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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1920)
Drtfort Historical flC)Hy, Auilltorlum ASHLAND WEEKLY TIDINGS VOL. XLIII ASHLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 1920 NO. 97 1 ELECT ON ID The ballots In the final election 1 til her be mailed with a two cent for the board of trustees of thoBtamp or brought to the Commer Ashland Commercial Club were eial Club where a ballot box has mailed out last night. A ballot teen placed. wue mailed to every member anil j Much Interest tlio list double checked to make Much Interest is being evl- turo that none wus overlooked, j dtnced in the outcome of the elec- Any member who fulls to receive Ulon and the contest promises to MAIL SERVICE TO KLAMATH FALLS STARTS Chas. B. Howard's Ashland Klamath Falls stage line on Sat urday began carrying the U. S. mall for the summer season. It consists of all first class mail and daily newspapers. Other classes go by train via Weed. The sched ule leaves both Ashland and Klam ath Falls at 8 a. m. and arrives at both places at 2 p. m. Immedl- SECRETARY OF K. T. STAPLES TO HEAD COMMITTEE OX HOLIDAY 'LAX 11 111 CLUB QUITS The board of trustees of the Ashland Commercial Club met last night and cleaned the slate of the matters which are of such im- I T ASHLAND ASHLAND IS IN MAY fil E SOUTHERN' OREGON- MEN' GET HONORS III the recent elections at the University of Oregon several Asbland and Southern Oregon i candidates were represented. In J the contest tor president, the office! was hotly contested by Carlton Savage of Wacondi and Donald association of Spokane has Issued Newberry of Medford, the former J a Motorists' Service Cuide, giving winning by 37 votes on the final ; general information of interest count. The two ran neck and nnU value to motor tourists trav- ncck during the seven hours re-;eling along the great national parks highway. This pamphlet The National Parks Highway a ballot by Wednesday afternoon be a close one. tdiould notify the Commercial Club Nominees ' i at Ashland. The service is of rious phases of the expansion got by telephone or card so that an-1 The following are the nominees huge Importance to Klamath under way, The Pacific Northwestern auto- Lynn D. Mowat, secretary of the mediate importance as to preclude; mobile . caravan coming over the Ashland Commercial Club, will postponing action on mem until j pacific highway from Portland to resign the secretaryship at the the new membership holds its first: Stockton. Calif., and which starts completion of the present reor- Meeting next week and the new frcm Portland today, will not stop ately upon the arrival of the mail! eanization which has been pro- &ra or directors is elected. ln Ashland for breakfast as was at Klamath Falls that office hasjceeding so successfully under nis ,nnluu" originally announced, ine lastuired (o count th9 ugfi ballots a delivery ln the business district direction. Mr. Mowat has not an- Because of the fact that the 8lop will be Grants Pass, Thurs- cast, John Houston of Klamath which is a great convenience as nounced his future Intentions but! time for securing various attrac-!uay, May 20. They leave there lui Fulls was elected vice-president. it is nearly eight o'clock in the! is known to have been offered "" i"mb pimu. tor a cem-tm, moring and will go directly xbe race for senior men of the ; go and ending at Ashland. These. evening before the mail Is dls- very attractive propositions from " Asniaua is growing an through to Shasta Springs. A box Student c(M,ncil was one of the 1 come west by way of Spokane, trihuted from the train. This ser- two or three sources.. He will re-i to short .the trustees decided that ( im.cb.eon will be provided for the j clotest of all. Six ran, and th ! Seattle and Portland to Ashland, vice also brings the mail out In main with the Ashland organiza- u "P to the old board" a)ong the way. three elected were Lyle Barthol-j Th latter city gets prominent time to connect with train 64, the lion until the new officers of the machinery in motion for a( The caravan wiU be composed' omew of Salem, Leith Abbott of mention in the guide book, in recular north bound mail train club have been Installed, aud va- j celebration for the coming Fourth. , fi0 odJ autmobiles and will bo, Ashland, and Don Davis of Nyssa. j which the springs, mineral water. contains maps aud Information of ail routes commencing at Chica- ' with occupations given: A. C. i Briggs, manager Ashland Fruit other ballot may he mailed. In Ity l iiday All ballots nuiBt be In the Com-: and Produce association; Homer mercial Club by 8 p. m. Frlduy,1 Billings, Billings Realty Agency; May 21. Members are urged toVm. M. Briggs, lawyer; E. V. mail or bring in their ballots lm- Carter, banker; J. H. Dill, Ash mediately und not to lay them on! land rancher; Rev, C. A. Edwards, the mnntleplece with good inten-' pastor Methodist church; F .S. Falls and also expedites mail or ders during the fruit and vege table season for Ashland and Iingue River valley points. The secretaryship will In nil about noon Thursday by an offl-j Simpson of Ashland wus clul delegation representing the posed as treasurer. California State Automobile asso- VOTERS GAIN' IX OREGON SALEM. Registration of vol er:i in Oregon for the primary and E. T. Staples was appointed chair man of the celebration commit tee and will select his co-workers probability be filled by J. H. Ful-"u aPPim suD-commiuees. his ler with whom the trustes of thej committee will co-operate with i(ialion who wiU acc0mpany the club have been negotiating since "'mnmtee representing " j , ..Uorg lnto California. Mr. Mowat informed them of his churches of the city with regard to! Intentions. Mr. Fuller Is a busl-j ""'table features for Sunday, the AsIiAND CHAMPIONS ness man and executive of wldfli Fourth, and will have charge of J von SOUTHERN' OREGON experience who will bring to the,1 general ceienration features, ..slxtePI1 , six- wa the score met at the California stute line In the sophomore elections Hurold! line hifthway und r .- ..... .. ,, II,. ..l.k.nllAn j....- 1. . . tlons of filling them out "tomor- Engle, assistant cashier Citizens! spfcClal elections to be held on May '-"mmerciai uiuo secreiary.siiip : " "'- 7 . ',' " V , wnlcn A'"ana IOOK yesiriuay row." The final ballot Is very' Bank; H. 0. Enders Jr., merchant! si ,ntai , sit rcr,lln to! ity "! personality which will j nl en decided over what period utlcnH)0U'8 Bi,igf est from Klamath slmplo and has but 26 names upon Enders & Sons; Mrs. H. T. El lt from which tho member selects J more, The Boot Shop; H. T. El 12, murklng an X opposite the1 more, The Boot Shop; W. E. Ever names selected. ton, Southern Pacific Locomotive Heal Envelopes i engineer; L. F. Ferguson, mer- The envelopes which are en- j chant Ferguson Bros.; J. H. Ful closed with the ballots must be, ler, Chautauqua manager; B. R. used to return them. Envelopes! tireer, editor Ashland Dally Tld ninst be Beulcd and only one ballot Ungs; Dr. Maude I. Hawley, chi (liclosed In an envelope. A ser-; ropractic physician; K. C. Homes, vice record of members is belli:; rancher; A. C. Joy, rancher; maintained and a record kept of Frank Jordan, contractor; C. B. nil who vote In this election, all Lainkin, Lamklu Realty Co.; J. who have or will serve on cnM-iH. McGee, merchant McGce's figures made public today by Sam i be a strong factor In carrying for- the celebration will extend but i.alls Thia wa9 the third alu ast mlttees later, or take any part In the club's activities. The ballet Mill be a secret one In that all bal- Diygoods; W. M. Mc.N'air, mer-j election in November, 1918, thel chnnt McNuir Bros., drugs; J. W. registered voters aggregated 315,-' McCoy, cashier First National; 410. 1 fied as republicans, 93,405 demo crats, and 24,343 miscellaneous.! the registrations under the head. nf nilaellunnua Include nrnliihl-i spring tO go With ticnists, socialists, progressives and all others than republican and democrats. ! Prior to the special election 8i,'le to "ecule held in June, 1919, there were 9Rft Qfifl retrtutpreri1 vntRru in Ore.' gon, while prior to the ,eDei' of haln Mr. Fuller back in Ash- cal nine have gathered each of the. games by comfortable margins. Coach Moore expresses but one regret regarding the outcome of the season. He states it was hard luck that Medford did not! get in on the slaughter. Yesterday's game wus a type of that good, old time "hit and run" auto tourist unop-j eairp, are featured, with the side ; attractions of Luke of the Woods, I Crater Lake, Pelican Buy, Klum t.ll, Lake and Marble Caves. Men- tiou is also made of Ashland ho tels, garages and Chamber of Commerce. j . l. -. ... - 1 ,1 J Ashland is taiae to celehrute and I ... .... .. ...1 .,. 1.. A Un,n oualtlont tooi-Bln n nt "le WUm Ul W1U CAluiiou, -- : COUieSl VI lue SCHHUH lulu llio lu -.-.-... .v. j r,oni,i,i!nii Mr Puller whose," niost novel and "big" affair is stute. Of these 228,571 are clasal-1 c ' aulzut,"- Ml- ,,, p,,..!.- management ot the southern ore- v-- gon Chautauqua has been highlyl'11 be announced as they are d successful, left Ashland early this;fhled upon. the Ellison j "cars iwport White Svstem in a managerial ca-! e repon 01 tne last years parity and has been very successful celebration committee wus re in, his new work. It was only pos-,fe'ved and the old committee dis- his release by:tluufi wml manas 10 r me htioiiElv imniessiiie uoon the El-, commeiuiawe manner m wmcu ! contest and none of the funs lison White people the necessity j the celebration last year wunl,he bleachers complained of lackj"10' 8 mon,'y KlufrPil hp rpnnrt nhnwpi n In- .. . rat . mttuncnn,., c-. - ' - 01 excitement. rinueiuu hrhui tut income from concessions sold ; took hig p0si,io tm ti,e niouiid cur" "' , of $760.00: from nuto show re- -....1 h.nn z- A larger tax unit ceipts, $60; from auto linceses, 1100.50; from cash subscriptions, $2015.00; and from the previous J.DUOATIOXAI. RILL IS INDORSED I(V j COMMERCIAL ( l.l H The bill for a two mill tax tor the support of the grade schools j of Oregon, which is receiving the endorsement of many organizu-ij tlons of every nature throughout : the state, was unanimously cu-, dorsed by the board of trustees of the Ashland Commercial Club at u meeting held Tuesday night. In en-j dcrsing the bill the trustees mutle the following statement: We, the undersigned, endorse th( two mill tax bill for the sup port of the grade schools of Or ! eson. for tlm following reasons: Oregon schools must have """"" '""J"1 1.1..,.,! ...wl fl.wl I. tU nlnla Al their proper! 1 ,c,r" '"" """ . gineer, uccortnug to a decision Irrigation Bonds to Be Certified SALEM, Ore. Bonds Issued by the Craiils Pass , .Medford and Oihoco irrigation (''strict, will be , certified by the state Irrigation se ' curllies commission as soon us the 1. land. While Mr. Fuller leaves a high-' er salaried position and what is piobably a broader field to return Intl. will he nneneil hv Ihe election 1 hallk: F. J. Shinll. Office nianaeer. Tho rcm'alrutinn fnr Mils vnar I , , ... ..... Ashland, he is greatly Interest- identify the sender by the mmbe. ! Sn.lth. cashier Citizens bank; E.jabout 30,000 over that of twoied the development of thta J"-" .aVV. on the envelope. The envelopes T. Staples. Staples Real Estate. yers ago. evidence, his regard for Ash-, 'J' 'J1 f.,.e. will be saved separately and a rec-j From this group a board of di-j The registration of the south-j J 'lttZ works, which cost $1058.00. Ad ord taken from them of the mem-, rectors representing practically j ern counties is as follow,: Jack- ' ' h ' "rfm the vc'tlsing cost $577.60; decora ber, who vote. The sealed e:i- every group of interests in the city . son, R., 6175; D.. 3232; Ml.., 853. ' tCy He wl 1 S 'ion. $139.50; floats and prizes. ! Mis., 255. Douglas, R 6906; D., r,'easHi """ "is contract with 1 ! ... the Chautauaua organization ( LOSING KVENTS ; Mis., 64. luamam, n.,i ! ..n'.i.o. r. 101a. vi;. tn inbout June 1. ORGANIZATIONS FAVOR TAX ACT Beginning with the junior-! MANY ENDORSE senior picnic of yesterday the fes-! EDUCATION' BILL livities incident to the commence-1. From ten to fifteen endorse- IRRIGATIOX HONRS TO HE CERTIFIED (193.19; rooming expenses, 62.25; auto show expense, $37.00. tele phone and telegraph, $29.82; sal ary of manager and secretary. $170.00; park sports prizes, $1,030, and. various incidentals which brought the total expendi SALEM. Bonds issued by th lures to a total of $3062.27. jmeut 'of the senor class of the ments a day are now reported, Grants Pass. Medford and Ochocoi A most remarkable feature of Eleven Jackson county organ!-, ctJ 8Ch0ol will engage the atten-jfrom various parts of the state in ! irrigation district will be certified ! lust year's celebration was the wtions have passed resolutions in tion of the young people of Ash- the case of the 1.26 mill higher; by state irrigation securities com-! manner in which visitors were favor of passing the Higher Edu-iland for practically the rest of tho education bill for the protection They are the' month. After yesterday's picnic of the work of the State Univer rtir win 1 ix iii't 1 iihv hid lhi; i ....,,. , the calendar of events will be as;eily. the Oregon Agricultural col- .ieuIUIU .IIUllllJt?l Ul twuiuinvD, ' ft! lows: Club, Med- c,ags sermoni IteV- c Ai E(I. T. A., Medford Panhelle-, wal(u. Methodist church. Sunday Aslilund Commercial ford I Hie association, jucksoiiyimb um iiiy Z3J 1920, 8 p. m. Improvement club, Jacksonville Commencement, Chautauqua P. T. A., Rogue River Ministerial hiiilttliig, Thursday, May 27, 1920, asiociution, Wednesday Study' g:i5 p. "The Grip That Holds," club, Ashland Post American Le-.jr. Poling, O. A. C. glon, Woman's College and Rogue; Alumni meeting Friday River Valley Jersey Breeders' us- t 1920, 8:30 p. m. lege aud the Normal school. This bill has now been endorsed by more than 300 organizations. MAX KICKED BY PLAYFUL HORSK J. F. Arnold, who lives near the Eagle mill north of Ashland, is May' suffering from serious Injuries mission as soon as the records of housed. At a total expense of each project are completed andjabout $60, 1494 people were di filed with the state engineer, uc-j reeled and shown to rooms from cording to a decision reached at tlio accomomdation bureau office, a conference held here. The: Mr. tSaples remarked that the Grants Pass district, in Josephine amount of money which the cel cotinty, has voted bonds in the:ebratlon brought into the town sum of $184,000, the Medford dis trict 11,250,000 and the Oclioco district $100,000. The three pro jects are now under development. which he received last Saturday sociution. Rogue Benefit, Chautauqua evening when he was kicked by a About 600 organizations in Or-! building, Friday, May 21, 8 p. 111. horse. Mr. Arnold was turningi egnn have passed resolutions inj ! his large farm horses into the pas favor of the Higher Educational ; I.eroy Ashcratt of Ashland at ture aa Whil9 removing the Bill, 417 having been officially re-l present has charge of a class injllher from one o( the animaISi ported. ; public speaking at the university. I the )atter became fr,gk MAKE AUTO TRIP ACROSS CONTINENT Ashcraft hus also been doing good j rearing up on Its hind feet struck CACHE OF FOOD j work for the higher educational Mj. MnM mh both ,tg 8harnly IX LUMBER ARD millaBe bill campaign, by going;.. . ,, . . .. hit ,,, man directly in the face, inflicting I to different parts of Lane county ' Some one who had been prepar-'aud giving talks urging the citl-l Ing a fine camping out equipment zens to vote for the bill. Sam Jordan received a copy of the Waynesboro, Va., Times this week which contained the state ment that his brother, A. E. Jor dan and wife, who for Beven years' j have managed the Star theater! rnrointed to make an organized presentation of the various road was evidenced by the fact that the banks all up and down tho line had to write and wire the local banks for supplies of silver which were left in Ashland during the celebration. The hew committee intends to make this year's affair the biggest yet. Good Road Issues A committee consisting of V. O. N. Smith, chairman; T. H. Simp son, J. W. McCoy, D. Perozzl, J. Murphy and Fred Homes was Fiiineran again j and heaved his usual brilliant game. He also helped to win his own battle by banging out three clean singles, .two of which were eventually scores. Beck, who held down the right wing of the 1 outer garden, did some pretty! swinging of the stick when he smashed out a triple and two bin-1 gles in five trips to the slab. High, also has a heal try batting avcr-j ugc by getting three hits in four attempts. It wus he that started; the fourth inning farce with a Texas Leaguer and before the In-1 tiing wu over he had duplicated the stunt. McMillan crossed the plute twice in this trau-.e. The Score R. II. E. Klamath Falls 6 9 5 Ashland 16 12 4 The players follow: Klamath Falls Hainsby, Miller, McCullum, Wortle, Montgomery, Vale, Dow, Hangau, Mann. Aslilund Flnneran, Young, Mc millan, Bryant, High, Schtiermaii, Porter, Beck, Kaiegi. for This bill will se- thau the! j school district prevails in all ex cept seven of our states. This, bill, establishing a state unit of tuvution, will put Oregon in the list with the great mujorfty of the stales. 3. A state tax of two mills will ; yield Ashland $7500. But a two mill tax in Ashland will bring only $b'000. Selfishly, it pays. 4. On an assessed valuation of (1000. the tux. will be $2.00; not, nu eli, but enough to meet the crisis and to give Ihe boys and gills of Oregon a square deal. Vote 314 YES. HOARD OF TRUSTEES. ASH LAND COMMERCIAL CLUB. leathed at a conference held here. The Grants Puss district, in Jose phine county, hus voted bonds in the sum of $184,000, the Medford tllslrict $1,250,000 und the Oclio co district $100,000. The three projects ure now under development. ASHLAND HIGH PRICES PAID FOR SHORTHORNS Two thoiisund dollars pniil hy (). E. .Mason, of Central Point,! Oregon, for the highest priced; milking Shorthorn sold at Thomas Harrison's sule at Santa Rosa, Calif., May 5. Oakleigh Stock, Farm, Medford, Ore., took the next highest at $1750. Six ciillle told for $1,000 or better. The av erage on the 42 cattle was $502.; the 37 females bringing $590 uv erage, and the five hulls bringing j S627 average. I NATIONAL GUARD AROUSES INTEREST Five more new recruits were ' taKen in the local company of the, National Guard Monday even ' ing. An Interesting drill wus held ; the first part of the evening spent in company and squad drill, and ' the latter part being spent in 4 school of lufctiuciiou over which Scigeunt Danford presided, at 1 which electrical problems wore explained for those aspiring to : ruled positions. Dr. .Moxoii was present und con ducted the phyisicul examination 1 of new recruits. All those who are not physical ly unfit ure urged to join the Na tional Guard at once In order to receive instruction before going t i encampment. .AUXDRY (JETS NEW IRONER The Ashland Laundry company Tuesday completed the installa tion of an immense flat work ironer in their laundry, the only one between San Francisco and Portland, which completely rev olutionizes tho work there. This , machine Irons 75 feet of laundry Miss A11 Em9 w)() wai (nrml a minute, und covers a day's work t0 give up her studies In the Ash' Talent Tidings The Social Realm in Waynesboro, plan an auto tup across the continent, beginning at will be disappointed when he finds his cache in the lumber yard on A street has been raided by the police and the contents removed. A lady residing in that neighbor- : other foot struck him on the l.ect to take a year crossing and John Anderson, who Is mana- 8houideri badiy bruising him, but! their car has been equipped with ger of the University orchestra, wus formerly a member of the Ashland high orchestra. Aubrey ("Doc") Furry is the hood was recently appraised by catcher for the freshman base her small boy that there were ' lots of things to eat" in the lumber yard adjacent, so she . notified Chief of Police Hatcher of the statement. The chief made nn investigation ball nine here. The Frosh lost thfir first game to the O. A, C. Rooks by a score of 12 to 1, but with practice they expect to win r.ext time. breaking no bones. The injured man is under medical care, and is getting along as well as can be expected with such severe injuries. and unearthed a gunny sack of Jackson county chairman of the. provisions of all sorts, ranging! higher educational milluge bill from canned goods to candy, nuts drive. and oranges. There were cukes, crackers, glasses of chipped beef, FARM. REMINDERS. The silo is an important part of the dairyman's equipment. ThrniiGrh its ura feed costs are Fern Murphy of Ashland is the j malerlally ,.educed areen feed tinned meats and fish and many otler edibles that had evidently been gleaned at various times from groceries, brought to Ashland and cached away in the lumber yard Mabel Smith of Ashland holds tho record of making the highest score in archery this year at the university. Her score is 41 while her nearest competitor has a score ten points lower. Leith Abbott has been nomi- for safe keeping, presumably : 11a ted to run for the office of sen while those who had gathered I lor man on the etudent council the things up were preparing to of the university, Leith Is also go out on a camping trip. cut for track and is doing well ! in his event, the half-mile. BAITIST DRIVE j Fred Schuerman took part In GAIN'S MATERIALLY a boxing exhibition which took ! place on KIncaid field Saturday. Baptist leaders of Oregon an-jrred ghowe(, good formi and eas. r.ounce an extension of the $1,045,-, y won the dec,sion ln lg DOllt. 000 campaign of the Baptist new, John Flnnerani exr2i, umpired world movement drive, which uh() baaeball game between Stan opens April 25 In 36 states of the ford and 0reg0 here Monday, union. With the total now more stl,nford won n to 7- than $400,000 they have decided) that the campaign would contlnuel With the Democratic conven- "until nearly ever' cent of the tion in San Francisco and two na- oi some kind is necessary to eco nomical, large and continued milk production. The silo makes pos sible a year round supply of green or succulent feed in a most ac ceptable form and at a minimum of cost. The dairy department of the college will be glad to send plans for a stave silo, 10 by 30 feet. Write for your plan. It too much teed is given the hens will not work enough in other words they will not get ex ercise enough properly to digest and assimilate the food. If too little is given the egg yield will not be satisfactory. This is where the skill of the feeder comes in he must use his own judgment. It skim milk or buttermilk is a trailer, containing two cots, a cook-stove, refrigerator and oth er conveniences that make It com pare favorably with a modest apartment. The Jordans will be missed hy the community to whose entertajnment they catered for so many years and with such marked success. The little white dog will go with them and "see America first" as instructed. Mr. and Mrs. Jordan were well known in Ashland, having lived here before going east. matters which will be on the bal lot ut the May 21st election to the voters of this district. The county road bond issue and the stute road measures which are to be decided at the coming election will be placed before the public by this committee. Suh-commltteefl for various publicity methods, etc., will be appointed for them nnd speakers provided for. Auto-Curavuu The matter of proper reception of the Northwest Auto-Caravan which will arrive in Ashland on May 20th enroute to the ad-men's convention at Stockton was placed in the hands of a committee con sisting of Messrs. Perozzl, Elhart and Mowat. of ironing in two hours. .1. J. Ma bel1, representing the American Laundry Machinery company of' San Francisco, bus been In Asli lund this week ussisting F. E. French In installing the new ma chine, which is ut present running, satisfactorily. Mr. French lias MONDAY'S NHWS The Christian Endeavor Society of the Preshyteriun church held their monthly business meeting ut the inuuse lust evening, followed by a frolic. Lemonade und cake were served. land high school on account of her illness, is improving slowly. Arthur Ellis Is home from Berkley, Calif., for a short vaca tion. Jesse Estes has moved to Le land whre he bus employment in the mills. Mr. und Mrs. High huve gono to Doris, Calif., in their new car also a new electrical spraying inn- to look uftor their ranch there. playing 500, and Miss Georgie Cot chine which he has been waiting; Mls- H,,z''" is hl,m" tor 11 '"", fee was winner of the prize for ,0 install when the new cement X'.he h" luTlping" "shmen.s - floor wus completed in the luun-:lflr daughter Edith for the past ; sened. dry. and this will be done three weeks. Edith is gettiug along ; khorty Since purhasing the luun-; ' "1'. but will have to undergo Two names have been added to ' iimiOiai. narlnno ,inar,i linn lu aimn . .... ..... . . . i . ... . ,. . r i.. I l,.ot Ai,irii,il Mr French has1 ....... . ulp , lm, pauoi 111 Ul i uiumnriiii lust August Mr. nenen nuv . ,m,IH, .m ,,n,mit Shn . Club election uy petition, niose .-()() Party Miss Carrie Fleming entertained a conipuuy of her friends last Sat urday evening ut her home on the I'.i ulevurd. The evening was spent which Harry Steps will be taken .largest that ury lust August ,.-. rice... ..:-, at he,-condition will permit. She added $10,000 worth of mucin-. wil probuhly be in the hospltul nery to the equipment, and Is fast for another month. 1 Setting the plant on a basis equal . Luther Crosby returned to , .. , ., school Monday lifter an uttuck of to those in the lurge cities. lllM1(eg Mrs. Louisa Burnett is on the THE GANG SPIRIT A NATURAL ONE to see to it that the caravan visits: from the In this brief ten years since thej Lithia park before hieing south Boy Scouts of America began in! ward. Tills caravan, by the way, the United States, we have had the will be worth selng. Ashland great satisfaction of having heen'lolks should keep the date in able to demonstrate to the parents mind and watch for the caravan of America that the gang spirit Ib in the morning of the 20th. Fur a natural spirit in a boy and can tber announcements will be made be made the agency of his train- later. ine in citizenship, says Chief Scout Endorse School Bill Executive James E. West In his As is reported elsewhere thej casual visitor, annual renort on the Boy Scouts' trustees endorsed the bill provid-i Resign ,1. ! ,u ,h .,,..-. o. . i(,k ,ia, was ever snagged lPV j T. Anderson of Marsh- of Dr. Maude I. Hawley aud W. E. Everton. Split Vote In the primary election, because of the fact that the votes for wom en nominees were spit among a I, foamy waters of the: field spent a few days with the lHrge number of members, only one Rogue and a couple of cutthroats; family of u. is. i-ace anti wneu ne wpmun Jh.s H T. Klinore. re and smaller trout were --T votes ,0 place her from Mr. Hosier for display lui-Wl0 bare been spending a few name on the final ballot. The poses in the clubrooms, for th" months with her parents, Mr. ami Hme thing occurred in regurd to price of one of the big Jars In Vrs.J. N. Pace. pi" i,i'l'01", representative but in which the trout ure bottled ., : JJX H"M0mlay ""h " vo,es AMA"A The exhibit of game fish will whprB (hey win B,nd the sum-j"ong a still larger number of make a nice addition to the things n,er nB Mr. Cook has employ men' , mtn and as a result no man rep whlch the club has to show the there and Fred expects to get resolutive of the railroad em- worn mere aiso, Mr. Kunns has purchased a new Dort car !ploes was nominated. Ninety Women of America. 1 lg for a stale tax In this decade it has been es- schools, tablished that almost all that I" Election Judge needed is right leadership in or- Provisions were made for ap- for grade! After disposing of several minoi j j, yv, Walklns of Stringtowni There are ninety women mem- matters the officers and trustees has Just received a carload oriber8 of (he Commercial Club. The authorized the secrelury ,0 "te.l houselgoo.U fro -Wing.o,,irf of the world" that they officially re- ., ManesH iH here from!" additional name on the ballot enough milk to supply the neces- there has simply been announced $1,000,000 has been subscribed." j tive sons among the big possl-jS" amount of animal nutrients. a truism of all hoys, hcouuiu, " The total in the national cam-; billties of the Republicans. Call-1 The efficiency of an egg-laying not made boys loyal and brave paign for $100,000,uuu nas passea 1 fornia may be pardoned for get-! 1'"" uei""lu "V"n i. ...m,.. - - available at reasonable cost, no! tier that boys shall obey the bet- pointing tbe Jurtses of "'wllon ; hlgned, said resignations to go Liberty Bond Wash., where he j call attention to the tact that this other animal food will be neces-lter instincts of their natures. j for the election of the new board; '"Hf narv fnr th lovinir helm, nrnvld-l When it is said that, "A SCOUt of directors Of the ClUO Whlcn IS,tll. new ouaui ui """"" 1 . . , ., ing the fowls can be made to use is loyal," "A Scout l trustworthy,"! now In progress. Announcement , old board will however remain j ,hat he can go to work again when title the women to two represen- factors: the ration itself, or the, boyhood the opportunity to express feeds ot which It is made up, and itself according to its better na- the $50,000,000 mark, according , ting a wee bit chesty. to renorts from Dr. John Y. Aitch- . n-,i director in the cam-i Doctors are cautioned to be 1 the method of feeding. The feeds ture. paign These reports are very in-' careful in their diagnosis in cases are often blamed when tbe fault j It seems fair to say that ten comnlete and the national lead-! where whiskey is prescribed, but is with the feeding. Be sure to: years ago boys of America for tbe kniiov- tini everal million the patient Is not likely to ob- feed properly. Make the hens most part dollars have been subscribed with-; Ject to the remedy even if he has out having come to their know!-' something different from what the doctor thinkj be baa. were left to ioiiow woik. Wet mash should be fed, wrong bents In their natures tor II ot their leisure laying hens to get tbe best of r j practically suits. '' time. .... j of the Judges will be made to morrow. Tells of Slate Chamber James Chllds of the Oregon Ihe Job until the new Hoard Is h(v e,,,ecls lo go to Klamath Falls I tatives on the board of directors ready to take over the reins. The to work. jot twelve. olficers sntl trustees which have; Carl Foster, who has been em-i R,ts MUIimI Tonight , . t . , , , . ,, .i, ,1,. .,, ployed is lineman at Klamath! , ,. , . . . ,. . piloted tbe club through the past , ' ' tMnrupd , The final ballots will be mailed Slate Chamber of Commerce told several mouths and the expansion hollie Saturday and returned to, out tonight and must be returned the trustees something of thel movement now Hearing comple- Klamath Fulls Tuesday, arcom-! by Friday eveniug in order to be wmk which the Stale Chamber ticu.are: 1. r. rerguson, prri-; .., couiud. 1 ne rimi meeting 01 100 was doing and Intended to do and I dent; W. H. McNair, vice-presl outlined the plan which the state! dent; L. D. Mowat. secretary; D. chamber is following in an ex-! Perozzl, Homer Elhart. J. J. Mur pansion In to greater usefulness, phy, C. W. Wlnne, H. H. Gillette. Big Fish 1 c- Briggs, Frank Jordan, W. A "pickled" steelhead troul F. Loomis and F. W. Herrln. . 1 expect to make their home there this summer. I Mrs. E. R. Jones was a visitor of Mrs. Carey of Strintgown Mou j day. ! Mrs. II. E. Bowman and ri.ueh-; 1., Dth mm In Uiuilnrii Mondavi to have some dentist work don. ' nounced later. hoard will take place soon board will lake place soon and and Ihe first meeting of the en tire membership the first part ot uext week, exact date to be an- edge.