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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1920)
PAGE 10t"R ASHLAND WEEKLY TIDINGS Wo.InoMlay, May 5, 1020 9 LOCAL AND PERSONAL 2::K::::::u:u:::::ujJ::::aKu:ta:ui I IIIHAV'S TUEWS Airs. M. E. Fr?ier. who ha 1 pt-n spending the v.intr, in fU jon, Calif., camo t.ome ye ieiii. y iiHii will rrlii.tilt : 1 h'T Inline in Ashland for the inline. Jirs. Fu ller slules Hint llieif is u,i Aslilund to her. and she is re joicing in lOlfli? h. ili heic uaec afuill. $ S Mrs. II. S. I'almcrieo is j.'i awr from it slight iilladi of till, Willi which she has heen sufforiiiK! lei- I hi' past wocl,. I K. II. llnsli moved this week; Loin t lie hole i' lie occupied mi No: th Alain street to I lie Kiinlos t,,n lesideiire on Church street. Mrs. .1. II. Willirow unil datiuli ler Vera wise Ashland shoppers. Iioin Talent yesterday afternoon. 1 , -i I rof. F. II. Applehoff. former leader of the Ashland hand, who, is now loealed ill Grants I'.iss, ;;i d family, ami will come here to live as soon as the hitler move to their newly purchased residence on Mechanic street. Mrs. A. II. Kussel mid dailiili iei Mahel returned to their ranch re:. r Monliifiiie yesterday lifter sl-eiiditii; a week visiting their As lil.ind relatives. Air. and Airs. V. II. AlcN'air ex pect to leae tomorrow for San I'lancisoo to attend the annual California Hexall convention in session Ihere next week. While in tho city they will attend the Culli-Curi concert to he Riven at the Exposition auditorium. 1 w.,s in Ashland yesterday. G. F. I'.illinns ami wife let t on midniuht train for IVsMoities, a. where Air. liilliiir-s coes ns delegate to the (JcW-lvl I ou nce of the .Methodist Episco- Alrs. F. 11. Ilobson and young : '(on arrived this week from Pasa dena. Calif., and are searching the city over for a home. AI. Hohson land his son aro afflicted hadly villi asthma and the change is leini; made ill order for them to leceivo henefil from the climate of Ashland. S The Aslilund ttealty company! have made the sale this week of the house hcloiifiine, to Airs. C. E. Miller on Ileal h street to C. AI. Aliies. This property consists of a (iiiarler of an acre, with "was in Aililand-yesterday in the interests of the drive to bo st ut ed soon in the interests of the army. S J. T. Campbell of Kluniath Falls is spending several days in Ash land this week. Julius Koch of Alnrysville, Ore i'on, an old friend of S. AleClil ray, is here loukir.g for a loca tion. He and his family spent the winter in Southern California hut did not like the climnte there, lie has drown tired of the cold i.nd winds in the eastern part of the. state and is filud to find a more quitable climate here. ; i Church services Saturday, May 1, lOl'il, at the Littio Stone I Church, corner East .Main and Fifth street. Saturday imirniiiK, ' Sabbutlt school, 10 a, in. Preach , ins at H a. m. Evanselists from ; San Francisco will assist. Good! music and Kinging. All welcome. Seals free. phreys has his eye on a sheep ranch in that vicinity which may tempt him sufficiently to invest. Airs. II. S. l'alnierleo is recov ering from an attack of influenza from which she has been suffer ing for the past week. ? ( Air. Spalding, the wood dealer In that section which requires his supervision. Airs. C. H. Gillette, who has been spending the past winter in Tertland for tho benefit of her health, liar, returned home. Her condition, is much improved. Andrew Hedifer, who moved in this city, is the purchaser of; hero recently from Douglas coun ty, has purchased the Settle .'. new Ovi rland Four model pur chased Saturday from the Over la nd-Alarcey company. "Never Has to Call a Boctor--Balhes Internally Among real est:ilo deals transacted in Ashland Saturday are two reported from the Heaver Realty company. These aro the sale of the Galhraith property I Air. .T. E. McNeil, P. O. Box 217. which has been purchased by.W. fi Ariz., writes to the Tyrrell T. Skags of Danville, Calif. Mr. Hj iiieiiic Institute: Skaggs has a yoiiii,; daughter for "' have heen using the 'J. Ti. L. Cascade lor the past twenty-five el Ties to go into of chickens the lov, lay lei, pa! church which convenes there ail thiough the month of Alay. This conference is a gathering of Alethodis.ts from all over the world, which meets every i'otii , fiom the loom I hey occupy at pres Air. and .Mrs. Hillings ex-' ml tin' room formerly occupied pens to be gone about five weeks. : hy the Waited jewelry store June ,ii 1st. Mrs. W. C. Mitchell, Airs. J. AI. ? All. ut t and Airs. Ilaltie Ainiilli visitors yesterday MONDAY'S NEWS The Ashland high school base ball team will play the second game of its schedule Willi the Grants Pass team i on thn local high school grounds next Thurs- fruitjiiay afternoon, beginning at .1 p. v Iioin he is anxious to secure a good school and chose Ashland for that purpose as well as the pleasant surroundings suitable for a home. The other salo by tills I'gency is one of the houses owned by George Pgg on Hush street, which lias been purchased by W. T. DeWitt, who will occupy it lor a homo. -3 AI. C, Iteed, who recently came years and call it our cheap firmily physician for the reason that 1 have never hud to pall in a physi cian to treat one of the family What a pity more of the human race are not acquainted with the virtues of the Cascade in u fam ily." The "J. B. L. Cascade" cleanses the lower intestino its entire length and keeps it always free o! poisonous waste. Thousands testify that Consti l at inn. Indigestion, Stomach and u fine garden. It is! in. A fine game Is promised. 'lho Klamath Fnlls-Ashhiiul uto stage is now running over i tue Green Springs mountain road. .Mr. .Miles' intention the extensive raising on Ids new purchase. ., a, AlcN'air Brothers moving their Ilerall will drug start si ore S. L. Hunter and lamily expect to move tho first of next week to F.ugeno after spending -several months iu Ashland. S Field Kepresc ntative W. 0, Chilcotle of tho Salvation Arinv tui'o Aledford cltcrnoon. (). W. Long has sold his house on Eighth street. I.ynn Slack, ticket litem at the Southe'n Pa- (i:ic Nation is the purchaser. Air. Long and family expect to locate elsewhere in Ashland. ? Airs. Homer Ilillinus and chil dren left on train No. la, for Des Aloines. Iowa, to which city they will accompany Air. and Mrs. G. F. Billings, who go theie to attend the Methodist general conference. After visiting there for a time they will go to Leon, Iowa, to visit Airs. Hillings' relatives. 8 ? E. E. Wade of San Francisco, assistant general passenger agon' of the Southern Pacific, was :.n Arhliiuil caller this foienoou, and was shown around the city by Sta tion Agent G. N. Krameii ?, Airs. Ilerger and Airs. Hewitt, who canie up from Aledford yos toiciay looking for furnished apartments, iae secured tho:;.' now occupied by .1 II. Tb.iti her Help Given by 0. A. C. to the Oregon Farmer Driver C .1). Howard, who takes tho slage out from this end states that this road is iu very good con dition with tho exception of a few spots that are pretly rough. Airs. Karl Nims and Airs. Frank Dean have gone to. San Francisco for a visit with friends. j $ T. N. Humphreys relumed home. Saturday from Myrtle Creek! where he hud been spending Hie past week or two. Air. Hum- rvening for Fullerlon, Calif., to join his company for the summer to. Ashland from New Zealand, troubles, Biliousness, ileadaclies where he had been spending the i'1'!"0 lmny l"infh; 1 which they cause are absolutely past wilder as a lecturer with the ; u,k,v,,(1 . prevented by this Na-Ellison-While bureau, left last lure Treatment. Foley's Drug Store will be glad to show you tho "J. B. L. Cas- .1.T " r.vitl!,!,, itu uimtili nor:it ion circuit. Airs, iteed will remain in aU(l ;vj Kivo yolli ,-,,, on ,.,,. Ashland several days longer. jMi interesting little hook by Dr. S $ Charles A. Tyrrell of New York, n .Tames Ilersey and wife have rn-1 noted specialist on Internal Bath- tnrned to Granada, CaliK. where " 25 'e"ra 1,1 'W; ,, . , , i !this out as a reiniiider to ask for uie, I-.M..T. ... ,e,.,. .MMM.g lilt- . ,,K M)U(.t ( yolir first siiininer. Air. Ilersey has a farm tnnily. property on Eighth street and is moving into it this week, $ 3 Mr. and Mrs. Alden Powell have moved into tho Eugene Holmes residence on Gresliain street, lately vacated by Mr. and Airs. B. O. Wullsten, und will make their home there. S S Mrs. Helen Sober left Saturday lor a visit ut the home of her daughter, Airs. Hoy McAllister. She expects to remain there for scleral days. $ Mayor and Airs. C. H. Laiukin and II. 1(. Laiukin were over Sun day visitors at the Lanikin Bros.' ranch near Montague. Mr. Lam kin states that the wheat crop is looking well on the ranch, al though it is not as high as usual for this time of year, due to the cold weather this rpring. s s AI. C. Iteed gavo an interesting1 lalk in the Methodist church Sun day morning on his experiences; in New Zealand whore ho had j been traveling through tho past winter on a lecturing tour with an Ellison-While Chautauqua company. He related many enter-' taining anecdotes that he and his ccnipany bad experienced in that far-off land, und was listened to liy a lurge audience. Charles 0. Millet left Saturday night for Fossil where ho will spend the coining two weeks look ing ufter business affairs in that locality. ! i $ I Mrs. Levi Stevens of Itogtio lliv- er spent Saturday and Sunday in i Aslilund, as guests of Airs. Dora j Hubbard and Mrs. .1 L. lker. ! 5 Carroll Holmes left Saturday ; night for Eugene where he ex . picts to be employed duriun the ccmiiig summer, S AI. AV. Wheeler was a Grants Pass visitor for a few days this ' week. ! Classified WANTED Alan and wife to work in mill. Wife, to cook for li or 7 men. Apply at .12 it Beach St. Phone 4.'ia-J. 2UII !l e.o.d. Real Estate Homes and acreage.. Farms and, Stock Ranches. All Kinds of Good Insurance Ashland Agents of Abstract Co, Billings Agency Established 1883. WANTED .Men. Mill. Apply Phone 4.12-.I. Harham Hros'. 32l Beach St. 20!i-:i e.o.d. t - ,"')i-":'I;; NEW Kllll'AIE.NT of Garden Tools has arrivad. Good tools are esential to good results in Harden or field. Provost Brothers IIAIiDWAP.E iiintHinnntHtiim t --- oppor- in grain-raising, dairying, liorti- ciilture, stockraising, poultry pro ciuclion. and other branches of ag riculture, hao SAM I) (HtKtidV Mdlii: TIIW IIKHKF KIIH.MION H AS I Kit OST from its veiv heginnii;:: in Ore gon. The College has reduced cost oT pioiluclioii. i m ; loved qu ilili of iirodiict, and helped keep iloun the posts of farm, gulden, ok hard Mid lield. I.IKE Till: STATIC I l ! i:s l AMI I HE NoltMAI. il lias helped toini: school, hu.i iii ss, and ,oin- mt.i vit.i I (out ci ; I nil has l.e!,.. , cleinensi i.ite thai IIKJIIKi: KIM t'ATlOV I op' p". 1:1 :( T II El l' To THE ( lit . THY lilSTHICTS Bui higher etlnt alion in Ot-cuoii is iilppbd by iiirie.isi-s in nl ti ndatice, Uy lark of buildings by Hie fallen hii.iing power of llie tieKent milpigc supp,,it, iiiol b.i anil hv llii' iniluie of lie inill. g.' port to gi-ou . Vou are respectfully iirccd to ote ;oi the m w mi:!..,, (import oil M..v :i. the liu tier lMucatioa i i. l- f no There Are Many lings Upon Our helves Tlint sonu'liinos you will wnnt yourselves. Miiny ilcins in llii'iuselvi'.s mo. small, lnit in tlio cuiirse of (iino you'll need tliem all; so we would ink you plciise lo keoji in mind Hie jilaee where wlien linriied you enn find all your needs in the Hardware Line . y t i . IT.'. V. .... i i m i m .". ' ..7 K- ' . . i7,'' mm A Boy Can Run a John Deere Dain Mower SIMPSON'S HARDWAR E While you aro getting iMnos in shape for making hay, put your bey on the John Deere Mower and let hhn (iu the tutting he will do it just us well and just c9 easily as you can do it. Because of the powerful lift, he can easily raise the cutter bar to pass ever any field obstruction or to ex treme height, when neces sary. A foot lever, working in conjunction with the hand lever, ruake3 tilt lilt simple and easy. Come in if'j He will never hnvo to back up to get o start, even in the heaviest hay. The knile starts cutting tho instant the mower ii thrown in gear no lost motion. You will see big nth-antics in the drive on this machine it's extremely simple the gears are to placed that one set hoMs tltt ether set in mesh constantly. The John Deere will cut all of the grass for years to come a r.imple adjustment take3 up all log in the cutter bar, without cITecling th; centering of tl:j knife. If tin) knife evar nec as rc ccntering, a speciu! aJpar.iiin i:i provided. The John Deere is the simplest, most powerful and best -built mower we have ever seen. We know it will appeal W you. 37-39' NORTH MAIN STREET to your advantage. about this mower before you buy. to know all While at ottrcioTC, r'tf want yott to see the t est of our line of haying und harveiiLig machinery. We have- a line of inachi;:t;3 you can i:-"-1 u:..': satisfaction und profit Hubbard Bros. Med for J, Oregon OTII K ill' lli:.ltl(i ON , - - -i -r i- I IVAI. AltOl AT , Nnlire is liei'e'liy K. Tliiiilini, 1 1 1 ( of the t-stali nl Sliiililanl, derc.iseil Hiven Hint .1. niliiiini.,1 rnlor t'lnilllieey 11. hle.l in ' u : 'IVlNt.-e I'lli.l (nlin Iiyment i .ioint A 1 ii tn ii i I (or Hielier K'lur tit il!-ertei! by behalf (,f t In li' f Ciuiiniitte tll'h in llletntl. ' 1 4 I'i'uk k 111.,, k. I'oi the cil'licc nr llie t'li'ik cit Court (if J.Kkson ciiiinly, Oieumi, hiJ I'ilnil Aecoiint an Midi adminis trator, and Ibe Honorable (!. A. ( in ril nir. county judiip of .lai kson; i'(iuniv, Oreiiiin, lias ileiifnate d ! .h'lio 12lli, 11I2U, lit HI o'clock a. in., at the court l.ouse in Jack soiuilli', Jackson couniy. (Jrcnon, as the time and place for iit-nring. thereon. Any pel-Bon liaviiiE nn objeclion to biii'li an iiccotinl U reciuiied to present such objection on or be., fore t lit tiniP net for such beur inB. J. K. TI HJltNTON-. Adiiiinislri.tor. 5-4 Wed. SUGAR IS HIGH And Going Higher Get Your Summer Supply ol Syrup Now ai ea oi S -0 --- ervicc - Mm? The Farmers Power Plant HARRISON BROS. Fordson Tractor- Dealers Ashland, Oregon -- L'V8I '1 4 HE'S THE OLD RELIABLE GRAND old "Buir He's the best there is, He sold over 300,000,000 bags last year.- - - : fYou know genuine "Bull" Durham-3, : t 1 : A never an enemy: millions oi inenas. ,a '"Oenuine "Bull" Durham tobacco you' fcao roll 50 cigarettes from one bag. -f' 'oTaat's some inducement, nowadays! GENUINE JVL STEARNS SLLF SRViCE STORE koca far beyond merely elinK Antoiiiiibile.-j. It includes placing I'l yntir neivice coiiiietcnl salesiuin whose duly ami idea.-uiv it is lo help y,n i-el the bed Auiomn bile for your money. rniiuestioniibly t lie let service wo can render from a i:;erclirff:diso standpoint is to provide n lurtfe slock bf tiood cars from wliidi you may select and this e do. They represent the last word in ijiialily lebnilt car-i.i.t.d ymi net the best possible value in every model from the inexpensive Kurd up lo Hi" bidn iriced ear. fltir slock is complete, we all luaket ami nmilela inm a find lo a i' d a ti Super Six, sold on easy terms. . . PICKENS MOTOR COMPANY . 1 1 c ai: .i i:t ni i 'i - ) lorineilt I fit' Atito !:.. :. :, ;e. Tel. 4 11 iX mid 1M Noilli e, M. Mi.iti iiiti), ii:i:m v- - :: A- ;-r'' " N " 't -' v- 66 j m mm mm mm mm k mm f TOBACCO 1 JJr .7N 911 If' . (r ' To pipe smokers-1 Mix a little "BULL" DURHAM wit.h youtfavorite to., V bacco. It's like sugar" in your coffee,;, ' - . - .. v. ', ii Mm