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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1899)
THh Ull. AXTOKWlS, TPESllA. MOKMNU. APRIL 4, IBM JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. Telephone No. ft SB". TKUMB OF 8Un8ClPTTON. DAILY. 8 ant by mull, per year .KM Bnt by mill par month M iarvea by carrier, per month , . BEMi-WEEKLT. ent by mall, par year, m aavaaca...SlOt Postage free to suoecrrber. Ail communications intended for pobU- Mtion should be directed to tba dltor. Business communications of all kinds and remittances must bo addressed to "Tbs Astoria," The Astonan guarantees to it advar tlser tho Unrest circulation of say newspaper published on tho Columbia river. Advertising rates cat o vat oa appoV cation to the business manager. OILY 01 CUE1E FOR SCE10FULA. S. S. S. Is ths Only 1 The Astortan Is sure that the best place for a nival station ts at the mourn of tho Columbia rtver. Of course tho A tortaa must mnui outside the bar, on the fceactt. It would be awkward for nw. val vm to be foroed to watt soTeral days, or -week, in bad weather, for an opportunity to cross the bar and ret to a naval station. Taeoma Ledger. In any case naval Vessel desiring U enter the CoCwnWa river don't luve to obtain perrouuwon of a foreign power tefai ooing o, and they axe under the I protection of good American guns for many milea at sea before approaching tha rlver'a entrance. Another thing which the Ledger know well enough Is that. In the sense of an obstruction to naviga tion, th Is no bar at the mouth of the CoiumbLa river. On the laat visit of the Monterey to the Columbia river Captain Kempff brought his great ship Into th Astoria harbor out of a sale which piled at least four tots! wrecks upon the Washington coast near the strutt of Fu When asked by a prom. Ineirt citiien of Asroria why he dll not hold off from the Oregon coast until th storm abated, Captain Kwnrff replied that since the comp'.etion of the great e.tty at AsHoria he would not hesitate to bring his vessel Into the river during any biow that might be encountered on tr Pacific. Tho'isands and thousands of vessels of all s'jks have passed In and out of the Columbia In every condition of weather during the last five years, but can the Ledger name one disaster that baa occurred within all that time On the other hand, tho foggy and rugged shores of the dreaded Puget sound en trant are new free from disastrous wrecks from one season's end to another. Thar aro de-sens of remedies roommtndd for Scrofula, soma of them mvrioubt bvittf ablo to arTunl trtmtvirarv isliif hut S. S. is alMiiltltelV RoWQffv'PflfUl fft thk h on,y wniwy which completely cures it. nClUQUJ tqiiai IU Ulli HfulaiionoXthomltob.tmate,dtH.-.'atMl il ii i ni blood diseases, and it beyond the reach of the Him flJIlf! IlKRrKS many stalled nuritiors and tork'lHoaui on- UUdllliaiO UlOCaOOi thinJmoM lhMj f, mm, UmiQia required. 8.8.S. it equal to any blood trouble, and never fail to cure Scrofula, because it got down to tne teat of the disease, thut permanently eliminating every trsoo of the taint. The serious consequences to which Scrofula surely loads should impress upon those afflicted with it the vital im portance of wasting no time upon treatment whioh can not possibly effect a cure. In many cases where the wrong treatment naa been relied upon, complicated glandular welling have resulted, for which the doctors insist that dangerous surgical operation it necessary. Mr. II. E. Thompson, of Milledgeriile. Oa., writes : "A. bad case of Scrofula broke out on the glands of my neck, which had to be lanced and caused me much suffering. I was treated for a long while, but the physicians, were un able to cure me, and my condition was as bad as when I began their treatment. Many blood remedies were used , but without effect. Some one recommended 8. 8. 8., and I began to improve as soon as I had taken a few bottles. Continuing the remedf . I was soon cured permanently. and have never had a sign of the disease) to return." Swift's Speciflo S. S. S. FOR THE BLOOD to the only remedy which can promptly reach and cure obstinate, deep-seated blood diseases. By relying upon it, and not experimenting with the various so-called tonics, etc., all sufferers from blood troubles can be promptly cured, instead of enduring years of suffering which gradually but surely undermines the constitution. S. S. 8. is guaranteed purely vegetable, and never fails to care Scrofula, Eciema, Cancer, Kheumatism, Contagious Blood Poison, Boils, Tetter, Pimples, Sores, Ulcers, etc Insist upon 8 8 S.; nothing can take its place. Books on Diooa ana skin diseases win tie mailed free to any aaaress dj tee bwirt tpecinc company, Atlanta, beorgia. Pacific Sheet Metal Works Salmon Vegetable Fruit , , ' MANUFACTURERS OF ...CANS... spice and Syrup Lithographing on Tin a Specialty. San Francisco. Cal. Astoria, Ore. Write Lisa for Prlecss FairbJYcn, Wash. Mm C. J. TRENCH APD Commission, Brokerage, Insurance and Shipping. Cimtottt IIoiimo llrokcr. ASTORIA, OREGON, Agent W. K. A Co., ami IVIrto Kiiirtu Co Kopp's "Best 99 hernia: vertns; Joubtles will t newssnry to fuUy scur the benefits of he InkliU ex periment, but the combined solicitations of tne state's representatives, both offi cial and unoflloinl. topMher wtrh the demon.tralle superiority of Seattle as a supp!y and epuripment st.'M'on. oiajrht to wur a lucrative amount of business In the future. The S:. Paul cor. published !o the effect aouM etob!i-h a steamship line to t!i ; j0r $.flO; vii.1! a Wrlrtea RJWntn- Orient at the earliest poss ble moment. ' tC3 to CUrC C7 revli:tl tL3 rioai'J' may almoe be takn as a final conclusion fJfllMTJl nTDIClL CO. In a much-questioned matter. Conditions hive sreatly chanfi-d dur. Ing the past few years. Tbs New York sharper with a roid brick scheme now works it In New England Instead of l'k Ir-a; to the west and south for a victim totem VITALITY, LOST VIGOR '.N3 WANK003 Cures Impotcnc.sMrhtFjrissionsanJ wattnr dlicasc?, all eiTects ot self' ubvr, cr excc? rKci iruis- Ctltl & th; ! crctlon. Ahotvc tonic confirmation vry , r-J tiooi fcnicr. PrlnRS I some tune since In Ih's paper, j t V- rlr.S .0i t J pr.IoC'lCCKS ar.. ff that the Great Northern . I; " V" ,;, V For tv ' CTntcn & Jac'cn (s.t CHiCACO, ILL. Crear Northern to wnlt a marh greatei i !en?t of time before shielding Itself ' ' For Sale by Charles Rojirrs. Drugslst The wife of General Wood is orpin against its oraipotitors wou'.d be a mis- Ixing at Santiago a sox4ety for the pr vetwhin of cruelty to animals. A few months ago bull fights were the faahlona The number of steamships b sport In that vicinity. take that Mr. Hill could not well afford to make. I CARRYING THE "WAR INTO AFRICA. Our English cousins are alarmed at the increase of our trade In Cape Colony, South Africa, and quite naturally so. They have had a vlrtuat monoply f the export business to that country, and now to have Americans step in and fill orders tnr steel rails, and Iron tubes, match making: machinery and a variety of other articles. Is not for them an altogether pleasant experience. Consui-General Siowe, at Cape Town, Informs the State Denartaient officially that this Is the course of trade at the present time, and the situation must be cheering to every body who believes In the extension of our markets. It appears that a contract for rails and tubing amounting to J2.500.000 has re cently been placed with an American manufacturer, at 20 per cent below English quotations. Scotch manufactur ers refused to make the tubes as long as was required, and so (he order came to us. In addition to this, large quantities of barbed and galvanized Iron Is being shipped to Natal and to other points on the African coast. These ficts are Important because the possibility of African trade are almost unlimited. Englishmen have felt secure In their African and South Americas business because of cur protective tariff wHeh they thought would prevent us from underselling them to any very se. riotis extent, but they are seeing a new light, and one that bids fair to give the Cobdenltes of commerce cauFe for deep and prayerful consideration. COPT FOR THE OREGONIAN. Post-Intelligencer: 6ttle'a Increasing intere&t In PaSflc ocean affairs is attested again by three notable evenU, nattely, the preparation of the supply ship Marlon Chllcott for departure to Manila, the agitation with reference to the removal of the head offices of the Pacific Coast Company from San Francisco to thig city, and the reported action of President Hill in seek- i Ing to purchase vessels for traffic be. tween Puget sound an the Orient. The Marion Chllcott equipment for Ma nila, If property followed up by the el forts of the cttlwns In making represen tations at Wellington, wtH mark the beginning of a connection with the oper ations of Khe war department la trans, raclftc America. Some political maaeu- aa that between Seattle and Asia Is not opinion that an outlay of gu.OUO.WO for large, and the rivalry for such aa there ithe "illppln? If ,n0t 'h- nT would be worth that much In this country are la likely to become animated In the . to raise watermelons and pecans on, near future. Mr. Hill is simply taking a ' The P" ot Pnn has had a .remarkably favorab e effect spon the prudent seep ahead of his contempona. ' markets. rlea In doing the first buying. Knowledge is power." There is one kind ot knowledge that w power and prostsye in the hands of a wotnar. It i tiic knowiei)CS of her own nature, her own phVMcal make bp and tee hnmt - tr?t.tmcnl of diseases pecu liar to ner sex. mm KM 7' I I SrV.r l wn " VM. I b; to raise A- boo that teaches f""" . fl l ' ;ji all tin-. It t Dr. !o: As antido ,F Pierce Common I , m :1 i Adviser The man who makes two biades of grow grow where one strew before would be' Justified in trying to raw new car. nations at I15.0WO each. 0-A.STOXII.A.. Elgiatar GZtAfi prevalence ot grip is said Invar.a. the price of lemons. In this ems to have IndWaved one idotes. breathing, croup or noarsrness. let us uggest One Minute Cough Cure. Al ways reliable and safe. Charles Rogers. liver regulator and I can Over : regulate the world," said a genius. The !.2Go,cu3 American homes contain cooies druggist handed him a bittle of D-Witt's of this work. It used to cost Si. 50: now it ' Little Early Risers. th famous little is free. For a paper covered copy send it ' p1s Charles Rogers. one-cent statnDs. to rover mailing ot,ly. te j the World's fcispensary Mtdlcal A-'socia- New jPr!U.y j-les no rilrect tax-s, and Hon, hufialo, N. V.: French cloth binding, 1 . . .' , -. .,ir Jl stamps ! jvt rejoices In a growing treasury sur- ThugTeat book tells all about a medicine . Pl- Tre Jersey system of finance de. that is an unfailing cure for all weakness serves examination, and disease of the delicate ortrans distinctly i feminine. That medicine is Dr. Pierce's Before the discovery of One M.nute Favorite Prescription. During the past , cough Cure, ministers were greatly dls. thirty years many thousands of women tur by coughing congregations. No have used it with marvelous results. It i . -,.. i. pm imparts health, vigor, virility, strength and , excnse for " Char'M BOge, elasticity to the organs that bear the bur- I - dens of maternity. It fits for wifehood and I Since the 30th of June last. In spite of motherhood. Taken during the period of the war, the expenditures of the United gestation, it makes the coming of baby easy j have exceeded the revenue by only and almost painless. It completely ban- it.jQsr&70 ishes the pain and misery that are the re- i '' ' ' suit of a woman's neclecting her womanly Jck a an(J 0M tna, health. An honest medicine dealer will ' . w , , . -w. give von what you ask for, and not try to 'perfectly safe for children let us recom persu'ade vou to take some infoior substi- : mend One Minute Cough Cure. It Is fX tute for the little added profit he may jCellent for croup, hoarseness, tickling In make tnereon. ; the throat and coughs. CHA8. KOU1.KS. Mrs las Schsffner. of Frremanshurff. North- ! amptpn Co.. Ka.. writes : "It is with pleasure J Tv Ampr,ran ,j iirit!sh renr.-enta. rntr sarnr f in tnii arrtAiar tnm aw imrwi 1 1 " hare rrc -.ved from your me ii-.-in an 1 the local tives at Samoa work'il tof-th r Just as G(?t neWItt't WIK h Hascl Salve. Charls ll-treatmetit at home. I wa. trmb rd with . r - if fr.rrmil nl :anr n sled female wraVnh. had pain in mv I.ick all the . - A DELICIOUS DRINK.... AND ABS0LUELY PURE. The North Taoiflo Brewery, of which f Bottled lieer for family uae, or keg Mr.John Kopp is proprietor, make beer beer snpplieJ al any lime, delivery in for domes'io and export trade. I the city free. jsforth Pacific Brewerg W m X W aV W 5 I The HYltZVK!L, Hotel j rilYIICIANl WtTAUrilBD KINNKTOrriClB AT rssldsnct, Commsrrsilal slmrt. near Sixth. Office hours 1 Morning until 10 all afternoon until (; evenings until I o'olsok. DR. 0" li. BBT1M. IMITIICIAN AND Burgeon, Spsolal atttntlon le dlssassa of women and surgery, Olflot over Dsiialngsr's strs. Astoria. TL No, U. DR. JAY TUTTI.W. 1MIT0IOIAN AND Bui-neon, onics, rooms I and IPythlun niilldlng, (3IH Commercial it reel, llvsl. diKo saiiis. Tslrphons W Acting as sistant surgeon I'nlted Stales marine hospital sorvkt. MASONIC. TKMI'LtC UUH1B N T. A K. AND A. M IteguUr cominunlcailons hold on the first and third Tuisday rvvtiliw of each month. (I. TV. l.OUNHUKHUY, W. M.; IS. C. IIOU)f3N. Bwrsiary. ATTORN MYS. J. Q. A. llOWI.llt. ATTOIINKT AND fOUNHKMiOIt AT IJW. OrtU'ft. ilond HlrwU Astoria. Or. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. Astarla (Dslly) lArrjya Jsava a.nt n.m. ll;W l;0U IM s.m rortlaad snd Asfortalp," P,i "RsproM trains , vUlU.BtUlll KnMla, CllfOm. West- .ri: UlaUkanss, Oobja .uiiMion at tJuWs st aa I'us .1 ;lMkn at Kast a loimd polnta Astoria ivaslls snd Now Aaiorla raasengr ' . tra ns, via warramoo a Hi 11 Astoria to Weliisi Ip m.s ss t m lies or. A HU sior idsy Wuntsrs' spse- i. O. MAYO. a r. 4 r. a WHITE COLLAR LINL Columbia nrvsr snd Pugst iouad NsvV gallon Company. Talatvhons leavea Astoria dally, ssoss Wvl-Jrll. dally sPt luada, at f a. m. While Collar Una tickets Intsri haoa' ea Tlei.h..n.. T. J. H-r fcnd K IJ rii.Miijn lor Astoria inf all way ruvei, tiwaoo, HaavUw. tlapn. ana Mahcotta. U. II. IKXJTT. )rMlWat. A, J TATlW. , Astoria Agat. Teiauboas No. U ItKI'AHii K..I Mail . in. HHikne rltrr t lu p. m TlWt 5CMMDtitlI5 Krotn PorlUml lko. ttvnrvr. f Worth. Omaha, mm Clly, Ht loulaj I mi-aji. and rast. Walls Wtlla. HpoWiisJ IIIIIIPMM4, 111,1-nlll iMllulll, MHwsuir., I'lilvaao 4iit f mi, Cm m AMnrla (KUAN STUAntMIIIMi All sailing llr mti Jerl ui elmtige, For Mni fmiiMtoo -rinl MrehS, 14, la, H, t Aaai s Katl Mat! ti III ' MHlkll Kl.r a )0 a. m. 7 ma 1 Ml Uilajr sa. 1 Tu.-. Hi us and Sl T. m. I'UM.illU and Rt Colrnula Klesr .AamviUu nioamnra nU To Holland and I Way UantMnn. WllUatelts HUtr. ! 1 . 1 hiir o.l .l THO. Cil'INHAN, Proprietor Seventh nnd KnHlngtori Stst. PnrtlnriH. Or 5 g fviifininKiuii mis sm s- k-s si a y tj j THE LOUVRE Seventh and Astor Streets SHASTA MINERAL WATER. fErTEK. NOIJLE. HICKORY AXD SHAW'S .1UT WHISKIES. ALL OTHER LIQIOKS, WISES, IJEEK AM) CIGARS Served Dny nnd Nlutit. AUGUST KRAT2. - - Mniiooer hormul li. .hoes' Pills "" ,f -f o- l.. oi M-mm mt ll.v,l,.il.a, rkl , m t ft.w . -t- Ouf1 LOJt Mflh hood.lrn nla. rains tropus 0 povincr. Lost fnwir. WigheAosMis, f.ormnr rttosa Insom in , t il Clr. anmirfnl misi'ft", ai so, Hi bllicx. M.iUao-. Onitnr.s ta sarrr, . or"i r.l tJ.f amn, vnricocM or ens lo-iiioii, f Ouickr,. or U'- tvl 1 1 Fn'S Stops Nsr out TwKehlra ot S.'dJ. . i- '; FA,' .:. it..-.i " mil fitfiiwhtot l t-rm nd &r. ctm. . lot. II rtiwll l ibail.irf a t.M r4-atr. Intw 7MiiUi;iiiiibm Cu.djim. Acd run a, f ;hr "emi tun erunolsoo, Oak Fit sals hy (Farias Horn '.' In III I , In. HhIimii. AlbiNr, I orvl j VWasMtU al Vsia-J a) p m. tad, !ajoi..V.t OiMi City, kvi..ii, M ami Krl. wny lu. riling ' i" .fw INvsr. Klatlli l.fwl.W.11. , Prm furl n. I II.kUKt1 R HiVI:ll l. IV III. l.liv . Mm The Rate Is Lower, j i ii i. y.-.i,,l.i'r-,.i III,, N,hj-rg. tl Hu j j fnlrniA ) IjiiiJ. a W. LOUNIIIKltn Y. As wit Astoria W. R. HURLBURT. Oaa. Paa. AL rwtiaaa. Or. lk mI via It'll las and th llurllnaton lloula and yo roa.ih yuur dratlnatlun IIOUIUI ahead uf tha llwn who takvS ANY oih.r Una. Mara Yon sav monoy. Tns rata via kUllUis le Untaaa. KaiMaui illy, and AlJ. atkar soul ham i-lik Is rrm II W R na than via any iHlior route Wriu and I wilt tell you how iiiu- h raa. A t'. MIIKUhiN. ilmi'l Afrtit. l'nlai4. Or " f0$WS EAST Tarooati Pea aM Snorts alaapars dlatn uA (Wr fsrttfi ears. ttjonufr vsastisnjtTB taatnbv No. 4 U mi tat aara rorUanSl at LIS . sa. No. I Ucaitai asrtvaa rsruafia at I si S, sa. AsraM 6. ia. K. Astoria Lac. vrrtrtnnrrtn. C r. aS St. Koctsaa. Or. We pray to be shown the rht way. I TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT. hut unli-si It suits us we do not rcoKtilx t as the correct path at all. : Take Laxative Ilromo Qulntns Tablets. . All rJuR-frtsta refund the money If It rills If you hive a roug-h. throat Irritation, to cure. Zicmt. 'lh fenulne has L. II. weak lurs. pain In the chest, d.fflcult Q. on each tablet. A thiw In tlii- will of the Inte Mr. Hu tn il-pr!v.n .S.m Kram-U'-o af a puhlli Kirk n nil nn Iniriicri'e cMliM'tlun of hunk N. B. Scott, the riubllcnn caucus nom. 'i nontfh a hr.-i iniilnesa man like Mr. Inee fur united states' senator 1n nn: IMi-n. h- mad" a -.imllur failure In pr. lriflnla, has a qualKlcutlon that strike pumd li.-nnf uvlni'.. terror to the opposition. He was born In Ohio. For frost bites, burns, Indolent sores. eczema, skin disease, snd especially piles. DeWltt's Witch Haxel Salve stand first nd best. LjO out fur dlshon-st peo. pie who try to Imitate and counterfeit It's their endorsement of a good ar. tide. worth:ea gooiss are not itnitai. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Hays Always Bought Boars the Signature of Through Tickets TO THaV EAST AND SOUTHEAST VIA A FEW INTERESTING FACTS When Mpla nHarmplatlns a tnp, whhrr mi huai4i(a ur plnuura, Utay Batumi I y M lha brt a-rvlca ob. taliwbta ao far aa aswait. nnmfim a4 safaty ts ramwriwl. Kinpnraa at tlx WDk-ONlUN rj:KTIUt. I.INBsl ar uaM tu anrva ilia puiHo and aur trains ara in.ratnl sa as lo niaka ctoaa ta nntKliaui wtih diratfina lux at all Jim. tlim nxma. I'ullnaui I'alaoa njar4n( and Chair Cars on IliP'utili trains. Innai iW RtTYli'a unn-alMl. klrala arvnl a la tarla. In unh-r M ulilnin llila flrn rUaa anrvk-, ak Ih t ckct oK-nt to el you a ticket ' between the itwo countries. time, ftornctiini-i lievere that I could O'X lie in be-1 at niht. I tned diiTtrrer.t doctor but they couio Ofi neip mr. i nen my nuniMinn k m. j , Pierce' Common Rene Mnli- .it Aun-r. and ; MMm " y" ioduced me to try In. Wrrce- medicines. After j n..i. A I'J tiu takinr ix bottle of the Favorite Prescription' l ice i uae a new woman Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure conti- pation. Constipation is the came of many diseases. Cure the cause and you cure the disease. One "Pellet" is a eentle laxa tive, and two a mild cathartic. Druggists sell them, and nothing is "just as good." I Bearit2s Signature of A.iS tela Indiana's ner senator ts called a com postte of Colonel Ingeraoll and R-scoe Conkllng. That Is all very well, but can he nifbUHter? In counting up laurels won In the war , Ackar-a Engllsn Reraewy will stop a Miss Helen Gould will corns near ranking ! cour at any time, and will cure tne next to Dewey. worst cold In twelve hours, or money funded. 25 and 50 cents. For sale by Happy Is the man or woman who can i trf..rnnn Lirua to. eat a good hearty meal without suffering I . afterward. If you cannot do it, take i gome of the people of Havana iniilst Kodoi Dyspepsia Cure, it digests what tw th. city Is clean enough. On this you eat, and cures all forms of dyspepsia n,'nt ihev must be prenared to submit ana indigestion. Lnarles Rogers. , r.,na, decree of Am-;rlf an ojm- Thanka may be extended to Samoa for Pulslon- disposing of the W-a that a Joint pro. j Atker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on tectorate In Pacific islands mht be a . nnaitlva amarantee. Cure heartburn. gcod thing. i,r nt food, dlstreaa after eat In, any . " i form of dyspepsia. One little tablet gives Luxuriant natr. or unrrorm color, is a, t ' . .a ko ,.nt. vnr beauUful head covering for either sea, TTv'aaTtmnD CoT ' no: may be secured by using Hall's Vege- I table Sicilian Hair Renewer. I ,...,... ,,,,. , mn ... ..aawaaaaMaaaaa DWII A". JC " O n'''.v a- J "-"B No fact In recent history Kin,l. nt l: "K.x a point that mu want to reach. mora clearly that that Asulnaldo's pre. i concentrate all your faculties to the task tensions have been developed by the non- 01 reacninB and y0"'11 there." expansion element In the senate. jChauncey selected several points for , himsisf, and attained tnem an. Bears the I ' w Kiril Ttil Ajftays BotH Rocer. f;.-rmar.y'. bu t sunr last year of I.Mt.S tons was rused on W:SA ars. an averatte of 3.7:0 piund to '.he acre. Then- are r.val revo.ulloin in mini' of th,. nnd ihe ii',ri (i'-rn n:nl (entnil provlMeH ,,f Luzon are aKil.ini The (Top Is evidently one of exceptional Aii:n.iM. Anar liy would be .-m .!. value to the farmer. .Imbed over (ft-- hole itroup but for the pl.-Hem e of the I'lltle.l Htlltl. (Ht ut the first tlilriKH to b looked aiter In Cuba, at the president's surges, lion. I n system of schools for the whole Island. Uncle Sam's Imperialism may bj Judged by this example. State of Ohio. . ity ol Toledo. Liiens '"oiinty. ss. Frank J. flu-n.-y makes oath thai he I I the senior partrp-r of the firm of I-'. ,1, J. Sheer, Sedalla.Mo., conductor on elec- Cheney & Co., doing bmlness In the city trio street car line, writes that his little of Toledo, county and state aforeald. daughter was very low with croup, snd and lhat said ilrrn will pay the sum of her life saved after all physicians had fM-. Ill Ml;i:i DOLLARS for each failed, only by using One M'.nute Cough and every case of Catarrnh that cannot Cure. Charles Rogers. be cured by ihe use of Hall's Catarrh jCure. FRANK J. CHUNKY. Not one of the unpleasant thlnKs pre.' Hworn to before me and subscribed In dieted about the annexation of Hawaii my presence, ibis (Ilh day of December, has come 'to pass. The anti-expansionists A. D. Wi. a. W. OLKASON, re proved by over a hundred years of ineai.j Notary rulillc, history to be f-ile prophets of evil. Halls (attarh Cure Is taken Internally nil aciH directly 0n the blood and mu- That the blood should perrorm Its vital i ooiih xurfaees of Urn system. Send for - et(,i PULLMAN PALACS BUCEPKRB. TOURIST BLBEPERa aa TREB RECLINING CHAIR CARS -Dally to Salt Lake. Denver, Omaha. Chicago. Kansas City nnd other Kaatern olllet llaKKagt cherknd IhnMigh to deatlnallon I in. in li-poia. fsj tuna, lowest rates. Plntsch light In all eara.. roi r.ira and uthor Information call or sibirean 1 W. LOUN8BERRT, Afeoi. O. H. N. t!o. Astoria, Oregon, 0 J H lyOTHJlOf. ut Uk Third at., cwr Aid TheWlsconsIn Central Lines. and '"U a III nuke dlrm-i r"iinii.ina at Ht. Paul fur ('hVaa-o. MllaaukM and all KKnta uiai. For any furtli.r InforitHition i-ull un any tlrkat njteut. or i-om ntniiid with JA, t'. POND, Ml, !'. AS'nt. or J AH A'K. Mllaaiikm. Wis Urllnnil Axnlit il Hiark HI.. Portland Ore rtland. Or. Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you cat. Itartlflclally dltft'sU Hie food an.auU Nat urs in sircntfiliiinlnif and reooo structlna Iho chiiiiHti-( dimtlve or (farm. It H tho latcHlrllscnviTitl dltfost ani ami ionic, iso (iim-r pri-pttratloO can niijirourh It in i-nicu-ncy. t Id Htantly rullcvi'sanil iM-ruiuiii'titl curat Dyslicpslu, Inditfi'sUon, Ilciirttiurn, Fintiilcnro, Sour Stdinnch, Nausea, Hlckllfiadarliii.Cnxt mliflii.C.'rampSiand all othiT rHuliHuf iiiitM-rri'i't (HucHtloa. Prepared by I. C. DeWitt Co., Chlcoao. Fur Hulo by CHARLES ROOKRfl, 0mm O XWN4 3HASTA J WW mm LEAVE functions. It Is absolutely necasssary rt hould not only be pure but rich In life. irlvlng ele.inents. These results are best Tec-ted by tho use of that well-known t.mdard blood purllier. Ayers' Sarsapa. Ilia "House nerves" Is a new specific trim plaint that physicians have to cope with. Mold Tea positively cures slcx neadaehs, Indigestion and constipation. A delightful herb drink. Removes all eruptions of the skin, producing a perfect complexion, or money refunded. 25 and SO cents. For sals by Bates -Conn Drug Co. PLAtlSD OTTT. ! Dull headache, p3lns In various parts of the body, sinking at the pit of the stom ach loss of appetite, feverlshnes, pimples er sores are all positive evidence of im pure blood. No matter bow It became so tt must be purified in oruer to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Elixer has never fall--' to cure scrofulous or syphilitic poi sons or any other blood diseases. ' it a certainly a wonderful remedy and we sell aver bottle on a positive gaarantee For sals by Estes-Conn Drug Co. The Urodklyn Eagle puts the case in this terse form: "Expansion Is evoln. Ion. Involution Is destiny. Destiny Is luty, and expansion Is all of them." For a democratic paper the Eagle Is doing well. testimonials, free. V. J. CHUNKY & CO., Toledo, Hold by druggists, 75 cents. Hall's Family JMIIs are the best. As the season ot the year when pneu monia, la grippe, sore throat, coughs, colds, catarrh, bronchitis and lung troub. les are to be guarded against, nothing "Is a fine substitute,", will "answer the purpose, or ts "Just as good" as One Minute Cough Cure. That is the one In. fallabie remedy for all lung, throat or bronchial troubles. Insist vigorously upon having It if ""something else" Is offered you. Charles Rogers. William's Kklnev Pills Has no filial lo distunes of the 'KMiipyiiii.i I.riiiiirvOnuiiH. Have .you nriflc-i;U:(I your r WiioVh'. Have you overworked your nervous sys-ay "em ami caused uuulda with your V iw ajuunevft mm liitui'ier? Hnvo you C pains in the loins, hiile, Imok, jfroiwi J fan" "iiirlijcr? Have you a HaMiy ap- pefiranco of Mia face, especially f , rmlisr tho even? Ton fren lentdn- r i sin TlflKM liriii, Wlllt.'A I.' ,v,i,j.iiiiin.viuiij , I'll In willimnurt newlifo to thudis- W '.'.a.N!,l "-("HiJtoiKsup. tf.j.sjfstsrin J atid muke anew iiintt of you. Jly mail 60 cents per box. S7 eioo r. m Ills A. M Dally except Hunday t7: A. M i:W V. Ml PORTLAND OVERLAND EX I'KKHH, for Bftlein, Itoseburg, Ashland, Hacramento, Ogden, Han Francisco, Mo. tuve, ls Angeles, 0! Paso New Or. leans ana the Bast. Roseburg passenger Via Woodhurn, for Mount Angel, HII verton, West Bclo, llrownvllle, Hnrlng-flel-J and Nation,.,. Corvallls naasenaer I Independence pass' ARRIVK g, i. i .ii 1- -fli' u 7i'iitti50 Yr8iciM.n.o.Hl I M " I a ann poiaoriiiii. r-mini l ,i (,.,i,iii. a, !. I. Hful Itialiirthir.. )1 "ItUI'. II It II III r.l ilu. wl til uf liiilaniiiia. .. Ihiii. 1 , 1 1 lac i.,n lir ulinr 4. tln:l I I Iti 1. . ii a ft.,-... IUIC1I fl. -eil Mlflliifli Mold by lraail.(a. nr ariit in plain wrnir lr .er., ir"piil. (ni BLANCARDS 9:10 A. al 1:10 P. M Dally except Sunday 16 :M A. M Il8:a A M Dully, tnnily except Hunday. Connecting at Hun Francisco with Occi dental A Oriental. I'll el lie; Mall and (ice nln HteamMhlp lines for JAPAN. CHINA, AT'Ki RALIA AND HAWAII. Rebate tlrkata on en In dally hntween Porllnnd, Huernmenlo. and Ban Francis co. Net 1-ntea 117 llrat-cliias. and tu ond-claaa, ini-lialliig sleeper. Rates and tick eta to Kaatern nolnta ana Europe. Also Japan, China, Honolulu, and Australia. Can be obtained from J. B. KIKKIANi, Ticket Agent. :) TblM at., K. KOEHLER, C. II. MARKHAat, Manager. (. r. ft v A Through tickets Fst for lowest rates. Al.1l . fy T nannnti a mA l-wvat I a. a i. .mi mi -4 i . j i mil iisas j, ioim 'ii., Wellf Fariro Corniany'i oflloe. Antoria, OK IODIDE OF IRON Un L!5!i;K'.,0FN,!M I he HI . (Mill, ..i.ijii i mi,m. WliAKINliS5 Hi Ulll'l II A lr. Noiiegeniiliieiiiile..,'iK;,r; ".ANCAWI,.. II Ail 1titut iltii iVB. FOUOI-K A St CO, ,N, V. Agis. lor V. 8. illoit's Nerverine I'ill WW 3 Tilt pita 'mdv for "J rcrvoui pro K.,. ratio nana l i all nervous tvwrT,TEw''vV'v, -J oiatoi llic ,U Nervous ProHralHwi, Failing 0Jt Manhood, Impottncy, Niehus Jimis. Hons, YoolhU Erron,, Menial VorZ uZT 0t T?bacco ?r,Plum wkich M to Loninmption and Insanity. $,(X) ror sslt by B8TBS-fX)NN DRTJO CO. (