r(J (h(iy epect to reside. The deul was made by the Hillings agency. Aliss Isolene Campbell was a week-end guest of Alis Helen Ad ; nisun at her home in Talent. Mr. and Mrs. O'Kelly of Rogue l iver were among the out of tow n vii-itors to Asblaud, Sunday. Air. and Mrs. J. H. Houston of lr place on the clerical forme cf Vaupel's dry goods store, after spending the past week in Klam ath Falls. . ? At. S. Emery of Portland arriv ed in Ashland last evening to vis it with his pareuts, Mr. and Airs. H. S. Emery, at their home on Mechanic street for a short time. 0. L. Brown, a business man of Klamath Falls, was an Ashland caller Saturday. Hev. P. K. Hammond has sonej to Portland to represent Siskiyou Chapter, No. 21. Royal Arch Ma-j sons, nt their convention there j this week. Unless called home on special business, Air. Hammond will remain in Portland until nf tei tho Shrine convention. 4 Air. Rourke, who Is connected villi the Warren Construction company, and wife are in AhIi lnnd this week from Crescent, spending u few days with well known friends from that section who reside here. 4 Mrs. Emilia Wing Is in Ashland this week from Klamath Fulls. She came over to look after busi ness affairs of Interest to her here. Air. and Mrs. S. L. Sundry and daughter Doris of Rogue River were over-Sunday guests of Air. and Mrs. J-. L. Heer. Frank Carter of Eugene, was in Ashland yesterday, attending the fmteral of his grandfather, the late F. H. Carter, which was held yesterday from the homo of his l,i other, E. V. Carter. L. L. Mulllt of Portland was an Ashland visitor over Sunday. $ J. H. Hardy of the First Na tional Bank is laid off from duly today on account of sickness. S Airs. Minnie Robison of Aled ford spent Sunday in Ashland as the guest of Airs. George Robison. $ Airs. Alcllvalne was in Ashland. Sunday, from Rogue River, visit ing Mrs. Stevens, who lately mov ed here from that point. Miss Nellie Beaver has gone to Salem this week to attend the alumui reunion at Willamette university, of which she is a mem ber. Airs. E. D. Briggs and Mrs. J. J. McNalr are homo from San Fran cisco, where they had been spend ing the past week. Alessers. J. W. McCoy and V. O. N. Smith, cashiers of the First National Hank und Citizens Bank of Ashland, respectively, will leave this evening for Eugene to all end the Oregon Bankers' con vention to be held there Tuesday r lid Wednesday. $ Air. und Mrs. II. C. Forsythe are re.'oicing over the birth of a son who arrived nt their homo last night. V Dr. and Airs. Canfield and little son, who have been guests of Airs. Cuiifield's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Garrett, In Ashland, for sev tral days, left yesterday for their l.ome in Drain. TUESDAY'S NEWS On account of the rain of yes teiduy the visit of the local chap ter of the Daughters of tho American Revolution to Jackson ville was postponed until Friday. On that date the members expect to join the Medford chapter and picnic at the countv seat. Airs. Lillian Kundcl was a S1111 t'liy visitor in Aledtord. spending the day with Air. nd Mrs. R. J. Filer. 4 F. H. Dougherty and family, who came from Dnnsiuulr several weeks ago and have been making a visit with the former's parents. Air. and Airs. W. J. Dougherty in this city, have gone to- Seattle where they expect to locate. They left for their new home Sunday night. The rulny weather of yesterday did not dampen the ardor of the children in the Bible school. A high attendance were present de spile the rain. Robert Atuller, who has been conducting a bakery iu Aledford, lias moved his family back to Ash lai.d. E. G. Owen, who is employed si Weed this summer, is in the city 011 business for a couple of days this week. Lieutenant ('. A. ('. Tolmail, who is well known in Ashland, und v bo was iu the air service diirin? the world wur. expects to leave Wksbingtoii, D. C, shortly for South Africa with' a party of hunt ers and motion picture camera mill. The purpose of the trip is to film the wild animals of Nairobi and other parts of tho continent. An airplane will be part of the equipment to be used for scouting ,m poses, presumably to be oper Mcd by Lieutenant Tolmau. Prof. J. W. Lariinor known and loved by more Ashland hoys and girls than any other man. wber h in former days bad charge of the physical training department of the Southern Ore gon Chautauqua, is expected to pass through Ashland Wednes day at 4:40 p. in. He has accept ed a position with the San Fran cisco Y's. J. B. AVimer, who left Ashland A week or so ago to go to Gazelle, Calif., for t lie summer, writes he is away back in the mountains in a lumber camp enjoying tho ul- tltU(Ie of 4760 ft.Pti ,v1iMb UoI1K w0,.k ,, p.lUng a nlul,.g VM,ul e 8tules ,)e wm stny there HU 8ll0W falll) and r(,gain ,ls lost health caused by Ihe spell of political defeat. Air. Winiev claims that life boats making trial balances a city block. ' AI. V. Eilgington Is In receipt of n letter from O. L. Young, a for mer well known resident of Ash land, who went to Denver Borne time ago for I ho benefit of his wile's health. Air. Young states ill his letter that Airs. Young is In better health than she has been for years. A short time ago sho underwent an nperntloti mid since then has gained much. 8 A. C. Nininger and family nr rived home Sunday night from Santa Ana, Calif., where they l.ave been spending several weeks. Air. and Airs. T. AI. Rlayler are back from Klamath Falls where they had been spending several lays visiting, und will remain here a few days before returning to their home in Portland. S The nrjeds ot a night garage In Ashland have been felt since the tourist season has opened. Many cars coming ill here at a lale hour have not been able to have their uulos taken care of, and have gone to Aledford. A garage open nil night would bo of great conven--ience and accommodation to tour ists who wish to stop in Ash land, but are frequently deterred fn in so doing by the lack of a place to put Iheir cars for tho night. 38 S Girls who want a delightful week's outing w ith all the features ot a real girls' camp will plan to rttend the gills' oonformion nt the park July 12 to in Inclusive. Registration only $1.00. Regis ter now with Mrs. J. II. Fuller. Miss Florence Greene of Mlnot, N". D., Is the guest of her uncle t nd cousin, Air. F. K. Watson and Alisa Winifred Watson, at their home on Strawberry Lane. 4 Rev. C. A. Edwards came home this morning from La Grande where ho had been called last week to officiate at the funeral of a former parishioner. The reg ular Wednesday evening prayer meeting will take place tomorrow night. S One-half inch of rain has fal len in this section during Ihe past three days, according to Co-operative Observer Louis Dodge. While tills rain has done some d.ummo to hay in the field, It hns done an inestimable amount ot good to other crops and orchards. Two families have come from Vancouver, Wash., this week, have bought properties anil will make Ashland their permanent home. These are Owen Taylor, who purchased the K. X. Ilrush- wcod properly on Iowa and Sher man streets, and bis son, S. I). Taylor, who has purchased Ihe 1. D. Pittman property of two and one-tenth acres 011 Terrace street. These two sales were made through the Staples Realty com pany. ? $' Miss Kathryn Aliller is clerking in AIcGee's dry goods store dur ing the absence of Airs. Wall.slen. while the latter is away on her vacation. S Airs. B. O. Wallsten of AIcGee's dry goods store, Is taking her va cation at present. With her hus band iind mother, Mrs. Weren, Airs. Wallsten expects to start to morrow for an extenslvo trip east. The party will visit lloston and other points In Massachusetts' during their trip. 1 j F. E. Russell of the municipal power plant, is employing his 'odd: hours by clerking !u the State ICx- change store, helping them out during a rush of business. , S I Herbert Yost, who has been ! I visiting relatives In Ashland fnr j several days, left last evening lor bis homo Iu Portland. i Children's Day was observed Sunday by the Presbyterian S1111- day school with ,111 especially at j tractive program. The gradua- lion of the cradle roll members I to Hid primary depatmreiit. Hie j Ri.lnbow Ilible drill and the inli ne were all features of merit, as j wai. Ihe slnelni; of the primary, classes. The (iffeiiug for Sunday school extension woik was $ T S .lift : , for which the Sunday scb.-iol is .justly proud and thankful. I - -4 . I Aliss Claudia K 1 11 tit is filling a 1 position temporarily in Hie Fitst ! National bAnk ilnri"; the vacation ; cf the several regular emplnves. i -1I3. -. iv. i,u:ufi dim uduu-i ter Ardcth of Portland have come to Ashland and will spend some time with the former's parents, Air. and Mrs. II. S. Emery of Me chanic street, A detail of the National Guard left last night for Camp Lewis. Wash., to the preliminary camp of lust met ton which is held there a few days this week. The detail consisted of 12 members of Company 11. ' I IliTllll.lV OP I'l-AO ! HONORED ItY ELKS j The 14.1rd birthday or the1 ! American flag was celebrated by I Asbhind lodge ot Elks, and thej j eiuzt'hs of this municipality in a j 1111. st Inspiring und patriotic man-! i:er, last Saturday evening. This is an annual feature among the Kiks, Ihe order that bus the dis tinction of being an entirely i American institution, and this! year, perhaps, more than many! others the patriotism attending j ihe observance ot Old Glory's; birthday extended to the citizens j of Ashland, many of whom at-! tended the services incident to! the observance Saturday. j Arrangements for the Flag Day exercises were ill the hands. of a' committee headed by E. T. Stap-j li s. When Staples says a thing j is to be done, it is done, und thej en (lit for this unusually fine eel-1 l:i-:itinn iu ilnn In hie mil 1 i-in V pf- I tints and executive ability in put ling on a service that was en- joyed and appreciated by the en- lire city. The beginning of the observ ance consisted of a flag parade in which tho Elks and patriotic or-1 jlers participated. This parade j formed on the Plaza at the park (iilrance, where, headed by a fife and drum corps, the line of murch was. taken up. A number of the' newly orgunlzed chapter of the1 Daughters of the American Revo lution, escorted by a representa-J live of.the great wars of America,' v, ere in line. Following these was a flag draped automobile containing the singers of the ev-i, after which the Elks, each, waving a flag, made u long and in, posing line that marched up to . the Elks Temple. There the ranks' ! were halted and separated, while, : Mrs. Illuncho Provost sang "The Star Spangled Banner" from the! I i-htomobile. The march was again i lesiimed to the junction of Main I nt n ut und the Boulevard, when j Ihe para do countermarched to the i hlks Temple to purticirlute in the services arranged for tho event. After music by tho saxophone orchestra, tho ritualistic service by Ashland lodge was performed. This was followed by a solo, "Dixie," sung by Mrs. Palmer of Medford. Glenn Simpson then lead tha flag record, alter which Master Georgo Andrews, Jr., aged 3, of Aledford, delighted the audi ence with u solo. Tho beautiful altar service of the Elks was pre- Show Many Money Saving Chances to Lower the Fancy Stripe Voiles, regular 85c and $l.CO, now Few Pieces White Madras, regular 80c, now Also Cut Prices on Figured Voiles, from 50c to Tremendous Disposal of Knit and Muslin Underwear A Chance to Lay Jin Your Summer Supply at Savings LADIES' I'M ON Sl'ITS Band Top or Itodiro Rund Top, Fine Quality. REGULAR SIZES $1.13 EXTRA SIZES S1.25 LADIES' KMT BLOOMERS COTTON MERCERIZHD $l.." New SilK Prices $3.50 Gcorcette Cn- $2.73 $3.$0 Crfe do Chi no $11.73 $1.50 Portln Hntln. . .$J 83 Pongee.. $1.00 to $1I.3 500 Printed Georg'lee $.0 All Fancy Hport Silk Reduced. sented and the Elks' tribute to the Flag was given by Fred C. Homes and the orchestra render ed a medly of national airs. Mrs. Arloine Andrews Scuttl of Med ford sang the closing number, 1 "Barbara Frltchie." The singers were ull accompanied by Mrs. George Andrews of Medford, and their part on .the program was I highly appreciated by the audi ence. One of the beautiful feature) of the service was n tubleauvx in j which participated H. T. Elmore i and Mrs. H. C. Gilmore as a Rev olutionary Wur officer and a co-, lonial dilnie, Passenger Brakeman Chase as a Civil War officer and) Hubert Bentley us a World War soldier. These were dressed to j represent the part and was a fin ished touch to the service in honor of the flag that had been followed through these scenes of warfaro ami through which it has always v, lived victorious. COI UT HOl'SE 1U LI.VO SLOW KLAMATH FALLS. Residents of Klamath county who heard the arguments in the court house lit igation before Judge Hamilton at Roseburg say a decision cannot be (rxpectud before six weeks. The arguments on both sides were short but the documentary evidence introduced is volumi nous, easily filling a large pack ing case. The transcript of the testimony taken In this city cov ers 500 pages and briefs of 100 or more pages will be filed by either side.. I The case was argued for the plaintiff, C. AI. Doygan, a contrac-! tor, by Harrison Allen of Port- lai'd, 'Evans Reams ' of Medford and C. F. Stone of Klamath Falls. Jaj Howernian of Portland, C. AI. O Noill, Frel Mills and E. L. El-j liott of Klamath Falls presented , the county's case. I II is expected u decision in this! case will end the controversy over I the court house which has been: waged In this county over ten years. ' In announcing the Standard Oil company's new substation in Ash land, Ore., it brings before the people in this community und its vicinity the Importance of another developing enterprise of consid erable magnitude to this country. in connection with the substa tion, there will be ample facilities for satisfactory delivery and dis tribution of Standard Oil com pany's products to ull parts af fected by this installation. Hie prevailing practice of this company in extending courteous und expeditious Bervlce through out its system will be iu vogue here us well. The steady increase in -consumption ot Red Crown gasoline, engine distillate, Zerolene- motor oils, greases, etc., has necessitat ed the construction ot this sub station in Ashland and with these JUNE GIRLS' VXION SUITS 75c QUALITY 58c 50c QUALITY Sl)c Itliick SiilteMi Bloomer, last than the cost of yard of Hutrcn. SI.KS a to 10 nt BO to Tile i 'in rant Jelly l ick over ciirrantsf stem nnd wuah, discarding ull the imperfect fi u It. Place In a preserving ket tle, crushing slightly, funk slow ly until currants are tender. Pour into the Jelly bug and strain. Measure Juice and reheat. When boillngxpolut is reached add heated sugar, three-fourths cup to each cup of juice, when the syrup may bo tested by dropping u spoonful en n cold plate. If tho jelly stage is reached, remove from the fire ut oiicq and pour Into hot jelly Masses. Cool, pour melted par affilie over tho top, cover and store in a cool, dry place, (iriipo Jelly Remove the grapes from the stems, wash und put in a preserv ing kettle over u slow fire and al low to simmer until Ihe fruit is tender; then pour into u bag und drain off ull the Juice. For euch cup of juice allow three-fourths cup of BUgar. neat sugar in the oviii. Bring grape juice to the boiling point, then add heated sugar and let boil until a little of the syrup will Jelly when dropped on a cold plate. Pour Into hot glasses and cool; pour melted pa I' ll f lino, over tho top, cover anil store iu a cool, dry place. Cm rant und lluspbeiTy Jelly I se two-thirds currants to one third raspborries and proceed as for current jelly. Apple Jelly Wipe apples, remove stems und blossoms und cut in (iiiurters. Put In a preserving kettle, cover the fruit with cold water und cook slowly until the fruit Is soft. Pour into a jelly bag and drain. Aleas- rroducts In Ashland, customers will be the recipients of suulity products as well ns excellent ser vice. TWO ESCAPED NEVADA CONVICTS CAPTfHKD CARSON CITY. Nev. Arthur Henderson and Olin Turner, two of the three convicts who escaped from the Nevada state prison ha vi lli on recaptured In the mountain'; 1' 0 miles east of this city. Henderson and Turner were overtaken by the officers, surren dered without attempting any re sistance. Ted Ryan, the third convict, is yet at large although the officers expect bis capture at any lime. Ho Is said to be a des peiata character. PORTLAND - Peninsula Lum ber company expanding to double capacity. CREPE DE CinXE ENVELOPE CHEMISE A half dozen clever slylc AT$4.5. MUSLIN ENVELOPE CHEMISE Hit ar eight itylej AT $1.80 Domestic Jcience Department ; Conducted fo Mrs.BclleDe Graf Pomcsttr Science DreeHw Sprrry Flour Co. me Juice and allow to hull about ! twenty minutes; then odd the lieuted sugar, allowing three : fourths cup to each cup of Juice; ! then boil about five minutes. Skim In-rum and after adding bii I gar. Test and pour Into hot Jelly j(.lu.-ses. Apple Jelly may be used as above for trolls which lack pectin. ' Apple Mint Jelly j Follow apple Jelly formula, ad ding u few leaves of mint to the apples while cooking. ! i j NOTICE i NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that The Pompiftlour Mineral Springs rotnpuny, Is the owner of , a Trade Mark filed for registration with the Secretary or State of Or egon described us a reproduction ! of a metal cork containing a sun burst design within a circle with the word "LITHIA" across said design, together with the word i "ASHLAND" Immediately abovo the design, and the word "WATERS" immediately below said design, and that said Trade .Mark is to be affixed to the bot tles containing the Ashland Lithlu Waters and the packing cases and , printed matter used In connection therewith, and also to nil by products of the Ashland Llthiu Waters together with packing cases and printing matter relating : tbereo. ' THE PO.MPADOnt MINERAL i SPRINGS COMPANY. Ashland. Oregon, June 15th, 1P20. 101-:it GEM DAMASKEEME Razors THE BEST SAFETY. COMPLETE OI TI IT $1.00. Shave and Save. Evil a libidos 7 for "Oc. A full linn ot Rubberset Lather Brushes, Shaving Cream, Pow der and Slicks. ALARM CLOCKS A complete line of New Haven Clock Co.'s Alarm Clocks. Priced l'liim l(l'J..-,ll to I.OO. They Awaken Alill'ons. McNAIR BROS. CoMj Stori 7'Ae Cost of Living 59c 69c $1.35 MUSLIN GOWN'S $1.08 A spi-ciiil lot of six or clht styles. MUSLIN PETTICOATS SHM'iul Value at $1.40 $1.09 $1.08 CUT LENGTHS MERC. DAMASK 8172 $1-10 Ux81 $i.."l VlTi I73 72v8l .I.II8 72IM $2.10 72IHI Sheets $2.10 HliilO HlieeU $2.23