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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1899)
THK DAILY A8T0KIAN, Till JISDAY MOItMNO. JULY 27, 18M. mm. The N, K. Falrbank OUCAOO T. LOUM NOW MfaVVViVVVVrWvW IIILUUUIULI'JI t Astoria's Leading Hotel Mcglcr t Wright, PropH. j Stop and Think! Art You 0tt!nu The Best Metl, The Best Liquors, Or The Best Beds m ih di? if mi. Affc Dnctiiirint II I. Bmum you hsv. not vl.lttd J J) CMuUl dll It For those who require gaulne fd. May ' there ia ceor all thai lhy aeed, Tnoueand Who know II hav freely eoahasad Thai of all lk great caterers "JEFF kt ih II EST. IMik lor llieniim of 'MRPP'rV ami take noollior, Kallilllit! twenty ffW. Columbia Electric and Repair Co. Successor to COLUMBIA IRON WORKS kaeae"eeeea Foundrymen Blacksmiths Boiler Makers Machinists Logging Rnglnoa Uullt nnU Kspnlrect. Heavy Forging Under Power rtammer a Specialty Stilt Munufactnrers of the I'nsurimsscd ... " Harrison Sectional" Propcllor Wheel ... Contractors for Electric Liglitj nnd Power PlHut "Russell" Automatic Engine rito lor taut lories 01 A. II. AVKHILL, Monoger. C. J. TRENCH ARDy .Commission, Brokerage, Insurance and Shipping, Pacific Sheet .... MANUFACTURERS OF Salmon Vegetable 4 - Fruit Lithographing on CAN Kan Francisco. Cat. Astoria. Ore. Fairnaven, Wash. Write Vm A MO DEL HOUSE li tart I mix). I ordr liy simM (iouMtl tlx ale the iluhn 4 kih h.s gW!,.:U, l.i. lp awii. u4 wlaa.aa, wl.i iraf)ibn elaaa.Ma ih. , msst Washing Powder Tsia (amove (Uanuf iulHv ramonw SIM or ..- 1 1 ms ...rjrUiit .lit.. Ilka II tin ..ik In lull llu tim, auk hall Iho Ul .4 l lull Ihr co.1 4 aui of ev irilr UMf ff (kitl lumtmf bur vuf laigt etaas. Company VOIIK mTo ; m inn -J Loggers Supplies Kept In Stock Engiuo Loilers, JjnM Mills. RUSSELL A CO., Portland. Oregon. Custom Homm Broker. ASTORIA. .OREGON aa-ent W. P. AOo.,aud Paclflo kxpreaa Co'. Metal Works spice and Syrop Tin a Specialty. for Prlee -nmMaiiWM ii - - .11 null wmmmmmm .,m 1 v v-" Mh. K ARSON'S GOOD WORK. (Continued from Klrt 1'aga.) 4hk by I'rncM'iii Luuiiet and lt'l (fciil MoKk1"y. 'Thai Wiaity mark !iw era for th 1'h.ImI Hhm-Uh. Tliota wU eventually be uipwrilit u Awtktii ltiiirtB In fr. Urn wuirtr- luid ll will be wWhj for Ui 1'ltflM Hnat.n o vmkr tr-tl" buIlT tlkkl oimHl.m Ijnwni" struts. JSIr, Katwn. wlw rH'tptkUml Hie trly for the VirMl H'.wioo, Iim 1lvl much lrl ed I dank Im a broa.1 view of th Ulltailsm aurtn; Wlutt nut tMMiprtl III tw fu1ur, "Kruno" bat iclvn all stir ran iflv. Ihvwim t lirr 7.U"0.WMI ut n.HInl alwi mj.i-1 rl h f tariff any fur. (lit. VV .il iwl rH what w k'-l by iry, lt w otili0 a) tt- m wllllim 40 rlvr. W mil!) IImi thf irmiy mut b u iliaK woulil alU'rov It oml l-'miKw ij.-f.rvd to lrval-m McKOy' Ml un iliai aotnltrt." A CHILD ENJOVI Tin plraaanl fliror. (tmlt (ellon, and ooihlnf afftet of Byrup or rid. wnn in nti of a Uilv. and If Iht fibr or nuithar ba cotllvt or bllloul. Ih mol crallfylnaT riulli follow Iti u; o tha: li m lha brat fimll ramtdy Known ana vty family ihould hv a bull. Manu firiurcd by la California Byrup Co. Tti limn who ailllt.irly wr a b-rl In auiimwr prtUMy k"-i Ma wtii. llaiinvCa, tiik mrroN mioE company. MM' rrwirh Caif Uhora, R. worth W. IX CmuwrvtaJ trt. ruopcwAi-a rem roiuaE and DKDDINO. Ofllo of C. Q. M., Vtncourtr Barracki. Waul)., July I, U. flcaltd prupu In trlplkwtr. will b rcivtd hrr until II o'clock a. m , Auut and lhn opvnrd, for furnUhlng fomna and bed linf at ih arvrtyil military poaia In thta drtmcnl. for noal year tnditif Junt 10. M. Information furnlthrd her or by guanarmajileri at poata. U. 8. rcaarvf rl(h( to reject cr accept any or alt pro- (vaJa or any part thereof. Envrlopta conlalnln; propoaal should be marked: Tropgaala for lorai and beddlnf at ," and adjMMfd to umlerilcned. J. W. JAC0H8. C. Q. M. OOOD NEWS. Yoi cn buy (rnta' fin calf ahoea for tl il. worth KW. Ilton 8lio Company, iU CooMiM-rciaJ tret. notice ron BIDS. Dlila will be received by the county of Clataopt Oregon, until Wednraday. the '.h dy of Auauit, at 1:10 o'clock p. m.. for dellerry at tht court bouee )ard of 60 cord of apruce llmba or map!, and to cord of hemlock wood; the tame io ba of food, aound quality, full cord lerrtrx. tnd delivered on or b. for the 1st day of 8pte.nber, 1(91 Th rlht la reaerved to rejeot any and all bide. By order of th county oourt. H. J. Wherlty. County CKrk Our ein are ounvnUy rirtrd to nnd ua otit, IhK llify are muvh more apt o tlnd u bu AN EPIDEMIC OF DIARRHOEA. Mr. A. Bander, writing from Cocoanut Orov. Da., aa'( there ha been quit an epldetnle of diarrhoea there. He bad a re vere attack and wa cured by tour do of Chamberlain' Colic Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy. He aaya b alao reoom. mended It to other and they ay It I th teit medicine they ever uied. For al by Charlea Rogtra Tho only ti. of do; hirt H la oVlr. U. to have bud trmjwrWI la Oie wa".ch Uof. W hav old many different couth reenedlea, but non baa (Iven better Mile faction than Chamberlaln'a" ay Ur. Chart Holthauer, druffiit, Newaik. N. J. "It la perfectly af and can be ra iled upon In all oaae of cough, cold or hoarceneaa. Sold by Charle Roger. Th meaneat type of man I h who take advantage of th widow and or- phana. . ASTORIA'S GREAT SURPRISE. Iloalofl 8ho Company, Lndtea' fine k'd Upper and (lea, 75 cent, wonh H W tao Cmunerolal Kraet. , Tho hkl maji ) rmt vh one that naki the lw everj'ttay aort of a Jwi- bana IS IT RIOHT. For an Editor to Recommend Patent Medicine? From Sylvan Valley New, FrevTad, N C It may ba a queatlon whether the editor of a newspaper ha th right to publicly recommend any of th various propriety medicine which flood the market, yet a a preventatlvg of ufferlnr we feel It duty to ay a good word for Chamber, lain' CoJIo, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem edy. W hav known and ud this tnedl- olne In our family for M year and ihave always found II reliable. In many cane- a done of thl remedy would nave hour of Buffering while a physician Is awaited. W do not believe In depending; Implicit)' on any modlclna for a cure, but we do believe that If a bottle of Chamberlain's Dlnrrhoca Remedy were kept on hand and administered at the Inception of an attack much iiiffiTlng might be avoided and In very many case th presence of a physician would not b required. At least thl ha been our experience during h past 10 yean. For sale by Charles Rogera. WHY NOT BUY 8IIOE3 At tho Boston Shoo Company' itore? Ladles' fine kid shoe for 11.25, SS Com mercial atreet An Excellent Combination. Tim pli'BHjiiit inrtlicxl and benrflcial cfTiicta of the well known remedy, brHti- or Km, inuiiufiii'lurrd by the Cal.iroiiKiA Ki hnap Co., Illustrate the value of obtaining the Uijuld laxa tive principles of plunta known Ut be medicinally laiutive and nriwntiiip; them In thu form tnokt rrfrrhinrtoUie taate and aucrplahle to the system. It lathe one perfect trcnfthi-iiinf laxa tive, clransinir the avsk'iu effectually, diape-lliiikT coliU, hrada4'tm and fever rently yut promptly and t-nublliifr one to overcome habitual constipation per manently. Its perfi'ct freedom from very objectionable quality and sub tunce, and iu avlinff un the kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating- them, make it tbe ideal laxative. In the process of manufacturing' flirt are used, a thrv are pleasant to tbe taste, but the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic pUnls. by a method known to tbe CALiromniA Flo KrHt'p Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effect and to avoid imitations, pleave remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. aaa raawcisoo, cai- LOmTn.L. T. W TOBX, W. T. For Sale by all DruggiMa-l'rlct Sue. per bottle Th woman who la dre.sod to kill "T irally thinks she Is dressed to live. InHsr and outlno aplar to be the urani t ord- r of affairs amusing. mriz m irTmiturH- t DKFASk Karl's Oovcr Root Tea llMuIllV-a tb CtwnpWivnn, Purifo iht nlnnd.ctwi fmh.tlvarbkln. Currr.Cun tipAtttan, liKlrr4kvn. anJ all Krupcttm. of th bkitv An ftgrTwhl .Laiitiv Nir-i Tualc. StoW nn ojui? riaranLM by alt onixkrUU at 8&c tOc. md 1.00, 8. C. VVCLLS 4 CO., LCNOV, N. V. Oil NOMIITOIII For ! by CHARLES ROGERS. J. A. Fastabend General "Contractor and Builder Ilousp-inovinj; Tools for Rent. Oregon Short Line Railroad. THE DIRECT ROUTE TO Montana. Ulah, Colorado i n i all Eastern Points. Olve cholc of two favorite route, via the Union Paclflo Fast Mall Lin, or th Rio Grande Scenic Line. LOOK AT THE TIME 1 1 Pays to Salt Lake 2J Days to Denver 3 J Days 'to Chicago 1J Days to New York. Free reclining chain, upholstered tour. 1st ileepmf cart, and Pullman palacs sleepers, operated on alt trains. For further Information, apply to O. W. LOUNHBSRRT, Arent, O. R. N., Or Aatorla, Oregon. C. 0. TERRY, W. E. COMAN. Trav. Pas Agt. Gen. Agent. 124 Third St.. Portland, Or. Astoria Public Library READING ROOM FREE TO ALL. Opa tvary ..ay from 1 o clock to 1:10 ana l:M to 1:10 p. m. , Subscription rate It per annum. Wt Cor. Eltvanth and Ouana Streeta H.F.PraelTransferCo. Telephona S3. GRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Cood Shipped to Our Care Will Rectlv Special Attention. No. HI Duan St, AaUrla, Or. W. J. COOK. Mgr. Raa Tai. UX Makethe Hair Grow With wsrm ahsintioo of Ci'Ttrt-a Soar and light dmslnira of C'OTictiaa, purest of ernoi llent akin cure. This treatment at one euips falling hair, remove cruets, scale, and dandniir, soothe Irritated, Itching sarface. UmuUte th hair follicle, suppllas th rmt with (oergy and swiurlahinent, and Biaka th ' hair grow when all la fails. It Isn't rh train wtih rtte leeplr car fliat t alwaya ti sloweet. If yuu suffer from ttnaerne or full nis on th right Id, paint under the houlder blid. constipation, biliousness alrk headsch and feel dull, heavy and tepy. your liver l torpid and eon. geaiad. DeWltt'a Llttl Early Riser will cur you promptly, pleasantly and permanently by removing th congestion and eauaing th bll duct to open and flow naturally They arc good pill. Charlea Roger. REDl'CTIOS IX PASSE.VOER RATES. Running July 21 the A. C. R. R will make the following ratea between i'jrtajl and Asxorta, one way, I1.W; rjund trip. C W. From ror!!ad to Bt' vle, tummer exourstofl rstte, UK, from Portland to Flawel. UK. DON'T GO BAREFOOTED. When y-u can buy children' choo! ahoe at TS ceots. worth P 50, at Boeton Shoe Company, ilj Commercial atreet Lea & Pcrrins' SAUCE THE ORIGINAL WORCESTERSHIRE Clvea moat dellcloua flavor to list and Cc!d Meats, Gravies, Salads, Soups, Game, Fish, Welsh Rarebits, etc. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. this Jisaiureoo every bottle Jafca Doacaal See, Ageats, New Yi. Of the Very Finest BOOTS AND SHOES Must and will be sold here in Astoria by Boston Shoe Store Within WE manufacture all of eur ewa goods, using nothing but th best material, good upper and olld sole leather. EOsV PLOT ONLT WHITS LABOR. Pay highest wage and get tbe best work. W guarantee every pair of Shoes so wear a represented. W are telHag shoe for les thaa any retailer caa buy theaa. California Factory, SANTA ROSA, CAL. Gents French Calf 6hoes, ft worth 14.00 Gents fine calf shoe 11.13, worth U.50 Boy's ichool shoes 11. worth 12 00 Children' school shoes 50c. worth H 2S Men's and ladies carpet slippers 25c, worth 50c The Sale Is So come and lay In a BOSTON SHOE ' CO. Our Headquarters or 435 Commercial St., next Atatorian Office. The net "North-Western Limited" (20TCWTl'yTlAlH.)r between Minneapolis, St. PiuJ and Chicago, is cnttrtalnlnfly devrihed In an illustrated booklet, which will b fur nished rrtf on application to W. H. MEAD, Ccn. Agt., tS Waaaugtoa atrsst, ORTUXD, Olt. f. W. PARKER, I !. BOSyirstAreao. What a world of UouWe k la until w are out of It. It Is no way Xa ae a reotvtOatkin with a man y telling all your trouWea to his friend. 3 Young Llothora CONDEK8ED oasca'e al i. R. L. Boyle & Co Leading Real Estate Dealer of ASTORIA, OREGON Writ for Information and Pamphlet-. 535 Coiunie.cial Stmt 8TRONO COURSES Wail equipped training ' departments. Normal cvraV Quickest and best way U State Certiorate. Expenses for year from tl to tin; Board USD to tl per week; Tuition. IOS .. per term of ten week. Fall term begin September lth; Summer term June 9 ) to September L For catalogue address ... P. L. CAMPBELL. Presides, . or W. A. WANN. 80 of Faculty. the NEXT THIRTY DAYS. Now Going On Daily supply of shoes now. fou will n(ver have NOT EVERY KIND OF SHOES find entrance to our ttor. W bar tba tort mad of poor stock fllmslly put to. gather. liaker must deliver good which are 09 to our standard, and that's good enough, otberwl they are ejected. W present every variety of style. Tnee Hem will enable you to judge what two or three doltara will do hara. fee our new cushion shoe. Petersfn & Brown. ahonld learn aarly the neces sity of kaeptag oa baad a sepply ol Gail Borden: Eagle Brand! MILE foe sorsfar UWes. a i wn as tor aatsututa. but a yoa Booa C "Basil. Coaossses Mil Co., "w Teaa State Normal School MONMOUTH. OREGON Training School for Teacher. New BuIkUnn -New Department. Ungraded Country School Work. Graduates Secure Good Positions. Eastern Factory, UN'S, MASS., Lad es French kid button shoes K, worth M0. Ladle fine kid button shoe tl.K, worth !2.5 Ladies fine kid ties 73c, worth 1150 Misses school shoes, 75c, worth 11.50 Rabies shoes "5c, 50c and T5& the opportunity asaln.