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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1920)
ASHLAND WEEKLY TIDINGS PACK TWO Wednesday, Slay 10, j()i0 Aihland Weekly Tidings Established 1S7C Published Every Wednesday by THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. Bm B. Greer. . . .Editor OFFICIAL CITY AVI) COIXTY PAPER. TELEPHONE ! SUBSCRIPTION KATES One Year $2.00 Six Months 1.25 Three Months 75 1 ADVERTISING RATES j Display Advertisements, each! inch 30cl Local Readers, the line 10c Classified Column, the word, each time le Legal Xotices, ejeh lime, (In line 3 l-"c Cards of Thanks . . .$1.00 Obituaries, the line Fraternal orders nnd societies charging regular initiation fees and dues, regular rales. Religious and benevolent societies will bo charged at Hie regular advertising rate for all adver tising when an ndiuirsinn or collection is taken. Entered at tho Ashland, Oregon, rostoflice us second class mail mailer. 1 RIIIAY'S NEWS INTERESTS LOCAL MEN IN STATE V. OF C. PLANS James II. Child, representing the Oregon State Chamber of Commerce, has been In Ashland the past two days, making a gen eral survoy of the local situation and discussing the work of the State Chamber with a number of leading local men. Tho Oregon Mate Chamber, an organization which during the year and a half nf it's existence, has uecomplish d good work for the stale at large, is now undertaking an ex pansion movement which will en able it to play a very important part in the future development of Oiegon. The new expansion is slalo- wldo In its scope and incorporates flinging to the entire stale an understanding of the value and possibilities of a strong slate or galiization devoted to securing development for nil parts of the state; raising funds to ad vance advertising, pointing out Ho opportunilies to be found in on gon and encourago land set tlement; administration to pro mote irrigation; extension of rail Hvds; refund on reclamation fund; extension of highways, with i oin mi. 1 1 iiil and through National Forests; bringing Hie tourist at tractions of the stale before the nut ion at large; ro-oporation with agricultural and lumbering in lerests and numerous other big . injects which are of such broad scope as to be Impossible of achievement by local chambers, but which will be of Incalculable value to Oregon. Local Eveeotlvo Committee, Mr. Childs appeared before the trustees of the Ashland Commer cial Club Tuesday night and has also talked Willi many local citi zens and finds much interest here In the proposed plan of the late chamber. He has received .the nssurunce of the co-operation of all those to whom ho has explain ed the ideas of the proposed ex pansion. L. F. Ferguson will act iir chairman of the Ashland ex ecutive committee which will co operate with other cilies In the slate-wide movement; Associat ed with him on the local rnnimitlce are J. W. McCoy. V. O. X. Smilli, C. H..I.anikin and .1. II. McGoo. The voting membership of the Slate Chamber consists entirely of the local (iminerehil Clubs and Chambers of Coninierce through out (he stale. One vole is given I r aeli 1 no members of a local chamber, up to five votes, which is the limit for one organization Thus Hie Ashland Commercial : Club Willi it's 528 members has us many votes us the Portland Cki.mber of Commerce. The Social Realm SATURDAY'S NEWS I'.MIiil.i) I'aily Mrs. II. J. '.liter is giiing u birthday party this ulternoon ut hei home on Alta avenue in hull- or of her daughter Ilernice, who fiances, it is simply wonderful it 12 years old today.. A group! what II did for mo less Hum a of the little lady's schoolmates v,';'r !"!0- 1 " In very poor a.e among the invited guests und '"V'-. "holrt tb- '."""'""f' headache, heartburn, rheumatic are spending a gloiious afternoon puin ullll bloating, but after us- playing games and eujoying tbeiing thi Dr. Tyrrell Tonlr und 'J hot-pitulity of their hostess. The guest list comprise Dorothy Yeo, Lydia Smith, Elbert Greer, Vir ginia Frost, Evelyn Miller, Dor othy Reed, YerneU Neville, Florence- Wilson, Margaret Le.Mar.tcr ;iiil San-h LeMaslir, Guild 1 Sel- by. Alice Pratt. Genevieve Hens-. lev and Hugh Carter. . Children's Picnic Over 200 children comprised j the picnic party from St. Mary's; Academy of Medfoid, who came'1'1'"'- explain its simple operation u(' Thursday and spent the day in the park. A number of uuto- 11, chiles brought the rln4dren toj the fcienic ground, while a large' (,ut ti uck was aNo pressed Into servke for this purpose. Each Xy. car was in charge of a sister from (he school. The children had a delightful time playing undor the tries, enjoyed a fine dinner spread on the tables in the upper picnic ground. Entertained Newly Weds Mr. and Mrs. Parr entertained a company of their friends at their home on Palm avenue last even, in.; in honor of Mr. aud Mrs. Dar ns! Crimmins, who are recently married. A very pleasant evening was eniov ed bv about 25, with fine refreshments served by the hostess. WEDNESDAY'S NEWS Class Piiny. Tho boys and girls of class nine f R of the Junior High school were entertained by Raymond Rowers at his home on Nolh Main street Saturday evening, and enjoyed a happy lima wjlh games until t late hour. About 15 young poo pie were guests of the host. Cinderella Club Met. Tho last meeting of tho Cinder ella Club was held Monday eve ning at the homo of Mr. aud Mrs George Yates on Eust Main street, where an enjoyable evening was spent playing D00, lifter which I tie hostess served refreshments. This closes the series of playing for tho season, but it Is the In tention of tho club to hold a pic nic in the park at a later date, when tho weather is sufficiently wavm. W. R. C. Club The Women's Relief Corps club met with Mrs. Frank Swinglo at her home on Rush street Monday afternoon. Assisting the hostess as serving committee were Mis. Howard, Mrs. Jillson, Mrs. C. T. Mills and Mrs. Ella White. A pleasant afternoon was spent by a largo attendance. Gave French Play At the French class of tho La dies' Auxiliary club last Monday evening the members of the Study club repealed their French play which they had prepared and given at a recent meeting. The cast was composed of Mrs. F. D. Wagner, Mrs. II. C. Oaley, Mrs. W. II. Move nt and Mis. J. Henry Provost, and the play was greatly appreci ated by the Auxiliary members. Mrs. flrahnm also played several piano selections and Mrs. Pro vost sang. Fine refreshments were served. Sunday Wcilillng Merritt Randies and Nellie M. Perry were quietly married in Jal.sonville, Sunday afternoon, May t, 1920, at the Presbyterian manse by Rev. Cammuns. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Lulu Van Wegen of Ashland and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bundles of Belleview. Af ter the ceremony tho bride re turned to her school in the Dar danelles district near Gold Hill, ami the groom lo his work in the Automotive shop in this city. THURSDAY'S NEWS K. S. (iocs A-Visitlng Members of Alpha Chapter, O. K - S- visited the Medford chap- teh last night. They conducted tho work of initiation of candi dates at tho meeting, ufler which the Medford chapter entertained their guests with an Informal re ception. Nearly all Iho chapter from Ashland attended. Ciimmiinily Meeting Iho last Upper Valley commu nity meeting for the school year will bo held at Ilellevlew school Friday evening, May H. A fine program has been arranged by tho committee in charge, pre- sent lug some new feature. Espc- dully is everyone urged to come out und hear Mr. Ager discuss the ((Ideational Hills up before the People of Oregon ut the primaries of May 21. These questions nro most vital not only lo the life of oi'r elementary schools, but also to Wonderful Results from Internal Baths Mrs. Geo. Matthew. Carlhage. S. I)., writes Tyrrell's Hygienic Institute of New York, us follows: "With reference to your 'J. I!. L. Cascade' will say I wouldn't nart with mine under nnv flrfiitM- II. L." Cascade' for a lew weeks I faithfully, those Ills have left me und I fd like a new person. The "J. II. L. Cascade" cleanses the lower intestine Its entire length and keeps il ulways free of poisonous waste. Thousands testify that Cuiisti pntion. ludigestlou. Stobuch Troubles. Biliousness. Headache ud all Hie many serious troubles which they cause are absolutely : I relieved and prcveiired by this Na turn Trent men! l-oley . Drug Store will be glad to nbow you the "J. B. L. Cas- ana mill give you. tree on request. Iiitercniiiij. lilile bonk by Dr. Cha. A. Tyriell of New Yoik. a tinted specialist on Internal liai ti "'R ior a years 111 mat l ity. t lip this out as a reminder to ask for the booklet at your first oppurluui- that of higher education. Be sure and come out.. The privilege of donating to the home demonstration agent fund will also be given for which a col lestion will be taken during tua evening. lOfl COUNTY COMMISSIONER Ashland Is one of the largest and most important communities o"t Jackson county. In tho past sometimes, on account of lack of lepieseiitation on the county comt citizens have felt that Ashland has been discriminated against In development and activity. Mr. Ceorge Owen, who has proven a wise and conservative commis sioner, has determined to not he u randidate to succeed himself end A. A. Kinney has been induced to stand as Ashland's representa tive before the republican prima ries for tho nomination for coun ty commissioner. There are three candidates in the field for Commis sioner, both the others being from the west end of tho county upd there is but one to elect. Mr. Kinney is a Btibstanllul citizen who knows well the needs of the coun ty nnd Is broud enough to consider the interests of all sections. He has lived in Ashland for many years and is thoroughly identified with her interests. Aside from his ability and popularity, which are great, he should have a solid Ash land vote at the primaries on May 2', and If for no other reason than the purely community aspect every Ashland citizen should fail not to go to the polls and vote for Mr. Kinney. It will take the solid vote of Ashland nnd the east end of the county to nominate him. VOTED TO RAISE MISSIONARY PAY At lis meeting in Med.ord, re cently, to determine home mission policies nnd to appropriate home mission funds to the various churches of the district, the Southern Oregon Presbytery decid ed to raise the salary of every homo missionary from $1200, which they have been receiving, to $1500, In a'ddition to provid ing a manse for each. The Presbytery maintains home missionaries at Merrill, in Klani nlh county; Jacksonville, Central Point, Phoenix, Rogue River and Glondale. Granls Puss to have new thea tor building. ' PEIL'S CORNER BY iTIIB PARK Iceloss Coolerno Ice needed will pay for itself In one Bum mer. Order your mower and re pairs early. Spray and garden hose. New and second hand sewing machines for sale or rent. E.MIL PEIL There's a Timo for Everything BIGHT NOW IT IS PAINT TIME Tho cool clear month of April Is the Ideal time in which to have your house painted. Later on, when the mercury climbs nnd the sun gets hot as blazes, you'll bo sorry you "put it off." Pay a call NOW at Taint Head quarters nnd talk over your plans and problems with us. We are in a position to help you choose good, economical paint the kind of paint that is a reul Investment. Dickerson THE PAINT MAN Political Announcements Political Announcements. .$15 00 Political Display Adv. the in. '.Sb Cash must accompany order on nil political advert lslnK. L'pon the solicitation of friends 1 hare consented to become a can didate for County Commission er, subject to May primaries. I am a good roads enthusiast and think business methods can prevail in county affairs. VICTOR BUHSELL. Adv. R. p. I). 2, Medford County Treasurer I horeby announce mynelf as a candidate on the, republican ticket for the nomination for the office of County Treasurer, . promising to administer the duties of the office on an effi cient business basis. i-Adv. A. C. WALKER. For County Treasurer hereby announce myself as can- didate for nomination for Conn try Treasurer on the Republican ticket. I am an experienced business man. Adv. W.'D. WELCH. For DM Met Attorney Believing that my tuccessful man agement of the office of District Attorney has shown me thor oughly qualified, and that 1 can serve the people of Juckson County In that capacity bet, I Ills announce my candidacy for re nomlnation on the Republican tickot at the May primnrles. G.M. ROBERTS. hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of Dis trict Attorney, on Republican ticket, subject to the wish of the Toters at coming primary elec tion. I believe that the ltiw9 should be honestly and fairly enforced, and it nominated and elected will see. that they are so euforced. H. A. CANADAY. hereby announce my candidacy for nomination on the republi-' can ticket for the office of Dis-1 trict Attorney. 1 t elected I ' pledge myself to an impartial enforcement of (he law. F. P. FARRELL. County Commissioner I announce my candidacy for the oflice of county copimlssioner on the Republican ticket, sub ject to the will of tho voters at the primaries, May 21, 1920. If elected I promise un economi cal, fair and impartial admin - istration of the duties of the office. I have always been for good roads. (Adv.) COURT HALL. For Sheriff I hereby announce myself a Re- ttJEMXZZi USTATE CITY PROPER I V 113. Five room house, verv rn .- fortuble, good barn, chicken houso, wood house, nil kinds fruits nnd berries, largo gar den, level ground, close to paved street, convenient to high school; price $1700. 114. Five room house, garage and woodshed; lot 45x125, paved street, family fruit; price $1200. 115. Eight room house, bath, etc,, splendid condition and at tractive lot 60x142; street pav ing nnd sidewalk paid for; splendid location, close in; price 1900. , : 116. Five room modern bunga-i low, on Boulevard; lot 50x200, south front, very desirable, and exceedingly cheap; price $2500.' 117. Five room bungalow, mod- em apartments, sightly loca tion, west part of town; 75 ft. south front; prico $1500. 118. Five room cottage, adja cent to No. 117, 50 ft. front; $1200. 119. Four room bungalow, pic-; luresque location, overlooking the park; modern apartments lot 50x98; beautiful shade, trees; price $S0O. 120. Two good houses, five ami six rooms, close in, east part of , town; 1 acre of level ground: $3700. 121. Five room house, modern conveniences, two lots, level and close to pavement; price $1300. 122. Small house, bath, elc; level lot, on paved street; price $850. 123. Handsome' seven room house, sleeping porch, baths.' and other modern conveniences, extremely sightly location, on i paved street, central part of: City; popular us rooming j house; very large lot; price $7000. 124. Five room bouse, all mod ern, sightly location, centrally located; price $:Ono. 125. Eight room house, modern appointments, centrally locat ed; $2200. 12G. Five room house, conven ient appointments, good size lot . with ample family fruit, nicely located on paved street; price $1100. 127. Six foom houso, bath and other conveniences, nicely locat ed; south of Boulevard, half acre of ground, variety of fruit, chicken house, etc.; price $H!i0o. 128. Extremely handsome, roomy bungalow, entirely modern, with every built-in feature, fireplace,! hardwood floors, large lot. sightly location, splendid gar age, chicken house, etc.; price $6000. RANCHES AND ORCHARD HOMES No. 30,1. Twelve acres, most all in pears, apples and cherries, in full profitable bearing, slight ly nnd frost protected location, edge of Ashland, extremely good soil, abundance of water well distributed; several tons of clover hay, rich garden spot, and small grain field. Large magnificent house, seven large rooms, largo screened sleeping porch, up stairs, and largo ver anda down stairs, a most beau tiful scenic outlook, balh and other modern conveniences; large basement for fruit packing and storage, good barn fences. Ono of the hand-No. somest and most profitable or chard homes In Southern Ore gon. A $12,000 value for $8500. No. 301. Eight acres, on paved highway, two miles from Ash hind, tipples, pears, peaches und berries; splendid soil, gentle slope to north, handsome five room bungalow, richly linsilied, ! good packing and storage house, garage, chicken house, 1 etc.: splendid water; price $3200. No. 305 Five acres, eastern out- i skirts of city of Ashland, two I ucres of first class alfalfa, bill-1 unco fruit and garden; five- room house, barn and chicken , houses. Will trade for house' and lot, cluse in, or sell fori $4750. No. 306 Eleven acres of brush No. 618 Income city properly, j seem best to the said Common land, two miles east of Ashland, I LewlstonT Idaho, valued at Council hereafter: to be of the de one acre cleared and in hi arlng $4000; will exchange for South-1 nomination of $500.00 each and apples and pears, pretty locution j ern Oregon small acreage home numbered from One (1) to Elev sloping east; price $1000. j to value of $6000 or $7000 and en (11) inclusive, and by the No. 307 Ten acres, ubout two pay difrerence. ' terms thereof to mature in Ten miles east of Ashland. four'No. 619 320 acres, Shadow cotin- (10) years from said date or the acres old alfalfa, two acres new I t Montana: 100 acres under, date thereof, and be payable in alfalfa, balance in grain, a few ; fruit trees, no buildiims, nil good level land; price $1S00. j No. 308 Two acres 'on Boulevard east suburbs of Ashland, varie ty of fruit, spleudid small cow! pasture, and good truck gar- den. attractive five-room house with modern appointment. lm - inedinto possesaiun; price $1500., No. 309 Twenty acres, unim- proven tract, at bead of .M01111- No. 621 Large and well lin-jannual coupon period at or afterlctire the same on Record in Vol lain Ave., splendid soil, si-htlyl' proved and very productive Five Years from date of Such ,.16 on pages 367 nnd 3ti8 of the location, gentle slope, ideal tract; for subdivision; price will he made to interested parties. I ' OlArLES REALTY COMPANY lof tt . 1 t. tiij ... , iiOtei AUStia Blag., PnOne 26, ASnlana, Ore., by publican candidate for Sheriff of Jackson County, at the May primaries. Several years' ex perience in this line of work, Including lust six months of 1919 In the tax collection de partment, thoroughly qualifies me to administer the duties of the office in an efficient man ner. JOHN B. WIMER. I hereDy announce my candidacy for re-nomination for the office of Sheriff on the Republican ticket, subject to the May prim- marlos. I feel that my record as a public official during the first term entitles mo to re nomination and re-election. C E. TERRILL. For Assessor hereby announce my candidacy for the nomination for the of fice of County Assessor of Jack son County, subject to the wish es of the voters of the Repub lican parly at the primary elec. tion of May 21st. J. B. COLEMAN. School Superintendent 1 1 hereby announce myself a candl- date for nomination for County School Superintendent on the Republican tickot. O. W. GODWARD. Connty School Superintendent I hereby announce myself as can- No. 310 Nine acres, northeast part of Ashland, six acres of good orchard, pears, apples, Borne peaches, and variety of berries, richest kind of soil; al most level, nbundnnco of water well distributed; splendid eight room house, well finished in side, modern conveniences, good barn and garage, splendid gar den and small pasture; price $10,000. No. 311 One acre alfalfa and fruit, northeast part of Ash land, level land, rich black soil, amply watered, about a half acre alfalfa, variety of fruit, four room house, woodshed and barn; price $1700, No. 312 Three acres, alfalfa and C1.U0 , any or o( the fjrst fiVG variety of fruit, northern partyenrs of any bonds which saiddis of Ashland, free water right, , t! ict mnv hnv lipninfnra or mv rich lovel soil, four room house, j nantry. and. balh room: price I $5000. No, 314 Fourteen and one-half acres, on Boulevard, just east oi snmiiu, lour ucien vurieiy of fruit, balance nlfallu, gruin ' aim pasture six-room House, The pollf, sha bfl openpd at g houso supplied with water from o'clock on the morning of the elec spring; electric lights nnd tele-itjon U11(I be ke)t , lmU, fiv(, phone, good barn and chicken ; o clock the ufternoon, when the nouse; ueuuiiiui muurono suuoe ; trees; price ior a snort umej in ii ii. ! .so. in-iwo nunured sixiecn ; acres, two nines easi oi asii-j land, an miner lence, it, acres , in spioiidiu uiiana. luu acres in j specified the following polling grain, balance pasture land; , pace ln Baid District for said elec never falling stream running tion: Tn the RaraK on the r(incll through the land: good dwelling owned bv O. E. Hilslnger. O. A. and outbuildings: the level land Manning and C. M. Thomas, known and improvements is worth tliejaf( ,), Taient Orchard Company, price; $10,000. ami Ben? situated about - one- No. 316 1 53 ucres, on bank of; fourth mile west of the cannery Rogue river, five miles from ut Talent, Oregon, nnd about one Grants Pass, ubout 90 acres ritrtli mile west of the northwest under irrigation product, 50, corner of the town nl Talent .luck acres rich river bottom silt, 20 acres apple orchard, bringing in good money; fair house, good barn. Altogether a very line ranch and a snay at $1 1,- 000. No. 31010 acHes, 9-year-old pear and apple orchard, six miles north of Medfonl, all fenced; small house, well and barn; will he sold very cheap. PROPERTIES FOR EXCHANGE No. 011281 acres, Arcliuletta county Colorado, two and one half miles from railroad station D. & R. G 25 acres plowed and ready for grain, creek runs through place, three big springs, 100 acres of land tillable, bal ance is pasture and liuiberlnnd, small houso on place; assessed value $1700, taxes $11; will trade for Ashland property, value $3000. No. 612 215 acres, two nnd one- halt miles from Dorris, Calif 130 acres In cultivation, bal- unco iimuei- i iHisiure, miod house and barn; will trado for Asninnii properij. No. 614 320 acres, Sustntoom, Canada, all in cultivation 200 acres now in nnoai, naiaiicu summer fallow; good houso. Darn una wens; price i-iuuu, Willi, III1U 91I.UIV WIlllUlll crops. Rental rfturns on Ibis property has been netting bet tor than $2500 per year; will trade for gcod ranch of equal or greater value. In Southern Oregon, and pay Hi,- :".7ference, if any. "I 615 164 acres of li iber and agriculture land, Josephine county, nenr Selma; living! stream running through the land, good portion of the land is good agricultural land, cab in and barn on place: will ex change for Ashland property. No. 616 Modern 7-room house. lot 100x100, near Columbia Park, Portland, three blocks rrom uenson iracn; value $3750; will trade for well Im- proved suburb nnd acreage and "pay difference. No. 617 20 acre Irrigated tract. near Weiser, Idaho, all in cnl-iWith bituliihic pavement 24 feet tivation, no buildings except In width, issue IMPROVE Bilo; perfect water right, first j WENT BONDS of said city to the chiRS land and produces any-i amount of FIFTY-FIVE H UN thing; will trade for Southern DUED DOLLARS ($5500.00) or so Oregon acreage. Clear of in-1 much thereof as may be required: cumbrance; price $4500. ! tho said bonds to be dated ns mav cultivation, fair bulldiugi, good i gold coin of the United States and well water, 200 arrs ready to bear Interest at the rate of not to break: fenced nnd cross-fenced ; j exceed Six () per cent per an very bent kind of grain land;; num. interest payable semi-an-valn $3500; will exchange for.nually. said interept to be evi Btnall acreage in Southern Ore-i denced by coupons attached to unn 'said bonds; provided, the right No. 620 Some splendid income ' nrnnertv in Butte. Montana: to exchange for ranch property In s,,iw. n,.Aii : Rran and cotton ranch irj Texas to exchange for property. Jn Southern Oregon. dldnte for County School Su- perintendent on the republican iicKet at the primary election, May 21at. I am for education, and for giving the rur:.l schools the very best advantages pos sible, for employing as far as possible the teachers from our own state schools, and for pay ing adequate salaries. I favor mdre Normal schools for Ore gon. A. J. HANBY. County Superintendent I herewith announce myself as a candidate seeking nomination by the Republican party for the office of county scbftol superin tendent. SUSANNE W. HOMES. Classified USED CARS. SEE McCurdy-Bowne Motor Co., corner Muin street and Pacific Highway, in Medford, for over hauled, used cars. 9(i-tf NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING. Ill the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon. Estute of Henderson Hush, de ceased : The undersigned Executrix of said Estate has filed In said court her Final Account as Executrix. and the judge of said court hus designated Saturday, June 12, 1920, at 10 o'clock a. m, at the Court House In .Iiickflnnvillo until county, as the time and place to hear any objections to the ap proval of Bald account. LOTTIE E. HASH, 96-5-Wed Executrix. SPECIAL ELECTION NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That a special election will be held on Tuesday, the 29th day of June, 1920, at the hereinafter specified polling place in the Tal ent Irrigation District, Jackson County, Oregon, to determine whether such district shall enter ; said county, us the time und place Oregon, for tho County of .lack Inin im nirieumont with n, c.... for hearlnir ohiectlons to and the'"01', lhly made and entered on Hi" of Oregon, for the payment by the, ' ti le of Oregon of interest to nr. - hereafter Issue, and particularly i .1,0 ...1.1 .i:..... 1 1 Ifnfnra feemi in ihn f fir.n ,000.00, under and pursuant to the! , nroviHloiiB of Artfcln xt-h nf tim Constitution 0f the State of Ore gon. Han)e ,n 1)Ht )p olosfl At mch election, the ballots shull contain the -words "Agree mPnt. . . .Yes" and "Agreement ( ( . .-q " The Bourd of Directors have son County, Oregon. The said election must be held and the result thereof determined and declared In all respects in nc cordance with the method of elec- tion prescribed for general pur poses of irrgation districts. Given by Order of the Board of Directors of TALENT IRRIGA TION DISTRICT, this the 4th day of Mav, 1920. W. J. HARTZELL, President. CARL GLASGOW, O. A. MANNING, Directors. Attest: R. 97-5IW. E. ROBISOX, Secretary. NOTICE TO CREDITORS i Notice is hereby given Hint the undersigned has been appointed administrator of the estate of El len I Wells, deceased, by the f'nmitv Pnnt-t nf .luekann r'nnnlv 0rcg()lliJin(I ,la3 qllaiifie(. Ali prrsons having claims against said pstnt(, re m),fie( t0 pvPa(.nt Bame at my omce in Ashland, Or- ncn, with proper vouchers and (IuIj. verified, within six months :.,,, the tirst pllt)iicaUon llerPofi wh,cn j April 28. 1 920. w j mqoRE 94.5 Wed. Administrator. NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION TAKE NOTICE Thnt a special election of the legal voters of the City of Ashland, Juckson county, State of Oiegon, will be held on FRIDAY, MAY 21st, 1920, at which time the fol lowing question will be voted upon by the qualified electing of said City of Ashland, to-wit: SHALL the Common Council of the City of Ashland, Jackson coun ty. State of Oiegon, in order to provide funds with which to de tray the said city's proportionate part of the expense of paving the north end of MILL STREET In said city, from the bridge at the cnu or tue present pavement southerly on said MILL STREET approximately 1,200 feet (or to the vicinity of the present Mineral Water Fountains in the City Park) to take up and cancel such bonds upon payment of the face value thereof, with Interest accrued to dato of payment at any semi- bonds, shall be vested in the City of Ashland, provided, further, that said bonds shall be payable at the office of the City Treasurer the riljr of A"hland" an(I irnrlty therefor a part of Block SHALL the said City of Ashland ; Two in Ralloway's addition to th' its Common Council, borrow J CHr of Medford, and also a part money on such bonds by calling or disposing of the same upon duo advertisement for the highest price obtainable, the proceeds thereof to be applied in the payment of tho said city's proportionate share of the cost of making the improvement and paying as atore B&id? Polls will be open from eight o'clock in the forenoon until eight o'clock in the afteruoen, nnd the voting places in the two wards of the said city will be as follows: 1st Ward, City Hall. 2nd Ward, 4tb St. Fire Station Bldg. The said Special Election is called by virtue of a Resolution of tho Common Council of said city passed and adopted on May 8th, 1920. GERTRUDE BIEDE, City Recorder. C. B. LAMKIN, Mayor. 217-fhuis. Mon. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the Slate of Oregon for Jackson County. In the Matter of the Estuto of Sa die J. Irwin, Deceased. Notice is hereby given by the!"' 'he estate of Chauiicey 1). undersigned, to all persons liav- i Ktodda rl, deceased, has filed In ing claims against the estate of 'lin office of the Clerk of Court Sadie J. Irwin, deceased, to pre- ' Jackson county, Oregon, his sent them with proper vouchers! Final Account as such ndminis withln six months from date of i 'tutor, and tho Honorable O. A. first publication hereof,- to Clara! Gardner, county Judge of Jackson Augusta Engle at No. 100, North county, Oregon, has designated Main street, Ashland, Oregon. June 12th, 1920, at 10 o'clock Date of first publication, April: 21, 1920. CLARA AUGUSTA ENGLE, Executrix 93-6 Wed. j lo such an account is required to NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT present such objection on or bo Notice is hereby piven,, that the 1 fore the time set for such h ear undersigned has filed Hie final ' ing. ,1. E. . THORNTON, account of her administration of Administrator, the estate of Humphrey E. Stone, ! 95-4 Wed. deceased, in the county court of 1 Juckson county, Oregon, and that! ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE the judge of said court has des- ignated Saturday, May 29, 1920,' 'TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, at the hour of 11 o'clock a. 111., nt;Tllut in I'uisuuiicp of an order of the courthoufi in Jacksonville, i thi 'unty Court of the State of settlement of said account. MISSOURI E. GIBSON (nee Stone) Administratrix. 193-5 Wed. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE virtue of an execution lulsulo for cash ill bund, subject to F0rec'0SU1'e and Order of Sale (,uly 'sue'' out o( "'' under thel seal of the Circuit Court for the Slate of Oregon, for Jackson County, duted April 24, 1920, in I a certain suit -therein, wherein Otis O. Helinan, as Plaintiff, re-'Hon of law or otherwise acquired covered judgment against Desl- ether than or in addition to that deiia Weren as Defendant, for the of the said II. S. Evans, at Hie sum of One Thousand Nine Hun- time of his death in and lo the fol-. dred Twenty and 00-100 ($1,920.-, lowing tracts of real proper! v, 00) together with M60.00 attor- to-wit: ney fees and $42.40 costs nnd dis-i Commencing al an Iron pin, onq bursements which Judgment was" inch by one inch bv twenlv Inches enrolled and dockeled In said long driven in the mound nt I lie Court April 17th, 1920. esl corner of Block "I-" in Rail- Notice Is hereby given that, road Addition lo the Citv of Ash pursuant to the terms nf said ex-Hand, Jackson coiinlv. Oregon ut f ution, I will on May 29th, 1020. n e ti oit 1i line of Muin street, at 10 o'clock a. m. at the fionl , 4:!r,.2(l fee! north and 5.1.60 feet door of the couri house In the City1' ist of the southwest corner of oi jucKBonvnie. jucksoii county, i Oregon, oner lor sale and sen public auction for cash lo highest bidder, to satisfy judgment, with the costs of till sale BlibJeet to redemption as pro vided by luw, nil the right, title and interest Hint tho defeiiihnil Iicsidcrlu Weren and estate ol Flic Weren, deceased, and the heirs of Eric Weren jointly or in dividually, had on June 23rd. 1913, or have since acquired now nuve in ami 10 ine iiiiiowuie i r,. , p..p ()f 1P),iMnill(, fnn. described properly, situated infilling i o. 1 r, 0 square feet 'nmro Jackson County, State of Oregon. ; nr ,s .,, exceing and reserv- : ., , ,, ,., ., .1'" Ibcrefroiii that part thereof 1 ho Smith halt of the southwest,., nv,,V(1, ,0 ,. ,. ni.ipp(, ty runrter or the norlhwest diiartei ! 1.,f(,n,,, , V() ,K U(,(.()nI ()t cf section 5 In township 39 sou! M : Deeds for Jack-on Coiinlv Ore of range one east of Hie W. M. in : ,, t ,,.IRP ,ls tlnr(,f A'll aN Juckson county Oregon, contain-1 M,,j,.,.t t ., ,.,iSement for a ing 20 acres of land, more or less, j drivewav created bv that certain Hi'.ujtnii iu uiei nun uii.ii i in in passing through said tract. Dnted nt Jacksonville, Oregon. April 21th, 1920. C. E. TERRILL. Sheriff of Jackson County. Oregon. By FLORA THOMPSON', 94-5 Wed. Ilepntv KIMMOXS IV THE CIRCI'IT COI RT I OH THE STATE OF OREGON, IN AND FOK THE COl'NTY OI' .IACKHOX IU'TLER & THOMPSON CO., A CORPORATION, PLAINTIFF, vs. W. N. CAMPBELL AND HATTIE CAMPBELL, HI'SBANI) AND WIFE, CITY OF MEDFORD, A MI'NIOIPAL-CORPORATION: 1 JACKSON COl'NTY, OREGON a -POLITICAL SI'BDIVISIOX OF THE STATE OF OREGON, MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK A BANKING ASSOCIATION JACKSON COl'NTY BANK A BANKING CORPORATION: CARRIE A. COZZENS. THOM AS . MORROW, WILLI A J' MYER AND ANNIE L. O. MY ER, HI'SBAXD AXD WIFE DEFENDANTS. PIT IN EQl'ITY TO FORECLOSE MORTGAGE ON REAL PROP ERTY. ALIAS Sl'M.MONH. To Carrie A. Cozzens, one of the above named defendants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, You are hereby summoned and required to appeal and answer the Complaint of the said plaintiff, in the above entitled court and cause, which Complain! is on file in the office of the Clerk of Court at Jacksonville, Jackson county, Oregon, and a certified copy of which Complaint is here with served upon you, within si weeks from the date of the first publication of this Summons, and if you fail to so appear and plear" in said cause the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief de mnnded in the said Complaint, to wit: That the plaintiff have Judg ment against the defendants, W. N. Campbell and Hattie Campbell for $1500.00 and Interest at 8 per rent per annum thereon from Oc tober 1st. 1918, for, $213.45 with s per ceni interest thereon from February 28th, 1920, for $150.00 attorney fees and the costs, and disbursements of this suit. That the mortgage given to se- Mortgage Records ot Jacksor county, Oregon, dated October 1st 1914, and executed by the sniclninv defendants, and conveying as se-j of Government Lot Six in Section 32, in Township 36 south of Range 2 west of W. M. in Jackson county, Oregon, be foreclosed, and that you and nil the oilier defend ants be barred from any claim therein or thereto save and except the right of redemption. By order of the Hon. F. M. Calk ins, judge nf said court, which or der was made and dated on Iho 22nd day of April, 1920, you are required lo appear and answer In said cause within six weeks from the date of the first publica tion of this Summons, which dato Is April 28th, 1920, nnd your time for Answer will expire Juno 9th, 1920. Tho publication being mado In accordance with the said Order in tho Ashland Tidings, u weekly newspaper printed and published at Ashland, Jackson county, Oregon. BRIGGS AND IIIUGGS. Attorneys for Plaintiff, Ashland, Oregon. 94-6 Wed. -NOTICE Oh' HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given thai .1. E. Thortitnn, the administrator a. in., at the court house In Jack- sonvllle, Jackson county, Oregon, as the timo und place for hearing thereon. Any person having an objection l'th day "of February. 1 in the mutter of the sale of real property belonging to the estate of H. S. Evans, deceased, W. J. Moore, administrator of said es tate, will on and after the 24! Il (lay of June, 190, sell at private confirmation by said court, all the right, title, Interest and estate that the said II. S. Evaun at the time of his death, and all right, title, interest and estate, thut the said estate has bv niiera- ouni.v.i.ition Land Claim No. 12, In T"C ell lit )T -wnhip 3!l sotilh or range 1 cast "' V MP lo the, of Willamette meridian. Jackson ' .'.) "W i' said Coimty, Oregon. Thence north .15 tv,f'jV .,i ition Land Chiini No. decrees 2.1 minutes lee! ; thence north 5 I minutes west llience south 35 ili- cast 177.10 ile'.-rees aud ".7.R.". feet, ees and 2'!'lltes West 171.10 feet to Hie north line of Main street; thence m li 5 5 degrees and 18 minutes east I (.15 feet, and thence 51 de-(.rr-es and 4.r minulou n-.ui A' fin reement made bv A I. Aiki.iw to F. G. Swedenhiirg, 11. (1. En- PWA (lers and B. P. 0. E. Lodge No. '.;.' 9 It. of Ashland, Oregon, which P'M inent extends across the rear ' in! of said lot. Also, commencing at a point at Hie northeast corner of lot 11. nf the llargadine Tract in the Tity of Ashland, Oregon; thence soulii 293.70 feet to the southeast cor nel of said Lot 11; thence west 152.30 feet along the south liin of said lot; thence northeaslerlv 108. i0 feet parallel with West VjK't, Fork i-treet; thence northwesterly 10C feet to the eas! line nf said 'i-'fy&f West Fork street and al rlghl an- gles therewith; thence noil heist- fH;'' erly along Hie east line of West jk? Fork fctroet 207.70 feet to the M iluc of beginning, Also, commencing at a point 10 feet southwesterly along tho fff'H east line nf Hartmdine Avenue tiggi, 'rem the northwest corner nf Lot -V ; f it i...... m - ... .. -ihey, i in me. i in i imi ir,t' i raci in mo ef-'S -ity oi Asiiiuml, Oregon: llience. 14 feet southeasterly to the west line of West Fork street nnd at JfTi,'." I'iel.l Itlirrlnu lh,-nln. Ilmnnn .win it n eniei iy hit lei'i; UICHCO J;. iiiiriiiwesieriy as ieet to tne east llm of f llargadine Avenue; thence f.siah easterly 5.1 feet along the noi theasterly vist side lino of llargadine Ave nue to the plnce of beginning. Also, commencing at the inter--ection of the north sideline of Park street with the easterly side line of West Fork street as per llm r-oenrrliii! tlt f I r. ....... .1 ! .... ...u ........... ,,.,.1 , i mi k.miimi; .'l-it Tract ill the City of Ashland. Ore- t?,ft3 thence north 45 degrees east (long the easterly side line of West Fork street 207.70 feet; llience southeasterly and at right ingles with said West Fork street 100 feet, thence south 43 degrees west parellel with Baid West Fork sheet 107.20 feet to the north fide lone of Park street; thence west along the said north line of Park street 141.40 feet, more or less to the place of beginning, be ing a part of Lot 11, of said Har dline Tract. Also, commencing at a nnlnt 281.60 feet south 45 decrees wesf along the west side line of West. Fcik street from the northeast corner of Lot 13 of the Hargadino Trrct in the City of Ashland. Ore- t,on; thence north 45 degrees west 93.80 feet to the east line of liar gadine Avenue; thence north 4'i degrees east 45.60 feet along said line of Avcniw; thence south 45 degrees east 89 feet to the west side line of West Fork street; thence south 45 ditrees west , ' in r . . I....... e-Fi iu i ne piace o hegin- Pate,! aI,, fir!(t ....Kir.,,,,,, .,. 1 2th (lay of May. 1 H20. W. J. MOORE Wky-96-4t Administrator. 1' .' tV' 1 j, ' r.'M 11 mm i tl il mm to- i mi) mm It' ' iv-'.i!