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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1899)
THE DAILY ASTOIIIAN. Fill DAY MORNING. MARCH 17, 181)!l,. sprgr v. Mm An Kxccllcnt Combination. Tim pli'Nonnt iih'IIiimI ami licnclli'lul rffntit of thr well known remedy, Kiriii'i op Kmx, nmiiiifiiiliiri'il liy tlu ('Ai.iroiiNi Km hviu'i' Co.. Illnaimic tlm value nf 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 vr tlx lliiili Inxif tlv i lnclii iif (ilmiU known tn lie liii'illi'lnully dilutive, nml invw fillnt' tlii'in In tlm form iniml rcfti'Miing tullio tail mill tti'-i'tnlii In Hi" .vnlclll. It lit thit uni' iii'i d'i't tli"'li(tlii niiitf laxa tive, clcannliiif Ilin avalolil rffci'liinlly, llM-llJf Ctlllll, llCltlllll'lll'lt Ull'l fl'VI I If'iiHy y'l iirtiiiipily ami rniililliip' mm to nvi-ruiiiim liiiliilinil i'iiiihllmtliui n r liiuiictitlv It Hrfni't fnidmn finiii eivcry ohjWi limn hie. iiiulltv nml auli fttmiiio. nml It aiding mi tlir kliliu-ya, iivit mm ihiwi'u, wiimiut tvruKi'iniiir GERMAN CONSUL STILL STUBBORN'. Refused to Join With Amercans and British In Estatllsbln? Order In Season. MATAAFA PEOPLE'S THREATS Declared They Would Burn Malletoi Villages, tut British Comman dtrTook Vigorous Action. ATI A, Hamoa. March o, via Auklind, N, Mnh 19-. Owing to Hi threats hy lh Mutaafa Hipn to Imrn Hi Mat. Ii'lnu village In ilm Islam) ( Hat-all un. lea !h.' soiil tai" levied upon I hem nml a number uf liUra nitMxtrl Mo. ilnafu. Ilia llrltlsh lon.ul vloltrd Havail or Irritating Iticin, make. II tlm lilriil .on Hi iirltlah riuim-r Porpot,, tint the luxittlvr. ji'oiiiiiiander uf Dint viwavl In In tlm proi'PMof liniliiifacturliiK " -i'U the vlllugoa uf M.ila.fa Mllowrr are uwil, they an. ili-m.ntit to thu if ,.,.. .il.iunlw.l UMi. Inn tlm.mMll.'liml ..mllllrof j T. ,,., . A,Frt,un ,.,, h,. ............ ........ ............ Illf,(l ,rl(,,ln other r...,.atl.. ,. Unta. ,y . umtluM , , ,,,,. ii"wn to im a i.iri'iin i r ut r? hi I' denying Hie ru. lo Hid afTecl Him Moinufn IhkI been r'niiim-n, ami itirviii. Vll. tklilv In .irtlitp l (r0 If ImiiimIIkIh I rffwU mi.l l nvi.1.1,1.., i.U ttM. " "r,,", " l"ovl.0iml rriimmlHrllmfuUiimiiKi.fllir(-Milmiy "''""""', '"r.l t.u .iuk.. .rliiWdm tlm front nf rvrry .n. Uif. ' 1"" 4-""'" n-fui.l i J..U, V-AUrUKINIA MO iYKUr VAJ. ami iir.H Imimllon unlil.lln Hi AN rKAN' tOCM. OAU LOOnVfM.R. KY. KW TOUR. If Y, of tat liy all lituMMt -l'il tur. t UHilr. IIOTKI. Jaitwt 1) Hart. I'ariland. I-- r.irllii. I. K l. Mm Ith l-wilanil. J 'i ii H on ,i".l !( I'.mlati'l M l( iitat " ir. I'nrilanil. "' I. irilip I'lirllaiul Mr. M MImhiIi. llTllallJ v II UroMii. I"tiln. M U Men Hi lr V li HiiUrr Tarnnm. I.'. Or i Mtorr. V"ti faulty I nrlra M W nllrtu ami lf. Mlro. tillun (Hr l'"iiiaiy l'rriiihrf MririitMilllart Ht I'n I. J. McOawmi, Chinook. I'AltKKK IIOUMK. V. II lror. Ilau, l.ukv ilnfiai Ii, Han Krnclnc. limn. ii A j . t r . ti , ,. ii..iiii(iii i-r i mi . ii Mi. II iMii.vii Mrtritian iira I'o Mix .. i; ii. Mnrnpolttan lx-rt I 'nttit I: l.llr Hmdh ami Wlfr Mrtr'iltn l'. II lliiafll' Julia Mar .lull lirut'lltan liria (M A'Ull I'tttr, lMt1illtdf llltrf!! I'O V l.ll III I'rlrla rl I af -lt I II lifrra ' ' Win llallalil) n. , li-lr''UUII 1 4 f'tinnanv John II VVrrka Mr I rM"l 1 1 -t 11 (l-ia 'o I' I Ir. Ml, .II.) rH r., ll,rr, (', J 'llll Ulla.Hl, I'nrllall.l J"hit Ja h.oti I'nf Iliiuil I l( M'Hia. Ill.ioklli III HKJIT OK ALU To cImiim lh lytitm In (nil and iniHf hrm Hi-ui mannrr, hin iti inn. 1 1 Ilia inttir. liaa lh iru nd ffTt I rrinrHr. Hvrup uf K1. Huy h ou. In Manufarttirml by I ha CallfurnU Sirup t'n only. nd for U by all d- iifgia . al it) rrnn cf b"Hla. ptiivlalmial Knvrriiliiinl a nil d'-nyliiK lhal ilixra liail lirrit any liilirriTrni dy ih Mullrlua mrl'. lis alln u llili d iru. mi-mi Hid ilrapfillnai) parauraph ti. pr-aall( Ilia li.ipa Dial I ho ptii ivrriimi-ti( wuulil Ixi aliln to riirminti'r tho iiinrr uard nin w to the p.-a.r uf tha liihalillatit i)' Hik llrlllah iikI Anir-r. Iiwn iiinaiil. Tin liua put mor hrarl Inln l he n-l-la nml ilirri-fnra numlirr f ariiinl wiirrlnra hivo ealhrrrd ' Thr I'llllr.l Hlalr i rillivr l'llll.1.i.hl A'liiiirut Kama r 'Miiin.i ti.lln, liaa an IT. d hat aii'l lha admiral ha tiHd a i . I iHtiiaultuiloii Willi the turlnua i un.u'a Mil. r Juatlx' tiamln-r and Ilia ctpliiin ( llir I'.'ria.l.a ' Tlir t.imiaioia.l ai.vrrmtwni baa rr. in. i r. I ih Xlalicl.ia prlumar I" a aironifhiiitl mi His mainland, tlrilil vil. k). .n or llir.r lirada ilurlim lha Irani, (.r in ut.lrr tu inilnil.Uta ih-m. A frlKtidly frrlin la ahrtun ,y nifinr and nii-n uf lha llrlllah and A tii.rl.-tin ii.ii ir lirrv Tlia Ann ri. -un admltal run. l.-ii..) a in.-illMg if llir ..lunula, I lie- . lil.f Jil.ll.r and tho apluln nf ir Vatluu naililui in. ilm ( ntuiti, on h.iaid Hip! IiIi. an. II . .i,.l4l. a Hill Ida r 1llt l!l Ihr (TrM 'i:.l(l..n u( all uliimaliim Ii la tn-nriall)' th'iiiiilil Hi. I tifchtuitf I lia-ly i.i ut;iiir Oroifili.k viaduct In Jlurrnah, which la la tu , over m (at high, and will call fur about IMu inn ot malarial. A analnat till wa n"t that Ihl wack n ordar for aiwut ,ono torn of cut Iron plpa for llimno Ayr waa loat v !) Atimrlian blddara, an KnullcH vncvrn luklnK lha ordr at II cam par ton li than Hi American bid. In conanlldallon mUr jlltlt tht la naw ha bn croirpod up. It I un. dnritood that lha option lo ilka lha or of lha Ollvnr Inlorail on a allilln; arnile arruiMtanniiil continue open to th Nu. tlonal Hlnal f'ompany until tho return of If. W. Ollvt-r from lha Antlllra. Th National (Haul Company hn (iilrl lha Tti'iinaa furnace at Nile and la nea HutliiH for otliir furu-HHi, Ii looka aa IhoiiNh Ilia cloax ralutl'ma naccMury ha Iwann ilin tin pin is liilirrala arid Iho alii'i! mill woiiln bi aalulillnhad. Oplloha on lha plimia Bra now O'ln otiiaiiidl and an nriianlKatlon may be p'-rlWIed In a few wri-ka, Tli" ripiirla of Ilia aula of tho Aahland planl to lh Amarlian K(rl am Wlr Company are dwadadly pri-matur. 10 pin ll mildly. It I undrlood that an opiluil liaa bci-n olilaltmd on 4h aplcndld plain of 4li lllvarald Wnrka at Wlinl. Ina by lli' who ar working on th plpa roimoluldatlon. Tin oruiiiilaiitlon of tha at plpa con. olldatlnn la lit OK f(T Ifd till Wi'ck. I AN EFFORT TO POOL ISSUES Discontented Porto Rlcans At tempt to Effect an Entente With the Cubans. THE WORK OFMU.NOZIMVEPA Will Coite to Wai.lngtoB and De mand Civil Government and With drawal of Our Troopi TIIK ITIIAN AKHWMItl.Y IM I'HAt'TK'AlJ.Y Irimrally liiuro. by and Ilm l'iitilU'l,aym'iit of Troopa Will lla lina-itn 1'romplly. N K W Yt'llK. March II. A dlapalrh lo tlm Tribune from lUvuna aaya: The I'llmlimllon of (he aoallnl military aa. aatialily al Vrro aa a factor In Ilm r". torailHi of ordrr and Hie ra.aaiabllnh. tnpiil nf iriivrrniiii-iil Infuli a.wina nnw 'orri-puiid-n of til' Aaaoclatrd I'reaa. HAN JI AX 1K I'OHTO KlfO. March l.-Mun'. Hlvru. until r-ii-nt.y ncre tnry uf ai.iie In Hie I'orto HI' un i-Milnn and tho moat aimpiletn-d pollil(ni in1 tha lalaiul. 'will b-ave here on March 1" for C'uOu, wln-re he will hold conf. rt-m t Il"AD. ,i(h tu I'ulan rty and then urxe-d lo the I'nlK'd Mute, the Nemapapera , Waalilnifton be will. It la aal.l, rn. lfvor lo ttl:a-k the military uovern. rnent without lt Iuiik the mllliary guv. ernor. Jle will ili-maud a civil govern, mem for hla peopJe, w-h' are now bitter, ly warrlnK among Ibi-maelvea for polltl. lal aitiirrmui y. and he wl.t urge the with, drawn) uf American Iroopa from the mot Imiiortunt airatigic taae poaacaoed by the I'nlted Huaitv In Atlantic Water. It la known to a c.ien few that Mu- crrr liohtino mattkr HAS A')AIN GONE OVKR Oainmltlee (Iranted Kurlhe Tin; ly (he C'ourk-il to Muka It Report Aetof Htreet Jmprovemei!t. an ralalillaheil furl In ilm '" endeavor to tflwt an entente lrilrrl baa (irnctlcdly ccaavd fiilminallnna or that extraordinary and lrr-aHiiillila body, a mern revoulnnary fungu. which arcma lo pi-ra-liiale It growih undi-r roridlllnna whlrli have Iwt iign .. ' lla rollllly and nraa. j A law day aajo one uf thr Ir.itlH.-ai omtiira compared lhi moribund wwrn. bly to ihe Malory making ronallluilunal aaaemly whli Ii m.M al Vrraulllea and riiinpli-lrd hla almlle by likening do. mr to an end of the cn.ury Mlrubrau. who had enlerrd Into fK-goilallotia alth 'aiuillnr Maile Anlltiela. .Vol a alnali. iifWetattH-r In Havana. Cohan or M;aiali, hua ye 11 1. I a, word to ay In Willi lha Cuban leaik-ra and will aerk to unite hla c-uuee wlih fiiat of the Cuban. hmiui-nt pub.ltallon la made In the local pusx-ni of h-it-m (htt pun b-twen the two laiaiida on the aubject of Amrr. loan rule In I'orto Itioo. Th.. i'orto Itlcan editor of Kpanlxh l-ndinclea and the (ollowrra of Munox Klvera refrr with anifntrtiy lo tne ion. Uni t of the Cuban. ' who, they ay, worked a a united for their In. u'twiulrnce. Tha common council met In regular elon laat neXht, Meaar. Urlx and Welch belli abiient. A petition wraa read from a number ot proMrty owner In Weat Aatorla aaklng that a light 4 tdaced near lha Co-op. cannery. Th gtreet oomiiltte will de. cldf whether or not tha requnet Till h granted. l'eilllona were rad from Iwo peron who wleh the city lo muk good dam.ig- auffered by thrm on accwuni of the con. dlllon of aorne of th itreet of tha city. ilenry Mattaon. It aerma, fell through a atrevt In Weat Aatorla In January and he waa Injured to the eitent uf llS, which ha aakid lb council to pay. The matter wa referred to City Attorney Allen for a report aa tu the pooalllllty of the pe. Iltloner euereaafully bringing ault. Will. I.irn aaked durnagr in the turn of U.Z: III pHkn 't forth thai, while rtnvlng hi wagou on Twenty. ninth atreet, near Kxchunge, the vehicle went Into a hole In tb atreei. breaalnr a aprlng. ll wanted the city to pay for the repair. The oounoll d-cided that ha Jahould be relmburie-d In th hereafter. Mayor I It man returned, without hi Hpproval, Ihe ordlnnnca recenlly pmuied HUiborlxKig the auditor to lue warranii for the collection or the aaaeaainenu re. mulnlng unpaid on the Young' toy im. provemrnt. Tha mayor auted that he had vetoed Ihr roeaaura at th requeit of the Taxpayer' lugue, which ivpreaent- d to him Ibat tha cor of making the collection al thla time would be very great, and that further lime fhould rlgou fully ! granted the property owner In which to miik (ha payment. There la yet remaining unpaid on thla improvement Kim. PW of which come uodi-r lb 10-year InttaHment plan. Were tha mayor' veto ot the ordinance not ..... . mnts. 1.. ..... . jauaiaiiieu, aouv wouiu W wvuvrt-wu i iu I mediately, but the cut or l-k:ng the I collection would te great. The cltr would have to advance lha amount neceaiury 'for the collection cf the a-aamenta and ! would not relmbured until the prop. ;iTtjr owner paid tha tnoney. Tho v-to waa uetalned. Clinton. Han. aen and Ctslngc-r voting In the negative. An ordinance waa introduced grantlnar iAV. I.. rooltn further time In which to make the Aaicr treet Improveramu The ENDORSED DY TEJ1CIDS. Paine's Celery Compound Counteracts the Nerv ous Strain of the School Room. r.Vi Jit-"- r.) KJ i, , C by ain,. 1.1a . 1 1 .. I . I..n fptm Ih. Kl ... 1 ' .... 1 .u. . p. ... . r..- lhal .ha ataaal I l.n.r.1 lli-nrv Hlv. n. nartv hi. "- ......... ..... .... - Imth ihe (ilJi-cl ut a vlgorou atlark by the null. a. a. Ili'rmaiilo Iiliu. the n'W Vfc-nw of lb- ai-embly'a atiemnt "-"'ry "f Jualb-e. am-olntpd by to .1. tlonip although the alitor uf one of the mora radical .ulan oiii.uia, 11 ..i.i'iiaalon. alt In the a, inhty and taaia hla v.. aii Hie ma. joriiy for ihr ti-WHuii.-n of Comet' riiiiuiii.aloii. Tlnrr a.ia an urgent r'tnon f .r Milence, however, on thj edltiaT a part. for. rurvnieiy enmitrh. th.. handler nml il.-ulrra In lira apap'ra h.-re nnanl. Hi" o alv agreed to emulate no journal which attiicka i.n Hie deoartl gen. ral In . hipf. ; Thai ii.-nrri would continue to recogmxe lirmiul (iuinn n thi' tny lenpoiuiii.ip aKont iliiuugh whlih the py. nient of air.ara io the Ctil.iin a.Ndler could be made haa In-rn a f'Tctioni; roll, cluaion for eeveral d.-ija. I Tlila morning the Cuiuin ommander Itor drew Mtteil the gmerniir gineriil' headquar ter h lii!tailoii .in. I the two hud a 'friendly talk, on the beat m-ina of nr. ryliia the duurHuilin into effect. The .M.-ade. which inrrli the 3 ( ll.-nry a repreoemailve of tha lllieral party 'tmd l.e. iiue of hla relation. Willi Itlvera. wh'im the general deelred to treat with conal.leratloil. I hren or th four BWpapvr of l',,'i, I- nn a camp.ilgn of atiuoe airulnat Diax and the military gov. rnrreoit. They were warned ! m.Hlerjte ihe tone of their ar- ; llitea. but the wyiriilng paaoed unhealed. One morning laat wes k the of l'nmv miaaed tlii-.r uer and upon go. Ing down tow n found t'e ofJl'-e occupied by Ameri.un trji.a who had been or. ileno by the dlal'c t .'tiimand-r ' cl" Ihe eaial'llahmenia. The editor of one of Ihe i r refuaed to atibml! to the m i r who took poMeaaion of hi off!.-. In an aM rcatl-.n that followed, the ed. knife. A noldier from Ml- would have to e Improved by AprH 1. but It waa Impoaalble for Ihe contractor to ret the lumber, and he aak. d until June I. I'arker objecned. contending that the !reet ahould be Improved before that time. After toiw dlariiMlon. h father cf the ordinance agree.) to cut down the extended time by dViya. riving the con tractor until May 1 to mate the Ira. Iprovrment. It wa explained that Mr. fUi ''' ' -yV'.if) 1 ,' mm3m mm 'f :.::::-.::v.v."."'-'-'.'.-:. .'.- Mm . m I in. i. ilriinkcfi 4.Mi..r ainit niiilv-i hnvp I n IIUI llif IM , w r ia iv Biinr iii i ? " . Ifgr KtCAl, I.HTATK TIIANHKKHH :';...,, ..nitiiy ui John WarniafT. lionneaal quarter nf northwrat quar. ter and li II. aecllon &. lownililp 5 north range wl I l J It lillauap. trualer, to Hugh I' I .'. and I". blo-K I"; Inia I and ;n. hlo. k i. Hay View. Aatorl. o) Iluiinan Trai l Land tVmnwny to Ui le loilell. weat Jl feet of lot H block . Alirla 3'. ECZEMA ON FACE Condition 5uch Could Not do Out. In PhyAlc'iin'sCare Five Months. CU1 ICUKA jCurcd In I Month. I bad ciema on tha f. a for fir moalha, dur. lag whlrh the I w .a In caia of pliraklant. I eciuld not go nut 1 1 gulnil fnan lad In Worar, w ben a tiu nd r-eimmemld t .'i f Icce reinedwa. Afl-r I wa.hed my Ura wllh t'I't U'La fliuraial tueil I'd i li caa uiltitiBeiit and Cl'Tli na llaa.ii. vian- II rlined wioiilarfully. nad la a taoalA r-v ro eot a ft a u aw. T U i id. 4 . ru i 1 1. 31 i Maw H i. , B root lyn, N. T. It-Tlit'n ltVii.MV, realaalofklod pari I. ra and Iiuiii... en'M, puiill. Ilia M."l and tpeaiaiin auaia .rf ill au 4.Kaa,aad IIUI. RJ Mn IIhi e.e, wlilla ri Imii- Kllll ( I'll' VI oftoC,aii.!etillaiioli.lli.rtllllt I rn caa (.. lul.. Hiil I, unoli-al uf I'lli.iilleiil akin riinn, rlr.ii ua akin ant Hal or rra.u aial Males lla lietilai. Laiulii. ! InAaaiaialaoi, al. I Hull aia.lke ami heal llai uaxt nrn.rlii. .Ukiii In. Iitniiora of liar .kin, arl.. ainl l.luud, Willi loaJ I hair, wlivtt all other miailiM tail. eJainitlililiaofi.t. HirtiaK aa 0, riui. ,Hlua. Ilm tail an To.l..n akla UM.aM,n and afur the trlbuted o the under- JitMKI'll illll'II.I, II AM TI ILN'KJi IN "T1IIHTY " We. I Known i:.ln..r of Hie ciu.vgu Trl. biiiie l'.iara Away al Han Antonio. I , At . i a llilcf l.lnee. MAN AN1Mi. Te . MaiMi I Ji..-ph Me.ll.l. ollioi nr the Clil.ugo Tribune. I, ..I h. re ihi. iiii.rtiliiK ut In Ji o cl... k. of In-all fnllure. a-.-l Ji era . He waa cmucIoiib up lo the niomelil of tlciih. which he met with calm placidity. He auld to Ilia prltale phyahlan 10 Hiiimiie. Iiefure hr din): "My laat word ahall be 'What l thr newaT' " IU r.iini here three m nilha ago for hi lie.illh mid had been conllll.'d lu Ilia bed ..ii. five iluy. J.un ph M..IIII wa born In New Urmia. wl. k. Can. In. Anrll 1. I'd He went lo Ohio when n hoy and worked on hi 'appeal lo the I'nlted Statea for authority The proapect t.r building the remainder ..iliier farm until he wa 21 yeara old. jlo i-ontran a iHrtrcr b nn can ever reach of Ihe prraent railroad ytem by the He afierwnrda alinll.-d law and began the federal capital before Ihe army re. French Hallroud Company la hailed with pMotlcr at Now Philadelphia, ti. He V..e ihe promlaed arreara and the delight hy the labonnr waa owner of a free aoll and whig new, .procea of dlHtMndmrm Hegln. paper lu Cleveland, O. In lCu he bought ii n Iniereat In the Chicago Tribune, of which be became editor. In lTu lie waa a menilirr of the llltiml cuiiailtutlotuil i uuveiitlon. He waa appointed a mrmoer "I know nothing a good aa Paine' and palna that follow healthy omranlo ci ry compound." lay Miaa My 8her. function. win, for tha paai 17 yeara principal of ) Many yeara of uff-rtng might b the largeat public school In Bloomlngton, avoided, weary month of lout tlm pat III., "to counteract the nervou strain to good aervlce. and thousnnd of Utioi Incident to a constant life In the acbool aaved If person wno do not deep wall room. and those with overworked bra Ina and. "I have myself used Paine' celery nerve would take Paine' celery com. compound." (he continue, "with moil pouno. In tha cure of nervon diseases i aatlafactory results. It la a splendid (hi remedy has axaln anu araln dem. Ooodln wlahed lo procur the lumber )n I nerve tonic." on at rated Its power to combat these tea. Aetorh-i and for that reason the council rh.e discoverer of Palne'a celery com- acioua element. hou'.d grant him further time. Parker. pound was himself one of the greatest ! It Is to general poor hearth that W however, waa obdurate, and. when It waa : teacher that ever lived. are (o look for the cause of headaclvea, moved that the rule he suspended and j Kdward K. Phelps, M. D.. IX. D.. held rheumaOsm and neuralgia, and to the ordinance placed cn Its final pa-ange a famous profexaonihlp In Dartmouth overcome these trouble t la tha to which unanimous ronaent Is neces. ,.age, and wa a lecturer in other great general health that must be raised, sary Parker voted no. Mayor Ilergman j universities all the while he wa engaged Sick headaches that recur to period, will cH a special mce-tlng lo pa th ; in tlllI momentous study which led to cally with most women and are M measure. n the contract will become !np ch;ef accomplishment of the medical grievous aa affliction should be treated void April 1 unices Mr. Ooodin Is given ' r..aarth of (his country tive develop, as due to lowered nervous tone, and 4 more time. rnent of Paine a celery compound. ' thorough Invlgoration of the body should . o . .... illepetlna' ihr. hnaeel nf I t-v. . . ........ tM v . . ... t. . . . .Mirl. Ill the excitement which followed. ' " " V7 .u i- ..e. w u....r. ..e ... vuw u-d hla llah w ith .-.moat deadly . ff t '"""' mffll" n "l th' (eliigent women is that they are hurried pound. ... it. nhiie.. i,.,.r....i.. ii Astor street Improvement wa paesed. ,.,, driven and fretted timost out of The beat test of the wonderful vwlua ol Ujm tne limiting joiirnmisi. n waa .,,,.,.-,,. Th. ..wmmpnl .u., i- .k a-.-.i. .v.i. r.,..- , a .... .. . -,,llr- . . . . . . . . r..eli'.-.t .a..-. ... .... ,llieir avoeea vj luc Hnjii ...... r.iiir. . c.r. J vu i.v lu UK Will net I2a. foee. Ihe end nf the week conference la-tween toe two gmierala !" runs amonst tne lower classes, wn over wns announced that pay. In a recent trip around the Island a rnent would be begun promptly under etieral feeling of discontent and unrest ihe condition completed In the or gtuul dl-ovrred. aetilemeiit with the Waahliatton aulhorl. There are a great many Idle men all tlpl over the Island and the great army of Thla ibi laloii virtually dissolves the attache and hangers on that were a part military assembly, for there la now no ,h, finish system, and whk-h ikvb. t.r..i.e.-t that Ihe commission aiipolnie.l '"'' n enormous nur.ien for the tax- vrsterday to visit the I'nlted Htntes and 1ayrs. lire being discharged time and strength. Any woman will soon be convinced that An ordlMtinc waa introduced prohibit. x0 wnder, then, the average woman It Is the one remedy that can make and i ' .....i,. . . . r i . u ... . .... ..i... . .. j . i. .. . - j M. . . , . "of "i " J" i v. - niai ine I'voui-iiy ir suuuu aievy, risiu atru ncr wen iiiu uca.uu.ui man .owim. mm oi imi ii.. mi. ,h. .i .e.l no. ' .. ... . i nnn njviaiiiiK wini... ... n,t(esuon anu ine ireeoora xrom acnes Ing It a misdemeanor to throw filth Into the river. The ordinance provide as a penalty from W to too tine, or Imprls. 'rnent not to exeved 1(0 days, i An amendment to the license ordinance was passed, making Ihe license for bowl. Tug alleys It n quarter, instead ot xi. An ordinance reimbursing L. Mansuer in the sum of CM was possed. Msn. suer paid a street assessment twice and Ju I THR LEGISLATt'RK WILL ADJOCRX ON SATURDAY. Hut WAITOTT BEAT EDWARDS. NEW "YORK, March ll-WalcoU knocked Edsrard out in the 13th round Two Day More for Balloting at,t0night. Sacramento Another Newrapavper Regulation Has Been Passed. SACRAMENTO. March IS. The senate nas accepted the assembly concurrent TH)-: NEW Yt'HK HK8 BOI'TII. WAMIIINtVrON. March l-Admlral tne cltv is rerunding hi money. I An ordinance wa passed transferring resoiutror. caning iot eojourmrieni r.XS.75 from the general fund to the midnight, March IS. TnU leaves but two bond Interest fund to pay the first six j days more for balloting for United States 1 months" Interest on the bonded Indebted- jsemttor. The result of today's balloting, n.s of the city. however, showed the deadlock no nearur . . ....i,u. ..... r.paaniut hv Vp ' broken than It was six weeks ago. Three propunrar plans tor tne extension or tne fc attl)rney was i ballots were taken today, the last being roan, numers anu inuorers suae prm . , . , , ,K men or tne Island i A representative of rhe railroad hus been traveling about the Islund re-ently f ;r the cimrplctlon of th road. The com Pr, ilnstrucied to determine whether or not !the S3d of the session, every member of SAVE YQUR HANDS litli a al ailskauiUl Vvnuaaaauar. CALL FOR WAUnANTH. ; IUCNjaMIN P. HCTVlIIN.HtlN. I CIIK Aletl. March 16. HrtiJantln P. Hull hinsnii, at one time a leaolng grain nru.u.or In the United irlalcs, died lo. Iilllh: at Lake (leiieva, WIS. ' Mr Hutchinson ihed of lieurt trouble. II,. was 70 years old. Hutchinson was al Ihe height of ti la fume In IsSS, when he ran lila corner In September wheat. After that began Ills decline and th financial end cnine In lS'l. Ills last deal waa a big one. he being on Ihe wrong aide of the market for l3.wo.tnio. i No one knew how much he wns worth, IXIinute of his wcnlth when at hi height placed the amount anywhere from C.unu.miti to llrt.(i,oni. 7.1 - . I. . , , flmH.mi rc.rted by cnbl, from Puetro ,'.. ' ' , the rrty cl of he first i' V service i-ommlas dn by i , ' , w. ... i .i un ' anxious ro compieie ine wora I. , , , I're-ldent lirant In ls:i and In Ihe same "',1, ,,,n,,,lr lh- h"d nM i ml is now arranging some details wlih Jleglsilat urc ireald.nt i rant In m.l. ami In the same w , N(.w York government M Charncrtler iwaa li,ia 0 ear was elec ed mayor of Chingo. . , " . . h . . , . 1 goernment. fli. . narpi ruer. " for (Mlmanera. where he will be joined , h(i h.f hfff fl)r Bev,.ra m(,n,h,. j Ju bif the city charter recently passed by the was regular. The resolution on the table. fore adjournment Mr. Scher. I llllN AND HTIIKI. MAKKKTU MlliW IUX'IUKH IMIHOVKMKNT. Notice la hereby given to all partla holding Cl alarm county warrant! en. dorsad prior lo January I. 1W7. to present the lam to Ihe county treasurer at hi Large Bales Continue to He Made, While efTIci, 1M Tlnth gtreet,' for tieymont. the Price rttvudlly Advances No Inisrest cease after thll data. Change In Consolidation (Mailers. Dated this Mh day of March. ISM. j H. C. THOMPSON. Co. Traaurr. NUW YollK. March It!. The Iron Age. n . In III review of condllioii, suys: In all THHOUUH TICKETS TO BAN PIIAN- Ihe leading distributing centers, the Iron i'IHLO AND HACRAMKNTO. ALL uinl sieel Imerest lire excited nml ad. RAIL. viince ure being made with bewildering The A.torl. Ct.Tu"mbla Ulv.r R.llro.d r-M'Mlty. The demiind keep, up .urprls- Cn.npi.ny ha planed on aal at both th '""' '"" "' city and depot ticket office through llv''' ' " 1u-hWoii of ,.rlce, but ticket, to Ban Franclato and Bacramento, """I'ly. a mailer of obtaining Hie mu- via III Una and tha Southern Padllo from tt-rlial. Portland, natea from Aitorla ar a HH Inillcalloiis lire oropplinr i"l that follows: lnu ""'r '"" "ib1, Instances have rirst-c.lass. Including berth In Pull. come lo our notice repeatedly of late of man sleeper 127.00 work which Is being delayed or post. Second-class, Including berth In lauied becuuse prices are regarded ns tourist sleeper 117.00 too liltili. Such cases lire Isolated still At destination there will b mode a inn) do not cut any figure when coin- refund of W on flrit-clasi and M on sec. mired with the urgency of the demand ond-cluH tlckeU, nuking through net from many quarters, rat 119.00 first and I1S.0O ooond.claii a furllier sliurp advance bus been nm.le from Aatorla to point named. ron niong Hi,, line, Including Severn I grades. In the central went some by the Texas, Indiana. Itetrolt nnd 'Mar. bli'head. making up the full squadron, which will go southward for drHI. Good resutts are expected lo follow the visit of Ihe New York ami 'llrooklyn to Puerto Cortex In the matter of affecting a settle ment nf the Pease case. the legislature being present. follows: itarnea tvstee .. hurmt .. .. ....... .,...1 .Ktti th. mnva .fiH IM.n. .... . .IT.BU DM.. ...... .." Ui.lll .. ' I.u.1 .A Mahnl nil 8eOtt ... Washington on the steamer San Marcos, i .,,, .. . , Knsenfeklt (democrat) i udying this mutter, wl.l depart lie win urge upon tne presiueni ami tne . .. .... . ! "" ' . reccvnltion of the I I . . ; ! " : HKHiVMIBl.L'8 BlT-JSScm. UNlON. Odarch W Huron Russell, chief Justice of England, ha len ap. Iiolnteil successor of Huron Hersclu-ll on the Venesuelan commission. w un xne water cwiiuni5.aioii a m .c Bu" ibitf s.cretary of war a i .mruct and concession of the French i ompany. Hi. ...... 1n.tll.,P f.,.11... h... 1..... n. . ... ,.., , , ;ther time In which to make Us final re. pll.ii.m ail.. eii.i'ii'. .... ... n ... w. f,1. .! I 1 , more than m.-n who will wld ihe army The ballot ..S .. 1 . J. ..2 (de-mox-rat) 27 trie plant, ine commission, it seems, ue v nes luemocrau t has not yet collected all the Information Two ballots were cast which showed no desired. The committee wa granted fur. change. Both branches of the legislature have ! port. HEART DISEASE. Sume Facie KenaiiJinj; ihe Kiijiiij Increase of I lean Troubles. and municipal police In preserving or. der. The body will be conducted on the military plans and Jn many reaper! cor responds with the tluardla Civil of Spain nnd Mexico. The politicians here are beginning to see the firm nd Impartial method of i ihe governor general Is a wise one. To clearly define the position, the following order was recently addressed to Ihe mu. ntclpalltlea. dated February 20: SIX PERSON'S FKv.s ON VALDE8 GLACIER. parsed u measure requiring all news, paper articles which are libelous upon their face to be signed. Three Were Member of a New York York Scientific Company Five Dead of Scurvy at Copper River. THE VENEZUELAN CASE. Do Not He Alarmed, Hut Ixiok For the Cause. WASHINGTON. March 16. Chief Jus. tlce Fuller and Justice Brwer, of the i supreme court, will leave the union depot lior Paris so s to arrive there about SPITTLE. Mnrch 16. The steamer Ex. May !5 next, at which time oral angu. celslor. which arrived tonight from the ments on the British. Venexuela arbltra mouth cf Coper river, Alaska, brings on will be held. The hearing Is expected "Alcaides and counollmen are reminded newal of the freexlng to death of six men to cover three months. Ex-President thai orders are Issued lo be obeyed. In on Valdes glacier, about the first of Harrison and ex-Secretary of the Navy one case the alcalde rvs'stned because March. They were A.olph Ehrhardt. of Tracy will probably go to 'Paris at the they supposed they tmd received nn order ,w York: Maxmlllian Miller, of New 9ame time, aa they are the leading coun- liot ngreentile to them. No order had lYork: AWred Alleman, of New York: Dr. ae for Venexuela. Edwin Logan, or Denver: Rudolph Eller- , kamp. of Louisville. K. and August' DEMAND TNCKiUASED WAGES. Schulta. cf New York. . All the bodies except that of Dr. Logan were recovered and buried at Valdes. Ehrhardt. Miller and Alleman were mem. Prospecting Com. been given, but If It had been and not carried out, the course of the council Would have been contumacious and In 'Heart troubles, at least among the defiance of authority, and other actions Aiiici'tciiiis, are certainty Increasing, and woutd have followed Instead of reslgna. while Oils may be largely due to the ex. tlons being accepted. cltement and worry of American busl. , "H cannot be too strongly Impressed of the Sclentltl ness life. It Is more often tho result of up. n municipal councils that the Interests puny, of New York, wink stonmens, or poor uigestion. or the municipalities, nepenii upn tnetr i DEATir-s FROM SCURVY. SEATTLE, March 16 News that scurvy j The olllce boy who was dlsehnngi'd be ciiiiso ho would Indulge In cigarettes ex plained (ho Hlttmllon by aayliif that Ills employer thought that whore there was so much smoke there must neceisnr Ity be inme fire. Pears' Unless you have used Pears' soap you probably do not know what we mean by a soap with no free fat or alkali in it noth ing but soap. The more purely negative soap Is, the nearer does it approach perfection. lurgev blocks of bessemer pig may be of fered by the association at nn early Onto. In Hie cast (here have been large sates of low .phosphorous Iron nnd basic pig. Hi eel bus rustled up to t'Si M lo l.'fi 00 lit Mi. cast nnd close to the same figures In tlm central west, but the transactions ni'o not of great nuwnltiido, ' 'Price of finished uniterlal have been sharply ndvnnced, Sheets, bars, pipe, hi ruiM ui-al material nnd wire and wire nulla nro higher, nnd yet the market Is kept clear. Tho fact la that large orders tit'Cp cropping up for products or a., kinds. In one day a tidewater shipyard had orders for eleven targe steamers nnd couid not accept single one. Occasionally facts como to the surface, .which seoms to Invalidate the conclusion that we are cutting off our export trade completely. Among these we may note tho sale of 8, 500 tons of morohnnt pipe by the National Tube Worki to South Af rica of the contract taken by the Penn sylvania Stoel Company for the Qreat Real orgaitlc disease Is Incurable; but honesty, sctil nnd attention to duty. not one case In a hundred of heart trou- Without this, tho people they represent bin Is organic. . suffer and the progress of the Island Is amonK ,he urosivctors of Tho rlose relation between heart trou. held buck. No more Important body ex. rlvlr .,!,;. nii ,ha. slv men bio and poor dUcewlkin Is because both Jsis than the various councils, and the perished from cold on Valdes tjlailer In' organs nre controlled by the same great poop!,, sltould Insist upon being properly ,((,e 'p,r8t jttyg 0 .March was brought j nerves, ine s.vmpiiineuc anu rui uino. represemen ny mcir uesi men ana no h tonliiht on the steamer ExceWlor I gasiric. oiners. ami ir snmim i- roiisioereu nu f .,h . Com,,,r riVtf, sllc CHICIAGO. March 16.-Repreaentatlves of the Stove Founders' Nutlonal Defense Assooltttlon and delegates from the Iron Moulders' Union of North America held a conference here today and voted a raise of 10 per cent In wages, which di rectly benefits 13.0OO stove moulders. WILL 8IG.N THE TREATY. MADRID, March 1". 1 a. m. The queer, regent will sign the ratification of tha peace treaty today. It la very hard to stand idly by and sea our dear onea luffer while awaiting the arrival of the doctor.' An Albany (N. T.) dairyman called at a drug at or there for a doctor to come and ae hla child, then very tick with croup. Not finding the doctor in, he left word Sot him to com at once on hla return. He also bought a bottle of . Chamberlain' Cough Remedy, which he hoped would give some relief until th doctor should arrive. In a few hours h returned, say. Ing the doctor need 'not come, a th child wa much better. The druggist, Mr. Otto Bcholx, say th family ha sine recommended Chamberlain' Couch Remedy to their neighbor and friend until h ha a constant demand for It from that part of th country. For 1 by Charle Roger. The United States ha H6.3SS saloon. There are 1100 breweries In Belgium. We have saved many doctor hill alne w began using Chamberlain' Couch Remedy- In our home. We keep a bottla open all th tlm and whenever any ot my family or myaelf begin to catch oold we begin to use th Cough Remedy, and a a result w never have to end away for a doctor and Incur a tare doctor bill, ' for "Chamberlain' Couch Remedy never fall to our. 1 It la ear. talnly medlcra of great merit and worth. D. a Mearkle, General Merchant and Farmer. Matde, Bedford county, Pa. For Ml by Charles Roger. : The mayor of Macon, Ga., Is collect, ing subscription for supplying at least one daily paper to each family now with, out one. He believes that this is in th Interest of law, and order, and wisdom, and sobriety In the community, and th local press unanimously agrses with him. ANOTHER CABINET OFFICER. Congress will soon be called upon to pass a law creating a new cabinet port, tollo. This official wla probably be known as the secretary of th colonies. ..'li IHH v'l v I'l'i'ti li. cl. cue . ,, . , . . , . . , ,w , in another way. also, tho heart Is af. honor to hold such positions of respon- m,m nearlv w passengers. 40 per rem I 1 wU' b h'S ,dU'y ' J 1 ,1 ATni fecicd by tho form of poor dlKastlon, slblllty. whli'h causes gas nnd fermentation from "They of whom were suffering from scurvy. wnvs be remedied. "I" eomninnd of Major Henry.'! "W. P. HALL Adjutant General." I must .earn one. hksoii, now. ,..iowlnu- Is the list ivf those who have half digested food. There Is a feeling ever, that Is. before they govern others from scurvy thi(, winter: S. Mllll- of uppression and hiiivlnesa In tho ehcut or can give proper example to people gm uf ljPg AngiMes; John Rohr. of Hon. causeil by pressure of tho distended they must govern themselves nnd obey 0Uiu. j. Vrban,' of Pittsburg. Pa.- s'luniiich on the heart and lungs, Inter- rromptly nil legal orders, submitting for j iM.' iaikn, of San Jose Cul D G ferlnK wlih tholr notion; hence nrlses appeal any unjust ones, which wlf nl- usnmiin unj Dan Mamird," of Meadville, piiipiiuiioii aim snori uiraiu, ways oe reiiiiiueu. 'o 1'oor ingestion niso poisons tne wooa. making It thin nnd watery, which Irri tates and weakens the heart. i I Thn nnmt senslbln treatment for heart ' ! " , ., ,. j NEW EiNTKltl VtlSK l-XHt BKATTI.E. trouble is to Improve the digestion and lo Inaure the prompt assimilation of food, ' ct.i.liMiirH, 0.. .Miych 16. Q. H. Guer. This can be done by the regular use In, formerly president of the Columbus, after meals of some safe, plensnnt and Sandusky & Hocking railroad, has nc. effiH-tlve digestive lir.-partitlon, like Stu. cepted the presidency ot the Seattle & nrt'a Dyspepsia Table1!, which may be flan Frnnclsco Railroad and Navigation found at most drug stores and which Company, and will leave here Saiuiday contain, valuable, harmless digestive, ele. to look over the property and arrange nvirts In a pleasant, convenlont form, to launch the enterprise. The new com- It Is safe to say that Ihe regular, per- pany will control 30,000 acre, of coal slatont use of etunft' Dyspepsia Tab- land, but 90 miles from Seattle, and thn lets at men! time wH) cure any form of rond will be constructed -from the mine stomach trouble exoept cancer of the to the seaboard, where It will be loaded stomach. ion vessels and shipped to San Kfanclsco. Full ilxed package ofl these tablets sold Honolulu and Alaska. The company will by druggists at 60 cents. Little book on operate both railroad and ' steamship stomach troubles mailed free. Address ''lines. The money for the enterprise has F. A. 8tuart Co., Marshall, Mich. been raised. FOUiKR'S PARTY SAFE. SEATTLE. March 16.-H. O. Nordvlg. of Portland, Ore., and G. B. Wilson, of Browning. Mo., are the latest arrivals frJin the Koyukuk district, Alaska. They rcpjrt the safety of the party of eight, headed .by Jack Folgcr, an old Alaskan, who started from Rampart City to Koy. ukuk nnd who, It was feared, had per ished In a billiard. Six of the party re turned to Rampart City, but Folger and one companion pushed through tm Peavy. For 21 daya they subsisted on dog meat. Nordvlg and Wilson also report scurvy among the Alaska Union party, of Chi cago, at Union City. ' London has 15,452 policemen. , c , . , . Persia's shah smokes a 11.000 plpa fare of the Islands which were se xed ny the United States In our war with Brain. While he Is attending to his duties. Hos. tetter's Stomach Bitters will cjnilnue to attend to Us duties or curing the sick of stomach, liver and kidney disorders, just as it has been doing for fifty yean. Its greatest virtues are In building up run-down systems; In quieting and tonin, unstrung nerves; in overcoming dys pepsia. Indigestion and constipation. Try a bottle If you feel "out of sorts." The up-to-date undertaking establish ment Is anything but gruesome, but Is about the gayest looking place In town with mirrors, palms and the brightest colorings In coloring and wall paper. CHANGE OF PARTNERSHIP. Notice Is hereby given that the under, signed 'has this day sold his Interest In the business of Ohristansen & Co. and withdrawn from said firm. All outstand ing accounts are payable to said firm and aH liabilities contracted on account ot the old business will be liquidated by the remaining partners In snld firm. Astoria, March IS, 1899. ANGUS GOR. The "Death Knell" ha been sounded to Apothecaries' Drugs, and a sign "TO LET" wHl be in many windows of doc tor offices since the Aunt Jan Horn Remedy for female trouble has been placed on the market. Every man or woman, married or single, should send a two-cent itamp to our office for a bean, tlful Illustrated circular, free. Address Tlie Aunt Jane Medicine Co., rooms 13-lt Lewis Building, Portland, Oregon. NOTICE OF ASSIGNKE'3 SALE. Notice Is hereby given that the under, signed, assignee of the Columbia Iron Works, under and by virtue of th u. thortty given me by the circuit court ot the State of Oregon for the county of Clatsop, hereby offers for rale for eih, in go.d coin, all of the personal property of snld Columbia Iron Works, consisting of tools, machinery, apparatus snd ma. tertol. Sale not to include notes or ac counts. And that I will receive sealed bids for all of sold property, to be delivered to in before the 25th day of March. at th hour of 10 o'clock a. m. ot said day, at which hour all bid received will b opened at the office of said Iron Works in th City of Astoria, Oregon. Th said property to be aoid a a whole to th highest and beet bidder, for cash, ub. ject to ratification of tlie said court cr judge thereof. F. W. NEWELL, Dated March 11th, 1899. Arirz.