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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1899)
TMC DAILY ASTOttLAN, BUNDAi MOKINLNU. MAUCH 20, IBM gatlu Sototitttt. JOHN T. LIGHTER, Editor. Telephone No. N. TERMS OF 8UB8CJHPTION. DAILY. ttnt by malS, per year.... KM nt by mat), per month (0 Served by carrier, ner month . BKMl-WEEKLT. Sen I by null, per year, in. aarance., Postage frea to suoscrlber. -ttOS Alt rommunlcaliona intended ror publi cation should be directed to I ho editor. Business communications of all kinds and remittances moat bo addressed to The Astorlan." The Aatonan guarantees to us adver tisers tha langest clrculauon of any Bewspaper published on the Columbia ftW. i1t. Using rate cat tie vat on appll eet.on W the buatneM manager. TI DE TABLK March' 18'Jl). IBIOIIWATKK 11 unw a a. j, f. a.,b.niifl. jjb.mift. Utwmia , li JM9 ite-7t rtrn Thu 4 IS 6 lt Mi TJ ti4 ai , t 4 11 SV: . ' ,,. . 4 .. .. . . I 1 1 UL.T uu oa,ioi at sa it i . .i,u a o . .,u, aa . . 131, 0 4 l ; aaw oi Nun ... 6 vl MOQ ..illltl, Tua ... 71 J J! k 4 101 10 14 6 S 141 I L i lti -01 wd .. ft4isr'ueT 144 J Oil 4 44 4) a i M JJ.I SK4-4)t itel (SKj-0 4 OS I 5; 0 0 ar.i a 4 ,i i sti ii Thu 1 h' soil 3. ...lull 41 si .. 7(1 Sat Tuo wl Thu Fri . ftat 8t , Sur, t!on Tu Wad Tliu Fri . ...n nasi us 1WC 1 II J 6, 2 : a. a wis a x:? o ...111 lti.ll, ...14 1, . .la! ...ltii JUST: ...17j 4 14 SI ...18) W,7 I lo 0 0:1 t u ot i 41 01) 2i 20 OJ10X 14 0 7, i mi a a 4i. 10W S4.4 .lliUi .. . .ii ao. i .. .,11 W 14 -. ' i!i, ia ..1N.. ..I. ,. ..IS au 7 4il TS1!S T .. ... ..2u! jtw,;o,i s 2,i liii : ..aii I am aw: atsl! l W 1 AC. A )! n' l : IT I lii 11 ..a wi no si t iU a si a 4;! 4 u' i i I, UOsTSI 4 4&I i&tl tU 11 .H U067. Utij0 a SSI ai 6i It ,.li 11 47 I.. 1 . (Mil (U 11 Sat 8un is s a ia a.; a i ik, m: tt l-n ...27i 2 ! i ; I ly;7Sii 7 U) 01 7 041 1 4 Tue ... 1 14 & Sil 1 7 7, 7 47; 0 1 7 ii! 1 T Wd ..If; 140 a7$!j 25,-0 2. 8 10 1 1u .... 2 21 9 2 I 2 16 7 2 j v4a. 8 SO' it 1'rl ....Uj ltvl4 40C. IU ii.-0I 5S4 14 T'.J. . -j:. : It seems that there Is an unexpended balance of nearly J3M.000 appropriated by J congress to carry on naval operations la what the Post-Intelligencer calls the "Puget sound district." That paper Is ' s i raising a great howl because the money ia not expended. Tho fact Is. the govern - ment has learned the folly of throwing way any more money In an attempt to create a, naval statlen anywhere on Puret BOtinri. After all tha tnnrrnnin .v I peoditure of money on a dry dock at Port Orchard, the government has been obliged to begin the construction of an. other dock U San Francisco because the Port Orchard affair has been found utterly unavailable. Not only Is It im practicable to maintain and operate a dock so isolated from transportation fa. dllties and population as the Port Or. chard location, but the experiences of the last war taught the nary depart ment the mistake of attempting to ere. ate a naval station on any portion of! Puget sound. The dock at Port Orchard would have been utterly useless, no ter how large a fleet It miffbt have betn found necessary to have maintained on tho Pacific coast. With all her frlenJ- ! ship for us. England could not have ptr. Itted us to use the Port Orchard dock without an open violation of her pledge oJ neutrality. No ship can reach the Port Orchard dry dock without traversing British waters. Nor Is this and the lack of transportation the only objection to the Port Orchard station. The dock ia actually within range of the heaviest guns In the British fortifications. In the event of war with Great Britain, even If the government could get a ship past the naval blockade which would be main tallied and the heavy batteries on the British shore, no American vessel could dock at Port Orchard without being blown to atoms, provided the dock was not destroyed at the first outbreak of hostilities. The difficulty of passing in or out of the slralt of Juan tie Fuca applies, of course, to any form of at tempted naval maneuvers with Puget sound as a base. Puget sound, there fore, will get no more government niom-y for navy yards or stations in its Inland waters. California ought not to have any Improvements of a substantial character either at Mare Island or do an the coast, as they are liable to be wrecked at any time by earthquake. The whole situation on the Pacific coast Is such that the only sensible location for a groat naval station Is In the mouth of the Columbia river, and the conditions here are absolutely Ideal. It cannot be much longer before the gcvernment. In spite of the hostile at titude of the Oregonian and Portland, will recognize this fact. The naval oper ations of the future on this coast must be conducted from the Columbia river, and not from Puget sound or California. Exploitation Is all that the Willamette valley needs. It lacks no gift of nature fitting It for the home of thrift and for tune. But with all Its great endowment ft has made less progress In recent years than any district of even relative Im portance In the Northwest. "Tour Wil lamette valley," remarked an Eastern railway traffic expert, recently to an Oregonian writer, "Is the puzzle of the railway world. It yields less tratlic than any similar territory In the United Btates, less than that of any other com munity ot equal numbers." It ought to be worth an effort on the part ot those who have Urge capital bound up In the country to bring about a better order of thlnsis. Yesterday's Oregonian, ' 8:ncd the Inauguration of the home. ijpIPLi, AYccctablc Preparation for As -slmilatii uXrcodamlRcCuLi ling the Stomachs nrl Howels of Protnolcs Dicslion.Chccr i j ncssandRcst.Contalns ncillvr OptntrT.Morphinc nor Mmcrol. Hot N.utcoTic. JLx Smr AVA4r4Ar' Stilt row ji In i ji A perfect BcmcJy forCor.'tiai- lion. Soar Sloimch.Purrivca. Worras.Com-ubior.s.l ovrisn ncss critossorSLEEn ljcS--.!e Si)i;iuK cf 9 ackers exouralon rate on the trans continental roads, the Seattle and Ta ciMtii rhnmbers of commerce hive each raised a large sum ot mttiey (or printing a special line of phampiets reSattne to ; the resources and opportunities offered settlers In Washington, and a corps of elected representatives of these two cities now meets each Incoming train at 1 the borders with these phampiets and i SM.k, by personal efforts and persuasion ; to Induce the newcomers to locate In that ! state. Wht Is being done by the people !of Portland to "exploit" the Willamette valley among the thousands of strangers now arriving on the coast? If the state, mcnt of the "railway expert" that the Willamette Talley "yields less traffic than any similar territory or community of equal numbers In the United States" Is true, doesn't the Oregonian think it Is high time some movement for attract Ing new Immigration to Oregon was started In Portland? Another question we would Bke to ask the Oregonian Is If Its very sensible reflections on the cause for the stagnation In the Willamette val. i 4 'A hlr --- " I tXACTCOPTCr WRAPPCR. f ley do not apply with euual, or even mat-'greater force, to the city of Portland? i ; rai! ever kn" vn blanch oi i:iu.v hut th ra- r.;i '. imrvir.iiMt braMc'i or :,. vh-'. It T'toflt TOUT i- hv hi, an in'.'. leer liken N -,:, :n ai.'l i niciit.ii: ..ii A !:-iir,i! C::r .:,. n it he ha a tnk ami puny y'.y and not the re motest idea of hf.w to care far hi health? A hiv hoc Id br tatiM from lh start that h-N X health is his ntoM orerious er.iltiu'. ment. Without health, all the talvnt. ail the genius, and all the ambition in tin world are worthk-ss. A dot shmik! ' bo taught that sncceiw in any walk of life, that happiness, and life itw.-if. are dependent upon his care of his health. When a man fvt-K he is losinjf his health and vigor, when his cheeks no long er glow, his step is no longer elastic ni;l the sparkle of health is no longer in hi eyes, he should work !, rest more atd resort to the ritfht rcrns'iy to restore his ' bodily vigor. Dr. Pierce's V',oM-n Medica ! Discovery is a natural mediiinea scirntif- I 1C medicine. It (lots no violence to nature. It works with and not atrainst nature. It promotes the natural procc-sesof wcretion and excretion. It imports vitality and power to the whole system. it gives plumpness and color to the che k, SD.irklc to the eyes, steadiness to the nerves, strenirth to the musr!s and the animation of health to the whole body. It makes the appetite keen and hearty. It is the great blood-maker, flesh-builder and nerve-tonic and restorative. Medicine dealers sell it and have absolutely nothing else "just as good." "f was afflicted with pimjles tnd boils, anil running sores on face and neck." writes Robert a Wert. Kq., f No. 615 Galloway Ave.. Colum bus. Ohio. " 1 look Dr. Pierce s Golden Medico' Discoveryand Plessant Pellet,' and wascurtd" Constipati 1 it the commonest beginnitiir and first cau of many serious diseases and it should alw ,s be treated with Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pel .S osed in connection with 't "Discovery These are the most perleci natural laxa et and permanently cure. Were many unsuccessful men to live longer they would make successes; were many successful men to live longer they would make failures. That the blood Bhouin perrorm its vital functions, It Is absolutely necesssary K should not only be pure but rich In llfe plvlng elements. These results are best effected by the use of that well-known standard blood purifier. Ayers' Sarsapa rliiu The loud-crowing rooster makes dunghill a very well known place. Before the discovery of One Minute Cough Cure, ministers were greatly dls. turbed by coughing congregations. No excuse for It now. Charles Rogers. The Imprudent rabbit who strays Into the ciover patch for better food leaves behind him a trail for the dogs. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on a positive guarantee. Cure heartburn, rlslnr of food, distress after eating, any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet gives Immediate relief. 25 and 60 cents. For salo by Kate -Conn Drug Co. bM&lu it I! For Infnns and Children. The Kind You Hsv Always Bought Bears tho The Kind You Have Always Boughf. On? m fr w ay Vft l" Tt e.TWf MVPIIf CW C4 i"nr Abraham Lincoln, while he great prslJont. couldn't split i rails than any other boy. Pears soap responds to wa ter instantly; washes and rinses off in a twinkling. Acker's Engllso Reroesry wtu atop a ooar at any time, and will cure the worst cold In twelve hour, or money re funded. S and U cents. For salt by Estes-Conn lmig Co. No horse would stand abuse It be knew his strength, but were he to ahow that strength once he would be killed. "Give me a liver regulator and I can regulate the world." said a genius. The druggist handed him a bottle of Df Witt's Little Early Itisers, thj famous little pills. Charles Rogers. A man often escapes from danger realizing that the danger exists. by J. Sheer, Sedaita.Mo., conductor on e'.ec. j trie street car line, writes that his li'.ue daughter was very low with croup, ar.d her life saved after all physicians hail i failed, only by One Minute Cough j Cure. Charles Rogers. i A weak-willed man misset many op portunities to do wrong. Bears tis y Y m Biguton of Tact simply means a ready power of appreciating and doing what Is required by circumstances. Uokl Tea positively cures tcx neadachs. Indigestion and constipation. A delightful herb drink. Remove all eruptions of tha skin, producing a perlevt complexion. or money refunded. 2D and 50 cents. For ! sale by Estes-Conn Drug Co. God made man, devil. and man made the For frost bites, burns, Indo'.ent sores, eczema, kin disease, and especially piles. DeWItt's Witch Hazei Salve etar.d.i r.rst and best. Looa out fr dishonist pe'---ple who try to imitate and counterfeit It. It's their endorsement of a good ar-tl-ie. Worthiess goods are not imitated. Get DeWitt's Wit' h Hazel Salve. Charles Rogers. All of us are great In competition. when we are not As the seasoa ot the year when pneu monia, la grippe, sore throat, cough, colds, catarrh, bronchitis and lung troub les are to be guarded against, nothing "Is a fine substitute," will "answer the purpose, or Is "Just as good" as One Minute Cough Cure. That Is the one In. fallabie remedy for all lung, throat or bronchial troubles. Insist vigorously 1 .. having i. ir o".mo.hin Aiae" la ! offered you. Charles Rogers. The man who for another's good tells . a disagreeable thing usually himself gets j the most good out of It. If you have a cougn, throat Irritation, I weak lungs, pain In the chest, difficult I breathing, croup or Hoarseness, let us suggest One Jlinute Cough Cure. Al ways reliable and safe. Charles Rogers. Take hope and dread from man and he would find little cause for action. Luxuriant hair, or ur.rrorm color, is a beautiful head covering foi either sex, and may be secured by ulng Hall's Vege table Sicilian Hair Renewer. A very small piece of lead from a very cheap pistol in the hands of a fool may kill a very wise man. CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. 1 The Kind You Have Always Bought : Hi n- I- ; i-i: . m tnf 8natuxeof djcJt f. a 7: j ir A3 Pacific Sheet MANUFACTURERS OF Salmon Vegetable Fruit ...CAN Lithographing on San Francisco. Cal. Astoria, Ore. Wrlto Um for lrloca C. J. TRENCHARD, rnmmiwinn Rrnkiran'p Cmaiom Momc iirokcr. Insurance and Shipping:. Kopp's ywv-.'aJU : m Th Ni'lh Taoifle Bowery, of whirt Mr. John Kopp U propriftor. mnk Iwr for dntrfN) utiil expurt frrnlt. irifforth Pacific Brewery irumruw uuvinnvriv iru W 74 M Wa W THc UVlitKIVl Hotel j THOS, til'liNKAN, Proprietor jj Seventh nnd WnHhintiton Sim. rviiirxAAAAvrtruvuTAviJinnrtruvt rmnrt rnjtiiiujnr nivrn THE Seventh and SHASTA MINERAL WATER, I'EITER. NOME. HICKORY AND SHAW'S MALT WHISKIES. ALL OTHER LIQUORS. WINES, DEER AMD CIGARS Served Doy find Nlglit. AUGUST KRAT2. - - Mnnoger aa anniagawa ni Itoii ol a imh4j ' . i tu. or Uuf--i ! in gnu Ttt.i irttai ft. -rii n Ul Mnh--I. l InwtmtiU, l'iml th Hw.rvniti l J-.rtit4nin, rrvn Im-miiIv. f KMty Iiwp' l'nliinri Ut .Mirry. r iliftu-tinic Jrii. .fWtrU a, j V mT CtiiiV-tj-atitiTi. 1 1 tfTi n I ,r nr "f ttthL Viwttf )tiW k BEFORE o AFTER rrpinrE .'.irnffthensan.1 rii"rf.s Tile reRMio .tiff'-ree ar ioi i ureo hv n i.-i.iim. nlnrtr per reel sra (rrwhll wl'ri Proalallda. Ct'l'l I'KNK l theefiiic!iin renotr to i-irewiinom ti i.tM.raiHiii. (ii.'!in,.i,i. a'. A written mi.rr.tite.. riven a"-1 rimm-v rei'irn.l if i"- i..m.ii--. eiiuil a piitimu-i.;v.'uia I1 DO a ho,ii V't 4"". !"' inalL fx-'il '"f msaeimil ,r A'i'l i. nmnuT.iAlfc ((litre It A VOL JILOKIXI. t.. I'. O I'.ol JTll-aii hv.rlvo.O.1. JV.Vilflu 'M '-IttJiW noflKHlt. 4' Cnrnmerrlal St. If f.ilih did not piece out reason, many ! more men would commit aulcide. I For a qulcK remedy and one that : ; perfectly safe for children let us recom. mend One Minute Cough Cure. It Is x- cellent for croup, hoarseness, tickling In the throat and coughs. CIIA3. The lamb makes no enemies, but fears many; the Hon makes many, but fearr none. Bears tie K illl Yilll Hai sl3r$ B0Ullt Bienatw, Syr , yrspi- It is eay to conceive a place In which man should be always happy, but It Is very difficult to cuncelve a man who would be always happy In any place. Happy Is the man or woman who can eat a guf.d hearty meal without suffering afterward. If yuu cannot do It, lake Kodoi Dyspepsia Cure. It diss's wlia-. you eat, and cures all forms of dyspepsia and Indigestion. Charles Rogers. The reason why so many of us sneer at tho talent of the salesman is because w t li ( I, it ourselves - ... mXX Bears tie IliC KiliJ Viil! I'Svi Altvd7 BOUI Bignatnr of If the wealthy and the poor, the cul tured and tho unlearned, would come to. j gether In charity, each cIiihb would he! surprised to discover how much It could learn rrom tneotner. TO CURE A COLD IN O.NE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All rduggists refund the money if It f j lis to cure. 25 cents, 'ilie genuine has L. B, Q. on each tablet. Every little crystal In the primeval cliffs said to his brother: "Let us stand together In solid array, and until old Chaos come again we will bo able to defy cur enemies." But the unorganized array of weak little globules of water In a few centuries cut those proud cliffs Into the fine sand of the seashore with which children play. PLA1KD OUT. Dull headache, pains In various part of the body, sinking at tha pit of the siom ach loss of appetite, feverlshnes, pimples or sores are all positive evidence of im. pure blood. No matter how It became so it must be purified In order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Ellxer has never fare'" to cure scrofulous or syphilitic; poi sons or. any other blood diseases. It. is pertaJnly a wonderful remedy and we sell every bottle on positive truarantee. For sale by Estes-conn Drue; cp.( i Metal Works spice and Syrup Tin a Specialty. Fairnavcn. Wash. ASTORIA, OREGON. Aiti-nl W, K. AtV and tlo Krc t'o'a, "Best 9f A DELICIOUS DRINK.... AND ABS0LUELY PURF. Ikittltvl vt for fntuily uiw, or ken br aoppliisl at any tiiu iloliry in ti city frm W -a W A V 3 aorHriti rK Or. 2 S LOUVRE Astor Streets RESTORED; "CUPIOtMC" r-rmob piiwclaii. wnl qutckir rui vouol mil u r- all tli! Ini.-.ienee. ri US. M Si ritai.ea Uialivvl. tlx kionet-. nut it ii'innrr irt:ae.f ail luiiiumura. wniall MUKirint The rnlnd Is like steel; friction sharp, ens, heiil tempers. Idleness rusts, If yoti want a good blade, keen of edge and stroaif, It must be pounded Into shape by a skilled hand nt a hot forge. fJreat minds aro forK'sl and temred at Hie K'.'i Ing furgo of life. HOO-REWARD-IIOO. The readers of this puper will be pleased to learn that there Is at least one drended disease that sclenc has been bie to cure In all Ha atages, and that Is v atnrrh. Ha'I's Caltarh Cure Is the only punitive cure known to the medical fru. ternlty. Catarrh being a constitution il disease, requires a constitutional treat, ment. Hall's Outturn Cure taken In. ternnlly, acting directly upon tho blood and mucous surface of the system, thereby dcstroylr.g ihe foundation of th disease, nnd giving the patient strength by building up the constitution nnd ossitttlnit naturo In doing lis work. The proprietors have so much f.ilUi in Its curatlvo powers, that Ihey offer 1100 for any case that It falls lo cur.-. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. CHUNKY & CO.. Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists. 75 cents. Hail's Futility I'll! are the lieot. Astoria Public Library READING ROOM FUKE TO ALL. 0?ii ery y from 1 o clock to 5'50 ann to 9 ') p. m. Dun.scrlptlon rates Ji ner annum, Wen Cor. Eleventh and Ouana H treats .' . . . BALTIMORE and OHIO RAILROAD Royal Blue Trains liETWEKN THE EAST UNO WEST Only llne operating lu own through trains between St Louis, Ixmlsvllle, Hprlnarfleld, Cincinnati and New York, via Washing-ton, Baltimore and Philadelphia, Tha traveler over the B. at O. Is permitted to catch glimpses of the greatest scenery In America. PETER HARVEY, Pay fio Coast Agent,' ' Sea Francisco, f' Rootn at, Mills BiiildtoaT. ' rtiTatciANi. ini Ai.ritKb " KiNNKYoririoifl "at reaUlenc. Contmrrlal street, near Blith. omo hoursi Morning unlit 10 1 all afteruoon unlit I; tysnlngt until I O'alook. DH. a II. ErrM, I'll T 8ICt AN AND Burgeon. Hpetilal tttanllon lo itlssaae of women and atirgoiy. Offln ovtr Psnatngsr't atora, Astoria. Tel. No, It, llC" j AV TUTTLR, ViiVpUVan'"aKI Durgvon. Otlii'o, rvorn I and (.Pythian lliilldlng, U1H Ooitiiiierclnl street, tlial. itvmss same. Ttlrphuna M Acting as sistant slirgoon United Btates marine hospital service. MA HO NIC, TKMPME LUIHIK N 7. A A!0 A. M Iti'Siilnr (onimunlrailtin held on tha first and third Tussday rvinlntt of ach monlh. U. W. l.HllNrlllKHKV, W. M ; B. C. HOUKN, Bst retary. AnHNICYH. j. Q. A. IIOWI.IIY. ATTtUtNtcr AND I'OUNBKMXHt AT UAW. Orfloe, llond Hirwt, Astoria, Or. 0 TIHU 5CMU011I.I1.4 Kroui Portland PKI'AKl' Aaaita ym Uutl p m. JH lake). I'nuvtr, H Wotth. Ouiaha. kau a City, hi. Utuit, l'liliMai, tni W.lla Walla, MiHtkaiis. MllllMHlll., Al.lVul, luilulh, MllwaiikK, I'lilcaau ami t l. Plum Anuria Ka.l k)4il 41 III Mxlsiii t lu p. in HMikana lr s ju a ni. IKIUN STtlAMMirPA All tHllln laUa nib Iret u cliania. Koi ran frshoixs. .nl( Utll , 4, IS. it, ti tames (mi, t'olrtitrta lllvar ttmrillo ! n .1.1 I uday Hlnamara To IMrtland aa4 Way landinta. Kruiti 1'orll.inl. a ni I tl a. Mi. f iir. t hur 411.1 Ul Tu,. Ihuij WlllanHit ttrvar. .sal .SAleiit. All4iiv,l url l. ami Msy lan 'Iiik I W lllamflla aaj Yarn- j jj ,, m hill KUtrs. ' Mi Wr.' i)ii(. nil, I ia) Ion, Ai aiMl S'rl. n.r lantlK I 7 a. m. Tura, I hill ami Xal Leave .nakf blvsr. HllWllaUl l.ra litull. U lowhtn ! I. 'in. i I daily I Kloin I',tI .,hI Wll I. Mr: in: It. N III . .. . ,. . 4 41 p III ''rel"ll lt..Ne.l-.-rr '.j Mleill ,1 o) land ' 6 a, in K .Suu.laii O. W. LOUNfilKHHY. Agent Astoria W. H. UURJLnURT. 0a pas, ajl reruaai. Or. T1CKHTS ' BailWA points east Through pslauta and tuurtat alaapar dlnlns and library phsVtrratlnn ears KLEOANT VIMrrTirrTnc TRAINS No. 4 Limited leaf Pvrtland a( a.W P. m. No. a IJmllM srrlvea Portland at I Ju i I'or ratea, ate., O. rem or addraas TV. aAJUNnUkiKHT, AgwM O. H. Ik N.. Astoria. B. C. DBKNIbTTON. C pT 4 T. A.. Portlaa. Or. i, ivs ii ni.K I'.. i Mul1 for Al- rleen, Sollllll I'-eiel, laeoci ., 1 Mpokalie. II ll lia, lll.lte, , i inaciH'M, si I'niil.i hi- I:: A p. in ,. Srw y-Tk, IUmioii AKII1V" .N... I Vi s. ni , ..ri'l ull 'llH" vail anil un Hoiiltiea.t, No. :i. i t'.irt ii' d, We ,1 le and o, i. T.ri un. rife.; lor . Si(ile,, I'lviu I. ,1. a. m i,..rMiedlle .hl. AI l polnln anal ' I' m, i oli Uo 1. 1 Ac i j !"' Thre days io hi. rui. omnha. Ka- i ItartlflrlallydlifpsN t hf food anfalda "..V"'.'..'.! "!r.v."to,mr 'tluiS Nattirn in Htrpiiifth.-iilnif nnd recon- Four and ona-half days to Wnaklniftoti, ' (Jang. 1 1 1 I hP IllfCHt (llsfOVi'ri'il dlfefy aDlar,,, t('t lr-P-raUon ; 4-,", io.k inornu train w.u m .ke el . can aiiproiich It III efiltTf s'liry. It In i 'i"i. wan um .ii ix.uiui ; Htnntly rullcvi'inuid mTinaiH'iitlf cure " i,, cnnm tlon, at .11 nnmla,.. ' "lUggllge i tie ked throuuh io (leslllia. .,.n f.r tiekta. .'..r sliM'liig cor reaervatlons. tlrke'a, I oiaua of rout's and other information, aall on or addrn an on w c M A YO Agent. U4 Coaimervlal rlt.. Astoria. or A. I, CIIAHLTON. Aaliant Oaneral Pnsnnr Agent, V Morrl son BtraoL IHMlIanJ. Or. LEAVE PORTLAND ARRIVE OVERLAND EX I'KKHB. for Ralem, Rosnburg, Ashland, Hacramento, Ogden, Nan Francisco, Mo. iuve, Is Angeles, II Paso, New Or leans snd the East. RosaburaT passenger Via Woodhurn, for Mount Angel, Bll vertnn, West Bclo, Ilrownvllle, Rnrlng fleld and Nation.,., Corvalll neaaenaer I 4:00 P. Ml : A. V a n A. M 4:M P. JM Dally except Sunday Dally escrpt Honda f t7:80 A. M :M A. M JlK:2T. A U U M P. M Independence pass' Ually, tDally except Sunday. Connecting at Han Francisco with Occi dental ft Oriental, pacific Mull and Ucn snlc nteamnhlD line for JAPAN. CHINA, APHiUAI.lA AND HAWAII. Ttelvite tleketfiion sale dnllv between Portliind, Sacramento, and Wan Frnjicls co. Net rates 117 fintt-claas. and 111 n ond-vlaaa, Inclisllng' sleeper. 1 Hate and tickets to HJastarn points no Eurone. Also Japnn, China. Honolulu nnd Australia, Can be obtained from j, B KIRKIAND, Ticket Agent, m Third t R. KOKHLER, C, II. MARKMAM Manager (I F. P A Through ticket East for lowest rate Can on C. J. Tronehkrd. local "ment Wells Fargo Comnany'i office. Atorta. bzl umt -ri O OCtX N4j CfASTA ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. ArrW t.a Aatorl (Dally) a.ui p.m.! Portland an1 AatortafA-ftV tela.'; 1. .miiKelion at tlolila f"l tliw Kasl and i'ugst mound iKiinia. n m am. I Pi1.:"! 1.40 lioul Astoria, Ssaalla and is IlSf waw Aaloria wsi.r tra ns, via Warrtnli arraiililll and WavrT. . . I l;U Huiuiay Hunters' auao lai Aaloria to Hoashlsl y a mayo, o. r. r. a WHITE COLLAR LINL Oolumjla ntvar and ruget lountl Naft gallon Company. Tlihon leave Astoria dally, aiot 'fvIil'orTland dally aiespt futtda) at 7 a. m. Whlta foliar Una tlrkla Hilar. hanat on Telephone. T. J. .'"ttsr nJ nf I'lKMiiiwun Astoria ami ail wy KlaVxi. tlstaoo, kHMVlaw, Long ta' h. eo Nahclta. TATH. U. I. KYiTT. Astonajg-a. The Rate Is Lower. CKi Mat via Hill ! and tha luirllnston Itouta and r rnaith your ileail'iatUm llilL'HH ahoail uf th man who lakaa ANY other Una. Mora, You save money. Tha rata via Hilling to Omaha, Kanawa tlly. and A 1.1. otkor aou'turn ollica la frum U lo It lra than via any otlior route, Wrlle and I will toll ymi how niu. h r A. (.'. HIIKI.lxiN. ilon'l Asrnl. r'rtUtd. )r. A FEW INTERESTING j pacts Whon poople ar rsMrtemWallng a trip, whether on bu:nrm or plfunira, that naturally waul tha brat srvtra ob. lAinabln so far ta avr. rmfurt and safety Is rminrnml. r?mphyn of tha WIHCO.VHIN CKNTILAI. LINK are uaM lu arva lha publto anil our trains are opratm! as to tnaka cta cos nivllia.a li diverging Lnoa at ail Juncvtlian roanta, Pullman l'ala. Hlni4ng and Chair Cars on thpiush train. IMning Car acrvlia uneneJird Meals snrvnl a la i aria. In wli'f lo obtain thla Ural elaaa aervlca. ask lha t rkel agnm lo a- ll you a ticket oVnT Jhe Wisconsin Central Lines. and you will make dlrn't rsnmectluiM at Hi Paul for t'hl.Higo, lilauk' and ail .lta aaat, For any further Infornuiiion mil on any llckoi agent, or corn imd with JAS C. I'ONH. tl.-n. I'aa. Agent, or JAS A CIh:k, Mliatikn. Wia Clenornl Agnut S44 Htark Hi.. Isnlan4 Or. Dyspepsia Cure. i Dincctt: wh,-t vmi rAf. Jtp' PHIll, J naitfrHUOIl. ,;orlI.urn, IT FtatiilcnrA, Hour Stoumch. Nauwa. Kick ll(,nd:nlii'1(iiiiriilifla,('rnmps, and allotliorrfHiilrgdf imrMTfix't iitirogtlnn. Prepared by E, C. OeWilt A Co , Crjlcago. For Main by CIIAIU.ICH HOUKIia. 'tic ia a non.fita.'ii''ia r ci,,r f,,r i.ttn... . u a, io-.-i, r-er maiurr l.o a. (I III' . 1 1 i daa. V hi..'.. .. ii ti a l u r a i m. Oura.MM H rlinrii". er anv lt.n.lii' . ia i. witurh tiiiti, iiriiaiitui or uir M.utua, lion i f murniia lie in IrHlEvAHSOtllwinat Cl. utanea. Nun aatrlnariil iotscissiri.c " au.14 fc7 llraailala. ( Jr wnl In plain wrapr 'it "l"e, l""Pll, lul ffl (I. tu, or ,1'IhiIiIm. rv 0. S. a. m Circular aeul vu rauueal B LAN CARD'S -OK- -VsKJ IODIDH OP IRON for AN!MIA,lIOPNI!..of tlielll.M)l, 1 vvna 1 1 1 ii i nrAl. wiiAKNUM SCROPHLA.Illc. None genuine iiiipsaKiir, "Mi.ancanii" A 1.1. DMIU.IIHTU n. POlltllJkA A CO., N. V. Agts. for II. S. , , i.m aw. Si r. WIlliiims'lndtatH-iifi OillttlMll.l Will Cl-eo ItllM.l, HIiiwliiiK nnd iiciiiiiK IMlcs. 1 L ul.Hortm l he tntnoru ntliiys the Iu-IiImk nt''.. nv'i IIS Dotlllll'lt IHVt.u l...ln.,l lief. Dr. H'll,lrun' linl ... I'liedim. m lllelit Ik ni' fA.. 1 . i .....i ii.... In? of llin pr'valn pun. Kverv bus M run...... nv nrilc(lvl..l, l y , ., r, KBIT'S PEfWRGYsL PIUS 111.' UH-l.ln ii l.t-ni Mi ...... 1i.ii il .in I t (I. iiriil .... 1.V .'I vn-'rr iiuvi, V oi-'i" - Pf.ljv Jll'f ever,,,,.,,,. 'V .i,l.i,,,, ,na. VrWVA '"' liVl'l",'"'il"'lnli.,lllir.i..elfc,.r JM''Vi-h. i"!.""1' ' l"OH i,r llialwlll... P?? '"I"'1"' ... .I.I..I...I. ,ili V'flllV ,v"'"l "' "I . ) I1. ,h iJ.' fT. lieinlv l,.r wxiien miiMW .;Jlt:j tr ' t For sale by tC8TKfl-f70NN DRUG OO.