Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1923)
a PHRTI ANH OFFERS A MARKET V -A liy FOR VniTD DDnnurr Portland, Oregon VAUDEVILLE PHOTO-PLAYS Complete Change Saturday. Adulta, Week day Matinee, 20c; Eveninga, 89c. Continu ous 1 to 11 p. m. Children 10 cents all times. (P&Ji4. 11 B'"f 1 t 'M Elizabeth Was Kidnaped Shipherd's Mineral Springs l'Afe BAIN, Manager Carson, Washington Routed fT 'p J ?eS,rt- , Speclal Winter Ratts- J 0 ? &,b'. LocaJ from Portland to Car- imn'Ma all By AuJ to Cascade Locks via Co- J Shwnv Shua-. ?y A,uto via tne Nortn Bank lliffhway Hotel American Plan, Modern Hotel A"-ommodations. Baths Hot Mineral Baths: Cure T,,nMllue.Um.a,tlsl?.', Liver- Kidney and Stomach Hciuhlcs: Skin Diseases. Hunting and Fishing. Hut and Cold Water and Phone in Ever, Room. Comfortable Accommodation at Moderate Prices European Plan HOTEL MORRIS Free Garage Kf t A XTT-l milf TT nn . rv, Itai , "Min.;?:B,1"M' Proprietor,. Tenth and Stark Portland. Oregon A Good Job With Steady Work Paper making offers a good opportunity to strong, intelligent, sober men between the ages of 21 and 50 sure pay and steady work. Meals 35c each. Plenty to eat and excellent cooking. Company hotel. Supply beds 25c, 30c and 40c. Free hot and cold baths tubs and showers. Worthy, faithful employees have good chance for advancement. Positions given free on application you pay no fee for your job. Employment Office at Camas, Washington and 209 Commonwealth Bldg., Port land, Oregon. Crown Willamette Paper Co. Cascara Bark We are one of the Urgent buyeri of Cascara Bark in the world. Portland Hide & Wool Co. 106 UNION AVENUE NORTH, PORTLAND, DREBON. liranch at Pocatello, Idaho Write for Prices and Shipping Tags. BUY THE BEST HORSE COLLAR MADE All long rye straw stuffed. Insist on having the collar with the "Fish" Label. If your dealer does not handle this brand collar, write to us direct. P. SHARKEY & SON 53 Union Av., Portland, Ore. Patent Attorney mechanengineer Protect that Idea with a United States Patent. Others have made fortunes out of Patents. Why not you? Thomas Bllyeu, 202 Stevens Bldg., Portland, Ore. BRAZING, WELDING & CUTTINO Northwest Welding & Supply Co., 88 lit St. DR: My FREE illustrated book de scribes the causes, symptoms and Injurious effects of Piles; also tha n surgical mattiods which enable ma to guarantee a speedy and aermanant cure. CHAS J. DEAN 2ND AND MORRISON PORTLAND, OREGON M E N T i;ONv THIS PAPER WHEN WRITING By MARTHA WILLIAMS INFORMATION m DEPARTMENT PLEATING SPECIAL Cut, seam, hem and machine qk pleat skirts ready for band. 00 CcIlW Hematitchin?. picoting and tucking. EASTERN NOVELTY MFG. CO. 854 Fifth St. Portland, Ore. ATTENTION LADIES Sanitary Beauty Parlors We fix you up, we make alt kinds of Hair Goods of your combings. Join our School of Beauty Culture. 400 to 411 Dekum Bldg., Phone Broadway 6902, Portland, Oregon. CUT FLOWERS & FLORAL DESIGNS Clarke Bros., Florists, 287 Morrison St. footTjorrectionist Featherweight Arch Supports made ro order. J. E. Tryzelaar, 618 Pittock Block, Portland, Ore. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE Teaches trade In 8 weeks. Some pay while learning. Positions secured. Write for catalogue. 234 Burnslde street, Port land, Oregon. Wedding Bouquets and Funeral Pieces Lubliner Florists, 348 MorriBon St. PERSONAL Marry if Lonely; moBt successful "Home Maker"; hundreds rich; confidential; reli able; years experience; descriptions free, "The Successful Club," Mrs. Naah, Box 66, Oakland, California,. GLASSES WILL SAVE YOUR EYES Expert fitting at lowest prices. Glasses In all styles. Lenses duplicated from broken pieces. Mall In your broken glasses. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Dr. A. B. Hurwitz, 223 First St., Portland. EVAN G. HOUSEMAN Osteopathic Physician. Electronic Method of ABRAMS Phone Main 2963. 393W Yamhill at Tenth, Portland. Ore SOME FACTS ABOUT "SEA ANIMALS" - Interesting Information Given by Writer Oysters and Their Enemies Limpet's Homing Instinct. In "Animals of the Sen," F. Martin Duncan, P. Z. S., tells the reader that young oysters enjoy hut 48 hours' free dom as moving creatures; then they settle down for life. Among the oys ter's enemies Is the starfish. An In vasion of "five-fingers" will sometimes destroy a whole bed of oysters In a single night Some most Interesting points gleaned from this hook Include: The female lobster has been known to produce 100,000 eggs at a time. Limpets go on traveling expeditions at night, but by a wonderful homing In stinct, return to exactly the same spot on their "home" rock. Whelks have from 220 to 250 teeth each, the winkle possesses a set of 3,"00, but the dental outfit of the "Umbrella Shell" Is 750, 000 teeth. The sea urchin has four different kinds of spines, each with a specialized function: weapons, poison bearers, "chewers" and cleaners. A giant clam will weigh 550 pounds. A 54-pound ling was found to possess 28, 361,000 eggs. Regrettable Blunder. A strange experience ami rather an unpleasant one happened 'vlille riding with a friend Just outside of Philadel phia. We were passing through n tun nel and Just when it was darkest my friend made a smacking noise with his lips as though kissing someone. Great ly shocked I cried out, "Oh, Roy, yon mustn't do that I" Of course, every body thought he had kissed me and I, realizing what a blunder I had made by crying out, was blushing furiously when we emerged from the tunnel. If only I had kept still how much better off I would have been. The rest of the) Journey, lasting about one hour, was most uncomfortable for me. Exchange, Ancient Swiss Cathedral. In Basel, Switzerland, U a cathe dral founded in 1010. IT WAS ONCE "MOTHERS' NIGHT" Long Ago, the Closing Hours of the Twenty-Fifth of December Be longed to Her. The oldest English name for Christ mas is Moddra Nlht. or Mothers' Night. In the early days, when Saxon forefathers had Just settled down in the country that was to be England, tte day of December 25, was given tip to gnmes and feasting, but the night was dedicated to the speclal honor of mothers. They occupied tha seats of honor, end everyone brought them gifts. Boas and daughters who had gone oot Into the world strove to be at home on that one night In the year. A little later the name Yule was given to Christmas, and the rejoic ings of the day were prolonged Into the night, when men sang and told stories sitting aronnd the cheerful blare of the Yule log. The old customs of Mothers' Night gradually died out, though they still arrive In a few remote parts of the country. Its place has been tnken to gome extent by Mothering Sun day tn the north of England. On that day everyone who can do so still makes a pilgrimage homeward and the mother receives the homage of her family. Jackson's "Kitchen Cabinet." "Kitchen cabinet" was a name spor tively given to Francis V. Blair, Amos Kendall and others, by the opponents of President Jackson's administration. Blair was the editor of the Globe, the organ of the president, and Kendall was one of the principal contributors to the paper. As it was necessary for Jackson to consult frequently with the i-wo. In order to avoid observation they were accustomed, when they called upon him, to go In by a back door. The Whig party styled them In dert- slon the "kitchen cabinet," alleging I It was upon their recommendations i that the President removed so many I Whigs from office and put Democrats in their place. : : - i i tvj, lya, by McClure, Newspaper Syndicate.) "Wonder what's up now? Something devilish, I bet four-penee-ha' -penny," Elizabeth muttered, shaking her list after the car whirling past at top speed. The pair on the front seat were singing loudly a soug unlit for decent hearing. Essex Toby and Buel Crane, the singers, had a natural atlinity for filth. Therefore, Elizabeth hated them soundly. She had perforce to see and hear them daily unless she chose to face starvation. Jobs were never plen tiful in Underbill and this special winter, with all manner of work at 6lack tide, there was not one to be had. She had no resources of money or vital force. There was still ten dol lars to pay upon her mother's funeral expenses. Once free of debt she did not let herself think further, but strode determinedly toward the tiny cottage, the only shelter she remembered. Her mother, silent and dour, had yet worn the look of being crushed. She hud almost never told her daughter anything of the past. One Sunday when they had walked a far way and sat down amid grassy fields she had said reflectively, "I hate grass It took my husband from me. lie was mad about it so mad lie went away and never came back." "Didn't he tell you why?" Elizabeth had asked breathlessly. Her mother had laughed, a hard laugh, saying through shut teeth : "To make a lady of you. He left me the job of seeing you didn't starve. Don't thank me for doing it. Better, a lot better, for both of us if I had gone under the third time when I tried the river." There had been nothing else. Only Elizabetli had found a faded envelope, bearing a law firm's stamp and ad dressed boldly, "Phillip Surtees, Esq." It had lain Hat at the very bottom of her mother's battered trunk, which had yielded no other clew to what lay behind. She had called herself Mowry at the big steel mills, where she was among the obscurest and lowest paid of typists. She had worked well, but list lessly, as though aiming only to get through the day. When Elizabeth at twelve had taken her place through a brief illness she had begun to climb the ladder of mo notonous toil. She had climbed surely at eighteen, when her mother had died suddenly, she had made her place secure, earning twice what the elder woman had ever done. But there had been rent to pay, trifling to be sure. Her mother had lived rent free, because, the daughter was given to understand, she had been specially commended to Mr. Toby's kindness by a charitable friend. Elizabeth was not even handsome, yet had somehow a look of race that marked her worthy of young Toby's consideration. Grandson and heir ulti mate, he of course bulked big in all mill concerns, double as much as his chum, who represented the Crane in terests in the firm. Both had tried out Elizabeth after the manner of such gilded youth and been met with uncomprehension so blank it had baffled and angered them. It was late April still a glimmer of daylight sluawed when she opened her door and stooped to lift a letter from the floor It had been thrust in since she left that morning. As she stood turning It In her hand a horn honked shrilly; there was the grinding sound of brakes, a babble of high-pitched voices then three young fellows came upon her in a rush, crying shrilly: "Caught you at last! Come on now be a good fellow for once ! The lot or us are going down the river to the dandiest roadhouse with. a floor like glass and oh, the dandiest things to eat. We want you, anyway but fact Is we're a girl shy one went back on the other fel lows and they haven't our nerve so didn't try kidnaping." "Think you can put It over?" Eliza beth asked coolly, though In deed she was cold with fear. All three had been drinking even without it they were reckless enough for anything. They caught her arms, her bunds she was half dragged, half lifted into the car, which set off at once so madly It rocked from side to side of a smooth asphalt road. Toby was at the wheel with a fourth man beside him. Elizabeth sat be tween Crane and the unknown third. She did not struggle, did not speak her shrinking from contact with them sufficiently spoke her loathing. Except fon the shrinking, she was barely conscious of them. Her mind, her soul, revolved about the letter clutched so tight It was crushed out of sight. Somehow she sensed It meant salvation for her, else, everlasting damnation. She knew what bad brought It her own letter to the law firm, asking Information aa to Phillip Surtees. Written two months back, this tardy reply seemed to prom ise something what she could not guess. As the car halted in the roadhouse lights she turned upon Kuel Crane, saying clearly: "I put you on honor, supposing vou have such a thing to see that I am taken home, unharmed." "We're open to bribery. What's of fered?" Crane flung at her. She looked at him level-eyed, answering: "The pleasure of my company dancing, flirting or playing at flirta tion. You smile? Think I don't know- It? Let me show you. Also on my word of honor, 1 will not try to escape nor make trouble over this outrage," a smile disarming her last word. "Hurrah! Good spurt, Elizabeth 1 Knew you just needed a bit of waking up to be a bit of all right," Kuel cried, his voice cracking in his excitement "I am going to the dressing room to prettify," she said. "All who like stand guard outside I shan't vanish, whatever else I may do." She stood in a locked bathroom, reading the letter it bewildered her beyond conscious planning. Phillip Surtees, by his attorneys, was telling her that he would go anywhere, do anything to find Elizabeth Mowry, for whom lie had been hopelessly search ing years and years. She glanced at the letterhead a phone number was there. Cautiously she crept to the Instru ment, shut the door of its cell behind her and said guardedly but clearly to the person answering: "Tell Phillip Surtees and Attorney Norn to come with all speed to the Green Hedge, a roadhouse outside Milltown. Eliza beth Mowry is there, prisoner, and in danger of worse than death." "Xorn speaking, we'll be there," came back. She stood trembling so violently the receiver fell from her hand. But after a bit she took hold on herself and went calmly to meet her captors. She knew she was safe until after midnight; Whatever danger loomed was most Imminent upon the homeward way. She had not faith in any of the young roughs; to revenge themselves for fancied slights they would stop at nothing. Yet she danced with them each In turn, laughed at their drunken witticisms, ate heartily of some few things, but drank nothing, not even water. Her head must be clear for what lay ahead. The place was crowded and riotous beyond words before the cloc k struck twelve. A big, booming clock, its chimes like- n requiem. Elizabeth shheied at the sound ot them. Would help come too late? The revel gave no sign of slacking, but Toby and Crane began to be glassy eyed and yawning. She danced deliriously with any partner that of fered. Anything to gain another inch of time. Then came a peculiar sing ing whirr the shout of greeting was "Airplanes!" In the confusion Elizabeth managed to slip away, but not too far to see a tall, wasted man, with a bright-faced younger one at his elbow, burst through the rowdy throng, with a file of police at their heels. Then she fainted small blame to her. The tall man cried aloud : "I want Elizabeth Mowry, my daughter If harm has come to her all you who brought her here shall swing for It !" Then Attorney Norn spied her prone half way up the stair; he lifted her tenderly and said to the infuriate father: "Come away, sir. She has only fainted. We must get her away without scandal." "What's that to you, you plnwhopl?" Essex Toby blustered. Norn gave him a look and said over his shoulder: "Only this she is going to be my wife." , STATE NEWS ! IN BRIEF 1 MM? Mrs. E. L. Henson LOOK FOR HISTORIC LIGHT Expedition of the National Geographic Society May Solve Problems That Have Puzzled Scientists. An expedition of the National Geo graphic society will explore southwest ern China for early American history clues, says a Washington dispatch from the society's headquarters. Grains of corn garnered along the Thibet Burma frontier of China may be the botanical Kosetta Stone of the earli est traces of America yet recorded. Just ns a piece of blac k basalt un locked the annals of hidden Egyptian centuries, SO the corn kernels sought by this expedition may reveal clues of 100 per cent Americans before Columbus caine or even before deni zens of Chaco Canyon's giant com munal apartment houses mysteriously disappeared. Indian corn, or maize. Is of undoubt ed American origin, hut Chinese rec ords show corn grown In China before Columbus' time, tfarco Polo did not mention It, but then he also overlooked tea. Chinese records show that long before 1492 tribute corn was ns accept able as the latter-day tribute silk. One tribute list contains the entry: " f wheat called Mays, twentle millions two hundred and li f tie thousand banegH," which was ubout 80,000,000 bushels. The clue which the National Geo graphic society's expedition will work upon Is the waxy endosperm. The tis sue inside American field corn contains starch, that of sweet corn, sugar. In a few places of China, Western Yun nan among them, this tissue Is found to be waxy. By noting the localities where It appears the investigators may be able to tell how It entered China. The corn quest Is but one of the missions of the exiredltion Into little known Yunnan. Scientists will study the bark of the chestnut tree and ob serve the flora of one of the choicest Mower garden spots In the world. The study of Chinese cofB may ex tend the acreage of the I'nlted States c onsiderably. For the waxy maize has characteristics which seem to adapt It for regions where droughts occur. Salt Fi6h at Famous Retort. Rube Art) I'd like to go to Atlantic City again, so's to have all the fish I wanted to eat. Timothy Hay What sort of fish do tbey give ye down there? Kube Art) Well, I had some of the best salt mackerel, codfish cakes and canned salmon 1 ever et. Pathfinder Grants Pass. A rich gold vein has been encountered in the Harry Sisk ron mine near Holland. The vein, while only five inches in width, is quite extensive and carries gold values up to ?300 a toi. Salem. Plans for the special enter tainment to be provided for the high scoring boys and girls at this year's state lair under the auspices of Ore gon bankers, have been completed by Mrs. Mollie Brunk, local newspaper woman. Salem. Ward Irvine, privato secre tary to Governor Pierce, has left for Pendleton where he will attend the annual roundup. While in eastern Oregon, he will visit a number of other cities ill connection with his of ficial duties. Mill City. The Hammond Lumber company is accumulating its winter supply of logs, now having approxi mately 3,000,000 feet stored at the log pond. These logs will be used when the snow becomes too deep for log ging operations. Eugene. A campaign against the proposed amendment to the charter of Eugene which would permit the showing of Sunday moving pictures here was started Sunday at the First Christian church when the pastor, Dr. E. V. Stivers, spoke upon the sub ject. Corvallis. A copper washboiler still simmering merrily over a. kitchen stovo, a jar of corn mash and another jar partly full of corn whisky, brought a tine of 5500 and a jail sentence of no days fur W. J. Koberts, : home steader living between Alsea and Bellefountain. Garibaldi. The demand for lumber from California and the mlddlo west has increased to such proportions that the Whitney company has decided to operate another shift. The extra shift will be in operation next week and the company is busy assembling men to make up the crew. Salem. it will require approximate ly 500 additional pickers to handle! tho hop and prune harvest? in Marion county, according to reports of grow ers received in Salem Sat urday. Un less these pickers are obtained at once there is danger that a part of the crop will be lost. Klamath Falls. Tho value of SGO cans of milk will be donated to near east sufferers ns a result of a relief milk show, thought to bo I he first in Oregon, which was held at a local theater Saturday. A special children's performance was tho attraction, with the admission charge one can of milk, Eugene. Tho John Soavey nnd J. W. Seavey hop crops In tills county are arriving at Mayor HI. H. Park's new concrete warehouse, on Pearl street, both having been purchased by A. M. Lawson of Portland, who was here Saturday in company with A. G. Holden, formerly of this city, who is one of his buyers. Salem. Governor Pierce announced the appointment of Carl Wimherly of Roseburg as district attorney of Douglas county lo succeed George Neuner, who has resigned, Mr. wim- berley Is a democrat and has lived in Douglas county all his life. He Is at present city attorney of Roseburg, and Is a veteran of the world war. Mill City. -An airplane owned by William Bodlker and which has been taking passengers for flights from Fox valley lor the last six weeks, was de molished Friday night when the plane crashed to the ground through a thick grove of trees near Lyons. Mr. Bod iker and his pilot were in tho ma chine. Neither was seriously in- lured. Salem. There were a total of 701 Industrial accidents in Oregon during the week ending .September 13, ac cording to a report prepared here; by members of the state industrial ac cident commission. Two of the ac cidents were fatal. They were C. W. Richardson, watchman, Oregon City, and Herman Schleif, ditch walker, Hood River. Salem. -The Auto Freight Terminal company, with headquarters in Port land and capital stoc k of SflO.OQO, has been Incorporated by George v. Bishop, P. K. Wilkinson and William Jossy. Tho Electric corporation, with Capital stock of $25,000 and headquar tern In Portland hau been incorpora ted by Rosa Hartley, K. A. Clark and M. M. Matthlessen. Marshfleld. Thirty five bushels of wheat an acre was tho production re ported this year by J. R. Stoblo of Camas valley, whose granary has 3000 bushels of prime quality. Kudi a crep would not be of special Interest in eastern Oregon or in the Willamette Valley, but In this section of Oregon it attracted considerable attention, for wheat Is not a common or regular crop with farmers In this territory. Mr. Stoble Is marketing bis wheat In Coos county, hauling It over the new highway by trucks. tr.-M i imrn The Appealing Charm of Health! Portland, Orcg. "I can speak in terms of highest praise of all of Dr. Pierce's remedies, especially the 'Favorite Prescription' for woman's ailments and as a tonic and nervine, and the Pleasant Pellets for stomach and liver ills. While bringing up my family, whenever I have been in a run-down weakened or nervous condition, I have always been Strengthened and helped by the use of the 'Favorite Prescription', And in later years when my stomach has become disordered, and my food seems to disagree With me, then Dr. Pierce's Pellets give mo immediate relief." Mrs, E. L. Henson, 708 E. 6th St., North. Start at once with the "Prescript tlon" and see how quickly you pick up fed stronger and better. Write Dr. Pierce, President Invalids' Hotel in Buffalo. N. Y., for free advice, or send lt)c for trial pkg. tablets. Stevenson's View of Life. Any one can carry his burden, how ever heavy, till nightfall. Any ono can do his work, however hard, for ono day. Any ono can live sweetly, pa tiently, lovingly, purely, till tho tun goes down. And that is all that Ufa ever really means. Robert Louis Stevenson. Duty to Read Newspaper. Tho newspaper is ono of tho foro most wonders of tho modern world. The family that does not take, and carefully read, at least one newspaper. is not living in tho Nineteenth century.- J. A. Broad ua, Such Is Man. When he is born, his mother gets the attention; at his marriage, tho bride gets it; at his funeral the widow get! it. -From the Associated Editors. The Pie-Eating City. The! greatest pio-eating city of Ibis country has been claimed by Eos An geles, Cal.i with a consumption of 40, oiio pies per day. Unsinkable Craft. Three logs lashed together flush with the surface! form the famous cat amaran used off the) coast of India. Tho crnft Is unsinkable!, and Its navi gators brave surf and storm on It. Intention Must Be There. No one" can ask honestly or hopeful ly to be delivered from temptation un less lie- Mas himself honestly and firm ly determined to do the best ho can to keep out of it. Ruskln. When Brains Are Really Necessary. It Is true, Chlorlada, that no brains aree required to inherit money, but a good supply Is necessary to keep It. New Orleans Stales. Stray Bit of Wisdom. A lie! can hi! turned inside- out and so decked in new plumage that none) will re cognize Its loan old carcass. Ibsen. WMGLEYS 9 Take ii home to the kids. Have a packet in your pocket for an ever-,eady treat. . delicious confei k tion and an aid to m the tcclh, appetite. digestion. Scaled in its Purity Package CP I is nerded in every department ! Iiouae keeping. Krunlly good tot towelt.tuMv Unen. sheeta and pillow caaca. Urocert B KM N KT-- WALK F.K 1 Are You Satisfied? K,Tw,T;r IS the, tilKlfi-Ht, ni'.Ht perfectly Mlllppi-eJ HiihIim- '1 rceliiliiK H. In ttin North-wt-Ht. Kit yuursi-if feir a hlK'iT potation with more innnfy roriniiiieiit positions HHMurwl our e irriehiate-s. Writs for catalog rOUTtS anu IltrohU Port la net P. N. U. No. 38, 1923