Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1925)
BOARDMAN MIRROR VOLl ME V BOARDMAN. MOKROW COL X I V. OKEGON' FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 1925 NU7 IBKR - Board man Utellem Some Easter Eggs for Dad Edited by the Students of the Boardman High School FOURTH YEAR, HI21-1925 FRIDAY1, APRIL 10, 1925 The English Eight Class has been studying- the short essay, The class listened to the reading of Emerson's "Essay on Nature" by the teacher. They are now reading essays individ ually and each will be expected t giw' an oral report on the one scheduled for special study. The Freshman English class was overwhelmed with horror when they learned that each had to write a BOO word theme an "My Past Life." We, the Upper classmen. hope that their lives have been such that their themes will he Interesting. . Stock in high school athletics is go ing tip. The season', activities are booming. Baseball, both bojra, and girls, is going liitr. The hoy's team promises to be one ot Boardman's best in years. II will have one of the strongest Holding and hading infields il has ever had but weak at bat The flowers ale blooming, The wind has stopped blowing. All signs of spring are here. The birds are singing. The bees are humming, Sweet sounds incline each ear. Last week completed the fifth of thej ix weeks report periods and the cards were given out Wednesday noon of this week. Several good grades were received by some of the students. Helen Chaffee and Blanche Imus re ceived four "A's" and the following received all A s and B's : Robert Berger, Rachel Johnson, Edward Klages. Catherine Berger. Katberine Brown, Caroline Hunt, Edward Me CleBan arid Earl Olson, Hi, Ho! Bead these lines of thoughtful wisdom. How many of you! know the circumstances of the school treasury? We now have the Immense The outfield' is good, sum of $8,07 in the bank. We have all McClellan will scoop of the debts paid hut two and are fsk- Boardman Locals and Personals Jack Qof ham bad Ids lots across j Duo to an oversight on our part, from the school bouse leveled and tor- hi the baseball game story last week raced. He plans to have it all seeded Hve did not mention that Klitz, as to lawn and i tsurely will make a Well as Vannostrum patched during great improvement. ithe game. .Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Ileriem enter-1 Mrs. Nick Faler. who returned from Brief Review of Week's News Events tained at dinner Sunday for their Sth anniversasy. Mr. and Mrs. Nick I'a ler, Mr. and Mrs. .lack Gorliam and family and MISS Myrtle McNeil were guests. F. H. Edmonds of Vnneoucr. Wn.. Is here looking after bis farming in terests. Ralph Davis and Maurice Goodwin motored to Hermlstori and Umatilla Monday evening. Mrs. J. 0. Ballcnger received word that her father, W. A, Murohie. was token to The Dalles hospital on Satur day He Is suffering from diabetes. Mrs. Rnlph Humphrey left Wednes day for Penawawa, Wn., her former home. Young Dale Cox is displaying a pair of the blackest eyes one could imagine. Portland Saturday, where she attend ed the funeral of her brother. Thomas Luke, received a telephone call on Wednesday telling of the death of her sister-in-law. Mrs. Thomas Luke, who died just a week after the death of her husband. Henry Plages has returned from Portland, where he has been for sev eral weeks. .lack Giuliani accompanied Sheriff MoDuffeo to Stevenson. Wn.. last Fri day on legal business. Harry Warren and son Clay were visitors at Heppner on Thursday. .Mr. ami Mrs. Albert Macoiiihcr and Mis. E. I,. Fisher id' Arlington wore visitors Sunday at the Nate Macomher heme. Mrs. .lack Gorhutii and Mr. and the hall off the hat and Ayers will twill the Howell wil lie slati''ite. tlnl suck and Olson will base. Russell is on tlu Archbishop Christie, oldest Arch-and making them eligible bishop in the United States In point pal offices if elected. A of service and bead of the Oregon See, which comprises all territory ly ing west of the Cascade mountains, hot corner and short-patching, picked from Weldon Avers. This is some win its share The girls ai Captain Carl ing for your support, this coming Snt lilte sphere. I urday night. Come on, one and all. I al the ini-jCot behind the school activities and guard second come t Othe big movie, Douglas Mac list for the Loan in "Going UD." Have a delight ful evening an dat the same time help 1111 " aiiernoon ai i:au o ciock the school in the last two athletic j in Portland, Oregon, events of therfear. This year Is the first in several the Boardman school will have a May Day for inunici slmllar hill .vac passed by the Chamber in but was defeated In the Senate. LMtl. Wilson will do the The outfield will lie MolTord. W( blander, Gilbrea'tb and Packard, lineup and it ought to if gain: s. B working bard, trying to show thai they are capable of Jdieir new equipment, but it looks as though we will have to send some of it back. Perk up. gills. What do you think of the lineup? The best looking girl pitcher; the next best, so far as beau- ty is concerned, catcher. The next best first base and so on rtbwn thej line. Pick the team for yourself. Both ppys and girls tegma journey j to Umatilla this Friday to cross bats with the high ichool lei: ins of taht. city. Watch for the results and be out in a crowd to our firs) game. Get behind the high Bel I and push and we'll make you proud of us. Come on. B isrdman more ppp. The community school lawn got its first "hath" on Monday, Janitor Xale Macomher. tnp-iod the local irrigaiioiC ditch for the tii'sl time this year. A1 rendv the ev ticos a change and. the brown spots are fast Changing into a light green and the green sprouts are takin a deeper hue. Tn aie th'T week or two the lawn will he fully recover ed from its winter retirement. pr gram, II is going to he the besf that this school has ever given. We know I ha I every parent and friend of our school should he sure to come. The program is as follows: 10:30 Big School Children's Pa- for I rade. H :0ft Out door program. iii America. CM Address of Welcome. (31 Music. (4) Address. (Ci Music. 13:05 Big Basket dinner. t!l6 Crowning of Queen "Helen." 1 :::o Operetta "Posey Bed." '4F PnsflhaU. ggiMft i. i . , StOO Movie. on April 11th ,at the school audi torium, another big movie is to be given by the high school Student body. This picture is entitled "Going I'p" It Is an aerial picture and one that ("cyl.ody. ..i o .g and oi l will be !n Pueblo, Colo. Surgeons have remov ed a bullet from the heart of 11 year old Santos Ortez, who was accldent- Tbe French chamber of Deputies ally shot when he Bred a gun wich lms passed a bill giving women the which he was playing. He probably the chicken business on a large scale, right to vote in municipal elections will recover. , Nels KrlStenseil Is leveling a few acres of land for 0. S. Calkins. This Is the corner where he raised corn Ma-.thcw Ball of Eight Mile was m successfully hut it has never hi calling on his friends around Cecil leveled for alfalfa. on Monday. Every farmer on the project is busy Edmer Williams and Harold Abalt, seeding or spring toothing. Fruit government trappers, are busy look- trees are in bloom and filling the ail ing over the trapping prospects on with their fragrance. Gardens are Willow Creek for a few days. . ,,, weather warm ami balmy. A place Another youngster, while rocks, hit Dale across thi eves and it certainly left some ebony optics. Chss. Miller is building chicken bouse on his ranch. a great number of While Leghorn st Heppner. chickens and he is expecting a large C. E. Suence, state market master, shipment of baby chic ks later on His was a Boardman visitor on Thursday brother, Geo. Dillon, of Portland, is il last week. doing the carpenter work. Mr. Oil- Mr. and Mrs. Pat Potter are visit - Ion and Mr. Knauff have gone Into ing in Condon. hatting Mrs. C. i .Baydeii went lo Heppner nose and Saturday to meet Mr Oorham, who him with ',!s there on business. Charles N'ler ami George Mitchell a fourth were subpoenal as witnesses to np- He has pear before the grand jury last week were Arlington visitors CECIL Gilliam County Officials Are Visitors In Cecil .Shipping Sheep To the Ranges Miss Violet Hynd, teacher near lone, accompanied by Miss Arletu Farrens of lone, were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hynd af Bu'.terfiy Flats. t' rested In. The other two movies f. ven by the student body wcra u suc tega and were well b'voi' by the o.owd, wht.'h was not as large as it iiiisht have been Wi are expecting .; larger crowd for this Saturday anil i trust our friends and parents will not disappoint us. Irrigon Items Two of our most popular young pen pie, Miss Myrtle McCoy all I Marshall Maikhain ware married in Pendleton Saturday. April 4th. to the surprise of their many friends. It was known that this was to he expected some time this summer hut no one expected it without some further announcement of h date. The returned on the night train Saturday and had hoped to get in and mil again before any serenade could be planned, hut their fi lends laid in waiting and paraded them about with tin cans and other noise making apparatus attached to the cars for some time, about one o'clock Sunday morning. The happy couple left for Pendleton again Sun day afternoon, where Mr. Maikhain is employed by the Union Basilic sys tem as batteryman. They have rented living quarters In Pendleton and ex pect to make that place their home, at bast for the time being. Wo all join in wishing wishing the couple a long and happy married life. C. C. Grim is making extensive ar rangements for camp grounds for tour ists. He is leveling the ground west rf the store and service station, where there is good shade now and instill ing ladies' and gents' rest rooms. Planting of at ruioloiis. mnskmel ons and cantaloup is starting in ear nest rhs week. The association re ports an acreage of eon-idenihly more than last year, with prospects of. a much heavier crop owing to better so letted grounds of all the plantings. More or less asparneus has been moved by the association during the last week and since I lie weather has warm ed up. is coming on much faster. The stat highway department is spreading the pf an the highway past Irrigon this we'!;. This this district an I we will Mr. and Mrs. Frank Strader report li e arrival of a big haby girl Sunday morning. Specific instruction had been issued to the stork that it must In a girl and they feel very proud of having their instructions respected. Inn Changes Hands Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Woodard of The Dalles came Sunday to tae charge ol tlie Highway Inn, having recently purchased it. Mr. Woodard is a bro ther of L. V., who lived at Messner so many years and Is widl known by many Boardman people. The Mirror wishes them all success in their new venture. Mrs. Warner has built up a splendid reputation by the meals she served and the Woodards, no doubt, will keep up the high standard. Miss Mabel Wabl. who had leased the ho ld until it was sold, relinquished her post Monday morning. Orange Dance Success One of the finest and moat congen ial dances for some time was that given on Friday night by the Orange in the Auditorium. Mr. Lytic, Mr. Hango, accompanied by Nate Macom her and several others furnished the music. Several old fashioned quad rilles were enjoyed, as well as the modern steps. Four carload of Irri-j-'iiites attended. accompanied by Grange Mutter Saling. Cake, sand wlsbes and coffee were served by the committee in charge. The Howell on Monday, The "Battling Orioles" was the film at the BchoolhoUSe Saturday night. Only a verv small number attended. These movies are given by the school to raise money for baseball equipment. Saturday, April the third and last show. Mis. Alice Dlngman is closing out her place "f business and is going to Walter Pope ot Hillside was Visiting where the climate is equal lo Sunny take a well deserved res!, after four Mr. and Mrs. .1. E. Crabtree at California, is II not? viars of laundry work. She wishes Cuckoo Flats on Sunday. i Clifford Olson returned on Monday t,, thank her patrons for their kind Mr. and Mrs. Paul Snillmnn and tii'li.v'ul wtifiL'hi in tint luiwiiltiil ik t niiuu nn.l in ' 1 1 n - Mr. and Mrs. L. Hariiimi and In r.,,-,Tv. r A'...:.. im. ,. ., . ... , ., , .. ...... ...... in,-,, Lin,,,, ii, -i ,,r l'cnoieion. sum iiiil' toe rami iroin i ne i ir. il ciirrv, evesiete specialist. Willows, snenl Sundiiv with Mr. and iwua hnma ,, ,,! i nrhon Hut . f .:,.ntii,. n.lll i. n, tflshwav Inn man, who have been visiting With Mr Mrs. Kail Farnswortll aft Rhea Sid- gnsollne e.xnloded from a short circuit Tuesday. VnrH lltb. Eves examine I. tag. I tn a Hot Shot battery while be was glasses tilled. Mrs. H. E. Stender nnd Daughter, having the gas tank filled. He Is Ti e Minor is In receipt of an ail Miss Gloria, of Beldomsscn, spent getting nlrng very nicely and able to fot the sale of estrav horse, which we Wednesday with Mrs. L. L. Funk at be up and around a pail of Hie time, arc unable lo publish. hecnu 'he ad- i iirllss Collage, near ('cell. Elvira .lenkins, the small daughter dress ami name of the sender was Mrs. W. II. Chandler of Willow of John Henklns, has the beginnings not given, Knnch, spent Wednesday with id' a good financier. Last year she Mr. and Mrs. Oral Hendriekseu at the raised six lambs on (he bottle, which Moore ranch near Lexington. is no small task. Five of then! were Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lundell of Bhea ewes and she kept them until last Siding were calliu gou friends in lone week, when she sold them to M. Mnl on Thursday. ilinan and brought home a check of fKS Mr. and Mrs. Karl Farnswortll,! The following clipping taken from .lack Hynd and dauglrer Miss Annie, recent Portland Sunday pap r will John Krebs, W. V. IVders, K .E. Dun- he of interest to Boarilmaii people: can were among the visitors to the "Miibara Kutxner, the 12 year old County Seat during the past week. year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Slender of Seldomsceii, ac- Leon Kutzm r, anil a pupil of Mrs. oonipiinicd by Arthur Turner, were Emma Oillcsplc. gave Several r Hags calling In Cecil on Sumbiy. We are at the Button Old People s home. m. glad to learn that Arthur is feeling Wednesday afternoon after school, to so much better after bis recent accl- the great delight of all the memhois dents ad still has bis cheery word1!' the home." Mahara has relied and Iwlgbt smile for all bis friends, in since a very small child and has fro pita f his serious loss. We all wish ipU'ntly delighted Boa rdiiia n audi- lii mat, linn ImwM CIlCI'S Willi llCl' 1 1 1 1 II I o I'll 1 1 S I'd i I II I lollS. - ... . 1 fit'iivnllntr Sexton, Med- Mrs. I Iniitlc ( oats and small ilaiigh- ' visiting with ter Echo, of Oregon City, came Mmi Poplars on day for a visit al lie home of her sis fant daughter and Miss Gladys liar and Mrs. Geo. Krebs at The La i Camp, for some time, left on Sunday for their home at Walla Walla. Mrs. .1. K. Porter, Gilliam County School Superintendent) accompanied by Mrs. Ferguson, Gilliam Coun.y ireasurer, were calling m ( ceil on Creek lhtirsdny, uner spending some tune at Rhea Siding school Krebs. Bros., of The Last Comp. were busy men on Sunday at the (ecu depot superintending the load ing of 1100 ewes and 1000 lambs which they were shipping to their ranches above Heppner. H. V. Tyler and family were visit ing at Killarney OB Sunday and Join ing in die birthday festivities of .1. ,1 McEnlire's eldest son. Jackie, Mrs. Geo. A. Miller ami son Elvin of Highview were visiting with Mr and Mrs. 1 1 ,). Si renter at Cecil on Sunday. Congratulations are extended to Bam Bolin of Buter flute, late of I'kiah, who carried off the II is prise Am - ... .... QinMft twi .ii niui.i , in m lit- i, .-.t hi i ui , .,. Mesdaiiics Stricter, 1 ho mime of his partner is not known ,(i(.ki ()f (V(i, wm to ine writer. . ,, , , , Mrs. All Medlock al The Miss Laura Chandler of Will"'. xjinnMnT ".eek ranch spent Monday evening j w. 'v. ivrdo and niece, with her school chum, Miss Helen Streeter, at Cecil. Miss Josh (Continued on page 4 Gen. BuHard Poses for His Bust Itoardmau Well Off Boardman people do not realize when they are well off. lleason? Mr. Itoiirdman and Mr Cobb, who return ed lati-ly from a t r I ft to Ontario snl UP aroiiml Boise, report tb' tlleds sip will finish iiarnn, alfalfa frown out ami not un-U- able to ii I'hey reabed Henujston did I'oey wash up our cars in the weather remains dries up quickly. Frank Doblp has i. n the flu for several ilays. very severe attack of it. 1 ter, Mrs. Jay Cox. She has been vis I ting bar mother at Heppner before coming lo Boardman. She lefl for her home on Tuesday. Mrs. Eugene Cummins Is in Boil land for medical treatment. She has lieen having difficulty with DM of her ' knees for some lime and went down 'to determine whether It was rheuma tism or some oilier Innihle. Boardman friends wen- delighted to see Sylvester Allclniry In town Mon day. It is only a few weeks since lie was so painfully injured. He Is un able to use one arm much as yet and has some difficulty lu breathing, as there is still some pressure from the I broken ribs, but be is looking well and everyone on the project Is happy over bis recovery. Grandfather Warren Is quite III at the bomp of bis son, Harry Warren. April Fool Party One of the pleasant social affairs pf Utat week was the April Fool parly, given Thursday evening by the Ladles' Aid for the cast of "Miss Molly," the play given last October. The mofnbers of the caati the musicians, the direct ors and the bus drivers and their wives W re the Invited guest. The party was given al the ,1. B. Johnson home. A reception conimllce greeted (he guests al t lie- door With some noved hand shakes, The pictures on the wall hung upside down, mottyes of Merry Xmaa, Happy New Year, Keep Off the Grass, Please Do Not Book at This Sign, etc, were observed upon enter ing. Games of various kinds were played. Numerous stunls were mlrlh plate of perfectly good fudge candy was eyed wil Ii distrust and the brave ones who ventured lo lasle did so very gingerly, anticipat ing pepper, cotton or some other April Fool Joke. Fortunes were told, wills were made, n Jack Horner pie created his of Amusement as everyone ex pected lo llnd nothing al Hie end of the siring, but found a prize Instead. if laughter cotsbted, sxeryona must have bad a Jollv lime. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bleiikmaii, Mi and Mrs. Dillon and Opal Waggoner were unable to attend. Cake, brld; ice cream, punch, sandwiches and cof fee were senrved late in the evenln::. Guests present were: Messrs and Mes dames Lowell, Spages, .1. O. BUSSell, N. A. HgCOmber, Misses Edna lliuvli -. Alice Aldrleh. Barhara Hixoii. Joyce Wil Ms and Messrs. Howard Packard, Elmo Bussell and Bov Gldhrcath. Birthday Party RImo Bussell celebrated The oiling crew of the highway has ,V n an.aner eeh. n e. ,. King green a no iik i:i-v ... . .. . k , h,.r nwiio , Nw Vork on the statue of Gen warm, as the "il rhunld al thin time of ypar. Home ofj firt Lee Billiard, while Iks general poses for the work. The gnersl, now tie- young alfalfa is frozen arocmP retired, wss the commander of the Second Corps sres. The statue wilt hsv down with here but nt the obi. There have on It the medals that he Is shown wearing in trie picture, wmen represent uec He bad a bssfl a number of inquiries regarding! orations from neorly every country In the world. j real estate. ' moved to Umatilla mid will work out from that idaee. Shearing will start Monday Mr KsjeJa and Mr Montague have a four man plant and will shear practically all of the sheep on the project. Miss Barbara Hlxon returned on Thursday from Hermlslou. where she has Is-en under Or. Illsley's care, hav Ing had a MVSfe cas- of hives. Mrs J. O. ItiiHtwll has Substituted for her. Mr. and Mrs Bert Bleakinan to Icndcd the dance al Hardmaii Bator day night. :. Mrs. O. H. Warner returned from I'll! Hook Saturday, where she rtstbtd llghtful having as guei his birth- Tuesday evening with a de- blrtbdsy party al his home, I he Seniors and their friends Is. Miss Blanche ImUS til nnaMe to attend because of illness, so Miss Barbara IBmui plgyed for her. Progressive rssi was Hie evening's diversion. A delicious hue h was lerved, The place cards wi re dainn. Inn ing pictures of the Senior fiowei and wire the handiwork of Miss Aid rich. Guests who enjoyed the occa sion were: Violet Gllluealli. Thy fS nnd Thetms Beck. Alice Aldrleh, Bar ban Hlxofl and Howard Packard Ed Kiuizle James Howell, Earl Ol son. Francis Gilbreatb and I be honor Mr and Mrs. Guy Ia-c for a few days .gucit and bis parents.