Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1923)
Hoison E S VOLUME III. BOARDMAX, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1923. D. H. Otis FARMER-BANKER CONFERENCES THROUGHOUT NATION DEVELOP WAYS TO ASP AGRICULT!1E Collective Marketing, Diversified Farming, Promotion of Agricultural Education and Use of Bank Instead of Mercantile Credits Chief Lines of Suggested Action. By D. H. OTIS. Director, Agricultural Commission, American Bankers Association. Four lines of action to improve the business of farming stand out in the discussions that have occurred at a series of farmer-banker conferences now being held throughout the United States. They are collective marketing, di versified fanning, the promotion of agricultural education and the use of the more economical bank credit rather than mercantile credit. At many points active steps to foster action along these lines have been taken. The conferences were initiated by the Agricultural Commission of the American Bankers Association to the end that the condition of the man on the farm be improved The first conference was held in conjunction with the Wis cousin Louege of Agriculture at Madison. An important point of contact for the work of the Commission was established at this meeting In the form of co-operation with the agricultural colleges Many farmers, it was brought out, now depend entirely on the cotton crop and buy the products named for theii own tables. More Economical Credit At the conference at Ithaca, H. Y those participating felt that a better understanding between farmers and bankers would be beneficial to both At present a large amount of the Cred It used by farmers is in the form ( mercantile credit, which. It was rutin ed out, is much more expensive for them than bank credit. It was falf th, a campaign of education is needed to acquaint farmers with banking facill ties. The conference, therefore, rec ommended thatohe Agricultural Com mlttee of the State Bankers Aasocia tlon, the agricultural college and rep resentatives of the Farm Bureau and the State Grange get together for the purpose of working out programs and plans for further meetings to be held in the various counties of the state. At a conference held at Amherst, Massachusetts, there were representa tives from Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Con necticut. Emphasis was placed on the importance of the Boys' and Girls' Club work. The New England confer ence also felt that the Importance of bank credit over merenntilo gHh should be stressed. A resolution was adopted and Is being sent to agricul tural committees in each State urging that they get in touch with their agri culural colleges and map out a pro gram for educating the farmer In re gard to the importance and th econo my of bank credit over mercantile credit The emphasis on this resolution came not so much from the bankers present as It did from the representa tives of the agr.cultural colleges aud the farmers. In five other states California Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Utah it was agreed at subsequent confer ences that bankers' agricultural com mittees would meet at the state agri cultural colleges and. in co-operation with the college officials, work out a program that they would recommend to the banks. The Texas Plan It was at the Texas conference that It was developed that the officials of both the bankers' association and of the state college felt the big problem for that state was the establishment of a system of collective, orderly mar keting. In order to bring this prob lem effectively before the farmers and the bankers it was agreed to hold a banker-farmer meeting in December. Efforts will be made to get from 200 to 250 bankers to attend, each hanker to bring with him several representa tive farmers of his community. The program and demonstration will em phasize the need of meeting the mar keting problem and point ways to a satisfactory solution. At Athens, Georgia, the conference recommended that the State Bankers Association take steps to raise a fund for assisting deserving students to complete a college course in agri culture or home economics. This conference, recognizing the valuable work being done by county agricul tural and home demonstration agents, also went on record as favoring the employment of agents in each county. At the Raleigh, North Carolina, con ference the pressing problem, in addi tion to loans for worthy students, was held to be encouragement of the fann er to practice greater crop diversifica tion. The conferees felt that the first big step was to get farmers at least to produce sufficient vegetables, fruit, milk, meat and poultry to live on. j " J I i j Along the Concrete j A90VT 'EM rLawagP lMOW J .... lib- v Y- 1 wmr iml? ,m m 1. . . trnmrnm vmm- I I 1 niaiion l.'.i'iim insirucis NUMBER 33 BIO SURPRISE PARTY ON ON THE EARL CRAMERS could known East End neighbors made a sur prise cal on Mr and Mrs. Eait Cramer Wednesday evening, Al- though they knew Mis. Cramer never I "listens in" dining a telephone OOn j voraatlon, nevertheless they had Zoe j liadloy cut the current so the Darts be planned without to the victims. lint It w jolly, hilarious bunch of people who congregated at Mr. Mead's about 8:80 p. m. and stole in on the sur prised' couple, who were down on the door looking at a scene Mr. Cramer was drawing on a cardboard. The dogs barked but Zoe pounded the piano to drown noise of loolsl ADQUt people, all n, young and old, came and until an earto pa, thbora, ii 0 i I d game aiorntng, They played way from "Button, Got the Button." to " iiim i ha r.nn .,,.1..... of amaze? tent and blu on the Paces of youni they made their choice mcus ami rect ived a kli from Pa'th, Hope or Charity, was more fun H-in party. The Green Monstt r 11--1 nil yen w den w ' I or time in and found his of hour 'i hur iday gamea nil the Dutton, Who's the "Initiation o see the look bine, uurprlse ; and old as Of the three ii picnic was also hii.sba nils SheeD Raisinor Sourred , . , . 1 The Oregon experiment station by Advance in Prices hiwt at me state fair this COPPHR CARBONATE! DUST I SEI) IX SMI T ONTHOI Field Tests by Coiinly Agenta Show LeM Smut and More 1'laiK.s From Dry Tlitm Wet Method Copper Carbonate dust is in ex tensive use this fall by Oregon far mers to control wheat smut. It has proved as good as the usual liquid treatment in smut prevention when the job is well done, and usually gives a much better stand of more vigorous plants, even when the of sowing is a peck less per acre. The seed may be treated as time is found, then planted at once or held for a long time without injury. One half of Umatilla county fall sown grain will be dry tested, says ared Uennion, county agent. In To know how good a cigarette really can be made vou must trv a- Morrow county 65,000 acres and in Wasco more than 6,000 acres will be dry tested, the county agents report. Like reports of the popularity of the new method are made by ex tension agents in other parts of the state. More than 200 demonstrations wrre conducted by 11 agents on the crop harvested in 1923 to Bhow the relative efficiency of copper carbon ate, bluestone and formaldehyde. In ten Fmatilla county fields the dry treated seed showed 3.,r. ner muiI smut in the crop, the liquid treated 1 4.4. Although sowed at 18 pounds less per acre it brought n 16 ner I cent better stand. High grade material containing ! j not less than 50 per cent metallic) ; copper by weight, ground fine enough ' to nass thrnilfh 1 1 1 1 , .,t.-, oAnn made to coat every kernel all over, is essential to success. An increased ; rate for rather badly smutted wheat j to 3 ounces per bushel is recom- mended by the station mn. Machines for applying the dust ef fectively so far reported to the sta tion are put out hy the Calkins Ma chine Co., and the Walla Walla Iron Works, Walla Walla, Wash. "The farmer who has the equipment and feeds at hand should be encour aged in raising lambs." says Phil A. Anderson of the animal husbandry di vision, 1'nlverslty of Minnesota. "But farmers entering this Held should go slowly at first ami study the require ments very thoroughly," he adds. Mr. Anderson makes the foregoing Statement In view of the greatly In creased interest exhibited In sheep pm. duetlon the last few months, which tins been brought about by advancing prices for wool, a steady lamb market and good profits made in feeding lambs during 1921-1922. stocks of wool, which accumulated during the war and immediately after, have now been converted Into merchan dise. Manufacturers short of mill sup- 1 plies and eager to keep the mills going have become anxious to buy, cauaing the price to go op, "Prices of lambs have been at $12 to $10 per 100 pounds for 11 long time, with a variation of $2 to $2. .10 for shorn lambs," says professor Anderson. Such prices tnould be an Inducement for many farmers to have flocks of 25 1 to ,i5 ewes or more which will consume green food perhaps otherwise wasted and convert it into a marketable product. With wool and market stock high in price, because of a decrease in the number of sheep n the United States and the action of the Qew pro tective tariff, our sheep breeders can urely compete with the breeders nt other countries.1 Oregon agriculture at its laiesl and Besjf, in tnjniaturo. Fi--id crop.; that diversify and pay dividends, fruit harvest methods that save fruit, val ues, ways of protecting plants and animal:; from devastating pests and diseases, guarding the family health by checking bacteria. And soil meth ods I hat replace a1 well as trie plant foods, arc to be observed by the in terested visitor. T.')j dhplay ii part answer to the question of what pro duce will profitably replace the crops to be curtailed or discarded in the revised farming program. Farm Radio News Projected The Oregonian station at Portland will broadcast talks of value to far mers and of interest to bankers and business men cooperating with them every Thursday evening from 8 o'clock to 8:30, beginning October 4. The series will be an all-year feature put on by the agricultural college extension service. The Brst half do::en lectures wiM be by Paul V. Maris, director. 011 the recent sur vey of farm production and distri bution. Another series on home nu trition and human health will be put ( on from the same station by the home demonstration department 1111 der direction of Mrs. Jessie I). Mc ; Comb, state leader. Vaccinating Cattle to Prevent Shipping Fever Although still In the fXjierlinentn vaccinatum method of treat o prevent their contracting ie septicemia has reached 11 that it Is stage, thi Ing csftlfl hemori'hn such a desree of pert now In use by the t'lilted Slates I e psrtmeni of Agrtculi ure, Until the method has been more! thoroughly tried out, the department Will ftirn'sh vaccine produced In Its laboratory anil also trained veterltwr- treatment at hob wl. r companion sluing her one's hands or around their necks. Supper van served to ( llonrdman's bountiful v.,- f lng. All had a very merry ii The pai t) WM also i! ill Mr. and Mrs. Jay Cox, a n xhlHI feast- THE SADDRti t IT M VBfi HT THESE II W E P.EEX if the second Irrl;ron fa i r h id been '. it would have been the BXceoding the first one, lid ouiilil v of O'.'iibits, "'v rdmnn W list Week, yet, far both In fi-p etc., ad Inl'l- n', to the extent of a run column. Hut the nower wont off rlstW in Mie middle of a line on this story of what might have been, so Willi this brief peroration and rome blank 'n i . we 'What ml; HI lit have e th been' with .1 giv tl Inns who v actual cost. Losses from ih's disease have been steadily Increns'ng for Severn. yei;rs. Inning the past full and winter the disease became more prevalent and virulent then ever before. It is most likely to show Itself among animals shipp d long distances, although It neenstonalb attacks thove that have Bevel1 left the home place. Great Value of Adding Protein to Hog Ration f "Of 'l b ill sad saddes rords of tot are these e or, pen, 'll might Tin ration value Overcrowding Chickens Is Quite Unprofitable In culling the flock it is better to cull severely and save Jus; enough birds to till the laying houses to their capacity. Overcrowding never pays, as It cuts down egg production and increases Ihe chunces of disease. p Is very difficult to keep the straw III- .er cisan and dry in a poultry bi that Is overcrowded. rm.-.e Curing a Dad Habit. Very frequently dogs will get Into the habit of sucking eggs, mi l pact this is started it Is usually bard te break. Willi seme dogs 11 sound whipping or giving them a hot egg will effect the cure. Hut with others a morn severe lesson la necessary. The most effectual reined) is to draw from an egg some of the contents through a hole drilled at dne of the ends. Then Insert in this aperture a quantity of red peppier, placing the egs in such u place that the dog Is sure to find It. After one or two ex I perlencas the dog will on give the ' egs a wide berth. Sportsaian'g In- I filing protein to 11 when Pigs helm: fattened for market have the run Of a good aifnlfn pasture, was shown la 11 test conducted by the Kansas experiment station last year, tine lot was fed nil ti rn it would eat. In addition to alfalfa pasture. The other lot was fed nil the corn It would eat plus one-fourth of a pound of tankage per head per day in addition to alfalfa pasture. The pig In the lot receiving no tankage made a zilin of .71 pound per day at u coet "f 100 pounds of gain. The pigs receiving tanknge made a Many Attend RonndlTp As usual a great many Boardman people uttended the Hound Pp. II is .1 difficult mat tor to gat the names of all. A partial II it follows: W. II. Stewart ami family, M K. Warren and Clay, Frauds Blavden, Roy Ollbreth . Ida Mofford, Albert Macomber, Tom O'Donnell's, Beck's, Cha 1. Wlcklauder and son, Carl, on ; per Ihe In' In gain of 1.2."i pounds per of $4M per hhi pounds addition of oBO-fottrth 1 tankage per head per 1 pasture reduced the co cents a hundred. Thursda) Bat unlay t aching 1 1 aching school, Hector Wioklandor on it. Johnson's, all the e of ihe lioardman of the Hoa rd niansc zo (My if a cost of gain. The f a pound of ay on alfalfa t of gains r,0 Noted Shi 10 River Bridge STRIKE 'IT'S TOASTED' pplo Aathtwaoae Mwsai 1 1 Fnprotected orchards of western Oregon and similar districts are threatened with serious infection of apple anthracnose this fall as soon as rainy weather begins, unless Bor deaux mixture is applied at once. An thracnose has been brought under control inmany orchards by applica tions of Bordeaux mixture in Julv and August Delay of spraving infec'td trees till after picking is a mistake, savs the experiment station plant pathologist, as It is then too late to avert the early fall infections which cause the most serious damage. 1 Gulls Hi p farmers. Through sonthenatern Oregon an.) Utah gulls ofien pluck up a llvlni of grasshoppers. They rid the field! of liannfiil insects ami help pt-otect the crops from field mice, says Nature Magazine. Ah the water In turned Into the ileitis from the Irrigation ditches it seeps into th burrows, drlv lng out tin- mice, which ure devoured by the wn.ling gulls. To Adjust G If you di applying the Into wood, you screw will go In difficulty. When ; screw into plaster. In the plaster Inrg Kill the hole with uwi 10 Wood or 11 screw Inio ol screw driver to Plait III find Hi without the repining to first make r than the M pnste in emi It it tin usual pu' 11 11 hole screw. ids f plastei water It to I f pnrls mixed Put 1 hni ill the sen the with alum then allow rev, will be inn "Mr. reet,,r, ' sue you Tiv the actor, "Yes, and dersianil V" The h"ii stand, but (1 More to t Daring," si 'in this scat for oiHt fee Poo tin a ll 50 lll'IVll will pur more th noddi ies tin 'Yes, 1 U4 lei S'.eing Is UHnor Have Believing, you got uny GOOD CIGARETTES hid I i' Yes, ma'atu. Customer - Invisible 1 Clerk -Ye, ma'am, Customer Lei a EEL GENUINE "Bull" DURHAM TOBACCO