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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1899)
I'HK DAILY ADRIAN, FRIDAY MOKMNU, MAttCH 17, I8M JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. Telephone No. at TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DULT. Sent by mall, per year .........UN Kent by mail, par month.......... SO Srve4 by carrier, per month tt BKMt-WEKKLT. Bnt by mall, per year, in avaoc,.a.o Postag. fraa to tuoacribera. Alt communication! intended for publi cation should b directed to tha editor. Business communication! of all kinds ana romlttanrea muat be addressed to Tb. Astorlan." Tile Astonaa guarantee, to Ua adrar- User, the largest circulauon of any aewspapar published on tha Columbia river. advertising rate, cat e a on appll eauon to the bualneaa manatm. TIDE TABLE March 1899. DATE II I II WATKK A M. I'. M. Ih.mift.lih.m n. II 1U oi Siv:i I; 1 4 it c .1 ! uw WATaa Z" I, fTT h.m ft. I u mift I i 0 4 t 06j 1 i . Jj 4 U 0, i K 6 1 ,11 In . 41 W S 8,1 .S15 7, ;. tVI tt . (I 714,8 4i 9 14 6 3i , T; tSI4)lH . i f4l5l UWT.I , 9 111 Ml R frill 4b X II .10.11 41!) I.. ..j. .1 101 ail tl It I A at OS. 10 36 It iti9 ii ni . .1:11 U IS 3 6.1 J Ot i ! S i 1 451-0 1 I44i SO j 444:4 (M; JJ Si4j-. ..131 10410- ..111 ..14! I V) it ..16 0D! .1S 131 8 7 .U vKMIUSl ! 044; 5!t 00 lSiTZl4'7Sl.l ; sii swj oi m tt: 3 3& 0 I I 41 0 II SIS 10 4 2SS 10 Jul 01 Wv tl .171 4 14 8 S I B 24 0 Uii 0 I.. 10 Ml tt U Si 1 0 lti. It tii. It S Xll It 411 11 4 Ml 11 il 10 W 11 JUIO HMO mm 'ANwn9 NO.. ANA HUB W9 'iqSnog sAeMy GAGfJ noA 'U JddVHM iO AdOi 10VX1 f 3i5 .. ..I. . 7 615 7 & 7 ...It SOuTS ...1H.. -I. .1 ...1 l:7 4( ...! T0K7 0:! ...til ff ts7 0"10 3171 ...3 10 MT3 1175 ...14 1106 7 4 U 42,8 0; ...S.VU41I.. ... .1! ..5j 0134 3 lit 3K7 8! 1 3 I i 4Si i i tiSl 84 4 451 t K. fKll' 1031 1 Tua ...SSI 114 8r Wed Tfcu . Kri tt 10t 34 It 7 HI 0 S i 7 Ml 14 I 46 7 7 1 7 47i 01' T 1"! IT d .. 14MI t7i' 8 35 -i : t ! 1 a-t IUII Ii7 3:l S 69 1 1 1U 1 00 tii 4 . S.I 3 I 8 344 t ( AMERICA IN THE ORIENT. Sir William Wilson Hunter is highly complimentary to the Vnltetl State in the Introduction of his new hl;ory of British India. He says that this country starts upon her career of Asiatic rule "wnh an amplitude of resources and a souse of moral responsibility nhkb nJ previous state of Christendom brought to the work." Other occidental nations whioh have colonuted the Orient have all had evil traditions am. hurtful systems to live down. Portugal Introduced the Inquisi tion, Ho.laJid slaveo and Great Britain a cynical rule for gain. In so doing they represented respectively the compara tlvely low tftage of civiUxation in the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. "The United States in the government of their dependencies will represent the political conscience of the nineteenth century." The distinction Is well takn. No Otj SJTJ9J iqSnog sAbmiv 3AB noA poffl 8ii 'iiOJpnqQ pu SUBJUJ JOJ m jo jjnit'ujit .;Atiis 3P1 VI331S JO SSO'I r SSJU -iSij..Mw,NjiuuoJu.riY . UK!' HUttWI wv i,J pi.Tinj jou juuidjoK'usutlo jjtjipu suiciuo jjsoy put? swu Pacific Sheet Metal Wo rks Columbia Bevel Gear Ohainless Standard of the World. The Wheel that Satisfies. Zircon Vegetable Fruit MANUFACTURERS OF ...CANS... spice A ft'v roiiuuk from ANloriaim vlu rido il. and Syrup ASTORIA, OrofiMt, 0Am II, Is Lithographing on Tin a Specialty. San Francisco. Cal. Astoria. Ore. Write U for Prlccia Fiirhavcn. Wash. jo siawflpin? sqroaois wji 5uq mm traordinary state of affairs Is disclosed. He estimates the total number in the army at 60.000. of which tS.OCO are officers or officials, holding commissions and entitled to officers' pay. The Cubans thenuires express astonishment at the proportion, although admitting that they would not have been surprised if it had been aa one to three. When a yous man a?ks a father fur hi daughter's hand in marhitre. if the f:it!'-r is a !M! one. far think of one thm equi ty as important as the youre man's nicr ,h. social and business standing and tn"i. gence. A young man trho sn.Tt-rs frc: iU health has no right to marry until his h'-'lth 14 rtnrH Tn An j , t r-i ... . ... . power today would enter upon any new ipainstthe'hnman race. While M diseases flrt A skirt dance on a bicycle Is the litest form of dlvertlsement originated by an English girl. We do not wish to brag, but when a novice at wheeling many an American girl has without the sllghtrs: practice performed this feat. HERVITA VITALITY. LOOT V!f.OR AND MANHOOO Cures Impotcncy, II?Lt Enl-v ior.s .tnc! wasting diseases, idl e!Tcci3 cf self- abuse, or excels a.".a X?K lilowl builder. Urines t!;c pink plow to rate cheeks an J restore t!'C fr of vot.t!!. tl J3( Hy ciallfiOc rr vox: V, boci tor HiO; vrlth a vrritirn piiarnn -tee to care or rcftind tlio money. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Canton & Jackscn Ets, CM! ZAC.O, ILL. For Sale by Charles Rucers. Druggist y.iYAViVr.W.ViV,ViAViiViV.ViVV..V S BT9 B WJM sf s ITSt En n trm HhUKC UtW Astoria's Leading Hotel iMcglcr tS WrlRlit, Propn. Kopp's "Best A DELICIOUS DRINK.... AND ABS0LUELY PURE. Th North Pacific Brewery, of which I Bottle! beer for famUjr uc, or keg fr.Jnhn Kopp is prtiprtctnr. rnskf Iwrl bwr nrplitsl at any lime, iicliyry ir 'or JotncMe end export trailx. I 'he t ity (rv I'VLTON linOTIIBHtt, Attorney, at Law, Pop Manufacturing Coiiipanyl UtitUvmen-I hay. ridden thla yrar Columbia Chnlnle, and bltv it to the vary boat blcycl made. To apprw'ltta It I only iwceaeary to rtda It, than you will bs oomunt to rld no othr. Iteajwctfully yours, O. tJ. rULTUN. O. It, RflTKa, ASTORIA, t)r.ion. c II. ItH rhyslclan and Burgeon. Mr. Iiouw Oordea, Agent for Columbia lllcyolM, Astorta. Omgont My iHNir Wr I take this oixwaion In tltatik you fr wWUm ins to purohaaa th Columbia Chalnlraa lllcyrla. tr my dauettters, all nxmlhi ago. It W nf tti must twrfwt nun-tianiam, and glvaa tha imwt pnrfM satlafwollnn of any riso oC UMtctm.wy that I have rw had In my poaaraalon. Il waa used vonalanlly for thiva months this summer by my thms dauglttors at my uiiimibt hHtt. on ClaU sop Iteach, where It wwa subjected tu tha sandy roads and twaob and to tb r'iia and lry of the oirii, and thar Is not s nuuml spot on ..1 nor hay. I b4 to hav. five minute. retini made on It aim It hw Imit In my po eton. Agln exiTwwlng my appreciation, and thanking yu for my rNd fortun In poaeeenlnsj tha wheal, I remain, moat rwtitwtfully, at your vU, O. II. KHTRB. M. D. Prices for 'qg Models. COI.r.MllIA CHAINUC88. MOlKI, M ami M ITIOt I'tM.l'MltlA TANPKM. MOlBl. 47 and 41 v tlOO t-tt.i;.MIIIA. MOUICIJI 17-W MM COM'MIIIA, MOORL. 4 00 IIAIlTKiKIH, 1'A'PriCltN 1 MM VKIHCTTHH. PATKRN 11 MM VICIMCTTIM, I'ATTICIIN tl MM Pope Manufacturing Co. Portland, Or. Controlling Oregon, Wn.Hhingtoti, Moiitanit ainl lilnltn. -- ' - . I Tl S A TAtrvi a mm r k rws e-v g- a svia r t $ Telephon No. vJ Handles Only the Choicest Meats 4i CwaaMrtlal tl., Mil Palare ltia.u.l. Horth Pacific Breuerg w" F. SCHEIBE ... ruinuuJuiAnnrvAAAu uv umruvuvrvvruiAxruwuAnAAAniAjrup I The liyil-JCfKIsU Hotel Ptte. aa. ,4atiri' A'tkles. 47A Commtrtlsl BS "Li Belle Astoria" Clfsf Scheltc's Opera Stjr Scheltc'sSffdil Ami Mliar 5 THOS. (it'lM'.AN. Proprlctqr J Seventh nnc WrtMhlngton Hlia. tuv njuwwui njnnffurun an n nnnnnnn rvtAAnvriAAAnxirtarvAnn Portland, Or. The PalaceCafe Aro colonising exploit without some conees. slon to the Just a;!rit of the age. Na tions, like Individuals, must now recog nize public opinion and regulate their conduct accordingly. The most despotic of them hesitates 4o invfte the condemna. tlon of the world arxl seeks to explain Its more doubtful acts so as to satisfy the world's conscience. And the moral ob ligation thus universally acknowledged is proclaimed here with special empha sis. The United States is. In fact., the peculiar product and highest exemplar of the century. If we hold the Philippines It will be to establish a good government over them, and If we take part In the great settle ment of European spheres of influence In Asia, to which Sir William welcomes us. it will be to see that the settlement Is fair and equitable. In either case the most advanced political principles will be our guide, and there will be no re. version to the discredited methods of old. I. Is worthy of notice that the author who hails our advent in the East fo en thusiastically has been a member of the Indian legislative council and presld-nt of the Indian education commission. He has thus had exceptional opportunities for studying the errors of the past and the needs of the present andl future. This gives added force to his comment and to his suggestion that the time has sr. rived for the adoption of new policies. may net be directly inHVitcd. trie constitu. tional tendency to acquire ikrm is inher ited. If a man is a crinsnmptive, the chances are tlrit his children wil have weak, undersized lungs, and a predispoM. tion to acquire the same disease. The young mas wha suffers from bton chitis, weak lungs, spitting of blood or aay disease of the air passages which, if neg lected Kads up to consumptioa. mav take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discover? with almost absolute assurance of recovery. It cures per cent, of all cases when taken in tinic. It soothes and heals the delicate and sensitive tissues of the air passages and lungs, checks the cough, facilitates expect oration, drives out all impurities and dis ease germs from the tainted blood and builds new and healthy tissues. Mr John G Born, of 4c Liberty Ave.. Pitt burgh, ha. writes : -V Some thirty months ago I said to my wife. I don't wsnt to keep snvthing from too, I mast tell toy I am in the U- sUpr si consumption ' In December 1S96 I commenced takice Dr. Pinre s Golden Mtdical Dikuktv I could then only tpetk in wtinpers. I hre taken thirteen bottles and can say with tmtb I m greatly benefited. People art surprised to bear nie speak. 1 can hilloo. and mv voice luis not been good in eight ytais. Uv stomach was new in better condition. Formerly I could not eat without suffering rery much immediately after, but now I can eat snvthing." The shipyards of Great Hrtt.iln could turn out a big steamsh.p every day of the year. Acker's Engash remeoy will stop a cough st any time, and will cure the worst cold In twelve hours, or money re funded. S cents and 50 centa. Kor sale by Estes-Conn Drug Co. The Horh.sti r Democrat and Chronicle has In J invs H. K 1 1 y a sulxicrlbvr who taken and paid for the paper f r 51 years, b-gtnnlr.g his subscription K'bru. ary 8. Ii3. - No matter how thoroughly conversant you are with the world's ways you are pretty sure to slip on a highly polished floor the first time you visit a house In which It is. Luxuriant hair, or unrrortn color, is a beautiful head covering for either sex, ani may be secured by using Hall'a Vege table Sicilian Hair Henewer. OASTOniA. Bears the 4 lM 'i Ha'O 3fl BKfJIt Don't go to sleep with hairpins In your hair or you will soon have no hair In which to put -the hairpins. THE LOUVREi W. W. Whipple, Prop. Finest Heals in the City Special Attention (iiveii to tin I'riinit it) of l!iiiiitiett4. ' Seventh and Astor Streets SHASTA .MIXEKAl WATKK. I'UntK. XOIJLK. HilKOKY AM) SHAU S MALT WHISKIES. ALL UTHCK LKJIOKS, KIM'S, HECK AND UC.AKS Served Dny unci INIjjIit. A U(U J ST KKATZ. T Before the discovery of One XTr.U'e Cough Cure, ministers were greatly dls. turbed by cough. ng congregations. No excuse for It now. Charles Rogers. The March hair of the fluffy maiden Is mad enough In its dishevelment to have sui?gst(d the well known simile. Sick headache absolutely and perma nently cured by using Mokl Tea. A pleas ant herb drink. Cures constipation and Indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. 25 and SO cents. For sal. bv Estes-Cnnn Dni mm MANHOOD RBTOREDjSS Jf tf ti.,nol s tanii.b. Ir-r.i Ii nnn i,.n . will quickly rut rim of a. tft- X fll ' 'I '"' U1VI...1 ul Ibr (viM-raiit uisu.s, uct M Lw4 Mulib' Mt. V. '.VI . I A I:w,nilia. ln:iUl LIim i!. .. S,.t.itiil f.nidl.,,,. V..v., l.l.i.if. I . WaS fimriH-s. I t M.i. BEFORE ro AFTER miaiorrri4ii ntl rm h.-D'.rrur., irm -tsni v. f I wt It..l f. ctomimta UlvUtvr, Hrf kui tr 'iiitiu i.'i n'kfiiirr ttrt.arui itii miiiLinuioft. rrPlDEWR jtrneth"nt)atniJ rturrmu wi .tk oik-awl. Th rcMon nittrem mrm not mrwi ttr l4-ur i tM-itUM nlnly lr mil nro trmih'txl PrlalltlM, C'UHlliKSF. it ttttnyinon Ut r-ir-wtn.tiul in(- rafton. inJt.Mtii .ftV ml. A written rutriniw ivtQ n'l innnry fiurtifi) U tM,i-st d'M ttii tdoui ft (iwik w cut P' W m QOi, lis ifr f a w, uy mau, rwnu r.t"ii ir ojmi irwiuuiKi AtMrvM DA VOL JIKDICiaiK CO., I. O H-t Hun r.1. T SW h Nnitileui wiii tin- woiM'h jrt'iit- t't p lirllll. We lire Ast Ji i.t s lni'lem in Stoves -Ranges enrloinl jut urnveil. lower limn ever. J'rit eti W.J. SCULLY, Sole Aciit. 431 Bond Street, Astoria MANHOUD RESTORED guaranteed to cu-e all oerrou. dswsKs, sueh as Vk Mrmi Dr. reaa'a iff riiia. wonderlul remaiU guaranteed to ore all oerrou. dawsKs, sueh as Weak Memory lomii firaio lower, Headache. W.kelulne xm uiiiml Mi.k.iL V ions, NervousneM, all drains, lust of puwrr la Cukrratlrc Orgaa. o4 either an, caused by over eiertum, yoifthlul errors, excessive utr o4 V-I!?i?:0pi-Uraw "HL01.""' whlch 'd " Inflrmlly, Consumption o. Ins.ntv.C.n be carried la vest porkM. t oprr boi, farts, by ttatl M.niif.ctnre.1 by the pesu MedlHne ir . p.n. Hi.. I .... n..i. i-rug ua. distributing agents Third and Yamhill ot. -otU.i) O' n.leXr KHTKH-CDKN" DKUU CO BUCKWHEAT Lurrowe'H Pure I I. ( . elf-WiHlntr Hewt N.O. MolnHHeH, f loney find Maple Syrup. Etc. .. A. V. ALLEN'S Grocerq Store. Lorgnettes are no longer considered good form. They were always Indicative of a species of Impertinent affectation. Alabama has a woman cotton planter. Acker's Dyspepsia Tahiers arc sold on a positive guarantee. Cures he-irt num. racing of food, distress ater eating, any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet gives Immediate relief. S and 60 cents. For sale by Estes-Conn Drug Co. Happy Is the man or woman who can eat a good harty meal without suffering afterward. If you cannot do It, take Kodoi Dysp-pslii Cure. It dlgists what you eat, and cures all forms of dyspepsia and Indigestion. Charles Il'ig-rs. In Ili-rlln sheet muslo Is sold by we'ght. -uionei jonn i.. Black, of Illinois, was too good to a soldier and too much of a man to serve out the term of a dead commander of the G. A. R. He should hae a full term of a year instead of a half term. Indianapolis Journal. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT. Senator Tillman's naive confession of knavery in political methods In the proud state of South Carolina, where, with a black voting population of 6,200. every one a republican, In one county, as against S.500 white voters, not all dem ocrats the democrats were able to Fhow a White democratic tnnjorlty of 3.900, is exciting no little Interest In the states where the ballot Is really free, and the palmetto statesman Is catching It from every quarter. But Tillman is thkk sklnned and irobably won't mind it. as he boasts that It Is better than Tam many could do. This matter, and others like It, will doubtless receive the atten. tlon of the next congress, and, to adopt the old song to the case, there may be some vacant chairs In the southern rep. resenbatlon. Inspector General Rojoff has completed tha list of the Cuban army, and an ex. Take Laxative Eromo Quinine Tablets. All rdugglsts refund the money if it falls to cure. 2a cents. The genuine ha L. B. Q. on each tablet. Vest is still opposed to the oppression of the Filipinos, but he does not mention the fact that he was the author of a bill in the Missouri legislature providing the diith penalty for every man who helped a black slave escape from bis master. Cleve,and Leader. When the song "Love Will Find the Way," was written It Is not likely that poisoned candy was thought of as one of the ways. The love of display Is tlrmly lmplams-1 In every masculine breast, despite all protests to tne contrary. CASTOR I A For Infant and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears th. Signature R. L. Boyle & Go Leading Real Batotc Dcnlcr of ASTORIA, OREGON rite tor In fortun tion uiwl Painiililetx. fi.'i.'i f'i,i,,r,,n w I ----- - ' v 11,111. mi (.in u "Give me a liver regulator and I can It you have n. coug-h, throat Irritation, weak luftfs, pain In the chest, diftlnilt breathing, croup or hoarseness, let us regulate the world," said a genius. The uWt One Minute Cough Cure. Al druggist handed him a bottle of DeWltfs wav reliable und safe. Charles Rogers. Little Early Risers, the famous little 1 pills. Charles Rogers. I The woman of the future may lie of . .great and absorbing Interest to many A woman may not have a superabun- ', writers, but It Is the girl of the present dant sense of humor, but she certainly that gives 'the young men the most Ho Ilo has no hotel. sets tne ridiculous side of things at the wrong moment. trouble. OASTOniA. Bean tin yf M Yi H.W Alwl)B Bosgllt Bears tto l "" f. ii tii flu A'ro BCL'tli) of f-siy r&JJAJ Pikin has a tower In whloh Is hung a large bell which was cast in the slxteeth century, and another tower containing a huire drum whirh Is Intended to be beaten Is cae a great danger should threaten the city. Nn one is allowed to enter these towers. As the season of the year when pneu monia, la grlpne, sore throat, 'coughs, colds, catarrh, bronchitis and lung troub les are to be guarded against, nothing "Is a line substitute." will "answer the purpose, or Is "Just as good" as One Minute Cough Cure. That Is the one ln fallable remedy for all lung, throat or bronchial troubles. Insist vigorously upon having It If ""something else" Is offered you. Charles Rogers. It Is absurd to speak of the cold bril liance of the diamond. It must be warm or why should so many women go bare handed when they wear a diamond ring. YOUR FACE. That the blood shotrw perrorrn Its vital functions. It Is absolutely necesssary It should not only be pure but rich In life, j-lving elements. These results are best effected by the use of that well-known standard blood purifier. Avers 8irsapa. rllia Some of the new combs look like ver. itable sun bursts. More than one mnkes a son burst into remarks of astonishment when he discovers the price asked for them. Shows the state of your feelings and tne state of your health as well. Impure blood makes Itself apparent In a pale and sallow complexion, pimples and skin erup tions. If you are feeling weak and worn out and do not have a heajthy appear ance you should try Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures all blood diseases where cheap sarsapsrlllas and o-caaed purifiers fall; knowing this we sell every bottle on s positive guarantee. For sale by Es'es Conn Drug Co. tlOO-RfcWARD-1100. ThR readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science has been ible to cur. In all It stages, and that Is atnrrh. Hull's Cattarh Cure Is the only positive cure known to th. medical fra. ternlty. Catarrh being a constitution il disease, requires a constitutional treat. rnent. Hall's Cattarh Cur. taken In. ternally, acting directly upon tha blood and mucous surfaces of th. system, thereby destroying the foundation of the m Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificial Vd liresN t he fnnt an nMa Nature In streriuihisrilncf and rwvin. structltiK the cxhuiiMtetl dlifeintlve or mm. ltlnthollllCHt(llHC.ovi.ri.(Mlcr(.f. aDtanr tonic. No other preparation tau amjniucn n in eniciency. it ln disease and giving the patient strength Htantfy rollefed and permanently C11TOI by building up the constitution nnd DysneDHltt IndlieHflnn II, n.t, in assisting nature , doing .1, work. ffilS, BSSSl mm dill PENNYROYAL PILLii j'"f "'ui i ivi .(,.., i, I'll M l mill .iiiih,,.,, rraK l F ml ,!,,. , .,.(, "II il'.ll,i.",, Kmr.l" " if in. ,, i .,,,,,,,.. u.i. allium l J"'"'"'" "i ". J bii.,). No s'h'Sii r, (,,r wihiimi fuualt i ,.ii. I ,i , ,,, -nl !( "' " i n r. (l He has iu ' i iir . ,1 BLANCARD'S The love of woman passes all com. prehension, but she Is happey In It. J. Sheer, Hedalla.Mo., conductor on elec trie street car line, writes that his little daughter was very low with croup, and her life saved after all physicians had failed, only by using One Minute Cough Cure. Charles Rogers. For frost bites, bums. Indolent sores. eczema, skin disease, and especially piles, DeWltt's Witch Ifaiel Salve stands first and best. Loon out for dishonest peo. pie who try to imitate and counterfeit ft. It's their endorsement of a good ar ticle. Worthless goods are not Imitated. Get DefWItt's Witch Haxel flalve. Charles Rogers. Probably the happiest moment of a man's life Is when he Is buying his first wedding ring. The observer Is not un. kind enough even to guess what the next happiest might be. For a quick remedy and on. that li perfectly safe for children let us recom mend On. Minut. Cough Cure. It Is ex cellent for croup, hoarseness, tickling in the throat and coughs. CHAS. ROGERS. curative powers, that they offer 1100 for any case that It falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 76 cents. Hall's Family I'llls arc the best. all otjier remi 1 1 (if I mperfeet d IkchMwd. rr.par.a oy c .. U.Witt A CO., Chicago. For Sale by CHARLES ROGERS, I. t , w. W-V V di 7.."- KVAWBmUM m?0 ;,4i- ., ,Hkb4 -MUK j trr m rca, tt w (Javeau, and Trade-MarVs obtained and all Pat- mt buti net. conducted lor MoornaTC rcrs. Ous Ornci isOreosirr, U, . psrctiTOrricr ind wecanaei uio pteutiu IcU luu. tliaa Uuik rrmnlA frnm Waahlllffbffl. bend model, drawing of photo., with deacrlp-4 tioo W. sdvue. if Mierit.bla or not, Ire. oil Jchmrge. Our lee not au. mi paiem nKcnn. A .ASteMlXT now 10 wuiain nwnii, win. t ot urn. in th. V. . an. loreiga counmra entire.. AddrMS, - C.A.SNOW&CO. OS. Osncii, W.SMinaTow. 0. C i ESE T hese tiny Capaulet ire superior to tsaiaam ot lopaiDa, CURE IN 48 HOURSiniiOl th. tarn, diseases with out inconvenience. I". e i. Bon-rmiinrinnt Miieiiy f.rr Gviiiirfliiea. Ii1"1- "porm.tiirriiii-a, Wiilma, unnatural Hi., rlirtrnia, nr any lliflauiliia Imn, Irrltatliiii or ul-r- tiun i,r n ucou a mmn IODIDH OP IDOM i,.. u . u, ..x.t ?; w :'"N :Mfihrni.ooD, mcu. ... WIIAKNt'Si ll'uiiriii .' V.V" tt N ""'""-"t'C II i...iii.ciiiiii,, I ill in.i.nmii AE.FouoiiKAc.:;:;x..i . Agls. fort. 8. ilotf s Nerverine Pills ffJS iJa4WniM4 Wt f Ho ttrlawt. WirfA,goiHMf OWt)5 Xt li nervous TiT''u ii1' eentrajive or- "Uon..NU ,i,M,. 5... Tl The grra remedv tor nervout pro. t rat ion and LfHtHOntll"tlino. "r.nea. .r:un-alrln'lil l.o.f TJJ f lrOKVlM, ir tuprws; pn-palil, ot f IO, us I Utiles, 'Jlrnulttr anut an Muimtf. (X. turn its Nervrun P.-.r.. t7.ii! Manhood, Frt,poteilcy Mlghtiy liml. Youthful Lrrors, li,a Voiry, r. W lo ConH.nipl.on and Inaniily. $1.00 mm MMUl Cfl . Pro::,. Cloioland. nii! Tor sal. by BflTIB-eQNWJDRUO CO.