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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1899)
r - .- j. riiK DAILY ASTOIUAN, TUESDAY MOJt&IXG. JULY 11, I8i JOHN T. UOHTCR. tdlt. Tel.pkf M. TERMS 0 lUKICIIrTION DAULT tint by Mil. year feat r ML r mMI I by aa 1st. Mr aib .... Kui-wnucti. ' aM salt, Mr rar. M mtmuw.. JIM Al M lMM be aredel te lb ell. MMMVNt T UBH HUM mm lNM -T aVte-a dm re Itwr- lanrsat mMUM at M e--ir..aabnakt Ue Cra- nt MC M K 5 , TIDRTABLK-i-Jil-; 1833. - U. WT a. av h r. -va.ft. HATE c, iit iff rrTsm.rr"" 1 1 n lull ijiwiiliaii ... lfc4i II U .. kllUII in 4i 4m-i, Ull l tMtll II IS tit I ! J IS! II Th .J. H,u,iJ iae-l MOB Tua Wad .to I.IW I4llilc lt w I I ,.liil-ll lift 1(1 1 Hi 7m i II ; r-M I ! R! H i I H ! J ! Fn .Y.m uullHil 'Wwf I'iUHi at IIM7I l4MtUi 4 e ...l2 U i I V H M 11 IW I Ml. kof, ...m4ltii; Ta ...ID I I J II till inn 1 4a I M lou III 1 1 lax II r ...m.niJ U ,'! 41 9: I 111- I Ml II m ....ih IMlt an Tba ratwnr Mat ot lit rarin la fbalr nrorm t ch lb Importatluo Amrri tn food product! tnto Orrtnany aaturullr attract mora thaa ordinary anrntlaa .t Hm prcaaat eondutoo -V our trad whh lb Omnu Ennilr. Thai lb trade, balaofa aa brrwaan ll CBllai mwa od 0-any la ocavlly la raaar af nar torot hat bra rctxat rdlr twMIhI yr n trraury ata. Wln. But fh Infurmratlon (rlanl by the trruurjr court through ru- toma Iwuva, and U thrfo lm-ompM'. It dM oat revar Hw rntlr 6VU1 our anam4al aackaava wlrh oaraMsy. Aa a aiattar of fait, our trad bakuw acaleat OVrmany la much hravlrr than the aatlmatra flv-n out fcy our own j trcawry .ovoartmeot. af r the aerKtary of tka ln4re ef 0naay. Count on PoaadmrakT, hi tha rnar of th r'lfh lac "f FAmary laaL Awordlnc 0 latar lnvllfalona of the Imperial eUtlWXi 91I bureau the aicnia of lnrna. late Grraaaay rom the United fltetM, aa compare with (he rport of Germany to the UnltM BtitM In twt. amounted to Ul.0U0.noi) mark., or 1131,1.- la iavor of the United gta. It U Uo abewn fcn the Oennaji ofovlal oiamo randtant of lrd. balanoe, a tranalatton of whv haa btn forwarded to WaMi Inrwo by ihe.ervood arcxeury of our I'- elfl at Berlin, that tin lmprta from the t'nltrd Btatr to Germany In 1 how. aa loorveae of MXOUO.CM) over Im port! lln IWJ. wbll.4ha esporta from Oertnanr to- the UnKa Statea . for tha aanv txTlod ahow a deeraae of I17.0M, ono. Nerar before baa more beeti rroporti'd Into Oarmany from tha United 8tatr Uian In UW. and only onoa during the UK W yara- ha Germany exported Ua to thia country than in 18W. Nutwltrwtandlnc the faot that -the portiKlon of rioda 10 tha Unltft Blatea for the A rat quarter of tk ahow air n rreaM. of about due mainly to a la fit exportation ot ' eurar, H I not prahl that the OermaR export for tha year will rwt tho at Ufi, even thouKl) the fullowlna; .quarter mould ahow a trrfllar.jnereaM, It la la fact one of the moat Kretlfyln featura ot our foreign trade relation that Germany continue to be one of our h earl HI cuirtomerf in TiU, of the peralatent agrarjAO MKatlon. It l;i elae rMKylnt to know that there I no twoapert of the' relatione being rilaturbed by hortlle k'glelaitlon. The agflouUural depart mept ha ,urd a 1ulle41a treating of ah probable eucia of the effort of Ihe department to eeteb- llf the Bmyrna fig inihiatry In CaJIfor. rla. It appoar Ihai the rulliog of the Smyrna fig" la dependent upon the Intro. ducfron from Southern Burop and th I 11 tL l! I I -II I. . . I I f i luivi lHi.n iw i n RMrnU'i i n "a n i' i ixrw 1 1 1 1. aw m 'w. am i i a T.MiiiiiMii'ix:-'.iuK! K1 H-Jkiil HCJ .45if 46 rA-1 Wai ..5? IMIl l.l lt w J i lmHriml tovrni Bsa ihw-lr fir-rmin. II y U aV w. v. " bM air . Ill.N' V ... ri1M.J 44,IM lMl14;ilHI ,n .vmmrnl! rank." ! JL. WJL 4aa ' 'l'jM i-lST -" ' I' "it lrsdH ,w.rrZ,;u. was the first maker of ' TKMiA cr"apK bauakck aa.nCT -"' sticks of soap for sliav- lfeln:$5fi?"i; GERM A NT. ,,hl" '"" 'W ' T) C VV j 1'-. 3 NIh Amm( MMIwa.f A JlltJ in. 1 iieM JrvltMi fertiliser (he fig. ExTWTlrnen. I tal Irrodiit-tten of th insect arere there- tiwn'ieganji kgte of tlieu brought I 11 the ,tr , , awnia. ui jannituni n,, g - , t dln( r(y)m th close.. Qor p bM rowing I . rir-IU, IIHMIIIB LIM, I ,r WieD AT Hie I I exiwri mental work a jnccee, Ttie bulle. I bowel to remain, .the entire system Is tin adds: "Since th. irneet ha. main- '"IT 'V f"1' I regulate Ihe bowel. Try them and you taineo vtm pr an entire year there la 'will CANCERI&DEADLY! f,ii, r,M?f N l!, V Tbis fatvrful lir;ii often firs nppoara iowwitj rtjianj U rk.i3 "j IIM,ro K-nU-h. a tumilo. or lump in C.... r,.l f Tew I brwwt. too wniill to attmot any SS ULll 01 I Ell A notice, until, in rnar.y crwwt, the dwully r ii-! diismse is fully ilevelojwjd. CuTB PCHOll 21 LSStt Omcor can not be cuml by & surgical operation, because tho tliso.t-m in ft virulent poison in the blood, circulating throughout tha system, nnil Although Ue eore or ulcvr known as Ue CWw-may bo cut away, the poison remsius in the blood, and promptly bnMika out afrwu, with renewed viofo noa. " ' The wonderful miocess of 8. S. S. in curiug olwtinftto, deep-awtcd blood diiirtu which were oonsidorod inourHble, induced a few do- r'ruiir Hufferer to try it for LVnoor, aftr exh;uistini tho skill of physicians without a cure. Much to their delight S. S. S. proved qua! to the dLseaM and promptlr etTectod a cure. The glad news spread rapidly, ana was soon uenwusu-iucu beyond doubt that a cure had at lst been found for drdly Gincer. Evideneo has accu mulated which is incontrovertible, of which the following is a specimen : . "Ckoorr it hacaditiiry in our family, tar futlwr. iater ad u aunt haTioc diea) from thi draiiful My foaling may be lm;inad rtbia diaMia) maJa IU arpnuh-w on mj txM. It u a nuJituuit Caoorr, eating inwardly in och way u to eaoM ct alarm. Tba diantM aremed bvyaod tho kill of IM daoUra. for their treatment did do ewd wtatanr, th Cancrr jrrowing www all the while Kumeroua rvmediaa wrre uxi for it. but the Oanorr . - .jii. nniil it mmtumI that I waa dtxinwd f. j.n .C. V. ik. .mil fnr when inherit 1. I to adriaed to try Swlffi Spariflo (S S.8A which. fnm the flrat day. forced out the roto. I continued it use until I had taen ight.n bottle, whon t wit cured Miund and wall, and hare had no frmriwnw of the AT..itr.i .m.rrinn h.inch miPT tmi hare elaMed. 8. S. 8. la the only cure for Ckncrr. VIh. S 1L loou W inrton, Our bx.k on Cancor, contniuing Infernwtion. will be sent free to Comiiuny. Atlanta, Georgia. rraaun to uiw thai II l!l tontlt'w to htJ. nl that CalKJrnu in l!if future will be alW t' pl..- a t uiv n (ravjuncv In the wild crui' for siM to ouMo iti othrr In a cuntvst In ahii h neither lake p.irt exf-JK to the ex'-nt of paying che bills. It Is money first aiwl lrt a Ijiis aajr aftvrward. l:ailj an- odLluovd ahoatug "how much larg er each of tha eoovpetiton Ii than any prevloua ymrM. how mu.-h more tall It rarrtee, hnw morn faier it U elected to be. h"W much mr It cost." "The whole future of the raillna; ya-hl hinges on the queeiLm that after five year or hkw ie auMivntly as far from a aoiu. tloa aa ever hall y.le he hullt eolHy : fori rein:, or hn ihey h vullt for ! yaehtlng and ue,l for raring within mo,)-' erile are) reinnVle llmil.lonllr Another pronhwy, although made In , j-t. haa tieen more than fuifilled. The t OVmlc Alm.inaek. prlnte.1 in K. quoted from an irpochrvphal American inner. 1 "Fail of Nlagare-4'ongrem haa poed a reeolutjcn that a premium ehouW be ' iffred for a marhlne by which the falla of Niagara might be retiderH portable, to afTorl thoe permna who live at a dli"lance rtie orp"rtunlty of viewing them al their own hoiieea." y mean of the ' vltavMpe and th phonograph the falla 1 can tie een and the roar heard in any I port rf the world, and better than that, ! the power I being distributed to run ma-' chlnery In variola eec:lofi-if the noun. ' try mil? awny from the falla!" "' 1 ' wll i h-nl I "0 Oaard." j When dioeane I T shoot the first arrow Ihe truly All , wiec man win n come inntanlly nn frn.rrl II. the attack. He lr will not henilr.te until the full k t .. a: un! death oonw muhinf about him. i P1" woen a man tx-irm to feel "mil r win orU," when hit appetite U failing nnd hi P'.a rnergy I niH up to the mark, whi n he ua i Ha biliou attacka nd a feeling of latitude '0,n iiv-,.-Miy, ii ne ib wme, ne win cuko Chd ui- i-ierse (Haen Medical Dlacovcry right away. It will bring bin ai lite back I again, and what i more it will hrinir hack hi dtgewive power. It will g-ive all the '! aaaimilativa function! the ed and newer i to extract abundant nourishment from the 8 tttiit k f. ; 1 1 . l m. win niBBe kovu, voce, i ner, health- htooH .nd .A I. i,ll I 1 mmi, i.i. ...I... a ...i.. i. I ''erl organ and timue of the bod v. It will hut "? Ue.h on hi lione and force in Ilia muaclea: j all ii win give mm (irenfftD ana courage ana cue cneeriulne.., in a word it will five him complete ncalth. It excrete from the avstem even nar. ' tlcle of dead, uaelcas, flabby tisaue. It 1 even reduce the weight of the corpulent ! fl -an at the same time that it builds up hfUp and whooping cough readily yield JTJT" woTktna ' The weight j to On- Minute tWh Cure. Use this .&oinvitl mtvmi ni thoinghlv what pugili.u call ' fighting weight." 'tly ,hopei, to expect that meal will be bountiful a house " Want But Llttte Hare Below." ny allowing me accumulation In the the t.ure a I way ua them, Charle Kofera. wn.-n ina nor- KUl K. 1DOU I kiviw how d(JlT Cknovr U. fKPCcillllT N. C other testimonials and valuable any aUOress oy me bwui opecino What .1 '.- ! ' lnl' 'il.l N .iv. i n t!i! rhl If nvr nll i :v:'i.:u; b:i o ,-vu.J alTtKil. tablished over yairs. I in., trf 'men" .-t iiuiuon:., Is mv. nv ;rinic i.ul h.' mvir It makea no difference n ead the wound If jrou use DeWltt'l Witch Haael Salve; Ii mill quickly heal and lean do car. Charle Roger. A reirsereioe over the bureau diwa h4 : wn to aiorur mik'h good lurk when It . fall down and unustim the mlrrr Into a th- u--ind piw.. mBlU0U3A5Dmv0C8iTtS0BI)Eia lieh as ?Ind and fain In the Stomach. i!Jcll!e, 'ulne aft.'ft nieal. Bead-I f. lie, inmoeaa. Drownlnea. Fluahiiurl I lient, Jajm of Ai'Petite. CVietrreDeeA I Mch rn the 8k In. Old Chill. XXs. irbed Kleep. IWhfful Dream and all I i-rou and Trembutut Beoaatlona. T3E FIK3T DOSE WILL SITE 1TTTTTT IS TWISTT KISCTEi Every f offeree ui ackoowieutta uuim to l A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. trSjCUAMU r ILIA taken aadlram. twll'. quickly r-itor Female to eom i"te health. They promptly reeaor uatroction or Irregillarltle of th rrs- in ana cure airk Headacaw. for a I iVeak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordefed Liver IN MIN, WOMIN OR CHILDREN Beecham'8 Pills are Without a Rival An, hiw ttla LARCEST KALE V any miett Medicine In the WerU '! at Ml Dra fttnree. i g-n.-r illy are much more ready to aayl t cannot afford It when it I a r( .iiCTioin rather than ou nVtlvon being bem-tlted. n t tnink you can cure that aught an k of dyijepia by dieting;, or that It cure itself. Kodol Cure wil cure It; It "dlKeiit what you eat," an re:ur the dlgenttve organ to h. Charle Rogera. (if 1 leiiwn often gwl Ju-lgment. Income glorified Tf CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT e Ixatlve Dromo Quinine Tablet. rugg..ta refund th money If It fall re. S cents. The genuine haa 1.. I on each tablet ly lUii a cook b"cn known to lie ''I with lrts,;mnlii. ou have plies, cur tnem. No use nolng horrible operation, that lm. ,m" ,UW! T"lnTea lo normal "m7vt the result of th dlseeae h"""" w111 &-W forever; nine ut disturbing the dleease Itself. your confldence In DeWilt' Witch I Halve. It has never failed lo cure : It will not fall to cure yon. e Itrfger. I Y i nnHt irry your bxly well if you t to carry your clothe well. 'n of the result of neglected dy-1 ic conditions of th stomach are can- .orLmpllon, hear; dlseane and ep. y. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure prevent his by effecting a quick cure In all of dyspepsia. Charle Roger. til Dewey comes home the small will lie restricted In his cntliuftlaHm. y tlm. and sav. a doctor', bill tho undertaker'.. Charle Roger. r.n,io..ini.. .n thn nn.. . ... I lake dllifht In girt ting as fur away as poesrt.le fivim the woman whumr fare of ihey atretoh xn afn-r over at leaat a I whole row of pawn"". Mliwaukw" when eolng lo any point In j tin J. D. Bridge, "editor and proprietor of I agent anil thorn. Democrat, Lnir, N. H., nys; "1 would not be without On Minute t.'ough tlon. for my boy, when troubled with a I J. cough or cold. It I Ihe beat ymedy for croup I ever used." Cbarlea Roger. PacificNayigatipnCompanv MTKA.MKMM I. I. tllmoro W. II. MnrrlHOii MAY tV'iii'viiiu tit A'Iimm i llm Sill Kent ins '.ril m.l itud idl (i f ri tcx . -ly . COHS COM AiHa, lll.l.AMtKXs tie. W. F. SCHEIBE, 'H Itar mt I'lurt. I" I ilkrV A:lkk. 1 (.oumgrvlnl Ml. CUT- RATE O Can Save You Money On All Railway Rates. UvS Third St. Kopp's TV V -rth I'liaifte ltrrwery. f wliioh vt !.:hn Kupp i proprietor, mkea Iwr I ilnnira'ie and riport trmle. N - J-', -; r ;. North Pacific Breuerg THE Seventh and SHSTA MIXRKAL WATCK. ITCrCK. XOBLE. HICKOKT AXI) SHAW'S MAIT WHISKIES. ALL 0THEK LIUIOKS. KIXES, KEEK AND CIGARS Hervod Dny rknd INIaltl. UC.UST KRAT2, tem-rMvri ti t -i. (.. I "F luu. rtt' -n. m Botancy, lowt "nr, N"hKneaoa, Ot rci In Backji II r,e1 i.i,iln,,, blllty, Haadncna (inlltnaaa to arnr, lom of o t one ip.iuon. fttnof uuitvnw. oi a Twifcb'a of KalML lw.hlT f (Ml 4 u.kf.'-.k !, .IM a M ft'ttt. voaa. TKMPLE LODGE NO. T, A. W. A. M. Regular communication held on the flrt and third Tueaflay evenlnf of tlch month. J. N. ORIFTIN, W. Ill E. C. HOLD EN. Secretary. ATTORN ETTS. J. Q. A. BOWLBT, ATTORNET AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. OfTi Bond Street, A f tor la, Ore. The exompllflcwtlon of true hailnfe , I dfoionntrated in 'the Joyiru return of I the Mcnlc party. j DEAFNEH8 CANNOT BB CURKD. by local application, aa they cannot reach the dlneaied portion of the ear. Th.r. la nnle one wav to etira deaf nana. LnJ that I by constitutional romedle. u,atn.; la caused by an Inflamed con- i,., ... . , ... ni. e ... -.. ,hinn h when rhia tihe weta In. flam'd you have a rumbling aound or Imperfect hearing, and when It I entirely clotted d-'Afnes I the reault, and unlea ;no 'niiamirwuon can oe inaen out ano :" nut " .r.... 'nl,'n nothing but an inflamed oondl- tlon "l lne mucou. .ur.ace. we win give une nunarea imr ror ,ny ca" " Deaineaa (cauaed ny catarrn) that cannot be cured by mail' Catarrh Cure. Send for circular, free. P. J. CHENEY tk CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggist, 76c. Hall' Family PHI are the beat. MJ. 1 A familiar name for the Chicago, Mil- . waukee & ftt. Paul Railway, known all ; over Ihe Union aa the On-at Railway running the "Pioneer Limited train every doy and night between St. Paul and Oilco, and Oinnha and Chlooejo. "The only perfect tmln. in th. world." Understand: Connction. are ma,te with all Transcontinental Llnea, aiwurlng to j iMn,tiri lia h.t service known. Tjhx. I urloti cache, eloolrlo light, steam timt a verity equaled by no other line. Hi - e that your llokot realg via 'The 1 - UnlUd Slatox or Canada. All ticket For rule, pamfil'lot. or other Inform- aiMr, W. CAHBY. C. J. EDDY, General Agent, Portland, O.r Trav. Pass. Agt., Portland, Or. ONLY HIHKCT I.INK AHTOI1IA to ) ;i TILLAMOOKh; CITY IIOHHONVILi-IC Otwio lUllnmJ NnviiialliMt tur I'jInlH rual. Tor fnllil mi. I ai. Heniuel I'.lmoro M Co, (ioncral AtnK ASTOUlA, tiU tturiNimt. ntnHtaclurp ol Iho Alwaa MeMto "La Bella Astoria" Clfr Scfceltfi Opera SUr Schei&c'a Special Anil Othar lirla Portloiul, Oretf. "Best 99 A DELICIOUS DRINK AND ABSOLUELY PURE. Bttled ter ftir family oar, of r( Ivor inpplinl U any Unto, dcliyry in fbriy !r-A .. Astor Street Monager s riri va-kj oaruaa IMPh ik. . n:we. t.'W ! Mif . ,;m rufT, !( M a 1 nM. 're- tor' '! lneo""ia, raina 1 K.I ibh. warvnu ua- ;melf.eleoJla, a, i"wi law rrar rr aale by Cfcarl Kogara. L LEBECK .3. Carpenter nnd Htilltlor Ocnernl Contractor nUUotJ KAIAHNtl APIO THE MOML5 LIFE IKSOBANCB com -any orHXy vom RrCHARD A MoCURDV PttlioMT STATBICMT Far the year andiag Daceaskr l K9I According to the Mandard of th Inmrance fepanment of the ntt( pf tw yvrk j , , IJIOII " Beeelfet for . .ffl.tia.7iai, rroa sll other Hoareaa . U,n;,"H a ' i ' a.u.....w. 'W .mm ai..Bini T for t'lsla, k. Uuth . ... V on T fell...a.l-.M .. K.J . 'v M.ata, llltlileada, tie. . II,4K.;M at Far all olkeratcoaate . I0,4,ll 44 ., ,4M9 88 tailed Rtatas loal ! Keeirlll l0,j(,41 f First 1,1.. Lew. B.a ,4 ' UorUlu. .... IIOI JIUJ aa taaas Uosdi aad etktr He. etrllle . -. . . I.m aa Baal buto iapralaed j laser. 99 tare Naiierlataa't.ats at tX.Jil4.Ni!.Ha , Ha-b r.i ' ea -a, aia -. rfc I. u.:. . ..a i""! iZ'" .1!"' " mm 1a. ' '"1"?.,' , ".Ml," It , , . w.i.ii ,i.aiiai,iu, . . , a.4,14 aiu 4 iJ,6t;,B.I M LUBILITII Pollrv Resartaa. ale. f 2,or,,HO N (lasraatea Fd Ultlillile naralt ,aH,nM ea tiKu.OOO go .IJ,S.ll l lasaraare aad AaaaltlH la furea .... .071 - , on, , v mitr,HT.I,!ltm . 1 frtn'1 calculated by Ihe Insurance D.,rtm.... A. taaLLK Auditor Prom th.,,. Buroi . ... . apportioned as usual. ROflERy A. ORANNlei ViccPMuafar Wai.t R. Oiixarra Isaac Y. I.mivii FaKOKaic CaoMwar.1. Khobv cCuerava Ceo a Manager d Vlce-frmident Trraaurar Ariaarj Jl LOUVRE ASTOHIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. tun," rfmt!.AND. ' etia. :u nvllvnlnml Union VMl.llt ro. T:W a AMorla amt lntM o ! iiirliata iHMKia. I I . astoiua;"" "V ; .. . m,!Sir J'nrhit.t ana ln.itam. i p. W.lrtni.Hl AtMitia, iii wrvri. UKASIUN MVlHtON. l ni i in I r.i' tv,v i rvii.wiAr I II II! t. am i iniAr a m p m t: 4'HI 11 I III III I It I 1 Aaiorl..,. Ar ..Warinilon.,, l.v Ar Sranlde.... l.vl SrtCOIAt. KA"lPr5 IH'NIIAY TWAIN lo-ave Aainrla t I a. m l arrtva at fWMl: ft. rn.-- ' " raarng'r utajr relurn on any train Fiiin on ichetluie on m dair AM, TIIAINH to and fr. m .' ma lo riaval and New Aalorla VI Warren ton. All train make eloaa ronnerilon at O-Jhle whh U Northaril laetft Iraliw to and from I he eaat or Bound nemt .Vt Portland with all traina leaving Union dpoU Al Alorla lih I n. A N. Co' boat and rail Una lo and front !W4C0 and North Heaiib polm. TllltOl nil TIl KKTS en aal at A loria fur Hacrentanio, am I'tanc o, all Kattrrn and Kurop.u polnia. t'lly ticket (ilTlce A.lorla. U4 i iinmer. Hal irvl. J. V. MA t, llan'l f'r't and I'aaa. gnl All Kinds Of Cars on Ilia lluHlnatiui alatuUid lw,.r. tuinial aleci.'ta, chair cur-, wiioaing car. Tha xan.Unl alt ir run IliniiiHli Unite lo ilnialM ad Ml. 1Hii, vry .lay iu ! k. The imirl.t aleetwra leave Heal lie Taouuw. rVM,kne, ami Unite, twice a week, and go 4lirugh 10 Kauaat Cliy wiiiwul ciiaoaa or iici.i) ..t any aiim. Tlw chair rara run balwreo IHIIitia and Kiiiaaa t'lty. oi. lircnial en niule with tral' for tanaliit. IVarla. and Itik-ago, No tnali. whhb ear you rHle in. you wiu lw cMnfotlwhle If you a.n tno luniiu;iin roule via JUIIInk. To all ivoulhatii aikl a-'uihcut.-ru rill,, it h,nlrv,. or miiee aiiorrernd noun quitk ar ittau. any. oilier. A. C SHELDON. 0a- Arwl. Inland. Ore. 1.- I I A FEW INTERESTING FACTS I Whan keoal ar, aunteaitilaUnaT a O n Wbwrher oa buaawae ar plMuura, in.) rtun)ry want 'the beet aiw-ie 00. lainabia ao far a aaa4, cum fori a4 afety aneawd. Emeivye of tk. WlrKtiNltl" rKNTHAL UN Ml an dak! to aerr the pubHo and eur train. ar oparatad o a to mak aloae eoa beotliwia artth dlvargtog ian at Juacrtloa point Pulirnaaj Palace Bleeping aad "halr Csri eg tnrougb tralawv uiakruf Car aarvlr unexcelled. M.-al, aarvad a la cart. la order to obtain title fl.t elaaa i-lc aak lb ikket agant 10 e you a tUk ovtr , . The Wisconsin Central Llocs. and ya will mate direct onnaecttoa al St. Paul for Clilrwgo, Milwaukee and ail potrete eaat Fur any flintier bafttrtnatlor. call on si tkkat agent or corrrarxwid with 1 ;AA C. POND. Urn. J', Agant, or JAS A CUX.-K. Milwaukee, Wta Oenamj Agent Ml Stark StJ rortiaad Or. DKPARll From Portland ' Akaivi Ft Uall aalt lake, Denver, Ft Worth, Omalia, Kan FmI ' Ip. m. a fUF. lit UuUJ Hall iojiv-u an raai. r Walla Welltiirin. Mlnnaapoll, .HtPaul, Huliilh, Milwaukee, t'blnaiatid Butt, Fion Astoria 4-1(1 m Spokane Flyer 1 10 P- 81 Mpnkau Kln.f 1 a a, im. OCEAN fTHAM3IPsl AH Helling ))ta nib leet to ehaliaa. I For ban FraueticuHalU July XI IH7.,r I.. fa mex M 's m x Mo ndav ColrmWa River Steamer To Portland aa4 Way Landinga. From for tl md, Wlltaraetta Rlvtr. 7 1. mTiH'J nay 1 i?m m IliUr, nun, Tllllf; ? a. in. Tur Tbuif 'I 1 in ndbal an sal Salem. Albany, Corral iiaanu way lauuing Va. m, vVlllamatta aad Yam. I W n . Tues.Tliuti am Klvtr. Mot,., Wed, and Ht, Oregon trity, Dayton, A ana laiHMiinawuniuiHMaiHa U4 ' !- IIUIMgS. 1: Seek River. RI-rlatoLewlston. LvUwIstn U m, daily Kroin PortfaiiT 1 Will. UK ITV UIV'VII t I a. in BlliniiMyj Oregon l ltv. Newb,,i, ?'."' ratlcni A rVy-ln4 s, ' K,'?"."l j I 0. W. LOUNSDBRRT I W. B. HURLBURT, a ant AatoriA 1 Oea. Pea. tat. MOII'S PENNYROYAL PILLS VIlrrnMLHlL Uu llfll.,.rlal- t.a. .lt - 1,1 111 iirifiT, tfii llre dly II 10 a. m. 'lisB uyspepsia Cure. .-VJVj l"l'iiiinliiln.,iiiii.iii1lH,,, N T a tlMfty k ' ." w D'flests what you eat. f Ovffll "'i'"""" "J'"""' i iirr i .. . "" jtvm van Vla&fcW-c ItartinclallydlocHthefwdsnilalrla ijiiuire in streii"thenlrig and reoon- CJM I "Jff. Williams' Indian HI" ns''1'??,11? "Ut.tfJ dlgeHtlve 0 nil io"l"tn""awlll:''T",iii . Jtll,teliilitdl8coyereddlire8u' H I CoT,1 and luiiium aiit and tonic. No other oreDaratlor 111 Uiibsnrl. the tumor CSIl annrnach If In mii-.V i. tZ. a I ,u a pimitice, vivcs iimiaui e- wanu y rellete and iiermanontl j curat fl lita SFF&h i'Htlon, Heartburn, mi, of the urrvritn Durtfi. iL ; L .m."!,.,en?0' . wut titomach.- Nauwa, For aalt by EtrTES-CONIf DRUO OU 'for WjlAlLVPOmTS EAST .. .a in. iiiuiibi iteaait. dlaliuj and liliraiy plrvailmi ear Kl.KOANT VKSTH'III.W THAINi I No, 1 Umllad ! rortlaa al im k.. . . . . . ..,.. 1K1.1 i-aa . 1 ai For taa. tic . rail or dtr . VV U")NHlillillHf, il.ul O, H. K Ae'orl BALTIMORE ,and;(f:: OHIO RAILROAD Royal Bluo Trains HKIWKKN TIIK EAST AND WEST r I, ' r i ? Only Hn, eaaeaiia' In) w Ihiauih irwiiia bwt- St Utah. uiallla, SiirtnaiMaV iiurmnaii d h Tr. u wB)e4ut, Italtiater and phlladelukl. Tha lralr ear Ib aV A O, m aaraltte4 b aala allaaua-a of the reattal eeaoery la 1'RTCIt IIARVBT. fa-aa t'uaet At Koow O. Mill HmioUaJ. WHITE COLLAR LINL Icvuumoi HWr tad ruyt a Mail gatlea Cetaaaay. Tal-,4ene U" A si aria atty. I'l'L-'l-ocT lily eacpt Se HUB, hlta 1 altar line llcbeta ltefaaa ea Tlt.i. T. f I-"!. a4 in.Hiii-oa lor Atiorta aaa an war a--" rtav.l liwaeo. aaaeww, lr'4 -, K.hout.a. TATIW 0 B. aVOTT A,l ti H. tKTrTT. YMat Through Tickets TO TataW EAST AND SOUTHEAST i . f ft'u.aitw pAtjkcB m.ricricKa TtitlltlHTII SI.RKI'KltS aad I'll UK HKi'l.lNINO I'MAIH CAM " ' -Dally . Salt Lake. Denver. Omaha, Chicago. Kansas City and other Ka.tara etilta. Ilafgag eh.cked throuam 10 deallnallo. i pi.o i.l tuna, leweat rate. I'lntach llaht In all rara ' 'a'e and other Information call ea or aouret 11. W. LOl'NSiMMRr. Agent. O. It N. A a, oria Oeawoa or J It. UvrillUH', Oea, Atot. m intra bi cor. Ald.r, Portland. Or. a," WW. SOUTH LUAVB PORTLAND ARRIVB ! ' ' t ' " ' ' PVERIUND EX I'ltKHS, for Salem, at a d u ,J-Aabiand. - P.f.Hiieramalo. Ogden, !: A.M. I I ' j fan FrancW), mo. ' ' 5 CV. Antele. Ml Paao, New Or. lean and th Eaat 1 A. M Roaaburg pengr 4 M I', k) ? rwu'- V Woodbura, for ' DaHy Mount Antral, Hil- Daily "rP jertoa, Wtai'telT. JDall, except Sunday. (Jonnetl,,g .1 Bai irranoiaoo with latital A Orlnlal, paolflo Mai) end inlo Bteamahlp line for JAI'AN. ?llltll llumm Oeci. and oee- HWA" ANU rti'K PHILIPPINES, .fl.h1? Uket on aal daily batwi , Km;.. .;,."ir"-'r?..r roriiano, rMorammto. and Han Francis md.eli tn7i,: .2 "a u ItlVUl Manager. . I o. r. A P. A. 1 nrtiuiR iir nTH ar ail mm inaiaai t TC C l- Tremhard. local agent, WeT.a Farte Corauaiu'a eriioe. Aatona. r fi is a Bn.rn mw. rtiuetlr nr lluiiiinliiia, (11 kharaiaiuriliii a, Willi... aaaalural ilia. rliara, nr any liillamiiia. rU4JHaTt ' i.lK4.r..' uuntMl e.a miatua. ti ,n f ( 11 e o u a Hirm tvi,ia. iHitHSIUHtkimiflo. braiina. Hun-wlrln(riil uUHtiniiflo. t"ii"S. bun-wlrlni XUll.O.rJ' l" by Irraegli Hil,0.T"l "olal by Irraeglai, V l l V i f m r'sui wra 5w f';rri.,r.,K'i wraprf 1 t iruuir awiii uy ni rWKIH-i. n7'1 n V I rtetae and 11. L.i. . ,i,. ... mHjMuMy Eurona. a ao Japan, Chrna" V.nolulu" a ho 7 77 wirit,Vl?,l-.9".n beobteinea frpm J. B i-.. fcL"' n"i'r,,,A.wl.,T"'kM aV,1j I" Third at., 1iie..lhui R. KOIUILEIt. . C, IL MARKHAM JlL'UUiU nfl Urtflf rTft fVamna sinrl al by CHAR LBS ROOKBA, . ) .A X j"! al