Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1925)
Mrs. Johanna Buchko. The Appealing Charm of Health Tacomn. Wash. "Last April I came down with the 'flu' and was so weak afterwards that I could scarcely drag around, and my nerves were in terrible shape. I had back aches and headaches and my ap petite failed me completely. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription had been of such great benefit to me once Ijcfore when I had need of a tonic and nervine thai I decided to take it again and it very cpuickly relieved me of the nervousness, back aches and headaches and my appetite soon returned. I was restored to health, which I still enjoy. I would recommend Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription to every woman who is ailing, werik or nervous." Mrs. Johanna Buchko, .1561 E. Eye St. The use of Favorite Prescription lias made many women happy by making them healthy. Get it at once from your nearest druggist, in either liquid or tablet form. Write Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel in Buf falo, N. Y., for free advice. Send 10c if you want trial pkg. tablets. Originally "Jaws' Harp" The name, Jew's harp, is probably a corruption of the original name of this simple musical instrument, jaw's harp, so called because when in use it Is held between the jaws. A musician named Charles Eulenstein produced remarkable effects with Jews' harps at the Royal institute, London, on Feb ruary 15, 1828. Record for Bad English The record for bad English is still held by a man who was not long ago a governor of one of our large states. He performed the unusual feat of making three grammatical errors in a sentence composed of two words: "Them's them!" Scribner's Magazine. Madame Le Brun. Mme, Le Brun was a French painter who gained considerable reputation in Paris. Her paintings, historical pieces as well as portraits, were exhibited in the Louvre, Mme. de Genlis speaks of the talents of Mme. Le Brun with much warmth of praise, and complains that the men "sought to depreciate her paintings because she was a wom an." Cicago Journal. Universal Force. Force, force, everywhere force! We ourselves a mysterious force in the center of that. There is not a leaf rotting in the highway but has force in it; how else could it rot? Thomas Carlyle. Chase Evil Spirits. In many par's of South America wooden crosses are still erected on the outskirts of the towns and villages to frighten away the evil spirits. k5 Helln Baddv don't forget my wn&eys Slip a package In odcer rvnen your pocket you ni$h hen you bo home to ht. Give the youngster this wholesome, lon$ lastin$ sweet - for pleasure and benefit. Vse H yourself after smoking or when work drags- Itia . great little freshener Primitive Matches. Early matches were called lucifers, and a match that would ignite by means of friction was invented by a man named Walker, of Stockton-on-Tees, England, in 1829. In March, 1842, Reuben Partridge took out a British patent for a machine for manu facturing the splints. All these early matches depended upon phosphorus for their lighting by means of friction. Safety matches were first brought out in 1862. Apostle Man of Learning. St. Paul was educated in all the learning of the Jewish doctors of the law, as he states himself. His ad dresses also show that he had a knowl edge of classical literature, particu larly the literature of the Greeks. There were many seats of learning in the East in his time. One, that we would call a university, was situated in his native city of Tarsus, in Cilicia. t WRKLEK "after rterjt meal Marriage Solemnity. The two, stages through which mar riage has developed are: Marriage by force and marriage by contract. In the latter stage of development there was a solemn surrender of the bride by her guardian in the Anglo-Saxon marriage service. This ceremony is the prauung, and the custom of "giv ing away the bride" is traced to this solemn surrender. A MODERN MARTYR By SUSAN A. MATHER The Earnest Man. The earnest men are so few in the world that their very earnestness be comes at once the badge of their no bility; and, as men in a crowd instinc tively make room for one who seems eager to force his way through it, so mankind everywhere open their ranks to one who rushes zealously toward some object lying beyond them. Dwight . Twig as Tooth Brush. Kim, the little boy in Kipling's story, was an English orphan brought up as a native in India. He cleaned his teeth with a twig, chewing the fibers thoroughly to penetrate all crevices, and scrubbing energetically to remove tartar. Most East Indians have white, strong teeth. FREE from castor taste and odor. V V r FREE from after-nausea. Not flavored. SuDer-refined for medicinal use. Strength and Purirv unchanged. Never lold in bulk, oortlcd and labelled at the Labor- i ,es. The original tasteless castor oil. FREE literarure on request to WALTER JANVIER, Inc., 417 Canal St., New York T-ifO rizet 2yc. and yoc. at alt good drug stores. KELLOGGS TASTELESS CASTOR OIL Caledonian Art. At pottery the Caledonians could not compare with the Romans, since the potter's wheel seems to have been un known amongst them. But they almost excelled the "masters of the world" in their ornaments. The mountains yield ed their craftsmen gold, silver, bronze, amber, rubies and rock crystals such as agate, jasper and cairngorms and jet. From these they made ornaments and weapons. Height of Redwoods. Two hundred and fifty-five feet is tin' average height of the big redwood sequoia tree,. although specimens ex ceeding 320 feet with trunk diameter of 30 to 35 feet near the ground have been measured. Keep Goal in Sight. Let a man but have an aim, a pur pose, ami opportunities to attain his end shall start forth like buds at the kiss of spring. Bishop Spalding. ROOT AND HERB REMEDIES If taken in time, prevent oper ations for Diabetes. Catarrh. Asthma I.unsr. Throat. Liver. Kidney. Rheumatism. Blood. Stomach ar.d all female dis orders. Bladder Troubles. The C. GeejWn Remedies are harmless, as nn drugs r poison are used. Composed of the choicest medicinal roots, herbs, bods and hark, imported by us from far away oriental coon tries. Call or Write fur Inform- Woods in Combination. Gum and mahogany is not consid ered real mahogany. Only solid ma hogany or solid mahogany with a ma hogany veneer could be considered real mahogany. However, gum and birch with mahogany veneer is quite generally used. Carbonated Drinks Popular. Carbonated drinks, which were orig inated In 1S07, In this country, have attained immense popularity here. More than 8.000,000,000 bottles are consumed yearly, according to the United States Department of Com merce figures. C. Gee Wo Chinese'Medicine Co. New Location-262W Aklrr S.. S. W. Cot. Third. Portland. Ore. Established Yeanrin Portland P. N. U. You Want a Good Position Very well Take the Accountancy and Business Management, Private Secretari al. Calculator, (,'omplnroeter. Htenoirra- prilr. Penmanship, or Commercial Teach I srs' Course at Behnke-Walker The foremost Business College of the Northwest which ha won more Accuracy Awards and Gold Medal than any other school In America. Send for our Success ,...'.... t'..nrth f,.rH.,m No. 15, 1925 j-,,rtl'.-ind, Or. Isaac M. Walker, Pres. 'I by Short Story Pub. Co.) AFTER Philip Raymond M D., was graduated from the medi cal school as a physician and surgeon. It took him hut a few weeks to locate in a small suburb be yond Yonkers. A cottage with u neat little Office, a cozy den, comfortable bedrooms and dining room and kitch en constituted his bachelor apart ment. The house was Just off the main business street of the village, and his swinging sign, brave In gold arid black, could eusily be, seen by those who were passing along the thoroughfare. When lie had siunt nil j he dared of the small amount his edu cation had left of his patrimony upon the furnishing of this little home, and had Installed a capable Irish house keeper, he felt at leisure to sit on the tiny porch with his book, behind the screen of the rambler rose, and watch for the messenger to ring the hell, ready to slip into the office mid grave ly receive the message himself if it w ere during office hours, or, If it were not, to listen while Bridget took the order and answered, "Oi'll tell the docthor whin he comes In." If the hook sometimes slipped to the floor and the possible patient was forgotten in the vision of a certnln dainty figure with laughing eyes, who should one day he near him when the bachelor quarters should swell to larger pro portions well, that is another story. Certainly, the office bell did not often disturb the day dreams. The monotony of this life could not always last It had to end one way or another. One day a group of laborers upon the trolley line which was to link the little suburb with what was des tined to be the great chain of Greater New York had reached a point within the doctor's range of vision, when a sudden commotion among them aroused him at his station on the porch. Then he saw that a man hnd fallen, and, as one pointed to the doctor's sign, several others lifted him and brought him toward the house. Doctor Raymond received them with his most dignified manner, beard their report that the foreman of the gang for It was he who had fallen had eaten no lunch and seemed to be In pain that after they had returned to work he had suddenly clapped . his hand to his right side and dropped to the ground ; that he lived by himself, and had no relatives, so far as they knew. While the doctor listened he was hurriedly using restoratives and thor oughly examining his patient. He was soon convinced that an acute at tack of appendicitis had caused the loss of consciousness, and that an op eration should be performed at once. His elation at having an oppor tunity to use his knowledge and skill was somewhat tempered by the se verity of his patient's attack and the fact that he bad neither trained as sistants nor the conveniences of a hospital. However, It was Impossible to evade a plain duty, and as there was no other physician nor any sort of a nurse to be had In less than two hours' time, be quickly Improvised an operating table and gave such Instruc tions to Bridget and two of the most intelligent-looking of the men as would enable them to help In the task. The delicate operation was per formed with complete suitress nnd the patient put to bed In the doctor's own apartment, for he dared not risk a removal. It was one of those eases where the appendix showed no sign of obstruction; Indeed, there was an unusually healthy condition, which promised a safe and speedy recovery, especially as the patient was a strong man not over thirty years of age. "He will need very little attention tonight." said the doctor, "and tomor row morning I will procure a nurse. If he has friends who wish other med ical attendance for him, they are at perfect liberty to send any one they choose." "Faith, an' himself Is all the frlnds and rllatlves he has," said one. "but It's niesllf will take wurrd to the boss " The patient recovered consciousness quite suddenly. Just as the doctor was beginning to feel uneasy at the pro longed sliite of coma which did not show any signs of yielding to his ef forts. "Wal. I've sure got a fine berth this time." suddenly greeted the doc tor's ears. He turned quickly to the bed In time to see his man preparing to rise. "No! no!" expostulated Doc tor Raymond. "Walt a moment and I will explain." Then, as gently as pot slble. the doctor told the man wbnt had occurred. "Appendicitis!' Appen dix to the dictionary! and didn't ye go through my pockets?" "My good man, I'm not a highway robber," said the doctor beginning to fear that the patient's mind was unbalanced. "Wal, good Lord. I wish 't ye had 'a' bin. I'd he better off now with all my ap pendixes and suppelmunts, fur thn' wii'n't tmthln" In my pockets that I'd miss ef yed only stopped at them. Now, Jess gip look In the Inside pocket to my cost, 'n' see what yell find." Doctor Raymond obeyed, and found a paper on which was written: "I have fits. Take off my coat and put me where It Is cool and quiet. I'll come to In two or three hours." "Ye see. Doc, I thought o' course they'd look In my pockets, ef I was took 'Ith one o' my spells, to sec where to take me or who my folks was. I ain't hed one now for nigh or five year; tho't mebbe I'd got shot ot 'em. Anyhow, 'twouldn't do to tell the men 'twould queer me With em. But I'll be dammed ef I ever tho't of any body cuttin' me up. I've bad 'em ewr sence I was a kid, 'n' they've done ev erything." It seemed best for both his patient and himself to avoid conversation for the rest of the night, so, making him comfortable and telling him to call if lie wished anything. Doctor Raymond lay down on a couch In his den. There was little danger that sleep would in terfere with his duties as n nurse, The chagrin and mortification at his professional error was not his only trouble, though he realized what the result might be If the man wished to be disagreeable. Youth lias strong confidence In Itself, and he felt BUM of being able, lv' starting anew else where, to overcome any adverse criti cism which might arise. Hut, alas I his finances would hardly bear the strain of entertaining the invalid, if be proved to be a guest Instead of a p. i.', Ing patient, though no thought of this had entered Raymond's mind when he took the sufferer In as an act of common humanity; and so, if the small revenue his meager practice brought were cut off, and he must move Rnd watt again, is it Strange that the morning found liltn iu i a haggard than his patient, Who slept heavily until daylight ? As the doctor sat before his un tasted breakfast, the - Irish laborer brought a note from the superintend ent, saying that Thomas Wheeler was a valuable man and the company would bear the expense of bis illness and keep up his pay. The doctor was Instructed to procure whatever help was needed to care for him properly. Raymond assured t he man that the patient hnd passed a comfortable night, and that there was every rea son to believe he would be out In two or three weeks' time. When' the mes sage and the good wishes of his fellow-laborers were repealed to Wheel er, he exclaimed: "Well, Doc, ye look's if ye was as much cut up 'bout this as I be, tho' it's all In yer feelln's In your case. Now, I've been doln' a spell o' thlnkln' over this here Sitooa tion, 'n' 1 do' know's it'll help mat ters any fer me to kick. My appen dix is gone can't never have tppendi ceetis now, for sure, that's one nun fort. 'Twouldn't do me no good to tell folks that 'twa'n't your high soundin' disease after all, jes' a plain, common tit, 'n' no use o' me loslti' m.v sequel, V I kin see how It might give you a mighty lot o' trouble. I'm bavin' a vacation on full pay 'n' you're belli' put to all the onconvenlence. So let's shake on It, Doc, 'n' we'll cull It square. Mebbe It's helped yer git yer bye-teeth thro' a leetle further." So the little household, with the ad dition of the Invalid and his muse, moved smoothly on for two weeks, when the patient was pronounced able to leave for his own lodgings. It was with real regret that Raymond bade hlui good by. Five years later. Doctor Raymond had become one of the visiting physi cians at a large city hospital, when one day he was hurriedly called into the operating room to assist the chief surgeon with a case of appendicitis. The patient was prepared for ll pet atlon when Doctor Raymond entered, and they silently fell Into their places and watched the skillful work. Every thing proceeded as usual Until the culminating point of the task was reached, when it was found that there was no appendix to be removed. As the man was being taken to a ward, a sudden suspicion caused Doctor Ray mond to look lnteutly at his face, anil he recognized bis old friend, Thomas Wheeler. It was not bis duty to visit that ward, and be found no oppor tunity to speak with Wheeler until a few days before he was discharged from the hospital. The nurse left the bedside as Raymond passed, and ho took the opportunity to step quietly before the patient. "Wal, Doe, Is It you?" be said. "'Twa'n't so strange ye made a mis take, boy as ye was, now, was It, w hen this here big gun went 'n' done tbeV same tiling? 'N" I thought I hud 'em lixed sure Ibis time with a piece o' parchment sewed to my shirt; but I'll be dummed ef th' blamed sweat didn't blur the wrltln' so't they couldn't re ltd it. I'll fix It some way tho' for the next time." Again an ambulance responded to a hurry call, and a patient was taken at once to the operating room, The ex amination of the bead physician eon- I firmed the report of the emergency doctor: An acute attack of append! citis. immediate operation aecossury. Doctor Raymond was summon d. Suddenly, the nurse who was prepar ing the patient for the opera ting table exclaimed : "Oh, doctor, please look at this!" The surgeon Stooped over the pros trate man and found tattooed across Ids abdomen these words: "Stop. Don't cut. Appendix removed twice." Stepping to the man's head he found again his old patient, about to be for the third time a martyr. PORTI A Nn OFFERS A MARKET a vl A sUaTIl vZLr FOR YOUR PRDDI trV 2 BaOtmiiy AT YattrnuT, Portland, Oregon. VAUDEVILLE PHOTO-PLAYS Complete Change Saturday 'Adults, Week day Matinee 20c; Evenings, 35c. Oontinous 1 to 11 p. m. Children 10 cents all times T k . i i' !J asl p. T : . H f ll At! 15lh and Yamhill. Portland. OreKon. W'SBSuJ T tfisffiiJiS! ft Modern Firinrvwrf Dl. rl'.'Psit . I A iAAU JL . ......... w i "ALL makes" Guaranteed Rebuilt Typewriters Sule lYrnis: $G.u0 monthly if desired. Rented :. moa.. $6.50 & up. Send for Illustrated price list. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., 113 Sixth St., Portland. Ore Largest In the West MUTUAL CREAMERY CO., Portland. BUILDLRS OF HIGH GRADE MOTOR CARS The Flint Six "55" Touring Car of fers that grace and beauty of line pos sible only in a perfectly designed touring body, yet the top is of per manent construction, and substantial, well-made curtains provide quick change from an open to a perfectly enclosed car. Body colors too, may be selected from a wide variety of ex clusive Flint finishes. A Fetv Flint Six "55" Features Seventy horsepower motori four point suspension i tubular backbone, single plate dry disc clutch t Alemite lubrication system, four wheel brakes with hydraulic equalizers even heat-inn crankshaft) 1 20 Inch wheel bate scmi-rlUptlc springs) drum typa hadlightiM demountable rims wiih carrier nnd extra rim; five balloon tlreat disc wheelai froi t bumper; auto matic windshield wiper; motometrr with special radii tor cap with wings and lock; transmission locki stop light. P. H. DUNN MOTOR CO., INC. 521 Washington Street Portland, Ore. We want Dealers In all territory Write for our Drivers' Agency Proposition FLINT SIX Zodiacal Light. The sun ia circled by a ring of mat ter, somewhat lilif) the rings ot Saturn, and extending Into space for more than 1(10,000,000 miles, which is known to astronomers as tho Zodiacal light. Canadian Game Refuges. In the northwest territory or Can ada six game refuges with a total area of 1(1,100 square miles have been set aside for the exclusive use of Indians and Eskimos. One Ounce of Prevention Worth Pounds of Cure Indolent Reader He who complains. Unit bs tins no time to read Is one who docs Sot fundamentally care for imiklnic con tact with the minds of others. We al ways find time to eat and sleep and to do other things that tve consider necessary to the upkeep of our physi cal life. When we have rented that mental food Is equally necessary to the maintenance of our Intellectual life we shnll take as much time as la necessary for reading also. Mr. Ar thur E. Ilostwlck Ui Current Opinion. Prevent Serious Sickness by taking Bark-Root Tonic A Mild Laxative. A System Oullder. that assists Nature In keeping your bow clH open and your gtnafa) sysism in perfect working or der at all tine-M Sold H Your Drufl Store INFORMATION , DEPARTMENT Moler Barber College Teaches trade In N weeks. Home puy while learning. Positions secured. Write tot c atalogue. 2.H lliiinsldi! Ktreet, Port land, ' a-cgon. CUT FLOWERS & FLORAL DESiGNS Clarke Bros., Florists, 287 Morrison St. NORTONIA HOTEL You Will Feci Uiifht at !loin! Here Sale and Central litasonablt Ralci. Kxcellent Cafo. Special Weekly IIum Meeta nil Trains. 1 1 th and Htnrk. I'oien.AND. oiti;coN Weariness in Success. Leisure and solitude are the best BffoCt of riches, because the mother of thought, llotli are avoided by most rich BBSS, who seek company and business, which are signs of being weary of themselves. Kir William Temple. Prosperity In Sheep. The ducal family of Marlborough of England prospered by raising Sheep, having 20,000 head at one lime. W, SHINU i t : W. T,. Cfefc&t trn;n Ml tcl I'x-al licnn it dwililf pwl.Kr-' nrc, fltu'ft HrrrwIltXil. Ahn t !ui ' It 't" V Ho kn, ljtvr-t M$Nf, ivbjL Mv delivery rtia'-arife.'.. ( nintu. fn-c Wo Specialise in Hides, Pelts. Wool, Mohair, Tallow, Cascara, Oregon Crape Roo', Coat Sk.ns, Horse Hair Writ for Hhipplnir Taffa A latest J'ric List Portland Hide & Wool Co. 1M UNION 1VINUI MOUTH, P0HHAN0, QM04N Ilranehat -u-lu. Idaho ct c a "i : n 1 1 -1 1 ! m ;kv. tUy bw .i ci rr O ,.ao,,.t oa,T..i INew rlurr Kugs DRUGS HY MAIL Iat us arnrl MM your Drugs by mail--SperUI mrvicm given mwi orders LAUK-DAV18 DRUG COMPANY Truaa Kxperts. 173 Third St.. Portlmnd, Or Made From Old CarpeU "Wear Like Iron." Iful Direct with tha Manufarturvr. Absolute Batiafaj'tton Guarantee-!1. Send in Your Ma terial or Write for I'rirea. WKSTKKN KUJKK Kl,'(j COMPANY. M-M Union Avenue Nor. Portland, Oretfun