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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1899)
TUB DAILY . ASTOIUAN. lUlliSDAY MOKXINU. JUNK 23, 1CM. Beware of 0Mmtr should btwtrl of tb chitp and bfwtor washing powders Mid to b uit u fMdlt Washing Povdor Siy are uot-thrr U nothing good m I nulBt OOLO DUST for til cloning out tha hunts, Atk for OOLO OUST ttd lnltt on getting It. Mad only by TBE H. K. FAIRBANI COMPANY, SlUale N(Vft ui p I nil line of M (JI.Kil I: SINK I S. HwiyllilitK nwwniid nohh) In I.ASI I KN NIXIKWOK. BUFFUM & PENDLETON Hatter and KumiHhcr. fl l Thinl Strn t, (Wm-r Stark, I'OUTI.ANP, OREGON. Stop and Think! Are Ynti (ialtlriu The Hent McciIh. The HcHt Liquor, Or The Bent Merit That tan he had In the cli? If not, It U Dkium you have not visited Kor ibuM who rulrs a-vaulna ti. May (( ihr wuk touaomr all that ts Th. u.anji who know It ka frwaly oafa4 Thai of I the great ctrr "JBrr la th IIKST. IH.k for Mir sign uI "JIII?I'H" ami take no other. l'.atMIlirxl twenty year. Columbia Electric and Repair Co. SucccHHor to COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths BoIlerMakers Machinists Fouhdfymen Logging I2nglnc Itultt nnd Mcpnlred. Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specialty $olv.flonufavtarer of the I'nsurpiisscd ..."Harrison Sectional" Propellor Wheel... Coiitructoru for EUftric Light nnd Tower riants. ,)' 1. n v.-.--' Done. with Neatness and Dispatch. Prices Reasonable. Call at The Daily Astorian Astorfa. Public Library READING ROOM FREE TO ALL, Ope Tr.Vf from; ooioek to 1:3 0.,.. and a?.!.:!. ,., , .. 0ubacrlptloa rate tl per annum. Wast Cor. rflerantk aed Duan BtreeU imitations! 7V HE M! Latest Block, KNOX Summer Styles. Jeff's Restaurant. Loggers' . Supplies Kept in Stock Of Any D escription C. J. TRE1NCHARD, Corhmission, Brokerage, Insurance and Shipping. HE REPENTS HIS FOLLY A Peoria Man Joins a Batchilor Club and It Brings lllm Trouble. RESTRICTED TO WIDOWS but He Falls la Love Wltb Maiden and Get Left all AfullDi. CHtCAOO, Juiiu Vt A spK-al to itw TtH.Hiin from I'woti. til., sayn; It wa mii m-H ty whu Jiiiu t-Kk rhe will and ob'Uatloiu ot llw b-wti-,Uif9 -lub, w-i1inf bef'r ltl win l.tuiofi thai be would wid nothing but it widow, or submit to any punUltmrni or flu lii- club ndKlit Inflict. Ill wed., t tT toliltfit, U io polled Indvf liriti-ly. A k of ftr h recordi-d l' union in tli't wretary' 'k anil paid the HlllUlloll tv, tie m-t Amil Fu'xhs. d.ili(.-r cf lul C. KU'Hhit. a ,!. r uf ,,w.t and f-ll d.H-ia... ly In lv- with and fi-ll I-im-i hr. tl w mutual and Ihr lr arcvd tijiuii an -'1y l-al w-k I k nutlllnt the dlrutor of liU Inten tion of marrying and f.jraakliiK Hi -:ul). Tliim waa a haly initliw and Mr. luoi:k irotnjlly K-IUd fr-nn th- m..mlr,l,i.. and a-d a tle of P.;, he ,-Ud. U wa. then wderrd lb.1 th ,ha.t.r lm dr.,, for , day., and th. ...m.-r. tK-ld a m..m at whlol, plan, were la.d for a o l.-liralt -n at the -i- dliiK. . ..... Mr. Im k, who had brrn pr cpariitfi i' the rt'riit for efral w k. -a.M on , Hunday iUlit and the lr told hhn tbat . c-.uld not -on nl to nuuryln, at thu linn! Iwauiie ln:r parm otijecteil j to Hi publMty given tlw altalr by tti IS4iln lor a club. Imi !) uglily den-uncnl 1h club, but Ills proUvtxikiUM did not avail. Mr. ami Mra. Kuii4i annoumwl their UUiiiitic-i for blm to marry A"le but not at r)ii time, and In view of the clr-runurtam-r 1joik actvpled ie fonivro mle. A SMELTEIl TO 'UK IICILT. ItEMHNU Cat., June, SS. 1 1 11 stated that ermtii c,lillalti Intend to soon build a grvat smelter In Shana county. During the last tiliree yeur tWrge na ytia, Kxal repreemttve of a Gerrnan oyndltwiv, haa filed locations on C c. jwr claims on Hllllwiiter t-reek. about U mihs from lleddlng. EM nlv divetop me nt work ha been done on these claims am) the ayndliat haa secured oprtotis on cotitenible adjvent lands. Elco trlrlty genenvled by watiT towcr will be ued for nwOvve power and for other purpow-. There sooms e-ry evidence that he Oerman syndl-ate will shortly begin th work of buHdlnn a smelter an Custom House Broker. ASTORIA, .OREGON Agent W. K. Co., and Pacific Expreei Co'i. I ralinoal tin mill" in lenajwi i" connect wlih Hie t'iilti' rn I'acirtc. The rw omlir will 4ubl the owr put f ountjr. HAII.)AJ OKHCIAlit CONKBU. V;tivt:il!!on of Vwpr: UfUnir Linn NUW yoltK, Jun 2H.-(utportant con. Iiroicrn-w" In IW t-lly. Anion utton now hT arn Wlillam K. Vnml'-rl'IH, Bimupl Jt. fivilttway, (naliWt rf tli Nw Ynfk. Onfrul; rr-l'U-fit Nfwtnon, Ui Ijiko Kinir,; ijr-i)-ii lxlynnl. of lur 'Mlriil- Kun tmiral; itvuiikhh v'iw-.ii. ui hk .N'Kkil I'lui: l'ril-irt CnwKi't. of the 'fiii!ylvnii!; N'.rnin It. latn. of ChW : Jani' J. IIIH. 'Jf lha (ir-at Nr-llM-rn, ami ifn-itr H. Murray ari'l Jhn K, (.IW.-II, of bi Halttnvrtv A Ohio. It In nal'l 'he wninra hv com Imth to w anil connult with J. I'lw. jont MorKn nnd o'hff ronilru-nt fliaii-rl-u In Wall 'r't and tmtny limportiint alianir- In railrixi'l mannifniMit are Wk"! rir a a rm of tJie (atlx-rlna;. nl-rrt iM-ni to 'ii(ff Un tiv Van- ilwljlt. ;irni and th l-'llcf i a"roKftn tlmt not only ta i!i.- IJ'Mton Altany to cum Inw nli N-w York Cmrai con- Irn. ho tt by ntf oit ofnftlKla. tluna vf llait yn mm romU In Nw KiiKiaid ar u tuk jriac. Tl pwK jiluii tlii! final aborptlr.n by tlw Ni-w York Omral "i the HgiHon h A"iiy. ma - . . burir. llio Mln mn.l and trll,uu.ry Um. Alnsidy Uli I-ak WtviT. th Michigan tVrtral. th tti 8W an-1 th Nlrkt llat, tiava Iwn iak-n by tti Nw York Central. I-li( d.-nial. th.-r Iw bun. dant aubatarrtwtlon In truHtw..rthy pUca 'C "or iW ... ...a .... h -ke Ohio. a. weU aa th. Chi. Nl".. t'nlon I-aonc and t,o OMf. Bhort UN are to be 1 n.nrtldaled wlUt the w Tora H'nirai !k hikc lime 10 accompliah the r. I uk. but the tilwn la mturl i ' . m Ira .Mj..t Lift rMf DK a.-n.llii lh rheme of c-jnotidaXton W Mn worknl out. ' ull'imife dtKla)n or '.ne .ew York. Nw llaven A lUnf rd, o a promlmrrt railroad offUlal aald. will be to Inmirpor-H It in the New Yvrk Central. Th:, New ll.iven. It I known, wanted to -e certain wr: of the I tor on & Al- . ..... . .1 . k i.ii. tn.M, ir fprninrv .nu . """" " " - ' while liliere w-4a a Ml over th term. the Vn:ral ha. If tie n-poru are rue. m and taken all. It I under. . . .1 . ., 1 mo (I that n.iUtion ar? unO t may w- lwn th.- New llasvn end th Central for a coiutolH ulon of the prop-rtles, . ! .... ... k.Au.....i ,v.., t v.-.v ai.'i 11 1 grii.-r.iii ..... Haven, tn th end. wltl orne Into the New York Central. WOMEN TO CELEBRATE. Are Forbidden to t.-re the Awrtver- , eary of the G-rn Riot. Rut Are . , 1 Defiant- I WALLACE, Idaho. June S.-The after- noon was simnt by th stat In presenting evkK-nc In the cas against th county conurdiwtcTier. Men of the Hlme was aiient in examining wltnewe regarding Bie bonda of the sheriff, asseswor and ' riix tlfl'r and enough sureties were , found on each, who had Justified for more quel will leave there shortly for La Gu iHan assessed for, or who had not paid ayera. lust year taxes, wnicn tne iun statute require of sureties, to bring each bond below the am-Urtt required. It was also shown by the witnesses ana tne e.-ords that of W or m-1!- saloon keepers 1 the county only two had filed a bond 1 t rentilrd by law, rne wing issuea wttHout. Deputy sheriffs today posted rsAlces f rbiJiling a public observance oc juiy , the anniversary of Mie riot at Gem ven years ago. which, ever since, has b -i'n i bsetvcd as miners' union day. The women have oeen prwiNtrwm ir m lehiatKin, the mem members of the union brlntf mostly away or Imprisoned. n.. -... a verv determined but have vA aak'n no action since the procla- ' niathir was Issued. ANOTHER FISH OIL COMPANY. SEATTLE, June 2S.-vAruc!e Incorpor ating the North American Fish & Fer lil.slng LVmiwny were tiled here today. The ca-, stock 1 fl.5O0.W0. Thj 1 a;riorators are Nicholas Ohlandt, C. W. tXiburn and Alexander Morrison, of San FriHco; J. S. ooldsmlth, Jacob Furth and E. Neueldcr. of Seat'ile. "he com- .... . pnny has stvuroir . the Robinson tvti foritMxlng Want, at Anacortes. which will be ultlniut-'Iy eJtlargiM to an annual ca- paerty of XttM gallons of fish oll and ;W.0HO tons of fertlliier. i Tlie statement, that tihs incorporation ! Is the prelude to tne lormauon 01 a combl nation by the five tlah oil and ter .lining factories on Piwet sound with a ......n t nd a h millions cailtiU is denleit by the Inccrporators P10 FRUIT SHIPMENTS EAST. SAN FRANCISCO, June JS.-Declduous fruit shipments are being rushed to the east over the Central Pacific at (the rate of 50 car loads a day and extra itralns are being used In the accommodation of the traftlc. Vp to ltutt Sunday nbtht the shipment for Ithe season amounted to S50 car. 'ovads of 24,000 pounds each. Peaches, plums, ami tabic prunes con tinue firm and as a result the California ore(ja,Vst3 are ihavtng a most .profit- i ; u - , ' ;" VALENCIA SAILS FOR MANILA. SAN FilANCISCO. June- 28-The United aaaitos t,ranMort steamer Valencia sailed tonight fer Manila, .bearing headquarters, band and tnoop"B and M of ihe Fourtf pavalry and companies H and E of the Twvnty-nfth. Infantry. DIG FURNACE STARTS UP A Furnace Tbat Has Not, Been Run Since 1894 Now In bp2r:t!cn. ON A YEAR'S CONTRACT Output of Seventy-Five ThoasanJ Tons ftf Year of Pig Iron- CHICAOO. June St Th oflli lal of th tfcjijih Clit'4 Xurvjw C'mpany will 'g;iiri Up ttwrlr bl v'""' l Wna Huwlred iarilj jntj, trt on the fuurth of July Bn)j lt trjtf.ed wtil run att-odUy ( r an Indtflnlta period. It wilr caitf , f(r ,tle wmmj 1: month haa already 'lMH.n . The vUnl WM jar, and 'ofVxl. k vart'd xltnc wu ahut d"wn l4iwilt Lt ai'rln Oie phriMitwnat (jyfcy In Diie Irun trade Ui to tlw o janiUxn of fho prm oomoanjr, whhrh pUr;ha.-U Iho piaw ano naa o-n ro- ,lnf, , nvmzlr tu Th..- plan i pro r rvimpfWa a Maat furnac, whoa jjiy to 75jo tuna of p: Iron jrarty. ( M the afx-khuUlvra of th con (iat)r are i,,.,-incd, directly or indirectly wlfj a,e pdi Steel and Arae1cn g.,., Bnd W lr lrttrttJ. The greater of he lrMMl mlreaay comracieu for f to lbate concern, j GETS LEAVE OF ABSENCE. Admiral Ha Flrat Vacation for j tear and a lUUf. f..ii'l...t. n V Y.... C T.w - LA m.ral San.n. commander tn cWf of the Atlantic, after a yoar and a nft,j of alno. coatlnuoua e service ' of m(mt rduou kind, baa obtained of tlen.-. The papera from Bee !rt.tary Uirtg have rei-hed the admiral on l)0iir(i ,he flagship New York and on ' Wedm-sday. July 5, h will haul down hU . t . ... M n .a i ..-..v - cltlion. Jt wal itltrmi on th New York thait .,Vmtr, ,h, rore hut anXiUi to pa the flnrt anniver Mty of gantlago. on Monday, July S, with otruePS who. under him, a year ago. Jeairojvd Ccrvwaa neet. it was aPO learner that Bie department would glad- ly have given Admiral Sampson a longer .leave than a month, but he did not care ' to be away for more than days. VENEZUELA BUYS A GUNBOAT. MS lUHiv, June a. a uuipaicn o the Herald from Carataa says: Ttie gov- ernnu-nt of Venexuela has entered Into negotiation with the representatives of the Spanish governmer. at Martinique and has bought the guanVtilp Dledo Vel- asquea for the sura of 130.000 franca. The vessel was for a long time under repairs an Fort de France. The Dledo Valas. m vkw juue is rtowi i-iu ngle m-rew steel gunboat, built In En, gland irt 1SW- Her dimensions are as foW j lows: uengui, la jeer; oearn, a icn.; dpth, 10 feet; displacement, S tons. The contract speed was liO knots and her armament is made up or two tnree-tnen Morderrfelt rald fire pieces and one 1.5 (inch revolving cannon. Prevt jus to the war the coast. stationed off the Cuban GOLD FOR THE CUBANS. PORT ANTONIO, Jamaica, June K. What U perhaps the most valuable cargo that ever entered this pott Is now afloat in uhe harbor In the Hhape of nearly 3,. 'ow.00 In go(d. which is In the hold of the I imted fctates transport ingaus. I 1, Ingails arrived here from Neuvl. j river points and all rail stations In Or jtas khls morning for coal, fresh water j egon. Tickets on sale July t 3 and 4; and stores, being onl her way to Santiago 1 Uo offer the balance of the United State I grant to Cuban soldlera there. A strong ' military guard Is posited on the vessel, j It waat stated by those on b;ard the ' Ingails tlhat there was no fever In Neu vitas. The soUlk-rs there gladly accept J73 each 1m exchange for their arms ., ,..1 .,- .vf ihnm Are ,taklnsr to AffriCUI " - - P'. e - evident. ENDEAVORHR3 TO MEET. DETROIT, June 2S.-iBanners of wel com and decorative devices will be per. mlfi..t Ahum. the view In Detroit - -. . ..... streets during the Imernaltlonnl Christi. an Endeavor convention next v.-ecR. The city council has taken action gttmllng 'the operation of an onllnance prohibit lug strlnglns banners across streets dur ing the mcn.h of July. A communication from Mayor ilaybury advising sptvlal HlumlnaUoT of the cam." jjartlus during the Christian En. (avor convention has been referred to the council committee and the public lighting commissioners, who will recom mend a plan of Illumination, itv be sub mlued toa apectol meeting of the coun cil. At"ommodaitlcis have now been provided for 40.000 delegates. i FLOUR MILL TRUST. SSBSSSaaMSI i MINNEAPOLIS, June K.-The. United Stotes Milling Company, bopularly known as r lour trust, nas puj-4ieu nom the Noft'hlweatern Consolidated Milling Company six smaller mills of this city. now teased Ito the, Consolidated Milling Company. The figure Is understood to be I in tho neighborhood of Jl.SOO.OOO. The ca-i riaclty of the six mills b 11,000 barrels onr dy. Th trunt haa now a ferfaJ of 14.W tirml eapncHy In MlnnioMa. COIttlA M EN TED BY THK3R COAC1I. ViA'OUKRmfUZ. N. T.. June . Coaoa M(.'onvllle, of die AVIflcoiiain crew, rid laWl nlifht: "1 :n more than aatbfied with the Tf mi.t i t th rac. My boya rowrd beautia fitly and 1 am woyt brfleit (hat Winy were rvwiriK lle winning atnka wtin tbwy i no. unb red itbat otlruUon ulr the lirl'xre. even then 1 think they ooukl ti,iv nm.ntHifud the Im4 hud It nut ben for Mil- ma of anuill b which com- P,m1 tlu-m to atoirken their wped. The only iirfnpiainl tnan I mv ta tnaK : MaiiM th offlntala m for not properly tllcii -h 1nat.U of th cjm. Our iinlid rowing tday will do a worm . i i i.,.-., i,.- i ,m. of Koud In advanoinic rowmir in, our un. , veraity and yoi may look for a apankltia; to.jd t reir down her next yar." j . . , ... .,.,.0. oiiid ' DEAD 8AlIJfUI TROM PLAOLE SHIP. . . AN PRANCUCU Jun B-Th. borliea 1 of two Japon aail'ra of le pl? hip Nippon Maru wr found In th tiy l Aly and town to a p--4nt on atior by (Whermm wtv) wer afraid to loui.h j th bMca mor than waa ntceMary to itttach a rope 10 them, for (owing pur. Th. nro-nxee u notifted and th I tio-ilea were Ukoo w the morttu where every prectK-n I. being to pre- ' " 1 v V.- . . vent any .pr4 of the de .hould the mm have oarrtJ any grm. wkh thero in ftie bay. It I believed tha,. th men were afrill ui ay on the atearoor and afur atwchtrHf life preaervera to :hc4r bodlea Jumped overboard and were ' droWD4 ! I OFF FOR MANILA. 6A.N FRANCI300, June- &-The trana. ' : port VuletK-ia will depart today and the I Pennaylvanla will leave on in i:t for lUnlla. Toe Iwanuarter band, t-wj ; troopa of the FourCi cavalry and two oompanltai of the Twenty-nftii Infantry ' will aalt on the VaJencla. The head, quariera and company H, of fhe Twenty. fvunti, Hwo companies of the Twenty. ftf.h Infantry and Uf recruit will asJI on th IVnnsyhranla. The ttunaport Cleveland haa Wn chartered aaln and lt Is aald tbat ahe will take down 400 ! recruit on her next trip, aa well aa a general cargo. CAPTAIN C'OOHLiAN GOES TO PL'GET SOUND. WASHINGTON. June Ik-Captain Cog h Ian will go to Puget Sound after aH as commandunt of the mtvul station at tv.i! re. hard. The orlsinal order waa I mini n led owing to the discovery of th j inability of the napy department to n ! Il, .... tilrm remain C.rvn th nreaeot nun. j uf .totlon. under the term 1 of the personnel act. Having already ! ma.l arrangementa Co-give up his com. 1 K.MMrut r.m.l rtm-rn. altl I linjMRj, iicrwvr . , i,cv vvr.u tutu , tt . - WMo ..-w,,- i it w vofMutt v -a 1 as, u vu niajim and cbme east. KID M COY TO FIGHT. DENVER. June S8- B. JI. Benton, rep. relenting Kid McCoy, has gone to New York to complete arrangements for the coming flgSH between McCoy and Fits. Simmons. McCoy has cancelled all his engagements for tamrrlns; exhibitions and will leave for BaHey'a station on the South Park line, in Plaote conon, where be will spend some time fishing and mountain climbing, before going Into training. - THE MODEK.N' BEAUTY Thrives on good food and aunihtne, with plenty of exercise la the open atr. Her 1 form glows with health and her face .blooms with It beauty. It her system needs the cleansing action of a laxative remedy, ihe uses the gentle and pleasant Syrup of Figs, mads by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. THE L1LIPUTIANS. The "LIUpuUan Wedding" to be given at the Methodist church Thursday even ing. June O, will be composed almost entirely of smaft ohUrden. . This Is In re ality a miniature wedding. After the ceremony a concert of high merit will be given by some of our best local talent Program will appear In these later. Price of admission to both wd ding and concert S cents; children under 1J years, 13 cents. FOURTH OF JULY EXCURSIONS. The usual reduced rate of one tare for the round trip, account of Fourth of ' July, has been authorised oy me v. n. . " "f1"" " 'T"? "Z.V'S, , iut river. A hi oris, ro rtiniHuu. xaie .111 k in efrvt between all Willamette 'good returning up to and Including IJuly . WHEN YOU RIDE YOUR WHEEL Always shake Into your shoes Allen's Foo'-Es. a powder fur the feet It keeps your feet cool, prevents iweetir; feet, and makes your endiranje ten fold greater. Over one mtUlc.i wheel ' people are using Allen's Foot-Ease. ThcV .. ... . , . j an praise it. 11 gives resi uu . , !raaru s, tol. ' Is a certain cure for Ingrowing nana All the druggists and shoe stores, Sc. Sample free by mall. Address. Allen S. Olmsted. Le Bioy, N. T. - Th. nu1i.r erea (n tha world la the Grpat , WQ ,nche8 1 ...... men. CONDENSED MILK There are cheaper and In ferior brands to the Eagle, but none , that equal It. . H , .& I , - -4 n il35-. 5100 - iiW' tur ijr a) y;ars. Sead for Recipe Book. $. KSCm (AQaSIBIJt CIVIL .j in buying Con- 1 1 SSSS1 densed Milk. 1 srI Take no sub- j ZZ7 stltute for the Oai! Borden : ! Eagle Brand I it . -t f .nv-' ify . I An Excellent Combination. ine pinauim mi'itiiHi ana Drnnnctai ffeclf j h wul1 known rrmi-ly, oTRVf or Iron, matinfiioturrd by the Caliroimu Fio Svrup Co., Illustrate the ralue of obtaining the liquid luxn- Wve principles of pluiita known U bo . . . , medicinally laxative and nrueentlnjr til(im (n tha forra moftt refrMKlnr to the taate and acceptable to the ayatein. U is the one poriect itrenrttii'niutr lax tire, eleanainif the eysU'ra efTectoally, dllipelln(r coldSf hJ.ches ,nd cently yet promptly and enabling on habitual coniitipatlou per- rjunentlr. It perfuct freedom from erery objectionable quality and ob itance, and Ita acting on the kulneya, lirer and bowela, without weakvninff or irritating them, make Jt the Ideal laxative, In the procew of tnanufacturlniT flira f T1' " tbeJ. r,Ple8?ft to,t taate but the medicinal qualitiea of th remedy are obtained from aenna ami f planU by fc mnthod known tha CAUTOKHli FlO STKVP on!y. I0 order to get iU beneflclal etfecU and to arold imitation, pleas rememberthe full name of theCompanf printed on the front of every package, CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. gajf WKAHClaoO, 0AJU L0TOTT1XB. XT. WKW TOUT, W. T. For aalt by aU Drunpjta-i'rlc SOc per botUe, DEWEY HOME FUND. WASHI.V0TOM. June J8.-The Dwe hcn fund eontrtbuttone today were PSX ifo of thle amount came from Ch Brootyn Eale. The total aum up to arte 1 tlLWS. . r .. .. u ji -., , MOTMFBS t Mother! ! a hot bath with Co tie onu oxr, when fodousd by a single application . Cmcraa Ointment, th gnat kin ear and purest ot emollients, win affor4 thsmoit gratefal and comforting relief la th sere rest forma of Itching, Doming, and scaly akia and scalp hamors rasb, and Irrita tions, and point to a tret . permanent, and. economical cure when all ou. remedies and area th best physicians fail. dr'ielirtewH4. Tvrm ntea.ssCsts, Cw.riw.BmW, UrawCnluau(UaaMi,s, SUAXXi SKIRiHSH. I Fourth Caary Lases One -Man, Rebel's IFlnsJ Volley. ' M.VNILA. June K. - Captain GalV squadrbn of the Fourth cavalry exQs barked for Moron Monday. The guQ. boat Napidan, which accompanied the troop, vlsked the towo of Muntluhrpa. on the west shore of tha lake, and found a small body of rebels entrenched there. The entrenchments were shelled by th Naipsian and when the rebels began to retreat cavalry -was landed. Th FU. tpinos tn firing a final volley killed cat- slry private. Karl's Oovcr Root Tea Beautifies the Complexion, Purifies the Blood, gives a Kresh. tleur Skin. Cure. Con sllpation, Indigestion, nd sll Eruptions of the Skin, An agreeable Lsutive Nervs Tonic Sold on hulut guarante by all drugKists at SSc., 60c. and 1.00. S. C. WELLS CO.. LIROY, N. V. SOLS OrIITOS iror sale by CHARLES ROGERS. PROPOSALS WANTED. - . . , t 1 , , . . . i n -uMAw- a anreir tiu ir vcoi.nB uon-., i...- t..e . - hou-s hi the John Day district. AddTes John Lewis, olerk, Astoria. REAL transfers. .Thomas Llnrtlle to Louis Kirch. h.rr hrin' iUhhI. December 20. , ( adjoining the wn- I site Of IcUewUd, Clatsop county. .,t W Tnomai Llnville to Kiithard Nixon, sheriff a deed, Sopterooer s, ltsfs, 640 acres, section 12, townchip 6, n r 6 w, and section 17, township , 7 h r S w, and srctMi 3 and sec- . : a ,n , . t, i r. a A w nim An , null r, II, ,V'nl,tl" V . v n ...... . ' iBJiil M. (Jeonls 'to Columbia River i packers Association, w d, June 2S. Id!', lot 1, section 5, -rownsMp g n r 6 w 100 00 rrillJ JIJ ' A familiar name for the Chicago, ML waukee & St.- Paul Railway, known : over the Unxin as the Great Ratlwa: running the "Pioneer Limited" train every day and night between St. 'Pat) and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago "The only perfet trains In Una world." UtKl-r.aml: - ComnetttoiiH are made wit all Transcontinental Lines, assuring t urkus hes,, eleotrlo 14ht, attain Ceai of a verity equaled by no other line. ' , Ses that your ticket reads -via 'T Milwaukee wneni eouir ro any ooint i the United St at as or Canada. All tlckt agetits sell them. . . For rates, ipamphlen, or other Inf -rn-u Hoi address, ' ' "' J. W. CASEY, C. J. EDDY, Trav. Pass. At., General Agent. Portland, ur. rorsrana, u X rSY,r Good 1111 tmmmmmmmgggmfmvMtBi in FX