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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1899)
NIK DAILY ANTOKIAN. SUNDAY MORNING. MARCH 556, I59. w P f 1 Ti ,a - c f 4' HT M An ICxnllcnl ('oiiihiiintlon. Till plolisiilit llli'tlinil Hint licliollclul flTi'cU of Hie writ known ii'iiieily, Nviit'i ok J''liit, inn nil fuel iii-i'd liv tin i'Ai.irniiNu I'm Mviii i' Co., llliiMniti tin vii I in' nf tilitiilnltip; tin liiitlil laxa tive principle of pltllltl I' till.. II to III' IIII'lllclllllllV IllXlltlH' llllll IIH'M'tltlllp; tlli'HI til tin form mi tad rcf I'cklilliu to I lin t Utl Mint ni'cVptullll' III I ll M'Mclll. It lathe i mi' perfect MrniKtln hlntf In mi ll v, I'li'iiioiintf lint hVhlvin cITi'rliliill.v, IUiellliig cnlili, lu-iiiliit'lii'ti iiml fever jfontly j'i't promptly nml ciuilillnj.' our lo overcount liulittiiMl roioiiMitoii per liniiii'litly. It perfect fici-ilmn ft f iti vcry ofiji'i'lloiiiilili' ipnilily nml miIi Malice, iiml It Ni'llntf on tln I(l4iii-vi. liver atul ImiwiU, without wt'iilii'iiliiir or IrrlliilliiK thcin, mailt It tlm Mini laxative, In l lin process of urn tin fni'lurlng llp-a r iini'it, an thi'V nrr pli'Uhiitil to tlitt toKlr, tint Din iiiKilli'lntil iiiitlltli'mif tin remedy are from actum nml olhi-r nroiuutln plunU. Iiy a iiicIIhmI known l tlm Camvuhku ho M lit T l o only. In onliT to (ri-t IU iH iinlU iiil l-rf.vU mill to HVolil imllutlotlii, plrllM' rviiif in Imt tin full immi" of tlii'l'oinpuiiy printed on tlii front of every tmckuifn. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. AN mAKCllMK). CAJ. IXUIIVII.tK. KY. MIW YOMK. W Y. I'm Mir by all tx urj - I'ltce fur. pri Uulf n. hare a.vod many doctor bill atno Wan u.ln Ommbrrlaln' Cugh Ifmedy in our home. W. keep botti open an in time ami wnnvr any or my family or myaelf begin lo catch oold we brgtn tu tie tb Cvuah ifmady. ml aa a rult w grvr bar 40 (rod away for dm tor nd tnrur large diM-tor til. I, tor CbamtMirlaln' Cough l never fall to cure ft la cr. tatnly a ni1icli of great merit and worth - I). B. Moarkle, Uaneral Mrrchevit nd Varmer. Muttio, lirdford county, i'a. trot eale by Chart linger. rt'NKIUL NOTICK. Th funorsl of th 1st Jullu Young, n of Andrew YUng, of Young'a river will be hold at the Hwnllah Lutheran chtmh. In ICual Astoria, at I o'clock t m. Huiulay. Kor tlm avoiiimillt n "t ittrn.l of ihs family wlahlng to atien.t th funersl from the vlrlnity of Olney, a eieaiiier haa lieen lirovlded to lit) it't point si ll.lo a m, and retiirmnic 'her, sftrr the fuiietal arrvl-e. Toe in'iiinont will be t ilreriiwood. MMtriilt liNTKUTAINKI). HAN ntANCttwY). March I'rcaldent llarjier of the i;mvrity of Chicago will In- the II oc I ui t'rvalUclil JurJstt of Munfofd t.nluy After delivering an 4. .tir.a nt Oakland on Huiiday h will .e.t. for th tail. CRAZY WITIMTCHING Ecfemi on Heed. Got Into the Eye. Oootor & Institute Could Not Cure. Cured In 2 Mont hi by CUTICURA. I hs.1 e. inn tm lb t"p of Biy head Ofrr two yrsis. It llc5l, awaeltiiRg Belts, Sty lljflor Ustr4 me all isuiilha, with fallui. o 1 ttird oxiia diM'loi a, sii.1 Near Yuia losiltui for s i m.mtbs, iMiloould n4 fe.wlisijv luillxr thsn li ,esi. I bad II woias than at Uva sMit, a II cum. -need to e to Bif ).a. sod Sawfly f Sis 11. if a lib II. hli.e. I IH-llead yuul atlnrUaeinesI in Uve N. Y, Herul, sud Uwu(h I Would try C ti. ctta rviiisdlea. a to sinNi,' fme ifld w4 is .af lil And tlay frvsti.'a at 0, sud 1 l I tile a hsw inan. AI.KUKtl alKlSKl.. ta W.Hiutll., N. Y.Oty. ear Wsiia Mliuif'. ts t sa Ssir.tsaUa ia 1st silh 11 o. 1 ss. tbs ssis .., an W H.olll-eIs,saaitesld.'fl It. I a.lls.itsv,fial tM nf Sld eaiasfssn sfv4 llww ssntls sbnss suSsilaf trol bsln.wsers slml hs,oi4 smIsissss, lisir UtshM. sll . ai.&wfsasallo Ibuu alIO.rssswaillhsald r..frsB tl s C tear., y.M- nsa. " lis e. 1 mis s.sfs siis iiuusb."oss. SAVE YOUR HANDS ' Ualr aiet kits h aalsg vvnviaa suae. C. HFJLBORN & SON- The Oldest Mot me hi Antortn. Tin I,nr.:si iiml Only i rung Carpet and Furniture Housep in Astorin. The liirgt-ft tttul liiit.'-t stock of ('tit pit." iiikI Km nilun iiniinl liv any Ii'iihi in Oregon tuititlt1 nf INirtlitml. Columbia Bovel Gear of the World, The A few remarks from Fl t.TON nUOTlIKHrf. Attorney at Iw, t'ope Manufncturlng Cnmpany: Oitntlcmen-I hnv ridden thl year a Columbia Chalnlera. and bellcv it to be the very best bicycle mad. To apprerltie It Ii only neecsnnry to ride It. then you will be content to rid no other. newpectfully your. O. C. FIT LTD N O. II. K8T1C8. l'hylcln and Surgeon. Mr. Lou:a Oordei, Agent for Colninh'.a My IHkiT Sir I tnko thli oceoston to thn Columbia ChnJnleai bicycle, for my moit perfect mwhnnlsm, nnd .glvei the machli.ery thut I have ever had In my three month thli lummor by my three op Ileach, where It wui lubjeoted to fog nnd spray of thn ocean, and there Ii to hiivo live minute rewiti tnudo on It Again expressing my appreciation, In pocrln the wheal, I remuln, m"rt Prices for 'qq Models. COLUMMA CHAINLE88. MODEL CO and M 175 00 COLUMHIA TANDEM, MODKL 47 and 48 76.00 COLUMniA, MODELS 578 WM COLUMWIA. MODEL 49 40 1IAHTKOHD8, PATTERN 19-20 500 T..riel'ri,-.fl. PATERN II VKD10TTE8, PATTERN 23 Pope Manufacturing Portland, Or. Controlling Oregon, Washington, Montana ami Idaho. T1IE CHASM HAS BEEN BRIDGED Great Britain and Ranee Come to an Amlcatlc Agreement In the African Question. S4TISFACT0RY SETTLEMENT But Four Recognized Independent State! Now Remain Events of the Past Week In London 'Copyrighted, IM9, by Aasonlatcd pre,,) IiONDoN. March. fcV-A red-letter page III Ilia history of Afrlcii waa turned Dill weeg wiiii rt uritain and Franci nine tu mi agreement In parte lira out h luat portion of Africa mil oprn tu iiraiih.i" Tlii" term-mi'iit remind il!niii'i of liuiHlri'ilii of Hi mi mi ii it ii nf niuam liillrn, li'ttvln only four trvog. iili liiili-tiniutoiii main tliroudhout thn vdiiiiiriii - il.irrcx.M-,1, Abynynlu, Illirr1 out (irunitx Krva Hlalo. Tlm m-tllroiont bin rttvrn mliifni'llun In Ornm lliiln, wlirr It In Koiirmlly ci'iinlilKml fmr for li ill purl Id. a ml i IkvIiik xrUI vnlim In nimlly nvrrtln. r fur i1lpo. Ili.lllr iliirillili-litu l it ll, flltur il:pur. Tin r-i iiim of lln mirxi-inrnt by Kur. nm In iIim l.lnlly faviimlito. Till. I'ArtT WKKK IN lM.oN, ('"liyrlchtcd. Ikwi. by AilicJ I'rea. i 1i.Mki.v, MMt t-Hie wither In Uitn iirluiii ti p.t w.rk ii,i.)..rwn,i tt mimpleto change. UkI week th ' .4,lor r, Bli MIll,r .ikr. Tlii week It haa born bllli-rly cold wlih .11. ,w everywherr, l.oinloii p.irtli IpatM! Ill the wltiiry w.olliir but It wu temp, ei li tirtght euoaliiiie. The I mke of Vork haa lrn ennwrd lli nt AlH-rgelilf. Itialna, nmr lliillaalrr. lin Wi lli ttirro for tlm ajlllliiil nulling, hill the weather i-hiinin'it ulrkly lo Ari'tk i.mI and a hvy anowel'irm rut him "If fr"m rom. miii.ii niton with (he outer world It will 1. ila before he la liberated. 1 The center "f gravity of the fah!onble world bus shifted to the Itlverla, where gureii Victoria la now sojourning. 'Hiere will In three more iir,iw'nK rms this season mid the queen haa ptl vutrly lnlliiwite,t that she will attend ne 111 May. II. r majesty h 'a given two additional iii.i.iii..a uf her womanly feeling thil week, which have made very pleasing impression In etoiitliern France. While out driving st thn bnjtltiulhg of the wmk. sh iiVeriook a peasant's walking 11 n.1 had 1.0 room la ts.s. The mourner topped and sIimhI aldc, but the queen re., ns'e.1 1 tie rorteg to proceed and her ..wn currlnge fotiownl respectfully. at walking pace, for half a mile until ; ills diverged. Again, while driving through Mi on : , Wedneiulay. the queen pneecsl a child which was crying bltlerly. Hh ordcrwl , I her rirluge to Ik. elopped and sent a no of her suite to Inquire th cable ,,' Mi,. 1 h".l'a disireaa nnd lo give ll 1 a few coins, which had a magiiet cal ef. fe. 1. The little f,ice brlKhleiied up and ; ihs queen drove on. smilingly remorklng. ' "as long n nothing aerloiii ti thn matter I I thought a few a-hi a would right things." M. A. '. tM iinly Ale.ul Feoplcl aya Princes Maude of Wale iFrlnccaa I Charte of Iemark) I notorlmiCy un. huiiiy In her new Danish home mid that I It reitilre. all the persuasion of her 1 ' p.neiits to reconcile her to return to th gloomy environment of the lWinlah court, j tier ov. for her alien homo, it Is added, 1. niire.i.l liv ihe fact that the roi. i t uf any child of her s reaching the j throiie his been destrnyrd by the birth ' of mi heir to t'rlnco Christian, the el.leal ami of the Crown I'rlnc Frederick. The queen of Sweden and Norway ha become a collector for the Salvation Army, a Chainless St andordL:,r,,:n X WJieel that Satisfies Astoriuiis who il. ASTOIIIA. Oregon. October 11, lie. ARTOKIA. Oregon, Oolober 15. IS Illcyclr. Astoria, Oregon: thank you for ndvlnlng me to purchase (!u'i"htor, lx month ago. It li nt the most perfect satisfaction of any piece of possession. It was used constantly foi daughter! at my summer home on Cist tho snndy roadi and beach and to the not a marred spot on .i; nor have I had since It hna been In my posaetudnn. nnd ihnnklng you for my good fortune respectfully, at your aervlce, O. 11. KSTKS. M. D. .00 Co. money tioit invln 1iin plnil upon th illnlnf liililn of thn roynl pm. A eorrenpnnilent In I'arU wrltm tht the young 1'nrlln ilnmllet nro (lUtrciiind Hi tlm Iom of th Prime of Wt "at kin of fnvtilon." It In now iald th prltire "iiPKlm'tK till pnmonul pptmrnnon wm-fiilly, tilM ovrot Ii annAby, hi hat atinpnlea an it hi tin Ii u in uoh on on alrtn Hint liU ahlrt atixl re vIkIMa," ConaliliiralilA Inlnri-ai 1uknn In Hit) aniioiiiit't'iiii'iil of thn corriliiK iriarrlu of 1-O'ly K.illth linuKla, (JmiKhtT it Hi Miinpil of (juwimlHiry u Mr, tit. UuiifKii I'M t, mho I h"4 of tlm payrhlml ri-iii-nri Ii a'xli'ly and a vri'iil auih'frliy on "npook." Mr. Hyilimy Welib, ihnlrioan of thn Nmiiiinil Kilucittlofial Kuuril, hand.dd AiiM'rUnn limlltullona In a ver tnnn. nrr nvlHU liM turlnu lfur lh aihool of uronmiili'a. Ani'iiiit olm-r HiIhk ho cild: "Tniniiiniiy la no iii than lh r-puli-ilian puny nf N" York. It I not to Ilium for lin rorriipiloii. The piirl . ity In Aiiierii't la th Mormon Hull I,nke City. Voil muni not Imsgln that (Mm' I a ii k ixl man. Jlo lon not rt th poor, hut doe good lo th poor t Iho eiinman of the rich. Th Waea are the nlni'lcnntn rentiiry lloliln lluoil. 'the iu of the corrjpllon lie In the character of the Amerhan, tie doc not believe In government and dm not iv month oko th parly lift Alert hay for Iho KiiKlliliiiinn' di'llght In guveriiliig. Il'irnhy lelarnt. 011 the enat count 1,1 Van II enter polltli to make money ami louver taland. Under favorable drum. cannot conceive of uiiyliody dolim any. thing elae." In roni'lURlon, Hydney Vbl rrtnnrked: "The American, liHllvldiiully, la th kind, eat and mil cimelibrale, mot polite In. ) 1 v 1 1 11 ii I living. Hut -ollm'ttv'ly, they me not yet a euccea." Hlr ll.njainlri Htone, prealilr-nt of the Nallomil I'liiiliigrntihlc Iti-cord Aicla- Hon. mid the author of acveral book, of travel nnd article 011 vorlou aclnntiflc ol.J.Mi., hue uiicurthcd In the vallcun library among th document re.oting to tintflieh hlatory an autogr.iph love letter from Henry VIII. lo the unfortunate Anne Itolejn. 'I he rplatlo which I wr.t. ten In Kr. n. h, la In the Improved lyl of a lov, ! k nwaln and I gm d with a drawing representing a heart. The .on.lllton of t'.aiiu Mayo la cau. lug aiulnty at Dublin castle, and It la expected thai the crime act will be re. aipilcd. Agrarian terrorism Is being revived, boycotting Is r.fe and Juror llJVe been shot at. j In aplln of the signing of the Anglo. 1 French agreement regunllng Afrwui, one j of the ! ailing ioii s of liie w,-k, on Uith aides wf the channel, hus tietn an . nrlliie piitHiahi d In the Itevue le I), lix i Mi ich a. aerloualy ooliinlng a frcali scheniv for thn Invualon toT Ureal llriluln. j It propose that l.Sou steam pinnHCCa I lie bulll mid collided in the canal and j rivers l.-oding lo the French cxusl, that I I n il ; them he armed with two qui. k ; guns and llun they convoy an aimy of lio.oo m-n mid Uu cannon, with ill.- iimeaaary ammunltlim, store etc. I The cost of their conatruotlon I e. l.iiiMied si Iki.wo.uiij francs, and the pin. j naces are to be provided with torpedoes tu ki.p ufT hostile shltf whtie the quirk tiring guns lire to : irpt.lo bout attack. Th, writer of the article say i..r. bo no diftliuity III giHtliag the kull across the, channel, pointing out that Naiedcon bad a far more dittlcult taak at Wagram when he coursed the I'aiuit... in the face or an Austrian army. The Kngllsh coast defetista are cloas. .1 as being iiegllbl quantity, and the oe ration Is counted I writer as twang merely a ! few hours. upon by th nutter of a Three division of lt.Ktt men each are lo bo landed In Ireland and the Irish are to be armed with old (eras rlltr. The Ki.gilsh papers pooh.pooh the scheme, I but the French paiier discus ll as being is perfectly sound proooaltlon. The Tctit i,lUrj pr,r the plan, declaring that (, ,.h,,f merU n m simplicity and unity, and olnts U the success of thn iiliman. Haxon. Danish and Norman In- Vttion Mvmg the feaaibliity of the r.ij. s. t I'KATIl OF CKXKKAt. ltAIMJY. SKW YORK. March General Isaac II. Itulley. 70 year old, was found dead In his room at tho Waldorf-Astoria yes tenl.iy. Death was due to appep'exy. rteimral Itallcy was a veteran of the civil war. Ills iiamo wa prominent In v . V ok politics more than i years ago. Moon after he hud com,, from hi native, state of Maine and was d dug well In the hlitV- nnd I, Hither buli-a he Ideiit Hi-i h'timclf with the rcpubtcan imrty nnd In M" ho was mado n police commissioner. He realgned In lW and remained prominent In republican club mid con mlltecs until IST4. when he was nominated on the republican ticket for congressman. He failed of election, how. and was made chairman of the mission of charities and corrections, appointed by Mayor Vance. Recently he was pt'hllsher of the 8he and Leather l;(p. iter. ' ' ' 11K1 MININi! DEAL cmpPI.E CHEEK. Col"'.. March 25. Th.' iii'iioiimeinciit Is made here on what l.i coue'dcred ri'lltilde authority that W. Independence ndlcnle, and Is now 011 hli way to Knginnii to cump.eie the The price la not known, but us two experts after a lhorourh ex mi mi Hoc. (.f the property last Decem ber estimated the ore In slk'ht at 6,O00, iM li Is mummed that, the lelllng price Is' t than waa ever paid for a Col- 1 nra.lo mine. Me. fit rat Ion haa already Iiikcii over I.OiK).OiK) out of the I tide. peiideiice, nnd for the past three yours cetieni sermon to a large and upprecl only llu uro encountered In development ' alive congregation at Warrenton last In; 11 taken out. j evening. Al.l.KilKD COCNT ARRESTED. SAN FRANCISCO, March 23.-U is supliosed that the alleged Russian count. K. V l-urot iynskl, who wus sued f.;r di vorce In this city on .Thursday. I the same man who, according to a cable dls. p.itch, has been nrrested by the police at Prague, Austria, where he was posing an 1 hero ot thn Spanish-American war Mid conducting; himself In a disorderly manner. Inrivcxynskl was known here os a well educated man of good nddrcss. He was fond of the company of military men. I1ISSE9SION OF MISSION ROCK. SAN KRANOrSl.Xl .'.March 25 The Unit ed Stntes district attorney has beon In. rrtructttd by the United States attorney general to bring suit against the San Francisco Pry Duck Company to se ,iiro possession of Mission Rock In this harbor. It 1 proposed to establish a naval coaling station there. The dock company clulms the rock under a title from the state. LACK CURTAINS. Mn. K. Raamuiien Is prepared to do up curtain In latlsfnctory style. Good work guaranteed. Leav order at On. gon Bakery. NINE PERSONS LOST AT SEA Little Sloop Tblstl; Went Down , Off Vancouver Island With All on Board. . , SAIKED FROM ALEUT BAY SltOUld UiH VfflVCd BtThilf DeSllna- tlon a Month Ao - Wreckaft of the Sloop round 8KATTI.K, March T..-A I'oat. Intel it. g.niccr epet'lal from Niinlmo, 11, C., ay; 1 New wn brought here lo.lny conDrma. lory of the loa of the emull iloop Thialle. with nine people on board. One aludit-a liny ehould hnv reached their i, Mlnailoii within three of four dnya. Nothing been heard of th parly aline. Jueeph Kletcher, a farmer of Ouoilum, rnvo hr day with advice that ; wreckage had been pl'-ked up ner Al"-rt buy. comparing In every detail with the .Thlatle, The pnrty conalated of Willi. im Kord. h: ed mother and two iletera. d Ji(omach on the heart and lung, Inter- end IJ repcxtvrly, ami Mr. Harry ,f,.rtng with their action; hence arlaai Thame,, her IH.year.fild daughter and on palpitation and hort breath, of her amail-t children. Th ninth mm- j.,r j(genon Jo poison the Mood, b r of the party I thouitht to be daui;h. : making; It thin and watery, which Irrt! t'-r of A. Cox, a farmer. Her nam 1 txtt-t and weaken the heart. couij not be :aniel. William Kord 11 yhe mmt tl!Mnt trcatmnt for heart the aon of a wealthy farmer of Honolulu ,roub: I to Improve the dlgetion and "d with hi m. ther ww vlvltlng her old , imrt ,h prompt almllatlon of food. homeaiead. The rtmulmler of the party Tn!j can ,j,)n(! ,y lhe reBUiar UM r.a de.l at guutlum. The Thlmle w after mta!, of (m,e pleaMnt aD4 only live ton r.glrr. effinive rtticeatlv. oreoaratlon Ilk Bio. I'll' M IN KNT I.AWYKH SHOT found at rnont drug store and which l!Y MI'ltlKK(l'K IlI!MTHF,R8. 'contain valuable, harmlesa dntlve ele. ' m-nti in a pleasant convenient form. An u her Kll cl In n Kxchitnge of j It I safe to lay that the regu'ar. -er-Kli' ta H. tween the Murderers and , elsteflt use of Stuarf lppla Tb a Crowd of omen. 'let at meal time wl'.I cure any form of stomach trouble except cancer of the ItOWMNU (IHKKN, O., March E.-O. stomach. K. Weeienhavrr, of North Ilnltlmore. one . Kull ilxed package of these tablets goid of the best known attorney in thl ' by druitglsti at SO cent. Utile book on county, was murdered at Hoytsvllle to- ;tumch trouWc maJk-d free. Addre d.iy. ile as trying a isae again! I'aul i v. a. Stuart Co.. Marshall. Mich. and John Zelmer for attorney fees, and j wh, n ihs court adjourned at noon the ; brother demanded certain papers, which he refuse to urrender. j John Zelmer flrtd at th? attorney, who' rn out of doors, th ball striking Weil- : rnluver In the riiiht side. At the corner f the building I'aul .timer met him and fired two shot at the attorney, one atrik- Ing him In the leg and the other going Inu hli forehead. Ix-ath resulted In a few minute. After the murder the X.eitner fled to their home, pursued by a crowd of sev. era: hundred men. The Zeltners stood t,o,iy m their yard all the early part of the afternoon and defied arrest. There were frequent exchsnnci of shot between the fugitives and the crowd at long rat ge. and a man named Wlttenmyer ti ah at through the heart and Instantly killed, Th aherlfl has ca led on the governor for troops. ' j. JOSEI'H MKDILL'S WILL CHICAGO. March S.-The will of Jeh Medlll sal made public today. It disposes of U.W.M) In bond and realty. '""'''ei the editor stock in the Tribune I'nhlishlng Company, valued at tSWOOOO. Thl "'"ek. 107 shares, will be kept Intact, eventually will fall Into the posse. slun of hi grandchildren. Many Instl. tutlon In which Mr. MedlK was Iniereit. ed have been favored in he will. THE IWR OAIN1NO STRENGTH. I.ME. March B.-The pepe Is steadily gaining strength. He cut. well and his n..nt.ii:tv Is as brlKht as He ceje- hr.ited mass this morning without re- qu'rlng aid cf any kind. ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM THE WEST SIDE, Tramps Who Itroke Into the Wsrrenton Depot Did Not Secure Much-Sa'e of Kindred Property, Tho railroad depot at Warrenton w.ia entered Thursday night by hoboes, who proceeded to break open drawers, trunks j and boxes. They ill.l not succeed in 1 obtaining anything of value, the express : iho S'H of Oregon for the county ot agent having previously taken the money j Clatsop, hereby offer for sale for caeh, to his room. It seems that the gentle. I in 8A coin, all of the personal property men were hungry, for they opened up ; of said Columbia Iron Works, consisting some canned goods and relished a mid. j of '"o- mrlnery, apparatu and ma. night lunch. Tin tramps will probably I teria!- Sale ndt ,0 Include note or ac pasa straight through Warrenton on j count. their next trln I Alu' ,hnt ' wi" receive sealed b.d for The ealo of the ...ndred reservation has creat.l much specula ton as to the prob- .. . , ,,, ' ... , . , , , ..v hi.,, ui isri; jiiuce 111 iiio: future. It Is believed that the A. & C. It. It. 'o. has something to do with the purchase of this property, as It Is expected that the Hammond branch of the railroad will be extended through to Steven. Rev. Mr. Marcotte delivered an ex. Postmaster Craln ha been appointed a notary public by Secretary of State Dunbar. The Warrenton marshal has three horses In the pound. They will be sold If not called for within 10 days. The members of the Stevens ba-seball nine are practicing faithfully. They ex pect the first game with the Astoria nine on nhe new A. F. C. Held. Roy Mclntyre, who has been attending school in Portland, returned home last Thursdny. Mr. Stuart, the real estate agent, spent ycstcr.lf.y afternoon In looking after business Interests in Hammond. Mr. Lester, the genial conduotor, paid a short visit at Hammond yesterday. His family accompanied him. Captain F. M. Muiikot recently made an Inspection of the llfesnving station at Hammond, Ho left tor San Francisco the fore part if the week. Captain Mtinger commanded one of the gunboats during tlie recent war. Mrs. Mtidil and daughters, "Mrs. Turk and Clara, returned from Portland yes terday. They were registered at the Per kins and report a pleasant trip. Mrs. Byera, formerly of the engineer corps, has accepted a position In the Kopp brewery. Ills family will move to town next week. Mrs. A'bert Jchnson, who. a short time ago, waa very 111, la now convalescent. AMERICAN LOSS HEAVY. (Continued from flnit pC.) rv for General MoArthur' dlvlalon, which had bn holding th north of th tin. In th movement It wa Axpeeied that Oennral II. Q, Otl' brlgad, of olun. tr would lad. T)i Intranohmcnti In front of Mi. Arthur' dlvlilon r tnld to bit formM. abln, but no nlcty xlt n to fho r. ult, th'mgh great lot of life I feured. HEART DISEASE. .Some Faci.i Kei;afJiflg the Kapid Increase f Jfearl inmMcs. Io Not Alarmed, Itut IyK'k for th Cau. Heart trouble, at lead among th Arricrl'an. are certainly Increaalng, and white ttil may be largely due to th ex. cltement and worry of AmorVan bual. neai life. It I mora often th reault of weuk (tomachi, of poor dlgeitlon. Ileal organic dlaeaaa la Incurable; but not one can In a hundred of heart trou ble I organic. The clomf relation between heart trog. bio and poor dlgeatlon ll becauae both organ aro controlled by the earns great nerve, the Hympathetlc and I'n'umo. gaatrlc, in another way, alo. th heart ti af. fecied by th form of poor dlgeatloo, whk-h eaunei ga and fermentation front half dlKealed food. There I a feeling; of oppression and heavlnti In the ehet cauied by preeaure of the dlU-Dried 'art' Dyiepla Table1;, which may be 1 The far-seeing man usually tee 10 much that he I too timid to undertake any thin?. It I very nam to stand id y by and see our dear one suffer while awaiting the arrival of the doctor. An Albany : (N. T.) dairyman railed at a drug etore j there for a doctor to come and ee hli child, then very lick with croup. Not j finding the doctor In, be left word for him to come at once on his return. He lo bought a bottle of Chamber lata" Cough Remedy, which be hoped won'.d give some relief until the doctor should 'arrive. In a few hour he returned, gay. Inf h doctor need not come, aa the child waa much better. The druggist. J Mr. utto ocdo.x, says me amuy lnc recommended Chambertaln'i Couch Remedy to their neighbor! and friend until he haa a constant demand for It from that part of the country. For aal by Char lea Roger. Some of the nan move with a veloc. Ity of SO milei a second. A. R. De Fluent, editor or the Journal, Doylestown, Ohio, suffered for a number of year with rheumatism In hi right shoulder and aide. He layi: "My right arm at tlmee waa entirely useless. I tried Chamberlain'! Pain Balm, and waa surprised to receive relief aimoat Im mediately. The Pain Balm haa been a 'conitant companion of mine ever ilnce j and It never fall." For sale by Cbarie 1 Roger. 1 , . I Tne "Deth Kneil has .0Un 1 ,0 Apothecarie' Drugs, and a xlgn "TO ;LET" ul be ln man'r ot doc- ! tor "lno ,h" Aunt jM Home .Remedy for female trouble) baa been i placed on the market. Every man or j woman, married or ilngle, ahould lend a two.cent stamp to our office tor a bean. itiful Illustrated circular, free. Address ! The Aunt Jane Medicine Co., rooms 1144 Lewis Building. Portland. Oregon. NOTICE OF ASSIGNEE'S SALE. Notice Is hereby given that the under signed, assignee of the Columbia Iron Works, under and by virtue of the au thority given m by the circuit court ot I nil of said property, to be delivered to me K.,lti .V- Ktk .law a ll.Mh 1UOa . t V. -. .. , hour of 10 o clock a. m. of said day. at v v..- -II I which hour all bidi received will be opened at the office of said Iron Works In the City of Astoria, Oregon. The said property to be lold aa a whole to the highest and best bidder, for cash, sub ject to ratification of the said court or judge thereof. F. W. NEWELL, IMted March Uth. 1399. Assignee. The Quaker MRS. P. BARKER. I have tried the vapor bath and think It la especially good to have In a famlly-partlcularly for breaking up a cold. MRS. MART MACKE. Midwife Af ter a full trial. I consider the Quaker Cabinet one of the best Invention ever made for baths. No family ihould be without one. HENRY SHERMAN I have hid rheu matism every winter for several yean, but thli winter, since uaing the vapor bath, have had no rheumatism. My wife also recommend 11 very highly. MRS. R. E. SMITH-Havtng used the cabinet I consider It excellent, eipeclally tor bad rase of the grlpp. which wn effectually cured by 1U DR. DUVALL, Salmon Double-knot IJettings, Cotton Seins, Twines, Lines, Etc. We have no connection with combination, and being the only direct tmpenere of Balrnon Twine and Keta oa the eoaat, we can lupply the very beat at lowt Price conalitent with quality. We bandl th only Rcotch Twin oa Uva narket. HONEYMAN & McBRIDE V,)'.i & m Third .Street, Cor. Taylor, PORTLAND, OIL Pacific NavigationCompany MTKAMEHH It. P. Elmoro W. II, HarrlHoti GARIBALDI BAY Connwctinif at Astoria with the Oregon Kuilroad k Novation Co. for Sao Francloeo Portland and all point eaot. For freight Dd passen ger rate apply to Samuel Elmore c Co. General Agent, ASTORIA. ORE. COIItf 4 CO AgeDU, Oregon Railroad 4 Navigation Co., TILLAMOOK, Ore. , , . , PORTLAND, Ore. I ASTORIA MEAT COMPANY 1 Telephone) Ho. 321 5 I Handles Only the Choicest Meats 41$ CemaMrclal 8k. Beit Palae Rslaa'a.t. W. F. SCHEIBE, A hill tin ef Pipes, Tobacce. sed 5wHiker' Article. tIA Commercial St. The Palace Cafe VV. W. Whipple, Prop. Finest Heals in the City Special Attention Given to the Preparation of Banqueta. sS5& buckwhea r Best N. O. Molassea. Money and Maple Syrup, Etc.... A. V. ALJLE1VS Grocerg Store. R. L. Boyle & Co Lending Real Estate Dealer of ASTORIA, OREGON Write for Information and Pamphlet". 535 Commercial Stn t t S'lll?' sflflafllFllni "a? I 3 F I III' B II ba j k (MSUislHl Mi Kl U MM WS m WU KJ A L I I B I in lJ7i&7KalYi 1 1 Astoria's aUeadirtg Hotel I M'egler S Wright, Rrops. Cabinet Testimonials of Its F. YV. NEWELL. One uilng ot the vapor bath practically cured a female member of my family of la grippe con dition. REV. W. B. HOLLI.VG3HEAD.-We have used the Vapor Bath ln our home for some time and freely recommend It to th public. GEORGE RICHMOND W have ued the Q. V. bath and cheerfully recommend It. Q. W. SMITH-I like the vapor bath very much. MRS. JOSEPH PILCH ER I am grwitly pleased with the Quaker Vapor bath aad freely recommend It, to my sex eioeclally. Agent ASTOR HOUSE ONLY DIRECT LINE ASTORIA to TILLAMOOK CITY HOBSONVILLE Manulncturte of tho Always) Kgoilablo "La Belle Astoria" Clear Scheme's Opera Star Scbeite'3 Special And Other Brando Napoleon was the world's great est general We are Astoria's leaders in Stoves - flanges A carload just arrived. Prices lower than ever. W.J. SCULLY, Sole Agent. 431 Bond Street, Astoria II IB HI I III B 3 Bath. Value. Vapor