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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1920)
Wednesday, May 19, 1030 lom iini wvvuiv TmTVn aoiuJAiiv i immii tack pom I LOCAL AND PERSONAL wrnntttttKaJtamtmaaaanimmmj MONDAY'S NEWS Mrs. Gertie Lucke is quite ill at her home on Beach street. J ? Mrs. Gregg, the nurse, is quite tick with infectiou caused from an injury to her hands. ! Generally fair, with nearly nor ma! temperatures is the forecast lor the weather for the period ;!a 17 to 22, inclusive. Mrs. F. S. Engle will take the lU.ce of Miss Ruth Foruz as do mestic science teacher in Junior liifh school on account of the lat ter being called home. Merritt Handle went down on No. 16 Saturday evening and was met at Gold Hill by his wife. They went on together to visit for a ten days with Mr. and Mrs. Roy McAllister near Grants Pass. Political propaganda is burden ing the mails and will continue to do so for a few days. On Mon ria an unusual heavy grist ar rived at the Ashland postoffico and delayed the carriers in get ting started with the Monday de liveries. Mrs. Greenwood and son of San Francisco are visiting their daugh ter and sister, Mrs. T. Franco, at lu r home on the Huolcvard. Dr. F. !. SwedeiiburR is moving this week to the house on tin Boulevard which be purchused some time ago. This house has been completely remodeled, and is now one of the handsomest res-i deuces in Ashland. Leslie liner left Saturday for a lew days' business trip to I'ort li.nd. S Litlle Marietta Whitney, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Whit ney, is suffering from an nttuck of measles. $ liev. ('. A. Kdwards went down to Gold Hill Sunday evening where he preached the baccalau reate sermon to the graduates of the high school there. A. M. Hea ver accompanied him to Gold Hill jet-terday afternoon, und returned with him after the services. . . Cashier V. 0. N. Smith of the Citizens Hank left Saturday for Portland on a few days' business i s i t . . Miss Gertrude Jingle graduat ed from the I'niversily of Cali fornia last Wednesday ut which Institution she had been taking a course during the past two years. She is at present teaching in the Junior High school in Oakland. - Mrs. George Hobison and Mrs. Mii.nie llobison returned Saturday nirht from Portland where they hat! been spending weeks. highway, and when the latter hufbnnd, Judge J. F. Lodge of the iu ,in ,oU ntonuri Siikivou county court. Mrs. Lodge imHlIK IS iniu. mil uiunv "I' - I - roads for traffic in that section. This portion of paving is made by the city. The new stretch of paving is hard enough for travel today. expects to return to Ashland later to resume her treatments. Drs. E. A. Wood and G. W. Gregg attended the annual meeting of the Southern Oregon medical The suprortfrs of Johnson for association in Roseburg Tuesday president held a public meeting in the city hall lust night ad dressed by Rex B. Goodcell, of San Bernardino, Calif. Mr. Good cell is a fine political orator and presented the claims of Hirain Johnson in a forceful and pleas ing manner. A local "Johnson for President" club was formed with the following officers: President, C. B. Lamkin; vice-president, Edw. Dcwe; secretary, N. G. Coleman; executive committee, C. B. Lam- Hn, Mrs. R. E. Gearhart and V. J. Hastings. 0 R. A. Blanchard, assistant cash ier of the Live Stock State bank of North Portland, was a business visitor In Ashland today. Mrs. Delia Hell of Portland, a former employe in the local tele phone office, has returned to Ash land after a vacation of several nicnths on account of Illness. Misess Violot Wood and Mary Moore, two members of the high school senior class, left this week on a horseback trip o the coast. Their innk alone eauiument for cunning, and expect to be back in time for the commencement ex ercises at the close school. F. J. Murphy left yesterday for the Klumuth Lake ountry where his wife has been teaching school in one of the districts there. The hitter closed her school Wednes day and will return with her hus band. 8 The Ashland Realty company has completed the deal In which H. A. Stearns of the Self-Service store becomes the owner or the T. F. Whittle residence property on Nutley street. S. B. McNuir of the McNair Brothers drug store is In Portland this week attending tho Oregon Kfxall convention in session there. The renovution of the First Na tional Bank building is being ciiHinleted at present with the painting of the outside, following tlkp interior improvements which were mude earlier in the spring. The work is being done by John O. Higg. h. 1). Roberts, a Northern Cal ifornia rancher, is spending u few days In Ashland this week. L. J. Orres is a business visitdr to Grunts Pass todny. Mrs. James Rudd expects to leave this evening for an extend ed trip east, which will comprise a visit to her son in Chicago, and othor points in Minnesota und here for about a month, after been visiting her sister, Miss Dale The next year's convention will bo held at Grants Pass. Lynn Slack and wife are mov ing this week to their new home on Eighth Btreet which they re cently purchased from O. W. Long. The Gila Valley Farmer, of Snfford, Ariz., In a recent issue states that the Ellison-White Chautauqua had just closed a suc cessful eneaeemcnt. While the program was not up to the ex pectations of many, the paper suld, tho superintendent, J. H. Fuller, did much to overcome this through hi;' pleasing personality nnd wil lingness to co-operate with local we'.fare organizations which seized, the opportunity to lay their prob lems before the big crowds. Mr. and Mrs. Max GeBauer who recently bought a property on Granite Btreet, have gone to Eu gene for a while. Mrs. A. Zana is home from Grants Puss where she had been visiting with friends for the past week. Mrs. Elv Hoburt left yester- tia; for Salem to uttend the north ern conference of the Free Meth odist church which will be hold there this week. From there lira. Iiobart will go to California to take up her work lis utate evan gelist for which slid lud received the annoinlment somo time ago. Her daughter Iluth will remain in Ashland until ths end of school, when she will Join her mother in Culifornlf.. the past two! South Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Prose and tUeir suejts were among those at Gold Ray d.'in yesterday. W. G. Curry left on train No. 15 last night for Brock way ville, Pa., wl.ere he will look after business Interest for a time. S Mr. and Mrs. II. R. Greer and family. Dorothy Heid and Eliz abeth S hauniloeffel were Grants! Pas? visitors yesterday. ,!. ? . K. K. llmlgmau, district bigh wa engineer, states that the con tractors started laying hot stuff i... i. ..r ri......,.,! lilt I Hi! lllnn.i, miiim I'l iiihiiid i'ss Friday, says the Courier. A small stretch near the Gcdd Hill ti.iclKc will he worked on first, and the work will then begin on the threw miles between the coun ty line and Hiiguo River. The work is to he rushed und Mr. lU'iigmun says that died (iiikly. C. R. Rose hud tUBiness which called him to Hilt syesterday. C. M. Miles, who has been liv ing, on North Main street since reluming from California In the early spring, Is moving this wjek to tho house he purchased or Beach Btreet, s ft The tennis court at the Senior Ilith school is being paved today by the Osknr Hubert company I who have the contract for paving the l'aclfic highway in this sec tion. This work will make the tennis court at the school one of the finest in the stute. Reports come to Ashland today that Mrs. Ellu Ho wood, who un do, went a major operation in a Mci'.ford hospitul yesterday, Is in a critical condition. s S McMillan expects WEDNESDAY'S XEW9 Mrs. Joe Green reported the first ripe strawberries of the sea- lion which she picked from her gar den on North Main street. In order to verify her statement Mrs. Green hud been watching u mammoth berry, which Bhe was expecting to bring in when it was complete ly ripe, but on going to the berry patch she found a robin hud beat en Iter to it, and tho luscious berry was party consumed. Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Wllliums were up yesterday afternoon. from their home on the Pacific high way out from Talent. Miss Ruth Osmaii has uccopted the position in the city electrlcian'3 office made vacant by the rfmlK nution of Lyle Sams. She as sumes her duties this week. Mrs. A nice McClunuahuu lias purchased the Orr property on the comer of Eighth and E street. The deal war. made through the Bil lings agency. Mrs.-B. M. Heath is back from Lot. Angeles where she had been spitding several weeks. She made the return trip from Los Angeles to San Francisco by the which they will continue on their way home, going by way of Cana da where they will stop to visit Willi relatives. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Sums and son Lyle expect to start today on a nautomoblle trip to Los An geles. They will drive ull the way In the family car and expect to be gone about two or three months. Mrs. M. C. Reed has gone to Talent and Medford where she ejects to visit for some time be fore joining the Ellison-White bu reau, with which she will be en gaged during the summer. Glenn Rhodes, who has beeu working out of Ashland as a suh- ititute mall clerk while the reg ular men were taking their vaca tions, finishes his assignment here and will leave this week for an other appointment farther down the Southern Puciflc. 4 C. I.,. Lewis und wife of Modes to, Calif., are in Ashland this week, looking after nronorty In terests here. ? S Dr. it W. Stearns of Grants Pass and Dr. R. N. Si c ins of Medford, with their fam'.Mn-., were quests of Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Stearns of this city, Sunday, and the party held a picnic up the can yon during the day. 8 Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McNair are back from San Francisco where they had been spending the past week attending the Rexull con vention held in that city. ? $ J. G. Conger nnd family have come from Farmington, Wash., and have taken possession of tho house they recently purchased from 0. F. Carson on Palm uve- ntie. H. S. Pnrmerlee has been as sisting in the Citizens Bank for the past two or three days, dur- lue the absence of Miss Pearl Wilsliire, who was out on account of illness. The latter Is now back at her duties again. Miss Ruth Holmes of Medford was a week end guest of friends in Ashland. Mr. nnd Mrs. Howard Rose and C. R. Rose met Madame Gulli Curcl Monday evening at train No. 64, as the latter was passing through here from San Francisco for Portland, where she has a singing engagement. The noted Hinger left the train during its stop in Ashland, and the Rose family stated that she was very gracious and pleasing In her man ner. 5 George W. Cross tho well known piano tuner of Medford, is ahlo to be iiroiind again after a five weeks' illness in a hospital. ? 8 Sam Holdt has sold his bunga low and acre of ground on 1'pper Granite street to Mr. und Mrs, It. A. Avery of tho Nolda cafe. The deal was made through the Bea ver Realty agency. Mr. and Mrs. George Kincaid and family are expected through Pnoiinw. for the riast week, re turned to her home in Roseburg, Monday. Robert I. Ellis Is spending a few days In Ashland from his Apple gate ranch .after which lie will go to Oakland, Calif., to work for the summer. J. K. McClaren of Morton street is being visited by a brother from Dakota whom he had not seen for a number of years. S. Pennlston returned to Gren ada, Calif., yesterday morning, af ter spundlng a couple of days with his family here. Will Holmes has accepted a po sition with the Stnndurd Oil com pany and will be located In Med loid. . Alvis Gasaway takes Mr. Holmes place in the Holmes BroB'. Hivcery. S Monte Brlggs and wife are back for a few weeks' vUit with their numerous Ashland friends. They came In last night from San Francisco, making the trip In theit car and bringing with them Mr. Conner and wife, father and moth er of our Dan Conner of the Aus tin hotel. The latter will likely spend some time here taking ad vantage of our fine climate and the beneficent mineral waters. Miss Ramona Harrell finis!'.' I her three years' training ecu: m in the California hospital iu Los Angeles, and is now a registered nurse. She expects to return home the first week iu June and will spend two mouths on a camp ing trip, after which Bhe will prob ably locate In Los Angeles.' J. L. Barntbouse bus received word from his gon, Frank, who is employed In the radio service on this packets running between Seat tle and Alaska, that the latter has been confined to a hospital in Se attle for several duya on account of trouble with his teeth. The young ma nls much improved und is able to be around again, al though be has not resumed his duties. Can You Beat This! Mr. Elbert G. Davis, n pioneer rancher of the Soda Springs Precinct, has Just purchased a Ford Truck with ' demountable wheels and Goodyear pneumatic tires, Willi dual starting and lighting syslem, the most up-to-date equipment in the truck line. Mr. Davis drove bis hist Ford car of the touring type, 8,300 miles on a total ex pense for repairs of only Oiin Dollar nnil Fifty-five Cents. Harrison Brothers Fordson Tractor Dealers ASHLAND, OREGON Over fifty years ago a youm liysician practiced widely in und district and became famou or his uniform success in th tiring of disease. This was Dr ierce, who afterwards estal) died himself in Buffalo, N. Y. nd placed one of his prescriptions hieh he called "Golden Medicn liscovery," in the drug stores o he United States so that the pub c could easily obtain this ver. emarkable tonic, corrective an ,lood-maker. Dr. Pierce mam actured this "Discovery" fror oots and barks a correctiv emedy, the ingredients of-whic mture had put in the fields an 'orests, for keeping us healthj i"ew folks or families now livin mve not at sometime or other use his "Golden Medical Discovery: 'or the stomach, liver and hear! )ver twenty -four million bottle if this tonic and blood remed lave been sold in this country. WILL IT PAY TO OWN' A VAVCHX DRAW SAW? lly linnd you can saw li cords of wood a day at a cost of 91.23 pec cord. Willi u Vaugbu saw one man can produce, 20 cords a day, at n cost, of 27 cents a cord. Vaughn drag saw will earn yoy 910.50 u day profit, less oil und kuhoUiic, which, foe 10 Iioiiik' con tinuous running will cost about 91.50. Seo liow quickly the Vuughn drag saw will pay for itself In additional profits? And nfler it lias earned its cost it goes right on earning for years if properly cared for. The saw can be taken iuto Hie woods anywhere a horse can go. CTUITT T3TCT Come In and let me show, you, JLLIYIIjU IjUjU At tho corner on the Plazu. J. B. L. Cascade Syringe We have been fortunate enough to secure tho agen cy for this syringe. THE OREAT INTERNAL HATH TltKATMEXT cun be given by Its use. . Enthusiastic users of Hie T. It. L. Syringe can be found in every town. Plekwick auto stace. which runs the entire distunce In relays, af- Ashland In about two weeks, go tcr the manner of the old-time iuc from Corvallis to Southern htage coach. Mrs. Heath also Btated it is the Intention of this auto stage company to extend its line to Portland, starting May 15, and will pasB through Ashland. Miss Lillian it wll he fiii-l10 8t"r' as an elI,ra lel(,unone em' nlnve in the local central omce this afternoon. .1- I 1.... t t 1 ,l,i 4b 6 and daughter Kathrvn left this Students ' mr Aath'm , iiing for Crescent City, Calif."" "P tronl Medtonl ' ,U..r , .1,-mwl week withe holding 8 pldllC ill Aslllul.d Mr. and Mrs, cilv. S. A. Prose, in this .2. Hon. Hen C. Sheldon of Med- Inrii was au Ashland visitor Sat in nay afternoon. Dr. W. E. Buchanan, son Edgar, i'lul Prof. Forsythe spent the week mil out in the wilds on a fishing' xfi dition. W. A. Kookfellow left last eve park. ? 8 Judkins & Pool, pulnters of Ashland, have the contract of painting the residence of A. Al ford of Talent. 4 Rev. J. W. Hoyt and sons, John nnd Archer, made a trip to Mount Ashland yesterday. These intre pid climbers were the first of the season to reach the lunimit. They broke Mux, the thoroughbred Airdnle dog belonging to J. A. Ruger, was struck by a fast-driven automobile Monday evening and was so badly hurt that his life Is despaired of. The dog Is a very valuuble one, besides being a great family pet, and there Is much mourning In the Ruger family. Dr. W. E. Curter, of the medl cl department of the University of California, was in Ashland Monday visiting his sister, Mrs. B. M. Heath of Terrace street. Dr. Curter was returning from the east where he had been looking after the publication of a medical treaties of which he is the author. Hi was much pleased with Ash land, and stated It was the most attractive little city of its kind he had ever seen. The senior and junior classes cf the high school went to the Rogue river today to hold a pic nic near Bybee's bridge. About 100 made the excursion. This mountain evening they expect, on their re tbe trail i turn, to hold a reception in the California. They will stop off and spend the duy with their many friends when they reach this city. E. F. Smith Is having the iu- tetior of his house on Oak street tepapered. B. A. Finch is dniim the work. Mrs. John McClintnck, who has Two books, "Intestinal Ills" and "The Hoyal Koad to Health," come with each syringe and contain much valuable information. Ask us to tell you about it. PolevsDrugStore POLEY & ELHAKT Druggists, A Personal Message to the omen o! America W I nine for an extended trip to the1 through the snow for a distance j armory I I. Mil. The Boy Scout council of Ash- l.ii,ii at a meetiug Friday niglrt coi.ducted examinations for merit lai'tes lor first aid. Two first- I ,!.-, tnilitc niwl were the first ! to sign their names on the regis ter there. J. D. Mars, Paul Mars and El mer Neville, who had been mak- Mrs. C. W. Fraley is entertain ing at her home on Mountain ave nue her sister, Mrs. F. K. Mason, and daughter, formerly from Iowa, but who have been living recently in Pasadena. Mrs. Ma sou and Miss Muson will remain I lis Siouls. John and Archer! in a visit to San l-rancisco by au Hoyt. members of Troop 1. passed tomobile. are home again. ... . .l.l..l. ... 111' t'lrflUlUUIIUU Uim nun " ' . d,.e,l by I.r. G. W. Gregg. Thej I'-rcy C. Shutt of Dunsmu r, , . ., . i (mnipr resident of Ashland, Is in, local council, consisting 01 .uaj'ji C B Lamkin 0 F. ( arson and'lh" '"T e d5r ,hi" w",'k v'-ome, and acreage. Farms and lur. c. A. Edwards, -was present ! King h friends. Stock Ranches. . . ! i "! " ! Mri. F. S. Lodge, who ba. been THURSDAY'S NEW ! rheumatic patient at Dr. Haw The Oskarllaher company com-1 ley's mineral bath institution the pitted yesterdav paving the Boul- tasl week to her home a ...i. - , ..h ..'iu Yreka. Calif . Wednesday Real Estate All Kinds of Good Insurance . AshUnd i Agents of Abstract Co. ir. rning by the news of the seri-1 the furrier paving to Walker avc Billings Agency There Are Many Things Upon Our Shelves That sometimes von will want yourselves. Many items in themselves are siuall, but in the course of time you'll need them all; so we would ask you please to keep in mind the place where when hurried you can find all your needs in the Hardware Line SIMPSON'S HARDWARE 37-39.NORTH MAIN STREET Millions of American women have always worn Kay ser Silk Gloves, "Italian" Silk Underwear and Silk Ho siery. In the past year a million more women have wanted them they have recognized Kayser superiority in wear, fit and economy. Our factories, pushed beyond their capacity, found it impossible to keep pace.withjthis demand. We could not produce the needed quantity, and at the same time maintain Kayser quality. We chose the quality. You have often been unable to buy Kayser goods in your favorite'store. This was not the fault of your dealer. He was unable to procure Kayser goods in the quantities he knew you wanted. Your favorite store now has a limited supply of Kay ser Silk Gloves, Italian Silk Underwear.and Silk Ho siery. Not all you would like perhaps, but enough to supply you with the things you need immediately. We are very glad to tell you that gradually the sup ply is increasing, and soon we hope that the situation will be normal. JULIUS KAYSER & CO. World's largest manufacturers of Gloves, Hosiery and Underwear Local Distributors for Julius Kayser & Co's Products And Other Equally Good Lines of Fabrics and Garments rt i titn nwwiwti tuttwt"H'i,"rnmi'''rllrt"t"' i'ilttii!tumrt'irii'-'tMiiit MiWUliiiMJUMliiluJ-'lilUl likllll(lllLtjiUtuUl.til.UM.l,ltm.JiUi4 imiti-firitP'tt .ma Here It will Jo,n the Pacificjou. illues, of an aged aunt of her. Established 1813. I: Due