Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1925)
WQR 0 HAPPENINGS L OF CURRENT WEEK Brief Resume Most Important Daily News Items. OUTLOOK BRIGHT. COOLIEGE President Predicts Increased Prosper ity for Country. COMPILED FOR YOU Events of Noted People, Governments and Pacific Northwest, and Other Things Worth Knowing. Shipyards in the San Francisco bay district during the past week showed renewed activities In the shipbuild ing industry after an unusually dull winter, operators said. Tho farmer pays more in taxes, based on property values, than his city cousins, in the opinion of the department of agriculture economists, who have completed a study of taxa tion. Ex-President Millerand of France Saturday was elected senator for the department of the Selno to succeed the late Senator Magny. M. Millerand received 520 votes and M. Autrand, bis cliief opponent, 175. Reports from the bedside of J. N. (J Hog) Darling, said the cartoonist's condition was "quite satisfactory," but that no noticeable progress had been made Sunday. Mr. Darling has been ill with peritonitis since March 12. Nurses, pedestrians and passing mo torists rescued 110 patients, including 20 now born babies, from a fire which virtually destroyed tho Englewood, N. V. hospital Sunday. None of the patients suffered injuries beyond hook. Forty members of the Showmen's League of America, meeting in their club rooms in the business district in Chicago, were held up last night by six men. Two of the outlaws, armi id with shotguns, robbed them of money and jewelry valued at f 20,000. Itesslo, probably the oldest horse In the northwest, died a few das ago at the farm of James llylton al fatiby, Or., at the ripe old age of 42 years. The mare had been tho pet of Mr. and Mrs. B. O, Caufleld and their family of this city for, 30 years. Secretary Weeks made further prog ress Sunday in his fight against the attack of cerebral thrombosis suffer ed Wednesday, and his doctors ox pressed tho hope that he would be hack at ills desk at tho war depart ment within a week or ton days. Tho outlawry of war as well as a further reduction of armament s would form a chief subject, for any new arms 'conference called by President Cool Idge under a proposal outlined IQ memorial to tho chief executive sign ed by churchmen, educators, state gov ernors and many others of equal prom inence. Tho assistant secretaryship of state to bo vacated by John Van A. Mae Murray, selected by President Cool idge to succeed Dr. Jacob Could Schurman as American minister to Pekin, probably win be offered to Hugh It. Wilson of Chicago, chief of tho current Information division of tho state department. ( Lumber manufacturers of llrltlsh Columbia are Interested keenly in the new railway being built by British in terests in Peru and Which is lo extend to the Amazon a distance of I'OO miles. British oil and tobacco interests have decided to construct this road and the sawmills hero expect to get con siderable business In ties, timber and lumber. Angelo Pattella, Hhoemaker in Ilcrgumo, Italy, Sunday literally Jump ed his way into an insane asylum. Fut I et in made a bet that he could Jump from a height of 100 feet into the water with an egg In his hand without Injury to either himself or tho egg. He did, but before ho could collect the authorities took hint to an insane asylum to ascertain his mental status. To fall from a ni loot water tower and to suffer injuries which will like ly prove no more serious than a com pound fracture of his wrist and a lacerated lip, whs the experience of Joseph Heaver. 6, son of Mr. and Mrs. Uoaver of Rend. Or. The boy check ed his drop by clutching a ladder, lie was unconscious at the foot of tho tower for more than an hour before found. Tho treasury intends to make sure Hint it gets nil ot the tnx due the government from capital gain In the sale of Dodge Hrothors, Inc., to the New York Hank Syndicate. In order to nvoid a situation similar to that which ties developed from the sale of minority holdings in the Ford Motor company, It was explained, experts have begun a study of tho Income and corporation tax affairs of tho Dodge company. Washington, D. C An assurance of increased business prosperity was voiced by President Colidge in an address Monday night to the National Cotton Manufacturers' association. In the present and prospective in dustrial situation Mr. Coolidge saw justification of the tariff and ho again pledged an administration of justice by the government in Its relations with business. The policy of conserv ing to the American producer "the right of first opportunity in the home market," he said, has resulted in a "very fair approximation of demo cracy in industry." He also promised full assistance by the national government in fight ing the boll weevil and indorsed the suggestion for a treaty of co-operation among the cotton producing states. The president reviewed at length tho problems of the cotton manu facturing industry, noting even the return of short skirts and the conse quent reduction in consumption of cloth. He added that he saw little prospect of stabilizing women's styles and remarked that their constant (hanging might make difficulty for manufacturers, but "po doubt would relieve monotony and add to the spice of life." In discussing tho government's re lations with business, the president declared enforcement of the law was essential, but that it was necessary also for industry to exercise the same vigilance. Ho lauded industry for its recognition of its responsibilties to ward Its employes. The agencies of the government were placed at the disposal of in dustry by Mr. Coolidge, who men tioned specifically that the federal trade board "has been devised for the purpose of safeguarding your rights, of protecting you from unfair trade practices and admonishing and cor recting you if you are wrong." Justifying the tariff, the president declared "the towering stature of our industrial structure as we see it today is the best, is indeed the complete vindication of this policy." "There has been at some times and In sonio quarters a disposition to criticise the American policy ot con serving first opportunity in our home market for our own producers," he said. "We can hardly expect that such a program would be popular with those who find themselves placed at a disadvantage in the greatest market of the world, which Is the American market. Hut those who charge us with selfishness in thus giving first thought to home interests would do well to consider whether their own policies in this regard are more liberal than ours. Mexican Towns Jarred. Mexico City.- Since March 15 vio lent earthquakes have been shaking nn extensive zono In tho state of Durango, almost destroying tho town of Chalchlhultei. On Thursday morn ing a shock destroyed tho church while other buildings were severely damaged. Caniutillo, Zuchll and other towns also suffered considerable damage. Marseilles, France The Soleil re ports an earthquake was felt at Fuveau nt 3:15 o'clock Saturday morn ing. The shock, .which lasted two seconds, was felt throughout the min ing basin in the department of llouches du Hhone. Six Fellowships Placed. New York. Six American students hnve received awards of graduate fel lowships for study in Belgium during the coming school year, It was an nounced .Monday by the commission for relief In Belgium educational foundation, Each award provides full expenses, free tuition and 15,000 Hel glim francs. I'nder the fellowship plan the foundation also brings 24 Hel glan graduate students to the United Slates each year. Bear Causes Near Riot. Oakland, Oil. - - A bear, big and shnuuv. entered nil n mi rl li.nw hero Saturday and started upstairs to an accompaniment of screams. slamming or doors and clicking of keys in locks. Police trapped It on the top floor. It was Goutle Sadie of the Oakland zoo hunting for peanuts, the trainer said. Mussolini Wants Rett. Home. Premier Mussolini, il is de clared, intends to nvail himself of the respite glveu by the recess of the parliament for the Kaster holidays to resume the rest he was taking after the recent illness. He will spend the next few duys in Koine ami then will continue his quasi vacation nt some place not yet announced. Seattle.--Klmer Manhnrt, convicted of murdering Mrs. Lillian Helen Mor ley of Victoria in a taxlcnb here Feb ruary 1. Saturday was sentenced to life imprisonment by Superior Judge Smith when Manhnrt withdrew motion for new trial. AIRMEN 10 SEEK LANDS IN ARCTIC I STATE NEWS t IN BRIEF, Maval Officers on Leave to Act as Pilots. MACMILLAN IS CHIEF Coolidge and kWilbur Indorse Explor er's Project. U. S. Planes FTo Be Used. Washington, D. C. The vast un known regions of the Arctic will be explored this summer with naval air craft by navy pilots, but not as a government project. The attempt of observing the un charted area of more than 1,000,000 square miles lying between Alaska and the North Pole, where a continent may exist, will be made in connec tion with an expedition headed by Donald M. MacMillan, the explorer, who will return for the ninth time to his favorite haunts of ice and snow on a ship leaving Wiscasset, Me., about June 15. The plan has been approved by Sec rotary Wilbur and indorsed by Presi dent Coolidge. The expedition will also have tho backing of the National Geographic society. Tho naval officers who will accom pany Mr. MacMillan will have extend ed leave and the entire party will have a private status. A polar expedition planned for the dirigible Shenandoah last year but abandoned provided the Shenandoah was to leave from Alaska and proceed over the same unknown region and possibly to the pole. However, Presi dent Coolidge took tho position that in view of the oxpense involved he would not authorize it without approval of congress, and that body failed to take any action. For the MacMillan expedition two planes of the amphibian type will be supplied and the personnel will be started from volunteers In - th: navy aviation service. At least three officers and two or threo mechanics will be accepted. Lieutenant-Commander H. 15. Byrd, now with the navy bureau of aeronautics hero, will be In charge . Already 21 naval officers, six ma rine corps officers, 11 navy enlisted men and two marine corps enlisted men have volunteered their services. The planes, which the navy prob ably will ask the army air service to provide because naval machines of the type now under construction will not be completed in time, will be of the Loenlng type, and will have a cruising radius of more than 1000 miles with a speed of more than 120 miles an hour. The expedition will pass along the Labrador coast and Greenland through Davis strait in an effort to establish a flying base nt the northern point of Axel Heiburg Land, where the planes can take off in their attempt to explore the vast region which has baffled the efforts ot Peary, Mac Millan and others, and determine whether a continent or land in any form exists there. If laud is found, it Is believed it can he ultimately utilized for aircraft bases in flight routes from Europe to Asia. Border Parley Called. Mexico City. A mixed commission of delegutes representing the United States and Mexico will meet at El Pmo May 30 to discuss smuggling and immigration problems. James R. K. Sheffield, the American ambassador, said Saturday that Mexico had ex pressed willingness to name com missioners to discuss the new prob lems growing out of the recently negotiated narcotics treaty, but he was not prepared to say whether the immi gration questions would include the restriction of Mexican emigration to the I'nited Statee. The American delegates to the con ference have already been selected but the Mexican representatives have not been named. Capital Tle-Up Looms. Washington. 1). C. Prspects of a general tie up in building trndes here increased Saturday when union paint ers and paperhangers walked out to enforce a demand for higher wages. The painters want $10 a day in place of $9, and the paperhangers are ask ing for increases on a varying scale. A lockout already Is In force against union stonecutters, and the plumbers and Hteamfitters also have demanded nn increase. I Salem. Governor Pierce denies that he was in any way instrumental in agitating the proposed recall of Senator Dennis of Union and Wal lowa counties. He said that printed reports to this effect were in error. Salem. The state board of control has approved a proposal submitted by the county court involving the hard surfacing of a road leading to the state industrial school for girls. The road will extend through the school property. Salem. The proposal submitted by I). M. Sanson, president of the Domin ion Linens, Ltd., for the establish ment of a linen mill in Salem to cost approximately $600,000 was accepted by the Salem chamber of commerce at a meeting here Saturday. Eugene. J. H. Scott, market road engineer for the state, this week went over all of this year's market road projects in Lane county with P. M. Morse, county engineer, and approved the plans for this year's work, as well as the work that was done last year. Portland. There are still as good smelt in the Sandy river as ever were caught, but not nearly so many of them, according to information re ceived Sunday by Sheriff HurlburL It is not expected the traffic situation on the highway will call for special policing any more as the run is prac tically over. Cascade Locks. Skamania county boosters for a county fair to be held in Stevenson early in the fall met at the courthouse Friday. Louis Thum of Underwood was elected chairman; ,T. C. Lawrence of Stevenson, secre tary; R. W. Miller of Stevenson, vice president and Louis Aalvik of Steven son, treasurer. Washington, D. C. Oregon will re ceive almost one-seventh of the $7, 500,000 voted by the last congress for the construction of roads and trails in national forests during the fiscal year beginning July 1. The amount allot ed to Oregon, Colonel W. B. Greely, cliief of the forest service, advised Senator Mc Nary Saturday, is $1,038, 074. Marshfield. The steam schooner Daisy Puutnam, lumber laden J'or San Francisco, was swept from the chan nel just after she crossed out of the harbor here Sunday morning, ground ed on a shoal and lost her rudder, and was saved from possible destruc tion by the tug Oregon which happen ed to bo in the vicinity and rendered assistance. McMinnville. "I am anxious to cor rect the Impression gained in Yamhill county, that that county was left out of my survey as a flax-producing sec tion," stated Professor G. R. Hyslop of Oregon Agricultural college experi ment station. "As a matter of fact Yamhill county was placed at the head of the list, with 24,000 acres suitable for the growing of flax." Silverton. F. W. Gillette, who has been superintendent of the Mt. Angel cannery since it opened has accepted the management of the Silverton Food Products company, a co-operative can nery here. The company is now busy remodeling nnd repairing the plant In preparation for the influx of the coming season's fruit. Strnwberries, it Is understood, will be featured. Klamath Falls. Establishment of a national guard company of infantry will bo sponsored by the Klamath officers' reserve club, according to an nouncement made Saturday by that organization. George White, adjutant-general, will be asked to out line plans of organization in order that the company might be formed early this summer. Salem. The battleship Oregon, for the maintenance of which an appro priation of $15,000 a year was author ized at the recent session of the leg islature, will be towed to Portland har bor during the Rose Festival there in June, according to announcement made here Saturday by Robert Saw yer and other members of Scout Young camp, Spanish-American war veterans, of Portland. Tillamook. The herd of 19 Guern seys belonging to Mrs. E. J. Glenger attained high place during March in the Tillamook Cow Testing associa tion, with an average milk produc tion of 1283 pounds of milk and 50.CS pounds butterfat. The herd of 33 Hol stelns belonging to A. Haedlnger took high place in the herds out 20 cows, with an average production of 116! pounds milks and 3S. 50 pounds butter fat. Salem Edward Ostrander. member of the public service commission, re turned here Sunday from Washington, where he attended a hearing in con nection with the proposed central Ore gon railroad development. The hear ing was held under the direction of the interstate commerce commission and was attended by a large number ot railroad attorneys and other persons interested in the project. & SCHOOL PA1S I A rW mT MA IN WINTER tfpiltBook By DOUGLAS MALLOCH j T GUESS I love the things of old As well ns Father does. But I ain't crazy for the cold Like he Is dear me suz ! Of course In winter days, ray dears, A lot of fun we had But when you git along In years A coal-stove ain't so bad. I recollect occasions when We traveled in a Sleigh And I was nearly frozen then, I recollect today. Of course It's very nice to come Where woods are white and green, But winter's Just as purtj' from Inside a limousine. Perhaps to drive for twenty mile Half froze was lots of fun, But Father ruther makes me smile Why, now he hates to run Around the corner to a show ! . . . But, drive or dance or what, A movie for amusement, though Is handler a lot. And when he talks about the way Those smartles used to wash Our faces In the snow well, say, I want to fight, by gosh ! However funny It may seem To Father now, perhaps I recalled we had no cream Them days to cure the chaps. They say that It Is "distance lends Enchantment to the view" ; The flight of time as well, my friends, Makes things look good to you4 So Father of the days of old To talk will never tire, When safe and snug from wind and cold Beside a dandy fire. I by McClure Newspaper Syndicate.) O An't please your Honour, quoth the peasan t. This same dessert Is very pleasant. Pope. ECONOMICAL DISHES Your Last Name IS IT GORMAN? T'ORMAN seems to have first been used as a surname in Ireland, but the first name from which It was de rived was Anglo-Saxon and was used throughout the British Isles In early days. This was the name Gormund. Mund In these old first names had the significance of protection and the first syllable "gor" may have come from a word meaning war. The name Gormund then would mean wur-pro-tectlon. Eventually the first name came to be Gorman and this was adopted in Ireland ns a last name, with O'Gormnn, which meant simply son of Gormund. The Gorninns and O'Goruians In this country all seem to have come from Ireland. Both families have con tributed members to congress. There Is Senator James K. o'Gorman and there was a Senator Arthur Pue Gor man of Maryland and a Representa tive James Gorman "from Indiana. Senator Arthur Pue Gorman was born In Maryland in lS.'t!. The son of Peter and grandson of John Gor man, who came to this country from Ireland about 1400, settling in Harris burg, Pa. From that state they went to Maryland and there the family settled. James Sedgwick, n grandson of Ed ward Gorman of county Down. Ire land, was representative from Indiana. Mutr There are two suggested sources for this name. It Is certainly sometimes derived from the word mulr, which Is a north of England and Scotch form for moor. The other sug gestion is that it came from the me dieval muur, the man who kept the raewi the place where the hawks were kept while moulting. There whs uch a person attached to every feu dal cattle while hawking was In fashion and It would he but natural If some of these men derived their surname from their occupation. e b Mcc'lure Newsp.i r Syndicate.) A GOOD soup is often all the dish one needs for a substantial meal. Serve witli bread to supply the car bohydrates and butter the bread If the soup Is not too rich. Bean Soup. Take one pound of dried beans, soak over night and drain off the water in the morning, after bringing to the boiling point ; repeat the drain ing twice, then cook at a simmering point for Ave hours, or longer, until the beans are soft enough to put through a colander. After the drain ing add one-half pound of salt pork nnd let It cook with the beans five hours. The pork should be so well cooked that it will pass through the colander, if so desired. Fried Tripe. For those who enjoy tripe, this recipe will be liked : Use honeycomb tripe, wash well and put Into a large kettle of cold water, add a teaflpoonful of salt and a pinch of soda, bring quickly to the boiling point, then put back on the stove and simmer slowly for four; hours. At this time remove the tripe, drain it, nnd after dipping In a fritter batter, fry until brown in butter. Colonial Pudding. Measure one cupful of crackers, af ter putting them through the meat grinder, and pour over them one pint of hot milk. Add one-fourth cupful of cream, one-half cupful of sugnr and corn sirup, and a scant cupful of raisins, the seeded kind. When partly cooled add four beaten eggs, salt, spice to taste, and pour Into a buttered baking dish. Bake one hour, stirring often to prevent the raisins sinking to the bottom. Let n delicate crust form at the last and serve with sugar and cream. Salt codfish, soaked nnd shredded, added nt the Inst, with n quart of milk, omitting the tomatoes, the pars ley and lemon, makes a most tasty chowder. Add half n dozen milk crackers soaked in hot milk to the stew, Just before serving. (, 1925. Western Newspaper Cnlon.) 01 he Young Lady Across the War '1 he young lady across the way says prevention is better than cure and everybody ought to go to a good phy sician once a year and have a thor ough post-mortem examination. liS by MfClur. New.ppr Syndicate.)