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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1920)
PAGK iWO ASHLAND WEEKLT TIDINGS Wednesday, May 5, 102(1 Ashland Weekly Tidings Established 1S70 Published Kvery Wednesday by THE ASHLAND ri'.INTI.V. I'll. Bert K. Greer. . lMiior OFFICIAL cm n I'.U'LU. cot ty III.IPHOM: ;t!l SI HSI KHTION one Year .six .Months Three .Months KATL'S mi 1. AM Ki:'i'ISI(i 1UTIS Hi spiny Adiefli'enicnts, each inch 30c Loral Headers, the line 1 in ( 'l.issii'ii-il Column, the wind, each time li' Nonces, each time, the line 3 1 - it ( aids (if Thanks $1.00 obituaries, the lino 2 ':f Fraternal orders mid societies cliurKiiiK regular initialiun foe and dues, rcaulur rates, lleliraous and benevolent societies will be churned at the Tegular ailverlisini; rale for ail adver tising when an adniirsiou or collection is taken. Knteivd at the Ashland, Oregon, l'osloftiro as second class mail matter. MCCKSSITV WILL 1 Olt i: I ssi i: "Actual hunger may inoe a h.iLe pioporlion of the American I'aiple if conposs dots not do i-uincthini: in readjust agricultural londitioiis in this country," Sena tor Capper, republican of Kansas, oei'.ared in Hip senate recently, in discussing the pending agricul tural appropriation bill. A "land slide" of farm labor to the industrial centers is threat cine a growing food shortage v hich. unle-s checked, will rendei the larmers powerless lo sujipl the food demands of tlio nation, Ca per warned. We can't stop our present fain, l.bor leaving the farms for tlu ciCes but we can adopt ineasiire whirh will permit the importation of farm labor to this country uu oer proper restrictions. Ultimately, necessity will force I ho issue for we must eat and tin. farmers cannot feed the nation without help to do it. AIOVKV Kilt 111 U MNO Aiany people have been wailim for prices lo drop before biiildin'-' homes. In Ihe meantime rents have been climbing, steadily ami the man who has put off building for the past year has seen that there is no prospect for a ma terial drop in prices and he is out another year's rent. As a result it looks as if there would be a land slide of building during tin coming summer. At a recent conference of liuild i rs, labor leaders, financiers, ar- hilects anil contractors the Heal Lstute Bureau of New Vorrk an nounced that $100. Olio. 0110 is available for immediate building development if labor and build ers can agree on a program of baimoiiy. A similar conference in Chicago lccuitly developed that 25,001.1 lionies will be roi Hired there this year. The situation in New York am! Chicago is merely a reflection o! simitar conditions in nil sections of the country. I'l.AVS (III AID OI' SALVATION a inn The local aihisoiy board for the S-aliatioll Aliny, Home Servici l'roeram for 1!C0, met l ist night at the city hall. Chairman Dr. O. McCrarken presided. Tentative J lulls for Ashland's part ill the state wide driie which is to take place from May 1 to May Id, were HOW'S VOIR BLOOD ? Pimples and Eruptions Mean Bad Blood People v bo have impure or impove: Hied blood Blu.uld be careful totak only a tempi-mure remedy made wild roois iiinl barks, nidi a Dm'to Pierce OhMi ii .Medical Discoveiv i mid ih been fur nearly .'ill years Ingredients praiu-d on rapper! The lirst day j.pu uiart to lake tin reliable nii-uiciiie, impure germs am iccmuulatiom bein to i-eparale in th blood ami are then expelled throiigi the eliniinative mgant. In place of the impurities, tli ar terii-e aial v:uis gradiialiv get fro.-1 vitalized bin-id and II. e action of il.i food blood on the hkiu means tba pimples, b..;., carbuncli, eczema rash, acne and many skm blemishe ill disappear. Tin n von must re member mat when the I.IokI i rigbi the liver. Hninadj, b.meit and Lidnev becmie bealihv, acihe and vigoroii did you mil l,aie no more tniiblt mill indigestion, backache, iieadaclie iet Di-t r I'ierce's (ii.lden .Mtdic.i Dincovery to-dav ai any medicine deal its, in tablet or hipli I (.,rin, or m-im. 10c. lor trial package ti Dr. 1'ieice'l luvahdii' H..UI. P.ufialo, N. Y. Oikl.AMl. C Ai.lK. ' A r.l.ithe ii!itii-U. Ii-T l.iiic t'iriii-1 t-j w u'-r ; ihe d'icoir givi la-r lip. n:i,il sle n i- r I ci. riil. M. in.iPi In-ill Dr. I'l.-r .Oid"U M. DivoM-r.. aoO li cured ber. 1 n.iv, loot ix ' 'i ' fc hn-ll left loe in a li'-rw,'i- hlal', V I!' 1 if se-'-p ai.i : in-. I 'in-1 nl I',. rc-N liial'l I f.-t I' a-ulit IV.'. li j He.ll.-ul III r. wry : i urwu in.-. I i. ,..i.. I-.- -nia discussed. Those present were: lir. O. McCracken, II. 0. Knders Jr.. W. K. l.uch.ilian, Hov. I'. K. H..mnionil. Mrs. 1). Pero.zi ni.d W. II. alcNair. A ineetiii? was called lor Kiid.iy ovoidns, April at which a definite plan in al lien is to be outlined. The diiedots of I'l nil and Produce i a n, Celine held last the Ashland asoeialuili at evening '!'- (iiii'd to build an extension to I hi ir plant on the plot thoy se iined last summer adjoining their - pn sent buildings. This will be 'on the site of the old While Sul phiir hotel which the association I had torn down a short time ago, alio the lot made ready for the new sirhcture, should the aoci :iion decide lo build this year. I'lans have been accepted for a Imp' extension, which calls for 1 la feet on Ash street, running lack to the railroad on the north, and the diro.rtors expect to ad it rlise for bids for the construc tion immediately. Owing to the cold weather prev ail nl this sprint;, the association miii 1 n undecided about build ing their extension, thinking that a i our fruit year would not war- lanl the addition to their plant at lids lime. Later developments, however, have caused them to go ahead with their plans of (-illumine their plant. Fruit prospi-cts now are unusually good, and if I hey continue the necessity of l.u- ;ir buildings will be iinpcraiiv A full crew of workmen are busily engaged laying the "hot stuff" on the pacific, highway ex leiision which the Oskar llnher company is building soul 1 1 of Ashland. This work lias been di laved on account of Ihe rainv weather this spring, and has only lightly started. The work is be in;! carried on from the compani's 1 h.nt at the junction of the Dead Indian road and the highway, am! is. progressing towards the city. Yesterday about fillO feet of lav ing were laid, and the cont racloi s are making good progress. 111 a recent letter Irom Mis.; Alary Young, who left Ashland last fall for Korea where she en tered a mission school, she de scribed very entertainingly Jap an'.", New Year's celebration which sin witnessed on her way to Ko rea. This celebration, uccoiilin; lo Aliss Young, lasts three days. Ill tho business sclion the si reel, v.ere elaboralely decorated with bamboo, flags, lanterns and grass fringe stretched across Ihe -hop fronts. These open froiil shops, Aliss Young states, resem ble street booths. Instead of the "honk, honk" of the auto and oilier accustomed noises, it was th" "Click, click" of the wooden slioes, uud the "aye, aye" of the 'lll.sha mall, who has right ol ay when (here is no auto about "Our tickets perinill ing, Aliss llass, Aliss Dickon and 1. Die three missionaries lo Korea, chose ot have our baggage con tinue by boat while we. went over laud to Kobe," Miss Young wrote. "The following morning we went ti. the depot in rikshas. It cer tainly did not seem right for u human to pull the thing in which i I ri de, but suppose I will gel used lo it. In ,laian they sell as many' tiikets for a car as it is made for, and love or money won't buy an other. As everything was full there was nothing for us to do hill to go back to the boat. "We were sailing at 1 p. m. Pive minutes before the time. 1 iverheard Aliss Alass say she hail jusl rescued her baggage which was put off by mistake, and she hud happened to seo il. Suspect-' ing mine was off also, I flew, and sure enough, il was. found the baggage man. got I an (.Dicer's permit, and men to re load. Down Ihe baggage plank w. went, I io Idioilily. A Jap-ali.'-e iillicer said I could not go lank Inn way. 1 looked al him a second, bopped owr the cable and was soon out of leach. - No tin.r lo go around." Aliss Young stated that the Nf l. was very beautiful on that New Year's day but that they wop very glad to get their first sight of land with its rich coloring ami gieat snow-capped Fuji. inn in the background. Public Forum A PROTEST AND AN APPEAL Editor Tidini-'s: We lo.k rrouml ih, ami evervwheii. v. , o much benny nnd grace of form ami color, sunshine and cloud and shadow, mountain nnd meadow, hill mid dale, tree and IP Id mid llower and sparkling waterfall, a ion-taut il. Inhl In ll:,. en., .-!, evi-ilastiiig iiispiialiou to tl"- soul , to lollow nature, and be bi auti I lul, but what is this poison that lis polluting the air? It Is tin br th of the si most deadly of gases, rem-..t'-d in . an unrighteous heart, flin g toiih by a malicious tiairne; eiaiiv uii-uspecii,K victims h" Lai; bir. ii firhtjliK sti-lolih', tiin.e Hi ly the t.a'lle ot life hi.'.e t n cim-lly "gaa-eil " Some iii ii- re i in ye.ns rerover from the inlurv. some .erhapti mav never entiri-Iy recover. Only by tho application of healiii!! truth can th le' repaired, and oltui unavailable t rut U is all An assault too1 on ! il.a human body is followed by! The Tidings hopes that in the swift punishment 0 l'the assail-' reorganization of the club every ant. Inn the at'empted and often i la- niuiderors of human i .-ponsibility ot a club officer is' ace and hapuilit-s-s, no their self-, to hang onto tho funds he left en-! satisfied way, unpunished except lirely off the new official roster.' tor Hie occasional small pricking I'ut in officers with vision and pep; ei a paralyzed coUiCienee, u con-! ami good judgment. Then watch si. i le e so nearly di ed that it Arjiland KIW. Such men Will keep' 1 rows neither reju-nalance nor op tho enthusiasm and energy nec chain.'o, but win n public sentiment ' ossary to great accomplishment, ' is aroused, there must bo change! ' ami progress. The ideals of this! aliss Lillian M. Sullivan.1 i oiniuiiiiity are too high to toler- daughter of Mr. and Mis. W. II J ale existing conditions. It seems . Sullivan, formerly of Ashland, to be a failing of many otherw ise sails for the Orient on tho Shinyo' canorous natures to find a selfish Alum May 7. Miss .Sullivan, who' pleasure in wrecking the reputa ( is, private secretary to the presi Hon of another, as though they 'dent of tho (lorbam Engineering thought in some mysterious way Co., of San Francisco, will bo the ' lo heighten their own ego, by low-; house guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. It. ! ei'ing that of others; but whoever passively receives, then pisscv along to another waiting carrier, this, destroying evil, is an accom plice in crime, and accessory af ter the fiction, b t us say, for there can bo little doubt that nine- tenths of tho scandals In circula - lion are without foundation of (ret. .Many of them tho write:' knows to be absolutely false, am! sumo are so absurd that it is al most unbelievable that any person of ordinary intelligence would pile one innocent until proved guilty. If wu entertain Hie thought of evil, it may react on our own natures, weaken our characters and lower our influ ence. When there has been actual wrong-doing, let us not foru'l that we are all sinners in some decree. Jesus ill His great wis doni and llliilei -landing said: "lie llial is without sin among you, le! him first cist a stone." Should we, through some happy combina tion of circtiin. talli es, a fine in hiiilauce, splendid environment,, i. mi absence of strong temptation think that we may still claim tie' privilege of throwing stones yi I why Hi row slimes at all? An1; there not more effect ivn ways of I iiissening evil, than by expressing hale and contempt for Ihe evil doer? Who shall gay how inaliy : limes t ' 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 may not han he.-n overcome, ere the final test , i ia which it was at last victorious? l.el us organize ill thought, an alili-si aliilal club that shall ill elude tin' whole community. The' primary object of this club to le- not to subtract from the sine total of human happiness; the one i mi I i lit m I ion for ineiuheiship. j Ihe possession of a kind ami gen- j emus heart; I ho initiation fee, j pearl o ft i nth; ils one by-law j "Do unto others as ye would that I they should do unto you"; (or lis' emblem, Ihe jewel of justice; il motto, more hue. charity ami hu- milily. .May we c, or strive to make the social atmosphere as pure and w lnnesonie, us the moun tain nil' that .' urroiiiids our beau lilul little city. 11 wise control, reach shining, goal If evil forces held in thrals, And for our creed a larger meed Of love and charity tor all. AIRS. EMILY L. WAITK. . IHE COMMERCIAL CI, I It DRIVE Ashland is to be congratulated and the Commercial Club officers and local workers generally on the spbmlid success of Ihe Coninier ual Club drive. The sum total will be a membership of about a, 10, about one hundred more thai' .Medford secured in its recent diive, ami a cash working hudgcl ot about $5,000. If the club succeeds ill main taining the same degree of en thusiasm and energy in working Hie outside lerritoiy in its ex It. nsion (hale as il has working eilii.ens in Ihe membership and budget drive Ashland will double ils population in the net year or Imi. Whether th" cluhspep is 1 lainlaiued throughout the com ing year depends largely on the breadth of the new board of ili r idol's and officers to be elected by the membership. . I WHO 'Ihe club needs ofi'ii b'NOW HOW I'll SPEND MONEY.' rot those ulio know how NOT to .-in ml money. Ashland has a lot i I cilinn-i, oili-n fiul al Ihe head oi such piojei ts, who believe the acme of succes of a Cfimiiic rchil Club lies in KFI'PINil ' THE FUNDS l THE TREASURY. Never was die greater enor. Tin quick' r the funds can be ex pended In such manlier as In bring back three dollar'! of value for . n ry dollar so e;a ni,.il. the bel ter tlie sooner Ihe city will ice ill ti-v iv ifytni; olierl and bi'ieiiie hell hy and pi ospi i oua. A- hl.iiid po-si's.-i-s a lai'.-e inini ber of o!lieivv,,f conil cill.'.etM who are so cons-'i v at i i o ' hat tin,.' le a r ly bleak their backs leilling back Pul i-'iich as thoe al th" I.e. ot uf tie Coiomelcial Club ; lei all Ihe good work so far ai-coin- In In .1 will he lo t licibie. Tle'thini As! l..ud n.-eds is j ep-nn 11 ..t t'e lead ot li.-r fi.i ward enterprises vviih visiun and courage ami with good judsiin i.l I'li-.u '- )i to vp' ml money in any sum i.'.iiiite'l so loir-' 0 it is 1 j .i,i' t'd in .-uch a vvay i' tn lain div llend-. Ill the tin 1 1 li ,1 is o ir:!y III" r.irl (.1 1 't.iniation a Club i end thoe sub-crilimt did so. 11 ioulJ Lave done so, as .111 inv.,;,t- i.unt, in the hope that tbo funds Injury! would , qiy jnVeslcil in such manner as to return lai-Ro divi !; lis. man u feels that tho greatest Oorham of Yokohama while on business in Japan. From Japan Miss Sullivan will visit in Shanghai, Manila, ('anion, Hongkong and at Singapore, she will visit at tho home of Mr. mid : Mrs, , tain J. T. 0. Van Shreven. Cap-' A'an Shreven is the present! . commander ; navy. of the Royal Dutch' It will be remembered I hat Miss Alice AI. Sullivan, after graduat ing at a young jadies' finishing school in New York city, became Ihe briilo of Vommander Van Shreieu. August 11, 1!iS. As it would shoileii her jour ney to return via Europe, .Miss Sullivan hopes to make tho trip iiMinnd the world, but at the pres ent time traveliii'T conditions aro so poor that she may have to re turn via Japan, ! I ermission to construct Emi grant reservoir has been granted to Talent Irrigation district, 0.' .'Intent. Jackson county, by Percy A. Cupper, stale engineer. The; proposed reservoir is lo contain II, Out) acre feet of water from kmigrnnt creek and Keems creek. Jl will he constructed ill tlle chali i nel of Emigrant creek, with solid; rock bullion and .ides. The dam will be of conoicle, a lloo-fnot ra-1 .dins arch, i 2 11 feet high. 11a feet' j long at Ihe lop and 1 ",il feed al ; Ihe bollom, with a spillway ove.-i I the lop. The stored water will be used for irrigating Until) acres t of land. Cost of comili'ii'.lion is ! estimated al $:!uO,liii(i. Work upon the tlain i ; to he coinmenccti by June I and he completed will, in Ihiee years. Today marks an important coprh in tho hislm-v of the local uud county Woman's Christian Temperance Union, when the "llth anniversary of the organization of Ihe local union is; celebrated. Iti iclhor ilh the mid-yc ar coite rally. An all-dav se: sion meet' in the Presbyterian church, with unusually fine aih'ressea and otle i interesting leatUH'S at both lie morning and afternoon meetiii" A large attendance is here f'oin Mcill'nrd, Talent, Jacksonvill.., 1'kocnix and other points in lie county, and much interest is man Rested among the White Ribbon its ill the programs arranged. This forenoon's session was opened with devoiionals conduct ed by Airs. Slingerlaiid, followed by a paper of unusual merit or American ism given by Airs. C. !'. : Kochlcr. Airs. Carrie Cillauih-i-. ; wj of tho pastor of the local Congregational church, who Ir served extensively in the mission fii Id of Ihe south, gave an impies sive address on Temperance and Missions, while ihe talk on Con test work given by Airs. Alice Jill son was remarkably enlightening A noontime luncheon in the church brought out a feeling ot good fellowship among Ihe tem perance workers of Iho county.! This afternoon aside from th" numbers on Hie procram, will W devoted to talks by the vaiaoii candidiites in the county, who will delineate their platforms. WASIIINCTON. Increased Pullman rates amounting I'll pe. cent went into el led May 1. Tle insterstate commerce coiuuiissioi- announced that after inveslia. lion of protests il had decuh a1 naitisi suspension ol the incre.o.' ALL liA It' JAINS. Fi acres in bearing peach tree;, good black soil, land all fenced, owner non-resident. Only $r,r,e 15 acres fino land, all fenced all cleared but about one acre, faces two roads. A snap, Jll'iioi C acres, small barn, good well of water, land all fenced and pan in alfalfa. $1050. 0-room house close in, built-in cupboards and drawers and bins, full basement, lot 53x145, f 2 1 On. Want offer. 23 acres, 10 in bearing fiuit. brush and wood land, S-room bungalow; would make an Ideal poultry farm and Just outside city limits. Must sell. 2 acres in fruit nnd garden, r, room house, barn, etc. $2500. .Money to loan. Insurance writ ten, nnd rents collected. Mrs. S. L. Alien I :l X. alulii St. Office I'bolio HI. .lie.. UN!I..I PEIL'S coitNKit nv thi: p.i:k , Iceless Cooler no b e need, a ill pay fur itself in one Mou rner. Order year rio'. ir and 1. pairs early. S r ,y and paid, n ho-.- Ne-.r and f,rinl hind sewinpr inachii'i s for sale or r. nl. fcMIL l-KIL P I'if-Jf ll Annnnnromnntc I UliilUll AllllUUiltCllltlilO - i j Po'itical Announcements. , ?1 5 00 l'oiilicnl Display Adv. the in. !35 I'pon the solicitation of friends I have consented to become a can ilidate for County Commission er, subject to May primaries. Mi i good roads enthusiast uud, k business methods can think prevail --Adv. In county affairs. VICTOR UUJtSELL. it. r. u. Medford. County Treasurer hereby announce mynelf as a andidalo on the republican tic ket for the nomination for ,.,T.. f .. , , vm, i,Ua1,u,e,, l i.iiiiir,iim u ui.imiiiMea mo duties of the office on an effi cient business basis. -Adv. A. C. WALKER lor County Treasurer hereby announce myself us can didate fof nomination for Conii iry Treasurer on tho Republican ticket. I am an experienced l.usiuess man. k. 1 W. D. WELCH. ' A For District Attorney Hi lieving that my successful man- a cement of the otflce of District Attorney has shown mo thor oughly qualified, and that I can serve the people of Jackson County in that capacity best, I aiinnuuco my candidacy for re iMiinination on tho Republican ticket at the May primaries. G. M. UOUERTS. I hereby annotinco myself as a candidate for the office of Dis trict Attorney, on Republican ticket, subject to tho wish of the .-liters at coming primary elec tion. I bcliuro that the laws .-houltl ho Honestly and fairly orced, and if nominated and! elected see that they are; so enforced 'II. A. CANADAY. 1 h "ieby announce my candidacy for nomination on tho republi can ticket for tho office of Dis trict Attorney. I f elected 1 I'l'dge myself to an Impartial enforcement of the law. F. I'. FAR It ELL, County Commissioner announce my candidacy for the office of county commissioner; on the Republican ticket, sub-' ject to the will of tho voters ut1 Hoi primaries, Alay 21, 1820. If elected I promise an cconomi-i nil, fair and impartial udniin i t ration of tho duties of the in i ice. I have always been for "ood roads. ( Adv.) COURT HALL. For Sheriff -1 hereby niinoiincu myself a Re publican candidate far Sheriff of Jackson County, at the. May priiuai'lcs. Several years' ex perience in this line of work,! including last nix months of j 1D19 in the tax collection de partment, thoroughly qualifies mo to administer the duties of the office in an efficient man-! MORTHAdE ON REAL PR(P ' ner. JOHN B. WIA1ER. , EHTYP ALIAS SUMMONS. ! To Carrie A. Cozzens, one of the I hprenv announce mv candidacy above named defendants: for re-nomination for the office! 'N THE NAME OF THE STATE of Sheriff on the Republican OF OREGON, You are hereby ticket, subject to the May prim-; summoned and required to appear mai ii s. I feel that my record and answer the Complaint of the ns n public official during the said plaintiff, in the above entitled first term entitles me to re- court and cause, which Complaint nomination and ro-electlon. ; is on file in the office of the Clerk C. E. TERRILL. of Court at Jacksonville, Jackson x county, Oregon, and a certified For Assessor ! copy of which Complaint Is hcre- I hereby announce my candidacy with served upon you, within six for the nomination for tho of- weeks from the date of the first fice of County Assessor of Jack son County, subject to the wish es of tho voters of the Repub lican party at the primary elec tion of May 21st. . J. B. COLEMAN. School Superintendent T linfeliv nminlitipn myself a canrtl- dato for nomination for County, ' ul 0 i"-'r School Superintendent on the l'Pr ''" thereon from Oc Republican ticket. ; '"1"'r 1st. 118. for $213.45 with O W GODWAItD s I"'1' cc"t interest thereon from ' ! February 28th, 1920, for $150.00 County School Superintendent "tlorney fees and the costs und I hereby announce myself ns can- disbursements of this suit. dldate for County School Su-' 1 "" the mortgage given to su perintendent on the republican,'16 tlie 8ame " Hc,co,rt!1. In,?1' ticket at the primary elecilnn. . " W " May 21st. -I am for education, j " ' and for giving tho run 1 schools the very best advantages pos sible, for employing as far as possible tho teachers from our own state schools, i.nd for pay Jng ndequato salaries. 1 favor more Normal schools for Ore gon. A. J. HANBY. County Sujierlnteiidont I herewith announce myself as a candidal!) seeking nomination by the Republican party for the office of county cchool superin tendent. SltfUNNE W. HOMES. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR AND TO PRE SENT CLAIMS. TO WHOM IT A1AY CONCERN, TAKE' NOTICE: That the un dersigned has been appointed in tho County Court In and for the county of Joikson, State of Ore gon, ns the Executor of tho Ks ti to of Win. M. Abbott, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are required to present the samo, duly verified at the office of Brings and Briggs. n the Pioneer lllock. in the Cilv -XT ' j! W ILL IT PAY TO Ott'X A VAUiHX DKAIV SAW? Hy Intiiil piu can saw cords of wimhI m day at a cost of 91.25 Mr ford. W illi n Viumlin saw one man can produce SO cords a day. lit a root of 27 !j rents a com!. Vatmhn driiK saw will cam yon IUAI a day pmrit, less oil and(nitdiiic, Hliich, for 10 I10111V con lliiiious riiiinini; will lost nbont S1JVO. S.'n how ijiiickly the iiiikIiii diii sax will pay for Itself In additional profits? And after it has iiriuil Ils it it hoc rinlit on rurninn for years If properly cared for. The saw ran be taken into On wood nn where a horse ran go. CrITfTT riTHT Lome In and let ma allow you. CiVlllrf " ICl At the corner on th Plaza. ! of ABhland, Oregon, within six months from the Hate, of the first publication of this notice. SYLVENl'S S. ABBOTT, i Executor, Date of first publication is I April 14th, 1920. - 92-4t - j - 1 I: XOT1CE TO t'KKDITOKS Notice is Hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed administrator of the estate of El - loll lT?i i County Court of Jackson County ..w.., ...... M,,0, persons having claims against said egon, with proper vouchers and ft nil- vnrifmil ,.i,l,l i J """"I " mil OIA IHU111II I rtVIIII tllll f ivat ll 1,1 lo,. I !.. I,n...w. - '""" - -i-- v. ... fAz-mn 1)4-6 wed Administrator, .NOTICE TO (it EDITORS In tho County Court of the State i0r"?r ln the Ashland TidingB, a of Oregon for Jacknon County I we,T ,newsl)allur primed and In tho Matter of the Estate of Su-1 at As'1,am, Jiickson dio J. Irwin, Deceased i.eounty, Oregon. Notice is hereby given bv tbo' . BRIGGS AND I1RIGGS, undersigned, to al! persons hav-i Ing claims against the estnu nfl Sadie J. Irwin, deceased, to pre sent them with proper Touchers within six months from date of first publication hereof, to Clara Augusta Englo at No. ItiO, North wain Btreet, Ashland. Oregon Date of first publication. Anrll 21, 11120. CLARA AUGUSTA ENGLE. ' Executrix 93-5 Wed. XOTICE OF SETTLEMENT V.iiieo a i...i... i .. . ii "ul" ,u "ne inousaiid .- no itiin ivotice Is lieioby pjven, that the ,irp(i twpi1,v b,i n(1 ,nft ,,, .,n undersigned lias filed tho final 'we.I ,y 811 .00:!" ,!l'!)J - .account of her administration of the estate ot Humiihrev E. Stone. tOlie, deceased In ,! n, " .... ; .1,,,'kn,,,, , ; n"I ;r ' t . ,.; ":."'"'. ",,u l"Bl 1,J, 'K1 i.01"'1.1'"8. .rte?" i at the hour of T 'Zk ' I tno courthoue in Jactanvii.e ii,l enniiiv no ii,n i I rl , Z , I' !M5f. ,la,Ce n ""jvuuiia iu tiiiu inn 1 settlement of said account. MISSOURI E. GIBSON (nee Stone) ! Administratrix. ' lin-5 Wed. SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE NT.ITE OF ORKOON. IV AND FOR Till: J.( KSO.V t Ol .NTV OF HI TLER & THOMPSON CO., A CORPORATION, PLAINTIFF, vs. W. N. CAMPBELL AND IIATTIE CAMPBELL. HUSBAND AND WIFE, CITY OF MEDFORD, Aito wit; MUNICH PAL CORPORATION; The South half of the southwest JACKSON COUNTY, ORECION. cuurter of the northwest quarter a POLITICAL SUBDIVISION , of section 5 In township :'.!( south OF THE STATE OF OREGON; j of range one east of the W. AI. in MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK, ' Jackson county Oregon, contuin A BANKING ASSOCIATION; , Ing 20 acres of land, more or less, JACKSON COUNTY BANK, I subject to water and ditch rights A BANKING CORPORATION; ; passing through said tract. CARRIE A. COZZENS, THOAI- Dated at Jacksonville, Oregon, AS MORROW. WILLIAM' April 24th, 1120. AIYER AND ANNIE L. EH. HUSBAND AND 0. MY-i WIFE, i DEFENDANTS. SUIT IN EQUITY TO FORECLOSE publication of this Summons, and if yon fail to so appear and plead in said cause the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief de I'liinded in the said Complaint, to wit: That the plaintiff havo judg ment against the defendants, W. N. Campbell and H.ittie Campbell, SPECIAL DEMONSTRATION OF Wadco Coffee Jelly Powder D. Q. Tapioca Steam's Self Service Store 7 N. Main. 9- iuMlft , i Mortgage Records of Jackson county, Oregon, dated October 1st, 1914, and executed by the said ! defendants, and conveying as se- curity therefor a part of Block Two in Galloway's addition to the City of Medford, and also a purl of Government Lot Six In Section 32, in Township 30 south of Range 2 west of W 1 1., 1AI.DA C01llUy 0reK0li be foreclos(i(i um, that yoV and al. the other' ,loro, l '.",: , ,?"!'',.' thereto save and except the right of redemption. By order of the Hon P M Calk- , illfl jude o( ' ",' , i 1, 1 L"' 7 ..f "A0: yo" "re w "I'l'eur Ullll ni'.HWC ill . . ...i nil n , n n cause from the (lute of the first publics , on or tli in Kim, ,., which date! ...U..UI is Allril zsth in '111 ,! ........ j for Answer will expire June Ulli, ivm. 1 tie publication being made in accordance with the said A,t0,'Iieys for l'miHff, Ashland Oregon. flf-ii Wed NOTICE .OF SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue ot an execution in Foreclosure and Order of Sale !luly Issued out of and under the Be"' of tlle Circuit Court for the i State of Oregon, for Jackson K'"""1 datel April 24. 11120, in i 8 cei tu'n 8llit therein, wherein otl - Helmnn, as Plaintiff, re covered judgment against Desl- ! (!crla Weren as Defendant, for the v" iuf,wLin,i i.ll lllllll nev feps anil 142 40 rnulu mul diu. 1 Km-Moniunto urlil.h Im,1. ...o.. ''"is-mems wnicn jlldgr iMraHe'l docketed In said Court Anril 17th. 1920. ! Notice is hereby given that. Pursuant to the terms of said ex- -u " ,29:,h' V'2' at 10 o'clock a. m. at the front loor of the court house in the City of Jacksonville, Jackson county. Oregon, offer for sale and sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder, to satisfy said judgment, with the costs of this sale, subject to redemption us pro-1 vlded by law, all the right, title n"'' Interest that the defendant. Desiderla Weren and estate of weren, deceased, anil tne heirs Of Eric Weren Jointly or in dividually, had on .June 23rd, J ft 1 3 , or havo since acquired, or now have In nnd to the following ('escribed property, situated in Jackson County, State of Oregon, C. E. TERRILL, Sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon. , By FLORA THOMPSON. M-fi Wed. Depntv. I HANDLE A COAII'I.ETE LINE OF Fuller's Dai Dickerson THE PAINT MAX - Opposite the I'laz.i UllllO STAPLES ItEALTY AGK.NX'X WKITKS 1'IRK INSI RANCK SKLLS I,AIMiI3 AM) K.AIA LL RAXCIIRS j GARDENH OHCIIAKDS I'ASTt'RB I I City 'rice. Right .Some high grado speculative offerings profitable STAI'I.F.S UFA LTV AOEXCV Hotel Austin llldg. I'hone 1!0 ONE MONTH'S 1 ItEi: I KE OF AN' STROP RAZOR Vmi r clianeii to giro this ra zor a trial. If you do not get inoro satisfaction out of cuch shave than with your present lazor If you are not entirely satisfied bring back to us. SEE (li lt W INDOW Polcy's Drug Store I'OLEV .V. EI.IIAItT Druggists. i CITIZENS A Wnn savings DEPOSITS, i HOTEL MANX Powell St., atC Tarrcll San Franciscc In the heart of tliehjl business, shopping r ana meaire district. Running distilled ice Sfl water in every room. 1; Our commodious lobby ,fineservice,and nomelike restaurant will attract you. -European Plan rates $1.00 up. Management W. B. Janes iTcxjnn MAKICS TIIK OLD HAT LOOK I.IKK XIAV! ELKAY'S Slraw Hat DYE Colors straw, leather, wood, etc.. easy to apply;' quirk to dry. Wear-proof. liRht-proof. Brush conns with every bottle. Sixteen colors. Lighter shades of any color may be obtained by diliitinK with natural water. -" TIIK P.OTTI.K Ask us about it. McNAIR BROS. Tke jVft store Will Mud Von ii Clly Homo at CITIZENSy W BANK iFALANi IT OIVES YOU I'llESTTOE s Open an account with i The Citizens Bank of Ashland nnd pay your ! hills by check. ft gives you PREH- LJ j Nearest to R 1 Everythinjr" E ' KliiHiiiF1 -HiiiW 1