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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1920)
f Wednesday, May II), 1020 ASHLAND WEETTLT TIDINGS PAOE TtmEE 1 ... a tiffltintttntitytnitttiii LOCAL AND PERSONAL'S mmmtimnuutmitmmttmnBmua HATIHDAY'S NEWS Miss Madge Putnam bus conic to Ashlund from San Francisco to pay a vlalt to her purerits, Mr. nnd Mm. F. L. Putrum. She will remain hero aeverul days. The poBtmasler has purchased nn automobile. The new muehlno will he used largely nn an auxil iary to the postofflce work in re laying inull to the city letter car riers collecting from street letter mall boxes and taking care of nu merous emergencies that arise In the course of a week In a post office in a town so full of people as is Ashland these days. 4 Reports from flown the valley that the origin of the heavy smoke that has hung over this section for the part two duys is 1 unknown. So far us can be learned no forest or brush fires are burning. It is thought the smoke probably comes from the hei.vy brush fires near Prospecl where the road crews are burning Blashlngil. The Jackson county dairy school nnd county Jersey breeders associ ation which closed its two days' session In Medford Thursday, en dorsed the millage tax bill for higher education. K. L. Westovei nnd E. R Kltts, O. A. C. experts. were speakers at tho school. t The cause of the delay of train No. 13, which was over three hours lute In arriving in Ashland jestenlay, was the derailment ol a IroigTit car near Heuben north of here, behind which the passen ger train was caught. The Klamath Falls high school baseball team, which was so badly "Hiked" by the local boys on the hon.e grounds yesterday, left this Meriting for (irants Pass where they will meet tho high school teiiin in a game there today. The latter team was beaten in Klani ii 1 1 1 Falls last week, and the game today promises to be u hotly con tested ono. Miss liertha Slit h of Cerber came tip last evening to pay a vis it to her friend, Miss Alberta Held, for u few days. The Sunshine .Society would like all who, while cleaning house this spring, find any cast-off gar ments or articles of household furnishings, for which they have no further use, to notify them, Mid they will call nnd collect the articles. This society looks after those In need in the city, and fre qinutly helps out by supplying clothing or furniture that other wise would be destroyed. Mrs. W. A. Herbert, who lias been a guest of her sister, Mrs. Milliam Mathes of North Main street, for several weeks, left last lilWit fr her home in Taeoma. Troop 2 of the Hoy Scouts gath-i eied this morning at an early hour iit the Presbyterian church! iukI started on a hike fov the; Mountains. King's cabin, six or sevin miles up the canyon, wusi their destination. Mrs. J. ('. Hell of I.os Angeles, who Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. It. Edwards, of Nutley street, is o neuritis patient at Dr. Haw-( ley's mineral hath institution. Mrs.-Clarence Atterbury was culled to Tilluniool: this week by news of tho serious illness of her mother, whohas suffered a par alytic stroke. Mrs. Atterlmry , was accompanied by her small daughters, Clara and Iris. f S Mrs. F. C. Dillard and little daughter Kathleen were Ashland , shoppers yesterday from Talent. Miss Ceorgia M. Carter of Port land is among the new residents of Ashland. She Is occniipying r.partinents over the Citizens bunk. The Oskar Huber company were engaged in making many much nctded repairs on the paved Btreets yesterday. A number of bad holes in the pavement were filled up and rolled by the machinery used in making pavement for the high way, which did the work expedi tiously. 0 Mr. Harrington who is living In Ashland while employed by the Oskar Huber Construction com pany, moved his family this week from the house on Sixth street .where he has been living, to one on Church street. f Prof. I. E. Vining returned home last evening from a business trip to New York. I,. A. Daly, a sawmill man of Eugene, with his wife and two sons, is spending several days In Ashland this week, looking after t his ranch near Ashland, where he formerly lived. Mrs. Benton Bowers Jr., who Us been making an extended visit In San Francisco, has returned home. I Mr. and Mrs. Held of Liberty Street left this week for their rai'ch In Eastern Oregon, where they expect to remain a good share of the summer taking care of the crops thoro. During their absence from Ashland their home will be looked after by Mrs. Miller. Mrs. J. L. Heer and Mrs. Dora Hubbard drove down to Medford Tuesday evening, accompanying Mrs. Stevens that far on her way home to Rogue Klvei. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Smith, with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. uml Mrs. Jesse Drew, drove over from Klamath county yesterduy and will spend a few days here looking alter business interests in Ashland. M. B. Crocker of- Portlund, a former resident of Ashland, is here this week In connection with the selling of his property inter- teiests which he yet holds In this city. The largo DeHavilnnd plane that was seen flying over Ashland Thursday about 12:30, be longed to the !Mh aero squadron, federal fire patrol. The mi dline was piloted by Lieutenant I. J. Williams, with Corporal B. H. Paralto In charge of the wire less. An altitude of about 7000 fuel was maintained, although the I lane rose to 12,000 feet when (rossing the Sisklyous. It was on Its way to Eugene. Very few attended the meeting called by President E. T. Staples of the IllinolB socity Thursday evening In tho Interests of the an nual reunion. Vnless more interest in the project develops the officers ; think it is doubtful if a picnic will ; bo held this summer. j Mrs. C. H. Pierce and Mrs. J. Henry Provost spent Thursday in Medford. Mrs. Stevens of Hogue River; van in Ashland Thursday seeing pbcut the Granite street property, belonging to the family, In which j she expects to move as soon as school Is out. TRIDAY'S JfEWS Mrs. Hulen and son Billy left last evening for Dunsmuir to' visit with their aunt, Mrs. Carpen-j ter. I William Flackus, who has been spending several weeks In Klamath Falls, looking after business in terests in that city, came home this weeK. 4 ! II. M. Gray of Morley, Calif., is: l'i Ashland this week, visiting with ; his daughters, Mrs. Boinnr and Mrs. Cotter. Q C. V. I.oosley came over yes terday from Fort Klamath and v. ili spend a few days in Ashland j ar,d vicinity looking after biisi- fess affairs. ' Mrs. Charles Abbott left last night on train 53 for San Fran-1 Cisco. Sho and her son, Charles I I.cian, of Yreka, who accompanies, hir mother, will brinfc hack an uu-! tomobile on their return. .Mr. and Mrs. A. M. LaCrandej: and daughter Kuthryn of Port-i; land are guests at the home of Mr. ji and Mrs. S. A. Prose. Mrs. La Grande is a sister of Mrs. Prise. John R. Maxedon is the pur chaser this week of the eight acres of alfalfa "land across thej (5RRDEM 01 NEW SHIPMENT of Garden Tools has arrived. Good tools are esential to good results in garden or field. Provost Brothers HARDWARE MAKES THE OLD HAT LOOK LIKE NEW! ELKAY'S Straw Hat DYE Colors straw, leather, wood, etc., easy to apply; quick to dry. Wear-proof, light-proof. Brush comes with every bottle. Sixteen colors. Lighter shades of any color may be obtained by diluting with natural water. 35c THE BOTTLE Ask us about it. McNAIR BROS. nn1" Tho HgkoJUL Stori road from the Butler Walker! farm east of Ashland belonging; to P. A. Van Nice. The deal was made by the Lamkin agency. E. E. Hewitt and wife will move soou into the second story! Hpi.rtment o( Miss Auua Har-i groves' residence on North Plo-' neer avenue. j 8 J. J. Hawks and family have! come to Ashland from North Da-; l:otu and are spending some time! with the former's father, S. A. ; Hawks on Factory street. Mr. I Hawks, Jr., will probably locate permanently here. ! L. Clurtner, who sustained a j paralytic stroke several days ago, hat been taken down to a Medford hospital for treatment. Mrs. S. L. Allen has sold to T. T. Humphrey five acres in bear ing fruit, located In the Rogue Kher Orchard company tract, and owned by Mrs. J. Noble of Kan- I Has. W. W. Dillon, interstate sec retary for the V. M. C. A. of Ore gon and Idaho, is here today for the purpose of holding a confer ence with the interests of the Y. In this section. A meeting will probably be called for tonight. The Klamath "alls baseball term arrived in Ashland last evening to be ready for the game which is being played with the lo eai high school team on the school riTI7FMQi WJ n a Li is dmii rv OFASHLAND; GKT A LINK OX HAYING und bring It into every day practice. Make Tho Citizens Bank of Ashland the depositary of your funds. SAVINGS DEPOSITS v 0 HOTEL MANX Powell St., at C Tamil San Franciscc In the heart of the business, shopping and theatre district. Running distilled ice water in every room. Our commodious 3 lobby,fineservice,and if, nomeiiKe restaurant will attract you, European Plan 302 X Yes 303 No NO "Nearest to X I Cverythinf' I: wrrv H will attract you. IHi u European rian rates f : 2 Muageaett fi!&Ti g W. B. Janet pTy NO INCREASE Ifj AUTO LICENSE FEES NO INCREASE CF GASOLINE TAX Keep those tliren diets in mind. Tin; piv nt auto license fees and gasnlinu tux will pay Ixith tlio irincii:il iw;l interest on all the bondd under this amendment, nnd will yield tin umii: d surplus besides for other state highway work. No additional Invtlimi "f any kind. FEDERAL FUNDS MUST EE MATCHED On-griri must have nuffirirnt Jliidiu.iy Fit' . ! " match Fedrral apportion ments or Un gur. ciimmt get the Ih :ii lit ol 1' ilii ii Inonc fur Oregon Konclt. Iniria.-ing hunt is n neresnty. t'lilrss limit is iiirrraned, eitlier-atule rosds cannot Is- con .pleted iniuiy. n.:iny years, or mu.--t belinishej by direc t proiMTtv tjixutioii. 'ibis iin-:iMirn averts liin ct property tax for state highways and mukrs early completion possible. Let's get the road built now. Incomi Irom Present Sources Sufficient to Pay Principal and Interest. Th tart tbt rrvevurt trim lutn tirti t- tud i:if.!inr 1 -f, wilh'mt nrrrvnt prwit itt, will be ftmt'lM'i t v l"tli i rii-ripiil and 'in llii b-mL. c!.wrly rt rtb by office! fiur In tti Hni.b!.t. mmira Vi vi-ry r(:.t.-r i TiiO-r IO I-r tt Hlit I'aoipblrt Iti vrribrBtkiD. Eiarnin thf ulil. rsru'y H pr-'Vi fhit lio !f.-ltv mx u r-iiir.' ri d th.t nrfD( nM luc tuttWtcrbM tw fid ti 'i ii rl,-fi priiirii l ftmi inlrt i vi-'H turplus bnt ilv. For l:.t.Tt TtliV.'nr Ii t rmi.Uon, wot to OR KOON ROADS AND DEVELOPS K V T ABSOCIATIOV t. L tWWW. PnM frllari ( t (IlftM Ohm laMlaut 1 1. ttt, Cwpt(Q UMiiijuaiWrt, 111 Worratl Buiitiuif. furuand, O'aV'U VOTE 202 X YES-For 4';i SUU Roid lend Limit grounds this aftornoon. This game closes tho series of the year, and hag aroused much Interest., Ashland beat in both games with Grants nss, and the latter was beaten by the Klamath Fulls team laU week, so if Ashland wins to day this team wilT rain the cham pionship. C. C. Darling and wlfo are mov ing today in the property they re cently purchased on North Main street. 5 W. .1. Virgin of Portland Is In Ashland this week attending busi ness matters here und in connec $1.00 Specials! Sugar peas, 7 cans $100 Heuns, 7 cans , 1.0!) Tomatoes, 7 cans . 1.00 Sweet corn, 8 cans 1.00 S. Si y. peas, i cans 1.00 S. & W. corn, 6 cans 1.00 S. & W. shrimp, 5 cans .' 1.00 S. & W. sardines, 5 calls 1.00 S. & W. tomato sauce, 15 cans 1.00 S. & W. hominy, 6 cans 1.00 S. & W. sauerkraut, 6 cans 1.00 f " SOAPS White Bear, 21 bars 1.00 Fairbanks' Jewell, 21 bars 1.00 Sunny Monday, 17 bars 1.00 Crystal White, 15 bars 1.00 Royal White, 5 3 bars 1.00 Lux, 8 bars 1.00 20 M. T. Borax Chips, 3 pkgs 1.00 ' TOILET SOAP Cream Oil, 12 cakes 100 Duck White, 20 cakes 1.00 Sweet Heart, !6 cakes 1.00 Corn Flakes, 10 pkgs 100 Jlolled Oats, 12 lbs. for 100 White Beans, best, 11 lbs. for 1.00 White Beans, seed, 20 lbs. for 1.00 Red Beans, 12 lbs. for 100 Fresh California Walnuts, 3 lbs. for 1.00 Black Figs, for Btewlng, 4 lbs. for 100 Prunes, 7 lbs. for l-ft0 A Tourist's Camp Cup to every customer Saturday, Free. .a. IStULZA STEARNS SELF SERVICE STORE mesaus. ELECTION, MAY 21 Vote 302 X Yes For 4' ; State Road Bond Limit -BALLOT T1TLK I.S AS FOLLOWS; CONSTITUTION A . AMKNDMKNT -Rt-forrwl t tli pooplt by tha .k- Ant int'.y. LIMITATION OF TOtR PER trMT STATE INDCBTCONCSS FOR PEtVA ANCNT ROADS. i'urfi.Mi.: 1 nn,tnl . tiofi 7 l Article X(' f tlmOi-Miin ( ' '"' httUuf Origin m titporinit tin f if.tlM.ii.l ltjH1'l h t !"!'. 4 r 'il l" prvifu-. dphtaaiitt li'ibililiM fir tin: irp nc of li'n''l!i ; f 'I rn uiitnnm pi-rnuitittiit ti.l ti th am'".. I l i nr !xt t-t t ( tlif i'-"'itl vitliwiioii r ll the pntptrly in thf .Statu of (Incoti, tiKtt'.nl of i wiiwr rent mtw proTiiietl ly law. PROPERTY TflX-KO DIRECT tion with the flouring mill at Cen tral Point. Mr. Virgin's father wat: the well known owner of the Ashland flouring mill several years ago. F. F. Whittle has purchased the Esrtges residence on the corner of B and Third street In which he will make his home. This is one of the best built houses in Ashland, having been erected at the time wheu bouses were built "pen honor," and is a roomy and convenient structure. j lie saiei was made through the Ashland Really company. mammmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Ready to Brighten You Up I Conqueror l HATS I and CAPS J Impart that well-dressed J feeling. New Spring styles. JI 1 New Shirts. New Neckwear. ji1 ' New Suits. j ' Spring Underwear. 1 FOR MEX'S WEAR I1Y THE rOSTOI'FICE ii. MITCHELL'S ADS TAX I V ' -.: Jit HPT TT7FI GRAND old "Bull" Durham. He be!ui?:',s in this country's Hall of Fame. Can you thi. of a More familiar figure? For over half a avi'any Dill lias been part of Jhe landscape; the tobacco lie ri::rosoyts has made millions and millions of frioiuls. You can roll fifty-thrifty cigarettes fro;n bar;. It 7& ujnnn OIL 3ua 1 "'BiliihnMiiriiiiiiltir" i "- ----- - You Have Been WMm For -sAMSQn I o- I1IS1 in ii' i ;ii(ir .ii ' i ui IN ' ffM kr Samson Model M Kir3 The Small Tractor Willi 25 More Power jjj Soo the Samson before buying" and we aro- confident it will be your clioit-e Completely equipped S940 I til Two days trial on your tarm I PATT0N AND ROBiSON, INC. 1 Tel. 150 112 7. M jr.-.: V. X .v .t,i . . - T7 T TT7 A GENUINE L 0l TOBACCC Uu: ifeslJaiiSilBri3lt3il3li.., nn ,. 1 1 i.Ja-i.vrt "f mM - So. Riverside Ii :i. . - v- r-r.- mm i "-'1 : . 'v; -; 1 ( Willi'A-. p-apcr you i-in vM tin' best "Uull" Mil i i-i" ii'ottL-s. am J 4M "t f -. few. MedJord, Oregon gj 0m n ,nl'iii nr