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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1899)
i. ASTORIA PUBUC 1JBRAKY ASSOClATiOH. VOL. XLIX. ASTOKIA. OUEGON, 'MIl'USDAY HORNING. JUNE t9. IM. m ltt . ''''' k OUR Stoves -d Aro not mudo from Uio ncrnp-pilc or in a kinilergiirtcii hcIkxiI. Eclipse Hardware Co. Wo CJIve Trncllnu Htnttipn. v i r 1 GRIFFIN RALSTON... HEALTH CLUB Acnir Gluten Farina, Acme Wheal Flakes ami Siandard Nulled Oal AT A. V. ALLEN'S ASTORIA CASH GROCERY Tenth imd Dunne StreetH. Look nt Hi l'ollowltin I'rltoM. Western Kvtliicry Siiur, IK potitiJn for "M.h(. Hn,t Ci.lTcc K " l.". (iiMiJ Quality Ten I :M). K..1UJ Out n " .25. Kcmiim in " .25. jupunKicc " .25. (iooj OtiaKty Hour I Suck .7ft. Oyhtci 12 Cant l.N). Tiniintoe. 11 " NEW LINE OF Side-Boards, Dining-room Tables and Ghairs Chas. Heilborn & Son. Here Is a List 01 some High Grade Goods at moderate prices KALSTON HEALTH I'OODS in great variety fresh from the mills. AROMATIC SPICES, rjunrantecd the finest. TILLMANN'S IT RE EXTRACTED CHASE & SAXHORN'S COITEES arc un rivalled. Together with a host of other good things. ROSS, HIGGINS & CO Jiem Zealand Fire Insaranee Go Of New Zealand. W. P. Thomas, Mgr., San Francisco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY Subscribed Capital Paid-Up Capital Assots Assets in United States Surplus to Tolicy Holders lifts been Underwriting on tho Tacific Coast over Twenty-two years. SAnUEL ELMORE & CO., Ffceeldent Agent, Tinware BOOKS... Blank and Miscellaneous. PAPER... New Crape and Type-writing. Waterman Fountain Pens I lux I cerntcl Paper ntid KnvelieH-nc & REED Breakfast Food Barley Food Select Bran Yeast Cocoa .Country Produce Bought. OF SHAREHOLDERS. $5,000,000 1,000,000 2,545,114 , 300,000 1,718,792 Astoria, Oregon. Improved Mikado and Empire Cream Separators. Th.r r ibt slmpUst and moti .fllclsot Separator, mad. Fur sal. Vf Foard & Stokes Co. Astoria j Your Wife Will Ilk. It; io will tht cook. Star KHtnte Rnnge Sall.fy ll who uh Ih.m. X2L Ifo. If your bttirr half dors th. cooking, (hut i B a1.Ii t lo n a reason why ther. should b 8tr E.tat Rang In your klii hen. Th. up. of them prevents worry and disappointment. W. J. SCUU.T. Ag.nt. rUV 'l"';'! Ji Bond Btre.t. J. A. Fastabend General Contractor and Builder House-moving Tools for Rent. Andrew Lake MaCOMMKHCIAU ST. ...Merchant Tailor... I'crfect Pit Guaranteed. Low Prices. Rplr1nf nd CInlBf NMtly Don., THE PROOF ot th. puddlnj m ia th. Mtlnf and th. proof of liquor. IS IN SAMPLING Tbt't as fYnniit that's elualro-a dnDoaitntloa. Oun will it&ad th im. HUGHES & CO. ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF LONDON. Established during th. reign of Quean Ann., A. D. 1711 FIRE AND LIFE. Subscribed Capital $ IM.M M Amti U4n.W N Surplus to policy hMr t.Wltf M Exoiustv of paid P aapital Law Union and Crown Fire and Life Insur ance Co. Bubsortbod or guaranteed oap. itai ti,tjmn Capital paid op tMMOO N Ass.ii m Catton, Bell & Co. Qeneral Agents, San TtaaeiM, Cat Samuel Elmore & Co. Resident Agtnta, Astoria Oregoa. mm fill ENLISTING VOLUNTEERS No State or Section Organ tzations Recog nized. THE U. S. VOLUNTBERS Will Be Tbelr Title an! Num terej First, Second, Etc., j Regiment Infantry. PRESIDENT NAMES OFFICERS To Be Chosen From Regular Army nJ Former Voluntetr Reflmenw- V,.HIHNTOV. Jun a. Voluntevr. will r. Ih- .-pil In r Kult rvnlia iMiii Hiirmr)' Alifer I drtrnilt'l to wlfur.- l thut nil. IH'kU. over tin- r iKiiitrw. h ha. comJud.-d cli.t a itHifi.itloti r raln thno volun:fr lr.i" "(U Uirifi-" lntl-x (the mre oei itiP mrl "f jiktp o fultow out the pl.niK mitv-rjiKfully loiKrO In ike Immune i r -irlm-iil. Il l th proent purp. to dmr-xar.l nli trulr ami linm In IwMTurlr.g rrrult and weldtnff thn lino NitniMlmttuim. Tlu- rlmrnt will b il''Hlina:rJ ox flrxt. rnnd. third, rtc. volmH". r I'nltwl Smtp. Infantry, or av 'airy. No d'.nVutoy anllclpatl In it curlii th turn n.W. It l MlfVl j m-n !! an- wwk'.y offrrtnj !li-mm w ul rm'rul;lnT ultlc-a will be cvi-n nure willing n. ntf r the army a : yiwr vvlnirtptra than n tr-t trm r.teulr. OHIcrra fur tl0 voluntwr rlm.-i will 1 olilalnc-d ly promoting ..till era ikiw In llw n-itusar army and by ;-.mmrtoiilnir many of thp b-! offlrvr In Ttn voluniwr onranlatlon whr'ch mw iwr-lc. MIlS. M K1NI.EY II.U l-n-Kld.-nt Will Not Take Mi. Western Trip. NKW VOIIK. Jun S.-A p Ia4 t the Herald from Wtmhlmfton aayn: Th aiate of i.Mm. MoKlnlry'a ht-alih M thl thnr if d.'CuU'dly wor than lnc .Ik has Vvtl In Hir Whlif Hous. and th prftildent will remain In Washington probably all minimor and will take very llrtl -aoatlon oia of tln city. MoKlnley'. proJevetl trip to tho Tnt-inc oi!t. whlvh had Wn look-d forward ro In ant1olatin of enjoyment for litmHrlf and Improvement In Mrs. Mo. ICinloy'a condition, ha Invn aAmmLmrd. Ilia trip to Mlnneooia has also bv'n atn donol. T!k- unfavorobl,, :urn In Mrs. .Me Kin. b'.v'ii (-undliloii I attribute to a culd. which ht (Miuractcd Just before h l ft 'ashiiKton. Stie la never strong and ( lil iwKl eeimxl to weaken her to ueh an xleii a to make It advisable to avoid the exertion which would have In-en neooasiiry had she remained away a long a It had been Intendetl. MEXICO WANTS A .CRrMINAL. A Woimin Murderer Is Juarvi. Itemaiukd at EL PASO. Tex., June 2S.-The twal of Mrs, Mattle Rich has btxgun before the 1'iilted Stwtes commissioner here to de. tn"mlmi whethen or not she shall be sur rendered ito the Mexican authorities for trial at Junres, on tihe oharge of murder. Ing her huaband there last April. John Rich, an American citlsen, waa mysteri. ously rthot In Juraet. He was brought to BI 'Paso In a hack next morning by his wife and died a few days later as a re. wilt of his wounds. Mexico made appli cation for (he extradition of 'the woman, who Is also an American eltlscn. nnd the case has aivuuwd wKkspread Interest on account of Its peculiar features and the fact ithat It Is. the fir extradition case undor the neutrality agreement. Rich made an antmmortem e-tajement, In whldh he eald his wife shot him and this was placed in evidence. The surgeon alo testified and the proceedlnr I of th Juraet court w;hich tnveotlgated the kill Injr were lntTOluced. Today Mrs. Rich will testify in her own beihalf. The dead man1, home waa formerly at Port Dodc. Ia., and his father, a banker, reside, there now. At one time the de. ceased lived at San Antonio. Tex. A GERMAN MISER'S WEALTH. ST. LOHJTS. June 21-In a dingy, stuffy little room in the rear of No. 1231 South Third street. .Officer Hawaiian found rownlnl In dirty trunk and a vail, a num at mortry ex'-wdliig tllffto in gov. urnment bnd, ald and tlll Ot larg. dviiirnlnatlin.. Tho police think that thl atrial I f'fntuna U th property of Mm. IValhongifr tt'aekerl., an ared fW nuin woman, who I. now a patient at Ch ( My Inaana avylum. Dut trttlfl U knxwn by Xti. netTihora of Mr. Warekole. Thy aay that for yeara Iiajrt ahe haa ten llvlnr in that orh'od; alwaya rotdoent, acoentrte and dnur. samiwanwjchley co.vTnovEitsr. Th Navy Department Will Nottco of lit. Take No NKW YORK, Jul &.-A apodal to th,. MeraUl frara Waahlntoa ayt: B- retary baa reiterate. that the nary l.-rtnu-nl cantemt'late.1 taklnc no fumU-r action In the 8amiaon-8c'hley c-ontrvemy. In fact." ald the aeeretary. "no far an 'Mt iartm-ni w concrni. me con irovemy d'j. not xlt. If any oftieer aliould rvqiiem a court of Inquiry It will prollHy t granted. There la no truth In the elKiricea that the department lr tenl t" mice, lu'tlon re,fltlng upon Ad miral Schley. i We Ufik. C'Jttnlrance of the euien of Lleutenarua lUxlipion ami Hellner bf. catM fie veracity of an officer waa In vol veil. We do this often Jul the ttme e take cmrnltance of charges that an oftloer rrna failed io y hin h jne.t deb:. The nutter waa referred to Captain (tiadwkk to take testimony b-au4e h la In command) vf the atatkm on whKh tli'-v omcer. are, the cane taking Identi cally the mime courtti an many other. 'for It." 8I'.NIARI8 LEAVING MANILA. tan!nti .ldiera t. It Captivity. aid While In MANUKA, June IS 4:55 p. tn.-General Januuiloa, who bi settling Sin'a mil.. tary affair here, has rt-celved a oab; ma.tqie from tho mlnl.ter of war at Madrid announcing that the pay of all Hie wldlera who are in the handa of the Injurcetita wHI be t-ontlnued during their captlvtty. ttmllea of many of thee of. liivTs and HuUI-r are In Manila and are without mean rf upp.rt here, or on their return to aln. The new Spanish consul here. Senor Luis Marinas, says his foremost business Is to secure the release of the prisoners. The 9iiinlar.l are fat leaving Manila, and the steamer Isla de Luton sails for Spain soon, taking several hundred per sons, civil and military officials and thetr famifll. Spanfeh iammerokU men ane sellbift out and some of the largest n teresta here will soon pass Into the hands of Rnglfeh capitalists. OLYMPIA SAILS FOR PORT SAID. Admiral Dewey'a Health Improving Uovernr Leary. of Guam, at Colombo. OOIXVMBO, Ceylon. June SS-The I'nlted cruiser Olympla. with Admiral Dewey on board, sailed from here for Port 9uld this afternoon. The Admiral has been living quietly here and his hoaliJ has improved. He weJU on boanl the cruiser at 10 o'olock this niorntntr. The customary' official visits were oxchanged. during the day. PievioiM lo hia departure Admiral Dewey visited (he auxiliary cruiser Yosemlte. now at this port, having on board Cap tain Richard P. I.eary. governor of the Island of 'Guam, who Is now on his way to his voat. BETTER PAT TO TICKET AGENTS. CHICAGO. June SL-Rallroad ticket aKOtirs in the erttlre territory west of Chicago will have their incomes tnatert ally Increased after July 1. At a meeting of the general passenger agents of 44 roads In Chicago today It was unan imously agreed that on and after th ahove dafte and urrtU further nutlce agwits should receive liberal commissions for selling rtckets over foreign or con. nectlng line.. These oommlseions will run from 25 oents U $i per ticket, the average being about . Between aw and S000 agents will be benefited by the acttion of the passenger managers. TERU REORGANIZES ITS ARMY. LIMA. Peru, June 28. The Peruvian government la organizing three army corps under compulsory service. They are officially called the National Guard.. The announcement that the government sotted In Lhna a bas; ot treasonable let ters from Senor Bllllnghurst Is untrue, but it la true that some from Caracas to parties alt Equips have been seised. MOUNT LOWE ROAD SOLD. LOS ANGELES, June 2S.-V(Ue ratine Peyton, who was the heaviest Investor in the Mount Lowe railroad property, at the foreclosure sale, has purchased the Chicago Interest that was represented by A. B. Cody. The purchase prioe Is not known. The other Chicago Intercut to still held by the Singer estate. THE NATIVE DAUGHTERS Their Grand Cabin Elects Officers for Ensuing: Year. ASTORIA IS HONORED Mrs. Olivia Welch Cboseo Hrst Vice Presi dent. GAVEL OF HISTORIC WOOD Made From Timter Taken From tbe Oil Beaver, tbe First Steam ship on This Coast- PORTLAND, June a.-TlM Native Dauglrters of Oregon todaey elected offl- cera at the Grand Cabin, a Allows: Grand past president, Mr. David Sttet. PoAkuid; grand prenldettt, Mrs. Robert A. Miller. Oregon Chy; fir grand ric. presidenk, Mrs. OIlvU Welch, Ast-ria; grand treasurer, Mrs. James White, Port land; grand secrfary. Mr. Edyth Weatherred. Portland; grand Marshal, Mrs. J. C. Leaure. Portland; grand ln.jdlrfl Defender eight minutes, besides glv slde semlnet. Miss Marie Tongue, Hllle lng the old champion a two minute handl bcro; grand outside sentinel M ss Edith Lp. Yacbtmen from New York and here-Drt-oll. Junction City; orators, Mr., j Kb0uts aTe Jubilant, for the raohf. rterl. OIIv 8. England, Salora. : qualWea must oome out In a rac to The truate. of the Grand Cabin are J windward. The race waa from Brenton's as foltws: Mrs. SoL Blumauer. Mrs. ; Ttet lightship off Newport, to New Lon. Ela Lehigh and Mrs. Maude Pope Alyn, a g0.- a mjes. The Defender waa Portland; Miss Ollie Stattec. La Grande; giYfn minutts the start.. Tttrtv. Mrs. C. E. Wolverton, Salem; and Mrs. 'wa ot jong stretch of water waa Edyth B. Union, Eugene. j to windward, with such a stiff breexe The gavel used was mode from a piece t,i0Wlnj that nelt'ier j-acht cared to carry of oak taken from the steamer Beaver, working topsail, and It was tn this kind tlu fir.r teamr SruJ ever Mailed on 1 the waters of the Pacific ocean. She ar rived a: life Columbia river March 19. b3fi and at Vancouver, Wash., April 10, She was wrecked at Burrards Inlet, B. C, July, 1SSS. KENTUCKY DEMOCRATS HAPPY. Have at Last Got a Ticket Nominated One Man a Dictator. y LOUISVrLLE. June democratic state co"iv?n:n adjourned tonight after nomirmttng the following' ticket: Governor, William Goebei, of Kemon county; lieutenant governor, J. C. W. Breckham, of Nelson county; secretary of 9ttt.e, Brtx-k Hill, of Clay county; at. twrney general. Judge R. G. Breckinridge, of Doyla county; auditor, Ous Coulter, of Graves county; treasurer, Judge S. W. Haegcr, o( Boyd county; commissioner of agriculture, I. B. Hall, of Louisville; commissioner of public instruction, H. V. MeChesney, of Livingston county . William Goebei do.ninated today's pro. eeed'ings as he has those of every day since the convention begun. Coming hero wttth less than one-fourth of the delegates Itustructed for hitn, anO with the smallest number of such delegates accredited to any of the three candidates for governor. he leaves Hhe convention holding the nomination for the head of the ticket with the party organisation under his control and the ticket made up of his partisans. ROOSEVELT FOR PRESIDENT. Teddy Slared By His Friends for 1S04. As Republican Nominee. MILWAUKEE, June 2S.-'We won with our boys In blue, and he will be our presi dent, too." Thus ran one of the banner Inscriptions displayed today in the Milwaukee parade, of which Governor Roosevelt was the ceouer of attraction. But this apparently did nut Interest, the governor himself half as much as did that other, displayed everywhere and on every lip, "Our Teddy.' Tho governor's part In the flower par ade was to lead It In the undecora'ted carriage if Cuptafn Fred Pabst. Photographers by the score leveled their cameras at the governor, and he shouted to them "Spaniards did not do anything as bad. a. that." Little girls and young women ran out to the carriage and itthrew In clusters of roses and Makes the food more sovu dim bunches of .west pea. un'fl It via a bow r of flowers. In tho baits of hundred, of man wer. Ilttl. white carl on whldh wer. printed. Te-ldy, lt" Tim. and tlm. agato th. hwJt wont up from th. .treat cornar and crowded ofllra window.; "RoMvlt for prealdent" RECEPTTOJf AT VANCOUVER. Second Oregon to Be Oivea Best Thera I In th. Land. VANCOUVER. June H. Th. eommlt- te. on arrangemenu for th .titer tairw ment of th Oregon rolurrteers dtrrtriff tlwlr atay in Vancouver barrack 1 dolna; soma hard work. Th eommltte has been in conference several time., with the Portland on mm K tee, and tiav. about decided on ch. plan to be follow! ouC The cRIzeos of Vancouver reoogma th. fact that the first and foremost reception and welooroe rightfully Wong to Port. land, and It Is th. intention oc th exxn. mlttee to provide for the entertainment of the boy. after the hi blowout la Portland and during their stay In Van oouver prior to the muster out. If the water faJls sufficiently low. a basea:i ground will too fixed up on fh lower part of th. government re. serve. The ball team of the Secbnd Ore gon waa recognised as the chaarpkxi nine in the Philippines, and tt la th in tentkm of the comnirttee to provide thetm wttn v-tim. nacea ot au mm -mm oa ;l and It Is probable that a bathlnc place will be established on the river. The boys will be given the beat there Is In the land. COLUMBIA A WINNER. NEW LONDON, Oonn.. June a In 3ftmUe beat to windward today th new yacht Columbia beat the old cup chatra of work that the Columbia gained such a long lend, averagimr more than a quar ter of a minute faer than the Defender each mile. The wa'.er was very rough, but the new boat ran very easy and did' pot buffet the waves as nruoh as the Defender. ...... , . --. COLLEGE MEN AGREE. ; " t NEW LONDON. Conn., June 8. Sin gular as it may seem, there appears to be perfect unanimity of feeling at Tale and Harvard headquarters tonight as to the possible outcome? of the three races which coHege crew, will row tomorrow. Both agree that Yale, barring accidents, has a better chance In the great 'varsity race that will be rowed for Vur miles down the Thames Just before sundown. It le also admitted by both that the Tale freshmen crew will not have the same advantage over Harvard In the race of two miles up river In the fore noon, while, as for the four-oatvd race between 'varsKy substitute! over w mile course. Harvard has certainly the preference. DREYFUS BROKEN DOWN. NEW YORK. June 28.-A dispatch to the Herald from Paris says: Le Martin has interviewed the mate of an Ameri can steamer which passed the Sfax at Cape Verde Islands on June 19. He saw? Caiptaln Dreyfus on deck and says ha looked broken down and like a man of 60. The captain of the Sfax ordered them. Ito keep off. Captain Dreyfus saluted the flags when the usual salutes were x changed. HIS CONSCIENCE SMOTE HIM. MINNEAPOLIS. June 18. After six years of absence In Ouatemala and Mexl co, Louis F. Menage has returned to Minneapolis, pleaded not gulty to three remaining Indictments against Mm, and has heen released on $10,000 bail. Menage Is charged with the embezzlement of S1-24O.0OO from the Guarantee Loan Com pany, which collapsed In 1893. DISTINGUISHED COLUMBIAN DEAD. NEW YORK. June 28-General Thomas A. Herrera. of Panama, Colombia, h? dead at a private sanitarium, aged 62. He haa held many office In Colombia, lnoludlng thalt of secretary of th. Interior and waa one of the principal oitlxana of Panama. Mf-yBJa brEJS delicious and wholesome sow, to., new vom.