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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1899)
I ' ' ' O I f t ; . ; - - w L i, .. ;"'Uy of :,;K.(, 0(,'rf,. will fkV' Z-J ... ".V f'""" VOL L ASTORIA, OKEGW, TlilBSDAl HORNING. JULY 27. JtM. 60 .OUR Stoves - Tinware Aro not ma Jo from tho cruj-jile or in a kindergarten school. Eclipse Hardware Co. Wo CJIvo Trntlltia HlnitipN. BOOKS... Improved Mikado and Empire Cream Separators. THE STRIKE REVIVES Blank and Miscellaneous. PAPER... New Crape and Type-writing. Waterman Fountain Pens I Thr tr ih flmplm and mmi tfllalaal Iloxl)tcofhled,air',,"llr r' nnd Knveu.pei.Ks. Foard & Stokes Co. Astoria if u- ! . -I I. '',1,1 A Car Stopped ty Rioters and Conductor and Motormra Painfully. Hurt. A BOY SHOT. IN THE LEG GRIFFIN & REED lYour Wife j Will Ilk, It; o will th cook. Satlify all "ko un thtm. RALSTON... HEALTH CLUB Arnif Gluiro Farina, Arme Wheal Flakes and Standard BolM Oats! Break fat Food Barley Food Select Bran j Yeast j Cocoa ; AT A. V. ALL-EN'S! l .....1 l i -4l 51 ASTORIA CASH GROCERY Tenth and Dunne StreetB. Look nt tUo Follovvlnn Prlc.. If Tour batter hlf (Joi tht eooklsf. that la an additional reason why there hould be a Star Ketat Rang in roar kitchen. Th ut of thero prevent worry and disappointment. W. J. SCUI.LT. Afnt, 431 Bond Street By i Ron-loton Conductor, lot Sbootrn; Tboobt to Have Been Accidental. RIOTS WILL BE SUPPRESSED Declares Miycr Fil. Even If Be Mis to Call Out the Entire fta tlonil CuirJ of Ohio. OlJiVELAND. July K Th atomv cuUa- at the etrmt railroad strike baa. aumrdlng to die' authorities, srttfcd In a Brooklyn wulxirb cunnemed with Oeve. knd by a krig. hVh brUte. At won VJi n)ljyri of thr Horn Sitrt fUnt om;uiy lilivk iJM a oar on the torkkr af.) drtiiP-d tlir mulurman arvl contluctor frn rttHr "a. lnflUtlii wtih thWr n and ottwr wtutMO. Irijurk'a more iwaiful ttaui irtu. The hTe on (uard ac the lrn t hutri0 to th Kn but the rtottn. tlwppurM. , O-iwrai Axlhie, In cwnnauhl at the j lt( hr. tn order tk penwtaa4ly vlww bin attuntMi. t'lk a rltte toUy on tw rtnuw alrent ir.! He "aa n dvMaut VANDKKBILT LINE IMPROBABLE. fhya Ilorrr VRIad, in SifAklna; of the TTTfKHta ItarrlmaA.Vaiidr1IU TrataoontinnMl Line. "-BATTLE, July M.-llonry VIUrd, the ll knom rallivavl marna4e, oVe not uke much ato:k tn the rumored Hajri. man-Vandfrtillt ranaiirttnnta line. He rakl fxltr; "It U not praotloaj and there are many U-tral arvi buatneaf com. yUikna hat wvuid hinder K. I do a-K Mlnr. k wlO errr apixmt." , I'BRKIN' ON ALASKAN BOL'NDART. 6 BATTLE, July M -L'nfted Bnttm eV4v at'r Ocorge C. Verkln. who rammed here lodajr from a trip to Ataeka, tbtnka nh ort b nwhtna; t j arbitrate In conofc itluo wtth the Ataxkaa boundary. !e aid: "It would ortajnly be just aa rea onaliie for ua to Hwiat on taking up the boundary QiM'.t.n betireen the Cni. ted itiivum and Ouaada arain Tyl a- rlare our diauttufacOuo with the tW4i draree ol hi:nule. Bnchtnd lone ao fWJWtviard Hie boundary for which en are contending. She did UlU rh?n the H1M Bay Cumiavny, which at that lime waa prv.f loaNy Canala. txncutv a lu-yr of territory from Ruaaia, fur whkti (tie la now oontnxjkig. Bhe kaard it irm Kuania and. renewed the tor a a.vid 10 yearn What better pnxrf oould we ak of Grrot Brttaln a aoiKudw aa ou .Hntd in that coot reel ? "The Pmkand oanal at oura, and era hould aee that the Itn la estended alone the raronlt a long aa the range doea not He to exrwd 10 mar toe league from the em." MINERS ARE INDIGNANT They Sign a Protest Against the Action of United States Troops. INJUSTICE IS SHOWN MR. KASSOiTS GOOD WORK The New Reciprocity Tariff With i France Very Favorable to Unites States. By tne Soldiers to AM t Mlnio? Ccmtlnatlon to Cottle Vain . atle Property. PRESIDENT HEUREAUX KILLED Fills a Victim to toe Knife of an As sassin Wno Succeeds Is Msk Isf Good His Escape- SEATTLE, July US. Ad"lcea received tJdu' on the ateamer Elttra Thotnaon, from St. Mkimel. mdioata that th mln. of Ctepe Nome and Amil CKy are wrought up to a high pitch on account of the aaljn of lnkl 0iatea Commie. al-ner Shcppard, backed by th UnHd Stale aotdfers. A minera nvettng of nearly 1000 men waa dfepersrid on the oaght of the 10th of July by a lieutenant and aquad of aol Iter on the ground thut they were not pnprt- owner. The tntvtlng tkad been called regularly. after three day' .notice, to protest aguitwt the practice tht haa been fai. towed tn locating dairaa. itinera de clared that a clique or ring haa been formed to gobble up all good properties In the country. It kt charged by th n.lnvra who came on the Tfoornwo today lrr ewt ahwidl be met down Che tar and given a awlmm home. (Vow! Shafter. aooiiia; on the advto of Gonwal Otia, haa deckled that ne mar women and ohUb-en ahaD be allowed to go to Manila. SENATOR STEWARTS AMENDMENT. WASHINGTON. Juiyt at-Seniigor Stew-ut, ot Ndvada. ubl today vhat In xder to obviate the apparent necemitr of ommdnent to Uw coiMtKutkm to tn aure at all ttmna a Mil representation of lace in tM Vnl States aenarMi, at thetr nest meKtng of congrea. he would offer re.txl by fca-Matlon, wrki. the aen aior aaya, may prove aatisluouiry. fi (ropoa s that ahe fuatowlng paragrapli b added ait the ami of taction IS. titta . fotpt 1 of the revieed atatute: "If on the third Tueedny after the orgamaatloa A th JegfciUlure no peraon baa received sucti maj rt7, then on that day or a7 uocedtea; day the iperaon receiving a plurality of Ih vote caat. a majority of a mevnbera 4eited t krMfo bouaea being pneeent, and voting. ahaT) be declared efcmoed." Tbla, he belle.-ea, w meet the nece. tf. let ot the cae and insure election of fnifbd S-jite aenaror In every rate tiit time ape.:i.1d by law. COLONEL, INOEKSOLL S REMAINS KEW TORK. July at-Walaton. Aa oeaRltiful borne at Dobba Ferry, whar Robert O. Ingeraon died, waa a quiet place today. The body of tv dead ag nostic lay on bi Oowerovered biT. Only the vWtw and dauKhter cat near, a I other kopt away. Three hundred Waer were received today frxn aN over the country. iVrfoivi IngeraoU'a body will b cramac. ed toJJMTow. The lntnerarton wtS be Mrtotly private. The funeral party WW wait during the xir while the body 1 bring eonaumed. to take the aste back with thn. Mr. Imtorsog l dntermhwd Chat tb asttes shall not be away from her a ataffve moment. iIrm. ami the imr was mooed al variou intTwJa all along the route. Mayor Karh-y iki'jirrtl tttat he would autH'rtwi Wlwio a he had to cud out the entire Nationai Guard of Ohio. A boy ahia nrfay by a non-unrw ivndiKtor. but whether or not the bullt ua an aivLhtnal one. the police nave j j aorae of tllie Laplander who were sent n. - dctermlnnl. ; MlBy VtlUlblC CUHCfSSlOOS CfiTlted ! up thjee under a Ave year contract by IWILL BOOM MANUFACTURES - ma-lnery of the federal gov- ' icnumot on the TukUi has turned to ' . ' these nhgal piuctlcea. They Bjr that Wwntcin Rcllnciy Sunitr, W poiiiiJh for l.(Ki. M.mlCIT l " I . CitMKl VuulltyTcH 1 " .; KollcJ Onta 8 " .3. Itciina " JiipiuiRlcc ' -2S. ;.iJ (.liutllly l loiir I Suck .7. OyHtcrit liCuiiii MK. TuniiHaos 1 " .CoMtitry Produce Bought. Andrew Lake i ! 5J COMMERCIAL 8T, ...Merchant Tailor... Perfect Pit Guaranteed. Low Prices. Repairing and Cleaning Neatly Done, Krank WrkflK. a ll--earld by. waa . tiring on the front potvh of hla botne ( 4vn an eUvrric itir oame along. The I Whlcb Were Refused European Countries. ' the go-rnuint have been naturaCisvd I Here Is a List Ot some High Grade Goods at moderate prices RALSTON HEALTH POODS In great variety fresh from the mills. AROMATIC SPICES guaranteed the finest. TILLMASN'S PUKE EXTKACTS.D CHASE H SAXHORN'S COPPEES are un rivalled. Together with a host of other good things. ROSS, HIGGINS & CO THE PROOF of the pudding i W th eating and th. proof of liquor IS IN SAMPLING - txinducdir. who at.mj on the front plat form, oairird a rwolwr tn hU hand. 1 SutMrty t a-a dlsivaWKi-d, and the bul- j NEW TORK. July K.-Edround Brue. In entvir.1 young Wrbrht'a hg. ut be- wert. ftwich onsul at Nw Yrk, eai- hiw til groin. j of the now reciprocity treaty between Eraa , pvaj hikI the Vnlted States: 8aTTLE'S SHARE IN j It as an exwdeot thing for THK PHILIPPINE KLONDIKE. ! r;lteu AmerKa u the only '" 'countr)" alhUih did not have the benefit Transits Prctartng tu Load Troop 1 llf Qur nul-roum urtff. x the ananufac and Si.pilea to Reinforce Oils. tuw -iWMld 1Pe MUsfled with a profti a i per rent, th dlfferenc between fleai Zealand Fife InsiiFaiiee Go Of New Zealand. W. P. Thomas, Mgr., San Francleco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS. Subscribeil Capital . . u J5.000.000 Paid-Up Capital 1,000,000 : Assets - , 2,645,114 AsaeU in United States 300,000 Surplus to Tolicy Iloldors 1,718,792 Has boon Underwriting on the Pacific Coast over Twenty-two years. SAHUEL ELMORE & CO., Resident Agents, Astoria, Oregon That' an argument tnat'1 elusive a demonstration. Oura will tnnd th tet. con. HUGHES & CO. ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF LONDON. WBATTLE. Jul)- M. According to the latest advice received by Capuatrf W. V. RUaneon, Jr., of the quacwrmaater ikiuruiHtit. August 1 I the date t W tlio arrrtoi H B.-aaile of the Third cavalry- How kng tiny a-lll remuln here will depend to gret exu'ni m we j arrlvul of the irn import and iww soon thy win 1 gotten into cunitition, out tno duto will In all protwWHty be aAer Au. guiM. . Tiie AxliwvUn. H la ejcpwlwd. frmn ndvlcea received tat ywterduy, will co to, into iwrt lata thl evening. Th the maximum and minimum ratvj tron urtli-W; to keep the United Staves out of the French market. "France'a annual inipoiuatton of manu. factured artMa is about tSiO.0O0.000 a"d uion We j ha Vnrted Stmoe will et a good share f tills. Amorkw untlerw! England in coiUon gowfcj '.a China, and there ta no reason why It can't do the same In Prottoe. It wlU be the some with other articles, "England. Bcllgiuin, Germany and Aua. trla now auppi.v Prance whh her Un. and ciini stuktM in their names. Even retndxr, which thee Lapbindera were hired to take oare of, have been used for hauling stakes into the country nairk claim boundnriee for members o the rlnsj. lljwn ar signing a protest which is to be forarded. one cupy tv SHka to the fedwal authorities, and another copy to Washington. The proteet alleges thait officla4a at St. MWuuel are donducttng th affulrs of the government to their own e:ftXi ends. ANOTHER OITBREAK IN THE KEORO REPl'BLIC MrSTBtors POISONING. . INDON July K.-Much excitement has oe;n caia-d here by the mysterious poisoning V a score of guests at th trns of the court hotel, which h I alleged was due to American canoed fruk. Tie so--id xixim. J. A. Bartlett, of Philad "jlh.N. died during last night. The fruit ru eaten a week ago. and all whj po-tojk of it were made HI, one of the mvobsTS dying July SL ; JAPANESE MCST GO. SEATTLE. July 56. The Great North ern RiiCway Conipany will, it Is staled. discharge all Its Japanese section gangs ami emptoy whhe men tn their stead wtihin ah next 60 days. Incompetency Is given by the company as the cause, but in some quarters It Is said that It is in reoignrtlon of (he indirect demand of the Montana labor unions. AUwrt k now at Victoria and It la . ,,, , iw,. ..h .m (ported nuuwtfaccured artides. The lead. UHHIKIW nwm itw-tv -.v - . - Untti as the Alhttulaa. Estabttahed during tho reign of Queen Ann, A. I). 1714. FIRE AND LIFE. ttUDaonoed capital a no Asset lt.tul.iW 00 Surplus to policy, holder 4,0(1 fit 00 Exclualv of paid up capital Law Union and Crown Fire and Life Insur ance Co. Subscribed or guirarteed cap ital .... ....17.600.000 00 Capttai paid up l.miOO 00 Aaaat au,u,s UU Catton, Bell & Co. Oena-al Agents, San Francisco, Oal. Samuel Elmore & Co. Resident AgerU, Astoria, Oregsn. Rniiliiat the nJrla nothlikg has been hwrd sine the advice stating ahe would arrive here about August 1. Noah- lig Is known about llw Hancock, but the dolatrttnent Is led to beUe-e tlfiit she will arrive In S Fnuicisco about August 1. of the entire fleet the Oiironne Is here at the present time. Work, on changing her la being punned forward a rapidly as possible. Workmen are now engaged In (earing out a grwuer potu'lon of htf sec. oml cabin appolntmenis and placilng, tn their stead tine alal.s. eaih sutfced tor )) acoKiuivouvutlon of one horse. Beside th lx rttalkt to be built the atoik traiiKwrts each will be aupptied 4th eKH'tri lighting aixparatua A large con. dewing plant to supply fresh water will be put In, together with uhge tanks. The work throughout will be oomplet and will furnath every conx-enieno for the stock In tranR. Woodland ptu-k Is being prepared as a camp for the -men and horses and every precnitKlon 1 being mado tb insure thdT health and comfort. Lat yesterday afternoon Captain Rob UiMOn' reoelved advk from the owners xf several big docks, offering the gov. ernmenit the free use of them for the nttlitig out of tho transport. War Imports are raiw cotton, wheat, to bacco, mineral oil, cupper, and lead. Awrtv-a sends agricultural implemonts, mmiis; maohines. ejlectrlcal uiapUanceet and pumps. 'There are Ml articlee on Ohe dutiable list ot the French tariff Che treaty j Rive the fntted 9uu the minimum rat on alt except 12. Germany, Engtood and the oHhr countriee which have treaties with France do not enjoy the mlnhmum rates on these 12 exceptions, whU'di are chiefly agricultural product. The average difference between the muglmum. and minimum rate la 33 per oent so that hmihrt from this country will pay one-third Ice duty iwhen the treaty goes into effect. "There are M3 dutiable itfrma In the tariff law of the TJnatcd States and la re turn tor her oicesboi Franc will ob tain a lower rare on lens than 100 of them, the average, reduction being only 10 per cent. While this seems one sided, It is not m much o as It appears, because AJneticwv goods' tan boon sent Into France as English goods under the mini mum tariff. "I do not think the treaty can go into effect before next February, It must be ratified both her and In Franc and President iHeureaux Assassinated Yes terday Afternoon. FORT DE FRANCE. Martinique, July j 26. G-xtoral T.Ty-is's lteureaax. president a iihe &in D-wningo republic, was as. ssuwinated at Myx-a, Santo Domingo, at 4:3 o'clock tctay. The name of the murderer to Ramon Oaccros. 'He succeeded In making his escape. VIoe-presKlemt General Wenoemlao Fi- guaro Immediately ujion Clue announce ment cf the prvskMtK's aasal nation, as. Isumeti 'the direction of affairs. I At present calmness prevails in the re. j public, (Continued pn Pag Three.) HOSPITAL 8HIP RELIEF DUE. SAN FRANCrSOO. July 2d -The next vesw due fMm the Philippines is the hoeWttil ship Relief, which Is now ex. peotcd at any time. The whole of the military department will unite In Honor. Ing the Nebraekans when the Relief ar. rives, as the Oregontetns were honored. The Oregon regiment wW also Mn in the ttenanstmtlon. This demontration will be the first of a series A-r the state officials. Mayor Phelan today decided that hereafter all vessels bearing return. THE TRTAL CLOSED. WALL.X.CE. Idaho, July JS.-The trial v.' Paul Ox-oron on the eharye of mur dertiic Jmm Cheyne at Wardner on Ai'rtl 29 clsid tonight and the case was iriven to tBie Jury. DREVFVS SERIOrSLY ILL PARIS. July 26.-Petlt Journal says Captafn Drjj-fus is IH with a few. and Ms condition Is serious. STILL MORE COUNTERFEITING. The secret service has unearthed an other band of counterfeiter and secured a large quantity of bogus bills, which ar so cleverly executed that the averags person would naver suepeot them of being spurious. Things of great value ore always selected by counterfeiters for Imitation, notably 'the celebrated Hostetter's 8tomach Bitters, which ba any imitator but no equals for Indi gestion, dyspepsia, const tpa'i Ion, nervous ness and general debllhy. The Bitter set things right In the stomach, and when the stomach Is In good order it makes good blood and plenty of It. lit this manner the Bitters get at the seat ot strength and vitality, and restore vigor to the weak and debilitated. Be ware of counterfeiters when buying. ft often mean three ticket when only two are taken to the thenter. It is cruel to augx9t the nature of the Third. nVxNVAn ? Makes the food more delicious and wholesome oovau ftAKtM) KM! co. . Mr vrm.