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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1899)
THE DAILY AST0K1AN, SUNDAY MOKMNU, MARCH .(!, 18,. THE FAIR. I A Word About Shoes. Do Ynu Know Tlwt TMK HHOWN HtlOK CO,'8 w K w HHOKH Are tl HcM Mmltf W have a complete line of thla jottly famous mak of shoe on display In our window, which embrace everything In Up-to-Date Spring Footwear, For LADIES, GENTLEMEN, MI5SE5, BOYS and CHILDREN. It will pay you to buy your shoe o( u m we cn uvt you 36 per cent on your Shoe Bills. WE FURTHERMORE ACRES TO REPAIR ANT RIF8 FREE OF CHARGE. THE FAIR, The Place to Save Money r 50C5-508 Commercial Street. The BONBONNEIRE. ssssssssssssssssssssasssssp Astoria's leading Confectionery Store. Finest in Oregon Lowney's Chocolates a Specialty. Attention ia called , ment of Jeffs restaurant In this issue. Reed. Hear the grand band concert at novn Monday, CO.VMKKCIAt. ROWIJCKfl ihtto mvpiiAU. The Home Team Wvm Three Out of the Four Oame In a Poorly-Bowled Contest Last Evening. Four member of the Commercial Club. or iirlind, arrived In the olty yeater day, guests of the Aatoria Football Club me iwj.-ot of the vlwtt wa a ivlal bow.lng contest which took place at the alleys of the home club last evening a large number of ladle and gentlemen were in attotulance. Th bowling was not of a high or,l. r. ine visitor were at sea on th( local alley, ami the beat they couM do wan to cratch out a SS average in their nam The home player were off. and i!cd but one fair Xante, (coring; total of ti3 plna. The kingpin are very poor, anil to this la attribute! the mlaornble o"r. ing. All the men who played Im nfcht are good for to or mre every game, out the pin would not fall. ine nrst name was tntorcatln-. though the playing poor. I'n to the ninth frame It w;i anybody's game, but the visitor managed to n lv one ulii There was but onc score over to In this game. In the second gitme the hme Imm smoked up." Hlg-glns, who played In Place of Mr, Wise, the Utter being In. llspoeed. had hard luck In the .-n.l name, ami wound up with Nit Law ami Burroughs secured H while (testy Jarred loose for SO. The team total was 1, th visitor cvur'.iig m lick, with bow-led well In this game, scorln V The third game was somewhat I ke the first. The svorlnir nas none hut th ..- "lt was In doubt tintll the last 1-all had been rolled. Maiheita had a chance to j unninguish himself bv sinking out. In: to make the necessary nine e pins, and the gum,, went to the hone tenni by three pins. turroushi bowled in h. .a. .1. '' ln ,n'f 'l"ne. The List itntne looked l the spring prevents seiner from profit. jRbly operating, and Mr. Cook Is of the j oplnkn chat the seiners will not com , nienc until th latter part of May or jihe first of June. The likelihood of a lat freshet makes the outlook for pill. , netters very promising, but trapmen and (elner wi.l suffer. Mr. Cook say he ! h rtloO . mioss nsnermen will receive good prl ! mis season. We Give And Trading Stamps! Good Values. WKgive Trailing MAinw and Soli Mt'iiV Shoos worth I.7ft at f 1.10 WK st-11 Mon'aShooa worth H'2' at 1.-10 and (iivo Trading Stninjm WK srll Mon' SI (wa worth f'J.ftO at ll.flft and (iivo Tradiiijr StaiiipH WK give Trailing Stamps and sure victory for the visitors hut The popular cafe has been thoroughly , " '"Sm """'" "'M hy t. . -, i . . . j v" I'rrpniw lO ISKe Car of the summer's business. It la nrknowl. Page Block, ASTORlA,'w bM m the city. Soil Men's Shoos worth t-'ICOat f'J.OO WK Ht'll Men's Shoen worth fl.fii) at '.'."i ami (!ivt Trading Stain) SHppcra, Slip in the Snme Wnv P. J. Aleany-vvsu RV - The favorite whisky of famous men la The following subjects of th cxar of ,lllr'vr' 'eue of Its smooth, eiqulsite declared their Intention to become n"T,'r- oevause or lis matchlesa purity; American cltisens In the county clerk' - vx' of nelow ae. No wonder mflirK5fK ToMftw offle y"erday: John I.uoto. August " ,h" "'o-.".- Every drop .terlln UlClUUaui lailUl' aim Hanhl. Oskar Salinen. William Hen- lu,w vn.ay. sold by Foard Sk drickson. i'mp.ny. Astoria, Oregon. exporter ot pars.' Oivkwlth bowled a steady came for the Commercials, and secured a foul of iff, Hurrouirhs finished with th N t Iota'. 11. Iltirdesty'a M wis the b.-st sjnitle Sire. The home team tet.ii;o t J: The visitors' t-ani average was It', The sv'ores follow: CtMMKKl'IAl, C'l.l lt Stoics J a., ne II. lieokwi'h ... BScWt CMh Prtoe Paid for Fur Sktaa. Astoria, Or, J W. Mathena R. D. Hume, of San rliims Mayor Itersman h,, t...i . ; A SToitl A l-tioTIt t.l. ,-l 1 it to ha Invented a new can-making ma- meeting of the council for Tuesday ever. . ' t-ws M It ::t -1:1 j chine. The machine Is known as the tag. The Pur-e of the meeting Is to 1 ' iV' lunrl.'X: i T.' " J-"J .j,". ... w no u khs UKrooueed m. r. nar,i,'stv i-i The soris hy names ere HERMAN UliliThe Reliable Clothier TODArS WEATITER. Fair. I . v. . , . , c . ih. m wi. a w . . l . . . . . . v .... viiiu oiiu vunimcreiui t3it.i" no ween oui.i una re i last regular mevnnc on now said to be In successful operation. which was prevented by Couin itman i ; Parker, who refused to are to suspen. l There are few vaeejit buildings along ln of the rui.-s. The measure srants Comn-.erclai and Bond streets. Every to Contractor iioodin further time ln , year. Just before the opening of the flh. which to make :he Astor street improve. 1 ing season, many imaQ store open In ment. I the city. The usual Intlux tua com-: mensed. at least a doien new store hv. "l,5 ,v,t services at Grace church will ilng opened dunng the past week. , be 1,01,1 a '''H'ws: Iai!y morninsr prayer. ! - S;3l); dally evening prayer (except on ! Mayor Bergman yesierdar s:ned the ' Thursday and Saturday), 7:30: Maundv Best li-cent meal. Rising Bus rest 1 or- ! ordinance reguiaBrg oil works, soap and ( Thursday (Holy Innocents). 7 ; E-ister at OS Commercial street. icIue factories, and prohibiting the dump-i ev- no!y b.p:lsm. 4. Good Friday Three 1 Ing of filth Into the Columbia.. The or-' ho"r' devotion passion service. 1! to 1 The Columbine will leav oat with iud- i dlnanc declare the above-named fac. i Ea,tfr day Earlv service 6:30 a. m.; m d- pile for the lighuhlp today. tories to be nuisance and prohibits their ,""' (offerings of parish Indebtedness) maintenance within the city lUnJ-. -. 11. CKItSoNAI. MENTION. Bend 1 cent stamp to par poe.'ag aad g-t . Tide fo, 1M. AROUND TOWN. Money to kMaFergusoa Bros. I ommercal rinii . y, f r: i. Kootb.ll! I'luh ,; ( j-.-, 1 At the cm. lusloti of ;(,,. (tie visitors and a number of m--ti:b, rs of the l.K-a! club sat i,.n to a hannue! The time was pleusmit y m . I The Cam. nien lais are we;: please,! i;h the r visit ann nav,. mail,' the local clit! send a team to Portland Jute. NEKD OF PATItni. IIOATS V. n Kthel llilnn Is visiting friend In ' 'r.sroti City. Mrs. Sore, of tarrlaon station. !. ' '. lt c t :ay. Fish Commissioner McOutr reiurnej o Portland last evening. !rite ll.iwes. ho has been In Port. pr. mi-e to ;an.l. returned home Inst night. J"h-i T V. Ilson will leave for Tort I in I :h iiort lrm to spend 8un,lay FISHER BROS. (Iciicral .Supply House for Family (Jr(Kcrlcs. Th Eucador arrived down the river ; yesterday, wheat laden, from Portland. ! w- A. Gainer pmat stocX wWaWy, handled exclusively is Astoria by John Bt California srina 1 ema n.r - :L Carlson, ia one of tba mot notmiar 1am A L. ni!k.p, ul. . - - . i KstfAMva ania T .-(. ... fr.. nls ' Mlsa Maud Kimball Steve Hutis deputy ommUslonrr Hunter, of Cath'amet. of was In town Monday and the city yesterday. """"'. nosing ntter tne o'x.t.-.i i of Ilia, m.; children's festival (offerings for ""n. am' also acquainting j missions) :30 p. m. th n."hcrm. n n lth th- prov s;on.s f the : fish bin which took effect :f w.k The new conveyors for the Pacific Coast 1 The season rumtnencfs on a prll 1:, Th. .Company's coai bunkers will be run by ' new Uw prvMe that cn !t!.'.ud gasoilne engine, which ha been e-ged In flshlnr shall nav . it 1 rouh-n irom Seattle for that purpose. S Builders' Heavy and Shelf Hardware, Ship Chandlery, Etc. I bust- Hon. John H Smith and Mr. Kun.y returned laat night from loss trip to Portland. K. J Cole am family arrived In the city Friday from Wnrdner. Idaho. They int.nd to lKat horo permanently. Mr. l-orge ha arrived at Portland from a vllt of cveral week. nuena coai and cuke is '.be best forianr otuniit, it th. ,r. f t-ik 1 tne coal ounKers. loaded otean steamers cense, wl.ich vti: be Issued ar ,. in California, and I rxnectctt liom. in are guaranteed, and It ia especially rec. "'"u("" it mat purpose. , ine license on icil'nots Is KJ) Mr n.itt iommended for family use. It Is sold In p'"'" ,ne ,MIIO ','t'' m front of : is rraity to receive spplicatlons for For sal by th As. and Bond tr-:- ; cannot take ,n fuel. The dredging of ! pnor to h openiitrf c the flshlna' s.n. ,,Jr- ! he rivr along tne do. k will be com- ; son. and will elw due m.ti.. u ,,. n. Mrs ..i!,. . ... ' 1- mjt 1- .v. - . j i . ,. . . . . - " " .-,-.-. v. ni. u.iiiwn nil . , ..I,. , . 'o price 01 maienai -". m 10 uan. 11 11 is wunu - z-.e wnn 11 " " , " ""',ul" "ll m tnat are used In the construction of a, impracticable to obtain a sufficient ,1 ;.th;oi th do me tic purpose. torta Gaa Light Co. ah i chartered to load lumber. fL.. - 1 - ... rr. ice ZZ Z T, tZ " ' h advan1 ,h W 10 per s:ove cr steel range ha been made within ot water In th s manner, the dock wl.l the last 9) days of over 50 per cent. Th Bridge Beach Manufacturing Company river out the necessary license inrti.vetil, nee to them- day and until th close of lit season. At the Sunday evening service at the J. cmirch this evening. Mr. J. W Belcher will sing th celebrate solo "The raima." A good, reliable boy wanted lor the Up pertown Oregonlan route. A resident of Uppertown perferred. Inquire at Griffin Reed's. The Parlor now manufacture all it own chocolates. They are made only of th finest material and are the most d licious In the ciy. 1 cent The price of their productions have necessarily been advanced. They are still on sale at the Ecllps Hardwar Com pany at the old prices. The show windows of Petersen St pare,1 t, ink- be extended to the elite of the channel wl'rotit unch., as was originally lntendeu. isil'ci. i In rp'y to an inquiry as to th ine loiumDia iron work was solil yesterday by F.W.Newell, receiver, to the Columbia Electrical & Repair Company. ll rculi lertain points '"' who have been visiting the pas! two ir..imtn nay be pre. "'"nibs In California, hav returnej nf ree ....... co-r se.,so .iir mitts ns with friends. he nnils ottle or no Inclination i n the nir . . . ... . ... K 01 in- iMi.pie 10 disobey the law. T)iv home. Mrs V. K. Warren has arrived at Ash. land from a visit to California and Willi return to Astoria after a abort visit ihM the plant. Including one from Portland Messrs Cawson & Co.. the Foard & Brown, the shoe dealers, ar? decorated In Stokes Company and the Columbia Elec of this city. There were three bidders on j scheme for an exptn:.i patrol on th. an artistic fashion. It Ig seldom such an array of footwear can be seen In any city on the cocst. The large store Is stoked with the best goods of the latest maKe and shape and of all sixes. The trlcal & Repair Company. The purchasi price was I2H0. Several Improvements will be made in the machine shop an., special attention will be given to all work in this line. S. T. Hariixon. who latest designs for the spring and sum. na Defn connected with the iron works mr season are kept on hand in almost endless variety. as Its foreman for some time. tlnue In the same capacity. wl.l ( Fish Commissioner McOuIre was at his A we" known naimon broker states that No scalding or boiling the clothes, a . local office yesterday and Issued many the acquisition of Cuba. Porto Rico, Ha. large washing hi beautifully done In half i licenses to fishermen. For a while but aml ,h'' 'hdlpp!n.-s m-an a great y the time with Naptba Soap; 3 bars 25 i few fishermen made application but yes- nlarSp'l market for canned jaimon, IL: cents at Rogers' Drug Btore. j terday Commissioner McOuIre wa kept , a'8 lh- llih S'-'1'J thtr'-' " b. of low - j busy Issuing license. His estimate that Pra'l'". hut the il-naml will be enormous. Th steamer Su&Qi wcased out ytaur, 1 10M boats will se-w- li -ens.. tht. .... 1. The Inhabitants of all these be day for San Francis). She carries probsbly s near eorrect a any other I sil'a' arc n;':uri; Ush-cater... Th-re Is. ih ' v reKn pine lum- shipped by estimate yet made. The HIM thu de- of course, no means of preserving an. I the Northwestern Lumber Company. J rived will be used to operate the hatch- nIPpiK fresh fth ?n-o :hc !ret-riur, an-1 ( er.ei fo- whi. h the late legislature made Service will be held at the Congregi-, prevision, Uonai church at 11 a. m. and J: p. m. - Rev. V. B. Gordon will deliver th sr.! Manager Hicks, of the Fort Stevens mons. Sunday school vi;i k. v.. a Im.. h:i .v : a... nier IH Il,e.ll,s nnl Useless. V- believe Fish Commissioner Little Is using i. cellent Judgment In husbanlltiK th,. rip. proprlatlons for hatchery purj..-,., ar;(j It f. artlrtrlnl propgatl..ii, . rather than frittering away the state's money to nire steamboats or .b putle, to chase d wn a few setnets. which provi.i, famir with just enough fish to kq. j miny fr n, stj. vatlon and beititarv. T l . aper fc.11 nc -s;r. to r-(... i unf vo-. ab! on Flh Commissioner MKiulre. for whom we have the highest repeCt; but I 'e t' the benefit to b ilerlved from j ail exp.-nsiv., p;,To , ,. rnt j,j;;y h., effort! an.J jxio-ndl'.ur-f.-Cuthlamot Oa. ' ett. j ! Inasmu h as yi per cent of the Colutnb a rivtr li-h tig ltitr'st.f if owned -md HOTEL ARRIVAL. OCCIDENT. H. H !owan, Chinook. "( II I'awsun, Portland. J H II isel.lne. Portlund. J W. .Mat h.-na. Port nrul. II. Kck with, Portland. L. K. Ayer. Portland. H H. ii e. Portland. I-1 i.. I)rr. Han Francisco. lloi.'uli San Francisco. W. Wlnson, San Francisco. PARKER HOUSE. W. T Jacobson. San Franrlsco. i W. Terwilliicer; Walla Walla, r.uiteiie HiMiver, Oulnry. J unej lir.iw.n. Chinook. I. ' I. Mays 1'a.illn. I Fursey, (Jobl. Miss M Oslwtry, fortland. A. F. M. ljityre, I'ortland. Stop and Think! Arc Ynu (,rttliir The Ik-Ht McmIh. The Het LitjuorH. Or The Hent licdH That can be had In the ill,' if 0, 1 . .accuse you ha.eno, Jgff ReStaUr3llt. Kr th our wha reiulr t tnuln fcj, may r-i thxr wuh r-n-fny iT (ht ihny niwl, I h tllB.lluU hft kfiratW II M. r.u r a l..-k (or llipaim, MIU'I 'M" un. I take .,!ll((f. I he II EST. KatiiMlsliiHl iwmiiy yearn. West Shore Mills Co. -WOOD BEST OF ALL. To rlesnse th y1em In a gentle and .loiieu in ,.,reg. n, tne a.ntbde or c rn ' ' " "Bsn.ngii.n, 1-, per., truly beneficial manner, whan the prlng. hapr, re! stjlti.iisr Mr. Llt.I. " ini. - ... . ... . the only supply now obtained Is of rh h,lM ,m , ,,1. - 'Z IT-,. "L'r" " "1' smi.Ued r.r ,lr,e,l ,.e,!..e . nMI Ih. , . .. .. . , .. ,e 0uli g up. Slug xum n v ' "-is'uinu, .vir. M' itlire in tv 1 fni-hee ' lt llit.ih.Mii 1216. warrants for the collection of delin quent assessments far the construction . of the Eleventh street sewer wer placed ' In the hand of the chief of police yes- teroay. can army w.-nt w these Island canned salmon was absolutely unknown. The natives have manifested ,m extraordin ary londness for It, and the fu;ure 1 . mand for Pacific coast salmon promises to be something enormous. I He called upon Manager Lee, of the A. F. C. team, to discuss the outlook for a series of games this season. Mr. Lea said that he would do everything ln bis power to arrange the series, but that the A. F. C. grounds were not yet In shape. Mr. Lte says there Is no doubt that the 1 series will be arranged, and he assured TWO large bush fire Wer seen burnlne Mr. Hicks that th. Aimrian. wr.tiLI In. . la comDcset of 2fi nennl. anfl carries an! over at Sklpanon yesterday. As darkness found on the enthusiastic side. orchestra and band, and in every city etin they could be seen plainly from the j where they appeared they have been ac- hlll back of the city and uad the appear. Mr. Frank Cook, the up-river seiner. ' corded much praise by the press and anc of burning dwellings. , j, jn tne city. He states that, from pres. public for the way In which the Dleces , Tomorrow evening the Noblta Dra matic Company will commence a week's engagement, indiding Saturday matinee, at Fisher's opera house. th. v.-irk of artificial pro "nation or. th Columlla. The statement f the i.iz t. that a "horde of depntleV Is need!-.-s:y frittering away the stale's nv.uty Is not i worthy of notice. If Mr. MefJuire were to withdraw his patrol, 000 boats would , be on the river every night. Me. Memoir ', that f.rtlficl:.l pfpa. ' gallon, hewtver iinpi.nant, can on y at ! best be depended linon t,s an ind to n-.,'ur. i The company I al preparation; but to make urtill i.,. propagation ewn successful, tlio dose , seoK.n nrist be observed. One of th : I I'm of the close siaeon is to give the silmon1 , a chance to r"ar:h the spawning gr. onds. in past years Wah ngton fish cmrr.U. CallfornU Fig Syrup Co. only, and for aal by all druggist, at 60 cent per bottle. FISHER'S OPERA HOUSE I'. K. PFjUG, r and Manager. Pnt InHIf At li'tftft atsifitrisT nnora Hnna will fl r A nut CtTl. Thplr nnAnlnv nlatt. tawIM -i 1 j . . '.' Usual services will be held i .v.. " 1 ...r " "I Z .C-" "...Xl .'1.- ...... i m"m" ruve enrorcibg t ciiunn today. The subject of the morn- Is considerable snow in the mountains "Our Strategists." The prices are with- I the cu ense of a rmtrol fr t itti. , 01 , ,, De n,e "'ines of the and the present cold weather will have In reach of all, being only in, 25 and V, wiiii. in ine evening ine subject W; 1 th.. .nWf In nit npoHnhllltv nf Minim, Ai d nf rrv.,l a late freshet. The light run of fish ln morrow morning at 9 o'clock at Grillln U be "What Is It to Be u Christian?" I a NewSpringGoods ladies Shirt Vaists Ndliln, Stlili and I'lP-to-Oatc. Mir.ufactured by the Famous Trojan Manufacturing Company, Troy. N. T. TheRe Waists are considered th finest made in America for style, fit and work mannhip. Co.ors guaranteed. I JfC TIT mm kl:iiA 1 - I ercr ino eij ense or a patrol. air. lyittle re. : fuses to do this. Mr MefJuire doc riot Intend that Ougf-n's effort to Inrreise! the output of salmon shall be handi capped by the failure of Mr. Lltilo to co-operate with him, and the Oregon 1 commissioner will maintain his patrol ; until A' gist IS. Ft TI HK iK TMK JilCVCLE. Week Commencing M one Joy, Marcli 27 and Saturday Matin. Nobles' Dramatic Company. iriiml Orchi'slra ami Cornet Rand l ol.I.OWINO 19 THE REPBRTOIRE: Slab Wood $2: Cut and Delivered. 7 roiari C. H. COOPER, Sole Agent for - - Astoria It Is agreed by all bicycle manufa- Mr-1 T(,nflnv "llnr lra(pirlvt" ' rs that the 1M models represent thel'1'"0 ""r MFaiPKISlS. luesday "(;old Kln." ers 1 perrect wneei. improvements seems to b,. ilrmo..wlhl..,.v th. m.nyi. ill.- Is true of Hosteller's Stomach lilt t,'r Wc(j II t sday li llt'ljCn (llllP." It represents the limits of science In I'l l,, i 'I' I U' I " overcoming disease, and it Is lmpoi;siole llrSCla 1 151111 IV rtCKCrS, to make a better medicine for the Mom. ("ri('v linp " aeh, liver, kidneys, and blood. A few . .lll.H. doses of the Hitters will start weak, n r- Sat Lirdj V--'" I.llllt V Ruill'll." j j Portland Trad ing Stamp Co. Store 345 Washington St. Wa visiter during th laat few day by a large number of As lor la peopl wh inspected the elegant good which are given away for Fr Trading Stamp. Th public seem to appreciate th advantage offered to them by th Trading Stamp Company, a th merchant In Astoria which glv them to thetr patron report an Increase in their trad. Ask your merchant for Oreen Trading Stamp when purchasing good. Sample dliplaf at B. F. Allen & Co., 365 Commercial St MerclinntH of AntoHn who will Klve Green Trading StnmpH. vous and blood.- ss pi.ople on ihe road t i strength. A regular course of tr atemnt will Ijring b- 'It. the pl-ik to lh . on. ek and sparkle lo the eye. Sleep will comej nattirslly, and It will be refreshing ami; healthful. Dyapepsla, Indigestion :,nd con- i stlpation will be omplctely banlKhed, and the bicKlrigM ot true health be'ow"d. Never lake a eubstitule for this p rfe. t r.niedy The man who wants loyalty from bis employes should remember that rnont men are loyal to a dollar. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Rromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure, 25 c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. For sal by Charles Roger. The Ma'urday Matinee bill be announced lai.-r. Hear the Grand Orchestra and Silver '"p.nrt Hand. It. served Sent, 35 cents; Gallery 25 "'ne; Children In gallery 16 cents. H at kiiIo at GrifTIn & Reed's opens Mon da y. Positions Secured We aid thos who want government po- iiion. 85,000 place under Civil Bervlce rules: t.OOQ yearly appointment. War create a demand for 7,000 employe) with in C months. Bureau of Civil Service Instraction, m Fifth 8tret, Washington, p. Q 1 PETERSON A IHlOWNi Root and fthoe. No stamp on Rubber Oood. HERMAN WISE, Clothing and Ocnls' Furnishings. ECLIPSE HARDWARE CO. Stoves, Tinware, and Plumbing. MRS. M. McKENZIE, Millinery. GRIFFIN & REED. Books and Stationery. McALLEN ft McDONALD. Dry Goods, Etc., Eta. H. ECKSTROM, Jeweler. THE BON110NNIERB, Confectionery and Ic Cram. WILL MADISON, Cigar and Tobaceo. B. F. ALLEN A CO., Wall Paper. Paint and Oil. THE WONDER BAZAR, Fancy Notions. Toy. Portland Trading Stamp Co ISAAC STERN, Mgr., 345 Washington St., Portland Yom need not Itiko your book with you whoti nhopplngt Ask for Green Trrtfllng Stomp. WISE, and Haberdasher. I