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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1899)
. e a ' ...a'-V "" tv Till. DAILY ASTOEIAX THURSDAY MORMNO, JULY 7, I1H fc atln glotcrtMt. J OHM T. UOHTKR. MM. Tslepaoae V. m. terms 0 CBawrnoi. DAIL.T. Sect by xtU. per year H Bant ky ssall, Pe ssosth, - arr4 by carrier. rr steel 41 IXU1-WXKXLT. Ibi by Mil. par ye, n aervce.. ., Post art free u taiiiurBuia, All aatioa should b alreotes t tM sJUaf. Bnstaas eommastlee a a w and remittances vast k titxmttt t "The Astoria." lb Alton rwuiM 1 edrer mm ik Umax oticalauM MV itnpM pabllehed tM ativsrtieuwr raws ear. a aatiea to tka boalaaai TIDE TABLE July, 1899. aiua wateb DATS a-mlR. !o.nifrt ruuitt.i h.mft. K . Tu 4 1 5l'i W 14 Oil H I Thu ... . "Wl'i"1-;;;,'-;; aiton. aiM all th muKUviV of bnmohva tat .... i S S ; 1 i I I i. I ! ! I ".hiM-hout Th ontry ar tributary to -g 1 g. j J j ! 5 J J ! 5 S.I ill;': h lu mm rt! ,r W'::SJSii,!iS.lJiS;rrSg: S01" rfth VM of l ttl' jj1 JJ-; ;;;; !ntd for r.lnption. BtK- hi ti". J?!. it's a'!": S j 1 ii ! . .j th nra awarJ. fo. j:: iiti .! ! m' ! I ! FB -iH!f-is,3i! .. !..T . IK ii I W 1 1 j a il'Ul. tl;.. J...A g V.:Si iS,! 'HUiltill Mi 1; II j.p. puril. He r-va hm out . - j ju hi cas custom. A crtatn ppr. M la reported tit Lloyd, th ! n-, of rtus ou.e.wr aft.T MtnR kn3 aWpp VoP- conMJrtral & .lall), thPl ihm ay. Thoa h proposition of escaNHhrS a ln of ! uul ,1 them r back to flrat-tiaj rffwr from th tnouth of j Jhf 4bout j per cvm of th tb CthimMa, rtvr. TM Information ft j he .t. After paytn rvnt nUM and r4cles th Astortau ArouRb gj hire, th rmalnor of th an tPButotlaa a"rn frtnl of th A, j j;' money la ant u Ne-w Tvk or torta, proposKton. Ho WTtta tfiat h Is j 9 headquarters and the oom mkkiiv mr personal effort possible to ' awrjty or wire rvr gvt any benefit Men, the director of tiia tcrong cor. ponutjeo k th Asdorka aliuatiotk He suggd-tB that our chamber of comrnttx atiouM at k put karlf m coranuriK ttm with the Lioyda' directors or pepre. aeuta.ivea and A-ry ravworaci fart re lating to the rfvw anil harbor should be forwaroal to the cranpatr'w Sew York office. This geotionan fAurSier alette that porttaod bat been 70tdere4 aa the ter mtnus of tba Dew Una asc? dftdatrety- re- Jeoteti, but there la some diapoeatlon to . 1c prorure them. The 'Pufh club can pro (aver 8Hfo to preference to Astoria, jvldi aukai preeeTts- or prii-s for Th ncertsAty should t beadecl off those who want to redeem the atarapa. at one. Thar cam be no doubt concern- DUt a 'xnr prportlon of thnrn will b contcmp'te4 movement. The oomtrlbutied to the cause. It In mfe to Xstorian'a mforroant la a man ur- j sy a million dollars chaxsn-s ban,! m sVKtbted vroyr and one who standing cflii transaction between merchants cannot be questioned. The Arin will ul custoavera to -V.tjrta within a year, t gtad tio noWbtt hi letter to any mem- ; The face value of the r.amrw tvtr-tit-bt of the chaanber cf commerce who yun a volume of buti-fs wviuld cares to irmsKiarsTje th subject. aocunrulate RO.(0 for rh Improvement ; w" ' of our n.suls. There l little doulrt u. h That tfve slackness of the July run of a njo-.-evneot wnid take like wlldflr. salmon W. not due to a soarctty of ftah supjrttr.g a New Eng and Is proved) by the report of every moom. rnrporatjon and prwUlrtg i-.1.Valt for mg craft for week pa a to their 1 abundance Just off the rrver entrance, j Thu trouble la the fl will not enter the j river. Tins pherujmenon must be trace- i able to some cause. It cannot be corKRrAm or the height) of the w.tT. for j (here have b-en oocational spurt when the n-l wwe a pierrniu. as m ..uii-.-r. . ! Cancer often results from an im (8vt. It i noticeable, too. chat these ; jn the bloodi inherited from rw ul runs have occurred nly at the 1 generation back. Few people are en tirely free from some taint in the Mood, top of high -air. when the lower rrver jt i mposiible to tell when it will was free from the barrier of boat end break out in the form of dreaded Can- ! cer. What hs appeared to be a mere oe-s. wliich ! ita normal condition at pjmple or ra,cli hg developed into other stas of Hhs tide. This suirgwts '. the most malignitnt Cuncer. v the pselbJe explanation that the ten. drivy of the fishermen to crowd the , enuronce to the river constitutes a verit able fence weilch the IWh cannot cross. The rw-ords t the Oregon and Washing ton fl;h coromisBioner show the Issuance thia '.mi of over gflWet Hcenses. Of this number fully thre-Aurths are j i . AHtia a!nti fhp S.- empiya iei.w j With li0 long erninet congewtea in v river' narrow entranoe. It Is difficult to e t, ,w any fbfh can get Into the river. see i. -w any nn e Thai! i here neHs cto not catch more flh fa. no arruivent ugaWst this tbery. fa. no arsuiMrm tms. Thof" Mqu tinted wtfh the habiu of mlm n ay the flA will retain their vigor In m t water for an Indefinite lens; of me They seek to enter the river, but nvtitlrc with tihe obstruction of nets strlkie back Im-nMiaiteJy fljr the ouWde. If Khe oarmerynco, in the interest of a tuay of the question, would voJuntartly of th river for a few day th corree. new 4 th Wwory br advanord msjtht b ntrJ in th trtteretst of th bv suffering Invhistry, A prwnowit businc mu baa stig. rested an ei:im. plan to aroue gw eral feitvreat In th tovpnurwownt of th count)' read and t rale fun Ob without harvVedp on tlv people for that purr. It to (ha adcgtOcn of the trading stamp Idea; under the auspice; t th Push club or a tunable tmtvnJttv to be se lected U' that otvtruiaUon for that pur. poafc Th public ha llnl klea how miK-to roonry tJia trailing tiunp comjny tk out of any oynmuntty In which h iptt". Th proAta ar rrjHirnl to b rnomwua This must b o, ' th ! ciwuvinjr ooo.M not ma'ntaln K many oilier anJ ftnvlo)- J pay tb karg tm xull In th numrooa 0i whr Ita mtlkxU r Ui4 There la 4 erne ajnon tNe pn this char5r vf apcw!ation. k a b. He-vvl that tnKBona of AJUr of prvfi'J ar now b.r tvouMmJ by th prortvwj v.-4.-. . - J to atamt-hoWer . the etampa a-m I aliy rurneO In do not avra mor than jonr - nfth of th vali P"l tor them to ch by the dhr U whom thy ara .ld. Th pUn U weil known, pay 13 for each huMml ar from Jt. The A.ia. merchant to know If th ptMtfMi of th prop! and the iihrtit or caMJttj of local dealers cam be indtijl; and tha Immense sums ao ivallied pnt In bnprov. rrg our roada. wher they would oonttnue to do perpetual good. Th We la wjrthy of adoption. Let the Puh club &it up the proper syaiem. San the peo. pOe to inouirmg the stamps. Every tn ttwn in setf-deferae wtil hav Little Pimples Turn to Cancer. i 1 had a severe oancer irnich w at nrt onlr . Iew ),itcbe, that I thon!it woulil ! j.i i-. toon dhm awar. 1 w&t An pnM away. 1 w& truu d by several able phrticlann. hut tn tpite o( their edori the Can cerspread until mycon dltlon b-e me alarm in g. After many month of tatnient anr! Krowlag ..Ajlllr iji,t. I tim. clrted to try 8. 8. 8. f whleh w no F'ronitly reoimmenden. ihenrt bottle produeed an im . , nrAw.m,.l I rv.nt i n ttH w the medicine, and In M montht the last lit V tie ac&b dipped off. ' T.n ...hi -Uul -r iii yt-am nave en t . it r. bIm, rt th illi.iu. k-u ,. ...I K. K. w illiaxk, I blllfburg. Ml. ... .... j It ! daneerous to experiment with Cancer. TfiediteaseisU'yond the skill of phyaicians. 8. 8. h. in the only cure, j beau9e j, g tjie ony rPmf;rJy which goes depp enough to reach Cancer. S.S.S&Blood Qwlft'a QnArtiflM U tliA nnlv tilnrfl remedy guaranteed Purely Vegetable. All others contain potash and mer cury, the most dangerous of minerals. tlnslrfl ,n llnnMii ar.i blrwiil H iMr.uttciil i mailed free by Swift Spscific Company, 1 r S B I a? II tui stK-krwhlcrs, M ue u th nwy rw M contributed M- th ImproYemet of t1tm county roa.l. " A Tea PtaaJ Boy." Many wonti erm to hve been drnirtl thr "Aprecioua ytfl tf T muthf ihHnl be. cue of tome weakened con l.lilliat nf the pecial onjun- 1 1 n w a i c a nnh.i mother. AhiHd powible; aiincuiiy i not h. n menB Inmrabl In thouaanda of intanc Dr. Pierre's Favorite Preiwription. by reotonng the aatnral, healthy rooditton of the ontn dittinctW ftmmlne h been th tneu of conferririf apon chiMlraa women the one mcatimahle bleiin(. A r.eorr derf ran e. C H Akrile, of Jtlhaia. Mickll J . C. In a Wtier wniirn to Vt Fierce, an: We had been mrnxl mn wtihoui vMprinf . when wile e enced kln tH. terce t Faeonle ITricnp M, I thea wrue to ro Kf dw. tad ytwr iMtraetKHw were to rr 'CJUen HedKl cmer ' ttenitlv with th ' Faeonte rmenp tloa ' Thi we did The rwiU m rertoratioa of t wr to rnod health tnd lea pnrni boy. la robot of the world fcrned Dr. hete. I he umed him fierre. ' K.or1t rmcrtptioa ' certataly the metlKta for lavahd weo " The at eipen" and akill which Ur. Pierre hat acqnired during hit thirty year' practice at chief conultmg phyictan to I. . If C...l I nalltnt xne invnntii nunri u oma" of BoffaUx N.Y.. hat mad hit name knows and hia medirinea recognued at ttandard remedies in eeery cieilned country on the glob. Hit peat thoutand-page illustrated book, the Veople't Common Senee Med ical Adrian"' hat htd the greatett talc of ane medicnl work in an language- A fre edition hat been published and a paper bound cope will be tent to any family ab solutely without charge eacept the mer coat of mailing which it tl one-cent ttampa. Send the with eonr addresa to th World'a Ditpentary" Medical Ataociation, Buffalo, N Y . or if preferred tend it ttampa for a heatier cloth bound cony. A man or woman who neglects conttipa tion eutfer fioin tlow poituning. Doctor Pierce t Pleaaant Pellet cure eonatipa tion. i On little " Pellet " it a gentle lata tie, and two a mild cathartic. All medi cine dewier. It makes no dlSarancs now Pad th wound If ytu um DaWltfs R'ltch Hal Salve: It will quickly heal and tears no tear. Charles Roger. What'a the u of crytrg over pl!ed milk, or of ttnir milk, eh her, when the w.k t!l you that th kaKer la JvK th ihv (or brewkfaat cakea? Don't think you can cur that slight attack of dyapeptla by dieting, or mat it will cur ltslf. Kodol Dytp'PJiA Cur will cur It; It -dcests what you eat." and restores th dlgeatrv organ to health. Charles Rostra. It u t fooHah brid who Itwlsi upon her husband treating her on their wed ding rrtp u Though they hal been mar. rleO 10 year he Is so quick to acquire bad haWta, you know. TO CURE A COLD U ONE DAT. Tax Laxatlv Bromo Qulnln Tablet. All drugrtta refund th monsy If It fails to cur. tS eenta Th geouiu has U B. Q. oa each tahKt. The chifftm veil covers a muhHude of dtacns. and aCso makes th wearer feel aa though sh were tnf a Turkish bath. Borne of the results or neglected dys. netrtle condition of th stomach ar can cer, consumption, heart cHseass and Bepsy. Koaol Dyspepsia Cur prevent all thfs by flcttnf a quick cure m an case of dyspepsia. Charles Rogsrs. It t ju a easy to love a rich man a a poor one. but it in't to asy to I marry him. DEArKDEB CANNOT BE CVRKD. bv local erjnAcatlons. as they cannot 'reach the diseased portion of the ar. iThere Is only on way to cur deafness, and that la by constitutional remedies. ' Deafness Is caused by an Inflamed con. Idltlon of the mucou lining of th Bus tachian Tub. When this tub gets In flamed you have a rumbling sound or 1 k -w-.m a-set It la entlre'.r closed deafness Is th result, and unless the Inflammation can be taken out and tM tube restored to Its normal condition fbearlng will be destroyed forever; nine case out of ten are caused by catarrh which Is nothing but an inflame. ndi Hon of the mucous surface. We will giv On Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafrje (caused by catarrh) that cannot b' cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Bend for circulars, fre. F. J. CHENEY CO., Tt ledo, 0. Sold by Druggist, 75c. Hail's Family Pills ar the best. Do not bell-ve tn th usual pearly neck lace worn by the average woman any nvre than yvu believe tn the av-.ige womao. By allowing th accumulation rn the bowels to remain, the cntlr tyatm Ii poisoned. DeWltt's Little Early Riser regulate tb bowels. Try them and you will always use them. Charles Rogers. Many a woman' gown (Its even more than skin tlg-ht, for she can move In h-r nkin. Pneumonia, la grippe, coughs, oolds, croup and whooping cough readily yield to On Minute Couh Cure, Use this remedy in time and save a doctor's bill -or the undertaker'. Charles Rogers. trim: of our friewls are so dependable iney never rxxne to see us but w may be certain they want somathing om u. J. D. Bridge, editor sna proprietor of the Democrat, Lancaster, N. H., says; "1 would not be without One Mlnut Cough Cure for my boy, when troubled with a oough or cold. It la the bt remedy for croup I ever used." Charles Rogers. Tlvre is no parent o wife that h or 4ie can refriin frcn wleavorlng IO make their ohlldn-n show off In company. If you have plies, cur mem. No us undergoing horrible operation that tlm. ply remove the results of the flease without disturbing the auteas Itself. Place your confidence In DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve. It has never failed to cure others: It will not fall to cur you. Charles Rogers. MA 7 PacificNavigationCompany 8TKAMKHS Ii. I. U:itttoro W. 11. Iforrlaon OAKIBA.LDI ,Vi I1AY CVutitvling at Attoria whli tlis OrvaMU lUllrvm.l ,t Natiuallou Co, (or Sail Francisco, IVrllaml aiul all point taat. For (rtli;lil ami paaacu. gr rate ap;ily U Hnmuel Elmora iV Co, (tcnrral Ault, AS'IVKIA. OIlE. COHN iCOn AganU, TILLAMOOK. (. i. W. F. SCH El BE, swssrwi A mil Ha at Pisa. sad' Aitklta. 4T Commwrclt.1 alt. CUT-RATE OFFICE Can Save You Money On All Railway Rates. US Third St. Kopp's Tbs North Paciflo Brewery, of which Yfr.Jobn Kopp ia proprietor, wakes beer for domestic and export trade. Horth Pacific Brewery s LOUVRE Seventh and SHASTA r1lCHAL WATER, rcn'ER, NOBLE. HICKORY AND SHAW'S MALT WHISKIES. ALL OTHER LIQIORS, WIXES, liEEK AND CIGARS Served Doy find INIatit. AUGUST KRATZ. - - Manoger Mormon istops' Pills at" " " v n.uw. mi mims Caii til .-iu...t t m nit. Mutftii. 1 t.1 t tfi.M ti ii. at HtMist. . t. ci mi. tw ij. Ou - t Lost Mtnhood. Im Bottmev, lost -.. BiKht-.osss, ormortttoa Inaomnls, f ajea InBBcKjril Dttsites, aemmarimlttlots, lt. lao't aroul b"m7Aqadae Unflrt. to 'amf, oil or fnrfl , ieotff, siTCJL0 t.zf jv. .K"?r,. . to m ....i. firn -. sasMlaas th. bm 4n4 hm cietv " . ' "t,'' A wrtnmu fttM., atcwa ai aMyssVak, ak t um. Omtitn iim. Addesas, "'.hr-" ;m. Co.. lit eranoltoo, Oaa, F rr aal b Chart Rogers. hesebnyCipiulet are superior to Daitam or wptm.- Cubebs or Injections andurrtv CURE IN 48 H0URSP. the sim diseases with out inconvenience. .SWif h all nruffitft. MILV A familiar name for the Chicago, Mil waukee ft . Paul Railway, known all over the Union as the Great Railway running the "Pioneer Limited" trains every day and night between Bt. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago. "UK. onlv nerfeot train In the worio.' Understand: Connection are made with all Transcontinental Linen, assuring to passegenrs the best service known. lux urious caches, eleotna light, steam neat, of a verity equaled by no other lln. Bee that your ticket reads via "Th vriLtikit" when rolng to any point In the United Bute or Canada. All ticket agents sell them. For rates, pamphlets, or other Informa tion, address. J. W. CABBY, C. J. EDDY, Trav. Pas. Agt , General Agent, Portland, Or. Poriland, O.r TEMPLE LODOB NO. 7. A. F. A. M. Regular communications held on th flrt and third Tuesday evening of each month. J. N. ORrFFIN, W. M.; E. C. HOLD EN. Secretary. ATTORNEYS. J. Q. A. BOWLBY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Offlc Bond Street, Astoria, Or. v II ONLY DIRRCT LINK AHTOIJIA to TILLAMOOK CITY HOIIMONVILLK OrrHn lUllrtvi.l Na.vlga.ti.iu Co., IDKlLAND, Or, ahl "La Belle AstorlfCUir Scheltt's Opera Star Scticltc's Special Antt ttrtr Mrtan.l Portlnnd, Oreg. "Best" A DELICIOUS DRINK.... AMD ABSULDELY PURE. I Bottled rer for family nae, or krg beer supplied al any lime, dellvjry is be rily tree. Astor Street L. LEBECK Carpenter and Uullder General Contractor HOUSe RAI5IN0 AISO , M0VINQ A SPECIAL! Y T LUXURIOUS 1 RAVEL rpHE "Norlh.Wettern Limited" train. -I ltctrlo lighted throughout, both In tld and out, and ateam heated, are without exception, th flnett train In th world. They embody th lateat, ntwet: and belt Ideas for comfort, convenience 'and luxury vr offered th traveling 'public, and altogether ar th moat com. iplet and splendid production of ths car builders' art. These Splendid Train Connect with The Crciit Northern The Northern I'liiific nnrl The Cimiiriiun 1'nciflc AT ST. PAUL FOR CHICAGO anil the EAST. No extra charge for the luperlor ac. comniodatlont and sll classes of ticket sr available for passage on th famous "Ntrth-western Limited." All trains on this line are protected by the Interlocking Bkck system. W. II, MEAD, F. C. SAVAGE, (len'l Agent, T A. Portland Ore ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. Lrfara, " PORTLAND. ' Arrlv: I M a. m. Portlsml tTnlon tWpnl. 11:11 a m. tor Asiorla and Inlsn) I.M p.m. Imedlal ftolnis. I T;tU p. m AroniA. I T M a. rn Fi Portland ami 'IrVi.l :M a m7 urmnHtta p..nia ,tu:p.m. I on p. ni. KAftinic PivmioN. p m l, m l . m.ip m ti I im:ii V ...Astorta,.,; i,Warrnloit, Arl l.vl M'U M'Ar I Will IS Lv ' )! t.OUlAr AlH 'M l it ,,,,Reajild,,,, ,v :!! I HI SPECIAL IIKAIUDKI 8l!NDAY TRAIN Ivtt Astoria l I N a. m. arrives 41 Seaald I U 4. m. Ptswsngtrs may return en any train hown on schedule on tarns data. ALL TRAINS to and from tvids run lo riavl and New Astorta via Warren. tan. All train mak oloa eonnrtlon at Q.vbl wrth all North. psoitis trains to and from th east or Bound paint. At Portland with ail train I saving Union depot. At At tori with I. R. A K. Co.' boat and rail Una to and from Ilwaco and Nonn iisaoh points. TIIROt'OH TICKET en sals at A tori for Baoramsnto, tan rrancisco, all Eaaurn and European point. City ticket onto Attofl. IM Comroer. tlal atrwwt. - J. C. MAYO, 0a'l rr't and Pats. Agent. Only Line via Custer Battlefield. Eaatboumi tialn of the Hurting, ton r'ui tyou wmm-i with tiwn at llUllngs,. Mont.) pata la full view of Cuatvr llaitltifltid. Th mtiumeui that mark. h last restln; piao of the bra. tn.. tiers ,a th Mevenih at lull m.r than a ntl.a frtun ih Murk tngion't Ira. ks. You get a aplen. tiki vh- of it from th car wl". .low at (atalng trslo. Ttil. I mm of the ei.'lualv .U vantaget at ih. rtml via lulii , .Vhera arvthruush an-lard s!e er ilally. Ilutt lo Omaha and aial Ht. twul ihruugh touriau tleeiwra, rwk- a we-h. Hmitu Ui Kansas city. Ak about them. A. C. BHKMHiX, Oeneral I'awttng Agent, (".inland, Oregon. SSHMStSttMMi Through Tickets TO THaV EAST AND SOUTHEAST -TU- PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPER, TOURISTS SLEEPERS and FREE RECLININO CHAIR CARS , Dally to Salt Lake. Denver, Omaha. Chicago. Kansas City sod othsr Eastsra elilsa. Baggage ohtckad tnrougn to assttnatloa. Union Dapot. fast time, lowest rales, Plntsoh light In all cars. For rai.a and information call ea or address (1. W. LOUNSI1ERRY. Agent. O. R. AN. Co. Astoria, Orsgoo, or J. H. LOTHROP, Osn. Agtat, 1 Third St.. or. Aldr, prtland. Or. rii SCHBDULES from Portland DEPART Aaai.i aslt IjtWe, nenvir. rt. Worth, Omaha. Kan . .a City, hi. UmiIs Uiloago and Kal. Ka.1 Mitll S 46 p. m. Mai Hp, n 8H)kan Klyer t 10 p. ID W i,lla Walls, Hno' sne MlnneaiMillt.fll.l'.iul Uiiliilh, Milwaukee ClilcaKoaml Kant, f om Aaturla Hpokane riror M:S0 a. m. 0CBAN STBAM5HIP5 All Rullliin lialet sub J.ft Uirllalis, For ean Krancneo-rlel. .Iiilv 1 n 17. V. 17. t me i nil tameiMo n 1ay 3 l in Tnea mlav I Colrmbla River 7 p in ' net; Hteamera 'lair, r.l To Portland and H ,n. Way Landings, Tuur K'l; 7 p in Hal Wlllamett. and Vam ItWp. m. U( Wed, and frl. 7 a. ui. Mill Hlnrt. """ Hnt W .y-UndliiKs. I.t Uwlatn ::M n m ilally Iav dly ;: oi. m. i 5nakt Hlvtr. Itliarlatn lwlslon. Fro"' I' ; s, IWII.LIMKI'I'K ll.VKIl; 4.Wn m MiKlWedOreKon rte. NnwlM.rg, TllP-, Imr Krl'lay Hiileiii a Wuj-I,and a. Bllrill, o. w. LOUNSBBRRT, . agsui Astona. H, HURLBURT, Oea. Pas. Agt Pertiaad, Or. tjKPODITS EAST Through palace and tourist lis para, dining and llbiarv observation aars. BL-IK1ANT VEaTlliUI-i. TltAirig. No. i Limited lvs rrtlaa4 al lilt t I Ulld artlvsa riruaaa al I a. as. For rawa, i, i oWa. Agsot U, It. a n.. ah " BALTIMORE and OHIO RAILROAD Royal Blue Trains MCTWEKS THE EAST UNO WEST Only Mn epsrarmg na ra throusH I rain aH. Lstsa, LouiavUJe, lrlng(UM. Cincinnati and New York, via WaariWoa. tialdavsr and I'hlladJitAl. Th traveler over the B, A ft Is psrsiltisd as salssj na or .as graaltel soeaarj PETER HARrT. Coast Agsal. Baa rWat a Mill Bullalag WHITE COLLAR LINE CMtssuta Rrrer sad rsget Suai KaW gatlea Cesaaaay. TatasM rsava Astasia 411. itPorTlaaa aally uotat Suadej all a. a. Whit Ootlar lln tick.ts intarebaagsabij is intareaai potr and and all way ?t Tsaso6o. T. J. rotter ana .,. horapson for Astoria and all way ssaoie. ruvsl, Uweeo. SsaeUw, Lsj liA. aad Nteotta. jATleOR. U. B. SCTJTT. tn A FEW INTERESTING FACTS Waa peopl ar coniemplatlag a trtf. hthr on business or pis sura, tksy naturally want th b( asrvia ok. lalnabl so far aa spaed, comfort tad aafaty la concerned. Employes Of tk WISCONSIN CENTRAL, UNCI, ar uaM to svrvs th publlo and our train ar operated to aa to make eloa oa nsotlons with diverging ie at aS June rt km points Pullman Palac Blping and Chair Car on through trains Dining Car rvlr uo.ictlled. MsJ served a la carts. la order to obtain Ibis fl.-at cleat avnrloa, ask th ticket tgsnt to sell you 4 tick over TheWiscoaslQ Central Lines. and you will mak direct connect lun at St Paul for Chicago, aliiwaukt and all point east. Tor any further Information call on aa. ttckat agent, or correspond with JAS. C. POND. Uen. pass. Agnt. ur JAS A CLOCK. Mllwauk. Wia Osnaral Agent M Siark Bt rortiaad Or. mm . NOLTII LEAVE PORTLAND ARRIVB OVERLAND EX- I itoMb Ash "2' 70 P.U.aacTsme,Ogdn,' 11:4) A.kk. mm shams an STanoiacu, siu- lav. Lo AngtlM, El Paae, Nw Or lean and th East Itsk A, M Rossburg pasngr t IS P, Vis Woodhura, for Deny Mount Angal, Sll- Dally iopt ysrton, Wsi Bclo, eicspt Sunday brownvllis. Spring- Bsodar M4 and Naiioa..., W P. M( lndpndnoe pass' jtl:SI A. at Dally. IDally sxospt Sunday. Connecting at Ban Kranolsuo with Oec. dental Oriental, peolno Mak) and Ose anlo Maamahip lln for JAPAN. CHINA, AUSTRALIA, HAWAII AND THE PHILIPPINES. Hsnaia iickala on sale Otuly os.essa Portland, Baoramento, and Ban Franole oo. Net rate 117 nrei-claaa, and IU seo-ond-claaa, Inclistllng sleeoer. Rates and tickets to Eastern point ana Europe. Also Japan, China. Honolulu, and Australia. Can b obtained from j. B. Manager O. T. P. A. Through tlcktta East for lowest rat. Csll on C. J. Trenehard. local treat, Wl,s Farso Comuamft Orfto, Astoria. Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificially d I unsU tho food anr aids Nature In BtrenKMimilnp; and recoo structlng the cxliiiimteil dlKCstlve o Kan. ItlKtholutoHtdlHcovureddlReBt. antanrl tonic. No othor prcparatlor can anpronch It In eniolency. It ln atantly rollevedand permanently cure Dyspepsia, Indlifustlon, Heartburn, Klatulence, Sour Ktomanh, Nauaea, SlckHeadnclie,OastralKln,Cramps,ana ill other reHiiltsof Impttrfiict digestion. Prsoared htf g. C. Dsumt A r.. rki.HM For Sal by CHARLES ROGERS,