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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1899)
7 THE JM1L Y A8T0JUAN. TUESDAY' .MORNING. JtTLY II, W. vs A CLCSSINSTO ATIYIIOHE ' Bound kind md fool lo household drudg rjr, scrub bing ind rubbing day In, day out. Woman, why do ynurloltf It'eaktwayirom lh hard old U.hlonsd wijr of dulnf your cltall lib toap. Woahlng Powder S rVl. T . tisJ !. ,! .J 4 XI Tho N. K. Tairbank Company t. Latest Block, KNOX Summer Styles. l ull Him of m ;i.k;i:k Mil IK I S. Kviirylhlntt now mid iH.hhy In KAMTrKN NICKWKAR. BUFFUM & PENDLETON Ilnttcrn mid FurniHhers. 0 1 Third Flrw-t, (toner HUrk, I'OItTLAND, ORKGON. Stop and Think! Thc.I-tent Art You licldnu MciiIm, ' ; I The I3cnt Liquors, Or The Hcnt Hccla iya". Restaurant. For ibe who require resole feoaV , Way 11 laer wile terar all that Ikaf Seed. Thotteande wh know II feaa freiy That of all I be great eetarar "JEff M m MKtT. l-ank lor Iheaign ill JKri''H" and take number. KslaWlsliol Inenly yrart. Columbia Electric and Repair Co. , . . . SuCCCHHOf tO COLUMBIA, IRON WORKS DEEP, WATER, n f CHANNEL Cblcaf o Drainage tonal and 1 1 11 - doIs PIvcr to Be a Creit Waterway, MamwiW ' IS AN ENGINEER'S' OPINION (vail after Iht drainage channel dlevhar. gea into tl. KrirtO -tttaa two teat hr wilt dtrmln by fall htrw bad Ota wlr tmA - tro n H.1v4 taowrmg dlacbarg'. irum lh city of CJilirago. Ttifa If the sanitary side t b .uuestlofl. Ttier ahxt Iha eW of (WrnntnliHI hr oiui h uvrfl'W, If any, Hid channel will cause In the river .what lands will Im itlini'Tftt what dmi will 1 sauM, wtiut clalnif llx'r may l ailnat Ilia aanliary illtirlot IwUva aia h aa llia, nvw ttiat Iha ohan. iial U aim H inilirlil, tiava liruuntu Ilia r.ililitrla of tlia ValU jr am 104 sanitary .lrVl trutHta lo a plnt whvra mutual Mrctni-m and Iof would ntaka th (llltkulMra VMnlly caalor of wiltMlon. It Would Connect Wltl lb Cwit LiktlioJ Double tntliliiJ Comnerci, CIWXtT Xt'ltT. CHy VKIorloua lit Two Important a, Tlie followli ordwa wcra mad In tha Vlrctill Uiun ycirui Mutual Trul ConajMiny . I'auro irnkiit I'a'AiiMi coiiiiy; Dminnia u huilv'iKlM fr drhriidvitl ami pluluUfl at luwij W Ja lu Ola Hi' lr bill or ttv. ilona. Hlala of Orrgun ral Oourg Kabutb v. W. KrarF, muitun lur a new iriw CIIII'A'M July JV.-Tha Tlnwa-llaraw Ma moriilim aayal I liava no doitltt,' ay Chkrf Enf iixtar lUiiduluh. uf tit aantlary OlKrlot, "tnai Iw ullla.ala and of Iha crula of tl.a ov.rruM and trfamun allows m nay. ..1 niiHnu 10 ma " w'v ailliarr u.-ur--. ... .. v,. B U Curl M rlvrr will and la a demand upon oooraaa I JtlMurP,.r umlned that It mada a oavlfaUbla watail y. w. Nawell, a..nee, vn. J. U. Ywn, way: vnlually It will ba raoon. plalmlff raguln-d o maae aw. parti of I ltaa MMnlJulril ftlttra Urtftllltjf anil ffriJatll rlvr and tha tha araioatfa onan-1 - k tV)0 , aI 0,,, without 11 ol ot Uhloaav ttMdf will ba oouvartad I rjudlua, Uakka, anttled an.i oinipu l'aotno rinavl Meta4 Work tl. Colnmb.a Mllu9. Iidl 1 tlumnu (.'omiiaji v. Onler ;maiil,na Tba proola'na whlob Iha opening of I UiH caaa taik to ha vin-ult court of tho drwlnaf clianiwl will devolop will CUitaop ooun y ly Vnltud B'.at.s court, C. J. curtlf a. ,ny K Aei'ina, uniur rsr .4 defendant auNtatniMl. ThU wm aroiana ma wwrwiw i inia wn i ,. . .,1hoi of aalurv alhaed ay, and ba raaionillon of tba IIIUwi ,0 j,. jUe be,u puuncll r!uvd pluliw and iMaplalnaa (now dralnaa chatuwl) I till' aalary durliaj Ula ttrm of oltl e aa Blacksmiths BolIerMikers Machinists IT Ml 4 4 ri 5 ruuuuiyiucii Loeecrs ' ' : ' Supplies Kept la Stock Logging lincln IImIH nnd Kcpntrvd. ' ' Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specially Sole Mapridirtr of tie UiiMirrMi!d Harrison Sectional" Propellor Wheel ... Coiilrnclors for Eltntric LijjliUnnJ IVvvt-r I'lnnU to their prlalln (lory of Oril.claaa water aye." , . Ilia tru.Mva of ia dralnag vhanuct Uava rvturatd from ilir trip down iha llliiwla rtvar N 01. IxhiU, Tby are not pienarrd lo m-omnrnd tba ratnirt-al of tba government tfaota lo tba rlwr, ai Ira.t not until tba ,wa(tr l turonl into the channel and Jla rffivt Doled, and ihey tK'lhrva thai Ilia law will fcava 10 be cjn,Hlrd by ramovtnt the etat dam. Tby are mora ouavinunl than aver that tWore Iba lllluula wltl fully cmr for tba vtvra atiU-.h tha drainage chunnrl la to tfWnarta Into II, K tnuet ba ao Improved by the aovernment thai It will, In re lliy, ba one mora free dream. r)niltieiit auiborlllca of Uta aocMy of ratara englneera ano have (Ivan tba proraa of Iha dralnatr rhamwt rjoee atudy, rl that tha atpendltura of tn. MM uvn ha ,wVwk-thla amount bln( iba t.ital eipendad to Iha data of opening uf Iha tvhannel but mnrka the emu meitiwani f tba aupvodltur, of at taut mora by tha general guvarament and the atata of lalnola, toward making tba river and tha (ttannol 00 in pi et wirway, 00a whk-b will not crewta lrretiial ihmaga otalm auMa agwlnat tha aanllary dJ.trtot wnd wblob will ant bfartorlly dlepoaa of all aa water and city tiRM-ncy. Tha iniutrer claim- that the council ba4 authority lo alter alary of plaintiff, oven though hie ollko waa an eltlv una and the ctiurl ao held. Ae that waa tba only point at t au H aetlle. the u In (he cliy'a favur. U. NS'lngale at al. v. City ot A:ur.a, (ur defendant and onVr J.nxili.g cIlM of police 10 tl-ute. J wlUi the Mlc A attached vrupnfiy. Thia ault waa brought to re.truio the city from the collection of a.M'eixiietit lur the raiove nwrnl of Urand avenue, wlikh the pialnu iff. vktHited waa Iniproperly nude. The court alieted that Ri main palm at la.ue awe the matter of filing the raJ. e did nut think the grade of ciuta airw:i aa aullcletit to dHcrnilue ltu gtadt wi tho main .Irr.t aa waa cuttU-uded by J.-. I. hut hel l that uoder our tii.iri' r a pruvei'duia Uial glv IntiYeiAed pt--vplu notlcw of what I lie grudr a si tj bo waa .uttlciciH to comply alia l:g pro-vuiluna. la thia caae Iha grade a-aa flml by a llergman" ordlnanoe, anion has ainca declared Illegal by the .otirenie courl, the council. )i.evrr. putih-l a notice that the irri . u..l Ih. Inirive,l it Iha reiubllthed grade, w hi. it lud hern fixed JbT thia l'hniilly Inwl.d onlit im At I lila tmie, though, everyone umuaed ltte oidlnarxv valid atxl ha court thoiexhl tttc puliiutt.'d notice aa euffli-lriit to inform rvryonr uf hat Work waa contnnptuied. The court tau bold that the latard of a-oomr and atrwel naninltiew romprltlng tla board of eo,uulltatlun were one and the contention lliat only on member of OUTOFHIE DREYFUS CASE Dnlle Zola Says He Is Not Writ Inf for the Press fior . the Stae. ARE ABSOLUTE IMP0SI5IONS Are All Articles Appearinf With His Heme Attcbtd-fttum. X) Literature SIHW VoilK, July W.-A dl.pauh to Ui World (rum farte, algucd by i.iuW Zta, fays: l'oll.vdy 1 will not writ of tba Urry. ua cut for auy newp.r whwtaoever -at kaat not until lb coining trial la ovor. What 1 bad to aay I nave eald. 1 coo. eider ttiat 1 am o longer needed, altbdntw. I leifn that a man la New IToik bvti thai ho hai a contract with me to write pUy about Ureyfua. AooUitr n tajke of my making a ledure tvur tlirougb tba Ulilled miuea. I learn, too, tiiat ci.-taln mefepap're have recanily imuhelwd artlcUa elgnnl with my name nd are anajuudng that Utey will puU- liali other ertklr by me. All euch e alo mtnt are abeolute ImuMltlona. 1 nave oner autlwrlxed tbiae ataicmeute nor the puO!kalKn of these art Idea. VYh"0 1 raiaed uiy volue for breyfua 1 merely to rvlly th defendera ot uetk e, then buay eieea'hen:, to draw at irilua to a crime, the accumplKhlng of bleb waa no! to be Uileratid. And jui glad I did tt. Ilivauw the agitation iMijOuiuly mJ an Innocvnt mau. Uv- auev II proted lUHiluabie In eduillng v niaieea. Uivaue thia revirtun marka lie entrance of the moral idea Into po lltlca here principle ! too constantly lurilkcd to Immediate expidlency and mutual lokratiou. tlucb a aaciilka In tlie lunf run la rulnoua to any nation. I am glad I did 11. Should ooculon ailie, 1 ahould ooler politlce again. Now, however, my kleaa on theee aub. Jeite are In the hand of better leaders nt men than I am. These leaders are amply able to take the Idvaa to fructify in this beloved, generous France. Having no d iuht thev ldia will bear fruit In Anvrtca, too, I can't iee taow any artlriea, hvtures. cap'cuilly bow any lud melcKlntrruu I ould cnotrlbue to the diwuealon a-oulJ h'lp tha good work. Th. n fore, despite, what has been aaid. I have none but a literary ambition. now rvturn to purely literary labor. m m IMF NOT EVERY KIM) OF SHOES And entranc to our store, W bat tba sort mada of Boor atock fllmslly sut gather. Makers muat deliver goods w tilth ara a to our standard, and that's good sooogh. o'herw.'aa thay arw rejected. . W present every variety r ttyl. - These Kerns will enable yon to Jjudg what two or tores dollars will assay tks our new cusblon ghos, ,..... Petersen k Brown. Sl eenaruMlng from tha oily of ChW ib oommlttc hail ulsned the ac. rrpranca ot improvement waa kt wll rwgo and (.very community tsnoa Iha Iwnks of th two stream ot water. Already tit Intand Miles south of CbU rago have Jwtrun making testa of tha character of tba water in tit Illinois rlv- for the purpoas of making similar taken, aa all tha aaanuaira and one of the street commit tea signed It and tn-y con stituted a majority of the body. The evidence ahowrd that all the plain tin had signed a petition to the council urging Ute Improve-meni and had even waived their rights to paying asaewnents on1 Ml Install menl plan. That they were fully aware of bow ttis work waa beng uune but made no protee. at tha time and th court held tihat comtlalm wrw out of pi are now after a portion of the as. tt awn Nits had been paid. He, therefore, dcrhled tha eaa in favor of th city. Si" s- 1 F7t H ! OflliirDeiic'ription 11. 1, .r W H rrT.a,. UFA'' 1 Done with - Neatness and Dispatch. : Prices Reasonable; Call at Irrria.. tifAi Karl's Oovcr Root Tea BeeatMea the t7nenlezlrai. Purines the "", eren,.iero"in. .tlpetlon. nlteMll,in. ami .11 KruiHknl ot the Skta. An aareeehle ljii.tlve Nerve Ionic, bold on ahnoluie (T'"toe ti aroai .11 kUU at &c.. hoc and gLOU. t. C. WELLS 4 CO.. It a. or. N. V. sots Morairroee I Tor sale by CHARTERS ItOOERS. The Daily Astorian n Astoria Public Library RBADINO BOOU TOTS TO ALL. Opsat rrary uay from I aotook to l:M and e:H to IJ p. av ataasantptlotv rates H par annas, Wast Cor. KlwrwaU aad rmaa Blraala. C. J. TRBNCHARDi Ccmmlssion, Brokerage, Insurance and Shipping. C u attorn Homsc Broker. ASTORIA, .OREGON Agent W . F. A Co., and Paoltte tlxpress Co'l. CALL FOR WARRANTS. Nolle Is hereby given lo all parties hoMlmt Clatsop county warrants en dorsed prior to July II. 18OT, to present the fcame to the county treasurer at hl omc. 164 Tenth street, for payment. In. tinvst cestsea after this date. Pitted at Astoria. Ore., July I, isa. H. C. THOMTSON. County Treasurer. By th listless manner of many of the at?apapl It Is a wondi;r the department torea manage to thrive at all. "We have sold many different oough I remedies, but none has given hotter satis faction than Chamberlain's" says Mr. I Charles llolshauer, druggist, Newark, N. I J. "It Is perfectly safe and can be re- I lied upon In all oaeea of cough, colds or hoarseness. Sold y Charles Rogers. Nothing on earth Is so torrlblo as the tear of it. AN EPIDEMIC OF DIARRHOEA. Mr. A, Sanders, writing from Coccanut Orove, Fla., says thr has been qulle an npliVtnlo of diarrhoea there. Ha had a se vera attack and iweva cured by four dosea of Chamberlain's Collo. Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy. He aay h also recom mended It to others and they say It la the gest medicine they ever used. For sal 'by Charles Rogers. stMakeMof Mistake;; In buying Con- I densed Milk. Take no sub- 1 1 stltute for the , Gail Borden: Oh . aa O bagiena t i years. as CONDENSED MILK , i There are cheaper and In- 1 1 ferior brands to the Eagle, ' 1 but none that equal It. It ! has stood first for forty , Bead lor Beds Beofc. X 0 suaxtvs coW-gid Mag ctx, a. r. a) Report of the Condition of the FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Astoria. At Aatoria, In th State of Oregon, at the arose of business June K, 189. RESOURCES. lAinns and discounts J193.7JS K Overdrafts, eeoured aod- una. iriHt , av u U. S. bonds to secure circulation U.Mu 00 ln nkims on U. & bonds ) W Stock, securities, sto 100,021 SS Other real estate ana mortgages owned ,J.a n Due from national hanks not rvMerve axenta) LS60 If Due from slate banks and bank et H,SB SB Dtw from approved reserve cnts lvt.szs riiix'k and other cash Items..,. 738 4S Ni:.s of other national hanks.... i:u w Nickel and cents 45 111 Lawful money reserve in hank, vis: Rpocl.) lO6,30OOO lA gul tonacT notes w w 103,190 till Redemption fund . wltOl II. S. treasurer (' ol ctruuiation., hi mi Total J56M1.H ' LIABILITIES. '. Capitol stock pnU In t W.OflO 10 Surplus fond 15,000 00 Undivided profits, tees expenses and taxes paid zi.KW tw National hank notes outstanding t.00 00 Due to other national banks..., 96 M Due to state banks and bankers HTSTI DlvliKnds umaJd (.000 00 Individual dotHwIts ftib. it to cncK ;c"(,ira to Domjiml certlHcales of dcslt 63.:J SS t'orlllli'il checks M I6u.iit at Total tSS.416 STATE OF OREGON, I I a COUNTY OF CLATSOP, I, S. S. Gordon, cashier of the bove named bank, do solemnly swear that the noove statement te true lo the post of my knowledge ana oeiior. 8. a GORDON, Cashier. Sulcrlbod and sworn Ho Wore me this 1st ly of July, 1S99. C, R. THOMSON. Notary rubllc. Corre.-t Attest: JACOB KAMM, J. O. HANT1IORN, w. f. McGregor, Directors An Excellent Combination. The tileanant mctli.xl anil tx-neflrUl effocta of the well known remedy, Hrsci or Vlnn. manufactured bv the CaLiroKSia Flo Hrnup C., Illustrate the value of oblgrnlnif the lliiual Inks tive Drlncitile of nlunta known ti na mmlifinally. laxative m presenting them In the form nva.1 refrehliinrUitlie taste and accrptahltr to tin nrnl:m. It la Hie ooe pr-rfce atrentfthTin(r la ra ti vs, eUaoMD? th aratem etteeinally, dirllin(f col'lt. headaches ami fevers gently jet promptly and enabling one to overcome habitual per mantit!r. Ju nerfert freedom from every eb)ftumiil qnalily and tnb Manoe, and It actinj on tlie kidneys, liver and bowels, without weaken! or Irritating them, make it the Ideal tantive. In the procraa of manufacturings? are dkco, m they are pleasant to the taate.but the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained fnirn senna and other aromatic plant, by a method known to the CauroKsu .Stbi j Co. only. In order to tret ita beneficial snecta anu to avota imiwuonit. please VD (or snort-) cord of Or and bemlocJt rvmeraber the full name of the Company o. , - - " " BID FOR WOOD. Notice Is hereby given thai bids to fur- rleh wood to scbooi 4lstrV4 No. 1 in th manner as hereafter set forth, will b re oeived at th office of tag echo-4 clerk untli Wednesday noon. July 11 VM. to rlt: l lor more) cord of mited yellow fir labwood. , I l'J or mors) aorda of yellow Br bark labwood. ' ; .-- i printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. aaw ntaKCTtco, oau lotrfsmxg. st. mw tosuk. t t. Pot sale by all Draggiitai'rlct 5oc. pet bottle If a woman I once told that she looks pretty when an laughs she appears thrreatcr to be In a state of chronlo hysteria. 1 To b delivered at tba JfoCtur, Shlrety, Aldrrhrook, Adair scbooi bouse. De livery of wood to oommence within five 5 day, and to ba completed within thirty daa after award nf vmitmnt Ily onler of the Board. ' 1 . 11. B. FERGUSON, CVrk. The femiiiida aerver In a caeap res taurant calls herself a waiter girl; the one ln a wealthy family a waltreea. r I IMW ' Clrtlciiraaaas U CutJcmtosa Face Humors Pimples, blackheads, simple rashes, red, rough hands, (ailing hair, and baby blemishes prevented by Cim ct'RA Soap, a sure preventive of in flammation and cloggingof the Pores. M rwmim O. wrVI. mm. Ptea Cat. Oau.rnas,haua. ritilaMa,i If you suffer from troatrnee at faiU ness en th right side, aatoa aaaer the boulder blade, eoBStrpadon. blliouaceaa sick headache and feci dull, beery and sleepy, your liver Is torpid and oon. gested. DeWiu'f Llttl Early Ktser . will cur you promptly, pleasantly and permanently by removing the eongMtton and causing th bile duct to open and flow taturally They ar good ptlla. Charles Rogers. Th, yachting girl will aoon be In her . eivment. This doe not mean, however, that ahe will fall Into the ocean. A CHILD SNJOT8 The pl'-aaent flavor, geml action, and -soothing effect of flynrp of Figs, when la need of a laxative, and If the father or mother ba costive or billon, tha meet gratifying result follow It as; se) that It is the best family remedy know and we rjr family should have a bottle. Bfaan fac lured by the California Fig Byrop Co. 1 w at "kVxTV eVVaV VV V UV J Va J UM9 ITU1 Ut, and has bora ni tZZ&U Allow no one to The Kind Yon Hare Always Bought, and which has been iu uso for over 30 years, has borne the signature of , and has been made under his per ion since its infancy. deceive yon ln this, All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex pertinents that trifle with and endanger the health of ' Infants and Children-Experience against Experiment.' ' What is CASTORIA .1 . . . i . , ., Castoria is a substitute fur Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and. Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium. Morphino nor other Narcotic substance. Its age Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and alhtjs Fcverisbness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panneea-Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS 'Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought .In Use For. Over 30 Years. TMt ecnrauii oomnnt, tt huniiat stiicbtt. ntwvoNii err. (rWvrVYWrVvVMmm m mm ' am m am r rm n m rs ' ' f iHt mm Astoria's Lcadltig Hotel Megler & Wright, Props. Pacific Sheet Metal Works MANUFACTURERS OF Salmon VegetaMe ruit aaaCANB spice ' t and Syrcj" Lithographing on Tin a Specialty." FalruavecvasS. San Francisco, Cal. Astoria, Ore. ' Write U for- Prlee'