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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1899)
THK IVMIA ASTOIUAN, THURSDAY MOKMNU, JUNG , I8M 4 ' 5' 'J i i isT f 'ii r i JOHN T. UOHTKR. Editor. Telephone No. 66. TERMS OlT SUBBCWmON. DAILY. feat by Mil. per Tr- .UN ant by maU, per mout., ......... . far! br carrier, net oai ... Mi-wuua.x. i t by BtH per year. riiac...llOI Postage free U looecrtber. Ail conaunloftUoM toea for stfaa eatioa bould b directed to tb edit. Business communication of all kinaa tat remittance vast be addresti to Th Astoria." The Aatenaa n a4Tr Users, lb Urge elrcaiauea. ac tuwspatwr pebllabad a te ODtabie advertising nut cM we bm aa eatlon to th bualnaae nanttw. TIDE TABLE June, 18P9. lina watch tAlW WAT! a a. j' r. m. U.w.fl. i,h.mifl a a. I r. U.iI.l;U.mia. Thu ... ll t' lil :ukl Frt .... 1 TM. I toil t .... I! ;;! I2! Sua ... 4,m03 7 i ISSJO, im ... 5 u n : J io fi i TS ... I ll U.II HMt ii in iwi i IS; S, t Is tsl 00, 4 5;. , 1411-1 l ;4l 1 ! II 4 IS ! ai t Wed .. J b -i.u2. Thu I: M: 4lV 1 I n .... ti " 64 s 6at ....19 l4i too 147 ! t Ki4 45! Pan iU0 Won ...It 15.14 M 0J TO 10 Mj Oti'W TOloIll Tub 4! 4JMjU0 i to lUTt'llOW 1I,';U4W IT Wad Thu .14J 4 1J f i ;4 U It a UN i i:u m ivii.. 144,1 Tl 41 14, n M 1 1 ii ?a inl lti!U4T II Bun ... I T. Won ...W5t ftl.lOUtl iiTiiiis IBIS 0T S frit IH i ? t 4 4) -0 1' Oil Si, A, j ) li ! Wed . .21 U 44 4 71 W'i ; I tXH J J Thu ...... ..I. .Iiurji, Frt ...JJi . ..i 1 Sat ...! J. J' Sun ... t! .. ,... . ; M -1 S- T -1 i Van ..A u ?! I as J FIXL.VND. Referic baa already been made In tlw. columns to the BussUnlalna; of Fin- UK coiummi o tand now ln pivsresa. but only an In. adeauMa Idea was clven of the nature of tbe chansrea being forced upon the people of thai country. The principal direction la which action la being taken by the j dar's minister is In connection with the ! military eervic of the people. VnoVr i the Finn constitution aa confirmed by many csara. the grand duchy to to fur. nlsb on aneace footing 5.0 men to the ; Russia army for three year aerric. the offloers to be Finnish oitujens and the soldiers to be retained at home, ex. tne somier, " cent in case of foreign war. Tbe ew edict increasa the number oC conscripts uni ""i' - . . u t . idmi nf aervii to Ave years; they prjvlJe fiat Instead of btln officered by men of their own nationality .n. vtnnl. soldiers are to be drafted ' - inoo Russian regiments to serve in re- mot parts of the empire. Finland is to be garrhsonid with Russian soldiers. There can oly be one object In the adop tion of this policy, which to to erferuiln ate Finnish civilisation and freedom. The area of Finland is about ltt.0&) square miles, and the population is In the neighborhood of 2.000.000. Nothing more need be said to demonstrate how the' country will suffer from such a draft upon Its yvnung men a the new military regulations wHl call for. The London Times says r.he new policy means nothing efc than th complete and d. Hberata extirpation of the Finnish na tionally. The movement looks l:ke a de termined attempt on .the part of the Rus sian bureaucracy to stamp out the last vestige uf liberty within the czar"B dominions. 'While it Is true tha; the Finns cherish their ancient language and literature and have the wa:mm regard for the wtdih neighbors, and while they decline to become assimilated with the embruttd peasantry of the nelglhtor. lng province, Finland has never been a danger poine. to Russia. The people are loyal to1 the crown and law-abiding. The grand duchy is one of the few por tions of t!he empire where nihUiwn has not acquired a footing. Why, then, this ladlcal and extraordinary change, which Is rapidly driving people out of the coun try and breeding discontent among those who remain, The London Times says that the reason is that Finland Is an objetit lenson hateful to the war's en tourage. Kindly disposed as that mon arch seems to be, anxious though, he is to promote peace and civilization, be la surrounded with a wall of officialdom Which h cannot scale or break down, liberty will mot .be allowed to flourish wKMn Ms domains it the nobility can jreven tt. j The enormous growth of the trade of the United State, the foreign convmerce of which for the fiscal year ending June 30 will cfce-ly approach the two billion dollar mark, is so great as to be almost beyond comprehension. Indeed, there are but few who fully reail.e what these 'fig. urea mean. The prediction th&t tn a few i years this country will be greater aa a tnanufaaturlng Khan as an agricultural pat ion bids fair to ba rerlfled, and meana EVER s s s Is a that Blssslni OU People. It Bias Them Kaa Blood and Ufa. : . . ...-. -in thi WMOnJL" :-mHnff ErSS .motth and 7 tha arwUt. bullda up tha anergiea. ana atnm naw tut Hrinii fiood throughout lha aotlw ajutm JiriZ: i nmw.T. South Boatoo. write : "Um wranty yaart . l. Z lJ- 1 Y.l vmA BUU.I.UH. n r:;,.; i s, :adot botu of a a & and u w .:V completaiT. ana i am "VVl-lifl" I f ,J a wll aa I arar did in my Ufa. M,. j. W, I. fL. bit at tailad sixty tot my a. a. a. for the that na:Kn will then tand In th forrfrorK of all th nations of th arh Jn wr!h and powfr. for tn t.Vw ily j va!!h m?n power. Trw xot nsurr for the ftoal ynr will b available In a 1 J" "",":," .. vnrtm nunaJT. but thay I fj, , W w", b'V,' n.-a.V a 8. &. and 11 oleanaad i Cur Itself. Kodot DyP'Pla Cura few w Ka aivi rntn iwnw.ini v.n. IW " " t . . 7 45:0!vns can be mail with the trade of I til I I !?!' former yvor. The Cutwn xokliir who are belrg paid that .three minion xprM amnio. ' mnt that our promises tn thtJ parrlvU'ar iare belnar oarrtrd out. Their expertenoe 'of governmental plelpes under itie Span, Ish regime had not prepared them tor . anything of the kind. Before we really ,be;sn paying they thought we were Jok. ers: now they seem Just a little Inclined to consider us aa Idiots, - exported American manufacturers products worth I'.a.OW.iW in 1SS3 and .imoso.OM wonh In 1SS. Within a decade or tv thl will be a oMion dollar coun- try in supplying tha wor.d with manu. jfacturM amctear , 4ctlon of lmprUl, , . diet and tt emperor all press taw re. i, nmfilnK publishing, print- ' insj and editing of newspapers to Japan 'ese subjertshavebeenjnoved. Henry Wattemo comDlains that he Is ...... .w. i iitft iiv na.Tr r 1" V-m a 111 $ :tc femoency. If Henry were trying to save something worth saving there might be some sympathy for him. Over J) saloons have been opened In Cuba since the Spaniards were driven away, rerthape the present unhapp:nss of some of the Cubans Is due to the prev alence of next mornings. Dttring the viit of Hung Chin?, the 'Irand Old Man of una," to this coun r, the New York Sun id of him; ' He is I latgr. stronft. ira presuve sptcimen of manhood. He ha a ciassive frame, a shapely head, a command- ing face and well posed feature. He is a keen ob acrvant of man kind of life and i f tinnvs. lit is seventy-four rait.s of ajje and still in the key-day of his power." If a Chinaman, usually regarded by us as barbarian, can live to a healthy, hale old age, why cannot Americans, with their more tdvanced civihz-itinn io the same? Tbe reporters discovered during I.i Hung Chang's stay in this countrv. lie took un..r.i-t t. r v,iB i.urtk ttu i;.,ft n. ik. .u,,-!!..! ,f ,i;. ,n,i a day without consulting bis physician, lie li-al'.eu bi jil to a reasonable, cumber of hours, and would not deviate from bis rule in tbia matter- American men follow ' just the opposite practice They work to . toe limit of euutirance, will not even take' the proper , time for eating, resting and sleeping, and never think of their health until it is gone. There is a wonderful med icine for hard-working men. It is Dr. ti : i - i j . if. r i : . T. takes the place of a phjiwaian, - It keeps I away lii-ocaun auu resiurca ociua wucn 11 is lost It is the great appetite sharr tier, j blood-maker and flesb-builder. It makes . &'?J!$ibe ! IOC D1WU WUl IU iuu. iiicui-iiJ uvaaivia J eli-iu -. , , My husband had been a robu.t youmr. man. ! . writes Mrs. J.Tedilef. eg lillingtoa. Keyaaids to., Mo. wneo nc waa i yesr. uiu n uegsn lo eouirh verv hard. He had oaias thraosh his lo eouirh verv hard. He had oains thraosh his cheat and lotus. Hii mother sod tbe rest of his family had died with consumption. He coo- tud lo ooug esery-nrtoier. astik is- iH8j bad to attack of pneumoo la. Hit coukIi grew worse too worse. jMiwoua:miinratttni7 i titer hit meals. In iftw) tie day." He Was getting very weak -tad bso no appetite.. He commenced Dt. Pierce's GoUUa Medical Discovery snd 'Pleasant Penets.' He improved. J4 apnttlte got better, r Wbescae had taken seven bottles he looked like a new man and felt like .a new ptnitu. He weHrha more than he evtr weighed before. lie caiocd tweuty-eight pounds and is cored." wesk asd bad Paris claims to be the great postage a lamp market the the world. It Is perfectly hopeless to expect that the meals win be bountiful In a .house that has a, motto la the .dining .room, "Man Wants But jUl Bare Below." The silence of a 110-ton gun, .whlph has a caipaclty of Itwo shot a. minute, is goiden, each dlschaiss, "costing 11,375. , , It makes no difference t how bad fh wound jf jrpu use, DeWUt'a, Wltoh Hasel Salve; It will quickly heal and leave no car. Charles Rogers. j airw . Mm TOO OLD A, . A. i 1 . to tJsJtfftr rt y a vs? W7u,X 'h': wir. mtoma tourut. by purifying th blixxl, all Watta accumulation, and impart- Ufa to th whole body. It Incrwa old, and had not fjnjojtd wl baalth I wai aik in differnt waTa. and in -MvlhlT on ona of mT Itca. Tha unl of nvr aa, I would navar ba lourad ma AruMion on bloooA Th hlrprlnis of a watoh ) f but KVth of mla pvr Inch. One mil of f'.-eh wlr would wh miK I'sr than a half pound fvil I iu.iia jvu i.n .... sttck of dyapp!a by dlttinj. or mat it will cura It; It 'daieatt what you eat." and ratorea the d!attv crgnt to health. Charlaa Roer. ' I; n;ay be cruel n call th attenfon of our il.nvHTatlc and ppiillt frlmlw to the f.ivt, ne-erthles it Is .rue that the only street car line In Clew-land urnl:. ..urNl by labor strlk.s are thow owned and oiH'rutnl by .Urk Hanna. j p pridge. editor anc proprietor of the Democrat. Ln. atcr. N. H.. says: I be wthou, ORe Mlnu,, cough Cur (of my boy wb,n roull., w,:n a ccugh or cold. It It the best remedy for croup I ever ued." Cttarlea KctTen". In St. Petersburg It Is nt the pH'le -ho differ as to the propriety, but the government Itself thafa divided. No lady McychK ' allowed on the street there un'.e she wears the bifurcated skirt. Pneumonia. la grappe. oouitns. co!4i. croup and whooping cough readily yield ,VI a doctor. bUl -or I h'a Cbaries Rogers. rnn,- Kearney, onca notorious as tha sandlot agitator at San Francisco, tu Mlt Wg plIe a mon,y , wh, speculation and threatens to renter p.ilktcs. " .. , If you tava DUe. cura tnetn. No use uqdergolng horrlbl operations that aim. p:y remova tha results of tha dWeaae without disturbing tha dMaase ltsa.r. Raoe jrour coOdc. in ievu, . cn Basel Salve,, It has never failed to cura others: It will not fail to core ytu. Charles Rogers. - In England, preparatory to the advent of Tale and Harvard athletes, they have put on the market an Anglo-American necktie, showing the two national flags interwlned. Canada JK'ULP01- Some of the resuns or negated dyt. peptic conditions of the stomach are can. evr.. consumption, heart disease. and ep. Iletray. Kodal .Dyspepsia Cure prevents all this by effecting a quick cure in all cases of dyspepsia. Cbarlst Rogers. . Krupn Is lending an active campaign for an enlarged German navy. He says the only remedy for the growth of Amer ican influence In Central and 8ou:h Amer. ic U to dlpplav.a strong1. German fle.. rv a'.lowlnar the accumulation in the bowels to remain, tbe entire ry!am is poisoned. DeWltfs LHtle Early Risrs regulate the bowels. Try them and you wi;i always use them. Charles Rogers. That Aberdeen people have paid Klftnt attends to the puIU; school durlnK the past yar Is evidenced by the fact that th total number of visits made to all the rxims during the term was only 'A. The ftmtrast with HOfjulam Is strong. There the rtcvrd shows. 150. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT. Taxe Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab'.ett. Ail druce'.sts refund the money If It falls to cure. cents. The genuine has L. g q on (acb tablet, . -p noS-a route distance from New y Hongkjn(f, via San Frsnclsco. . ' ' ' I''.l miles. - - Hows tria 1 offer One Hundred Dollars Reward' for any case of Catarrh that cannot be ,ui. ... ... . .. v-.. F..J. CHENEY & CO..Pps., , , Toledo,, O, W,..the .undefsi'gntO, have, known P. V . -, m. Kaw, l CneT,for,tha last 15 yem, and be-. lleve nun peneoiiy nonaraoie in an dus- ;DeBB tnuiaacOona,- and financially able carry out uy ou-igan uiu Uy ...e.. Qmb wvcrr . TR1TAX w , 1 , , . Wholeaale Drugglats, Toledo. O, WALDLNO, JUNNAJS MAKVIN, Wholesale Dnigtteta, Toledo, O. Napoleon in IS01 Introduced Into France the fashion of wearing Oriental shawls. ..HalTa (a.Qura fa takes mtersjy acting directly upon the blood and muc ous su traces m uie system, mo. voc, .per bortle-vSold by all Druggists. Test)- montala ,freav, ,.llu , . m , Halt's Family Pills are the best TEKPLK tOIDAB NO, 7, A. F. aV A. M Regular comma nlcationa be Id on tha first ana third -Toesaay-venJng of ac oaonUU., J.- N.w QKUTTN, W. M.i E. O- KOLDBN. laoretary. . . ATTORNBTS, ATTORNEY AND CfeUNflELfJOR ivr.:. .... Offioe Bond Btreat, Astoria, Ore. ow i an la parft baalth.' v Pacific Nciyigation Company HTlCAMttRS It. P. Klttioro W. II. llnrrlMon C1ARII1VL1)I MAY CVmuivtintf at Atorm with tha Otvipui lUllnuul Navl.nllim Co. for Suu Fraurlmv, lVrtland and all polnta 'ut. For (n!jjlit ntul pnaaeii. Kr rattvi ;lv .. Hnnmol I'.lmoro Mr Co. Uoin'ral Atfotil4, ASTOUIA. tUK. COMN CO AufiiU, On'fcMit Uailr.' Navigation Co., in.LAMiHtlv Cr. WUrLAND. Or. W. F. SCHEiBE,- A lull Hat ul Wr, TubMca, aa 5aMfcr' ArlkW.. 4T- Contmsrctitl . CUT-RATE OFFICE Can Save You Money On All Railway Rates. 8 Third St. Kopp's a. . Thi. North Tapifle R'ewry. of which fr..Tobn Ivonn i proprietor, wake- wr ! 'or doraestifl and Mts-rt trade. aa . i t m IfJW JO V .. ass la I Mr K w f4orth Pacific Breuerg THE 5eventh and SHASTA HiSEljXL KACH, fEff HICKORY ASP SHAW'S ALL 0THEK LiyiORS. VINES, BECK ASU CIGARS Served Dny . ' 1 I . I ! AUGUST KRAT2. ftIU J ! t;.ui:if Pnwer. ..niTn,'-' t t It i ttfmian im. Add'acs r.t'.rwv IJERVITC Utiur VITALITY, LOST VK.flF? AMD MANHOOD Cures Iaipotency,yir;!itr3)lssion!iand vfastlrfu tlUcaHes, all exacts cf ttI- abuse, or exci3 arid lnai crction. - Ancrve tonic anl Wood Luiiacr. Iirlna the a.; .fj, .i.i., iiiri t.TK w .un, l,uli iDfUivvu""""" JmJ restores t'.ie of youth. T'y mnll HOc per lox: O ixixo tor $2.0; with ft written friiariiii. tee to cure or reftinl tho inonoy. NERVlTA MEDICAL CO. CHr.tcn & Jockscn Cts., CHICACO, ILL. . For Kais by Chnrles Roaers. Druggist. These bnv CiDlulai tra tuperior to Bakam of , .Copaiba.l Cubebt or Injections indArrrnnl CURE IN 45 H0URSypi tha aama dneatat with. I outinconvtnienca.. , ,rf-gVTr ffrueytm. s.aVi-'i aaaiiaaaaa. WWwKnn www wwwww F m n 'L i l'i SMInnTVTA';'' ill lilllllll !'i rjOillllIb!! j r, i D ("jei fJl ' 3 SAUCE ' t ""p tt 'VMI u t THE OtUQINAl, WORCESTERSHIRE , jajBssssaaaaaswasaaaaBaw iawwsawaaawawBsaajisugaaB ! Dof.ncT. lost Powefi wtrhftotsas, fire -m arwrrn o.a I rSVrSZ' VV AiTV vlrAl .ol tmla.lo-.fc Isms Mac.t M bilitr. NaaSncHo Un'inss to arfrr, OJt o fy.aj S"mn, Varicoew. aZf m 1 S a Am i $ ViX 1 BEWARE 'rjp V ii fi IMITATIONS I ' I 1 Thla dtittrt It J ' AJ j .r. ,rVji ONLY niHKCT LINK AHToWlA to TIUlA obii CITY llUliHONVlLLK nulncturvr of Aiwa) I4llnhl "La Belle Astoria" Cigar ScfKlfct'sOpen Sur schclte's SpccUl Ana ttlir Ilrm1a Portlmul. OreK. "Best A DELICIOUS DRINK.... AMD AilSOLlELY PURE. Sir?;- I IU.ttleii wr for family :. or keg berr soj plied at any time. de,ivry In be rity fre. LOUVRE Astor Streets ER. NOBLE. flALT WHIMVIO. and Nlaht. - - - MonoRcr - ' ! .i.'W Kia 0oaV lf nla, Pslna irvous ivtrht-totsaa, are-matorrrioaa insom Biano" Bametr Cot ranoiaoo. 45al T r sata h Charts Rogara. L. LEBECK Cnrpcnlcr nrtU liullclor CJcrtcrnl Contrncior nOUSn KAI5IN1 AMI I THE MOTtJAL LIFE INSURANCE COM PAN V OF NEW YORK RICHARD A McCUflOY PhesiOEht . STATKHENT For tha year ending Dtctmbr it 1194 Accnrdlnx to Hie of the In.urunce lepartnient nf the Male U Ntw Votk v. ... . IM0ME Rrrelfrd fur Pr. mlunit I rom all nihi r Ivi.rre. . tu.m.'iH oi H.IIIT.HHH Vl! -ii-,- .'i,iiou,b;u 43 Di;niasFj!r..iTH I3,!;,008 00 To for Inflow, " UlsiSeailt. ete. . . II.IV,,j:,l ,', ""L. i Cnltwt Mslet noadt and nlhrr I Kersrltlr. . . . f IR0.fiAA.t4l 83 Flrnt Urn Liaa as lliiad aad lostM" ' !- . B1,C0J,5HO 0 toast am Ucnili lad other Ht. rurlltr. ..... MVMI 00 Heal eUile tprtralned fcy later. atr' at ' i v. tXi.tai.hitijilt i llnok Vlu. t0,04,l 61 I ; Cask I Htukt mil Trust Ivai. J i Aceraed Islerrtl, Ntt Deferrtd W u..l. . 11,621,277 16 .im.0t7 .6 $;7,M 7,326 66 I IIABILITIM , PolWr JUaerre., .If. - i r- $C3n)r,,40 8 (' (it.r.ale. Faad .. 4i.t1H,H4 1 Wrlrtlilt harplat - - - ,1!0,UOO 0 .. - li;7,MT,386 66 i lataraar tad ianultlet la j fore . -. . . 97l,7tl,tl7 7 I I have carefully examined the foregoing Bute I tnetit and find the tame to be correct ; liabilities calculated by tat lntaraaaieuirtaienU ' I Cuaklm A. rKKLLva Auditor Psora the Dleitible Burplut a dividend will b apportkmed at usual. ROBERT A. QRANNISS Vici-PtfaotsT WsTta JL OrLLSTTS Isaac P. Itovo . .. Paaoaaie CaoMwsxL Emobt McClistock Oetieral Manager sd Vice-President Treasurer Actuary .L i a. a MS. an M Till wmmmtm A wtirwn wm'm"m, w on ASTOHU AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. fit a. ro.TlvVtlnml inlon lm, tlill a m. (7:00 p. in, fur Aatoria ami liuH:Wp,m. mri1lafa point. Ma. m. Fw I'orllaiid an.l ln.!tti.wa.w. od p, m.irmtiat polntA tl:W p,m. BKAHIPR DIVISION. in, a. ml a m ip ni :ihiiu!,v Ar l.v T'l 4 'Oil l 5 10 I fir.nitiMi'Ar K nil' 13:13 l.v 1 Warrvniun ..".alt1... T' (lift "Arl t 3! 1:01' Ar l.v mMAt. HICAfllMC "I'NDAY THAIN tavra A'orla at I Jrt a. m ; arrlvra at rl,U f:(S a. in. rnawiivxra may rtnrn on any train hou'n in ai'hi'iluia un Mini ilaia. AI.I, TUAINS to anl from i-aiil run to I'lavsl and Nw Aaloila via Warrvn ton. All train mak vloa connection, al (lohla ib all NorHinrn l"aoino tralni (o amt from (ha vaat or 9unt point. At Toi-Cnittl with all trains iMVtn 'nlon ikpot. At AtirlA with I It. A N. Co.'a boat nit rail Him t anil from llwaoo and Noriti llnarli poln.a rilHivfiill TICKICTrt on aala at At. or La for Haoramvnto, 4n Kranoiai'O, ail i:irrn ami Kut'opran potnta City tli'kvt nirio Attorla, Ul Cumni.r. rial tret. J O. MAYO. (Ivn'l fr'l and I'k Aft You Are on the 'Right Road' It your ttrkt rtadt via llllllngt and the Iturlingtoa Rout. It it th shortest Una to Ih 8outheast-th only tins (bat of. fr through car trvlo from Ba:tt, Spokan, and lllna to Lincoln, St. Jottph, and Kansas City. Through tourl.t aitepers twto a wk. Aak any Northern PactAo tlckt agent about or writ to A. C. IIICLDON. 0n'l Agnl. Portland. Or. itMntttssiitiitttiitiiiitiitiitittiiiiiitit: A FEW INTERESTING FACTS I . ( r- 1 , Wbtfl pa' art cununi plating a trip. hnr on bystiMwa oe pltaaura, thay naturally want tha beat srrvtra ob tainabla so -far as aaavd. cotnrurt aaa aafaty la consmed. . JSointoy of tit WI8CON8IN CENTRAL UNIX as uald to aarvs ths publlo and our train art operated to at to make oioe sea nsotlona whh diverging lma at all Juncvtlon points Cullman I'alaca Sltvplng and Chair Car on through tralna Dining Oar servlcs untictli.d. Mtatt aarwd a la ,urt. , In ordor to obtain thla firat claaa sorvlc aak th ticket agent lo sell you a tlck.t over TlieWlscolisIn Central Lines. and you will mak dtrtot concoction ai Bt. Paul for, Chicago, atilwaukt and all poutle aaai. For any further Information call on aa tlckst agent, or corrrapond wtth JAB. C. POND. den. Paaa. Agtnt,' or JA A CLOCK. Wllwauket. Wis. Utnaral Agant III Btark .. Portland Ors. i : nm i 3CMi!Dti!fii i I-HI'AItT f,,,,, s-.tniiataU j Aaaist Kir .Mn I s i in Mali I ami, 'iivi r. Ki : Wiirlh, OmaJia Kun ' t UHy, st. I.iiiln, I llll'AKi. mid Ktl, '. . T f r. e. -i Ka-t NUll II 41 1 Ul Hp.ikHiie "I er 2 til I: in ;W..l a t , HlHlVtllSJ M,,.w.. (it. I' ml. Ml ' I'liiiiin, ,vllwiMlte . I hli sKo and Kal, urn Aalnria OCKAN 9TeAMdHII5 All Hulling I Mr. Mill 1 ! Jeel tu I'liange. j . For ran I'miiriii i. -ewll, .'iiiii". 7, i.' I", a:, i Colrnbla Klver j flteamsrt t To Portland and Way Landings. i a hi e 4 hiIm.i Kroui I'nrllMiid. Ulvar. Sam. I Tue. I hill4 and Ht Rule m. Albany, ('orvil HiidKst ua ami way lanilliiKa "1 Uy 1 1 1 . . - . Ta. m. L.Y.. "! p.m. Tues.Thun - - . '.. VV aim Hat. ." ".vi ,mvii, o I rMf,.n fit., iiu, ...... & TTny-iAnuiiiKii, Ihv dly! 2:Wa. ni. dnskt Rlvtr. KIiarlato UwUlon. i I-mm hirtlsiiil 4 a, m. .i'W.UMKTTK iVKU Kx Bundii)i'r'ion, i ii e, riswii'trf, Hnlelii 4 Way-laud's. , O. W. IrODKBBKRHY, nn-i rrtd avstui Atwu, n, n. aunuaunf,, t iju,- i.r Oaa. paa. aji. Partiajad. or. fferyerine Pills Tht pw remedy for aervou proa, tration and afi nervoui distaatiof the OVfUflllvf M. mL.IIiTInD AKli.M UHINU. pans nf either ex, tueh at Nervous Prottration, FaUIng or ost Manhood, Imppteney, Nigkiy mls. iora. Youthlul Errors, MifrtAlVcirry, ex native use of Tobacco or Opium, which tad to Cofttumptlon and Intenlty. A.00; r box br VoaH t i boxa (tjr , .fjfj.. , 10TT8 CPEMICiP. CO.. Proc'i. tlmlnid. m Far sals by BaTTBaVOONIf DHDO OU 1 mm i 1 A i I iii i"iiiVi a .aaw tinr n. od. Jlntt'c. '-i-i.- ' im. mm i cr t, i BALTIMORE and OHIO RAILROAD Royal Blue Trains iu:tvki:n thu EAST AND WEST Only Una oiwratmg us owa throuah Iraliia baiwawa Ul boaaa IxHilavllla, Mr1iiari14. Cincinnati aid New f of k. via Va.tiWi.v luUiisaara and I'hllaiMiihla. Th Irav.Wr over lha B. tt O. Is psvailtted to aatah a llniww of tha graataat aonnary tn America, riCTKn IIAItVBT. fwilli Coast Agvnt. taa rraattasa. Room It alllla Irulldlag. WHITE COLLAR LINL ColiuaJia Rlvar and fufst tauad Wan. gallon Caaioaay. TwIatAona laavaa Astoria dally, aiaar vtroVraand daily eieapi fuada) at I a. aa. unua titlar Una ttckata lnlarefcantral on Tstaphoae, t. J. "!r. ,B'1 "i., Tliumixon for A.iorta and all way pow'a. rtavsl, llwaoo. aaavi.w, Lung Uaacn. aad Nahcolta. A. J. TAYLOR. ASturla Agaat. Talaahona Mo U Through Tickets -TO THfe- HAST AND SOUTH HAST -Y1A PLt.UUN PAI-ACK BI.KKPEIt. Ttil ltlHTII HLEKPKlia and rilKK ItKCI.ININU ClIAIll CAR -Dally to- Salt , ijitke. benver, 6mana, Chicago. Kansas city and other Eatitrn cltitt. Htt rhttktd thruugh io d'ttinattoa. i nion ii.poit, rati time, iow.ii rnw, Ptrittch llcht In all ears Por rales and othtr Information call oa or addrttt tl. W. LOl'NmiKllllY. Ag'nt. O. K. N Co. Atlurla. Oregon. or J H LOTIIUoP. Ota. Ant. IX Third Hi., cor. Aio.r, l ortiano, or. LEAVK I P0HTLAND AKH1VM lOVEHLAND i EX- riticiw, for Kaltn Aablan, 7:00 P M Itlaerarrtnte, ligdan. 11:00 A. at. nan rranoisao, aio- i lass. Lo Agle, a i riw ntw ur. I.ana and ths East. i h A. u Roatburg patatngtr Via Woodbora, "for 4 P. at Dally loapt unday Nil. Dally eiivpt landay varum, Wast Roto. rirownvlll. Bprlni Bld aad Nation. . rownvllt. ffprtngi ft A. M Corvallla naaaenatr I M A. at t:W p. at Indtptndtno paaa' lit la A.U Dally, tl'all) saceat sUSday, r , Connnt'tliiar si Hafl Krsnclaiio will Oaol. daatal A Oriental, Paclfln alall and Oce anic Mteanialiip lines fur JAPAN, CHINA. At'BTHAI.tA HAWAII A Nl THIS PIIILIPl'INKH. rltoai Ik kits un sal dally bwtwtaa Portland, Haeramitnto ami Han Krancis. eo, Net rttat) tit flrat-claaa, and 111 ond-rlaaa, Ineliallng aleeper, Itataa and Mckt to Karn points ano KurotMh . Also Japan, China, Honolulu, and Australia. Can b obtain! from J. B. KIIlKIANIl. Ticket Ag.-nl, 1.T4 Third St.. R. KOKHI.llUl. C, II. M A It K HAM. Managas ' - "' 0. V. A P. A. "Tir.ull tickets Batti for lowtat rata, rail on C. j, Trenehard local agent, Wl.a Fanro t'ompanjr's ortlc. Astoria Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. Itartlflclally dfocAtH itie, food an alda Nature la streiiKthunlDg aod reoon 8tructlDR tha ethauHterl dJKestlve or gtn. ' 1 1 Is the latent discovered rjlfeat ant and tonic No other prepat atlot can approach It In efficiency. It Id atantly, relleT6and permanentlfcuret DMpppsIa, IndlgeRtion, Ilearlburn, latulence, 8our Stomach, Kliusea, SlckIIeada;he,Cafltrargla,Cramin,and all other reult of Imperfect dlpeiitloti. Prtportd by C. C. DtWItl A Co.. Chleoao. ror eaue py CHAP.LB6 JlOOSUUs., ,au.LAASirar 9 icto sf?9 SOUTH ; a a. in. i ' i' '' . . ' ;i.riw" If iodidlTof iron for AM'MIA.POtikNtLV'tnflheltUMiO.l I CONHTI1 UTIONAL, WliAKNI:S5 1 -T-T I' CKOItiLA, lite I 4 Hil a. m. I Niiiiegeiiulneunleiia.luiieil III, a pica mi' I fuet. l inn B '. : ALU imt'iSilHTH, fl E. FOllllllUA CO.,N. V. Agtt. for U. 5. Ji xaw. A JrIUV.'4 retmaiiiriliira, iff" ' " laT. V! ii n n a in ft I itlav- Lvlwlstn h"m Iim.i.H U ri iii.h, ur nt liifl.nniia. li m IL,J bm w inlaw leni. irrluli. n ur ul.'ia t 11 i KrtJ "" ""'a - li"ii if in ar n ii. aifiii uany CjtHtilillCiltMi'liro. bran, uii-Mirlmenl. VI. 40inr;iTi,o frfS vaagiaia. I V. V .til "r sent In pi. In wTrr I Win, in Ji .aJ T'ltrrt t-r .irresa. iirrNW, V K,Miiud.y 'i-llaBrtp'I .i.i,r f Imirl.-., i I i-imv at r.iftnLr aunt uu rsnuwik I(q)(q1