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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1899)
INK, DAILY A8T0KIAK. TLESDAV MOKNINU. ATM!, 4, ICS. rai r- - '(iw'Tf ) Senator Foster Thinks This One of the Important Concessions That F.nglanl Is After. k -towMmVi WORK FOR JOINT COMMISSION An Excellent Coiiililiuitloii. 'I'lio in.imt iwMmhI mill ticm-flcliil flTiM'tw of Hip well tiiiiitvn iiiniilv. Kiruni up I'm", iimnnfin tiircii i. v tin' ' Porl of Entry May Be Ceded If Lum- C'Al.irnllKIA hill Hvill'P ( n., lllllallliti' I ccr ana uai urirr can ue nut Part of the Treaty, WANT LUMBER DUTY REMOVED In' value of iiiiiiilnlnir tin- iiinilil In mi llvrt principle nf iiluiita I, iimvn I., In ini'illi'liiiill.V limillvi' mill iri'Hriiilnf tlii'iu In tin' form limit rcfic'ililiiu to 1 1 1lltl llllil nocclitllbli' lo Hit' Kynli'lll. It til lio niin M'ifiu-t tilfi-iiifMii'nliijr In mi' tlvn, t'liiuiiNliiir tliii kvnli'in i'ITitIiiiiIIv. ilbH'lllif t'c.l.U, licniluclica Hint fever TACoMA. April I -United H:ata rl.i. Ifi'iitly yi'l promptly mnl enabling nno : "'or AiMimni O. Koater, aftr Mpemllntt tn ovcroiin liuliltmil i'iiiiHtliatiiii n-r- iaev-riil weeks Inveailgatlng In ih east luniii'iitlv. Ita (MTfi'i't frrcilimi fimii jan.1 itiM-tlp wmI (lit altitude of the J"lnt rvrry ubji'ctlniinhlii iinilily ami miIi- high rominuMtoii n lumber anil rml tar. Mamie, nil Ita actlnir m tin-Uiilnev, it. Mnd the Ainak buutidary quciiou, llvi-r ami iNiMffU, ttliliniit wi'iikinliiK ;i,. rumned in hi li'in. In thl diy. or Irritating lliciu, inakn It (lui lili-nl n M)a Miaun, "I am f tlx opinion .that ilia removal . i' 7 . . .T ' Only mi lumber I. oim of in. ni..t ere uol. an tlirv are iilraxnnl tit llio i, ' . . ..,.,. team, but'li,al .,i.alltl...,.f th '"'"T l" IT'. ' " fc?"' ' rt ritly am obtained friun Mima ami I ra,H "" el,,r" t.tlirr aniinitlUt plants, liy a mriluxl :" "'- "" " known t ilia Cai.trnttNU Fin hvnt i ('. only. In onlor ti ifi't Ita U'licMi'liil rffi'i'ta ami to avulil liiilUlliiim, irni ri'iiii'iulHT llip full namniif tiipi"miiiiiy prlntnl mi tlir frtxit of rvrry rNn((n, CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. AM MANl'laCO. OAL. wuiaviu.a xr. naw yomr. w y. of Ml I7 ill lllUIKl! -l'lk UK. l Ixlll. j rtmn.l uniuiiK lh 'nixt1iut and Kimttali. i tin 11, I rutlu'l- liH-llim lo tlin otHiilon llwi a milfi'liiry mljuaiiiii'til .if Hi liimlxr I n ml iMM m iiniiitca n'im vWUy, If nui I iiiiiln In il"IHBIll). I "n my way wit I 'inltrl wiiii urtcm iimI iinriniiii'fi on I liia ulj t unit I flii'1. All thing C"M. iilrrnl. Itml our if. In nil pari (rf lha Uiriled BUMoa ar liKlinad lo yMd a Wtf. In ttila nwuur, provlilfd a In riff ti lumlKir and 011I alao, If V Itila, mh iia miU tmrt ut tht treaty, In Hint vni, It would m out ot foil. Ilea, and (tint would Ihi much tiKri aat. Infiuilfiry to tha Mirritrnin A tti xiun try, Wa could nut for a nioniaot eunaular tlifl iriKifitUin ot rmnoviriK tli larllt ll'i'Hii r. Imliwl, iuiiiiK on 1 1 in In r I no inui'h lowir In Omnria mrw that th CiiniilliiiiK ran alMiiit nffrd U pay U ht thiximuid litllff and mnio out vn, "iJi'Vi'r'h"li, juinbnrniHii, aa a ruin, would wIllliiKiy 111 nk 11 11 ivilu'ilon on Hm liirlff fonn 1 lo II jir HimuMiiid, jiro v I ) I llml ih r l wnrw rimdo mrl of I ho ln-ly, and llixnliy Ihm uoi iiirnii. iK'i.l ii Iiiiim mm llio irmly llll. 'I1il would -rttit ii it rilii'tion f yi nr inni in tin. luitrW udlT now In foira." Mil, i'AU.EShmi AM.KOI1H L'NJt'HT PIWUIMINATION. (f v M ro fS 'flVfWv VS Huya Tlial llm t'liiiiiHI Hum .Vol Tr.-ulod tilt Kiiiiiiii AM i 1 m Knlrly In I hn I'uri'hana of I,umlr, KNAI'ITON, April I,-KulU.r AnWrlun: tli lull lo iiutdUlii'd In Win )any Anlo. 1M111 for a i)iiiil iiii'MImk of tho r.iv iiiiih II t-Mtli-al tor l1m j,urii)Mi of iiiHiik n ur.lliiWM iriKlng c'onlracior fjoodln furlliir Itinn In wlil. h to (1111141.KI0 rii tm. .nvniini( of Att.if lrn dm- n't flvo llm iriii IIU .f tlin tntiiOd ur.ll miner. It Mlu;iil ivnil: "To iiraot furllw llm lo tlin 'Iim'mI mi:' In wtiu-ti to gnt y.'llow fir l"a i-ut from nht lri ttia Ihnt iv lr-n Irfi In tha woimI 1y itia I.htii afli-r Uiklnif off tha 01. (vliunMlila lorn from whirli lo cut llio luioiwr." (.mriuiiir looitn d'.d not riilr mora ll'iia I linn iIik final onlliiatx a ruiiird h,l from mi "oulalda itilll," niranirm tha WILL INSPECT CANAL ROUTES President McKlnley to Announce the Now Isthml in Canal Commission. WORK TO B COIN IMMEDIATELY Six Atemtersof the Commission Al ready Selected - Oepoit of Former Commission Nearly Heady. NKW VOHK, April J.-A ai.l to th llwruld from Wa1iiiiru,n y; pra',dnt MoKlnlcy will aiinounoa foinorrow tli fVcn tiiomWa of Uia new )H,rnin c:u)4 iviiiiiiIi,,,i, 'Hia iiitrii d'llnltHv d. u riiiliii cl upon r: J(r Admiral U'aik- pr, lir.Knili.-r Oni rul ltuini- nd lrofa. -r llttUil, of tha Nlriuin n:i 'iim)aUii; tlvll KnifliiM-r Nubia. 1.1 l liimifo, formnrly m-mhrr of tha Lud. low ramd uuinmlialoii; Major Kmiik Hymotida. i-orj-f ciMfin.-cm, and Civil KiiKiiicr Viltctit. Tl vrnih nvmiitr of Urn iMmnH anion limy ha civil Knion.-i-r llin..ii, if N.-w Vork, Wh.i tma .acn In H'miliifurton tor tha laat throe d). I nili-r I hw irma of i tui j, ,,i ii,a zV mbwlon wtll viit both the I'annma and TUB NKW CVP DBrENDEIl. Tti new cup dafriyUr now blng built It txpectad to ba tha moat ramarkab! vcaanl tvr turned out. h conatruclion hai Wn V"pt a profound crt, but ft I whlnfiarad that It will cullf bold tha cup. America I rnpldly ornliig- lu tha fr.'.iit, A ;o rxiimpla of thla la hr fa. nwiia houaaiioid rwnoy, noatett'-ra Htomarh lillliira, which baa dfmdd ma;rh for bnlf a camury. In apila .of many ImlUtlona, no other remedy ha been abir to aUMilunt It. It hold tha hamplonahlp t'rt tha dcf.t of all alornMib Ilia, ail' h a Indlvatlon, eonatl pHtlon, nrvotianvaa, blllouant-aa, Ilvi-r and k'dney troublca. It la !ao an excellent preventative and cure of miliaria and fever and au. It 1 aironKly recom. meiiilid to everyone t thla time of tha year. VJ) REWARD. Tha above reward will ba paid for In. formation that will lead to tha arreat and conviction of tha man or men who allot at Pepuly Plrh Commiialoner Cath cart on Wednesday evening near Ita.nler. II. D. M'OfJKE. Flah Commlaaioner. A ar"Tl;il dlM'Htch to the NcW Tork Journal aaya tha Pope, If he live long enouifh to hold tha two forthcoming oon alalorlea. will create ten new Cardinal!, ona of whom wilt be Archblxhop Ireland. REMARKABLE CURE TISM. OF RHEUM A- iwmfl'ii mm, winmi wu propir-d tu Mi-armiuiui routca. The prel)nt la furnteh thn lumber wttliln 10 day a.ftcr unaloua tliut It Miistl beir.n Ha work Im the cunirniit wna b-l. and at a price lwr ', aa ha dmlrra to aubmlt Ita local mlila" li.i.l aak' d at Hi it rx.rt ua prunqnly a ,KMilble to the n-at I hull the jc-xiKn-aa In order that an airoprluilon Niir .i ihr wrlii-r ae why thla mill . in-iy bn obijn,-d from that Iwdy for com. J, rL I'lati'a Ciin lor (VniMintitiiMi la n iirlccli-aa mllcln lurCoiitilia. I linvi' lllilll tl"' iat t" wii'ka ilia iiivrnil niiiillu-r tnliit In Ita luvnr, nml tlmt la: it la 11 HI 111; Cl ltK lor ti HI II tiikcii wlicit tlm llrat wviiiptoniM nn tioticnl V. A. Illl tr.livUK, So. 4:i liii.lin.ll Itulliluitf, HjirliiKtK'I'l, (., Jim. 1 1, lmH). 1- Tha ItannaiiiNuiy. Vrin, Pa. iV iva....ivs. SK -4 'i Im. Ibwl UmiIi HTUp. IJ JlTftMMlMval. I m It) Uiua. n U.i. Ur Immuia. tl "V V M V W Stf '-Srf V m Va? M hii Vi? houid Ih- ill rliiilnnl.d aKttlnat aa "oiiimil,, mill" when if d:Mtiura i-v.-ry vt ir In A(',rl and tin- country tiilnit.iry folly tut mo. Ii ui'iiiry ii a tha u "I-m-.iI mtll." I rllrlni. io leltira rclvrd ul.iiin the Urn,, thl oniiruc! wua l wh' h ar-i-r!lii.-nt In Itila iili)-t, nnd -which you .itr ot li1. rly I.) ptiblltfh. m. r. 'At.i.r.Mi-:it. iiik- ut lite l.-ltrra -u( by Mr. Call, n.l, r i fr-iin N ninictor leHlin. who atntiil iht the I'lutm.p milla bad nnclp blm a I I I j i i a . .. THE OCC DEN i Astoria's LQading Hotel MckIcp V Wright, PropH. R. L. Boyle & Co IcndhiK Rcnl IBHtnto Dculcr of ASTORIA, OREGON Write for Information ami I'titniiMt N. M't Coniineirinl Strwl Nnjiolt'on win tlio worliln j;rt'ttt fit gom-inl. Wo aro ,toria'n loadtTS in Stoves - Ranges iti-r nffcr for lumlwr than thut f the Kiuitin,,ii mii;, and thut he had d-cMcl lo accept the i.frcr The ith r la from a i,i nlieman Int.-rral' d In an Aatorl.i mill. 'n Mlil.-h he ruuKcala nil uitrrrm,-it to i.tvim. e thr i-ri- .,f liunt.i-r II it mor.- n ih-MWiiid, If tl.e iiiill.:l tt i in mil of n de nim t.i diai rimlimir aKiilnel Mr. t'ullrn- lb r'a null, tl undoubtedly il il wrong; but the AajiK-Inn l4'eve that Iben. ha n ati.-ti tim-nilon. Th Kmippton mill haa aia been airlitly .vmnlilrreil a "I-mwI" mill, nnd rftiire Ii dllunn runalib-rnble ni,ii-y in Arftortii. II la i-tiMtb-d to a fair hare of the lily'a bualnma. Mr. tVlk-ndt-r'a tnt iMi"-,ira to be wetl taken to w c-Maan et"lil. It waa ataied in the council chnm!-re when the mea. aura w-a called up thut the ItMrntton aa In ufTon! Mr. tSooMn an oppor. imitly to iNitmn'ar In- al mfil. It waa fiinber arnieil tlmt the lumla-r could pr urcd from an up-river mill, but H an rtii-iii-liifc work on the caiwl. In m-.iuriUnce with the wtahea of lh lr aldi-nt. h U uii'J'-rMt.xjiJ iter j Walker la i-xpeilUllnif the work of pre. I pa ritm the r-port uf Hie NinmKuaii canal ommlnaion, and It will be ready for nub. motion to ih pre,IJi-nt within the next ten daya. Ttieri- wt.l lie aeven r'ut. a c..n. 1iut lb,, .imimleaion haa di term, jlned curt to chiinite Ma r-iwrntnend-itlon In favor of Hie l.uil rout.-, tnouith a-jino atlKtv. tunttea lii ihe route- cn the euaicrn I ebb- Will be j It la und.-ra-.m.d that n-tary Lonif j will be rrii(-at-d to piuce a warahtp at the d ia.-al of the commliwjon and the v..i-) will onivey the nieml-ra to Colon, , where they will make an examination of I 111,. I'annma catml. I'pon the wmiitetlon f th'.a ex.imlii;bin, which will t ike only I a ehoit tune, an the canal xm;ny will ; ilc- i! charia and urv-a at the dla. Iponal of the ommUaioii. Iti-iir Almirii I Wa.kir nnd hi MiMwt.itr w.l'. trn'-ed to Nli-ar.iKUtt wti.-re they will examine f'i N':ianiKuan route. Kenna, Jackaon Co W. Va. About three year ago my wife bad an attack of rheumatlam whlcb confined her to her bed for over a month and rendered her unab.'e to walk at?p without aa. alatance, her Umba Mine; ttronen to double Uialr normal aix. Mr. 0. Maddox Inalittd on my ualng Cbamber.atn'i Pain Balm. I purcbaied a SO-cenl bottle and uaed it according to tha dlrcctlona, and tha next morning tb walked to bre-k- faat without aiilatanca In any manner, and aha haa not bad a almliar attack alnce.-A. B. Paraona. Kor tala by Charlea Roger. Pacific Navigation Com pany 8TEAMEH8 ft. Elmoro W. Ii. IlnrrlMon ONLY DlttlCCT LINIC ; ASTORIA to TILLAMOOK OAUIHALDI HAY CITV HOHSONVILLE Coofirlinif at Aatoria with the Oregon Railroail A Naiat!oa Co. for Han frarylacfl Port In rid aijil all pointa fait, for freight ami pnaan or rat.- apply to Hamutl 121 more 6i Co. General AKeDta, ASTORIA, ORE. COUS k CO., .Agenta, Oregon Itoilroad Navliration Co.. TILLAMOOK. Ore. I'OIITLAND, Ore. BUFFUM & PENDLETON HatterB and Furniahero LACE CURTAINS. Mr. K. !tamuaeo I prepared to do up curtain In eatlafactory atyle. Oood work guaranteed. Lear order at Ore gon bakery. Tb "Death Kneil" baa been aounded to Apolhecarte' Drug, and a (ign "TO LET' wl.I be In many window of doc tor office !nce the Aunt Jaa Roma Remedy for female trouble) ba been piaced on the market. Every man or woman, married or eingle, eboold er.d a two-cent (tamp to our office for a bean, tiful Illustrated circular, free. Addreaa The Aunt Jan Medicine Co., rooma U44 Lewi Iiulldlng, Portland. Oregon. II04-. iH-n run waa i.t v j-al'.e to give the Aatoria Stm m.. .... lllilll . II lh. ..Iiati.. ,UM.all.l.i 1 THK ftKjl lM.K CltKAMKHV. He. r.-ury of at-mla the f.l. lowing cIli'i'HiK frrnn the Co.U.lic Cily lli rald to the 1'unh Ciub, whl, h will be of Irrvrowl to Aator.uiia at the pment lime; Th,. ci rotary of the Coqullle Dairy, meira futon. II. K. Ijiwrente, laiuea tile ant.iial atat.-metu of that body for the year li but rixc-iitly n'oard, which opened curlier and cji aed later thn any funiier run of the creamery, and wa moe! proaiM-roiia. We give the followliiK llgur. from the report: MOCK! ITS. Mutter, gnnia 40 (II ltal DIS'jrRSBMKN.o. A fiuloiiil arrived, lower tlian ever. Prices W.J. SCULLY, Sole Agent. 431 Bond Street. Astoria West Shore Mills Co. -WOOD- Slab Wood $2.7, Cut and Delivered. Columbia Electric and Repair Co. Successor to COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths BoilerMakers Machinists Foundrymen Loggers' Supplies Kept in Stock Lo mi I ii n lnnlnca Unlit unci Heptilrecl. Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specialty Sole Manitfaetiirers of the Unsurpassed ... "Harrison Sectional" Propellor Mfhecl... Contractors for Electric Lights and Tower Plants. chan.v iMmilble. It may be. a Mr Cnllend -r aliegei, I that h hua been ifcacrlmlnated nimln-l. C-eamery rent .. .. If thla I. th cw.,.. he !,.,. reaam tv l ntiiplnlnt. Tin-re la no reaaun wiiy hla ! r'rght and comniLa!on . , . i M niiigt-r'a aaiury mill ahould lie cntltUil to aa much ' Hiiii.iry ,.xii.-tiin cimil.leratlon n the CUtman mlila or the i ' ,iwru' timni.img invent. ory nhuieii 20."j8 8o a at ria i;nx i niiiiany. rcrhana ron, .ti too 11 I 0 ) M 10 On 511 til i.m 15 1:2 u M 51 i"iiiiiny. tniotor Hoi'dln inn throw Ihe aubje. t. aomc I'k1'1 on TV'tal J6.tca 14 ItCWPITl'LATIOX. Complaint I made a to the dcpreeJ conlM;on of the leather market In tbe rant In cumpariaon to other branche of trade. We have oeen tanning ao many hid.n recently that thl 1 one of the American Induatrie which must nece ctrlly langulah for a ahort time. Cloves, fleekcaear, Hosiery, Ondermear, Umbrellas, Etc. ASWYQRX Bit Irtti Made to Order. Sole Agent for KNOX HATS. 9 1 Third Street, Corner Stark, PORTLAND, OREGON. Send tent atamp to pay po2a. aad get a TId Table for IM. FISHER BROS. General Supply House for Family Groceries. Builders' Heavy and Shelf Hardcaare, Ship Chandlery, Etc. Can Bare Ton Money oa Eatlmate of Material of Every DeccrtpUoo. Stop and Think! Are You Getting The Best Meole, The Best Liquors, Or The Best THK BEST IN THE WORLD. We believe Chamberlain' Cough Rem edy la the beat In the world. A few week ago we Buffered wlin a (ever cold and a troubleaome cough and having read their advertlscnienta In our own and other pa. per we purvhaaed a bo; tie to lee if It would effect u. It cured u before tbe bottle wa more than half ued. It I tb. beat medicine out for co'.da and coughi The Herald. AndersonvlUe, Ind, For rale by Charlea Roger. That can be had In the city? If sot, It la Because you have not vlaited Beds Jeff's Restaurant. For thoae who require a genoin feed. -Way get there with economy all that they need. Thouaanda who know It bare freely eoalassad That of all the great caterer "JEF7 U tb BEST. Look for the ritftj o "JEFF'S" and take do other. Eatablinhed twenty veara. A Minister from China to both Spain and the Vulted State. Mr. Wu ought to be able lo arct at the true Inwardness of all the question growing out of the war. A paper ihhnnc In M intla my the blily of "Kx. Vrporal John V II iva, of Coinpiiiiy i. K rat Catlfornla v -iun. teem a im'lur and ibw- rtcr." wu r -cenily fiiuud among the enemy' .'enl after a Inline, riddled wlih bnlleii ind cliKlntl tn the nnlfiirm of a tlrn lu. teiinnt i.f tnaurveii:a. Tie ik-cihiii: fur ther cay that lluyin married a V l o :i lliat (tctialii-r, n.l two d:i) hit.T (t -re te 1 to the Insurant line. It aHeaara, h w. ever, that there win nnlnKly ninn-'l J W. Iluyea In the l-'lrat Oiillfornla, ro the story tinny be a pure caae of "fake." I r. Waclsold, wiitliiK In I Jouriv t d' Ilygli-ne, declnn-a ihnt to thitnuang the pliinn dally through long hmira tf prao. tlce la due the iliuinew of Mood and weakiieaa of nervea of h ninny young grN. II.) aaya nut if l.iaw Htmlying the iHuno before the age of 12. 0l were nf- lllcteil with li.Tvmia trouble later on. j ahl'.e only 2"o f thoae who begun play-; lug il u later age were affected, nnd only ' pan to clothing. ki ut i how who never played. !r. Wnet. inid makia no attempt to eatlmate the trouble which come to thoae who have to lutcn to the practicing. , T.-lal illinium of ml.k recciwd, Ua Soil' K3 Total amount t-r,-am reci4ved. lha sOi Average le milk! per pal lba.... 173 ..v.-i.ige ien! crmni, mt 1ii Iba..., 2t. T.iiui inihMiiit f butter (ut re. llai 101.9S.4 Tn1.ll amount of bmter made. Iba.. US.1SS Aviraae grws price rewived but. , 'ter ivr Hi -Average gixv price r-'cclvcvl but. t.T flit, per lb net prbe recetvl butter fa' p.-r jh for aeaaon (skim milk I not lnclu,ie.t ! ll'ghtv-l prce paid to patrons (lur j lug scaaon (leccmlr pee lu i bu-;i.-rf:it Number of month creamery ot'or. at-l liwea; price paid to patrons ilur. I lug wanon (Junel per lb buter. I fat 221 2"i.I 20!i 2M, HEAR 'KM eiQl'EAL. To The Tmpie 'f Astoria: It's eaay to ace where the shoe pinches. Some one la pouring out hot vial of wnth nml vituperation, aimed at the alorcrt tlmt carry everything from tin una to clothing. The.ic people are too blind to w that OF COD-LIVER OIL WITH HYPOPHOSPHITES should always be kept In the house for the fol lowing reasons: FiRST Because, If any member of the family has a hard cold, It will cure It. SECOND- Because. If the chil dren are delicate and sickly, It will make them strong and well. THIRD Because, if the father or mother Is losing flesh and becom ing thin and emaciated, It will build them up and give them flesh and strength. FOURTH Because it Is the standard remedy In all throat and lung affections. No household should be without It. It can be taken In summer as well 63 In winter. oc, and fi.oo, all druggist. SCOTT 4i UOWNE, ChamUla, N.w York. a I'.cw order of things hn come over AatorUt, and thai the buslines methods prevailing twenty years ago nrv. or ought Ita In-, relegated to the iKist. "rroKrewlon la the order of the ge, ' nnd the lime i pat In Astoria when iiicivlrtiiiln cx-icml a profit of SO to 100 per cut on their goods, mercy because they have a repulanion. There are several kinds of reputations, acquired in different ways. We. however, nre fast lining a repu tation for handling a reputable .class of goiafct. the kliut that will withstand th' searnhiight of Invoatlgntlon; ot soil nx these goods at a fair, honest and legiti mate pr.tlt, and backing th-in wiih our livnclad gimnintee: "YOnt MONEY HACK IK C.OOIXS ARE NOT SATIS. FACTORY." Remember, we are here to stay. Re. sportfully. THK FAIR. The l'lace to Save Money. Commercial St.. Opp. Knglne House. Sarah Hernbaidt snys In her "Memoirs," which will aoon be published, that when her mother decided she should be tin actress she wept bitterly because she wanted to be a nun. When the decision waa llrst made Sarah was a slip ot a child growing very rapidly, yet with n pronounced tendency to become fat. "No body could have then supposed." says tho nutoblographcr, "that my leanness In after years would tjive Journal ists such n grand opportunity to make fun ot me." In almost every neighborhood there Is some one whose life has been saved by Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Diar. rhoea Remedy, or who ha been curod of chronlo dlarrohea by the use of tha medicine. Such person ninke a point of tolling of It whenever opportunity of fers, hoping that It may be the means of saving other lives. For sale by Charles Roger. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT Take Laxatlv Rromo Quinine Tablet. All druggist refund the money If It tail to cure. 25 c. The genuine ha U R. Q. oa each tablet. For aula by Charle Roger. W A NTED FARM HAND. Wanted, a man to go to Tillamook and take charge of a ranch. Must be a first. ciass farmer; best of reference required. Inquire at thla office. William Thoma Jaggera. International messenger boy, returns to London en tirely satisfied with his trip, having nak. en hands with Chauncer M. Depew, ot whom. It appears, he had already heard. Lr Babies Take Cuticura Resolvent Because It is so pure and trhoieaome that mothers can give it freely to children of all agos. It cools and cleanses the blood, and is ot the greatest value iu speedily curing disfiguring, burning, scaly humors, rashes, and irritations, when taken In con noction with hot bath of CtmccRA Soap, and geutte anoiutings with Ccticuba, the great akiu cure andjmrest of emollients. Solit rtirenthoatthtwtirta. trrta Pteo o Cunt Coar., rroua., ttwUB.. " lluw lu Can fUo UaaluBk"naa. Large Invoice .Kit. Baby Carriages Just Received. 50 different styles; Prices from 5.90 up. C. Heilborn & Son WAVrViYrAYAViV ASTORIA MEAT COMPANY ? Telephone No. 33 ? I Handles Only the Choicest Meats . 415 ConaMrdaJ St., ntxi Patae RestMraa.t. - S W. F. SCHEIBE, Manufacturet of the Always Rail labia Pipes. aad 5eaokr' Article. -.7-4 Cotnmvrclal Ut. "La Belle Astoria" Cifar Scheibe's Opera Star Schelfce's Special And Other Branda The Palace Cafe VV. W. Whipple, Prop. Finest Heals in the City Special Attention Given to the Preparation of Banquets. The Quaker Cabinet Vapor Bath. Testimonials of Its Value. MRS. F. BARKER. I hare tried the vapor bath and think It I especially good to have In a famlly-partlcularly for breaking up a cold. MRS. MART MACKE. Midwife-After a full trial, I consider the Quaker Cabinet one of the beat Invention ever made for bath. No family ahould be without one. HENRY SHERMAN I have had rheu matism every winter for aeveral year, but this winter, since uelng the vapor bath, have had no rheumatlam. My wife also recommends It very highly. MRS. It. E. SMITH-Havtag used the cabinet I consider It excellent, especially for bad case ot the grlpp. which waa effectually cured by It F. W. NEWELL. One ualng of the vapor bath practically cured a female member of my family of la grippe con ditions. REV. W. R H0LLINO3HEAD.-We have used th Vapor Bath In our bom for some time and freely recommend It to th public CEOROE RICHMOND-W have need th Q. V. bath and cheerfully recommend It. O. W, SMITH-1 like the vapor bath very much. MRS. JOSEPH PILCHER-I am greatly nlsjied with the Quaker Vapor th aad freely recommend It to my eoeclally. DR. DUVALL, Agent ASTOR HOUSE