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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1899)
f"" not icmr book-, P.-rijp',. ft ,p?.ln,- ' fiSTGOA MBU&UBRUX ASSOCIAIU : THE ASTORIAN till till Urfcst circulation of any piper on tko Columbia . TBE DAILY ASTORIAN Is tha bluest anJ test paper . . on the ColnmtU Rivet , ..j f. w ' ? . v.- ':;-" w: v'... -n-r-. ""! FULL ASSOCIATKI) PUICSS KKPOHT, VOL. XL1X. Art Will A. 0KEO0N. Fill DAY .U'MMNG. MA KOI 17, I8!M.. t " The Only ... IN ASTORIA ... Our Hpeclnlty: HTOVRH AND IIAIMCJBH v" Wo know. the liminoim. Twpnty yeara experience.'. If you want u (iOOI) Slovc, m-o the to:k lit the Eclipse Hardware Co. r.-jj p GRIFFIN N IS W THIS WEEK! Junt rvi-divxl from tln factory u full Mipj'ly of y HOAT-SAIL DUILLING, CANVASS DUCK. COTTON TWINE, COTTON ROPE, IiHot otir stock heforc buying. Foard & Stokes Co Fancy Sugar KreHh ICh, Creamery Butter Mnrtliin' C renin Cheene New SenHoti'n Codfish Spring Snlmoti Tipn nnd Bellten Yarmouth Blontem. ROSS, HIGGINS & CO Great Remnant Sale Direct trom tho Manufacturers; 50,000 yards mill remnants; neat, stylish pattorns. We place them on sale today at uearly half the regular price. 10,00(1 ynnls Ouling Klaniit ls in atylish flails and figure; regular price 10c yl, at (ic by the remnant. 1 1,000 yards Percale in all tlio latest designs; good value at 1 2u' remnant price 7 Jo. 8,000 yards Aindskeag A. F. C. Dress tiinglinms, all this season's pat terns; regular price 10c yd, remnant price 7 Jc 1,000 yards Worsted Plnds, handsome styles; regular price -f and 3"e yd, remnant price about 18c yd. Kemnants of Table Linen; Remnants of Piques; Remnants of Calicos; Remnants of Chivoits, etc. Everybody should attend this Great Remnant Sale and save money. N. B. A big line of Figured Silk In all shades and patterns to be closed out at 25c yd, worth three times the price asked. Shanahan Bros. Stove Store BOOKS... Blank and Miscellaneous. PAPER... New Crape and Type-writing. Waterman Fountain Pens llox Dccorntc1 I'tipcr iiikI ICnvelupcH--hkj. 6c REED - Cured Hams SWISS WATCH REPAIR SHOP Victor Rost Chronometers (Hatches md Nautical Instruments Promptly fixed and repaired. Alarm Clocks from f 1 up. Warranted. 110 Klovcntli St. to Postal TlgrpU CUT PRICES W. ir. m.klnt fret cut In .pocul ; tln.t Tuur oporlunliy I. t btoi. Tou i ir. bound to nrd ihf. and should buy ; now wbll. th. tdv.nt( l 10 . Id your favor. The .hot art pot back numtxr. of uorartaia aa, a M and quality. Thr'r all atandard ttock and good valuta for twlc what w. aak. Laird. aVbobar Co.. rducd from 14.10 and K M I. n tad ItTl Petersen & Brown. t THE PROOF ot lb. puddliuj m la lb. atlnj and th. proof of Uqoor. IS IN SAMPLING Thai'a an ar(uronl that'a eon demonstration. Oura will atand Ui. teat HUGHES & CO. L. LEUECK Coppcnlcr nnd Htilldcr Ocncrnl Cortlrnctor HOUSR RAI5INU AND nOVI.NO A SPECIALTY H.F.PraelTransferCo. Tallhou. a. DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Ooodt Bhlppd to Our Car. Will Spaclal Att.ntlon. No. OS Duan. It, Astoria, Or. W. J. COOK. Mgr. Rea. T.I. Ill INSURGENTS ARE ROUTED Twentieth Regulars Encoun tered 1000 Hen, Put ting Them to Flight. i THEIR LOSS WAS HEAVY Our Troops Carried CaintI After Four Hours Fighting. Los ing Two Killed. 1 TWELVE MCfi WERE WOUNDED After Capturing the Town the Ameri cans Retire i to Secure a Sup ; ply of Ammunition. I Manila. M-irn ici i; p.m.-T first tft 1 1 o I i"ri of I lie Tftentlt'th Infantry r-fU tnirii linn n.vnf( fr-ni Til. cl-arltwr t!ir fMinlry t'j Oilntl, a well. defended vlllaK f Itihibltanln. flv mIM north. Mi'Hl of tlx fliOttlllill. The tro'im Unit ciu'Mini'Tfd the rbfl ou!. ' 111 hr ili-nni! Junirl,. on the bank f tlii' rivi-r. The rn.-my wan dli-lndced ufir half un b'Hir'. fii!it.iiit. The Amer. Iran ahaii'-d In ilimlld mantii-r. under liwy rirc. until thy mrrr r-ady to vol. by th- r'lv: fmm th trvnehca. The llaiti-r hail a (rtat advanntsv. and drupiM-il a numlx-r of our n n. Thi Amer- Iran, i hnrij.-d ncroxa the rie fle'.da. mk. iiik f ur udvanrc on thf enemy, who iiumtH-rfd I men. V) of whom wi re n. trem h'-d. tnl In thp fnpr of a croM flrc. Our tronp. rarrird the tun after four hour. f MitliiiriK and tiurnrd the out. nklrtu the rt"-!. flrliia; from the windows and kr-lnK up a runtilna; flr In the lire.l. Tin- Americana then withdrew to otiialn noire ammunition. ' lh rt-beui lout about l'O men and th Unierliaii liaa was: Coioral Johnson, of 'company nnd 1'rlvate XlcAvo . of com. p.tnyl.. kl'led. In addlilon to the followlna, Jwotinili-d; f.-rarant t'r-k. rompiiny 1.: t'triiril Kouscholda. company M; Prl. vaie Kelley. C: Private Kinney. company f; Private Tinkler, company C; jl'rlvate Varley. company O: Private OIL 'ley, compiiny 1: Private Caley. oomjiitny V; Private Mahan. company L: Private (".ninth, compuny 1.; Private lAfay.'th. company I.; Private XlacFurlanc. com. puny 1.. UKIOKT F1HM r.KXKItAL OTIS. ' WASHINGTON. Mar. h 1 -The follow. Iiik front (itla was received at th war de partment today: ' Manila. March 1.-Ui ports from Ho Ilo lridl-ate an Improvement and lens activliy on inc pi.rt m ie insurncn:. i;;! from Nrros arc mos: en oiirairlri; The liihiibltant ire en!hilK;ast!r. Quiet pr . jvalls throughout ihr Inland, and Colonel 'Smith l.i direcilni: In framliiB the lnlerii;il srovrrmni-nt. Otiii i .jul. t. llusiness Is progiesnlrit; hinder L'nltiil States protection. I Report from and I.cvto IilIIciI the desire of the Inhabitants for I'nlteJ States timtps. The Minds will be occu pied. i Tlii. Urn lire cms' control is confined to ll.uxon. und the oocupatkn of the Paslg 'river line with control of Ijiguna de Hay ,has cm the country occupied by the T.i. iKtilos '.n nearly two parta. OTIS. TIIOOPS DISPATCHED TO QVEIX A RlOT. tiovcrnor Thomas, of Colorado, Oulers I Out Trooiw to Supiress Illotltiii Near Lake City. ' DENVER. March Ul-Tlie rioting at llcnson, near lake v'lty, broke out lute 1nst night and the sheriff of Hinsdale .county lred tho governor for troops. The message came about 1:30 this morn lug. The sheriff had Just returned from jl'enson nnd ald th siluntlon was ex 'tremely critical and that the strikers 'were In control of the place and bad threatened to burn everything In the camp. A red glare In ie sky a few 'minutes after tho shcrltT left the camp Indicated that the thr-at was being car. rled out. The message lo (iovernor Thomas nk'd for at least U0 men and the governor de. j elded to grant tho request at once. Com 1 pnny H. First regiment of Infantry and i troops H nnd C of the cwvalry. unde iCiiplalns Smith nnd Hill, were summoned ho bo ln readiness 10 leave at 5 o'clock ' this morning. Colonel MncAney com. i mamled the troop. A stop waa made at Puebla this morn ing for 30 men of company B, Second In. ' fantry.' at that place and It la likely the run to Itke City will be made by 5 o'clock tonight. The snows on Marshal jPass may dolay tho time a little, but the men will 'bo ln readiness to leave for itenson by conveyances during the early i night and be prepared to take charge of the situation at daylight. As the rond winds through a narrow canon for most of the distance the troops ; will depend upon the Lake City people to I prevent ambushing, for at some p aces ; It would be possible for a few men to hold the entire attacking force at bay, espcvl nlly now. as the snow and Ice on the 'gorge are so that detours over the side of tho Mils are Impossible. COMPLAINS ONLY A3 TO CANNED ROAST PEEP. Lieutenant Johnson, Who Has Just Re. turned From Santiago, Corroborate. the Tin fitness of the Meat I i. j NEWPORT NEWS, Va., March 11 Lieutenant James H. Johnson, of th. Eighth Illinois volunteers, who ha ar. rlv.xj h.-r. with tils raiment direct from HutitluKo, sild when ipeukina; of tho r-u ,on s'irved th men that they had no complulnt after one. gottjnif settled ex-(v-pt a to the canned roast beef. Tb'a meat, Colonel Johnson said, wa unfit for uie. ft was to far spoiled when rved to his r-Km-nt that fm of the cant bad burst frurn th. swcIKnc of the meat Company 1). he sold, was poisoned by the meat on Hun IMis, and all of th. mm were made si- k from It. All entitled lff haJ to be thrown away. There m no complaint about the other canned Roods and the so-called fresh beef front th. state WtUt food to rat. Th Cuban beef, however, could not b endured, at It waa without strength and extremely tough. Ult'lK DONATIONS FOR HKVENTK DAT AIA'KNTIHTU. C plain Norman, a CbJcano Mlllionair. 11-conjei, Suddenly Converted and ionata Korty Thousand iJollara. fllfAOO March H.-A !e!al from Battl" Creek, M ch , says: Captain Nor. man, reputed to be vrul time a mil. ii.iMlrr, ha Riven l,., to the fley-nth Iay Adventlst Cvrferenc. now In e 'alon her.-. A p niarkaJile dnifiderK In trotir.eeiion with the donation 1 rela'.ed. Amoiiif h'i- in attendance la Elder iK. II. Westphal. who has charRe f'f their 'mission In lluctios Ayres. ne ram. from 'tv.trhumpton In a Hamburg I ne bont 'and met on board the ship Captain Nor. I man. The captain became Interesied In the Advenlist'a falt'i and came to the 'meetings here. At a climax he has iflven I the magnificent sum Of Vftyfo. til th s sum, ti'i) will be used by the Reneral conference, 1WM by the for. Kn tnhiUnary Iward and J1W.O0O will 'n distributed In the work In India. Pra Aus:raMa and tha Argentine republic. I Th Adventlst boiU-ve that the coming jof Kider Westpt--' when he could not itvally affrd the expense and bl meet. y.t 'apinln Norman, waa an act of Providence. MltS. 1'I.ACE IS ELDClitOCUTED TOIAY AT SING 8INO. (iovernor Roosevelt CJiw Orderi That the Affair He Made a Unsensa. tlonal a Possible. AI.HANV, N. Y.. March It Governor Kooni veil has sent to Warden Sage, of 8:ng Sing prison, a letter containing dl. jrectlons as to the detail for the execu tion of Mrs. Place, to make H a unsen satlonal as possible, lie say: "I desire you to have merely one retire. 'sensatlve of th Associated Press, and. one representative of the non.Assoclau.-d il'rejs papers, but I wish you also to see mat po on. of those admitted 1 a cor respondent of any newspaper. "1 particularly desire that this solemn and painful act of Justice ahail not be 'made an exi us for that species of hlde 'ous setiMition which Is more demoralis. jlng than anything ele to the public mind. ' SEVERAL, VKSSEI.S OVERDUE. SAN" KRANC1X). March 15. There is B.uch nnxietv ri;arding the fleet of over- (due deep water vee:. The Dritlfh ship Alelde. on which reinsurance has ben 'eff.-red for two weeks. Is now about due lt London from this port. She Is out .iitas, nnd . per cent is offered to re. insure her. The Carnarvan Pay. 179 days j"o,M lacc-ma ior v'ueeiiMown. u c-u- ; iiieniii.y overdue, anu iv per cent naj- ,b en offered on her. j iiy many M-a-faring men the British Mp lVmlnlon Is Riven up for gone. She I? bound from Honolulu for Puget sound ,'flnd Is out i? days. Nothing has been .tard from ilie schooner Helen Kimball s.rce -ihe sailed from Eureka for Pan. 'ma 1"3 days ago. The schooner Albert .Meyer Is out S days from Scatti to Kahuul. G. A. it. TO MEKi AT MONTREAL. 1.YNIH1NV11.LK. Vt.. March 16 .-The decision of IVpurtmcnt Commander Har- rls to hold the next smte encampment of the G. A. R. at Montreal In June will miark an epoch In the history of the or. 'dor, :is this encampment will be the first told by the state commandery outside of the prescribed limits of the union. I Commander Harris believes that this nlan will be popular among Vermont 'comrades. The objects are two fold, iflrst, to benefit and to encourage the C. A. H.- posts which this department j lus established In Quebec and Montreal, and secondly, to show in a methodical way the cordiality existing between the I'nlied States and our neighbors across the border. CITTCAHO'S BIG BULBING. ; Ollk AGO. March K-Arrangem-nts have been perfect til for the erection of a mammoth' col'.sscttm building at XW.has.t avenue and Sixteenth street, whore the 'old Libby prison Is located, 'i he s'ruc. ture. wliith will h-'.d 15) people, will be completed V' 'he Hrst of next Sp t tuber. It w'll be ct's;ruc:ed mainly cf lion and steel nnd will be larger than iMadlfon Snuarc Garden of New York, being 2S4 feet long nnd ITS feet ln width, 'he building will be partlculariy well suited for conventions, and an etTort will bo made to secure the republican and 'Criilocratlo assemblages ot president Inmkers next year. i. Is expected the building will cost about $150,000. MOW TREATY WITH JAPAN. WASHINGTON, March 16,-Extenslve changes in the relations between the United States and Japan will be brought about July 1 next, when the new treaty between the two nations goes Into effect, Similar treaties have been made by Japan with most of the other first-class powers. The essential feature Is to give Japan a status ns a modern nation Instend of Imposing the restrictions which she waa under along with China and other east, ern countries before her udvance to mod- era methods. . WILL BE ALLOWED TO LAND. NEW ORLEANS, March lfi.-Mr. Pat. ton, ot the stato board of health, sayi that no Quarantine obstacle stood ln th. way of bringing the Second Louisiana regiment directly home from Cuba by wav of New Orleans. He said that after disinfection of clothing and baggage th. soldiers would he permitted to come to New Orleans. FOUR WERE SHOT DOWN The Terrltle Result of Election Riot at Hot Springs, Ark. "" TWO FAfTIftN fl ACUCr nn of the Sheriff Twn Pnlirp Officers and an Innocent Bystander Killed. CE0FCIA MOB'S AWFILCRIME Murlerei Four Negroes anj Fatally Wounded Another Yesterday at Tnoraasvllle. 1 HOT SPRINGS, Art, March 11 A shooting occurred here at 6:30 o'clock th! afternoon which resulted in in. deatb of five men and the serious wounding of two others, one of whom la not expected to live. The killed, are: Thomas Toler, chief of police. soout li o'clock, out it w not eenevea J. E. Hart, city detective. they will have anything to do. Thomas F. Goalee, police sergeant , Th Capital City Guard arrived at 11 Juhn William, son of Sheriff Williams, o'clock and were put on patrol duty In Loui Illnkle, driver of a brewery different part of the town. Cltixens are sragon. apprehensive of an uprising of negroes Ed Spear wa shot In th. neck and tonJ"nt- At noon friends of the wounded may die. arrived at the warehouse and were given The shooting was the result of the feel. tho injured, a em Watts, one of tho. Ing growing out of tb. mayoralty con--WD0 h,1 put ,n ,n morning groaning teat, which was under way ber.. The 'udl'. carefully carried to a wagon sheriff was a warm supporter of the and uken home- t'Pon hu rrival 'tnr regular democratic nominee, while Toler, 11 WM foUDd ,n,t h dld nat 1ar Hart and Goalee wer. supporters of the cratch. John Bighy is badly wounded oppoaition candidate. Feeling ran high ind cannot recover and early ln the afternoon shots were ' , . , exchange n front of the city hall be. REWARD OFFERED FOR LYNCHERS tween the sheriff and his son John, on the ATLANTA. Ga., March M. Governor one side, and Sergeant Goalee on th. today Issued a. proclajnatlon of other. but no one was. Injured. . ferir a reward of J3 for the appreben- Afier this both Dartlea determined to slon and detlverv of the first member af have It out Toler, Hart and Goslee were together, walking aouih on Central ave- nue, when they met Sheriff WHllama and nis two sons, John and Coffee, and Ed Spears, a deputy sheriff. The Quarrel wa renewed. No one can tell who fired the first ahot but In a moment there wa a general fusillade. In which 40 or SO shot were exchanged. When the firing was1 over Toler. Hart. Goslee and Hlnk.e. a non-combatant, were dead, and John c w ttna wl" au I0T tJe Arctic to W lillams was mortally wounded. He di-?4 norro,,r- Tna whaling bark Alexander an hour later. 13 rady rr sea and Is waiting for bet- Louis Hinkle attempted to separate the combatants at the commencement and jwas shot in the head and died instantly. I Tne mayor. Immediately after the shooting, appointed Judge L. D. BeMing cn:er ot po: ce. who had a ooksa of deputies sworn In at once. There Is i little factional feeling outside of those j engaged lu the shooting. Order was easily jresiorl and the city Is now auiet. The j sheriff and his son, Coffey, are under ar. res; and no further trouble Is anticipated, The mayor said In an Interview at 9 o'clock that the whole affair grew out of the intense feeling on the mayoralty contest. ! 'T have ordertd arl the saloons ln the city closed and everything is as quiet as sa's he will not submit to the advance usual, and ihtre will be no lurther There will be a contest over shlpplr I trouble." Williams. In an Interview at his home t0hl gm &n L ,J,.,, K.. - iiB.-iwoiu nv mill (1 1 V V I IIUU II ujr a policeman on account of his friendship for fielding, the populist candidate for mayor. Williams claims he was not a rmed. but that, as Goslee attempted to ,.,. m ' . e-..a .,... assassinate him, a friend of his grabued j trio pistol and handed the sheriff another , one. Goslee started to run and Williams , tired several shots, without effect. This occurred about 3 o'clock In the aftr. I noon. About 5 o'clock the trouble broke out again, beginning with the deliberate assassination of his son. who was hJt In the back of the head and killed instantly by the policeman who attempt, ed to take his life. Williams says he was not present until the shooting had ceasd. He then found that his son. the chief of pohce, Detective i'! .it'd two policemen. Including the tha: had made the attempt to kill ha,! b- en kl'led. and cue citizen had sen usie wounded. nni. '(MIA MOll AWFUL CRIME. F nir of Nme Negro Prisoners Mwt Down at. Thomasvtlle. PALMETTO. Ga., March 16. Four dead negriHS lie In Johnson's warehouse. Be. side them, groaning In agony, are five others of their race, all victims of an assault made by the white men of this neighborhood at an early hour this mom. ing. The negroes, who were shot down while begging for mercy, lie where they fell on the blood-stained floor of the Im provised Jail, where they were held on a charge of arson. The deud are Bud Cotton, Henry Blng. ham. Tip Hotson and Ed Brown. John Uigtoy Is dying. Tlie wounded are Clem Watt, abdomen George iayior, tnign Isham Brown, body; John Jamison, arm. nvx Mrvua mmm V DSOIUIELYPUKE Makes the food more delicious and wholesome oi sma wow co sew row. i Tho citlxcn arc patrolling th. mala atreet of th town and dlaperaiog an or. cu.ilonal group of muttering negroes, who :crn determined to get some form of rever.g for the slaughter of four of thalr .race. I Th. seen, at Johnson's warehout. ,wTiere th nine negroes wer confined, tvl which Is now ailed with th. dend and ,uying, is a revolting and miserable jne. Blood cover th. floor and th black tU ened wall ar. Indented with rlfl. shot. he wives and children of th. nexroeJ are kneeling by their ld In th dimly .llRhtrd room, and piercing th. air with l lies and moan of anguish. Mayor Arnold has summoned a guard of i citizen to patrol th. streets and J warehouse, and every clllxen sen on th. street I armed with a gun. The situation 1 believed to o practically under ccn. J The mof wa composed of 100 men. Where they came from I a myalery o far a ih peopl. of th town know. That tom" ct ,he p,w'p; of p'n"o. hut not without saying. Every face wa masked, and h-n the warehouse was reached th,. spe.-lal guard of ftve men wa covered, without a word. ln a minute the mob wa In the big warehouse and the fualilad opened. The frightened negroes sent up yell after 711, for m'fCjr' bu " bad 1,0 errtCt 0B the mob. ! When It work was finished the ma'ked moo turned and quickly disappeared, a It had come, on horseback. Two flr' of inrary origin have oc S. and the other five days later. Fourteen business, houses In all were destroyed. Nine negroes were arrested on suspicion and taken to Johnson' warehouse to await .a preliminary trial, which was to 'have taken place this morning. Tester. dy the leader of the gang. Bud. Cotton, W to havj rzzi: s writtttt confession ' the guilt sf himself and associate, He wa the first to die In the mob's bloody work. . Th militia from Atlanta win arrive the mob. and a further reward of SUA for each additional person Implicated tn th killing of the four negroes at Palmetto. this morning. , ! m j i ' WHALERS STARTING NORTH. ' ' A aiarcn n-The "'eam wnaler Karluk Is UkJng on her , weatDr- 8ne way of Una- laska to the Arctic Frances More 8mlth, a executrix of the estate of William Dtming Smith, has filed a libel agaiiwt the Alexander for $Um). the alleged value of a one.slxteennj Interest In the whaler. SEAMEN ASK HIGHER WAUES. SA1 FRANCISCO, March 16. The S.a- men's Landlord Association hus decided ,nat ln fu'ure sailors in deep water ves- St"- leaving this port must bo paid $30 a month, instead of aa at present Captain Skewes. of the ship James Drum. mond. now ready to sail for London. a crew for this vessel, and on Its result "fll depend whether the proposed raise of wages ,., enfon.-ed by th, board, In house masters. - - - 1 MIXER'S WONDtiRFUL DISCOVER. . , ' , ,T v -'-.... Kle PcM from Vancouver. B. C. says: According to the latest mall advices from oawson, a marvelous discovery hus been made on Dominion creek, hi the Klon dike. A prenistorlc mammoth, weighing 30 tons, with flesh still sweet enough toN eat. was found on February t by August Tru'.son, a Swede, and hl9 partner, while working on their claim on Domlulon Creek. He came across the remains 40 f.-et from the surface. HKKEN AND SMITH MATCHED. SAN FRANCISCO, March IS. Ueorgd Green and "Mysterious" Hilly Smith have been matched to box 20 rounds In this city some time next month. They n.ive agrted to weigh In at 154 pounds at :! o'clcok on the afternoon of the con test. The National and Excelsior Clubs will bid for the management of the af. I;lir- 11 ' stated that If Choynskl wins his coming match with Kid McCoy ha will try to arrange for a contest with c .rV.t to take place in this city. : - . LARGE MONEY TRANSFERS. j : NEW YORK. March 16. Today's money transfers between banks at the dealing house, ln payment of the debit balances for the day was J17.413.862, which la th. largest transfer of the kind on reoord. INCREASE ON IMPORT DUTIES. NEW YORK. March 16. A dispatch to tha Herald from Port Au Prince aya: An Increase of J5 per cent In tho lu- tic on all Imports went into effect yes- terday.