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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1899)
it 7 ' THE DAILY ASTORIA!!, TI'KSIIAY MOHMNtl, A1TJL 4, m Easter Millinery, Direct from Chicago. Here yeu will find tb prettiest and cleverest creation ot th milliner' art In th NEWEST BAILORS and TRUQIX D HATS. W will soon hav them on exhibrtlon in our windows, but niseawhlle eaQ and Inspect them. Compare our price with the Fancy Price you hav bn paying (or thMt food. Sailors, 24c to $1.64. Trimmed Hats, $1.24 to $3.98 THE FAIR, SOG-SOS Commercial Street The BONBONNEIRE. P. J. Meany-wvitJ ffierehant Tailor and Exporter of pars, l&sykert Cast Prioa Paid lor ror Skin. Tenth nd Commercial 8tts, Astoria, Or. Ladies' Underwear andVVrappers Made to order and kept la stock. Prices Reasonable. KUNQ SANG & CO Corner Eighth and Commercial 5ts. Open next Thursday. TODATB WEATHER. Fair. AROUND TOWN. Tbe Stat crossed out Sunday for Ban Francisco. WIm ever thought there were so many Easter bonnets la town? Beat It-cent meal. Rising Son restaur eat. Gl Commercial street The most delicious Ice cream end Ice cream sods at the Parlor. The regular meeting of the water com. mission will be held this evening. Wanted By a single gentleman, room with reasonable board. Address B, As. tortaa office. Best California wine ID cents per gal km. Alex. Gilbert, sole agent for Astoria. Telephone aL The British ship Irby was towed to tea Sunday, lumber laden for Freeman, tie, Australia. Walisend coal and coke is tbe best for domestic purposes. For sale by the As. toria Gas Light Co. Sweet cream received twice a day and bo charge made for whipping or deliver, log cream at the Parlor. Or. Ball has removed his dental office 'Into the Mansell building, over the Eastern Tea Company's store. Leave orders for box kindling wood and general transfer business to any part of tbe city at Zapfs furniture store, tele'. phone 2121. Pacific Express Company. Rambler and Ideal bicycles for sale or renu Repairs and sundries at lowest rates. Call at cyclery, S33 Bond street. Columbia Electric and Repair Company. Tbe teams of Cooper and Wise were the only ones to bowl last night. Cooper's men secured 552, while Wise's team made ESO. The contest wCI be continued to. night. Physicians are tne friends of the family. Harper whisky Is the friend of the physi cians. A most valuable assistant and one that can be trusted. Sold by Foard & Stokes Company, Astoria, Oregon. blaxe In a Bond street brothel caused a commotion along that thoroughfare last eight The fire was the result of a defective flue, but it was extinguished before any da mange bad been done. W. A. Gaines private stock wbisicy, handled exclusively in Astoria by John Ik Carlson, is one of the most popular beverages sold. Its purity and quality are guaranteed, and it Is especially rec ommended for family use. It Is sold In any quantity at the corner of Twelfth and Bond streets. New Neckwear Techs, ruffs, bows and Fancy Manufactured Hera end Jobby Line of c. The Place To Save Money Astoria's Leading: Confectionery Store. Finest in Oregon Lowney's Chocolates a Specialty. Page Block. ASTORIA The schooner Prosper was towed up to Portland Sunday to load trap piles for Bristol bay, Alaska. The British ship Bowman B. Law ar. nved in tow rvt Portland Sunday, wheat laden for Queeastowa for orders. Rain fell on Easter Sunday, and. If the old adage proves true, the weather will be disagreeable for the coming seven Sundays, Easter services were held in all the churches of th city Sunday. Special muslo had been prepared for the day and the attendance was large. Dr. Duvall will lecture at O'Brien's hall. East Astoria, this evening at ":30, on "God's lie i hod of Promoting thi Health, and Happiness of th Human Family." Manager Laws, of the Eclipse Hard, ware Company, has a full supply of tUh. ennen'a supplies on hand. The stock is complete and will be sold at the low est figures. -" Yn now Creamerte Restaurant, Bond street, near the alley between 11th and 12th streets, serves the best Si-cent meal ever set out in Astoria. Everything is new, neat and clean, and absolute satis, faction is guaranteed all patrons. The Easter services st the. Catholic church were very largely attended. Tb church had been lavishly decorated with Ullles and other flowers, and the choir rendered many buutiful hymns. The singing of Mrs. Sill and Miss Kataryn SMvely waa particularly good. The new steamer being built on the Sound for the Alaska Fishermen's Pack, ing Company, of Asiorta. will be ready to make her trial trip by the latter part ot this week. If the trial trip is success ful she will be taken direct to Bristol Bay for use as a cannery tender. The Amme orchestra has attracted large crowds to the Louvre, and the pro. gramme is listened to with Interest Miss Elsie Amme, the violinist, Is s charming little lady and is master of the Instru. f merit. A selection from the Bohen-i in Girl rendered Sunday evening, elicited much applause. Commercial street, rrom Tenth west. Is in a frigfuful condition. In several places the planking has completely out. served Us usefulness, and the street is moet unsightly. Pools of water and mud holes make it a disgrace to tbd com. munlty. The council will doubtless soon order its improvement. In the county ctok's office yesterday the following persons declared their In tention to become American citizens: Jaakko Kaltera, M.kKel Oiderman, na. Uvea of Russia: John Colson, John John. son, natives of Swedtn, and Michael Plancich, a native of Austria. John T.tintniiiHt ft Rith1rt nf th r, t,1 ' mitttd to citizenship before County .'I'Jt'e Gray. Wel, the creamery's a go. After all, there's nothing like staying with it. Hereafter Astoria people will eat As toria butter, and they will have the sat. isfaction of knowing it is the finest but ter on earth. The creamery will not bring families to the city, but it win bring families to the country, and will have the effect of Battling thousands of acres which now are idle. There's nothing the matter with the Push club. Engineer Al. Husrhes left on the State Sunday morning to take charge of the new O. R. & N. tug Wallowa in San Francisco. He was accompanied by Tom Morris, fireman, and Frank Good, ell, assistant engineer, both of Astoria. Fireman Kennedy, of the Coin which Is now on the Sound, will com. plet the engineer's crew and will Join the Wallowa In San Francisco. It is ex pected she will leave San Francisco for Astoria the latter part of this week. The public ways commission yesterday received the bicycle tag, and began the Issuance of licenses. The holts wieh which the tags are fastened to wheels Boys' Four-in-Hands. Knicker Leggings. FOR BICYCEC USE. uv J. and D. McGcorge, Dunfrees, Scotland. SUSPEfiDERS of the Celebrated Wilson Eros, jVlake H. COOPER, The Leading House of Astoria have not yet been received, hut the com mission wtH continue issuing license un til they arrive. About a dusrn licenses ere granted to wheelmen yesterday. It Is tbe Intention of the commission to allow bicyclists until April IS to pay their llceuse, after which dnte tcp will be tuken to make collection. The tax ta payable to Clerk C. It. Hlmtlns, at the Asrorta National bank. A fair-sliod audience greeted George Xbt and his company In the play, "Woman Against Woman," at Fisher' last night. The performance was very good, each member of the cast appnirinii to advantage. Mr. George Noble in th. lead played well. It Is a clever actor and has made ninny friend during hie stay in in city, Harry Harriot)', us Sammy Green, a country bumpkin, was excellent, as was also Barton Booth, To. night the company will present "Our Strategists." The police commission, which was to meet taet nttrht. failed to (raneact any business tor want of a quorum. Com ml, si oner Stone is absent from the city and Commissioner Kopp Is unwell and was uuabl to be present. One of the quofttons to be acted upon lent night wn tbe communication from the Txpay. er' League for a reduction of the police fore. The matter will therefore go over until the next regular meMlng unless .1 special meeting Is colled on Mr. Stone's return to the city. Herman Wise's spring announcement In today's Aatorten is worthy of a perusal. Mr. Wise does not claim to compete against racket stores that soil the cheap tinware or sweatshop clothing; he l d--. slrous to emphasise bis reputation of being the leading clothier who ee ls only Kood stood at one price, which. eoMi.lcr. ing quality, shall always be the lowest price. Quality and honorable Is all he promises and no man ever re. grets having bought an article from a merchant who runs his store on a repu table has!. The swell things of spring are to b found at Mr. Wise's well lighted establishment. The Methodist church observed Easier Sunday with very beautiful music, ar. tiafjo decorations of evergreen festoons. Ivy. daffodils and Wiles. The music, both morning and evening, waa especially fine. The chotr. under the direction of Mr. J. W. Belcher, rendered almost fault, lessly som choice choruses. The rx--. olses in th evening were under the a us. pice of the Sunday school, the church choir as? is: Ing with the following ch-. ruses: "The Night With Us Thousand Eves." "Christ Is Risen," "Christ Our j Passover." "HalloluJ-.xh Chorus." The I last number was especially beautiful and j faultlessly rvndered. The amount of the ; missionary collection by the Sunday j school was J63.W. The original tax roll was turned over to the county court yesterday. The total amount collected on the roll wns M 571.18. leaving only t-'i to become delln. quent. This is the largest co.N-ctl n ever made, and exceeds that of last year bv SI2.G0O. The total amount on the roll is $lA),?.t4.01 The iota! amounts which I go to make up the roll follow: City tax S12.9M.S1; county rood, t2j0 .21; Astoria I road. t5.S3.t9; county school. 113 1 S3 county and bridge K2.iD7.70; special bridge. t2SS0.75: state. tU94t.M: school district No. 1. 113.11179. The balance Is credited to the schod districts through out -the county. The roll will be re. turned to the giiertc In about 10 days. I when the collection of delinquent taxes will commence. ' E. E. Maliory, secretary of the Ameri can Cocked Hat Asswinrton. has issued a bulletin of the scores made in the lat.- bowling tournament. Ttams from tli Multnomah and Road Clubs, of Portland, the Seattle Athletic Club nnJ the I'nloii Club, of Tacoma, were entered. J. I) Bowie, of the Road Club, see u red th. best average, K7?. in the 2i games. Harry Buckman, also of the Itoad L.ub. henj second, with 16.12. Buckman bowled ;i remarkable game, his high tot;iJ for four rams being 203 and his lour Mai P3. J. T. Cole, of Seattle, scured an average of 4S.10, his high total bHng i:2 and his low total 177. Otto Burvkhardt, of Mult, nomah, ranks third In percentage of mlseeil balls, but seventeenth In average. He had miserable lurk, getting C centers. Bowie's percentage of wild and missed balls, his total score, average and high total for four games are all new records. The several clubs secured the following averages: Oregon Road, ti.jZ; Mult nomah, 42.17; Seattle, 41.13; T'icoma, 3fi.57. Extensive preparations are b-lng made for the entertainment of the m-mlKrs of the National Editorial Association, who meet in Portland in July. Tne Astoria chamber of Commerce has Invited th association to visit this city and the newspaper men will come here. Writing :o the Astorlan, Mr. Albert Toiler, lecre. tary of the Oregon Press Association, says: "Congratulations to the citizens of 'Astoria for the recognition they are glv. ling the coming of the delegates to the fourteenth'annual meeting of the Nation al Editorial Assoclation. No regrts will ever be expressed at having taken hold of this matter. Astoria and Oregon will be the gainer thereby. Astoria, will be visited, you may rest assured. Astorli not only had a delegate in attendance upon the meeting at which Portland was selected for this year's meeting, but had a claim to the place of meeting, hav Ing been mentioned by myself at two annual sessions of the request of your commercial club and Mr. L. B. 8.-eley, of the Flavel Land & Development Com pany. At Mr. Seeley's request I Invited the Western Editorial Federation and International League of Press Clubs to meet there." The coming of tne news. paper men, of whom there will be about Clothing In Kccfers and Ycstecs. 1AM, means much In ,he way of advw. Using for the northwestern seotlmt ot Orcston, and Jvrtiand and Aatorla cannot entrrtain them too royally, The water In the reservoir near the Welch medem- was aibwvc-d to run off yesterduy and will be dry by this morn. ing. A hie will turned on from the hydrant In the center of the reoervol and the sediment and dirt which hav collected. In the bottom will be thorough ly washed off, Th rvvor on the hill revolved similar treatment Saturday Ins and waa refill cd the miiuo evening. Ahou trout were taken nut, but died before they could bo ropbuvd. Some of thi-in acre unite large. Mug about U Inches When the rwrvttir "whs marly dry nets were placed over the wate holm and th trout were lifted out and taken to the powerhouse and put In tulw of water. For some, reason they did not survive the handling and died soon after being placed in the tubs. Some o Ihi-m were placed In the tube by Superln tcndaiK Shields and Fish CVmmlsrtein sicriuirv. It l pr-tmt)le mat a new lot 01 itvut r put Uick In the reservoir as they purify the watvr by devouring file and tnsvets. There hud been no trout In the second reservoir, but this wdl likely also receive some. TMK l.tA'AL CREAMERY NOW SKKMit ASSl'HKP. Proposition Submitted by Mr. Townsend Will Be Finally tVrmMercd by the Push Club Today, for a long time pout the Push Club has been endeavoring to establish a creamery here. Thus fur the scheme ,tu failed, but It now s.vnis certain thai the desired 'tstry will be sc. cured. One of the most prominent dairy men In Oregon has been interested, and the proposition submitted by lilm to the orwimery rommttKc of the club will be diken up at a six-clal mvotmif at 3 this afternoon. While his ptoiK-wal was not made public last n--ht. the members of the committee are of the belief that tbe club will accept It. T. S. Townsend. of Portland, who has creamery Interest at Tillamook. Neht. lem, other part of Oregon and Kllckltit county. Wash.. Is the gentleman Int 'tel. Secretary met h'tu Portland a few days ago and invited him to cvme to Astoria, lie Is 9 iir ictlcal dilryniatt. and h s 1 tvum- rl,-s ami rliws' factories In different pins of the N-rth. west ,ire all very su-ressrul ventures Mr. Townsend ad Itv-sed tti,, ussocj.i Hon at length Nist ev.-n'ng. II,. r pla n-d tlie ob-a.-is wli:,h woo d have to U ,yer'-,me. a:i,l he was .isvir.. lis-lrild-tit'-!et tMit he wou'd rea.'.lly s.-ctire oil the ass.!-,t artce n ctis,iry. Mr T--!i. n Hil.l the II rx t was always a hml one. ;1rd th.i.-. after the Astorlt Imi 1 1, r factory !wn U-n established f- a y,-ar. It would b.. smooth stil.'ng. II am h- no"l to t-e ni;,, t seur( 4") cows for the tlrst y.-ar. After a year's operation, he was rontldent he would exi-r!eno, no dtttlculty In getting ns niuen nnn iik n- mint w ant It has b n oonsrvacively estimated i,nt there sre over :.'." cowe the tteighhorhu,.!. and the creamery commlttcs- of the Push c'ub, which will have more or less t do with the new Industry, Is satisfied that more than i-n) cows enn be secur-d President Humbb-t nsked Mr. Town send what h wan-ed from the assocla. tlon. and he replied th.U the necesssiry niiml r of cows and a sultaWe building at a certain rental, together with ra. sonable transportation and water rates, would satisfy him. Thtf site ft the p'.ntvl. he .-aid. should be within the city limits, but he pr-'ferred a Iix-ntion on one f the snutlbr str-ets, where the rent would rot be so gr.-nt. Th av-Mlntlon agreed ft g. t for him everything he nsked. and irnve him post, live assurance that he would be succees fill In h s venture. Affr the matt-r had be-n thoroughly .!, Mr. flons'.ln move,! thnt Mr. Tow ,, nd submit a proportion ns to what would be asked of the neeorlatlon, so that the matter could te definitely decided ujon at the next meeting. The motion prevailed, as did a motion tend r. ing a vote of thanks to Mr. Townsend for coming to Astoria. The creamery committee win In conference with Mr. Townsend last night, when the latter submitted his prrK.sStion. It was his Inten-lon to p-turn to Portland this morning, but the committee persuaded him to remain over. As far as increasing the population o' the city Is concerned the crximcry will not t- a good thine, but it will serve to people -the thousands of acres of fine da'rylng land In the vMnlty of Astoria which now Is lying Idle. It Is entimnt-d that between I 'i and 2 pounds of l.ntrer Is conum'-.l dally In Astoria. One thirl of the amount can he supplied bv the creamery the first year, so It will mnn thousands of dollars monthly kept at home. PERSONA I, MENTION. Ed. Tarr. a Portland letter carrier, ;-nt Sunday in the city. Mrs. E. Anderson, of Chinook, wns visiting In the city yesterday. M. Roth, the salmcn buyer cf Ranvr. Is In th? city, ref'etered at the i tld-nr. R. D Kent, a l"ggr of MarshfUd, came down on the noon train yesterday. Miss Maud Stockton returned home last night from a short visit In Portlnnd. E. Orunstad. a farmer at Rkamokawn, was doing business in tne city yester day. H. P. Plummer of flan Frandseo. own. er of the lnrk Hurry Morse, Is In the city. Mr. Tiyron rolllns passed through the city yexlcrday tmm I1wnex on his way to Portlnnd. Mrs. M. J. Fox, who hag been 111 with hgrippe during the past week, is now convalescent. Duncan Sluar' re-turned Sunday even ing from fl'tm. Idaho, on a few days' visit with his family. Perry Trullinger, who has been sick during the past month, was able to be on the street yesterday. Frank Spittle has returned to the city after an absence of six months in En, land and on Ihe'contlnent. Amonff the passengers down on last n!;;ht's express were Judge Wlnton, J. O. Ifanthorn and Judge Osborne. Mrs. Will Madison loft on the steam ship Htate yesterday morning for a visit of a frw months In California. R. L, Boyle, the real estate agent, ar rived In the city Sunday evening and Is quite 111. in Is conilntd to his roeim, but will be able to be around in a day or two. John L. Carlson returned Sunday night from a few days' business trip to Seattle. Mr. Carlson says Seattle Is yet doing a large Alaska trade, and Is fast becoming the principal city of the North west. WHEN TRAVELING. Whether on pleasure bent or business, take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Oar Nctu Spring Stock Excels Any Prtvloas Record. pie 'yriumph of jSrt over Qreed. Men's Suits. (iurSirinii SU'k Is slmoet all in. (he impuliir serges, tieauttful worsleJ, die- viots, cssmnrs in Kr,,Ht trarudv j well tailored, aril aoaril, well worth the mo ney we ak (or such kihkIs. Serge Suits. The blue -rjr's ntt pi'lulr not only I-vmiiso tlioy are nice lo 'king but also Is-cause tln-v are li-pl clean so rusily. Pants. Our Pants li'iarliiient is quit up l the rrst of cur Stock ; all the xiaxI IIhik" tit the season are in our store. Ui; Wo have not received nil of our Spring Shirts yet ; hut cnntiuh of them to hIiow the ili'Hiuns mill colors that will prevail his siirniL'. Figs, as It acts most pleasantly and ef fectually on the kidney, liver, and bowl. Is, preventing' fever, headaches and other forms of sickness. For (ale In M cent bottle by all leading druggist. Man- factured by the California Fl Byrup Company only. TO PUSH CLUB MBMnEP.9. A special meeting of tho Astoria Pro. Kresslve Commercial Association Is here, by called for 3 o'clock this afternoon, for tho purpoea of finally considering the oroamcry proposition submitted by Mr. T. 8. Townsend. All the members of the association are requested to be present. H. 8. LYMAN, Secretary. " ; ' FISHER'S OPERA HOUSE L. E. SELIO, Lessee and Manager, Week Commencing Monday, April and Saturday Matinee. 3rd. Nobles' Dramatic Company. fs rani Orchcslra ami foruct Hand FOLLOWING 13 THE RKPKKTOIItEt Tucst!ay-"0iir Slralrglsls." The Saturday Matinee bill be announced later. Hear the Grand Orchestra and Silver Coronet Band. Reserved Seats, tt oents; Gallery cent; Children In gallery 11 cent. Beat sale at Griffin ft Reed'i open! Hon. K 1? Q Mi Shirts. WW 4m ww 1 p gp r Morcliiiiulisiiig iiuwmlayH in vastly tliflVrfnt frxin whnt it was yoara ago, Now wo liavo tho "Uat'kot" stores wIuto yon can buy n tin can or a suit of ck.tluvi for "little nitmov." Or the first class clothing estab lishment whoro you can liml "none but th bout." If you tlon't oaro how a suit is linoil, how a garment isM'wnl and whether it is unule by ti real tailor or by a swval-liop Ky Ki, the I'lace fer ymi tn ileal is tin' eht'iip store. If ytttl prefer to get "gool goods" well iiiiulo and baeked by a repti tution of years then I want your trade. One Price. Good Goods. Hononible Treatment Guaranteed. HERMAN WISE THE RELIABLE CLOTHIER. Portland Trad ing Stamp Co. Store 345 Washington St. Was visiter during the last few day by a large number of Astoria people wlM Inspected the elegant good which are given away for FT.e Trading Stamps. The publlo seem to appreciate the advantage offered to them by the Tra41ig Stamp Company, as tb merchant In Astoria which give them to tbelr patron report an Increase In their trade. Ask jr our 'merchant for Green Trading Stamp when purchasing good. Sample display at B. F. Allen & Co., 365 Commercial St. Merchants of Astoria who will fjfive Green Trading Stamps. PETERSON & BROWN, Boot and Shoe. No siamp on Rubber Good. HERMAN WISE. Clothing and Oents' Furnishings. ECLIPSH HARDWARE CO. fltove, Tinware, and Plumbing. MRS. M. McKENZIE, Millinery-, GRIFFIN k REED, ! - Book nd Stationery. Portland Trading Stamp Co ISAAC STERN, Mgr., 345 Washington St., Portland You need not take your book with you when sthopplngf . Aik for Green Trading Stamps. Thi Lightest Store in tbe City Wlse'i Caitomers See Qhet Tbey Bay. tW Boys Clothing Just na well iim.ln ns our Men's Hulls ami III various ami qualllH-e, ei t i thi very rlivap ours, we rsrrjf no cbritp uiknIs, but our Kuod kimhU ar uiarktHllew cnotmli. VesteeSe Kino 4 to H. Truntiusl Uautifullv, the , 1I1 signers have rrento'1 mnrvrliuisly liauil i iniiiio thltigs (or I Im lillla fellow s.tlili spring. Boys Top Coats. In (.ivert cloth, tan slm.ln jti at like Kciilletnciis funis. The swellesl Ihlligs for Isiys, only V M to 8''.".'. Furnishings. Yotl oiiifht to inspect on new checked ami trliei Hosiery nt 'i') and W oenta it) I!ullirit.'Ki,ii nnil l.isln thrrinls. Mo ALL EN A MoDONALD, Dry Good, Etc., lie. H. ECK8TROM, Jeweler. THE BONHONNIERB, Confectionery and Ice Cream. WILL MADISON, Cigar and Tobacco. B. F. ALLEN A CO.. Wall Paper, Palate aa OK. THE 'WONDER BAZAR, Fancy Notion, Toy. I 'A rl 1 -I v v '';"' (