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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1899)
! J 5 I & PAIL, AST0R1AN, TUESDAY MORNINU. JVLY II, l&W V Shoe Economy Tro. economy Ilea not In tniylng tit cheapest shoes, but In buying wlmt you gwt th best values for h money xpnlcd. We Handle j BROWNSHOE COMPANY'S SHOES Exclusively, which are unquestionably the BEST SHOE MADE. Duy rt shoes her sod w rlU Hn )vu from M noil to UK M each pair. 13" Soc Display in Window. f THE FAIR, The Place To Save Money 506508 Commercial Street. A C5AMK OP Blind Alan's Buff Tou wilt b playing If yon go hunting around to beat our prion on Bos's Youths' anil Children' Clothing. Our All Wool Cktllor kilts In m'xed Cheviot at O la th lalrst styles for youths and boy art beyond oosnpetitlon In quality at thii pries. Ikitoball wa th diversion of th day for th Journey when th train rsiurned, Sunday at th Smith point ground b. Mr, Tallant put It into a coop anil ttt wcn the Haystack club of Alderbrvost, (o the dvot. tint 11 was not (hipped ami th employes of th can factory. Tn ji in nrxi morning It was turned , gm wia do anil exciting, th cor standing I tn U at th clow of trie Tenth Inning, ft belts necessary to play an extra Inning to Are!, the superiority of the ran fsciory nln, both team had 11 run to their favor an the cha of Wi nlnah Inning. ! It In in be hoped that non of th ,sim wlH t't drowned whll ttatklhsi stiout the street of Astoria today. Tl .mm of Saturday. Had It rm for I r fWfW A(,(rU., inv wnpmvaiit vi an e.-i-i,.,o.iiB.n Providence, who held tack th rxtra hi-avy stw of the great mountain tangrs drained, by tha Cwlumbt. rVirt. Unit woulvl haw NUiMo .-all ujho Antorta rty for th loan or oiai wnn wimn o irji lort rtv tjti.tnir nltiora hi ut Ita atrwU ahih ttwy wry hi th chaistwl olty. Khw In Ilia rlvr. Th xurlonlta wr wry an ilium tu tak lh Mitt a,al with llirm nml hail arrann'M with th coiutui'. tor tor It imiiMgtt In th Iwnuano rar, j ' ami ttt It wa h fl ttohliul w inti. -ily ilu lo th hurry at th tlmo th ' nllior iIiimI, for in th f.'w nlmu. btwvn th arrival of thv ixtrty from ' fh vi.UI ami thiir hirtui f.-r i lr(4tiil. iivr hail to Ih tmI to ttlm Mtlil 4hA Vikulltlwl in 1l. ' wa iloultiv fortiottrn ami now th ihIKoi lll li itiiHml v out itw nmiiy hailtfra of thvlr onlar iMmlm-U'r lo arl off any wWa tUnwir lo thilr BEST - VALUES - If) T(IE - GUY Delineators and Butterick Patterns For Aupst Are Here Albert Dunbar DrVtad Mrw4. Bmw Boor tin at tha Pat Daat ILoant meal, ftialnf So a raauar- aat. all CoanMrotal ttrat L TVw wtM aav trtd th lea tain atrr4 at Uk Parlor aar It la th bt ta tb aty. Knjoy a good aquar mal for la rents at th Denver Kitchen oo Ninth ilratt. Whit cook. Ileal California win S eeota per gal la. Alea Gllbart. aoi axnt for Anna. TauptMcw O. . Crcatn Pur Ry. Amcrica'a Unaal atatkey. The only Hlr food, fuaraa. u4 rk-k and sallow. Jona L- Carlaon. . teaimtU uafaraulieJ rooma, ceotral.y Knjitc4. aultahle fur ofltcva or llviaf rwav, may be had by applying at th Artaa orBca. For Rnt Threa furn ah'd room, on ground flik.r, loltabl fr UglK house- kelng. centrally located. 411 Exchange atreat, near Ninth. Kelly's transfer wagons deilvar bos uod ta say part, of ta city as aaort auUca. . AM orders left at Zapfs turnl- tar. jler. CO Commercial street, win raralTa prompt attaaitoa. Telephone KM. lUntalna In new and second band heel, from S DP. New and DrstJlasa heels kpt for rent. Sol agaots for ir famou Rambler. Repaira and aur drlea at lowest rate. Columbia Eleo trios I Repair Co., S3 Bond. Harper whisky on. your idoard prove your last is correct It proves also that you are doing your duty to your guest and to yourseU-keepIng the Inest whisky trainable. Sold by Foard ft Btoke. Company, Astoria, Ore. Th new Creamery Restaurant. Bond street, near th alley between 11 th and Uib street, serve the best S-cent meal aver set oix la Astoria. aTveryihlna; I aw. neat and clean, and absolut satis. taction Is gnarantaad all patroaa. During tbta fine weather la th tteie to secur a good supply of wood to aeasjn for winter use. Th Astoria Wood lard Company la now ready to furnish any quantity of extra fine yellow fir s-abwood from the KnappUn mills. Bend in your ord-s. The Chinese, who know more about (In- irks than ll the rest of us put together, -choul.l be plttled for not having a Fourrh of July on which to K them off. t. at TRT ALLEN fl FOOT-EASE, A powder to be shaken Into the aboes. Tour fiet feel swollen, nervous and hot, and gel tired easily. If you have smart. Ing fM or tight shoes, try Allen's Foo Ease. It roots the feet and makes wai ing etuy. Cures swollen, sweating fast. ingivwlng nails, blisters and callous spot Relieves corns and bunions of all pal and gives rest and comfort. Try It tc ay. &ld by all druggists and shoe stores cems. Trial package free. Address Allen Olmsted. La Roy. N. T. The man who generally goes to sleep in cbureh will not advocate the remov al or feminine heudwear la places of wonrhip. Beplumed hats are a grea protection from the eye of the minister. TODAY'S WKATHBR. IV Ir weather; warmer. A vMonary filtm In lite imiiI h.m oolueil ih itani of I'nona. altlih h hot to hav ad toxl a Iho tim for th I'tilted ttiate and l'mi to ili'nat Anvrtcans. The name In nuU iii from th i rt k'tters of tlw worl. I'nlt. etl Hbttva of Morth Anieiiea, ami liia r itiirant for sutwtituting tills ivlltliin br that of America Is thai th proiM of the I'nlled tt hv ito nior r k'n lo tlw exoliwlw u of the name Amrrloa than wimlil th tlerntans h.i (liouUt thvy attntim to monnHili W right to u. the name Kiiimp and Kurean as a hither drtljroaiton for their country. He argiion that th evii of Cauaila and Muliv areas uniWi Americans .as ar the (Hinil o( n t'nltrU Htatrs. The) may be, atrK-kly )ikliiK eivii.iUo.illy, but to the world they ur not Aim-rUuns ami never will be, ntiK- sujn of tn times aty Tltli-d and thi-y Amer k'ana as have th Liiuistuttttti. tiaji It. N. WrUht. Prvtwir Pin com. California. IUiiA,w iw.o ill, ...a i.ry hUy m-jmi-ndJ and will no ,h, ,Vr H..ti 1)0 nuv, 0)nu Ulull.r l.iuht .untaln th high standing of In rtw ,hWtl,r(llf llf ,, Am,,l(lll rand oll blnl other pi pie of the Western hiniii-tilri- wlh to bevan Americans It k pommo that chi lr wlsb may 1 gratUUU filing their apiillcatkin with I'inW aim. F. P. Kendall returned rim a short nip to th Sound yetneliy. WtiH there h atNMth'd a meeting of th Paottlo Xorta e.' n Aiwoetatlon ami Induced the avltlon to hild tWr anniml athletic n-oel In Anuria this year. This will b on th,. Ith f Augiint. th Atturday pr vlous to th Montlay that th regatta i'omnincc. and Mils nnika It a I moot cruln they will fy ov?r for th latter evtnl. lW Aure th new A. F. O. grv'UthU la one of th main Mttractlons it duv ing fhe n to w her, they botng ahUe hfr th gucme of -th A. F. C. At ttwi nxs'tlng of the school board ys t rlay orn Kin Profeor V. V. Tain, of ttan Dieiro, Oal., was rlextd prln.Htal of th Mature school to nil th vacancy iud by the resignation Professor W'J T 1 1 IC li K K HI VK. ' rt,, c,,5r- ,H h". r,r ,h. T . SU-" Aw iVA,t beta Prlnd1 ot uf ", ar pretty brod and If th. sj.i l.-o si-mvus out la su'iv"" m tirtU;id at prew'W. and is expected to Wait this city om day this week. Th I tnl aliu elixred John Riley to tho Jani. tonhlp of the Shlvely sxbooL AROUND TOWN. Wanted-tllrl for general housework. Apty at Duane street. A lOiUe of Redi-a will be organised at Cattkanl umxrow night. A drink fit for an editor Rann U-year. old whlky. Lee Herriug sells It. The Astorta Rowing club has divided Ito 4!lv their excunrton to Flavrl on nuctit next iwrek. ftlrs. CiUilltame. the kwifidf. h. vrv k1n.ll offerrd th I Sited. Mra Hullluuie. tlir.mitti F W i - - i.. Th tvurd of dirwtors of th row list club held a special mnHing last niti: bill Hut buirincw of intervsi via National beer kills th un heat. Herrini; keefs It at the National. Lee Just right for the pn.pushers. Zack's o)-ters and tarn ales. 473 Commercial. Try th restwurant store. 'Boston.-' In town. Newest, cleanest Opposite Cooper's Th tt-ank-hip State of California ar rived In Sunday morning and left up th river. The Lao mm left out Sunday morntng srhrat kulen for Queensuwn or Falmouth for order. Born Ist evening, to Mr. and Mrs. Ejniri Alcrav a W-pound son. lilotlvr jnd child doinj wed . Workmen ar busy on a plledrtrer. which Is being built In this city, for Tom Taylor, of Tongue Point. L L-bei k flni.'hrd yestrday th of raising A. V. Allen's warehouse up 18 Inches and putting In a new foundation. I'ntil further notice I will pay U cents a pound f butter fat, delivered st any depot or ik.rk In Astoria. T. B. Townsend. The regular monthly meeting of the ladies' guild of Grace church will meet this afternoon in the vestry room at I X o'clock. us of the Hotel Flavd for one evening to the dub and their guests, and al though the datr haa Jiot yet been fixed. It l given out that rlie xcursion will be given on nmht sh'M .week. Th bowling .alleys at th hotel will be placed at th .i-H-Mil of th pleasure seekers, and th main txilKtlng wilt tv Uurowu open IT Jiiving. A first das orcheatra will be taken along from this city, and the club expects a very enjoyable evening. The athletic feature for rega:tu sreek promi to far ellp those of any pre vious rigHtta. Portrand Is preparing to tuke a Ir tJ ng part In these games and ill Iw don In force, as ths fotlowing from yestenUy's Oregvinlan Indk-atea: Nun that th P. N. A. has de nltly rtxd th pla of m-Hlng at Antorta tils comlij fall and that Trainer Billy ilcLeod la twine aic'aln. th out door track mn will begin to gt Into conditln .in. I the various city clubs will encourage thim accordingly by putting the tracks il l strauthraarxys iu shape. Th ranks uf athlets will tv rtMenlshed by the teairn of the sturly i)re;on boys from Manila, so that the Sound, with U al iridy well quipped and trains teauns, ill mrt fo-nin worthy their steel at the city hy the sea this fall." Stbtunlay's reception jras another of th miny tlm-s that the Astoria Military band made no iarge for furmahlns; th music Many of the members are so employed Hi at the loss of time was rharned sgulnst them and thus It was a Keen, III manager, tender M Ih ux .v the Hotel Fiavel for on cvmiiiK some, t.nw boforv July S, to the club It Is needle to -ay th very gem rous offer as acvcptel. and all that remains for the club to arraiig Is to so th railroad coniiany tabout rates and il.tlii.iiJy de cide on in ev.vilag for th It la thoutstit trat th 1MII.- lomnien-ul ciub biwlera will be her some day next rck, and If they shiHild (, th rxcur. -non will be arranged so that the !ulu- bowlvrs can ktr.Ktwte In the excursion. aj the bowling alleys at the h.'tel haav also been placed at the disposal of the . lub snj the A. F. C. K wirs will cm pete at that place with the Pall i team. Aihlf-'l IHilJn was present at th mft. lug and kmJly prVMHit, ,1 . mi of a it houa Si' mi. rxplaliilux th plans and g.v- ing an ktcm.aej bill of alul S.iau f.-el of lumlier, th building hen cimiiipd costmg about i&i 8-veral tiUU were re. clved to build a b.ial h.ius. but th contra't was not awarded. The menaliers. howvr, ar cotll le it tltut tn a very short tiru urk will b m.nin-nil. and rnrly next month th boat tuum will b sn assured fact. C. O. Taylor, th NVhali-m mallcarrler. as arrested last evening by Chief Hal. hwk and Polk iMIli-er Kimtatll, on 4he charge of cruelly to anlmiiN, ami his cuso will tie attended to this afternoon In the p. Sic court. There Is no excuse for such liruiallly as this f'U low has praiilred on Ms luirses, but It Is safe lu assume thai after the law gnts through wUh him this tlmr hr will tra Ik vA Iridic silk capes, trimmed with lace, J-t and ril'tHHia, full sweep; bl qimllty Ilk tx lict. prli-s tS ,, 13 W, g to lo tW ach. lasillca fuil.-y mixed dress sklits, four yards wide, well llnrd and .VWrn tkiuml. each ....lieu Iridic large sise whltv aprons, ambroid, ery trlnHiied. each &V l.i. lies white underxklrtsi best auallly muslin cambric, rum. each K tridies corset oover mbr.drv trimmed, ach , 17c ft iL-.--s--'o-.Xi U.tlra 1wn Bhll WabM, sn 'irol.lrry Itisrrllng: best quality laws, -..-h II OO Metier grades al II K and St . , Udles WMIs Ptqu and Kn.tirulitery and wslti, full flaring skirt, neatly trimmed, with Inserting; with plaekst buttons, wld hemmed; prlifi fl II . II TS. lo W saok. UiHim slik sea) plurh raiva, alaborsl Irminird with braid and l, best quU l;y ihlbsf fur; fltrs full sweep, price C, Ilia, tlsn ts.otMi.fc. I oil m' summer mfawl. full regular made, duubls sisyid, such ,.,....3k' Iri.lies' heavy Jiy nlav.l veal, ' h tSt Iri.llr Mimttler slrrvrlsa veal, wwlts, wottli U eeuta raih, special prlc aai-fc wt y .ton Shanahan Bros. 576-580 Cominercinl Street. loss to ih-m to atti-nd the rei'eaitlon with frtls nurses with more consideration her. the tiand. Their music did much to en liven the reception and banquet and the citizens of . Astoria should fed under many obligations to the band boys and glv she band a heliung hand whenever an opor.unlty presents. Had th band In-sl.-sted on being paid there smul.l have ben no music at uh reception, fi r th Wanted-Poekluo In s grocery store ty commute were without funds, ss the Zark Is doing a big business these days with bis tamale and oysters. Too are mfcwing a good thing If you don't try hem.. 471 Commercial street an experienced young man. Speaks two languages. First class references. Ad dress Alfred Hlllston, Knappa, Or. The committee having In charge the reception of the editors request that all bills be presented to either Chairman Welch or Secretary Graft on Monday. The Prael Transfer Company took down an jxprata wagon to anJe Sun Cay and commenced yesterday to do a ranefer business at that popular resort. Lost Friday evening. June 30, an M. A. A. C. pin, marked with the Initials E. B. and A. E. M. Fln.lT please leave at Astorian office or lo Mien Eugenia Lewis. Juck Trembath has resigned his p-ml- fon at the Occident and will leave at once for Oregon City. Fred Norton, who is a sutveas as a -nlxjloitlst, takes his place. The Chamber of Commerce met last Ight and as there was no business of Importance to iv transacted, the chamber djourned un;U Friday evening at 8 clock. Cbinawarc 1 If it's W-Datc Chlnaware you want Try Brlsericaii Isiiortiiif Tea Co' Ue 100 Stores That Why Quality Good Prices to Reasonable PI Oagsogrejai 8t, Astoria. Jotin Haisen. wlio for th past three years has motored on the street cars, quK yest' rday, and hereafter will try his hand at firming on his ranch on the Walu.ikl. Wa-tw consumers are reminded that Monday, the 10th Inst., will be the last day oi which water rate can be paid to avoid the penalty of 25 cents additional charge to the regular rates. The st?aner Grace Dollar srrlved In from San Francisco Sunday nsxht whh over 20 tons of miscellaneous freight for this city. A few .passengers also got off here. She went up the river the same night expenses that were absolutely nrcearary had far exceeded the amount at rhelr tHsposal. Astoria has as good a band as any tosn In the siate outside of Portland and It Is wonchy and should bav every I ers-ourairement possible by th citlsens of this city. A gime of baseball, which promls to eclipse In mteret tti recent game be- wv.n the fats and the leans, Is to be pullfd off soon In Portland. It will be a battL petween the Methodist preacfiers of rhal dty and the cfty dad. The pro. ceeds of wlikih w g0 t0 mfl oretjon vol. unteer monument fund. The Telegram has glie following to say about the game: "Ex-Mayor Pennoyer will be requewted to umpire the game If he can spare the time. nd s he has probably nearly sue- ci-eded In r"i-.n-iling arming In Oregon wjtri th.- 'ruinous gold Stan. lard.' he will pnabaWy have the time. To add tn. terest to the contest, two prises will prob ably be hung up-the enforcement of the 1 o'clmk dosing ordinance and the dis continuance of the back-door closing cru. aade. The mniters feel that they should win, as they have rlghievusness on their Me. aid righteousness usually prevails. The city fathers, on the other hand, have a pull that Is as powerful as the right eou.inejia of the cloth, and they hop to win on the strength of this. The- Tt..rthwlck Lumber Company's tug, 4r. Some hav sold that he is not so moxh lo blame as many believe, aa the roads between her and Nchalem are In such a shao that a hurse traveling them carrying a man ami a heavy sack of mall is sure to get hurt. It Is said this man has adrmdy five horse, and truat, being s pour man, he can not afford to buy a new hjrue every week, and su he Is com pelled to ride th horses he already has, no nutter what thetr comhtlon may be. This hi the other siil of the story, but If he did not know what sluipe the roads would be In the past winter, and Che consequent demand on horseflesh When he took the contract, that iu his fault, and he should bav bbl.len high enough so us not to kill bis horses off in order to leave s profit for himself. That the lab- rer I worthy of his hire Is never more true than In the rase of that nutil animal, th horse, and when they ilnmam! so little In return for a van amount of labor, a man I Indeed ungrateful If he 111 not treat them with some considera tion. me criticisms have Jieen Indulged In hy a few persona In regard to President Van Dusen's arbsfed slight In not rev. ognlxlr.g the city press mid tho Push i-lnb snd other organisations in making up the recoptlon committee to greet th visiting editors Saturday. The; facts tn ithn case are mat be made up a list I'EHSONAU alKNTION. L A. Conn Is :n town today. C. W. Fulton I In Portland tlay ,N. inner, th lil. and Clarke tier, r In th city. J. P. Paul, of Nahctta. arrived In the ity on last night's train. (!. W I'nllup a railroad man ot Tren ton. MVi. , Is In Astoria today. Mrs. It twt st, of Wralp-Tt. was ,n Astorta yrsterdsy making purchases ( the city mn-hrats. Miw Urs.-e tleynolits left Sumhiy mornuig for I'oriland, hr ah will vis. t rl.itive for sum tune. T. II ilman. rli well known I'nPtland under ak-r, aniunpanlrd by his wife. iia.uei tnreiKh Astoria niimiay, oouiu for Heasi I. Miaa Mary K. Hmtth left last evening f r H-itlle. where she will aiieinl six e.-ks at the hum uf Ji'r aiust. airs. Jumc Myers. Mrs. M. P. CWIIen.K-r. of Koataiton ta in ih city spending a few days with her laughl T. Mrs. George C. Fiavel and Iter liiiak'hrer-in.laiv, Mrs, C. II. Callen.ler W. II. Iluir'er, "tknkil M Pap," wl h is been i-iinn-x-trd with the HI. Charles hotel, was In the oily yesterday. II has a position wltn Ih 1.iii li.) hotel a id leave loilay for thai place. K II. Hansen, who has Isren an emvl. nl .'lerk In C II. I ouper a stor. left yre- tenlay for tVattle, wlx-r hr will spend a wwks holiday with friends, after wrhlrtl he will return ro Portland to lake s, ai. si lion with Olds A King. Mra W. Carey Johnson, of Oregon City, nmhrr isf Half and NHIo Johnson, of this city, accoimaxntrd by Miss Taylor and Mr. Tai'lor, of Th lailles, ram down on the tlatxcrt Halurday and went tv til mouth of the river with trie- edl. turkil excursion, rwturnlttg to Portland k st n lgil. P. fl. Sharpie's Cream Separators I.ttlsynt at ml llcstt. I - q : FISHER BROS. 1 - - - i (icncral Supply House fur Family Groceries. Builders' Heavy and Shelf Harduiare, Ship Chandlery, Etc. RHAL ESTATE TIUN8FRI18. Thomas I.l'iillle In I.. II. Hunting. Ion. sheriff's deed, June 3X, lt; kit 7. I.I. ms, 3. MiS'lure's Astoria . II. S4 I nil.. I States bi tVi.nrk-s Nir. lairk. June TO, IKtl; llil) sy res In sec. 24 and see. i'.. Hi I n r III w 9ll I't'lted Hta i-s to Michael kenney. June 21. le'i. s e V. sec tp 4 w r r 11 4110 THE IH'NIHtEl) YEAH CM II. A llutiilriil Year Club hs b-en organ. Ised. The object Is lo study ths condl. Uons whk'h promote kmgevtly, Aft'T much study and rcsu-rn Its mnml-rs nnh-t arrive nt the conclusion that the of thirty mimes beside h twentyone 0"lv lsstsime wuy to attain Inajf IK s to person constituting the regular statusing nk,' ,h" "' rr'' health, ; B'ltri, sail reception committee of the chamber of P1"1 "-specl. we pr.ent the ttutly of commerce and had badges p tin lev I for each. . The expense a. -counts for the re ception piling up so fast, ilr. Van Pusen declikd to save postage, expecting to personally notify ea person and deliver their 4aik;e to rhem. In the hurry preceedlng Itie reception Mr. Van Jitisen M. Ilelshaw. while making up a tow of Ihavlng a multitude of the details to two loaded scows of woud and lumber, at ;.)Me. 8niurday night getting ready to urinit mem uown the river, loosened three b.ail-s on Ivr profK-ller snd they fell off Into the river. She made the trap to this liy, however, with the one remaining blade .without her tow. and vesterdsv was on the ways at the Astoria Iron Wotks having new blades put on, he gtiUngoff with last night's tide and going look after, faled lo get to sue nH Um llostetter's HiKtnaim Hitter for ronsKfera alkin. This Is a tonlo Air one of the most vlial orgun of life the stomach. For fifty year It hn cured constipation. In. dlgwtlon, dyspepsia, biliousness, weak liver ami kidneys. It makes strong stom. ichs, rich red blond, and striidy vigorous nerves. If you accept a siitislituie don'l expeis. it ui cure like llostetter's Hitters, R: L. Bovle & Co , , . : - . - - lcncllnc lien I HHtotc Dealer of ASTORIA; OREGON Writt) for Inftiriiiiitiiiii nml Pfiniiiltix M.'i Comnu'it in) Stm l I ASTORIA iVEAT COMPANY Telcphon No. tlj Handles Only the Choicest Meats 4l Csssswrclal St., asit Palae HssImim.1. State Normal School MONMOUTH. OWKf.ON. Training School for Tawchsra. New Building New Deportments Ungraded Country School Work. GrailualfH Si-cnre iUuA J'li.sliions. departmenss. Normal eunrss. STRONO COtjnBS-WU squlppH t raining quickest srsl bstst way to tW Cr titles ts. Expenssi for yar from flit ts tl: llogrd UM is U nar .a- s,i... im per tsrm of ta wsek..; Flail tens begins . Beptsmbar IDthl Hummsr trm Jsn, M w i"' a- r ranauogu aaunw p. I. CAUPtiri I. U1. r W. A. WANff. See Of rseulty. ssell? Automatic Engine Hi persons on his list, and two or three ,n'" P-'vale revenue stiunp covers he did see he fotgot to give ttu-m their badges. He expected the morning of the re-pL;n that he would be able to complete his Hat, but through their ab sence or his again fulling to see them. he was unable . to do so. Mr. Von Dusen regrets very much that the neck of the bottle. If a teli'iihono girl becomm engniteil every ring she receives there will be trouble. IS IT RIGHT. John D. Carriifan has accepted a situa tion as night clerk at the Parker house. August Lc-saelus, who formerly hail the posit .n, Is working on the steamer As. torla, wh1i Is t-lng repaired at Parker's boat ywrd on Young' bay. For an Editor lo Recommend Patent Medicine? From Sylvan Valley New, Brsvrad, N t!. It may be a question whether th editor tv. was unable to notify sll the persons ba-k to Gobie. The 'Borthwkk Comnanvlon the reception committee and had no are very busy Just now, there being four Id'-a of slighting any person, or public loaded scows svt Goble waiting for a orgar.lratilon, for his list embraced tow at the time the accident happened. I members of the Push club, the city and Sutvlav the Sadie R heoii-. A I .,.,,,, Affi(aala anil baiilln hnslneau men scrws, loaded with m oords of wood for The IM printer) In the city papers last ""Paper hai fh right to publicly Che Association s canneries, and Day Friday purporting to 1 the reception rn"n"l ny of ths varlou. propriety Hr,ys'. dredger, and 2W.W0 feet of lumber committee wa not jubllnhed by Mr. """"cme which flood ths msrget, y.t a for Fort Canby. Today ths barge VlgU Van Dusen's orders and While the names Pvn'v of iufferlng we feel It a lant will b ik,wn with amis . i i.. -i,, ih. nt mi nn hi. n. n auty l od word for Chamber tu ... .. e.. I. . . . ' v' 1 "- -- li.i. c.ji ra.i... ..a m . .. on McninH oer to sUPDiy their vsrrt Wi ahl. -1... -Iam . (hum mil m.., -.iwe,. .,iln onu ienin, are wen 2flf reiephone kiIh to lie used In h e v . t. I IU t I ni7ai i y c .x i - n r- a sv , .vis - r -IU V- - A I 1 n 1 PROPOflAI-8 FOn FORAGE BEDDING. ilnL, U", 1I1 . .. , ... 1 . . ,c .... wln(f Weu structsin or the tHimn line between up. and the foundation nlocly laid for W-arrenton ami Fort Stevens inv outer, tney will protxiljly not be e,....., ...uxiieu iiore one nrst of I Th. edit-. .... f?. R" Pra",.and Ha"y Hamb- tort, masc.4 to Insure rhelr Ze TrrZ ex wi.i..vui7 im two nouses when com. home but ihi,.,n . .,oi.. niMni . I "' Km on some- pieteo. y nn.'a mrt ll n,. . . ..... . . . f 1 aooara tnelr 1 I train, and vn. left tn . A. McPharlan - has the contract ' lot rflsherman Saturda w.,,. , -.'... bulWIng a balcony on th front of the which he had .fhi m hi- .. .'' dty hall to replace the old one which It to E. A. Tallant. Mr. Tallant offered was badly rotted, and for putting s new the little seal to some of the editors roof on the shed on the east side of the vlsltlnir hi. canrrerv .ho. eh.... ibulldln?. e commenced work yesterday aoceot It until cn.iM,. .hi 1, si.v 1... .t. . , .... "'ainmers "" "K" "" or inc 01 rnetr party. On their srH.-t b ock. The outside of the city ball will side It was dwidwl . . n... 1., . , . I " -- ai. . . """"' lne contraot lanrs girt, and C. W. Fufton feler,.h. .. .aa .a . Iain's Colic, Cholera snd Diarrhoea Ram. edy. We hav known and used this medi cine In our family for SO year and have AND always found It reliable. In manv raae. a doss of this remedy would save hours of luffcrlng while a physician Is awaited Wa do not believe In depending Impllctly on any medlcln for a cure, but wa do bollcve that If s bottle of Chamberlain's Diarrhoea Remedy were kept on hand Office of C. Q. M., Vancouver Barracks, Wash., July 8, 1Ki9. Sealed proposals, In triplicate, will be received here until 11 o'clock ,a. m., August 8, ITO, and then opened,, for furnishing forage and bed. and administered at the Inccotlon of n ding at the several military posts In this ,,Uck mtlch iUffcrng ml(5nt tyoli(,a lU-parfment. for fiscal year ending June an(j . ,. M.M (j,, .... A- .. ivn- irwormauon luroisnra ncr or Dy a physician would not required. Al qiiarterm&sier at mm. v. H. reserves right to reject or sccept any or all pro posal or any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked; 'Proposals for forage snd bedding at least this has been our sxperlenes during the Past JO year. For sal by Charles Roger. Babies are brought up on the bottle - v-rr i v - A"r : Write for Cutnloguoa of Engine Boilers; Faw Mills. " KUSHELL & CO., ' Portland, Orfjeon. A. II. AVKRILL, . Manager. SAINT PAU1 w ID MRI 11ICE COMPANY hT. PAUL, MINN., JAN. Cnjiitnl . . , . Itoflervo for Unoarnoil Prt'iniuni RpHcrve for nil Other LiitliiliticH Not Surplus over nil JJiihilitics It, I8()Q, t 600,000.00 1,0 7 222,091.07 781,888.78 12,623,1,87.72 Total Assets PACIFIC DEPARTnHNT. -" SAMUELELMORE & CO. Agents, CHARLES CHRI8TENBBN, Manager, B. OOODWIN, Assistant Manager, for that has not yet been let li a. . t . - e-- , ...o OUo..eU ....m. and men are brought down by the same - I ' nnuil. 1.1 na. .... ..... I 1 . . I ... . . . r , J, W. J ACtJIWI, U. V). M. mean. 317 California St., S. F., Qtl. Astoria, OreKon