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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1898)
' NIK DAILY ANTUHIAMt WEDNESDAY MOMLNU. DECEMBER 21, l'Jo RAIUIOAD COIMWNATION mkfxt nro bhtbctfid, O'liiKilUUtlun of Vaiwtarbllt HyaUmj Kat uf Clilva With North wwtiorn and Union l'uilflo lioimil, NJCW rOHIC, Uwi. .-TIij Trllmrw worn "II 1 roiiiHixl lliat a ixinilliiflUim of til Vniklnt'lilll syatMll tat nf t'lil.u Willi Urn Clilimtfo hiU Nrihwrlrii ami Union INu'lllu may la tin1r OOIwlil.irull.llk. "Tim Nw York Ontriil will, uinlr iiikIi rlioiiin, nohuniiii II J' r mnt (xillnNiral Irtial Ixxnt tor I'lt.iiwu awl Nrliwn(rii profnriiM uml ooiiiimm nl luu Mint U) rval'W'U wly. 'I'll" iiiUi nuh uf llm Nvw Yik i il Mli'itt would tlii-n IuimI at 10,101, Willi IhiiiiIoI (IiiIiI uf i.i.',iju,uiu, .u,uu,uw J', pvr will trust ami lm,lMl,WX) aUk, "Ao.or.IHis; tu Uiy luli'sl r tuiua and MllliialD, 4in not i'rnlnK kflpr nuilal una ( would Ht,lu,'.i for ilia sysluiu, Ravin a twl kJU ( W,ilj,lM ttflnr IU1 uliargn, or mi 16 mr votil on N-w York Oiiiml stock, "Tim tN-iK.rl tlial th Viidtbill linn Ml of C'lll' UJI" mlltl bo voml'liivU Willi Ilia t'lilrnru and NortliwMlatit and l)nl'ii I'atuno la by ih mean a now one, .n4 atwliM U Iju ii.rl liiiirilmUli, ltlnioll Joining uf fun l nt llkuly to on if' Iwuiod for a good wlilla to imi. Tliu uoitaolldalkm of III Nvw York Cm I ml ltd tk Htim ronda, II I uikIiumIihmI, lis aliuwn rolt o iaiinftutory to Hie Imefeaia whli h brought It about thai Uuy r0 oUniUnii lo r'iiil Ilia plmi lu tit Xllililg"! C'Mitrl iwl othnr lino of Ui tni, Willi tha Oil' Oav itl Nortliwminn t twl i'iuliy purl of I luit yini, Ilia Viuitlprblll vir tually tmitrol It mul ilifir liolillii of Liuuit I'fclllo vcuriilMi mi o cklMi' lv lliitl tliny r lnlluJliU in tti tllrvuiloii of llial gtvX rllruJ xioin. 11)- .n. riutn llmlr lnvtiuiii In Unlli I'n.'lflo lo ti Usui ini lo Uiom vuntrol, lliey would hv t line rvut lo Ui far wt by Ui Nw York C'onl ml una Lk Mlior to lludalo, by Uia Laka Uliuia anil Mluliin Huullmin ajul Uk Mlulil(4t Cvulral, (liwu lo Clu'ao, from Clil4o to imiwUi by tii l'lilto anil Nonnwralnrii, ami frmn Oinuliit viia by tn IJnUirt l'iu.liic. "Tli l.'liiull I'ltillla l till r"k--Uill uhki likly to l Ilia uurihaarr of llm C hUMna ami AH. in. U II lioiilil lako uir III I rontl, ll oit aubasijuani li- ruikn by ilia VwiUi-rl-iU yfiii woulil (iv 11m litlir an almrtutilv ruul b lit Ctihmfo and Hi far wot, Uiv Alton t leii.l from UU4g to Kana City, I ho iMinliiu of I lip kanaita binh wliU h )ilii IU main lln at ChrMin " SUNKEN WAR YESSELS TO BE RAISED Government Will Call for Bids for Raising the Maine and the Spanish Cruiser Cristobal Colon. xrj- '-pL .... 7 Y-J;;;':- MOW YdliK. Dor, JD.-A. poolal lo lh vlow of lh faiil lhU o many omltwoiitn Trlliuna from Wahlnun m' of apparent trutworUiln war wlllln 8 riary Ixhi wilt oon laaua advw. to put (heir oonflln to th tnwt In iX- dnwnla rwlllnc for propoaoJ for rlJn tompdnc to rata tha vaalt arvd run tha Malna a4 tha CrlatobaJ Colon, In nln Hi liak of fallura, tha mombara of wmiriWuioa with lh dMalon of tha board tha board greed tha Jt would b ad- vliabl to hav an open compUilon and award th work to tha bidder who would ba wllllna; to JM-ft th bawt raaaoiwbla oompKnaatlon, otW Ihlnara balnf equal. ' In th advrtiamot iugniad by th Ixwrd btddnr will U Informed that they tnuat furnlah to tha navy departrnarU kNiiafariory lunula In au h anx'imt that lh (ovvrTiinent will b fully protactad nlnat lw through lnmiptnry or of conai ruollon to which th niBr had been refvrrtd. Th Uiard hu undar oonalderatlon (v- ral prnpilllnii frmi rnlnriira arul wrmklnaT oompanloa prwnlln feaalbl olienie for raialn; th Vaaaela and da llv.rln- them to lh New York ir lh Norfolk nyy yard, without lnvnvin lh ovrri in nl In any iwn unlra their rT'arM war uocaafuL It waa, howvr, Impoaalbla to malt naraleaaruMA any aeltkm from tha propoaala, and In I CIVIL WAn VKTKIXAN IiKAD. I MM NEW TOKK, Dec. .-Colon Th"ina j Ward 1xrn la dead at hla bma In lhl ' rlty, aad tt yi-ar. II won dlatlnrlltm at , th ball lea of Chanralloravllla arul 0e. tyahurf, In th hurt ari4rn(vmtt havlnj ommm1d th artillery of th Elavorrth uip rfi Die itbi of (VTrmtery lt''le. Aflor th war h wa chlof of th Freed man' buru In th auuth ami auba. quantly Tutted But) aenator from Klortda. CRITICAL MOMENTS. r.vrrjr unitrrtatini In life ha it rriliral mnmmta. llliloty I full of limlanrr wlirte the fair of nntiona hung on the Imiif of a aiiitfte miuulr Wlirn jrouiif ilutiauiitr atuulird uti III- IUk and apranx fniwaul on tlir IliuiKr of IaJi, in Hut btirf Inatanl hr nprnrd lli way for lh conqtirt of half wmM Eteep in the IVorld Keep informed of what is going on; read the papers and magazines; save time from housework for rest and reading by using feffT 1 tTAtHIKQ POVOEn 0 njr i ana gives results tnai please. 5 S"-1- THI . K. MIRBANK COMPAWf, 2 Chlraro. Iywla. Mew York. Do ton. I'tilladalphla. &OOOOO9OOfiOO0O9OOOOOOOOOO(e9O6OCi9OOO9O0OO9 R. L. Boyle crt Co Lcodlny; Real Bstatc Dcolcr of ASTORIA, ORHGON . WriUi for In formation ami ramplhb. 535 Commercial Street A. V. ALrLEN ...Fancy and Staple Groceries... Fruit Jars and Jelly (Jlaiwes. .. ..Prices Lowe With the Fruit to go in them g Than Ever : Victor Rost, r.levtatn to I'oll Trl k-lni h Offic. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER EnnilnU and HwImm Waichcn n Hpeclalty All reoalrtn- innm hv niair oaiiai action a;uaratiaa. Muelc Bole repaired. Marin Chronometer Rated aod Repaired IIKTntNKIJ IS CAMP. I rUnMINKNT MI.MrtT..ll IiKAH. .Nfctt YtiltK. l. lo -ltv. Ur. IMJllel WIm I li-d al hla hotna In KtMllvaootl, N. J. II wa burn an rortamouih. Kn. Uml, lit l4 aim rain 10 till county In U.U ainl Imama a nilnlalcr of III MmlHullat KlilwoM thurvh. r"'ir live yewia Mr. Ulm waa exlll'.r of Ilia tlurflay Svhuul Mwrngrr wild later uf lit lullea' rrl. Ilia llhutln lalaml HAN KltANCIMro, Ixw. !n -The thrr ; rmianlea of New Tork vounlrra ' lritia:hl from Honolulu on th Ptandla I hav taken fr..,n of lh ramp at ' lh Vroal.Ho. vacated by the four rom- JfV' 7 VC'O- Y anlea of lh tbe rlmnt whlrh left (or "0" ri I v Sn hoinn )rlnr.1 Aa .Hn ihe requ :. ' -fty TJr.-i tkma of tha mn for winter cloihlrm and fj V other ncrHlna ar niM ttiry alao will be aent bark to th Kmpir atat. BUWIS MAKKH A PRNlAl. NEW YOIIK. Io. sa.-F.dwm Qould U rilna; to remove til bl( match factory from I'aaaair, N. J., to Dwtrolt. In a pub llo atatement Mr. (lould aayi: "It la not I iru that I contemplate moving tha I pkOM f nm l"elr lo IMroK. The rawulr TiMii"rn. anil Klun'a Herald. II then farlory will b worked th lame aver. boiwme, from U X oorfep.nilln; amrntary of Itw Mthxlui Hunday tkliool fum and Trail Hm-imy. and editor af inn Hiuulny fcVh.Mil Advoit and alwi of lh Huitduy H.hmd and Tr t publication of Iho Melhmllat Kplai-fpal church. ir. Sa waa th a'lthor of mora than 30 rcHiiliioa iifka for yotin: papl. Bcv. owl ur ttiiea 1h v ii iraiiiimiM r,,.! - .. 1 ti 1 I M .,, hi ,tv nr. Dark ('rccn C,tmu, Tale he- he wna a atrona; alxilitl'Hilal. Th Continental Match Company la limp ly f rowing and another plant will U op. ertl In IelroU." Beautiful Roy;., llavarian China NKW THKAHVItnt Kl.lTi:i. NKW YnllK. Dec. ai.-Th Tr.buti aaya; "It la lhal William II. TtiiMHKJ. of ItiHiPun, will au.vecd Mr. H.-arlc a trwurer of Ihe Mu-ar Corn pan)'. Mr. Tlnin.ia. who la Jd to be worth li'..i"i,ii. ww lrltKly owner of Ihn Hundnnl refinery In lloeton. tiwnll M. I'almcr will luke Mr. Soorlea' plao In lh loard of dlrntor. Mr. Palmer Ima Iiit bi In d irt btwlmiui relation with lh American Hngar Hllnlim Compuny, being p of Ihe Urooklyn Conper Ciimpuiiy. wlit.'h manurui lurca the li.ui.'U ua.xl by Iho auitiir cuiiiiiii..v. mi.i owner of tin. big Palmer dink In the r.mlcin dlnlrl. of llronklyn, v. lure the rxllrottd flout i'.iiio itml the etiKitr cm puny 'a product la ehllil. lie l ! nngniti-il In the whiilcaiile Irmle In llr.w.k. ly ii. lln Ik it director In .veverl local llii.iiicliil cunccriia. ut'Biiici) with tiuii;iis. rtfllKNUCTKDY. N. Y Poo. .-Th rirnt ordur fmni nn KiiKlUth ritllroml to Im rccnlvwl ut tho Bclic-tnn'tedy Uit-nino-llva Wrka culla for ten Mogul freight Miglma which will lw built tor tho Mid lniid llullowd. Tim nutclilnoa will lie of Amurloun pattern with cyllnd.'ra IS lnuhe In illanint..r with Sl-lnch uimI tltt tl with all modern npplinnce. Tho ehlpmiml of loconnitlvca Iiiik Jtmt bu.n roniplWcd for the Nippon mllrnnd nf Jiipiui, unci tha work mo runnlnn , itluli . uud day with a force of 2,u" ni. n, CASYORIA For Infants i.nd Children Yb fi- turf The Choicest Tabic Wines... Carlson's FamllyLiquor Store Hot rope center .vid large Cameo heads, ('iraciful shapes Salails, Comports, Koll Trays, Fancy Chocolate and Tea Cups, Cake. Tea. Fruit, and Uread and Hut- tcrP.ates, and everything that's beautiful Effective prices Crttt American ImportlnoTea Co. B71 Commercial uml Writ fnr Catalogue Aliotit own iminih ago my child, which I fifteen monilii old, had an attnek of d:arrh.iia nc ouimnli-d by vomiting. 1 guvo It an h rvinedlca aa ore uau.illy glv m in ain-h iiim i, but na nutlilng x n ;i. f, i at-tii for a 1'hya.clun itnd It wna under hi care a week. At th. tunc the child luid be n l. k for nlwui ten diiyn and wna having nlmtil twenty-live o!era llnna of' tha bowola every twelve houta, mid were convinced that unlca II .o.iii ol.talncil rdn-f tl would not live, fh.imh.-tl.iln'a O'Hc, CtMl'-r mid 1 rr lima wna riv.iminend-d, nnd I decided l try It. 1 alt noticed a t-hiing f ir ihn littler! by In continued ua a .oinplel.i euro wna brought about and It la now p.foilly healthy. C. U UutlC.H. dtiimptowtf. Ollnur Co., W. V. Kor !. by I'lnulca Uikt, druKglat. , WiVriVW.V.V.iV.i.V.V I ASTORIA MEAT COMPANY 1 . Telephone No. .12 ? 3: I Handles Only the Choicest Meats i 4S C nawrclal lt.. netl Palart Perm a... .w.vMW,,v.w,WMVAv;,vw COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths: Boilermakers Machinists .' A hill tin t Pipe. Tcc. tai 5nekera' Artltka. FHKH. rilA.8. Pen ' your iinm to 11. K. Itu. klcn A Co., Chicago, nnd Kl a froe aumplo box of Kr. Klng'a Now Llfo I'llbi. A trial will convince, you of (hi Ir mvlt. Tlu pli; uro tuny In action tunl nro lvrlt ulnrly effectlvo In tho cure of cuiiNtlpatlnn und Sick Ilemlitche, Kor Miliaria nnd U vor iroiibli-i thoy hiive boon proved l:tvlu- ahln. Thoy ora guiirantotnl to uo po. tocuy free from avory doletothnis aubatiinc and to ho purely vcgctitblo. Thoy do nt winkotihy their action, but by giving ton8 lo Htomuch and howoU greatly tnvlgor.ita tho aystein. ltegular 26 cents per box. Sold by Kti-Conn Drug C, ItlCA'rS THE KLONDIKE. Mr. A. C, Thimaa, of Maryavlllo, Tex., hn found a more valunbln ilia, overy thnn hna yet beon mnde In tho Klondike, for year ho auffcred untold iigony fivm con aumptlnn, ccomnAnlwt by licmorrhaHes; and wna absolutely cured by Ir. Klng'a Now Discovery for Conmimivtlnn, Coughs, and Colds, Ilu doclnre. that gold Is of llttla vultia In tompiirlson with this mnr volotts euro: would hnva It, even If It coat a hundred dollitrs a bottle, Asthmn, bron chitis and all throat nnd lung nffoctlons lire positively cured by Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consumption, Trial bottles free, at Kste-Conn Drug Co, itegulur sine. 60 cents and ll.flfl. Utmrnnlwed to cut or prlca refunded. Nearly r vet j man and woman can recall some individual tapctimce when an in atani'a drci.ion ha made niontlia or jrcara of happinrMi or raiiy. There arr uwra when a man's health ia al atake upon tlie cair hr (ivra lo it within Iwmty four hours. He may be up uud on his fret, and going about hi wmk. hut ln eynlrm ha become run-don and wraki ned to tluf p-'tnt that a few hour me a critical a if he wrte al Ihe laming point nf a dan grtuua fever, bul be i.wn l rralirr it. It ia the Mine w jiy a hen a nun' liver baa been ottl of order o long, and hi. blood o choked up with lih..u puiMin Hut hi lung liegin lo tt allected and be frel that he ia going into mnaumption. Tin ii the critical moment. Hr mav not be incnnumption at all si that time; but a few day. or rven hour may put him into it. A gtrat many caw ol wavting diacaeo which have been cured by lr I'icicc C.iddrn Medical l)ic)very have been dug. noted by doctor as caw of conuniptmn, when tliry were really were caea nf lull on potvintug and malnutrition, accom panied by a harking rough. IH. 1'iercc'a lemaikablr " Hivcnvrry " gives the liver power lo throw oiT biliou rrretion : en- ablethe stomach and blond making otvani i 4f.a Cominorclul ... .i:.... i .....i . , , -i t'-u r.hi voiivrii ii i-n.i Ullolf. aonie iimiil-hiiirnt and health) bNxid which " bral the Inll ir.icd lung and hmnchiai li-u.' and build up tleh and 'liencth. ! Tin ii.itutiii pr..ces of c.niic at a crilical ru..nirnt when IV lung are jul on Ihe vctife of bi tug ..m rwlu li:ird and broken by l ilv p..niicd bLmd Thert are well authenticated vr-c in w Inch tin " liucovrry " una reMnud htnllh even ' aftrr the lung tiiuc .t wmm!) nn. ' Sailed. In l!ire c:im. .' linn lo I !ic iagmie i if cmincni phMc:.iii it h,i I actu.illv cuifl ci,ii-n.iipti,iii. niuii) ..f j Ihe con cured hud Ih-ch piuiionnccl cm- ' sumption by Ihe trt plivsicimis nhlnin ( able; but in the majmity't.f in-Oniii-c. .1 I would Ik- more coin cl lo ay, that it eaves 1 people fiom ctiiiMiniption. . It i, to Mir the IcuM, a tlu.roiiulilv well I t'.ict, that tlir "I'nliKn Mini i -..i i,. , , . . . . tut .' cine., wcilli 1U1IKH. oil i!.n.J fiom Hie liini,'. oliMinate, lincrii.c coukIi-, btnrichic:il mi. etii.n mul nil tlio.e dcri'igc tmnlo and in.iil.j.l cioiiliti..'... ii cl.u'ini; ein.ici.ituu. (.. wustiiii; a,ty .if fit l .iliuii, il in ch etc. 1 nr improjtrily tre.unl, lun! -hi to c.intiui.tiiin The cim- nf Mr. Smith, nf Cap creek, Wavnc Co., Ky , show the marvel ous inn of thin yvitndrt ful remedy. In a I. Iter to Dr. I'irrcc, he writ. : "1 t.x.k a arwre cold which aeli'cd on nv tnn and chei, and I nlli.u-.t intei.rly I (rieil .ewriil of our l-t p!ivi i.-n h, iv. mid Ihrv irive up nil hopr of inv rv,.er- tl.ev niI.I Uml I had coiutiniiitiot- and c. old live "...t n few il.iy or week Mr. Jna l...rii.n, n m dd-or came to tin-nmHold me I,, lir. I uv Uml lie could cure inc. I did an, and In- v.n.ti nie wlmt kind nf nirilicine t.i net. I link live buttle nl Dr. l'ierce'a C.iildcn Mc.uVnl Hiv-wn v and new I nm aoimd and well. I leel tutur limn I have In leu yrara." Hut long before dixrasc hiu proyr-cs' d to any such dipernte point i the tiuie' when Ihe " Discovery " is of mot ntiivi-. sill lielirlit. Its utrrugthc nitig nid slmcld be obtained nt ilte first sign ol f dlini: ini'" tile, impuiicd digestion, or a coiiMipaivd tendency. l'or tliin and dchilitntcd women and Ctiny children, it is the best possible flr-di ulliler, and strength promoter. I'm tlim.. whose blond is iuiptitc nnd skin in an tin. licnltliy cnn.lition, this blood-renoviuinc "Discovery" is far more effective thmi lotions or cosmetics, It Is mil a mite temporary stimulus; it docs not nuke flabby fat. Kor this reason it is fnr pu icr able to malt extnicts and nauseous em! liver oil emulsion. It creates hard, healthy flesh ami permanent vigor, nr. I'ierce'e Common Sense Medical Advi r Will now tie acnlalMulutely flee for the men- I of mailing only, twenty one nue-ceiit st.iiinw which should lie inch wed to World's DIsikii anry Medical Aasucinlion, lliiffulo, N. V or tell .taiupa extra, if a heavier, cloth-bound copy Ii I Foimdrymen Loggers' Supplies Kept in Stock Logging HnftlncH Built nnd Kcpnlr-ecl. Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specialty ' Sulc Mnnu.acttircrs of tbc l'Mtriris.Hfl ... "Harrisdi Sccliongp Propeller Wheel ... MunufaVturcrs for the I'aciMc Cmit Tor the KOMEKTS WATCK-TI KR I50ILCK. Manulavliirer and llr I r - - - W. F. SCHEIBE, FINE CIGARS! u u u X 1 i L LEBECK Corponter nnd Builder Cicnornl Contractor HOUSE RAlSlNQ AND riOVIvfJ A SPECIALTY r I LOUVRH Seventh and Astor Streets SHASTA MINERAL WATEK, I'Ci'l'CR, NOULE, KICKOKY AXI) SHAW'S MALT WHISKIES. ALL OTHER LIQUORS, WINES, BEER AXD CIGAK3 Borved Dny nnd NlsHt. AUGUST KRATZ, - - Mnnoser THE RUSSELL : : : Compound Automatic Engine ; V ?' - M ' rt i,1-:-i' " r h'7:V':.X r-:v ; -..1 FxTvM.n;;.;:.;rrrJ' -Strong and Economical. Write us for particulars. A. IL A ERILL, RUSSELL & CO., Manager. Portland, Oregon, HOflE-riADE Taffies, Caramels, Chocolates and Bon- Bonsresb every day, at THE SPA. C. a. TRBNCHARD Commission, Brokerage, custom houho Broker. J , ASTORIA, OREGON. nsurance and Jhipplnz. A.entw.F..c..,.ndPacin.EipreCo'. ' l"l fj M jffA w a-. M . g Astoria's -Leading Hotel Meglcr X Wright, Props. ( Kopp's "Best A DELICIOUS DRINK.. amd ABSOLUELY PURE TLe North Paoifio Brewery, of which MrJobn Kopp ia proprietor, makes) bee (or dnietic auj fipoii trade. Bottled bcr for family dm, or keg br supplied X toy titna, delivery is tha city free. NORTH PACIFIC BREWERY The IMPRRIAL Hotel j 2 THOS. GUINEAN, Proprietor e rHrt. Portland, Or. tuuantAruvruiAuvriruriArLr Pacific Sheet Metal Works MANUFACTURERS OF sF "CAN s s,icc and Syrup Lithographing on Tin a Specialty. San Francisco. Cal. Astoria. Ore. Fairnaven, Wasa. Write U for PHeeB Vkw from Cliff House, San Frandsco. (Thyallmok4,SaL'') The Seal of Approval has been placed on Seal of North Carolina Smoking Tobacco by a generation U of pipe-smokers, . whose common sense has shown them its superior- ity over all common kinds It tastes p better 'and better as you smoke it P longer 1 Have you tried it ? j u If Mild and Cool. g The Original Plug Cut Always the same The Pat Market Flour, - Feed and" Hay BT-4 Commercial Street. Special Oriental Curlosltleci and Toys. We must reduce stock and. Sell Regardless of Costaa aie Wing Lee & Co. Commercial Street iifnr Cooper's Dry Oootls Store. Hard to beat Our line of airtight Stoves and their Prices. Something New W.J. SCULLY 431 Bond Street.