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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1920)
VediioNiIny, May 5, 1020 A ' -w The Social Realm Wednesday Club The Wednesday Afternoon Club j was very ploasantly entertuined at; the home of Mrs. W. L. Ma.veyj"lu uasuway, jir. aim .Mm. yesterday afternoon. A luige com-! ''Pl;htel, Mr. and Mrs. V. O. N. pany was present and spent un cn-j Sn:ltl. Sheldon, Misses Clan-1 joyable time with their noedR-1'" Bll1 Annu Kltlin. JoHpliinn IJl- woik, which was Interspersed with: I'"5. May Hadfield, Marguerite- guessing contests of various klmK;am' Cecilo Moore, Esther,. Fine refreshments were served, i fiasaway, Alvis Gusuwny, , Mrs. I. D. Leslie, Mrs. C. I,. Loom-; is, Mrs. W. C. Mitchell und Mrs. I W. E. Moor usslstiug the hostess. J I , I'ast Matrons' Club, J The Past Matrons' Clul) of thej O. E. S held its usual monthly meeting at the home of the pres- Ident, Mrs. E. V. Carter on the! Boulevard last evening. At the business meeting three new mem-1 hers were initiated into the club Utter which a social period was spent, during which the members enjoyed the hospitality of the Jiostess. E. P. Creason and Sain Potter; pre jointly erecting a fine new! garage on the hitter's lot on Kafli Main street. The walls of this ; building are partially bricked. , nnd the rest finished with Uigh ' trade of lumber. When complet ; td the structure will be one of the Iii,est private garages in the city .' ; Kwimming Party this account. Professor Dunn ' ).,.,. busy during- the pa we. !: A Jolly bunch of school girls,' ?l "t the day ut tho high school ..bowing property to few oinei -chaperoned by Mises Spencer andi where ho not only spoke to several who hue. itrri.'fd lire to vi.-it an 1 Kraemer, are holding u May Day classes but gave a general ussem- iemain to henmie ciliz as. Arootia picnic and swimming party utlly lecture on early Christian the recent sales report-d l.y t!.i. Holman's baths today. About 30 monuments of Rome. The meet-' agency is the tHewart hi, i, a; hoc on are In attendance. j ii'K last night was well attended ('nion sired, w hii h has be. u nn'- $ $ I by tho teachers and others who 'chased by Dr. A. K. I.ittleehil.l, a laniard-Cress : were interested. Retired d'-ntist of l'.etiiu::!. X.di. Mrs. Dora Cress of Ashland and' ' Dr. and Mrs. Little-child earne lien- Harrr W. Leonard of Chlloquin, I K,i,la-V Afternoon Clul. a M.ort time ; co for tie l en-fit of Wsl.., were united In marriage at' The Embroidery club met at the ,,,,,,. Thi, ;,. Redding Wednesday of this week.;1'0"10 of Mr- p- s- F(,llz Friday. ,lou.(, s0 ln.-h since arriving in They will leave sbortlv for Chile- A"ril ;10' " ,)ci"K U,e '""', Ashland that H.ey have i l-d to quin on a visit, after which they : birthday and twentieth wedding ; .m.,iu ,,e; .nanently. vill return to Redding to make anniversary. The ladies present-! m,-s. ,:. n. Stewart ofSm Die-.., their home. i e(i her wi,h a bea,lliI111 I"l'ce 01 1 rw utly ptirehas'd t!.- .Mavnie j cut glass. Mrs. Guy Jacobs en- '(;rajni!pr 0m m Harirad nes-re. Kenior C uks Pliil' ! "Let's Get Married," iB the title of the play to be presented by the sinlor class of tho Ashland high j school. This' is a three-uct rom- fdy and will be presented In the high school gynina.sium Thursday evening, May 0. A number of j the members of-the senior class; ronipose the cast. Hand Dance A good sized company was pres ent at the valley band dance In tlie Natatorium last evening. The music furnished by the band or chestra was particularly adapta ble to dancing, and the event ptoved to be one of the delight 1 ii t affairs which this aggregation Is giving twice a month In Ash land. Mito IW,x Contest Kndu The Calendar Mite Box contest In the Home Missionary Society of the M. E. church closed lust evening with a social. The amount leceived from the boxes was $95. 83. The month of January, l (--presented by Mrs. G. H. Way. was the winner. The second in the race was February, and was lepresented by Mrs. O. G. Howard. A good attendance was present and a fine program was rendered, r.fler which Ice cream and cake v.ere served. r. K. itniiy A small but enthusiastic audi ence greeted Lyod Carrick last evening at the pre-convention ral ly in the Presbyterian church. Mr. Carrick led the singing with his naxaphone, accompanied by Mis.i Certrude Miksch at tho piano. Af ter announcements of tlie Med- j, ford convention plans by Miss Spencer, i'nion president, and "choice remarks" by Miss York. Mr. Carrick brought (he message of the evening In bis own earnest way, "Our Strongest Instincts." An after meeting for practicing yells and songs, and an pa rues' little prayer service closed the meeting. Agoodly number will go to Medford today to alt end the convention. g Class 1'iirty The King's Daughters class of the Presbyterian Sunday school held delight ful May Day party on tho church lawn last evening. Miss Pauline ('lift was chosen nueen and dressed in royal robes, with Mark Koehler, knight, bear ing her gold crown on a pillow, marched to her throne beneath the big plno treo in the manse lawn. The ladies In waiting sum moned by the huglo notes of a heiahl, gracefully wound tho May role with rainbow colored stream er. Supper in the church followed. Miislc by Miss Mae Kaexl delight ed the hearers and the parly closed in time for the Christian Endeavor rally at 8 o'clock. "Tacky I'urly" A "tacky" party was held in the basement of the flaptlst church last evening as a farewell to Carroll Holmes, who Is going to Eugene to enter the university. Everybody came dolled up in their oldest and most grotesque ..i .i .ii h-lnwl In make the occanion a merry one. Refresh-' mentu were served. In keepingjscl ools. The chief trophy will j with the nature of the party. The, first course consisted of a toot h I Ick stuck in a bean and a glass of water. Repenting of this slim i menu, the refreshment committee ! then served sandwiches, cuke und punch. Those attending were Mr. ! Ceer. Carroll Holmes, Allen Aulry, Lloyd Crowson und Earl Ouawuy. Local Instiliile The local institute of the Ash land teachers was held at the high school gymnasium l ist night. Devotional exercises were conduct- cd by Rev. C. F. Koehler. Thejyard dash, MO yard aH,Iie,lce was e"11- leased with a trombone solo by V. O. X Smith. Mrs. Ashcraft und Mrs. Elmore In their usual delightful vay each sang and it seemed to- the audience that for the music alone It had been worth while assembling. Tlie address of the cvening was given in the form of a stereopticon lecture on the Ho- merle poems In art by Professor; I'- S. Dunn of the Pniversity of Or- c-gon. Professor Dunn has recent-j !v returned from Italy where he, had an opportunity to see ami study the ruins of Rome and his lecture was doubly interesting on j tenuineu uio lames, kuu some ui hei musical selections. Dainty re- freshments were, served by the hostess. After wishing the host- ess many more years of wedded happiness the ladies declared this event a most happy and pleasant afternoon affair. The club meets with Mrs. Ray Hale, on rifth street next Friday. Those present were: Mrs. O. V. Long, Mrs. Dy rude, Mrs. Hale, Mrs. Jacobs, Mrs. M. Smith, Mrs. F. niookmiller. Mrs. Frulan, Mrs. L. D. flood and tho hostess. MONDAY'S XEWS Picnic at Wagner Creel; Mr. and Mrs. V. O. X. Smith and littlo son, Ceorce Francis, uc-' companied by Mrs. C. X. Cray nnd Misses ('show nnd P.abv, drove up Warner creek yesterday after-, noon and picnicked under Hi great pines In that scenic valley. They returned home about 7 o'clock lust evening. May Day Parly Mis3 Lydia McCall was hostess at a most charming May Day par ty at her home at 153 Oak street Saturday evening, in honor of Miss Helene Casey, who is visiting in Ashland. The first of the even-. ling was spent in playing 500, af-1 ,pr wnrh the gucstr, were invit- ei to the large dining room In the Wagner residence. Here they C'.iiitiii.i 'Deko" Bryant rappedth" found the room had been turned ball fai over tho left fielder's lute it veritable woodland, with p,.:1(i, cm "ng the diamond on tie fir branches und pussy willows (ijve, thei.hy winning Mr. Fi.r grouped naturally in the corners svthe's two dollar bat for the lirs' and along the walls, A May pojo iK.nie run of the season. Ashland's was erected in the center of ti'1"" i iiil'it'lil worked like a machine and room, nnd tho ladies of the com-' handled the ball like veterans pany drew lots for the honor f , wliilo Young played a swell gam:- being Queen of the May. This foil to Mies Oorgie Coffee, who was "crowned" and "robed" in nil the panoply of royalty, aHer which tlie entire company danced around the May pole. Temptin: lookliiK baskets of luncheon I stood around In the "woodland. ' and the company fell to spread- ing the table cloths on tho "ground" nnd laying out a regit- In r picnic feast. After finishing! the good things to eat, the com-; pany danced the Virginia Rocl , and other old-time figures i" ; keeping with the season. About twenty were present at the parly. Ihllcl (allied nt I.uncll Mr. and Mrs. V. V. Mills enter tained a small company of friends at lunch nt their home on Fast; Main street last evening. The guest list included Mr. and Mrs.; W. el. r.ggs, ar. a.... mis. ,v. - Purdic and Dr. F. M. Moxon. Christ Inn Science lcture Ezra W. Palmer ot Denver,' Colo., will give an address on Christian Sicence in the Elks Tem-I pio this evening, beginning at 8 O'clock. Mr. Palmer is a member' of the board of lectureship of the Mijther Church of Boston, and is; a speaker of much renown. The' public is cordiully invited to at tend, j The sixth annual track and field! meet of the Southern Oregon 'ithletic association wil be held In Talent Friday, May 7, at which nil students regularly enrolled in I districts of the second and third claLses in Jackon county which maintalneu standard h i g h the Olympic cup which I was won by Cold Hill In 1!14, by Central Point in 1915.; by Talent in 1910, by I'liiit-nix in 1017, not contested for in 1 9 1 S on account of the war. in lit Hi iitatu won by Talent. The cup is to mo iiuu poriiiaiieni (' of the school winning it three times. Following -an- the events, Track Kvents Kvents for Hoys "C" flu: 100 yard 220 yard run. lie yard run. 1M yard hurdle, M inches: -110 yard relay, 3 hoy; to a team, each to run 110 yards, open to boys of i'liy das: und tvcaidless of number of other (vents entered. "A" and "I!" cli'ss: HO yard dash, 1"0 yard iheh, 220 yatd run, 120 yard hur dle, 21 inches. Events for Mills "C ' class: 50 dash, 1201 yard hurdle (21 inch hurdle for l girls.) "A" and "IS" clas: vanl dash, 100 yard dash, 12o yard . radio. -'-1 1 Kvenjs Kvents for Hoys ' ("' class. Kim broad jump, run high jump. . jot put, 12 lbs.; pole vault, jav- cj,, throw. "A" and "I!" class: Him broad jump, it n hii'h jiitu i. 'o vault. ""' for baskets. rtht put, 8 lbs.; p. class: ISaskulball baseball for distan. ') , i:iss: All-up e. "A" and Indian club ri,rt., potato race. The Staples Realty coin any ha thiotlgh the Staples n-.-n.-y. i .M, wa de ,;,,.,,(, but Mrs. SL'-wart i. so d ij,.i,t,.,i with Ashland ih-.t si.,.- i til i n Iv ill of loentin" in her ii.a! ;oui,ed pi..p"rty. Ai..-!i.t ! ,.. tI,js :it:uty j.; tb.,t of the In. ; ,, property on Ashland : at i.ip(-rty streds wiiii h .has b- puichiHod by V.'. 11. Worthi;:. t"i of Portland. Among reeetit inve-t m.'-nt s v this realty for their c!a-M are the Wilson i-ioi a-ity on I'l i-e f:r..nite s'tr'-.-t o.eilookitm ti: paik. and th" ri-salence known a the Ste helicon lion,.- on II. v.e street. Tho Ashland high school bare halinine journeyed to tJrulsh l ass Wedae.-day and won Uu opining game of the season who. they trimmed t no northern lean; by a. score of i to '-. The game was almost entirely tree from er rors n.nd "boners" and was a well earned victory for the local hoys. Leo Fitnieran, AsliUnd's southpaw tviiler, held the Grunts Pass team to four scattered hits and is ( T otlitoil wi seventeen strikeouts. jp, started the fireworks for Ash- biml in tho first frame byjdoiib-, to left center field and was -, advanced by Young's sacrifice to .Lll where he scored on an ( V1 i-i;;row. In tli-i fourth inning. behind tho bat. The Ashland scores were made as follows: ! P.ryant i, Pinneran, Kaegi, High, ; .-selhy. The lineup: Young, catcher; Pinneran, pitcher: Srhueimaii. shortstop; llrymit, first baseman; McMillan, second baseman; Kae- tliii-t-l baseman; I'i-h, left field; p,,,,,,-, center field; ltoss, right pp t a lv(-ent meeting Southi-in Oregon Poultry of t ho i associ- ntion, W. V.. I!. Webb was chosen: ,lt ,,re!ii,out to suiceed Henry V. .':;, mo, who. hud resicnnl. i Other business of note at the inei-ling was a chance in the n.une 'of, the association. This was done in recognition of the glowing im portance of tho rabbit breeders' interests. As a result the word rabbit" will be inserted in the .,,, ,p w,u,.Mt,n wi, be ,.I0Wn il3 S()Utlleill ., Pl- try and ltahbit association. A picnic is to lie held lids sum mer nt Ashland creek canyon dar-; ing Chautautiia week, at wbielij the rabbit breeders will cclebrale! their advent. Of cour.-o, a chirk-j oil dinner und rabbit sandwiches, will be in order. All poultry ami rabbit men, their wives and sweet-: 1. carts aro to be cordially invited. The date will be announced later. A fino attendance of interested housewives was present at no sewing school that is being con- (lucted in the Temple of Truth this week. Children's clothing v. as the topic und'-r discu--,ion. and patterns wera cut for kii.die , 'garments. Today tin; topic will be textiles for in. discussion lie ASHLAND which lessons will he given in ; lonf timers' judging fabrics. Tu;s school is under the auspices under the auspices ot of the extension ser o Agricultural college, ! Miss I til' : vii-c of ami Mes Tool, county home demon-tn. '.ion agent, who have be-.-n !(;arin; the county (or the past month h ihling the schools of in st met ion in sewing at tho various (Ii.- Irici !. A l 1 1 i .y school is being i ; (I un der tlie same order for thi.-e, dav., some time tlie latter ' j sit i.f .M iv or first of-Juiie. Three I T. ,ys v. i.l he devoted to hat con ' ,a lartion, en dall attending are ' s'i: 1 1 to make their summer : 1-. t. A number from the Hello-. ; vi.-w di.-tri. t and Talent have been '.i!i.Ti;iig the three day sessions The allelnooli program of yes i.i. '.-: mi" -ting Was filled with i.,od thiiies from tho opening sor.g to the benediction. Th Imiio was all too short to discuss ; II the vital topics I'ltroducoil anil v. are the aims of the t'nirm. aiany a.-l;ed why tnere was not an eveiiinic sasaion also. I The local concurs had hoped to have Mrs. A. If. Itussel prefant. I v. Iio was the first president of .'shlaml I'nion :ii; years ago, but 1 v was returning to Montague. - Calif., and could not attend. Mrs. 1 iuis el has bei.-ii an active loyal member through all the years when it was not popular nor easy t-i believe in temperance, until tho on ra nt year of victory. County P. i. -ident Mr; v ilh Mrs. Howell of : i.'ded the program Ashcraft Med ford tactfully, timing the speaker ing was lost and so that notb thete was a el for all. Various . candi dates for oifi'is at the coming primaries were introduced and pro--i-iiteil their names and claims in a pleasant maimer. Space will not permit of diseus Ision of all the splendid tilings j i v r-n by the speakers, but IPs. I'eo.i on Educational Pi-add":1?.-.' v. as spb-ndid, as was a'so Mrs lloyi'a paper on the .Moving Pic lui c Show, and Miss liuruett'.s :'ei r-eful talk on Moral Education Mrs. A -lie-raft Jr., -was cbarmiii'-' al.'-ays in her beautiful noli. :.;..! .Mrs. Manning gave a spirited n nib ring of "The Flag That la :) ai.el-." Ti-e jiiidh---. drive was pre onted by ti: !'-'. and l.-w.leijons were i.'Vnrt"! eii-l adopted on: Stato -is!' Mon lor Sabbath ob ai vance, Loral e . ' 1 1 : . a -. : J i i j i hoards for mov ie; tiitipe show:: ;n small towns a, well a.-; cities. Open 1'ig'i-a-.:iii t tobacco in any form, at to ohmi'i'min the advertising e. :' on bill boards. County couit eei' iih-r fie- support of matin:: ' had: after the moral delinain : ' ; ot the county. Thc.-o resolmi': -vr-re drawn up by a comnii'- i - -n .Ming of Mrs. If. P. I.e. a -Mrs. M. L. S, rices, and Mrs. J. ' '. Wood. Two contracts were lav.r for bridge construction bv state hiahway coinniis-iou t waik. These were for work the overhead crossins at A.-hi. !.i. .M. Stevenson obtainiii.: award for 3 o ,4 a 7 . ".ll, and 1'. alter obtaining the contra- $12.1S2.f.H fur hridees over ' lei's gulch and Ilinlaeyij cr.-a 1 ..fksnii county. Car Poultry Siipplfe Lnok this lift over: tie have. Lowest possible pi Diamond Chick Food. Diamong lags Producer. Diamond Scratch Pood. Diamond Meat Scraps. Diamond Fish Scraps. Diamond I-'isli Meal. Diamond Granulated Poiav Diamond Grit. Oyster Shell. Poultry Suell. Charcoal. 1 I.i it Ii Ashland Fruit & Produce A W I-- il VcuUn 1 lb ; fcj'-f j Impart that wl-,lr. i. i- -l Vi I, . Sprin ' rn.!f-rw.-..r. f '" I Oil ML.VS UK.II! WEEKLY TIDINGS Vis. I', i:. WW.' ' tic';;!: r;.l ;ii I'.. el ,lh ),. r -.!!.:. ; lis-ii , v : it.- iau a!y to Mrs. i:. !.. a, t i'y. of wen -ll ef s: '-'it i;, la. ; IT;-- 1.. I t .a run of -in .1. I 1 ; k.-r kite i n to . i'Hl'1: ,1 d w .-k-ts. ! lull. - in T An: ai'.i Male! KoillaiU'' .1 b. .'..amy ;n . 11 t ' !'"- o: ha- 1 a -ll ; it,-- i: I'mi .1. Ii. Dei a I pr 1-1 i; ; el, f: K.ila-:; e.-ahl Hi .. la n IiP'-d I !i sp- i d it i; of Well- .''!:.i fa: "Th-i'.-' 1 la''.', p;i i! .. d i' !':) a Oil Savinrs Accciuifs A PolIar'Sttuts ai- Ac-kU! STATE DANK 01 ASLAD. r- ! is surely something es. Fine Corn Meal. Cotton Seed .Meal. Linse-d Meal. Soya IP -an Meal. Kuola Meal. Alfalfa Meal. White Shorts. Mill Run. Jllatchford's Milk Ma Ulutchfoid'H Calf M Hlatchfoid's Pig aba AMI I Ki ll f'tilr fi ;uuu(.i.i a Ready loCriohicii Concueror HATS and CAPS o.vroM ii i: 10 0 Intern! If! b a:. ill, bs ,1 wild: d arc;-. With 11' d. No 1 -,..-.! n l!:'"l;. 11' -I : , a -a fellow i'-pu'v ' -i!" aims lb ;:i in Ion n. i 1 1 In .-1 a at. 11,1 : i l.uotin : was in at l-u-.-y al-i, v i ' he ! S-SI. fill v. hii. . llaek. had IV U b" ' W n ' - 'J p. i .0 . 1 n r:o vi- rrrv 1' LL'. . i I -v VCTE : f C' V. . IV . .. nnvfrf ra-i -in ' '' ' ' V-f 1 Y) J I '.,!!. .11 l..v - -1 . .. i . I f '( in b i ; it ' i a1, . ww n:v r.vnr.iiWs V .,, ;,.,tist church from various points of SoutJiern Oregon gathered in Cr.uts 'Pass Friday to lay plans for a meeting to be held in that i ity June 4, 5 and C. The meet ing will be of the members of the ' '" I u une Kiwr association, to which !! : H lb ' churches of the Baptist tiiaiia denomination in this part ot the '"'it. will :,eiid representatives, ''ripe; . j.,. , , ..,.,(;, tji, ,1 f (iie local, state, national and world-wide 'v.-oik being done by the church af ihe'wii; take iii part of the sessions. LLSCTJCri, MAY 21 U Lr.3 foio 302 X Yes cad Bond Limit'l' 'I'iTI.l', I S AS I ' I.I.O"S : rr (ON-.ll!' .a' AMI.N'r)M!'.ST-l:.tirr.-.l ui th p,p: l.y tin I .a-:: v LI.Ytli ill,. J t-Ot'.l PfR CENT STATE INDEBTEDNESS l.i.l ef: VkENI ROADS, -l-arp.-r i.. tmri.'l Swn.ii J ut A , 1 i : r, mii l ",Si- sua- -:f llr.sjiiii a i.ipnmit tl.a .'. -.i a i i i,a i.'s in.-t'i li: K iirvn.u--U-liu a.,.1 I i . - I1-. .In i; e.. til it-Cin.a K jwnwient re.l. te fit, i- l l I , ai" 1 I'l.1!!"'. 1 v:aiun,.li ..I an ll. pri.pviiy i . ll' u-. , i--a .i-t it tw p.-ri-fiitu-ni.w pmvi.le.j 1 y w. r; :?1;JV T.1X-K3 DIRECT :! n auto license V ' '." r-;ci: f-r. Ofl nior.i utr tv Ci'ii'JLirVt IK I. rig' present unto i I 'a: i : : I !;;el interi -t on all the bonds .. hi :!l a Man annual surplus hesiiles for Other . ;a'--:. tii, mil taxalimi of liny kind. ru::;?3 rusT be matched 1! M.'i .v I'uiais to itai'.h 1'cilcriil appnrtion t i i ... t .., , lVdnal iii.m. y or Oregon lluada. ! , a I- i- a i a-ri -itv. I'ldc-s limit is increased. .1 la ! T I Mr n. any. lenny years. or must be fiiiishni is. a r.:i- av. in direct property tax for statu a a pe -Jai-. Let's get tlie mails built now. :.I!icical lo Pay Principal f .1 Aii'l i-, ..::!!. On. w illiniil .-t iirt-aent ratt-t, ' i.'!" u r -i.i.v 8i t f.iitl, liy wftiiiai figure a i il :.r l!itt M .I.- Panii-h i-t fi.r Vt-raliku.n. i. , I r p. itvli. in rei -H-..1 im1 Iti.t liii-aeiit ralrt (ax i a' in: I a l -r :i:-.l a-'d .ai'ii hi-nalt-s i; p! li-l.e! ti-t!i-i I f-aiiiMl iuh, writi- to U Dl.Vl'I.lirMI.M' ASSorlATIOV t ( (rami, ttioii twam (ia-in I . ittt , 3; ; v a. i a i-1, I'niian.ii, uin-'ii 3,2 X VtS cor i0 State Road Bond .. ' tk?. . - . '""v.i. i i t .iia ii Qihet Making Spring Dress ? I'i;!;;i.l's vol' CAN' 1'l.VD nXK THAT Vtil I IKi:. li'KADV Tit SUI INTO. ,1,-ia-i-y, Ti'i.-.'tiiM', S.Miif, ..,.t(. ;iinl Cn-iit' ilf Mil mi imoMIv iiscl in our ilivsst's. iii in suell ell vol' styles. Tlii-i,. arc lovfly styles, also, in Voile Wash Hicsas fur Summer. Why not look them over MOW i J V. A. Have a W, Line;'.., 1it--; l'alu'ies 1 i Thn-e Wlin Sew, or Kni'iloy a HresMiiaker i , .. ) llOMK .FOI'K'N'AL PATTKIiN'S ,(' - I"" -I I, I "! -i.f-'! 1-V-1""t:"1 k fji 'i.U- ' -r- - " ft r II... J'.l.....,u:.i. !.,.....".. I. )lllflif. fl . imIii.-I il V- PACK TTIREE Popular- meetings" lor the"leopW of the community will be held each evening. Good speakers will be secured for the occasion. CJETS ItHiHT OF WAV. HOSEBPRG. All rights of way for the Pacific highway from the north bouudary of the county to Roseburg have been secured. Several property owners In thu vicinity of Leona bive been hold ing out, but agreements were reached with them this week by the county court. TAX fees A license feet and and Interest. Limit i WVtl v. Titt'lVtii, Satin, Cii'tu'- suv Hit niiitt'.iul.-s and tlwy aiv uiad. for Wool, Silk or S4 :a' '. -.1, J T Ma