Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1925)
II PAGE FOl'R THE BOARDMAN MIRROR FRIDAY. APRIL 10, 1925 TheBoardmanMirror BOARDMAN, OREGON Published t.y Tlio Currey Printing Company George ITuntinton Currey, h1 Olive M. Currey Editors and Proprietors PUBLI8 00 PB il lis F.I) EVERY FRIDAY EAR I" Enfr It, 1821, ni the mini, ore, under A little ad In it for you. )Mi: fljee ni act of Mar. The Mirror er Feb. Board' 1870. will sell OL'B WALTER Respected bj Foe, Wi rshipped by Friend. Eastern Oregon Is proud of Gov ernor Pierce, especially since be licked the tar out of banch of. dnmphool tricksters who tried to job bin a"' i he people during the lasi legislature. Every time you turn Walter looi himself be rips up tne sod, tears down the fences, charges liendloug Into Hw red BlvVer imrl gets himself i bad generally. But whenever a bunch of amateur leglslatora, or even a buneb of old time cow bands In this polltl ciii gome make an attempt to rope, lis and brand Walter, they simply make n concent rati til energy, from the sta ihL rtetortoti i rum the gallery. Walter Pierce Is by nature an Icon nelnat lie Is imi (fonstructlve, Ml Dol n positive n miss the indictments on the ground that they were violated by the pres ence of unauthorized persons in the grand jury room when evidence was being t.'ikrn. The bribery charge grew out of the delivers to Fall here while Interior secretary of $100,000 In cash. The fund was advanced by the elder Doheny and brought here from New York by his son in the now celebrated little black satchel. Fall save his per sonal note for the amount, and Do qi uy, In disclosing that he had ntl vanced ihe money, said It was a loan lo a friend and had nothing to do with the leases. The Indictment! returned here and ordered disnilssed are wholly apart from .civil huHr which have been broupht by the government In Wyom ing artd California for the recovery of 1 the Teapot Dome and California naval reserves. in dismissing the criminal Indict ment, .timtlre McCoy upheld the con tention of defense counsel that the senate resolution taking prosecution of the Oil CBSes from the department of justice and placing them In the Hands of i-iiTi;ii couns removed the right of the attorni y-general or any of bis assiHlants to appear before the grand jury. pose uf satisfying the judgment and decree above men (oned, the follow ing described real property, to -wit : The East half (M) of the East half pf the Bouth Fast Quarter VA) Section Fourteen (in, in Town he was ship four mi North, Range Twentj Eaci of .he Willamette Morrow County, Oregon; is "Unit A" in the South Five (23), Meridian, li also known Fast Quart' teen (14). mi nt ' Dat r of uid Section- Four to be made of the whole Is. or so much thereof ;i ic ient to satisfy '.he judg Courf in said cause. Till day of April, A. l. Eat and Drink At The New French Cafe B. 3, MrKNKKLY, Prop. Pendleton, Oregon (Only the Best Foods Served) F A N (' Y ICE CREAMS Furnished Rooms Over Cafe Quick Service Lunch Counter In Connection With n Dining Room B YOU ARE WELCOME HERE mmstnxitxttmtxitttmmmttmmmttma A. H. SWITZER ATTORNEY AT LAW Arlington, Oregon A I T O R E P A I R I N G At your Home aii Work Guarantees M. Telephone L. !ORGAN Call Weston's fi 3 ::t:::aiu:tj::au;:::::::t:::i:::t:::;. The Highway Inn O. H. Warner, Proprietor Boardman, Oregon Date Date 1st 1 last ROB McDUFFBE, Morrow County. Oregon.! mbllcatlon, Apr. 10, 1025. publication May 1925. d target for his abund Hid Old Walter emerges e bouse corral, uubrand mid With the cheers li is lead his de if Pei on tho hit canm mi onensIVH or re scattei forces, bui jiud put Walter on fenstve, surround him with enei the dear people, Imaginary o inui watch our Walter wade i nt bunch, unafraid and come onl branded, unbroke, unleadable, still unable to lead. Waller Pierce Is a real nlii'li tn fat the Peoples' League. He Is a better agitator ihnn an administrator, n fir heiier evangelist than saftdbur. lie stands for Ihe right, he knows Hie right, he wants lo do rlghl yet links the knack of. accomplishment. Wo love, we like him, We are proud of htm. We seldom agree with ids methods or his conclusions, bul his si use of rlghl raises Ills aims to il high plane, while bis impatient na ture charges ahead in this direction or that, doing unintentional damage, waiting unnecessary nine, often chang ing goals in pursuit el' mi ideal that Is never found). Mill .after all. Walter Stands out abend of the ranks, alone, undaunted, nnbrasded and as nil worthy warrt- TAX ON GAPITAL IS PLANNED BY HERRIUT Paris. Premier Herrlot revealed to the radical socialist Kroup of the chamber "i deputies that he plans to mi el the French financial crisis with a proposal for a long term capital tux levy. The ejiaot extent of the levy, how ever, he left unclear, saying It would apply "only on acquired wealth," and would not affect "wealth In forma tion." Herrlot made no definition of the meaning of "wealth In formation." and 11 was believed that on itH definition will rest the real policy of the govern ment. The chamber save Premier Herrlot and his government a vote of confid ence with a vote of R30 to 0 following close on the appointment of Anatole De Monlie as minister of finance to succeed elemental, who resigned. Clementel'S resignation was the cul mination of his premature announce ment to the chamber that the govern Blent (aeed a financial stringency which made It necessary to Issue addi tional paper francs. NOTICE FOR I I HI,I( ATION No. 021608 Department of the Interior, II. 8. Land Office ni The Dalles, Oregon. April I. 1025. Notice Is hereby given that Clnude Meyers, of Boardman, Oregon, who,, .,u April I'!. 1020, made Homestead en try No. 021008 for 10 1 Ne',, being 1 nit "A" UmatlllB Project," section 2". Township t North. Range Bfi East. Wills tte Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to mke Opal three year proof, in establish claim to the land above described, before ('. (i. Play-' den, Putted Slates Commissioner a( Boardman, Oregon, on the 11th day oi May. 1023, Claimant names Weston, ,T. T. Brio .1 A. Lytic, all of I Sell-Insurance J. C. Ballenger BOARDMAN, OREGON WhoSesome Home Cooking THE BEST PLACE TO EAT BETWEEN THE DALLES AM) PENDLETON 8 yrtnt,.ill.i,iiilllll;M1tHfttnntMmm""i"lu"';mlTO ... is witnesses : II. H. I E. K. Millkey and Roe rdmap, Oregon, i .1 Apr. w ill DONNELIA' May 8 Register, CECIL (Continued from page l) wire Hilling in lone on W. V. is still making inl and is now busy plan and trees around his resi is also baring nil his out done for the second Umatilla Pharmacy W. E. Smith, Prop. Mail Orders Given Special Attention QUICK S E K V I C E SATISFACTION GUARANTEED UMATILLA, OREGON Violin E Flat Saxophone Drums Fifth Piece (' Saxaphone Piano OrS prepared for i .1 by foe and U battle, he l i rshipped hj spec! lends. Spring SnerlfJeee in Order. 'lean up lime Is here. With niov al le rugs, vac leaners. anil mod em laundry service Hie old spring In use cleaning Is almost a thing of the past ; but tin' ffonl yard Still needs a Spripg raking, Ihe buck yard a gen era) cleaning up and a III lie fresh point here or there or on the cur Is i line thing. The (ourlsls are e Ing many as ever I efore in t In iregon. 'i i py are c water and by hi-lni nity that Is prcpan PpHn will reap the not oiily of Imntcdlti ultimate settlen cnt, believes that the rot tu the same class i hp wen t a Ivertise I y to take care of be bad It. Twice as hl-lory of tiling by rail, bv y. The commit- it to serve them greatest rewards, te Income but of The man who rist Is a ""t i- I the Merchant because lis Is too Mil v business If COURT HALTS SHIP SALE Temporary Decree Issued In Behalf of Pacific Mall. Washington, D. C. Justice Hltz. in district supreme court, Issued a re straining order against the United Stales shipping board, preventing It from sidling the five great "president" type liners now operating In the Pa cilic. to the Dollar shipping line. The restraint! order was nought by the Pacific Mull Steamship corpora tion, which now operates the vessels under lease from tho board and fol lows a hitter buttle between the two concerns over the right to purchase the ships. The board a few days ago accepted the Dollar bid. in preference to the Pacific Mall's offer. The order wns made returnable on April 1H, at which time counsel for Ihe shippil lllti and argue the legality of the board's action tn accepting the Dol lar bid. of Swing, Thursday. pro einenti ing shrubs denCC and is side painting time. W. Gi Palmlter, accompanied by his wife and (laughter. Miss Cletil, left ou Friday tor Eugene, where they in tend to reside for the summer. W. o.. we understand, has left Wtody hodk III (barge of a friend until he decides whether he will "come buck to the farm niter he has seen Broad way" of not. Tom fJogan of Four Mile was call ing in Cecil dining the week. ..con has one thousand of wheat sown and ! informs us that it is coming on well and that rain visaed his pari of the client rj in beavj showers on Maridi "nib. A heavy thunder storm hit Mile and the ground has got on is now tiuishing teres of summer fal- For bargains in Second Hand Goods, e Blder in Hermiston, Oct 24tf Newton Painless Dentists DR. H. A. NEWTON, MGR. ( or. Main and Webb Sts. Pendleton ANNOUNCING The association of Dr. W. M. Kelly of Spokane, Washington with Dr. F. V. Prime I b rmislon, Oregon Dentistry, Denial X-Bay and Diagnosis Evenings and Sundays by appointment Columbia Serenaders 4 or Five Piece Combination Orchestra Open For Engagements Anywise Rates Reasonable Phone or Write For Dates DM Call or Address , LIMIOIK, Mans Arlington, Oregon u tend Four well soaked up six thoui low. Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson of Kldgefteld, Wash., arrived at High view on Thursday and spent the day or two with vheir sister, Mrs. Geo. A. Miller. M. W. Shell ard and son. from their ranch tear The Willows, were calling In C il i n Friday S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY AT LAW ((immunity Church Service Every Sunday SntuhiN School ... church Service hoard will go before Justice (Muisiinn Endear 10 1 1 : 30 a. n.O II. 30 p. Office in Court House IIKPI'NEB - - - OBEGON W0bl0N & SWEEK VI TOKNEYS-AT LAW HEN' NEK. OREGON HERB GREEN Watchmaker and Jeweler Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Silverware THE TWO THAT STAND THE TEST Kelly Springfield and Badger TIKES AND TUBES WE BELL EM Now 1ft the time to get your car overhauled or repairs done quickly before the rush season ecmrs on. Bring them in - let's talk and look 'cm over. WE HAVE THE AGENCY FOR OZARK A RADIOS THEY AKE IN A CLASS BY THEMSELVES We install and allow ten days free trial. You and your friends are the judges. If not pleased, you pay nothing. First three sets will be sold at a discount to introduce them in this district. We also service these Instruments free at uny time. Maxwell Touring1 Car For Sale THIS IS IN GOOD RUNNING ORDER Wo took It in on a trade last fall and bare Worked it over WATCH OUR ADS Batteries Batteries Batteries FOR AUTOMOBILES, RADIOS AND OTHER PURPOSES We have made arrangements Slth reliable battery manufac turers that will enable us to compete frttn any quality batteries in price and will guarantee Una. SEAMAN'S CARAGE Irrigon - - - Oregon The real wonders uf Ihe Wallowa Lake country must he felt rather than miii. , rainbow cannol be palutufl, a mountain lake cannot tie described, the Wallowa Wonderland Is an e I ' ill uce iii itself and every resldcni .f Eastern Oregon should get sc tptalntod with till- region where mi lure's smil lies open and her pliysfcfl ChliriUS are bared In the splendor 0 hvt vligln Bract fsNo'sf3 sou"' li IPO- "'"JI ,nke fciiKrh; 1 " li jPcfBj for orlglnsUtj 1 SHERIFF'S SALE REV. All B. S me Welcome HUGHES, I'aslor. Time Inspector O-W. M Main St. I' B. B. & N. Co. indlclon. Oregon JXij :i::tt::::;::;:::i:::::tj:w:ta:K::::::t::KttJ:aa::un:;a:uK::j:a:aaK:KUttua The Business Man The iKKdleggcr is a dangerous ant n tl. No nuil let which hind nOClcul I ri'iiches for a shot ul bis siulf is n; I to kill. COURT DISMISSES OIL INDICTMENTS Fall. Sinclair and Dohenys Win on Technicality in Wash ington Court. Washington, IV V. -All indictments Bf Albert B. Kail. K. I.. Doheny Harry V. Sinclair anil Edward I- Dohonj Jr., crowing out of the naval oil reserve leases, were quashed here by the Dis trict of Columbia supreme court. Justice McCoy lllMnl ntd the motion d( couuscl for the deleiidunti to dts- Notice Is hereby gtvCU (hut an 9XV eutton and order of sale was Issued oul oi the Circuit Court of the State ol ith day of Oprll, IIKSS, upon II de. lee renderi'd OU the 'Jnil day of April, ItKtB. In I fore closure suit tbarela onMag in favor pf Arlington National Hank, plaintiff, und against Uh. e. Mefford, A. I.ola Mciimii, ,i c Batlgssfst Uasaker i iuiipany, Lincoln Creek I.iiuiIht Co., .1 C. BaJtafl and Kuth N. lliillen ger, defeBonnts, fltoh said tsteatton and order of sale Is to mc directed, and intaimandlng: c to sell die prop i rty In reinafter descrllnMl, for ihe PUT 4 -i of satisfying the Judgment ot the plaintiff in siibl suit, for the sum of S l( loti.OO. together with Intcn-st tnereon r. Hfl pt annum from Sep iettllaT 7tb. IHJO. for the further sum ! of (lit IT.:, and for the further sum of S1NU'IV ThciiToic. in (sunpliauce with said execution Md order of alc. I will, on Monday, the tlth day of May. 1U2.V at the hour of eleven o'clm'k In the fi reniMui of .ald day. at 'lie front (i. i of the Court House in the City ot lleppner. Morrow County, Oregon. SSI) Kt public auction to the hishevt bidder for cash tu hand, for the pur- To be successful in handling your business affairs, no matter how extensive or how limited they may be, you must handle them in a businesslike manner. Paying all bills by Check is one of the first steps, since it gives you an absolute record of receipts and expenditures. ARLINGTON NATIONAL BANK Oldest Hank in (Jillirm G unty v iw wi-1 'x H6avu j i ja fi'itm Imd FOR ONE YEAR The Sf American Needlewoman The Household C. -oil Stories lilt Farm Journal AND W?S NEWSPAPER A rare and unusual money s.iviii5l)argf,'n offer in read ing matter lor the whola I n iily for a year. Wc offer this combination to oer traders for a short time only. Bcnewal subscriptions will be extended for ono year from present date of eviration BIG INTERESTING f ISSUES AT a PRICE This is your chanre to get 1 2 big issues of each of these four valuable map-zines 48 issues in all t half of the usual suhtwriiHicn price. Reading matter for the whfje family Action, patterns, embroidery, rec ipes, poultry dairy livestock, crept, farm manasMMPjb etc. IVn't OHM thfil utirv.iid t'orn'rUinity to get this Tflo able, Inumttmc nd iiistrurtive prcup of magannes. If you are already a iiibscrttTrr to any of these uiatfiuioca your sutKv-ripUon will tx- cittndca lor one year. Bead in your order now! Thia oiler is made for a short t me only. Doth new ami renewal t.;Nripti ins to this paper win receive these macuxinra. But don't wnit until the offer haa been Withdrawn. All FsVa ft t One Ytar ORDER NQWi end yvyur order to our office 48 Mail CkncS :ind tlrdvr I'lainl) Written To ( I KKK ruiM iNt; 00b Arlington. Orrgon rublihrrs of The Boardman Alirror n